Wednesday 5 September 2018


As some of you may know, a certain individual whom I shall not name—and as it happens have at all times taken at the very least reasonable care not to name, though he himself has been less careful in concealing his true identity—has commenced defamation proceedings against me in the District Court in Perth.

It goes without saying that I shall contest his action with all the vigour I can muster. 

Meanwhile, I have today deleted from the blog every post and comment that refers to him.  I apologise to the authors of such comments, but as the old saying goes, ‘needs must when the devil drives’.  My having made those deletions should not be construed as an admission of liability.

I have little doubt that I shall have to invest much time and energy in refuting my adversary’s untenable claim that I have defamed him.  That is time and energy I would much rather spend on writing the blog and otherwise enjoying life, but that can’t be helped.

My thanks and good wishes go to everyone who has taken time and trouble to read my posts, even to those readers who disliked them and in various ways, not only in hostile comments—most of which I posted—gave the impression that given the opportunity they would cheerfully have wrung my neck, pulled out my fingernails or hauled me before the Human Rights Commission (said to be the most horrible torture of all).

Cheers, JP