Tuesday 2 June 2015


Welcome, dear readers, to the new Shire of York official unofficial website.   Please make yourselves comfortably at home.  I hope you will come here many times to keep abreast of the exciting, illuminating, intoxicating, wondrous, marvellous, magnificent but mostly totally weird events and circumstances surrounding the exercise of local government in our quaint neck of the beautiful Avon Valley.

Many of you will have been bemused as I was by the sudden disappearance of the previous official unofficial site.  Mysteriously, it vanished overnight about a week ago, leaving its many thousands of devotees shocked and distraught.   The message ‘WTF has happened to our blog?’ winged its way via text and email across the globe.  Some senior members of the Shire’s staff were so upset they were offered counselling—at ratepayers’ expense, we’re pleased to say.

I hope the old blog will in due course break free from whatever digital dungeon it is currently chained up in.  Meanwhile, my fellow ‘passionate extremists’ and I—we call ourselves the York Consortium—have pledged ourselves to the task of creating and maintaining this new blog, so that nobody needs to remain in the dark about how the Shire administration plans to go on systematically impoverishing and demoralising the ratepayers of York as it has done with such panache for so many years.

In the pages of this blog, you will meet all your favourite characters from the old one, like James Best, our karma chameleon, who is writing himself out of the script effective the end of June; Graeme Simpson, Acting CEO, better known as ‘Four-Grand-a-Week Graeme’, timeserver par excellence and suspected departmental stooge; Tyhscha Cochrane, Deputy CEO, recently reappointed for a further five years to a job for which she is massively underqualified and of which the Shire has been farming out the hard bits to expensive lawyers and consultants;  Ray Hooper, long departed but still a shadowy presence over York channelled daily by the Deputy CEO; former Shire Presidents Tony (‘We’re a cohesive team behind you Ray’) Boyle and Pat (‘Minority Report’) Hooper; and others, like Brad Jolly, David Morris and Minister Tony ‘Tip Top’ Simpson, who stand out as the principal architects of our present discontents.  Enjoy!

We, the Consortium, really do want to know what you think.  We believe in more-or-less untrammelled freedom of speech.  However, while we expect strong opinions and harsh words at times, we would prefer not to publish abusive tirades peppered with obscenities, which lower the tone and diminish the force of your contribution.  To sum up, we don’t mind mean, but keep it clean.

And remember: no matter what our bureaucratic betters want you to believe, you have a democratic right to criticise them as roundly as you please.


  1. Thank goodness we passionate extremists have our voice back

  2. Friend of Free Speech2 June 2015 at 05:44

    Ahoy! me harrrrties. May the Good Ship Free Speech guide us safely on calm waters and no pirates capture us. And may our cooeee be heard afar.

  3. Congratulations and well done to who ever is responsible for giving us back our voice.
    I was devastated and left bewildered to have the blog pulled from us without any warning.
    I am sure the Shire Staff will be delighted to know we have all been given back our cyber voice .....thank you.

    Is there any chance the Fitz Gerald Report can be put up again?

    Thank you for giving us our voice back.

    1. Every chance, the editor tells me. Just give us a few days to get things going. Still a few technical problems to solve.

  4. The bureaucrats are delusional if they think they are better than us.

    I heard a whisper the favourite characters were rejoicing when they realised the previous blog had mysteriously disappeared.
    They thought we had been silenced forever - how wrong they were.

  5. Sad to read a letter to the Editor in the YDCM another York business has been forced to close because and I quote: ridiculous and expensive demands from the Shire.

    Without meaning to sound like the 'costly Best visionary', we have to stop the rot and turn this town around. Mr. Best came here with the intention of burying the problems created by the Hooper, Boyle, Hooper era - he failed us and few if any will be sorry to see him leave.

    Residents are probably not aware Mr. Best has, together with Minister Simpson, orchestrated to give York one more Councillor. They must think we are stupid. The only reason the extra Councillor has been slipped in, is to remove President Reid's casting vote.
    It was acceptable by the DLG and suited the egos of Boyle and Hooper for almost a decade to wield the casting vote, because they could manipulate the outcomes to suit themselves. Now we have Matthew Reid as our Shire President, Best and Simpson have contrived to reduce his power as much as they possibly can.

    Smells of corruption Mr. Best!

  6. Keep up the pressure and never let them grind you down.

  7. Well done I haven't been whole since our blog went to blog heaven. Bring on July when we get our democratically elected COUNCILLORS back and our Mayor Matthew Reid. I just hope something can be done about the abhorrence of the Deputy CEO contract and that it can be overturned. She was obviously running scared as she should be.

  8. Darlene Barratt2 June 2015 at 21:30

    Well done, I have been busy with other things, but starting my day with the truth in black and white was missed glad to see it up and running again. I do hope you let all the major players know, or should I say actors.

  9. Hooray and thanks

  10. What a relief to have our Blog back! Thank you.

  11. Good to hear people talking about the 'new' Blog. Just goes to show how important and essential this platform had become for York Residents. It is a bloody shame the other site vanished without any warning. Never mind, this Bog will grow, as did the previous one, and it will send a clear message to those still attempting to hide the corruption, crush free speech and trash democracy here in York they will be publicly exposed.

  12. Is it just co-incidental the latest York business to close down - refer letter to the editor ydcm - was situated directly opposite the DCEO's home?

  13. The DCEO was probably advised by Ray Hooper to get her contract stitched up before the new, and hopefully honest, CEO comes on board.
    Remember RH got 'his mates' to renew his contract before the election because he knew the incoming council would never consider renewing it. In Hoopers case it back fired on him and the same thing could happen to Cochrane.

  14. I have just read the Letter to the Editor mentioned above.
    Seems the Shire of York takes pleasure in making life as difficult as they can for small business in York. How many of our small businesses will we lose because of draconian laws. Sounds like another version of the Show cause Notice - trumped up, fictitious allegations to wield ill gotten power. This has to stop.

    Doesn't the DCEO's husband have a shearing business, has the Shire of York placed the same ridiculous and expensive demands him?

  15. Customers having evening meals at the YRCC are having their cars broken into with windows being smashed.

  16. Regarding the cars being broken into and windows smashed (and things stolen, I might add — and I do wonder whether they stole the several packets of chewing gum in one of those cars which I had had the privilege of riding in earlier that day:-) ), we must have not only adequate lighting, but also adequate security cameras, if not also a security person up there. It is so remote from being potentially seen when someone is 'up to no good' round there. Of course, there are its other well-publicised problems financial and infrastructural, as well. I wonder whether those disappointed customers will dare to go back again.

  17. Maybe, James the Good, you could write a ditty about problems financial and infrastructural?

  18. Gilbert & Sullivan style, perhaps? fi-nan-ci-al and in-fra-struc-tu-ral breaks down well in line with 'modern major general'.....etc...

  19. Considering the wreck centre is being promoted as a guru Conference venue, the Shire of York has a duty of care to ensure the safety of the people and their vehicles.
    I had intended taking a Visitor from NSW there for Dinner, then I heard about the cars being broken into and decided it was not a safe venue.

  20. Is this the email address that you can be contacted on? wildwood@westnet.com.au .We are a group from the Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire that are fighting the same battles that you are in the Shire of York.

    We have the added problem that our local member is Tony Simpson and that 5 out of 9 of our Councillors are liberal party members or lobbyists.

    Most of our shire employees and some of upper management are working in horrific conditions with the threat of their jobs always held over their heads if they don't write reports etc to favor a select few.

    Corruption is rife and the coverage given by the Liberal party is scandalous. McLeods are being paid with rate payers money to give legal advice on how the select few can cover their illegal acts and stop rate payers from asking questions.

    We have a face book page "SJ Eyes And Ears" which we are using to try and have the truth told about what is happening.

    We would love to hear from you.

    1. This Blog is uncovering more Local Government areas in W.A. having trouble with elected Members who consider the vote anoints them as untouchable Demi Gods is growing - Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire, Canning and York.

      Fremantle business houses and residents are not happy with what they got for the money paid to Mr. Best by the Fremantle Council.
      Toodyay shredded Best's visioning and few if any remember him, speaks volumes.

  21. Yes, that's the address for the blog.

    The York Consortium offers your group the hospitality of these columns if you would like to bring your struggles with Tony 'Tip Top' Simpson and his scaly friends to the attention of our readers. In the words of the poet William Cowper, '...misery still delights to trace its semblance in another's case'.

    Meanwhile, don't lose heart. The enemy consists of a bunch of intellctual and moral primitives. We'll beat them in the end.

  22. Went for my annual trip to Freo. and I could not believe what has happened to the place. There's so many shops closed I
    don't think I will go back again. It was like walking around a ghost town.

    Why are so many Local Government areas employing Mr. Best and his visionary ideas?
    Paying him mega bucks has not helped Fremantle and from what I read somewhere else on this blog Toodyay shredded all Mr. Best's butchers paper after he left and few even remember him.

    Is Best related to someone in the Barnett office?

  23. For those at SJ Eyes and Ears - you will find the Fitz Gerald Report a very interesting read. I believe our Blog Master is planning to put it back up on this blog soon.
    I do hope other Council areas expose their issues on this site as it will give us an indication of how wide spread the Local Government is out of control.

    Maybe we need to have a State Rally to make the Government realise we have had enough of all the bull shit.

  24. Poor S Jarrahdale. Right in the middle of the Noeud de Vipères (Coil of SSSSSSnakes) heartland. No wonder things are as bad as for us, or worsssssse if posssssible. We have heard that another council down south, somewhere in the direction of Katanning, has problems. Maybe they all do. Who knows. Maybe some are more subtle than others.

  25. i have it on good authority ( friends that work there ) that the northam detention centre is now a high security prison, SERCO run the place and it now houses murderers rapists and others of that ilk. I wonder what our York Shire knows of this. I wonder if they are doing due diligence in not providing a strong opposition to this development in our neighboring shire. my thinking is that such a development has relevance to the people of York given that any escapee would hardly hang around northam, and could well head this way. I believe that something less than full disclosure of this and associated risks to the people of York would be 'yet another' case example of this shires failure. I am fully supportive of your services to our shire in holding this shire council accountable. I hope that my revelations will provide further arrows for your bow. Please keep up the good work.
