Sunday 18 October 2015


Yesterday’s poll results:

                                    Votes                           Term (years)

Denese Smythe            544                                    4

Heather Saint               382                                    4

Pam Heaton                 381                                    4

Jane Ferro                   307                                    4                       

Trevor Randell            284                                    2

Patrick Flynn              276                                    N/A

James Plumridge        270                                    N/A

Tricia Walters            212                                    N/A

Robert Forster            208                                    N/A

Congratulations, ladies.  You will form a majority on the new council, even if the winner of the forthcoming by-election is a man.  Let’s hope that’s a harbinger of positive change.

Thanks to all those who voted for me:  I’m sorry I won’t be able to reward your confidence by arguing, as a councillor, the case for reform.

To the intellectually and morally inadequate individuals who have left offensive and sometimes obscene comments about me for the blog in the hope I will post them:  Stop wasting your time, folks. If you want to spread the love by having your comments published, post your real names with the comments so that everybody has a chance to see what worthless trolls you are.

To those who are wondering about some aspects of the election results: Never underestimate the power of a settled rural establishment.

Heaven and Earth are without exception merciless:
All things are meant for sacrifice, like straw dogs.

The Book of Tao, Ch. 5


  1. Settled inbred rural establishment, fuck off back to where u came from. As for the troll comment, that is you and all the other fuckwit, relative new comers!

    1. This one was written by a shire employee. Note the phrase 'relative new comers', a favourite of former CEO Hooper's (he used it for example in the notorious 'Yellow Memo', even though he was a relative newcomer himself).

  2. Ha ha ha love the trolls comment, that's what we refer to you as!

    1. This too was written by a shire employee. Coruscating repartee, must read lots of Oscar Wilde.

  3. sorry im a disabled intellectual like you what the F does .. Never underestimate the power of a settled, inbred rural establishment. .. mean ... are you insulting all people of York you self righteous SOB thank god your not a Councillor surely you can see from your vote your not popular why not buy a cat and some cigars and retire to the couch mate no one is interested in your derogatory blog and your twisted bullshit opinions go back to England where you belong, you have caused our good town a lot of damage

    1. This one appears to have been written by a councillor.

      Exactly what damage have I caused 'our good town'? (It is a good town, badly let down however by people who threaten to kill others they disagree with or to poison their dogs. By the way, it's been suggested by someone who should know that the author of the poison threat is a former shire employee).

      I'm sorry I used the word 'inbred' - please note that I took it down as soon as I realised I had given offence by using it. In my defence, let me say that I have received over the past weeks a fair number of offensive and in some cases obscene comments from local trolls. It was those comments that led me to use the word, and only people like the authors of those comments to whom it was meant to apply.

      So no, I wasn't insulting 'all people of York'. Far from it. Obviously, I offended a few. Sorry.

      If nobody is interested in my blog, please explain how come it attracts thousands of page views every month not only in Australia but in more than 25 other countries around the globe. Also, there are at least 270 intelligent people in York who are in substantial agreement with my 'twisted bullshit opinions' as you call them.

      As for 'self-righteous' - don't you think that epithet might be applied with equal justice to you?

      And what exactly is a 'disabled intellectual'?

  4. It's funny that you feel bitter that the community of York does not want a troublemaking troll like yourself on Council. Just to let you know that I heard your constantly barking and annoying dogs are going to be poisoned with 1080 bait

    1. I'm not in the least bitter. The people have spoken (or, given the low turnout, in many cases failed to speak). That's fine by me. I accept the voters' verdict. I also congratulate the people who were elected and their hard-working and well-organised supporters. It was a fair fight, and I lost. C'est la guerre.

      There is something very creepy as well as cowardly about your comment and others I've received. I don't believe most people in York feel as you do or would stoop to this kind of threat.

      I am not a troll. By definition, in cyber parlance trolls are cowards like yourself who cloak themselves in anonymity in order to threaten and insult people they don't like. Unlike you, I've had the courage to sign my name to everything I write. Whether or not I'm a troublemaker is in the eye of the beholder. Not everybody thinks as you do. At least 270 people, the ones who voted for me, disagree with your opinion.

      If I'm that much of a threat to you and your friends, take it out on me, not our dogs. Why punish my wife, who loves them as I do, has done nothing to harm you and has opposed my work on the blog? Have the courage to confront me in person. Don't wreak vengeance on my family. Show me who you are.

      My wife is now so frightened that she wants to leave town. I'm not frightened of folk like you, but I agree with her - it's time to go. You and your kind have won. No more blog, and we're going as soon as we can. I hope you feel proud of what you've achieved. It's a cheap and tawdry victory. Even folk who dislike me will despise you for it.

  5. To Anonymous.

    What bunch of cowardly, gutless wonders, that you and your ilk are. It appears, People, that we have in our midst, a small minority of these cowardly inbreds, recognized by the huge yellow streak plastered down the middle of their backs, that don't have the 'intestinal fortitude' to put name to comments, threats and abuse that they have been dishing up, to good, caring and hardworking people like Jim Plumridge and Matthew Reid and families and I suspect others in town. Those who have had the 'intestinal fortitude' to tell it like it is, call to account, those who have systematically worked, to line their own pockets, stolen outrageous amounts of money from the people of York and all but destroyed the Town, by their actions.
    I understand that these comments, now threatening life, are being investigated by the Police. Oh, how your time will come.
    I also understand that it is now illegal to bully, harass, and threaten by electronic media, and is punishable by gaol time.
    Hope its a long time.
    Just because you haven't had the guts to put your name and address to your comments, doesn't make you safe. The Police track down lowlifes, much worse than you, so finding you, will be no trouble at all. What goes around, comes around Sport, and you will be taken to task for your actions. What a nasty piece of work you are. Bet your Mother would be proud of you.

    1. yes to anom 16.50 your an idiot to post that sort of nonsense, no matter what your views you don't threaten people and especially harmless and loved pets why don't you get out of our town we don't want you here and I don't agree with Mr plum either but there is no justification for threats like that its unacceptable in every way

    2. Good on you Jan.

      What a low life coward Anonymous19 October 2015 at 16:50 is to threaten innocent animals.

  6. Yes what the 'f' have the dogs done? Seems to me to be a particularly disgusting way for someone to get their own back on someone they don't like just because they don't agree with something they said.

  7. And the saga continues. Just because you were born here doesn't mean you own the town it just means you were born here. I was born to the Earth does that mean I own it no I don't.Threatening people's animals children property or threatening to run them out of town is definitely not something to be proud of and done in social media is a stupid a stupid could be because everything we write on social media has a unique in print that can be traced.Mr and Mrs Plumridge don't become a victim Make sure you report this and he's looking forward to New York that's safe for everyone not just the chosen few

    1. Mr. & Mrs. Plumridge - Please don't these scum beat you.

      Anonymous19 October 2015 at 16:50 you are gutless and one of the lowest forms of life on earth.

  8. Anonymous 19th October 2015 16:50 what a sad individual who listens to someone threaten to kill some dogs, then threatens the owner of the dogs with the dribble, what an outstanding citizen you are! and to think you are someone's son, daughter, brother, sister, mother father, or even friend, No hope for the future with mentality like this, your comments speak more of you than of James Plumridge. sickening to think there are member of the community talking of baiting dogs, and even more sickening listening and passing the information on to cause harm. shameful.

  9. Mr & Mrs Plumridge will not be the first people to leave town, if they do, due to the damage that this blog had had on peoples lives. You all just don't get it. The accusations that have been thrown around; the damage to peoples wellbeing due to the scrutiny that they are constantly under from this and other blog sites is never ending. What you don't get is that some of those you have all so happily thrown accusations about have no right of reply. Knowing that they have done nothing wrong, walk through this town day after day wondering who has read the lies that have been printed about them, and they can't do a thing to put the true facts forward. Too much damage has been done by small minded people who think that they know it all, but don't. You are messing with the health and wellbeing of people here. I get that you want the truth to come out, but don't go pointing the finger without proof. You have printed mistruths that have caused a lot of damage. Damage that can not be repaired but in the end could also cost this community a lot.

    1. How many people have left town because of the blogs?

      Why should being subjected to scrutiny damage anybody's well-being? If you have a job funded from the public purse, you must expect to be scrutinised because ratepayers and taxpayers want to be assured that they're getting value for money.

      You seem not to have noticed that virtually every allegation in articles on this and our rival blog to which shire employees and former councillors might object have been backed up with documentary evidence of various kinds. Criticising isn't the same as lying. When I wrote about falsification of public records, for example - that is, about a serious criminal offence - I made sure that the paper trail was fully displayed on the blog I used to write for.

      As I've written several times before, I have access to a great quantity of such material, some but by no means all obtained via FOI.

      It should by now be obvious that almost shire employees have nothing to fear from past or future disclosures. Maybe a few who have abused their positions are biting their nails. I hope that in the end everybody will be exonerated of all wrongdoing, but knowing what I know and having seen what I've seen I don't think that's very likely, regardless of the opinions of our ACEO.

      I dispute your assertion that the alleged injured parties can't answer back. They can, and they do, by writing anonymously to the blogs. Anyway, the ACEO can speak for them, and he does, though I admit that what he says is usually so inept that it would only make matters worse for the people he's defending.

      Would you care to identify some of the 'mistruths' and false allegations you accuse my colleagues and me of throwing around?

    2. They can't and won't answer back because they have nothing to say.
      P.S I thought this blog was the 'rival' blog?

    3. Both Blogs are equally important, they have provided a voice for those who were persecuted and a forum to expose the truth about the way people have been, and obviously still are, being treated by the unintelligent element of York.

      Anyone who speaks about poisoning any animal, let alone someones much loved pet, is not a worthwhile member of our society.

  10. Anonymous 20th October 21.01 when the truth does come out and it will you will see that there are a few saying they have done nothing wrong. as far as I have read on this blog and the other there is proof. but I will say one think the truth has been said on these blogs about people, but never has any one who has been mistreated by all this ever threatened peoples lives, family's, animals or property, and if that doesn't say something about some of the people in this town I don't know what does, the truth will be revealed and the threats to real innocent people will stop.

  11. Anon :21:01 what when has this or the other blog said they will bait someone's dog the blogs are not at fault the lovely individual that put that post up about the dogs is doing the town the injustice. a small minded person threatens peoples animals. blame the truth tellers and put the dog murderers up on a pedestal heard it all now. my goodness.

  12. Keep Calm and Blog20 October 2015 at 22:26

    Much like all the untruths Boyle and Hooper told people for years. That had an impact on peoples mentak health too. Goes around comes around.

  13. Who's Boyle and Hooper?

  14. i still want statues of Boyle and Hooper in the main street they are my heros, I miss them please bring them back to help get York out of this mess, its like a nightmare

  15. Don't even bother answering Anonymous 21 October 2015 7.59 they should use the code name delirious.

  16. Sorry York, I have to say something to 'delusional Anonymous21 October 2015 at 07:59' . He/she is probably related to one of them, or could even be one of them.
    Anonymous21 October 2015 at 07:59' If you want the statues so badly, pay for them yourself and erect them on your property, preferably with their heads in the sand!

  17. Hooper attended yesterdays council briefing to oversee 'his boy on council' . No doubt he and his mate Lawrance will attend meetings to make sure their puppet votes the way they have instructed him to.

  18. When are some of the people of this town going to grow up? With a new group of councillors, who supposedly have the welfare of the community, and the town, foremost in their thoughts and ideals, we should ALL be moving forward as a unified group. I cannot believe
    that some members of the community are still carrying on like spoilt brats. We are all mature, and hopefully responsible, adults. Let's
    get on with positive attitudes and actions. The spoilt brats who are not prepared to fit in and continue to be so negative and nasty, please move on.
    Leave town. We do not need you. You are not needed!

    1. By 'spoilt brats', I suppose you mean people whose views differ from yours. Do I detect a note of self interest in your pompous sermonising?

      Who are you, whoever you are, to tell us what we should ALL be doing?

      Attitudes and actions that seem positive to you may appear quite differently to others. By what right do you tell those of us who have opposing views to yours to leave town? Who are the 'we' you claim to speak for?

      'Negative and nasty' sounds like a fair description of the folk who attack me with obscenities and the fellow who took obvious delight in telling me that somebody intends to poison my dogs. Do you think they should leave town too, even though in all probability their views on 'moving forward' - i.e. letting rogues and bullies off the hook - coincide closely with yours?

      The style of your contribution, for which I thank you, indicates that you are a person of some consequence who is used to being noticed and and listened to. That being so, why not step forth from the shadows and tell us who you are?

    2. careful James I think you are assuming that all anonymous posts are the same person and they arent OK

    3. No, I'm assuming no such thing. This blog welcomes a diversity of opinions, but the kind of pedagogical finger-wagging in the comment I last responded to - well, that's something new, for this blog anyway.

      To my mind, there's something mildly disturbing in the demand that 'we should all be moving forward as a unified group'. It smacks of the Nuremberg rallies or celebrating the Dear Leader's birthday in North Korea. I'm always wary of people who think they have the right to tell the rest of us what to do.

    4. if your serious about diversity stop blocking comments that don't agree with you

    5. Anonymous at 17:04 - I have published many comments that don't agree with me. I used to publish all comments received, but now I try to exercise a modicum of quality control. In your case, on this occasion I've made an exception.

      My policy is not to censor opinion. If your comments haven't been published, it's because they were silly, gratuitously offensive, incomprehensible or obscene. As moderator, I'm under no obligation to publish anything, but I do encourage comments from all directions and perspectives provided they meet minimum standards of rational argument. Mere grunts of disapproval won't cut it. They belong in the Stone Age.

    6. Sorry to offend you, James. But I am sick and tired of childish, negative behaviour by some members of this community. I would like to see a more positive and friendly atmosphere in the town. I did vote for you, and was disappointed that you werre not elected.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. Another anonymous27 October 2015 at 13:32

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. I'm sorry, too, because on reflection I can see that I've overreacted to some comments and may have misunderstood others. You'll appreciate that I was very shaken by the threat against my dogs. I found it hard to believe that anybody in York would make such a threat, even in jest or just to annoy me. Threats directed at me personally I refuse on principle to take seriously, but I find it impossible to stay entirely calm in the face of threats against 'my family and other animals' (to borrow a phrase from Gerald Durrell).

      Yes, some individuals have behaved childishly. We all do from time to time. I may well have done so myself, though with humour rather than malice. I bear absolutely no ill will towards anybody, not even the person who wrote a silly and malicious letter about me to the local paper.

      Like you, I would like to see an end to expressions of personal hostility in York. At the same time, we can't avoid the fact that some of that hostility has resulted from bullying and abuse of power over many years by individuals in positions of authority and trust. It's still going on. Are we to keep the peace by saying nothing about it?

      There appear to be just a few Shire employees who carry on in this way. They get away with it because the ACEO is either unwilling to confront them or (worst case) encourages their behaviour. While I share your desire for a more positive and friendly town, until somebody exerts some discipline over those employees and puts a stop to favouritism, nepotism, patronage and bullying - all forms of negative and/or childish behaviour - it is hard to see how that goal can be achieved. However, we should never lose sight of it.

      Thank you for voting for me. I really do appreciate it. And I'm very sorry that I may have offended you.

    14. Thank you for your apology, it is much appreciated.

  19. Dorothea, I wasn't able to post your comment of three days ago because it referred by name in unfriendly terms to a genetically modified member of the Shire administration. The person in question has suffered enough as as the subject of a scurrilous video posted on You tube. I don't think it's right to go on assailing her with the slings and arrows of outrageous satire. Remember I can't edit comments to remove people's names. More subtlety, please.

    1. Oh bless you my dear,
      With hindsight, I see that you were quite correct, my comment could have been construed as ever so slightly offensive. I should have simply said that words such as poison and dog in one sentence reminded me of a certain member of the administration staff.
      Anyway, I wish you would consider staying, York's such a lovely little town, lots and lots of pretty gardens.
      It doesn't matter where one lives these days, you'll always find the occasional arsehole, it's a sad reflection on modern society.
      Toodle pip

    2. I love the clarification Dorothea provided.
      Please consider staying Mr. & Mrs. Plumridge. Where ever there's people you will find specimens of Humans that have not quite made the grade yet.

  20. whos Dorethea??? are u on drugs there

  21. Trev excelled himself yesterday, he went all out to win the 'Fisher Award' .

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. With great regret, I have removed all comments relating to a particular topic, and deleted, then rewritten, one of mine in which that topic was mentioned. Readers will understand that taking such a step went very much against the grain with me. I’ve done it out of concern that the Shire may take action against another ratepayer. I apologise to those whose comments I have deleted.

  25. Replies
    1. The one that's no longer there.

    2. that was a serious question what topic

    3. That was a serious answer. If I told you what the topic was, that would destroy the point of removing all reference to it.

      Very reluctantly, I deleted the comments in question following an appeal from a distraught ratepayer. That's as much as I can tell you, sorry.

    4. And by the way, it had nothing to do with the Ashworth Road debacle, if that's what's on your mind.

  26. James, I suspect the question came from within the

    1. You know, I think you're right. If so, let them fish - so long as they catch crabs.

    2. You did the right thing James, the Shire are shellfish!

    3. shut the blog down James my boy

    4. Anonymous at 6:36: Why? What are you afraid of?

      I'm not your boy, old chap. Now you've got me wondering who is.

    5. The comments that you deleted did not come from the Shire, they came from a ratepayer.

    6. Thanks for the correction.

      It's easy to fall into error when almost every member of your commentariat is called Anonymous.
