Thursday 12 November 2015



Well, not quite, but almost as inspiring, you might think, after the vicissitudes of the last couple of years. 

Late in the afternoon a week ago, on 5 November 2015, our Shire councillors gathered in secret conclave to appoint a new Acting CEO to replace the present incumbent, Graeme Simpson.

Mr. Mark Dacombe will take up the position next Monday, 16 November, following the long-prayed-for departure of Mr. Simpson tomorrow.

On the evidence of correspondence signed by Mr. Simpson—but because it makes sense, obviously not written by him—it appears that Mr. Dacombe has been doing Mr. Simpson’s job for quite a while. 

That would accord with current practice at the Shire, where consultants are regularly brought on board to do the work of unqualified or less than competent senior staff.  

Yes, Mr. Dacombe is a consultant.  He is director of a firm called Localise Pty Ltd, with an office ‘in a charming character building in Maylands’ (I’m quoting from the firm’s website at, which also gives an address in Almondbury Street, Mount Lawley.  Could those premises be one and the same?)

Localise operates under the slogan ‘Local Government at its Best’, which for reasons obvious to the people of York it might like to consider changing.

Those of us who attend the occasional council meeting have seen Mr. Dacombe sitting discreetly at the top table near the mentors and Mr. Simpson.  If you haven’t yet clapped eyes on him, this is he:

So, what else do we know about Mr. Dacombe?  Here are a handful of biographical facts, gleaned mainly from the FIGJAM website Linked In.

Mr. Dacombe hails from New Zealand.  He holds a master’s degree in public management from Victoria University at Wellington.  He graduated in 2006 while employed as CEO of Kapiti Coast District Council.   

(Setting a fine example for senior members of the Shire of York administration, who appear to have done little or nothing to acquire qualifications relevant to their jobs during many years of employment with the Shire.)

Before leaving New Zealand, Mr. Dacombe occupied various local government positions, several as CEO.  He was also employed as adviser on local government matters in the NZ Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.  

As a volunteer, he advised the Commonwealth Local Government Forum in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Mr. Dacombe seems to have got his first insights into the suppurating swamp that is local government in WA as CEO of Canning City Council.  He took up that job in February 2009. 

In May 2012, the mayor of the day, Joe Delle Donne, unilaterally and unceremoniously dumped Mr. Dacombe, setting in train a series of events that led to the Council’s suspension on grounds of ‘widespread governance issues’ and thereafter to several years of rule by commissioner that have only recently come to an end.   

There is no suggestion that Mr. Dacombe was in any way at fault. 

Since then, as well as his role as director of Localise, Mr. Dacombe has undertaken periods of service as Acting CEO with the Shires of Pingelly and Mingenew.

It’s clear that Mr. Dacombe has the runs on the board for the job of Acting CEO.  He is obviously a highly intelligent and competent administrator, something sorely needed in York.

My only quibble is that like that of former commissioner Best—and I will not extend the comparison—his language is laced with vacuous abstractions and bureaucratic platitudes. 

‘We bring a strong emphasis on engagement and representative community feedback; embedding leadership and ownership with the local government and its community; quality partnerships; real world insight and planning that makes a difference.’

That’s from the website mentioned earlier.  Does it have a precise meaning?  How do you 'embed leadership'? What exactly is a ‘quality partnership’? What on earth does ‘real world insight’ mean?

And what about the website’s assertion that ‘Local government at its best gives rise to thriving communities’?  Isn’t it equally plausible—perhaps more so—to say that ‘Thriving communities give rise to local government at its best’?  Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Never mind.  I have a good feeling about Mr. Dacombe.  If he is not only a capable administrator, but also has sufficient strength of character to resist the batted eyelash, the winsome smile, the turned-on tear and the targeted tantrum, I’m confident he will serve York very well.





The SAT member presiding over SITA’s Allawuna landfill appeal has announced that he is reserving his decision for 90 days. 

Perth Friday 20 November 2015

Posted at 9.40 am


From: "J & K Schekkerman" <>
Date: 24 November 2015 7:26:08 AM AWST
To: "'Jan Schekkerman'" <>
Subject: Newsletter AVRA 24/11/2015

Avon Valley Residents Association Inc.
Newsletter 24/11/2015
Greetings All,
Summary of final week of SAT hearings:
The second and final week of the Tribunal hearings is over.
On the 19th November and after summing up by each of the legal representatives for the applicant SITA, and the respondent the JDAP, Senior Member McNab advised that the decision would be reserved, and that due to the complexity of the case, a decision by the panel could not be expected before Christmas and that it may take the full statutory period of 90 days to determine. 
Leading up to this point, the planning experts took the stand and after cross-examination both remained firm on their respective for and against stance on the proposal. The JDAP’s position being that the ad hoc nature of the application is not in line with orderly and proper planning in the absence of an overall strategic plan. The JDAP planner was also resolute that the application was driven by commercial expedience rather than necessity, with existing capacity for waste able to cope until 2024 – 2030 while a more suitable site is located.
The General Manager of SITA, Niall Stock, took the stand and faced cross-examination over his witness statement. His statement content was pretty much the same as contained in his company’s various assertions made over the last few years. The only point of note was Mr. Stock’s answer regarding an estimate of external expenses to date that have been endured by them is approximately $3.1 million. Recently Mr. Stock, in reply to the same question by the printed media in relation to the Tammin – Cunderdin waste management study, stated that $1.1 million had been expended. A minor point, but indicative of the general rubbery nature of the facts provided by the applicant over time. 
YLAC & AVRA from the beginning:
In late October 2012 a group of concerned locals got together at the Sandalwood Yards to eventually form the York Landfill Action Coalition (YLAC) which later morphed into the incorporated entity of AVRA. Over the last three years we have distributed leaflets, conducted stalls at the markets and the IGA, arranged signs and banners, attended town hall meetings, council meetings, electors meetings, committee meetings and started our newsletters. All with a view to have the Council and Administration support the community and reject the SITA proposal.
With the help of the community this indeed came about with Council twice refusing the application. Below is the list of submissions/actions taken by YLAC and AVRA leading up to the final SAT hearing just completed:
·         Application referred to the EPA
·         Appeal to the Appeal Convenor’s Office
·         Two submissions to the SOY on the original and amended application
·         Two submissions to the DER on the original and amended application
·         Two submissions to the JDAP on the original and amended application
Of course it is history that Council and the JDAP each refused both applications.
The referral to the EPA, submissions to the Council and the first submission to the JDAP were based on issues around the environment, planning, traffic, amenity, tourism, agriculture, lifestyle etc.
The submissions to the DER were based on the environment and particularly ground water, mapping, liners and construction as it pertained to the hydrology and geology of site.
The second submission to the JDAP was based on hydrology and geology as it pertained to the ground water.
AVRA has been assisted throughout by Essential Environmental and Landform Research who provided environmental, hydrological  and geological services on a pro bono basis. Rockwater Pty Ltd provided hydrogeological services on a full fee paid basis. The Environmental Defenders Office provided (and still does) legal representation on a contribution and expenses basis.

Adopted strategy:

As described above, YLAC and AVRA contested the SITA application on matters similar to other submitters i.e. on issues based around the environment, planning, traffic, amenity, tourism, agriculture, lifestyle etc that could have a detrimental effect on life in the Shire of York.
All of the submissions by AVRA and the community resulted in the SOY planning office Responsible Authority Report that encompassed all of these issues. Council twice accepted the RAR, and twice it was recommended to the JDAP and considered in their refusal of both applications.
SITA appealed the first JDAP refusal and the matter headed to the SAT in April 2014. Three parties applied for interim third party intervenor status for the initial directions and mediation hearings. AVRA, K & R Davies and McLeod (solicitors for the SoY) were successful, but this status was conditional on having to formally apply again when the schedule for the full hearing was agreed and confirmed, which didn’t occur until late 2015.
Third party intervenor status enables the third party to participate in proceedings, address the bench, call and cross examine witness’s.
AVRA elected to concentrate on the ground water issue west of the Thirteen Mile Brook based on the applicants survey data, our consultants view on the matter and the attitude of SITA who had never adequately addressed this issue.
Because the JDAP are primarily concerned with planning matters, AVRA’s view was that any intervention application based on planning matters or indeed any matters that had already been canvassed by the JDAP via the SOY and the Responsible Authority Report would be doomed to fail.
As it turned out we were correct and at the hearings of the 8th and 9th of October 2015 the three Intervention Applications were responded to by Senior Member McNab with the following results:
The Intervention Application by R & K Davies was not granted (Court Transcript 08/10/15). Leave was granted to; “make a joint written submissionin respect of the application in relation to (but confined to) the issues raised in their application dated 1 October 2015 only.” (Tribunal Orders 09/10/15)
The Intervention Application by McLeods was not granted (Court Transcript 08/10/15). Leave was granted as per; “the Shire of York has leave tomake written submissions in respect of the application only in relation to the conditions that should be imposed should the Tribunal approve theapplication subject to conditions.” (Tribunal Orders 09/10/15)
The Intervention Application by AVRA was granted; “the Avon Valley Residents Association Inc. (AVRA) has leave to intervene in thisproceeding in relation to groundwater issues only, including hydrogeology and the potential impacts upon water quality, on the condition thatAVRA is not permitted to cross-examine any witnesses at the hearing other than any expert environmental witnesses in respect of groundwaterissues only, including hydrogeology and the potential impacts to water quality.” (Court Transcript 09/10/15 and Tribunal Orders 09/10/15)
Things were going according to plan to this point, but we were crushed at the outcome of the conferral of environmental experts as related to you in our last newsletter. However, hope springs eternal, it would be a brave SAT to overturn the JDAP as they are an independent body similar to the SAT. 
If the SAT decision goes against York we believe that the only avenue of appeal is to the Supreme Court, if there is an error in law in the decision.
Where to from here:
It has been a long and tedious process, three years of ups and downs with another wait on the pending decision. AVRA will be in recess until a decision comes down. In the meantime AVRA will have the accounts finalized, audited and placed on our website to fulfill our obligations as an incorporated body. A digital copy of reports, submissions, documents etc that may be of interest are available to members upon request.
General observations
On several occasions the SAT referred to the fact that the locations of new metro landfills away from the coastal plain, is an area that is without any policy guidance from the WA Planning Commission, the Waste Authority or the WA Parliament. It is AVRA’s assertion that our politicians are abrogating their responsibilities and as a consequence multinational waste disposal companies are picking on small councils whose Town Plan have a loop hole by not specifically mentioning waste disposal as a prohibited use. This could still  accommodate these proposals, but only via a scheme amendment. By present standards and policy settings, a nuclear power plant could be established in York, without any comments or intervention from our elected representatives.
AVRA thanks one and all for their ongoing support and we are still optimistic that the decision will go the York Community’s way. 
Denis Hill and Keith Schekkerman for AVRA Committee.


  1. Really? Another recycled CEO from the infamous Canning City Council. He has sat in every council meeting so far and barely blinked let alone showed any emotion or interest. I'm glad your confident James. I'm not. Sounds like same old same old to me. If you always do what you've always done you'll continue to get the same results. Lets hope I'm wrong.

  2. Government Gastro12 November 2015 at 15:52

    Media statement - former City of Canning Mayor Joe Delle Donne

    "I note that the report vindicates the position of suspended members, that there were a number of failings by the Administration and Mr Mark Dacombe as the former CEO of the Council that caused or contributed to a failure to provide for the good government of the residents of the City of Canning."

  3. Government Gastro12 November 2015 at 17:24

    And there's more:

    In his report Dr Christopher N. Kendall (City of Canning Inquirer) recommended the council be dismissed and governance issues within the city be addressed but no criminal charges or further sanctions be made.

    “…On numerous occasions the actions of one or more councillors contributed to a failure to provide good government to the persons of the City of Canning’s district and that on others, the actions of the council as a whole contributed to such a failure,” he said in the report.

    “While in some instances, the failures on the part of the council may be seen as a reactionary response to difficulties caused by the administration or former Canning chief executive Mark Dacombe specifically as CEO."

  4. Anonymous before you bag him just because he used to be at Canning Council, read the enquiry report that led to them getting the sack, he certainly got the short end of the stick at that place, surprised he tolerated them as long as he did

  5. You can read the report of Dr Kendall's inquiry at file:///Users/jamesplumridge/Downloads/Inquiry_City_Canning_Report%20(1).pdf (I've got no idea how or why my name crept into the link). The report consists of 406 pages.

    It seems I may have been a little too precipitate in saying there was no suggestion that Mr Dacombe had been at fault. Read the report (the parts that mention him) and judge for yourself.

    I wonder if our councillors studied the report before deciding to appoint Mr Dacombe as A/CEO. (i'm not saying they were wrong to appoint him - that's for you to decide,)

    Now perhaps certain individuals will understand why I decided to keep on with the blog. It gives sensible people a voice (no idiots from now on) and provides a platform for disagreement and debate.

    See what happens when I try to play Mr Nice Guy? I stuff up, that's what. I should have looked at Dr Kendall's report before putting fingers to keyboard. I failed in my duty to the blog and its readers. Mea maxissima culpa!

  6. Its probably safe to say that many (not all,) recycled CEO's sent our way have a history. That's why the blog is important. In the end Ray and MK resigned they were not sacked. The next poor town will at least see the truth if the Google either of these two. Ditto JB.

  7. Bendigo Bank AGM:

    OMG, I have read the names of the two names put forward. Looks like the egos are moving from the Council to the Bank.

    Shareholders have said they had no idea there were vacancies available.

    Can someone tell us if the opportunity was there for others to nominate?

  8. I am not a Shareholder, but I do have an account and I will vote with my feet - I will move my account to another Bank.

  9. I am a shareholder and after Duperouzel's decision to vote for SITA I voted with my feet regarding MALS Autos and have not used them since, how the IGA can consider a turncoat like Duperouzel is beyond me, A stab in the eye for the IGA customers. Duperouzel, doesn't even shop locally. Are well, Northam's only 30K's away.

    1. You've lost me. I thought the AGM notice was from the Bendigo Bank. What's IGA got to do with it? Am I missing something here?

    2. Okay, if I was a customer of the Bengo, I would vote with my feet and go to the Westpac, but I'm already with the Westpac so I can't do that, so I'm stuck.
      Point is Duperouzel 's a turn coat and not to be trusted.

  10. How did Bendigo Bank get confused with IGA?

    No wonder an ex Councillor got voted back into the Shire.

    1. The page itself for the AGM notice does not state anywhere that it is the Bendigo Bank.

      Who ever assumed incorrectly it was an AGM for IGA missed the heading directly above and to the left of the Notice.

      I'm not happy to see those two names either!

  11. An email Newsletter signed by Keith Schekkerman & Denis Hill for AVRA committee was received yesterday advising AVRA’s intervention was revoked by the SAT and they will take no further active part in the proceedings.

    Unfortunately, they omitted to advise the people of York that Robyn and Ray Davies third party intervener status was not revoked and they will continue to fight the battle to stop the Landfill for the people of York.

    1. Here is the text of AVRA's newsletter, dated 14 November 2015:

      'The first week of the State Administrative Tribunal hearings, in the case between SITA and the JDAP is over. While AVRA had been granted ‘Intervenor’ status to clarify matters on Hydrology of the proposed landfill, there is not a lot of good news for the York community.

      The conferral of environmental experts was held on Monday 9th November. Information not previously available to AVRA, or to SITA either as it turns out, was introduced by the senior hydrogeologist from the DER.

      This new information was based on modeling conducted by him. This concluded that even though the underground water may flow to the west, the soil types on each side of the brook were such that the underground water from east of Thirteen Mile Brook is most likely diverted north west along the brook flow path. He stated that a more timely release of this information to the community by the DER would have been helpful in resolving this issue earlier.

      In the end the experts agreed that this was the most probable and anticipated outcome and signed off on it accordingly.

      In the event the application may be approved, the monitoring of the western bores will confirm or otherwise this adopted stance.

      At the directions hearing on the 11th November, and as a result of the joint environmental statement, AVRA’s intervention was revoked and we will take no further active part in the proceedings.

      We have not received any official documents as yet, but the following is the program for next week from notes taken on the day:

      Tuesday 17th SAT panel members to review documents, opening statements and planning matters on Wednesday 18th, SAT retire to consider on Thursday, summing up on Friday 20th.

      The battle now is between the JDAP and SITA on planning matters. There is a planner and an environmental person to join Senior Member McNab to make up the panel to review all of the material and adjudicate the matter.

      While the hydrology did not go AVRA’s and the York Community’s way, the fact is that the matter has been refused on planning grounds four times now. We anticipate that the SAT will agree with these refusals and reject the proposal for the landfill.

      We thank everyone for their ongoing support. The AVRA committee will be well represented on the Wednesday and Friday at the SAT, which is at 565 Hay Street in Perth. Anticipated starting times for both hearings will be 10am. They are public hearings and you are invited to attend. More news as it comes to hand.

      Cheers Keith Schekkerman & Denis Hill for AVRA committee.'

      I believe that Kay and Robyn's intervention is based primarily on planning considerations. So unless I'm much mistaken (it happens now and again!) SITA's remaining adversaries i.e. York's surviving champions are JDAP and Robyn and Kay.

  12. Robyn and Kay Davies 60 page intervention included Agriculture, Planning, Pollution, the condition of Great Southern Highway and the effects this proposal will have on York.

    Good luck Ladies.

  13. Great post by Jan about Robyn and Kay Davies achievements with the State Administration Tribunal on the 'older blog' .

    1. Great post by Jan about Robyn and Kay on this blog, too - put up yesterday as a comment under 'What now for the Blog?' to which Jan directed it.

  14. There is no one perfect enough in the eyes of certain members of this community to go into the role of CEO of the Shire of York. A fault will always be found and people will never move beyond that. No second chances are ever given. No chance for explanations are ever given. You people will always be judge, jury and executioner. Good luck to who ever applied for the role of CEO whenever the job is advertised. Let's see how long that poor sucker lasts for.

    1. Nobody's perfect, and it is foolish to expect perfection. As I'm fond of saying, and believe, the last perfect human being disappeared in bizarre circumstances two thousand years ago. I don't know how He would fare if He returned to earth as CEO for the Shire of York. He'd have to do a bit of restructuring - perhaps even an exorcism or two.

      No, nobody's perfect, but there are degrees of imperfection. I don't think people are being unreasonable in holding the view that for a good many years York has been badly served by its CEOs, acting and otherwise.

      I'm not sure what you mean by 'you people'. My perennial optimism leads me to hope that Mr Dacombe will succeed in his role as ACEO and assist Council to choose wisely in making a permanent appointment.

      Thanks for your comment, which I suspect some may consider provocative.

    2. Anonymous 1910 get a grip if your paid 200+ thousand per yr you expect, No favoritism, you expect orders to be carried out and you expect they have control of staff that's a professional wage for a a professional . Like any boss in any business may employ a few deadbeats before he gets a good hardworking honest employee . You obviously are not or have never been a professional business person.

  15. Before Maziuk calls any more 'stop work meetings' and shuts the door of the Shire Administration building to the public, she needs to remember the Shire of York's legal obligations as an Agent for: Licensing - Department of Transport

    Shire of York, 1 Joaquina Street, York WA 6302 PO Box 22, York WA 6302 (08) 9641 2233 (08) 9641 2202 8:30 am until 4:00 pm

  16. Anonymous15 November 2015 at 19:10 - Shire of York employee or relation/partner thereof?

    Residents of York had Judge, Jury and Executioner inflicted on them by the Shire of York Administration Staff for years - now the tables are turned, you don't like it.

  17. Unqualified public servants acting like the Gestapo

  18. OK James, you say you have confidence in Mark Dacombe, maybe youre right, but why dont we give him a test. We’ve all known for years that drug taking goes on in the Workks depot, Keeble wanted to start random drug tests but Gail shouted at him and he gave up and left town, I think she was throwing her weight around as union rep or something. Nothing against the depot guys but should they be driving shire vehicles and using shire tools after having a spliff or one of them has used crack or ice, I dont think so, other shires do random drug testing why not York? Reckon Dacombe can fix that???

    1. Those are very serious allegations. Have you spoken to the police?

      I thought Mr Keeble had left town following disagreements with Shire President Reid and after being stood over by Tony Boyle and John Elkington regarding the siting of a domestic swimming pool. I've never heard the drug testing story before.

      If I were Mr Dacombe, I'd be taking an objective look at this. I'd certainly be talking to Ms Mazuik about it, and to Mr Keeble as well if I could find him.

      What other shires do RDT on their workers? Even if the workers are not using drugs, these days reassuring the public on such matters doesn't go amiss!

      Random drug tests in place for council staff GEORGIA LONEY AND CLARE NEGUS
      September 29, 2011, 2:48 am September 29, 2011,
      Local councils are making their workers undergo random urine tests for drugs or risk suspension or dismissal.
      The City of Bunbury has just introduced a drug testing policy and the City of Cockburn and Mindarie Regional Council already require potential workers to pass a drug test. They also have random drug testing of all workers.
      At the City of Wanneroo, undergoing a drug test is a condition of employment for new staff.
      Local Government Minister John Castrilli said yesterday he had no problem with drug tests to ensure workplace safety.
      But the Australian Services Union said the tests were invasive and could breach worker privacy.
      City of Bunbury chief executive Andrew Brien introduced drug tests in June as part of a new drug and alcohol policy.
      Mr Brien said the policy was not heavy handed and represented a duty of care to about 300 employees.
      "It's good management practice to have a drug and alcohol policy primarily for workplace safety for staff operating machinery or airports and it's consistent policy to have that across all staff," he said.
      A test was required as part of the pre-employment medical examination of all permanent staff, in addition to random tests.
      He said testing was also based on risk, so staff who operated machinery were likely to be tested more often than those working indoors.
      Mr Brien said if a staff member refused a test they could be sent home until they returned a negative result.
      He said a positive result did not automatically result in dismissal.
      Rather, the staff member would first be offered counselling and assistance. "It's not about a big stick approach," he said.
      Australian Services Union WA branch secretary Wayne Wood said he was aware of the drug tests at a number of regional and metropolitan councils.
      He was concerned urine tests were overly intrusive and could breach employees' privacy.
      "We don't condone the use of illegal drugs or people turning up for work impaired but we have concerns over the way policies operate," he said. "It's a bit intrusive."
      Mr Wood said the urine tests detected the presence of drugs, rather than impairment.
      He said cannabis use could be detected for months.
      "Another concern is what other information is obtained through the tests, such as if someone is pregnant or diabetic. Is that the employer's business?"
      The CITY OF BUNBURYsaid urine tests were confidential, carried out by an external business and only looked for certain drugs.
      WorkSafe said employers were able to implement drug testing if they considered it was needed to keep the workplace safe.

  19. I also heard Mazuik did a dummy spit with Keeble over drug testing.

    If Mazuik did stop the testing, she better have a bloody good explanation because most good HR managers would be only too pleased to ensure all workers have a safe drug free workplace.

    By the way Gail, (in case you don't know) it should be part of your Risk Management under OHSW!

    Suggest Mazuik gets off her union high horse and concentrates on the OHSW side of her HR role.

    Employees working free of drugs will be only too pleased to see drug users removed from the workplace. Who in their right mind would want to work alongside with someone under the influence of drugs?

    The Shire of York has a legal obligation to provide a drug free workplace for ALL employees.

    1. It seems odd to me that someone in senior management should be a union rep. Was she voted in, or did she just take the job over?

      This stuff about drug testing is all news to me. I thought it was par for the course these days, like employees getting a police clearance. Now it seems that SOY doesn't bother about either.

      Back in March on the other blog I wrote about an employee who several years ago, immediately he came out of prison, was shoe-horned into a depot job intended for someone else. No police clearance there!

      He had no driving licence either, and that was a requirement for the job. Turns out he's related to a very senior member of the Shire administration, one of former A/CEO Simpson's 'exemplary employees'. He calls her 'auntie'. How exemplary is that? See section 5.60 of the Local Government Act 1995.

    2. By any chance, would that employee be the one mentioned in this article?‎

    3. Yes. He's also the person I dubbed Mr F C who chucked rubbish into the Templars' property on Avon Terrace. See Notes from Underground 3 posted 1/3/15 on the 'old blog'. He also stars in a short movie on Youtube.

    4. I have just read the‎ link.

      I am horrified this man was ever considered for employment with the Shire of York, let alone continues to be employed.

      Is it true he was provided 'protective employment' by a relative who is a senior staff member in the Administration?

    5. Truth will out. Keep an eye on the blog...

  20. York must be a terrible town, im not from York but the venom in your posts is unbelievable.

    1. Anonymous17 November 2015 at 00:29 - The Town is lovely, the venom comes from the Senior Staff at the Shire!

    2. York is NOT a terrible town. It's a beautiful town and shire, full of pleasant, friendly people.

      Unfortunately, some senior figures working for the Shire of York don't appear to enjoy the affection, respect and confidence of many of the inhabitants. It's a long and bitter story...

    3. sorry but when I real this blog, I have an overwhelming sense that the peopple in that town are full of hatred and bitterness, I almost cant understand how people could talk about their town in that way, its disgracefull

    4. I'm sorry, too, but I don't think you're being entirely truthful. I think you're somebody who does live in York, has friends who are afraid of the truths being reported on the blog, and are trying in a less than subtle way to show that the blog is 'damaging the town' when the only people really damaging the town are the folk who now stand condemned by revelations of years of misrule.

      As I've written many times, there's a distinction between the town and the people who've been running it. Telling home truths about the latter does the town much more good than harm. It's a cleansing process.

      May I add that if you honestly think that what you read on the blog amounts to 'unbelievable venom' you must have led a very sheltered life.

  21. Mazuik thinks HR is the start of her title as Her Royal Highness. She doesn't know the first thing about HR.

    1. She didn't need to - Ray appointed her.

    2. HER 17 November your comment about her not knowing the first thing about HR is so true. I swear she does very little work in that office to do with HR. No point in going to her with a staffing issue. They all seem too hard to deal with.

  22. It is a conflict of interest for the Shire HR Manager to hold the position of Union Rep.

    1. Is Ms Mazuik still the HR Manager? If not, under what designation is she currently employed?

      BTW, she's not the senior employee mentioned above as related to a depot employee. That's an even more august member of staff. More to come on that one when I've completed further enquiries.

  23. The same depot worker is up on new assult charges as we speak

    1. How new? He's due to face court shortly on charges relating to an incident in Grey Street that occurred some months ago. Last year he threatened a fellow worker with an axe (wish I knew who that was!) but was never charged for it. He has a history of cannabis use, maybe other substances as well. He's cost ratepayers tens of thousands in bullying pay-outs. He should have been sacked years ago, but nepotism has consistently got in the way. What's the betting the 'exemplary employee', Auntie Entity, will get away with her part in this disgraceful series of events? Keep reading the blog.

  24. It time 'Aunty' took responsibility for employing this mongrel relative of hers.

    She should also pay back the Ratepayers coffers for the full amount of the payouts.

    1. If by 'taking responsibility' you mean 'resigning', don't hold your breath. Nepotism and patronage have been entrenched in the Shire of York for years.

      Why do the good people of this lovely town continue to put up with such things - usually without complaint? Is there some strain of masochism in our collective soul?

    2. Will Aunty 'skip work at Ratepayers expense' and front Northam court this week to guarantee this criminals continuing employment?

      Perhaps she will provide a support letter on a Shire letterhead like Ray Hooper did for Kate Watts who was convicted and imprisoned for stealing from the York Visitors centre.

  25. Sacking the mongrel would be a good start.

    James, several good people have NOT been putting up with it - they have been fighting the nepotism and corruption for 12 years!

  26. It's not only the reprobate who should be sacked. There will be no effective opportunity for change in the Shire of York until Ray's remaining torchbearers join him in (enforced) retirement.

    If as you say people have been fighting against nepotism and corruption - why haven't they come forward since the publication of my article some months ago? I could do with their support!

    Thanks to the brave folk who've contacted me with information over the last few days since this topic came up for discussion.

  27. I've followed up your observation that the gentleman in question is facing fresh assault charges. I understand that he assaulted a workmate a few days ago. Can you tell me if charges were in fact laid? Is he still working at the depot or has he been sacked or stood down?

    If this assault becomes a worker's comp matter, it will be the third or fourth for which he has been directly responsible. Usually, the bully stays, the victim goes after getting a payout. That's how it seems to work in the Shire of York. In fact, that's how it seems to work in WA.

    1. Didn't the HR or HRH Ms Mazuik fear that staff were being bullied in danger by the public causing a lock down in the shire building recently, she obviously is not in the opinion that the assaulted work mate matters, double standards wouldn't you say.

    2. Mazuikl is a double standards Master.
      She uses two sets of rules, hers and hers!

  28. The York Shire depot has a track record of serious bullying with the common denominator being the one male mentioned above.

    Who the hell in the Administration is protecting him?

  29. Heard from someone who sat in the public gallery at SAT yesterday: the State Administration Tribunal has reserved the decision on the SITA Allawuna Landfill for 90 days.

    1. I didn't hear the news until this morning. Ninety days seems a long time to wait after such a long process - 3 years for most of us, nearly 4 for members of the secretive Shire team that first started negotiating with SITA early in 2012 (maybe even before that).

  30. Re - SAT decision. Not surprising that SAT has decided to hold off decision for 90 days. Probably take them that long to digest all the info Kay and Robyn submitted in their very detailed document!

    I also think the extra time is a good thing. A lot of info has gone under 'the bridge' since all of this started. I do think it beneficial that the powers that be, walk away from the whole case, for a short time and let everything settle down - then go back and re-read the documentation with a clear head. The balance of the info should be well and truly clear by then. In particular, the number of times SITA have changed their story, tack, position, inconsistencies, untruths, etc. etc.

    A point to note is that the representative from JDAP appeared to have been working hand in hand with SITA, instead of doing the job they are paid for and representing the people/public, who pay their wages! The JDAP rep. has been seen regularly conferring with SITA and agreeing with everything said - even in the actual meetings. From my point of view, I find this disgraceful and a formal, written letter of complaint, should be forwarded ASAP. Copies to Minister, head of Department and Chair of the SAT. NOW. More work for those still involved. Sorry Robyn and Kay. Wouldn't hurt AVRA to put forward a complaint as well and back the Davies in this. Confiring with them would be novel. Just a suggestion.

    Meanwhile, let us hope that the new ACTING C.E.O. will start cracking the whip over those who need to start paying attention to their jobs and crack the whip around the backsides of those who need it, and a good hard crack, plus application, to those destructive Rotters as they head unceremoniously, out the door. And with NO MORE payouts. Enough. We as a Town, just cannot afford it. What is more, they do not deserve it.

    Just hope he stands his ground, knows the ins and outs of all the DLG ACTS and what it all means and apply the ACT as it was meant to be applied.

    RE - Ms. Mazuik. V. surprised she is a union rep. Wonder who taught her how to spell the word, UNION?
    If this 'position' is anything like the other positions she has had within the Shire, she has probably "outsourced" the job to another - perhaps even PSU? Now wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth. I somehow doubt that the rate payers of York should be paying out for such an appointment, however with all the other shinanigans that have carried on previously, I wouldn't be at all surprised!

    After all, like the other positions she has held at the Shire, I have a feeling that she wouldn't be qualified for the job.


  31. Re - Bendigo Bank AGM. Actually has the heading of York Financial Services of the notification.
    I am a shareholder, and I was not aware that Mr. Fisher and Mr. Duperouzle were even standing committee members and are up for re-election. As I will not be able to attend the A.G.M, I forwarded my proxy to the Chair, and have objected to both re -elections.
    Enough damage caused by those who care only about bank accounts - theirs!

  32. Can the oracle confirm whether or not the rumours are true that Councillor Pam Heaton has been throwing her weight about, picking up where Hooper and Boyle left off by being rude and abusive toward members of the public, I,m angry because I gave her a tick at the election because I genuinely thought she was okay.

  33. To Anonymous @ 17.03, November 22.

    I'm assuming you are referring to James, as the 'Oracle', but I will add my tuppence worth, as well. As I have mentioned before rumours are usually just that, but in York, tend to have some currency behind them. This rumour, I also heard, at the v. beginning of Madam Councillor being elected and I understand that at least one of our regular female bloggers, was in the firing line at them , plus another lady who also regularly attends Council Meetings. I'm sure that they can confirm or deny the incident.

    That alone, is a 'breachable offence' and if is still continuing, she should be breached, by formal written complaint to the President of the Shire, just for starters. Along with the breach notice should be attached with a lump of 4' x 2', for a smack over the back of the head.

    Understand that the Deputy President is also not above intimidation, 'heavy' coercing and general standover tactics. It appears some have learn well from those previously in charge at the Shire and this behaviour continues to run unabated, like a virus through the Shire.
    But then, often the people who undertake this kind of treatment of others, start off as control freaks to start with. Enough!

    One would hope that the new Acting C.E.O., does more than just act and stands on top of them, and brings them to heel - v. v. fast. Those who don't comply should be shown the front or back door, doesn't matter - but NO payoffs. These toads have done enough damage.

  34. Heard Pat Hooper and Brian Lawrance are miffed about information on a few pieces of paper in a window down town.

    They apparently attended todays Council meeting, along with a couple of their mates, and asked Council to have the owner remove the paper.

    Sorry guys, the Council we have now operates using a democratic process. They don't abuse their power by ordering people around, particularly when they have done nothing wrong.

    There's no law preventing anyone from sticking paper on the insides of windows.

    Paper is a great insulator against the heat. To have interesting information on that paper makes sense, because it provides a duel purpose.

  35. I can not comment on the rumour at this time. other than to say if you are a servant of the public be careful how you treat member of the public, because unlike in the past where CEO Hooper didn't follow through, and neither did the Shire Presidents Hooper and Boyle, Councillor Wallace has told me and, I see by his actions he is committed to making sure, this council and the CEO and Staff act professionally at all times. Which is a fresh change to the years of bullying, misrepresentation of the local government act, manipulation of records, that we have seen in the past. all of which I can back up with paper work.
    I will say that a letter was sent in by none other than Pat Hooper for question time, asking for the Saints to take stuff out of there window, I ask you Pat Hooper have you got a bad memory for when you aloud derogatory statements on paper the net in letters and emails did you consider that was ok, about residents in York, bit of a double standard is it not Pat. and please defamation can only be threatened if it is not true.

    1. Councils response to the question from Pat Hooper, John Weeks, Brain Lawrence (no typo) and Tony (I can't hear a thing) Tanner that the documents have nothing to do with the current Council was spot on.
      The documents would not have existed let alone be displayed, had Pat Hooper and his cronies behaved professionally instead of embarrassing the town.

    2. Are we talking about the same Pat Hooper who allowed is cohort and name sake Ray to publish and display the famous 'yellow memo' throughout the CBD? Well, well what a turn up for the books. Pat Hooper is your classic bully, he 's happy to dish it out, but isn't happy to be on the receiving end.
      Toughen up princess!

    3. I have no sympathy for Pat Hooper. He has dished it out for years.

      Those articles are nothing compared to the Yellow Memorandum - that was disgraceful and you supported it 100%.

      When the KARMA bus backs up its a real bugger Pat!

    4. I am not in a position to comment on the rumour at this time either.

      What I will say is, enough is enough.

      I have put up with rudeness and ridicule from various elected members for over a decade and was one of three named in the yellow memo.
      I was also verbally abused in the CBD as a result of malicious, false information given to Councillors and Staff by the Ex CEO at a pre -council meeting. The other person named in the false information was also verbally attacked on arrival at a 'local group'.

      It is all in the Fitz Gerald Report.

    5. Tell him to move on23 November 2015 at 20:03

      Oh get over it Pat Hooper Just move on get a life, oops different when the shoes on the other foot disgraceful.

    6. Spit the Dummy of the year award nominations are now open: I nominate Pat Hooper

    7. I'll second that nomination.

  36. Pat's spewing because he's a loser, he'll spew even more when he finds out the minister and director general were here yesterday afternoon.
    If Pat and mates wanted an audience with the minister or DG they had to travel to Perth.
    Pat, in the big scheme of things, you really are little man!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Be careful who you call a friend23 November 2015 at 18:31

    I cant believe this piece of scum still attacking the Saints.
    When the truth eventually comes out your cohorts will be running for cover, guess it will be facebook friends abandoning you again Pat the lying bully scum of York.

  38. Pat fronted up at the Council meeting with a few of his bully mates. Bravery with numbers ay Pat?

    Just watch these people scatter when the proverbial hits the fan Pat. You'll probably keep the chef because he's a bit light on for friends.

  39. Has anyone thought about the condition of the land currently used by the Fishers?

    If the land is sold it will be top $$$ with magnificent views.

    Will the land be tested for residual toxic chemicals before the Shire approves any subdivision?

    Prospective buyers need to be alerted to have independent soil testing done prior to purchasing.

  40. Be careful who you call a friend23 November 2015 at 18:31:
    Pat cannot help himself, he still thinks he is a Teacher and must be obeyed.

    He is obsessed about destroying the Saints because they created a very successful and popular business! Poor old Pat was not popular as a Teacher and failed as a Councillor.

    Like attracts like. Scum attracts scum so I expect he will keep a couple of his friends.

  41. The following is a cut and paste from the most recent AVRA blurb:

    The Intervention Application by R & K Davies was not granted (Court Transcript 08/10/15). Leave was granted to; “make a joint written submission in respect of the application in relation to (but confined to) the issues raised in their application dated 1 October 2015 only.” (Tribunal Orders 09/10/15)

    Sadly Keith could not bring himself to congratulate these Ladies for their remarkable achievement to have leave granted by the Court to make a joint written submission.

    What is it about some ego driven males in this Town? Why can't they give credit where credit is due.

    1. Because Keith is another of those 'little men'.

  42. I'm beginning to feel sorry for Pat Hooper. Does he really deserve the level of unpopularity and ridicule to which he is currently being subjected?

    According to one of our present councillors, he is a person of heroic attributes who deserves a statue in the centre of town. He certainly seems to provoke strong feelings.

    1. A statue, are you kidding, I reckon he could pose for a garden gnome

    2. yeah - GRUMPY

    3. It would need to be a prostrate statue because doest have a spine!

  43. Don't feel sorry for him - he deserves everything he is getting.

    That would be the chef touting the heroic attributes of Hooper - they are Face Book buddies.

    To quote Anonymous24 November 2015 at 00:00 - Like attracts like. Scum attracts scum.

  44. I’m sorry did I miss something?
    Didn’t Pat Hooper holds a position on council just 5 or six weeks ago as a Councillor?
    Isn’t the reason articles went up on the window of the Saints because of the last few Councils?
    One minute did Pat Hooper ever try to resolve this problem amicably while he was a Councillor?
    To date has Mr Saint put anything in his window that is not backed by truth or proof?
    Sad that John Weeks Australia Day awards Committee, is such a poor judge of honourable people.

    Why didn’t Pat Hooper do something while he was a Councillor?
    Expecting the new Council to clean up Ray and Pats Vile Behaviour.
    Anyone of these cohorts make Pat Hooper clean up his own mess?
    Keep it real Pat, and for his friends grow a brain or go down with the shit, oh I mean Ship.

    1. Who appointed John Weeks to the Australia Day Awards Committee?

      Some years ago he told a female resident to f..k off out of town because she was not welcome here.

      He is a very rude arrogent male, just like Pat.

  45. What entertaining and interesting reading, the above comments make. Have just been having a bit of a chortle ( garden gnome - Grumpy, love it).

    Seems to me to be the typical response from a hypocritical, petulant, tyrant, who has had his magic toadstool taken away.
    Letters of complaint to the Council? Really? Did anybody apply 'Hats' methodology at the council table, and tell him that his complaint/comment had been noted/under consideration and then filed, where the sun doesn't shine??
    (In a shredder and then in one of Fishers' trucks).

    Comments say it all. Under the illusion that he was popular and a guiding light, Mr. Wanntabee, a leader he AIN'T.

    Lousy teacher, lousy councillor, just plain lousy. Interesting isn't it. What goes around, comes around and now, with luck, it just might bite him on the bum!!!

    Just wait, people - God gets them in the end. And hopefully beats him for a long time, with a big stick!

    Wouldn't it be nice if he left town?
    Wonder if they would have him back in Kalgoorlie? Perhaps he could run for council there. He has some experience, after all.

  46. To Roma, @ 00.58, November 24.

    (You've been staying up late again, haven't you, Roma?)

    Absolutely agree with you. Keith Schk., and cronies, still refusing to acknowledge Robyn and Kay Davies, and their success in getting SAT to continue listening and accepting documentation from them, after all this time.

    How petty can you get?

    And, convinced that Keith didn't write that tome. Too well written. Perhaps Jan Schk, or even a lawyer?

    Well, I don't believe that it all matters any more, as the AVRA group appear to be a spent force in their dealings with SAT, now.
    We should all just move on, and keep supporting Robyn and Kay and the work they have done in support of their community.

    Can't deny that AVRA, got people mobilised and kept the landfill issue forward in the thoughts of the folk of York and in that, they did a good job, however this constant denial of others who have worked extremely hard to achieve what they have is, as I have pointed out before, just plain poor form.
    From this point on, just ignore them.

    1. Readers, I think it's time we stopped squabbling over how and by whom the fight against the landfill has been conducted.

      Kay, Robin, Keith and Dennis in their various ways fought the good fight for the rest of us, as did many others. Whatever the outcome of their struggles, they did a splendid job.

      I take off my hat to all of them.

      Time for all the good people to sink their differences and work for an end to cronyism, waste and corruption and the start of a bright new future for York.

    2. you all missed it SITA is taking over Avon Wastes "transport depot" at the road into town and will turn it into a regional transfer station and recycling station, while you were all watching Alluwuna they did it right under your noses and the Councillors all voted for it - tell me this council is any different to the last ones - it aint!

    3. For the record, I didn't miss it.

      Don't be too hard on the new Council (except for Cr Lickspittle Lurch, Avon Waste's cheerleader-in-chief). Councillors were told they had no choice but to go along with the planner's recommendation, which was that Avon Waste's application ticked all the right boxes and therefore had to be approved.

      The planner isn't even a Shire employee - why should her recommendation be binding? And why not get another (independent) opinion? And why not defer the decision to give residents a reasonable time to object?

      I wonder who put together the original Avon Waste proposal. The copy I saw didn't bear the author's name.

      Frankly, I smell a rat, but the odour seems not to have found its way into the council's nose.

      I despair.

    4. Yes I agree James this Avon waste approval is yet another council bungle, we should all be out on the street protesting this one its just not right we will live with this tip at our front door for generations and it will expand, pity no one saw this coming we were all just looking at Sita, when will Councillors actually do what they are voted in to do and stop this rot

    5. of course the wonderful JJ did it James, hence no name - the new council has picked up from where the old one left
