Citizens of York: If you think our current shire council
and administration plan to keep York’s options open regarding our massive white
elephant, the Splurj Mahal aka YRCC—think again.
If you think they will
at least yield to community disquiet over the issue of competitive neutrality
by closing down the restaurant and tavern—think again.
If you think the
ongoing burden of staffing, repairing and maintaining the Splurj Mahal will
ever be lifted from the shoulders of the majority of ratepayers who don’t use
it—think again.
If you think that one
day the community’s huge and continuing investment in the Splurj Mahal will
return a handsome dividend—or even a meagre one—think again.
And if you think we shall
ever be told, as has been promised, the full truth about the construction
costs, where the money to build the Splurj Mahal came from, how much it has
cost to repair and maintain every year since it began operation, and the like—well,
stranger things may have happened in York, but I wouldn’t bet my shirt on that.
Mixed martial arts
Much has changed for
the better in York since the departure of James Best and Graeme Simpson. It would be churlish not to say so.
But what doesn’t seem
to have changed is the entrenched bureaucratic outlook of senior Shire
employees. The singers have
changed, the song is more sophisticated, the tune is a little sweeter, but like
HIV or malaria the malady lingers on.
There are things the
Shire wants to conceal from you, even though you have an indisputable moral right
to know about them. It seems still
to be in the business of shielding sensitive or vulnerable reputations. No doubt some of those reputations belong
to past and present members of the council as well as to former employees.
It’s no accident that
while our corporate plans pay lip service to ‘empathy’, ‘respect’ and ‘courage’,
the magic word ‘transparency’—like its semantic relatives ‘honesty’ and
‘accountability’—is absolutely nowhere to be seen.
And for the purposes
of concealment the Shire relies on its top officers’ mastery of the mixed
bureaucratic martial arts: prevarication, obfuscation and evasiveness. It’s the language they use to answer
questions that gives their game away.
Help from the past
Some of you may remember
that in May of last year, and again in November, I addressed a series of quite
precise questions to the Shire about the YRCC. I don’t want to rehash my vain attempts on both occasions to
get satisfactory answers, but I haven’t forgotten the insight I gained from
them into what represents itself as the bureaucratic mind.
To recap, some of my
questions alluded to what the DLGC likes to call ‘historical issues’. Unlike some of our councillors
and virtually everybody under the age of 60, I’m a great believer in getting to
grips with the past.
That’s because doing
so helps us to find clues to understanding the present as it arises from the
past, and to forge directions for shaping the future. It provides warnings of what courses of action we would do well
to avoid and hints at possible unwanted and unintended consequences of whatever
we may decide to do.
As an example, Europe’s
recent, current and impending miseries might easily have been prevented or at
any rate mitigated if the continent’s leaders had all made a diligent study of what
has happened around the place and in the neighbourhood during the last 1500
The principle I’m advocating
here applies no less to small country towns than to nations and
continents. In its own way, York
is a microcosm of the world. So,
of course, is everywhere else, including Mukinbudin, Dowerin and Aleppo.
My questions about
what the the Splurj Mahal had cost to build, where the money came from, how
often the building had been used as a convention centre and at what profit, if
any, to the people of York—all those were ignored. Instead of honest answers, I got a bland assurance that one
day all would be made known. That’s
local government for you: the bland leading the blind.
Yet as I’ve pointed
out before, all but one of my questions of May and November last year related
to matters of record. Answers did
not require deep thought or creative speculation. All that the respondent needed to do was look up records in
the files. If, as I strongly
suspect, some files were incomplete because records had gone missing, that information
should have formed part of the response.
In an article, ‘A
Year’s Reconciliation of Council Coffers and Credibility’ posted recently on
the Shire of York Official Unofficial
Site, the admirable David Taylor went into bat for the truth about the YRCC
by reporting on an illuminating exchange of emails with the Executive Manager,
Corporate and Community Services.
(Don’t you love those
titles? When you see a title like
that, don’t you just know that a supersized salary is attached to it? Don’t you feel great knowing that a
tiny bit of that salary is siphoned annually from your purse or wallet?)
To get that kind of
title, you must learn to speak and write a special language, Gobbledygook,
designed to keep unpleasant facts at bay.
Here's an example, culled from David’s article.
David wanted to know
if it’s true that Shire employees get a discount for using the YRCC
gymnasium. Stone me, thinks the
Executive Manager Etc., there’s a curly one. So this is her answer:
I understand the frustration experienced regarding the
YRCC and the desire to see the matter resolved expeditiously. The process
outlined above [a six-stage management
review plan—J P] will provide an
opportunity for the community and YRCC users to be involved in each step and to
have provide [sic] into the options
for the improved future operations of the YRCC. The Shire is committed to this.
A brilliant bit of
evasiveness, that, almost championship level but for an unforced syntactical
error. Embarrassing query knocked
right out of the ring.
But she does inadvertently tell us
something important that we need to know, namely that no matter at what cost to
ratepayers the Shire intends to keep an 'improved' Splurj Mahal going until the arrival
of Armageddon—which according to the Book of Revelations will be announced by
the Last Trump, now is that spooky or what?
David wanted to know
if ‘stakeholders’ had been identified, and whether or not former Shire
President Pat Hooper was a member of the Forrest Oval Advisory Group. Alas, that question went wide and
disappeared into the stands, evoking no response other than soft screams and suppressed
reports from a minority of distant lookers-on.
Never mind ‘keep calm and carry on’—stay
healthy and vibrate!
Here’s my favourite
quote from the Executive Manager Etc.:
Sport and recreation is [sic] an important part of maintaining a healthy and vibrant
community. Council and Shire staff
are committed to not only [sic]
providing the best possible facilities to accommodate our community but also to
minimise [sic] the cost of services to
ratepayers while taking into account the need to promote economic development
for the town. These principles underpin
the review and will inform the resulting YRCC Business Plan.
And motherhood’s
wonderful too. Only three unforced
errors, otherwise a lovely bit of bureaucratic boilerplate prose articulated at
arm’s length from reality.
Most of us would agree
that sport and recreation contribute to the health and vibrancy of a community,
but while local government may well have a part to play in providing support
for sporting and recreational organisations, it should be a small part.
An ounce of private endeavour
is worth a ton of shire-owned enterprise.
Governments at every level have been for many decades taking over what
used to be individual and community responsibilities. As a result, we are at risk of turning into a tribe of
narcissistic mendicants relying on government to do stuff we ought to do for
ourselves—or if we can’t be bothered to do it for ourselves, we should learn
to do without.
If we took back some
of those responsibilities—basing our attitudes and actions on the principle of
‘user pays’, not as at present ‘loser pays’—I think we would be more likely to
achieve ‘a healthy and vibrant community’ and to ‘minimise the cost of services
to ratepayers’.
Sadly, though, we
would not require the services of the Executive Manager Etc., and I’m sure that
would be a considerable loss.
The Forrest Bar and Café
The Executive Manager
Etc. has acknowledged the existence of community disquiet about the Shire
running a restaurant in the YRCC. Many of us see this as breaching the
important principle of competitive neutrality to the detriment of other
munching and swigging stations in town.
So I was surprised to
discover that the Shire’s tavern is not being closed but has been re-christened the Forrest Bar and
Café. Here’s the bill of fare for
Friday as it appears on the Shire’s website. It all looks healthy, vibrant and delicious, but I
still think it’s wrong and unfair to local restaurant proprietors, and on
principle I won’t be eating or drinking there even if all the other local nosheries
and guzzleshops are forced to close.
The following letter appeared in the West Australian on 23 January 2017. Sums it all up, really. I hope the author hasn't laid himself open to unwanted visits from the ranger.
The following letter appeared in the West Australian on 23 January 2017. Sums it all up, really. I hope the author hasn't laid himself open to unwanted visits from the ranger.
![]() |
"Can you spare a moment, Shire President? I think the sporting clubs would like a word." |
I am so dissapointed to read about the Forrest Bar and Cafe.
ReplyDeleteI believe it is wrong for the Shire of York to hold a liquor licence and lodged a formal submission opposing their application. I also believe it is wrong for the Shire of York to compete with private food outlets.
From the moment the Forrest Oval complex started York ratepayers made it clear they had serious concerns about the financial viability of the project. No one, including the Councillors would listen.
We were never provided with the Business Plan, the final full costs of the project or the whole of life costing. Those who lodged FOI applications attempting to obtain the information (including me) received nothing.
I had hoped with the review of the YRCC, concerns from the whole community would be sought and listended to.
Sporting clubs and users of the complex are not the only stakeholders.
Every single Ratepayer of York is a stake holder, including the food and alcohol businesses the Shire directly competes with.
Roma, I don't believe the Shire has ever had the slightest intention of carrying out a proper review of the YRCC. Too many vulnerable reputations hang in the balance and too many self-interested parties with friends in what pass for high places hereabouts...
ReplyDeleteThe proper thing would have been to mothball the place until a full business plan had been developed, one that canvassed all possibilities including closure and sale. Until the plan had been completed, not a cent should have been spent on maintenance and repair except as needed to satisfy safety and other legal requirements. The tavern and restaurant should have been closed and the liquor licence terminated. As for re-turfing the tennis courts...words fail me.
But no, councillors and shire staff have to pander to a small tribe of narcissistic mendicants who've been encouraged to give up paying for their own pleasure and entertainment and are happy to guzzle instead at the public teat.
Local governments don't create vibrant communities. Vibrant residents do that, people with the nous, energy and style to make their own fun. I don't say the shire shouldn't help out - of course it should - but it should never have been allowed to take over responsibility for sporting and recreational activities and to compete with privately owned cafes, bars and restaurants. In so doing, it has diminished community spirit, not enhanced it.
I wish I could draw cartoons - your third paragraph has conjured up a beauty.
DeleteI can easily put faces to the small tribe of narcissistic mendicants, the only thing holding them upright is the bar!
DeleteWonder if the York Police ever do breath testing when the bar closes?
I hope York Councillors and administration staff read and digest the last paragraph of Colin Delane's letter.
ReplyDeleteMy Mum's very sound advice was: Always live within your means.
The same advice goes for the York Council.
In July 2015 the Chalkies building was purchased on our behalf by an a corrupt administration,18 months later it sits there literally crumbling, while Mr Martin and his entourage sit in their ivory towers completely disconnected with the real world. The 3 top executives between them earn in excess of 500K p/a, is this value for money?
ReplyDeleteThis is what LG's do, hire incompetent highly paid individuals to waste our money on non essential items such as the abortion of a sport and recreation complex, although, as you and David have pointed out, worryingly, this appears to have been recently re-branded and is now the 'Forrest Bar and Café'.
The sooner we amalgamate the better, it's not a case of if, but when. LG's in their present form are not sustainable, the end of an industry which only exists to look serve its own egocentric interests is fast coming to an end, it has to! The people have had enough.
On a separate matter, it looks very much as though shire president Wallace has gone exactly the same way as his predecessors, conspicuous by his absence. Considering his annual gratuity is more than the average wheatbelt wage, is this value for money? I don't think so.
I've lived in York for over thirty years and have never seen it as poorly off as it is now. Fatally, the council has employed a CEO who would be far more at home working in a city council with a scene, Mt Lawley for instance.
York is a conservative town with conservative values, Whether this is right or wrong in the modern PC world is neither here nor there, it's a fact. The town doesn't need nor want flashy facilities or dreams more conducive to city living.
Ray Hooper managed to destroy much of the intrinsic rural fabric of the town over night when he effectively destroyed the sport and recreation culture by allowing the building of the abortion on the hill. It's these small clubs, associations and groups which bind the town together, not the council and certainly not its administration department.
I fear this is not only a Ray Hooper trait but a flaw with all senior bureaucrats, there exists a vast disjoint between the real people in the real world and those who are charged with looking out for our interests.
Ted, regarding Wallace you have hit the nail on the head. I hear some councillors are also beginning to express concerns about his style of Leadership. Perhaps they too can see the signs of the Hooper era creeping back in.
DeleteWe know councillors read the blogs and you can bet your last $ Wallace brushes off adverse comments about him and the council the same way Ray Hooper, Pat Hooper and Tony Boyle did - it's just a minority of trouble makers.
The CEO would not know if instructions given to him by Wallace are a result of democratic discussions with ALL councillors or a decision by Wallace without consultation with his team. From what I hear the latter is occurring.
Reference to Mr Delane's letter. From Ms Craigie, Cut back on many and varied non essential services without which ratepayers can still manage quite well. There is no justification for an ever incre3asing level of service provision.
DeleteShe is so right, non essential services in the Shire Administration get rid of them, for a start ratepayers will certainly be better off.
York Councillors and admin financial gurus are budgeting using a champagne income when they should be working on a beer income.
ReplyDeleteRatepayers and the community should be concerned about what is being out paid in salaries to the Shire Admin staff.
DeleteA question: does a shire with a population of approximately 3500 people really need so many admin staff?
DeleteA related question: what services ought the shire to provide, and what services should be cut back or relinquished?
Here's another one can a shire of 3500 provide adequate services with only 10 outside workers.
DeleteOnly 10? Are you sure? According to the MyCouncil website (which admittedly isn't up to date) the SoY has 47 full time employees. If only 10 of those are outside workers, that leaves 37 'inside' workers.
DeleteDoesn't seem credible to me, but I've just finished reading a report that some members of the European Parliament have recommended a charter of human rights for electronic sex partners, so I suppose these days absolutely anything anywhere might be true. LGBTQI and we now add R for 'robot'. No rude comments please about robotic sex.
Sorry my bad there's 11 depot workers seems the shire needs engineers and consultants more than men on the ground perhaps time our council explained why
DeleteAll levels of Government cut staff from the bottom - the workers.
DeleteWhen the State Government announces a cut to the Public Service numbers, Departments are given a quota of FTE's (full time employees) they are to reduce their Department by. Generally they trim the numbers by removing Level 1 FTE's.
Some higher level Public Servants choose to resign and are then re-employed either under contract or as consultants.
Reduced number of FTE's are published and everyone in Government congratulates each other. No mention of how many Contracts have been signed.
Perhaps we are looking at the Wreck Centre and now 'The Forrest Bar and Cafe`" the wrong way.
ReplyDeleteEspecially as there still appears to be a little 'clique' enjoying what we are paying for.
So instead of staying away in droves, we need to go 'enmasse' and enjoy the company of our friends and associates, eat what appears to be well priced and assume, nice meals, have a few drinks and if smart, have a bus driving member of your group, hire the shire bus and use it as a pick up and delivery taxi, so you can enjoy a few drinks without stepping over the big blue line!
And why not? If enough people go, it can result in several outcomes. 1. The facility might actually start making a profit, channelled back to shire coffers, one assumes, and 2. Make the lives of those few currently enjoying a good life, a little uncomfortable,by just overcrowding them and shouldering them backwards out the door. They might have to go to a quieter place in town, like one of the privately based eateries and facilities. A win, win, I would have thought.
The closure and sale of the facility shouldn't be allowed. The lease of the place to a private citizen, absolutely, but the sale, definitely not. For a start the 'Forrest Oval', the whole property, was GIFTED to the whole of the York Townsfolk, for the use as a community facility. Therefore is not and should never be, even considered, to be used for anything else, except what is acceptable to the town. Some time ago, one bright spark decided it should be split up and used for aged care housing,(for folk from the city) along with the surrounding land of the York Racecourse, also considered for the same, looking for cheap land close to the city. York Racing actually OWNED the land, but somehow put all of that at risk by stuffing around. Not sure where they stand at the moment, but we should be v, careful and v.v. protective of what we have inherited and have had gifted to us as a town.
Re - the returfing. I have difficulty understanding why it is costing so much, I have here, just cut out of the latest Echo or Hills Gazette an advert from "Green Planet Grass". They will supply fake turf for $29/sqm all Australian made and residential, sporting and commercial, etc. etc. How the Shire got to a quote of $170,000+, or whatever it was, defies logic.
Wasting money hand over fist. And still live grass would have done the job beautifully, like it used to.
On another note, had a visit to Drs' just recently, and if you have been there as well, you may have noticed a huge new painting on the wall behind the reception desk, and if you haven't noticed - you should have.
Absolutely fabulous, understand it is called " Daisies in the Field" or similar, apologies if I have it wrong. It has been painted by a local artist, I think her name is MARGARET GABRIELLE, and again, please forgive me if I'm wrong, but WHAT a TALENT. Just lovely and wouldn't mind having that piece of art hanging in my house. A v. clever lady. Worth sticking your head through the door and having a good look. Nice to know we have artists of that ilk, wandering about our midst.
My rain gauge is telling me I have had 50ml fall since it started raining the other day. That is 2 inches in old money. Lovely., Won't have to water the garden for a while. Yeayyy. Hopefully will have filled rainwater tanks for people and topped up farmers' dams for house and stock. Nice bit of sub soil moisture, as well. All good. Wonderful stuff.
Jan, I'll have a glass of whatever you're drinking.
Delete"Gifted" must have a different definition on planet Jan.
DeleteI wish people would stop calling the abortion of a building on Forrest Oval a convention centre. It is a joke.
DeleteThose who thought of the idea of a convention centre had delusions of grandeur.
LEASE out the bar and food hall - that is all it is, a food hall!
I think Lord Forrest would be horrified to see what York people have done to his vision to provide an all inclusive area for the residents.
DeleteUnfortunately, due to inept councillors who refused to listen to 'the people', the complex has alienated many and divided the community. Not exactly what Lord Forrest intended was it.
Let put everyone at the YRCC and forget about the town centre where tourist come.The main street needs to be busy and lively.But Jan we will just pack the YRCC out and make them more money to waste on purchases like buildings that are over priced.Monies for turf that could of been used for community based project to improve the towns look and activities. We need better medical services and better road infrastructure.If you have business people closing their doors on the terrace than people wont come to look at empty shops.We need more investment in York and putting money into the YRCC is not going to bring investment into York.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous Jan 31 and Chelsea Jan 31. Re - the Forrest Oval.
ReplyDeleteThis is part of York history and was GIFTED to the people of York back in the 1800's by non other than LORD FORREST, which is why it is called 'Forrest Oval'. So, my part of the planet is absolutely fine!
On the matter of funding for the YRCC, we are already pouring money into it, with what appears to be v. little return.
Yes, we definitely need better medical facilities and infrastructure - sans bulldozing fabulous old, picturesque trees, because some idiot thought it might be a good idea. Seems to happen a lot in this town, for some reason, frequently at night, as well.
As I have mentioned before, we used to one Dr. in this Town (v. sadly passing just recently) of 3500 odd people and babies, minor operations and xrays were done, and no one had to wait for a week or two to get an appointment.
We didn't have dozens of workers dipping into the Council coffers for a wage packet, although the population has generally remained stable for the last - at least 30 years, the main street looked good, because the shop owners where encouraged to work at exterior decorations to encourage tourist, and the Shire actually supported everything that the town put forth, such as fairs and the like.
Somewhere, somehow, we all seem to have lost our way. We have people with good ideas, and for some reason, those who assume the power and control of the public purse, generally manage to stuff it all up.
They have become positively negative!
For all those, complaining, pointing out all the negatives, the elections are coming up. How about some of you putting your money where your mouth is? And if you get in, perhaps you could offer to put some of the public monies on offer for services rendered, to a reputable and deserving charity!
Oh, and to Anonymous, Jan 31, you are most welcome to share a nice cold glass of a v. nice Chardonnay.
Jan is correct, the land on which Forrest Oval complex stands WAS GIFTED to the people of York by Lord Forrest.
ReplyDeleteThe extensive Race club land was also Gifted to the people of York - by the Crown.
The Race Club Committee agreed to a SOY Memorandum of Understanding, to waiver outstanding rates for the Race Club IF the SOY got their name on the title deeds.
Who were the Councillors at the time?
How many of those Councillors were on the Race Club Committee when the Memorandum of Understanding was signed?
Minutes Special Council meeting 29th September 2009
Delete9.2.1 ADMINISTRATION REPORTS York Racecourse Agreement
Cr Pat Hooper, President; Cr Brian Lawrance, Deputy President; Cr Tony Boyle; Cr. Trevor Randell; Cr Ashley Fisher; Cr Tricia Walters (Cr. Walters voted against the motion)
Cr Boyle – Member of WDC and York Racing Inc.
Matthew Reid gave his SP money to various groups in York. THAT'S a good leader!
ReplyDeleteOne Nation representatives will be at Settlers Monday evening 6th February 6 pm.
ReplyDeleteFact. 31 January 2017 at 22:23
ReplyDeleteOnly 11 depot workers. The Administration staff in the Shire Office outnumber the Depot workers. Ratepayers have every reason to be cynical.
Heard on the grapevine that as of I think last Thursday, perhaps Friday, those beautiful Salmon Gums on the Quairading Road, have been saved from destruction.
ReplyDeleteFinally, a brain kicking into gear. Well done to those involved.
New survey out, for the Shire. Most of my answers ranged around the 'terrible' area of survey. Only better ones were run by others. How sad is that? Queries to Mr. Martin. Ho hum!
ReplyDeleteThis 'survey' is more about a certain person who is approaching his first anniversary in a senior role in the organisation attempting to divorce himself from the issues which continue to plague York. Until LG rights the wrongs, holds the guilty to account the sores will only fester.
DeleteI heard from a good friend from within the organisation, that when filing out their surveys, the staff have been requested to have 'a little compassion' as it's still early days, this might explain the question; whether or not a member of the household works for the organisation or is an elected member?
One of the last questions is:
DeleteAre you, or anyone in your household, an employee or Elected Member at the Shire of York?
Staff and SOME Councillors may not be happy with the road the SP has taken the town and they are entitled to say so, without having to declare they are part of the LG.
DeleteStaff who do declare will only provide a glowing report - they would be stupid to do otherwise.
What has surprised me is the CEO allowing this question to be included?
I was surprised too, Maia.
DeleteI hope everybody responds honestly to the survey. What troubles me is that some people may use the online facility to respond several times!
The big question is - will the Shire President allow Mr Martin to give us the results of the survey?
ReplyDeleteStaff are just as entitled as us residents to put the truth about what they feel. That question as to whether the form was completed by a staff member or an elected member should never have been included. Whose bright idea was that question? Sound like a 'big brother is watching you question'
ReplyDeleteThe Survey was for ALL residents, Staff and Councillors should complete the form honestly and not declare their status.
Nothing has changed in the twelve months, because the Shire President is no better than Boyle or Hooper were at the job.
Wallace needs to remember two things (1) their is no i in team. (2) he is there FOR the community and should be protecting us, not the LG. If he wants to protect the LG, he should go and work with Jennifer Mathews.
I had hoped things would be different. It won't be until we get a Shire President with the courage to right the wrongs of the past. The LG is shit scared of the truth. All those involved in the disgusting way people in York were treated are protecting each other.
The problem, as I've said many times, is that when elections come round the people who get voted in tend on the whole to be the same people (or kinds of people) who got voted in before. If that isn't a recipe for cynicism and disappointment, I don't know what is.
DeleteWhen a majority of councillors, acting on an executive recommendation, vote to trash a policy to favour a councillor's mates, that signals incompetence or worse. When a majority of councillors vote, again on executive recommendation, to take money earmarked for repairs to the municipal pool - which lots of people use, especially children - and waste it on re-turfing the YRCC tennis courts, which only members of the tennis club use, you know for certain you're breathing the noisome air of Bonehead County.
My impression - and if I'm wrong, I apologise, and please tell me if I am - is that decisions about the YRCC are being made for the express purpose of shoring up political support for the Shire President from the sporting clubs and their bibulous hangers-on.
OK, it's easy just to be critical, so here's what I would be pressing for now if I had been elected to Council:
(1) a 5% reduction in rates in the next budget and a corresponding reduction as necessary in services and grants to organisations;
(2) a moratorium on spending on the YRCC, with closure of the so-called 'bar and cafe' and repair and maintenance restricted to safety and other legal requirements, pending public endorsement (perhaps via plebiscite) of a detailed business plan for Forrest Oval;
(3) urgent and primary focus into the foreseeable future on maintenance of roads, parks, pool and river, and beautification of the CBD;
(4) review of administration salaries, emoluments and staffing levels;
(5) use political means to ensure that CCC properly investigate purchase of Chalkies and other questionable transactions from former days;
(6) consider re-introduction of a ward system (pros and cons).
But I wasn't elected, so the best I can do is use my blog to remind residents of our fair shire that the current council and administration may not be, to borrow a phrase from Tony Abbott, 'the suppository of all wisdom' and that reckless spending of ratepayer funds to placate a minority of residents is likely to end up in tears before bedtime.
And I won't be putting my hand up for the polls later this year, because I know with absolute certainty that the neanderthals who worked hard to keep me out last time will work even harder to the same effect in 2017. So there you go, Trev, it's all yours again if you want it...
Trish Walters got in at the extra ordinary election unopposed James. You should have nominated also.
DeleteI agree nothing will change unless we get educated people with some kind of business experience who don't take the CEO's word on everything.
Ferro is the biggest disappointment. She is so blind to the manipulation it is sickening.
If I didn't work I would nominate but those who work would not do the position justice as time is needed to research all their LG speak against facts.
I do hope you'll reconsider James. There is after all one other decent Councillor so you'd not be completely alone.
Those who fight hard to keep people like you from being elected don't have the same support they once did.
S.W. is correct. I am also very disappointed in Ferro and regret giving her my vote.
DeleteWe need to get some educated people onto council.
Reconsider James, I also believe the support for those manipulating to keep good people out of council has declined.
I agree with S.W. - please consider, we need educated people on council.
DeleteWell, that's three votes - another 300 should get me over the line!
DeleteThanks for your support. I do have reasons other than the one I mentioned for being reluctant to stand. One of them is our old friend Anno Domini. Another is one of AD's inevitable companions. A third is one I've adverted to before, namely, that I know I would come under intolerable pressure to give up the blog and to conform in other ways to the petty and unconscionable restrictions imposed on councillors who believe in speaking their minds and being open and honest with the electors.
The DLGC's probity guru, Brad Jolly, recently described local governments as being 'autonomous'. I suppose that depends on what you mean by the word. I suppose they're about as autonomous as the Autonomous Region of Tibet in the People's Republic of China, probably less so.
Early last year, former Acting CEO Mark Dacombe threatened to dob in one of our current councillors to the DLG's Standards Panel for criticising - without mentioning the names of those responsible - an action of the administration. In Subiaco last year, the CEO dobbed in a councillor for sounding off about the business practices of Wilson Parking. That councillor was publicly censured by Jolly and his gang. So much for freedom of speech in Western Australia.
After three such censures, the DLG can stand down a councillor. How long do you think I'd last if I persisted in using this blog to keep residents informed about council's decision making processes and general goings-on?
Never forget what the DLG and a local 'convocation of politic worms' did to Matthew Reid for daring to make the case for open, honest and accountable government in York. Make no mistake, the system is fraudulent. Autonomous? I don't think so. I doubt that anybody does.
I'd take over the blog for you.
DeleteAfter a little research I stumbled across a document at headed Your Ref: YORK LOCAL COUNCIL FIASCO CONFIDENTIALWITHOUT PREJUDICE
ReplyDeleteIn part:
Mr. Keeble alleged that in his position as a Shire of York Councillor, Anthony Boyle, acted improperly by unilaterally waiving rates owed by the York Race Club to the Shire. This was a large sum ($160,000) and as Mr. Boyle is-or was a member and past president of the club there could be a clear Conflict-of-Interest. Given this, if the allegation is correct, there would appear to be just cause for you to dismiss Tony Boyle or ask him to step aside while the matter is investigated.
Mr. Keeble stated that the Minister for Local Government and Communities, Mr. Tony Simpson has the power to sack individual Local Government Councillors such as Boyle and Hooper but was both too weak to do so- and had too many unresolved issues with the amalgamation of Local Government Councils in the metropolitan area to care- or have the ability to handle simultaneously.A rather unflattering assessment you would think.
Mr. Keeble stated that the Deputy Chief-Executive-Officer of the Shire of York is not good at her job. Over a number of years (since January 2011), she has not made any reasonable attempt to improve her knowledge of a senior position in local government by seeking to gain appropriate tertiary qualifications and that the Shire's official correspondence library, of which she is in charge, is antiquated, inefficient and poorly structured.
Mr Keeble went on to say that he was attempting to "move Ms. Cochrane sideways".
The date of the above was October 29, 2014 (the full document makes interesting reading)
What a co-incidence just two weeks later this post appeared
Saturday, 15 November 2014
From a concerned member of the Shire of York administration staff who wishes to remain anonymous:
On Tuesday 4 November, Councillor Reid attended a meeting at the Shire administration office with Councillor Duperouzel and the CEO, Michael Keeble. Unbeknown to Councillor Reid, Councillors Boyle and Hooper were also in attendance.
When all were present, the CEO, Michael Keeble launched into a tirade of verbal abuse directed at Councillor Reid. This abuse was not the normal everyday spit the dummy abuse, this was off the scale, Michael Keeble shouted loud enough that he was heard to say. "sit down you fucking c*^t", not language you would expect to come from the Chief Executive Officer of Local Government. Michael Keeble was also heard to say "it's fucking you or me". The 'f' word was used on many occasions during the outburst. According to the source, at no time did Councilors Hooper, Boyle and Duperouzel attempt to diffuse the situation. The walls in administration office are apparently very thin and sound travels freely especially when voices are raised.
Councillors Duperouzel, Hooper and Boyle then called a special Council meeting to be held the following day. The official reason for the meeting was a vote of confidence in the CEO and unofficially a vote of no confidence in the Shire President, Councillor Duperouzel resigned after the meeting.A separation package for the CEO was to be discussed.
DeleteI know, its killing me as well, presumably there well be a part 2?
DeleteAnonymous6 February 2017 at 16:59 - Check out YORKS DEGUSTATION MENU it should help to relieve your anxiety.
DeleteWe suspected Ms. Cochrane was not qualified for the position she was being paid for. Even her ability to adequately handle the correspondence library was lacking. Explains why residents had so much trouble obtaining documents under FOI.
ReplyDeleteWhat did she file documents relating to the YRCC under - S for shredding?
Can Ratepayers ask for a refund on the grounds we didn't get value for money?
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why Mr Martin dosen't just call a spade a spade. It's obvious to those of us that have kept a close eye, that the just about everything RH and his idiotic team did has left behind a huge mess.
ReplyDeleteMr Martin and his newly appointed team have had to just draw a line in the sand and start most things anew.
The YRCC documents are a disaster along with a completely inadequate filing system for HR, FOI's, Assets etc. None of these things are his fault.
He should just call it as it is and declare the truth.
Then maybe the wider community would understand some of his decisions like hiring an Asset Manager. I know this is in both of the new Executives remit but everything has been so neglected for so long there are not enough hrs in the day.
Making a declaration of truth would throw a few deserving souls under the bus but at least when we get another rate rise there may be some justification and empathy.
I agree with you, Bill, but it can't happen. You must have heard the expression 'Dog doesn't eat dog'. In a bureaucratic context, this means that you don't openly draw public attention to the crimes, follies or misdemeanours of your predecessors in office.
DeleteIf CEO Martin told us the truth as you suggest, the DLGC probity gang would come down on him like the Assyrian in Byron's poem (or a ton of bricks, for those with less literary tastes).
Those scoundrels must have known about the mess SoY was in during the stewardship of you-know-who and his eldritch retinue of sprites. I say that because DLGC received hundreds of complaints from York residents between 2004 and 2014. But Mathews, Jolly et al. did nothing - until it looked as though SP Reid was about to spill the beans. Then they couldn't wait to suspend council and hound Matthew from office before dumping James Best on us and refusing to interfere when he screwed us over by purchasing Chalkies.
If CEO Martin started to release the gruesome facts to an astonished world, he would upset 'important' people with the power to stuff up his career. So like any good local government bureaucrat, he'll cover up the truth in the name of 'protecting the organisation'. (I borrowed that phrase from SP Dave 'Dog's Breakfast' Wallace.)
Local government in WA is a rort. Even the premier thinks and has said so, but don't expect him or his successors to do anything about it.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWhy removed?
DeleteWas it the reference to genus Sus?
DeleteSorry, Anonymous 10 February 2017 at 12:45, I had to delete your comment because I noticed after posting it that it contained defamatory material that exceeded the limits of qualified privilege.
DeleteHere's a slightly edited version, less colourful than yours but less likely to attract a writ.
"People who work for LG especially those high rankers are grotesquely remunerated specifically for that reason, silence money. LG is indeed rife with corruption, this doesn't necessarily mean thieving, we know from the actions of our very own Mr Hooper this happens, his saviour happened to be a dumb group of councillors (including the two incumbents Randell and Walters) who monthly approved his expenditure statements.
Wallace is the biggest disappointment, where was he when Hooper was using the system to his own ends? In fact where was he full stop? The YRCC for instance, I don't recall ever hearing the SP speak up about this subject other than when he nominated for council in 2013. That's nearly 4 years ago and he's done nothing and nor will he, not with hundreds of potential votes in the balance.
Yes, if the SP decides to re-stand in October, he'll need the clubs’ support to get him across the line. I don't believe he'll get much support from the majority of non-sport affiliated electors because he will not speak up, despite having much to say in the right environment depending who's listening.
I will never forgive Wallace for allowing the Department to torture then slay Matthew Reid by lingchi, while he stood in the wings knowing full well what was going on. His failure in this respect has been noted far and wide."
NOTE: 'Lingchi' (literally, 'slow slicing') is the barbaric ancient Chinese method of execution known in the West as 'death of a thousand cuts'. BTW, I think you've been unfair to Cr Walters, who generally did her best while besieged by bullies and fools.
Perhaps they can publish the Asset Managers Report when its done. Tht will show how bad things are and you don't really need to point fingers.
DeleteAlso the YRCC report when done will show profit snd losses plus wastage, wages etc. Again, if these reports are public they'll speak volumes
I too am very disappointed Wallace. We need a Shire President who is prepared to uncover the truth and expose it.
DeleteMoving forward it one thing, ignoring the damage to people and their businesses is not acceptable.
Maybe the next election will see a stronger person take the helm.
Bill: Feb 9.
ReplyDeleteCan't call spade a spade, 'cos others have been there before with a bloody great big shovel!
And sometimes it is still used.
I take the view that we need to hear the truth, whether some 'officials' at the Shire, like it or not.
This remains a democracy, until Putin tells us otherwise.
Is there protection these days for whistle blowers?
ReplyDeleteAll depends.The power of the people is probably the mightiest.
DeleteThings have changed and it has nothing to do with Wallace being Shire President.
DeleteWhat has changed is, as the truth is uncovered it gets posted on one or both blogs.
One way or the other the truth will be exposed. It would be in the best interests of the Council for the truth to be exposed by them rather than a whistleblower. If it comes via a whistle blower, it could be very embarrassing for LG.
If Wallace wants to be remembered for something good, all he has to do is give the order for the CCC to investigate the Shire's finances for the last 14 years, including all Credit Card usage and accounts for the construction costs of the YRCC.
It is what the majority of people want. Then, we can move forward.
To give every adult the opportunity to provide answer in the recent survey, two forms should have been sent to households where two names are listed on Rates notice. It is 2017 not 1800.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't the Shire of York take the opportunity to ask the following questions in the recent survey.
Do we want Ratepayers money spent on fixing stuff ups at the YRCC.
Do we want the YRCC handed back to the sport clubs.
Do we want Council to recommend a CCC investigation into all Shire's finances for the Hooper/Cochrane years.
Some of the questions on that survey were seriously out of order - like age, sex and whether a person is a councillor or staff member.
Does the Shire of York believe one sex is more capable of an opinion than the other?
Is the Shire of York only seeking the opinion of one sex in particular?
Is the Shire of York only seeking the opinion of people within a certain age group?
It is discrimination to ask if a person is employed at the Shire or a councillor.
Re- employment at Shire in survey. Everyone should be answering 'yes'. We are all providing, goods/services/funding etc., of some sort, mainly funding and more funding - and on and on.
ReplyDeleteSex and age- nothing to do with anything, unless of course they are trying to find out if we have turned Chinese, Indian and the like and trying to produce an all male population.
Still think they have students on work employment experience and they get them to devise the questions t give them something to do. Also mentioned before, the majority of my survey was most uneven, listing heavily to the "terrible" side.
Actually Jan its a company who cost us $15k to do the survey. Students could do it though as it was far from complex.