Monday 10 April 2017


 Note: new material added 17042017

Shire of York thumbs its nose at Competitive Neutrality, uses ratepayers’ money to subsidise costly seafood meals for local gourmands and visitors to the town

York hostelries set to lose out again this Easter in the battle for the tourist dollar

Easter used to be a prosperous time for businesses in York.

 Sunny weather, plenty of visitors seeking a pleasant weekend away from the city, interesting things to do and see, money changing hands in local restaurants, cafés, hotels and shops, an atmosphere of cheerful optimism pervading the CBD, happy faces everywhere—what more could a rural community ask?

Well, that’s what it used to be like.   The tourists still come, perhaps in smaller numbers, but now there are many fewer businesses in town to benefit from their largesse.

One hotel, the magnificent Imperial, has stood empty for several years, and is rumoured to be awaiting resurrection as an office block (surely somebody is having us on). 

The others, the Castle and the York, don’t seem to be doing anything like as well as in happier times.  Both the York and Settlers are struggling hard to regain their former glory after years of bearing ‘Closed’ signs on their respective front doors. 

As for restaurants and cafés, the one that used to be Bugatti’s is closed, Mad Mo along the Terrace is fighting to survive, Yorkie’s carriage has not survived the vicissitudes of management changes—the last especially catastrophic—and the small establishment across the street from the Castle has also faded away. 

As for Saint’s Diner…

Thank goodness for Jules and the Flourmill Café, both of which still manage to attract locals and tourists alike and against all odds seem still to be doing well, though probably nothing like as well as they deserve.

In a recent issue of the Weekend West, the former proprietor of the Imperial, now settled in Albany and doing very nicely there, thank you, alluded to the period when his hotel in York prospered.  That, he told a reporter, was ‘before they killed the town’.

I think we all know who the unspecified ‘they’ might be.  In fact, most of them still walk cockily among us, middle fingers pointing resolutely heavenwards, faces permanently wreathed in a sly and jolly grin because they are confident that whatever their fellow ratepayers may demand, the Shire of York will go on propping up their favourite watering hole, courtesy of ratepayers, with a generous wad of cash.

‘They’ are folk who have been happy to sacrifice the welfare of local businesses and a majority of residents to the interests of the sporting clubs and the middle-aged and elderly club hangers-on who regularly avail themselves of subsidised grub and grog in the Shire’s licensed tavern, now doing brisk business as the Forrest Bar and Café.

At the risk of providing that enterprise with free advertising, I reproduce below its splendid bill of fare for the coming Easter weekend. It was emailed to me yesterday by a kind friend of this blog.

Forrest Bar and Café
Seafood menu selection

Bar opens 11am & meals service commences 5.30pm

Oysters Natural with two dressings $14 (6 oysters)

Asian-style squid and noodle salad $15

Creamy smoked salmon fettucine $18

Thai seafood laksa $18

Sizzling chilli garlic prawns and bread $20

Veal Parmigiana with chips OR spaghetti $20

Snapper fillet & chips – either grilled or battered $20

Chilli mussels, to your liking, served with bread $20

Seafood Mornay pie served with chips $25

Reef and beef: Scotch fillet with prawns, garlic sauce &
served with either chips/salad or potato/veges $33
Extras: Chips or Side salad $4, Sweet potato wedges $5.50

Kids’ $7 meals
Fish bites and chips
Small serve of lasagne and chips Nuggets and chips
Small spaghetti Bolognaise

Desserts $7.50
Rich chocolate mousse
Sticky date pudding and butterscotch sauce Easter rocky road cheesecake

Scrumptious offerings indeed, at extremely competitive prices—about 20-30% less, I’d say, than a customer could expect to stump up for equivalent fare in a privately owned bistro or restaurant, and well worth a trip out of town away from the CBD.   

Such is the power of a Shire of York subsidy.

It’s not far-fetched to suggest that when tourist families dine at the Forrest Bar and Restaurant, the open-handed ratepayers of York treat them to dessert and possibly the kids’ meals as well.

I suppose that for York residents who dine there, the Forrest Bar and Café provides a convenient opportunity to scratch back a few dollars of the outlandish rates sucked out of their pockets by a rapacious local government year after year.

But at what cost to the welfare of the town? How many more businesses are destined for the gurgler if the Forrest Bar and Restaurant continues to draw people away from the centre of town?

How many empty shops must we have before York's hospitality industry, already diminished, finally sickens and dies?

NB: You can find the above menu on the Shire of York website at


Submissions are now available on the Shire of York website

In a comment appended to my previous posted article, I mentioned that I had responded with couple of questions to a letter from Ms Suzie Haslehurst, Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services.

In her reply, Suzie informed me that the submissions formed part of the agenda for the April meeting of Council.  You will find them at

 The Shire received a total of 12 submissions, comprising two from sporting clubs (Lawn Tennis and Bowling, signed respectively by club presidents Gary Lawrence and Pat Hooper), two from local businesses (York Olive Oil Company and York Palace Hotel), and the remainder from ‘the community’.

One of the community submissions was the work of Mrs Sheryl Russo, who as the spouse of the manager of the Forrest Bar and Café mysteriously omitted to declare an interest—unlike Nola and Richard Bliss, of the York Palace Hotel, who as we would all no doubt expect of them scrupulously observed the proprieties.

Other community submissions came from Deanne Slater, Bill Roy, Tanya Richardson, Jan Underwood, Roma Paton, Kirrie and Jamie Edis, and your humble and obedient servant, me.

The Shire has prefaced the submissions collectively with a useful synopsis of each one.  This reveals that five of them advert positively to the ‘User Pays’ principle while a sixth states that users should pay ‘standard industry fees’, which is at least a nod in the same direction.

I'll have more to say about the submissions when I’ve given them full and earnest consideration.   Meanwhile, here is the text of the exchange so far of emails between Suzie Haslehurst and me.

From: James Plumridge []
Sent: Sunday, 9 April 2017 2:05 PM
To: Records <>
Subject: I159723 - CCP.7 - YRCC Submission

Attention Suzie Haslehurst, EMCCS

Dear Suzie,

I refer to your letter of 4 April 2017.

Please let me know (a) if the 'proposed options' referred to in your letter include only the options canvassed in your discussion paper and not others that may have been proposed in submissions from the public, and (b) if those submissions will be published (presumably on the Shire's website) before the 'workshopping' process is due to begin.

Yours sincerely

James Plumridge

On 13/04/2017 3:58 PM, Suzie Haslehurst wrote:

Dear James

Thank you for your email on 10 April.  In answer to your queries, the agenda for the April Council meeting is now on the Shire’s website and you’ll note the public submissions received have been included both for Council’s and the public’s information.  As outlined in the agenda report, we’re now collecting supporting information from other Shires following site visits and this information, along with the submissions received will inform the selection of options to be workshopped by Council and then with stakeholders.


Suzie Haslehurst
Executive Manager
Corporate & Community Services
Shire of York 

On 13/04/2017 5:24 PM, I replied:

Dear Suzie

Thank you for your response.

Who are the 'stakeholders' you refer to?  Does the term include ratepayers in general, or is it restricted to representatives of sporting clubs and perhaps habitual users of the tavern?

I would suppose that every one of York's ratepayers, without exception, has a considerable 'stake' in the future of the YRCC.


James Plumridge


  1. How dare the Shire of York use my money to provide subsidised food at the YRCC Tavern over Easter.

    Whose idiotic idea was this?

    Locals should head to town over the weekend and tell visitors the Shire is forcing ratepayers against their will to subsidise meals purchased at the Tavern.

    It's just like when Ray Hooper was running the Shire! He destroyed Saint's diner and seems the Shire won't be satisfied until they have the monopoly on food.

    York will become known for its empty CBD shops and the most homes for sale.

    The CEO wants to promote York for festivals, here's one he will have no problem with - CBD Empty shop Festival.

  2. Where does the fish come from? Is it guaranteed to be product of Australia or is it imported?

    I only buy fish I can run a Geiger counter over.

  3. I remember having fish and chips at Yorkies Coffee Carriage when Jenny and Mike had it some four years ago,and I'm pretty sure fish and chips was $22 back then. Yet the YRCC are charging only $20. That makes no commercial sense. No wonder it's costing so much.

    Enough is enough. How dare my rates be this high when things like this are continuing.

    Give yhe the bloody thing to the clubs, find another way to pay the debt and move on.

    They should start by taking JB to court. He's a bloody snake and I'll lose all respect for the CEO and Council if they don't.

  4. What about property owners being given a 25% subsidy on their rates?

    If councillors believe it's fair for one business in York to receive a subsidy to keep that business from failing, then it has to be fair right across the board. Otherwise, it is discrimination.

    Ramifications of ratepayers money being used to subsidise food at the Shire operated Tavern obviously were never thought through.

    Come on Councillors, admit it was a stupid decision and put a stop to it. It could gain you a bit of respect from the community which, from all accounts, is dwindling rapidly.

    1. Are blog readers throughout W.A. aware York ratepayers are being forced to subsidise meals at the Shire owned Forrest Bar and Cafe while privately owned food outlets in York struggle?

      Message to Visitors - Please support York's privately run food outlets.

  5. well James here is a insight for your readers.
    I pay a rates bill of 6k per year and reading their menu i should just go to a meeting bend over and let them finish me off.

  6. A friend of mine tells me that they are paying around $18,000.00/ann. in rates, and can't even get the Shire to grade their driveway in, off the road. And they take their own rubbish to the tip and don't have the convenience of a shire roadside pick up each year.

    Perhaps they should take their family to the Tavern at least once a day and feed the family. Cheap, good quality food, save money, shopping and cooking/dishes etc.

    Cannot believe that the Shire only got 12 submissions, regarding the YRRC.

    After all the people who complained on this blog and other venues - how lazy can you be?

    What are you all waiting for? Someone else to fight your battles?

    While I am disappointed, why am I not surprised?
    Same old, same old.

    You get what you deserve. Disgraceful!

    I am so disappointed that there was only 12 submissions to the shire regarding the YRRC.

    1. I wonder if laziness is really the problem, Jan. Perhaps it's fear - the unwelcome legacy of years of oppression under the old regime. Even nowadays, when dissidents are no longer subject to surprise visits from rangers and other Shire functionaries when they upset the powers that be, people are still overwhelmingly reluctant to identify themselves when posting comments on this blog.

      When making a submission to the Shire, you have to say who you are. Many residents might still regard that as a problem if they think that what they write could upset local officialdom. I don't share that opinion, but then, I don't have a timorous nature. I believe in fighting the good fight, come what may.

    2. Or maybe they don't see any solution to the YRCC problem other than to close it. Maybe they see little point wasting their time, knowing that'll never happen.

      Or maybe they stood up and lodged a submission/protest when it was first proposed and were ignored.

      Or maybe they just don't care.

    3. Some care, but sink into despair,
      While others, caring, do not dare.
      Come, friend, stand up, and raise your voice:
      Apathy is the coward's choice.


  7. To Paul Martin,

    I’m writing this letter regarding the YRCC and the time been spent on this issue. Looking at council minutes and agendas the shire is spending a lot of time focused on the YRCC. I would like to know as a rate payer that the cost of the all the reviews, drive arounds to other clubs and meetings aren’t a waste of money that somehow it is going to improve the community and tourism. There are more important projects in York that need addressing and tourism is a big key to this. Avon Accommodation had a guide staying for 2 days recently, the review that was done was interesting and speaking to the guide on the phone I found that the accommodation got a bad review because the town is boring with nothing open and looking tired including the tourist centre closed for 2 days. As a tourism operator in my 5th year in York I see nothing has changed and when we ask the council to look at improving this we get the run around or monies get put into backwater Sport centres. Business operators are facing a bleak future in town with the shire turning their backs on the businesses on Avon Terrace, businesses are improving our business everyday with no returns on their investments. I spoke to the guide and stated that the shire was putting their effort into the YRCC now and the shire was now competing against its ratepayers she was amazed to see the main street looking so neglected and tired, but thousands of dollars is being spent on repairing and council reporting on the YRCC. The point of this is that we need a community sports centre, but those people need jobs and those jobs are in the main street and commercial park. The council must be so stupid to think that sinking money into the YRCC is worth it. I been saying for the last 3 years that York need to wake up and stop peddling the same bullshit.

    Projects that would help
    • Greening Avon terrace
    • Alfresco area this is waiting to be approved

    1. Paul Martin doesn't make the decisions about how Shire funds are spent. That's Council's job. His is essentially to implement Council's decisions while ensuring that those decisions are lawful and advising Council accordingly.

      So your concerns, which I and many others share, would be better addressed to your elected representatives on Council - in particular, to Shire President Wallace, who is definitely 'the leader of the band' and probably the person driving debate on the future of the YRCC.

      Bear in mind, though, that SP Wallace, as a life member and former president of the Hockey Club, has a vested interest in the outcome of Council's deliberations on the matter. I'm sure I'm not the only person who noticed the absence of a submission from the Hockey Club. Perhaps the club already has a shrewd idea of what that outcome is likely to be and felt no need to press its case in public.

      I have to say I disagree with your assertion that York needs a community sports centre. I believe the town was better off in many ways before it got one. The eyesore we now have has done nothing to encourage tourism or to promote the welfare of the whole community. Unfortunately we're stuck with it, so our best hope lies in finding some way to reduce spending on it and diminish its baleful impact on the CBD. Closing the bar and cafe would be a good way to start.

    2. I think Maurice put his point over very well James.

    3. My Understanding is the Hockey Club is independent of YRCC at this stage. The community needs a sports center but not a tavern or cafe on site. if reading this right the directors decision on granting the tavern lic to the shire than the council has breached it many times and it is so simple.

      It states as follows page 10 section 38 conditions set down /trading conditions:

      Food is to be available at all times during trading hours.

      so if you look at the advertising flyer it states bar opens at 11am but no food til 5:30pm

      so the shire is the lic holder which is the CEO responsibility in the end to uphold all laws or direct his staff to do so.

      i dont speak out in public any more as i been put through hell in this town but that small majority but i like this site to raise issues.

    4. Anonymous20 April 2017 at 16:08 - you are correct about the breach of the liquor licence conditions. The ratepayers will be hit with the fine!

      It is a perfect opportunity for the Shire CEO to pull the licence.

    5. Anonymous 20 April 2017 at 16:08 - I've checked the conditions attached to the liquor licence, and you're absolutely right in what you say. The Shire as licensee is in breach of the conditions regarding provision of food while alcohol is being served. I understand that in this context, 'food' means something more substantial than gherkins, nuts and chips.

      A further condition is that 'When a sporting event is taking place at the venue, the sale, supply and consumption of liquor is prohibited'. I believe that junior sporting events were in train at the Forrest Oval complex during the Easter Holiday. In that case, it would be futile for the Shire to argue that 'the venue' refers only to the licensed premises, because junior sporting events aren't usually held in a pub!

    6. This error is inexcusable. The person running the Forest Cafe & Bar must have been given a copy of the Licence Rules, so can't claim ignorance.

      How come the Shire President didn't notice the breach?

    7. How come it was left to a member of the public to expose the two serious breaches of the LLAct by the Forrest Bar and Cafe?
      Ratepayers are paying big money to staff at the YRCC, the Administration and councillors. How come they all missed this error? What about members of the YRCC advisory committee, they should have also known the rules. How many of them availed themselves of the 'fuel without food' service? 

Please don't tell us this was a minor clerical error, thats the sort of cover up we got from Ray, Cockrane and Mazuik.

Anonymous20 April 2017 at 16:08 you were very smart not to use a name. As you already know, Shire mistakes publicly exposed in York don't go down well by those responsible and councillors won't thank you.

    8. Can someone tell us who decided the name Forrest Bar & Cafe, and when this happened? I do not recall it going through council or being put out to the public for suggestions or comments.

      Does this by any chance indicate the Shire's Liquor Licence has been changed without ratepayers being involved?

  8. Well said.
    Many residents in York will agree with you and the recent survey confirms it. A lot of residents are ashamed of the tired shabbiness of the CBD.

    I suspect the CEO and senior staff also agree with you. The recent paint grant shows they at least realise the tired appearance of the CBD.

    Give us some shade trees in Avon Terrace.

    Why is the Alfresco still waiting approval - how hard is it to say YES!


    "All facilities at the Forrest Oval Precinct need to be reviewed regarding usage, associated costs and how to recoup costs."

    No shit Sherlock!

    Im convinced the man either just has no conscience or Alzheimers.

    1. Pat Hoopers submission is no surprise to people with a working brain.

    2. Pat, generating revenue does not equate to covering costs. How can something subsidised, using Ratepayers money, be considered as covering it's costs?

      We can be thankful Pat didn't take up accountancy as a profession.

  10. Several points to mention, on some of the above. In the last few local papers, 'The Echo' and 'A.Valley', York Shire has advertised for someone to take on the old Tennis Club Premises, and one or two other things (can't remember right now, will come back, I hope) and also in the latest 'Better Homes and Gardens' they are advertising tours around W.A. including calling into York and looking around at this 'Historic Town'. At what? This is scary. This is a magazine with huge T.V audience and media news outlets all over Australia, and they are telling people to look at us. Street looks v. poor, venues closed or only open part time.

    I was pleased to see the other Saturday, having been out of town, thought I might call into the Post Office and collect mail, on the way home.

    Pleasingly, there was NO room anywhere in Avon Terrace. Cars parked from down near the Sandalwood yards, and continuing on right down to past the Town Hall. Place was absolutely packed. And that was midday, on. I figured the bills could wait for a day or two to be collected.
    I hope and trust some of our town businesses made a bit of money that day.

    Regarding tourists in this town, some time ago I gave Jim, a copy of an article I found from the late 1980s or thereabouts, regarding tourism, places to visit and stay, one day stops and overnight stopovers. Fabulous pic. of Town Hall and great article.

    This is how it used to be - ALL the time, then.

    Time you put this one up, Jim. Show them how it used to be.

  11. Prior to the 1980s the town was run by the Town Clerk Jack Ashbolt and his assistant who proved more than their worth. Since the employment of the CEO and Cohorts the town has gone further than backwards it is in financial strife and is not being helped by having to pay excessive salaries to the present overstaffed overpaid Shire Office staff.

    1. The Shire President and councillors all pass the financials every month! They have the capacity, but lack the courage, to to reign in the spending.
      Nothing has changed, other than the ever increasing debt!

  12. To the anonymous person who submitted a comment last night containing a serious accusation of criminal dishonesty against a well-known resident of York: Please appreciate that I cannot publish your comment because to the best of my knowledge and belief the accusation is untrue and therefore defamatory, not only under civil but also under criminal law. The facts as reported to me by several other people do not support the conclusion you appear to have drawn from them. The individual concerned wasn't, as you say, 'actually caught' doing what your comment suggests. If you are convinced that your conclusion is correct, you are free to communicate it to the authority you mention, or indeed to the police, but unless you actually witnessed the event in question, are sure of the facts and are willing to swear to them in court you need to be wary of going down either of those roads. I respectfully suggest you get legal advice before taking further action of any kind.
