Friday 13 July 2018


York identity finds mysterious symbol inscribed in mud on way home from early morning ramble

A prominent local fitness fanatic photographed an extraordinary piece of artwork this morning while walking his dog.  Here it is:

(Click to enlarge)
It is on display at the site of the new caravan park, i.e. on the less salubrious side of the river.  I’m told the area is frequently visited by persons of interest to the police.

Opinion is divided regarding the artwork’s origin and purpose.  Suggestions so far are that it represents:

(a) York’s answer to the Cerne Abbas Giant;

(b) A message of thanks to the people of York, left by a group of extra-terrestrial aliens from Alpha Centauri flown in as tourists to enjoy subsidized grog and grub at the Forrest Bar and Café;

(c)   A design for a statue of a former shire president, to be erected on the slopes of Mount Brown;

(d) A sketch for a portrait of a Facebook jockey and former councillor who is currently exhibiting unmistakable symptoms of relevance deprivation;

(e) The credit card signature of a former CEO;

(f)  An outline of road works meant to have been commenced several months ago but forgotten about in the kerfuffle following the unexpected ‘resignation’ of an executive manager—not so much a fly-by-night as a flash in the pan.

What do you think?  Your reply please in a plain brown envelope addressed to Shire President David Wallace at Shire of York, Joaquina Street, York WA 6302.

The best reply will be rewarded with a scrumptious cooked breakfast for the respondent’s dog prepared by the shire president (the breakfast, not the dog).   Second prize is an evening for two, all expenses paid, of carousing at the famed Gwamby Tavern.

Warning: your entry will be ignored if you fail to show proof that you have lived in York for at least 120 years.

The Cerne Abbas Giant

A couple of ETs snapped on their way to the Forrest Bar and Cafe



  1. "Ooh, you are awful, but I like you"

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Come off it, Anonymous, don't you think 'slothful' is going too far?

    2. Yes Anonymous 13 July @ 17:03, I see it now you’ve pointed it out, obviously you are a connoisseur of the arts. It is a self-portrait. Initially I thought it was depiction of a shoot of new growth extending from between two rocks toward the sunlight, but now I realise, it’s a big dick.

    3. Or maybe it is a directional marker pointing toward a big wet squelchy malodorous sinkhole.

    4. Too which wet squelchy malodorous sinkhole do you refer anon 21.46, York has a number of such phenomenon. The first being the shire coffers or are you reffering to the Avon Tce dissappearing waterfall.
      I will leave it to your imagination as to what other sinkholes exist in this town of gaiety and opulence.

    5. The one that smells of carrion.


  3. WTF is the Cerne Abbas giant?

    1. Uneducated morons, some people.

      That's quite some boner in the pic, there's not many of us about, apparently.

    2. The Cerne Abbas Giant is a chalk figure about 55 metres high displayed on a hill not far from the village of Cerne Abbas in the English county of Dorset.

      It is generally believed to have been carved into the hillside by a 17th century shire engineer.

      However, some archaeologists regard it as a paleolithic representation of a primitive hominid, homo erectus, said to have stalked its prey among the hills and valleys of southern England well into the modern era.

      See the photo just posted above.

    3. You are correct James, it is generally believed to have been carved by a 17th century shire engineer, his measuring stick is clearly visible as is his club, which, reminds me of a motivating ye olde story about an engineer.

      Once upon a time in a small parochial town somewhere in middle earth, a party of serfs happened upon a shire engineer stood over the lifeless bloated body of an evil chieftain.

      The head serf exclaimed; “Wow! Did you kill that evil chieftain?”

      “Yes”, replied the engineer.

      "But the evil chieftain was very powerful and you're not!"

      “Yes”, said the engineer.

      "How on earth did you kill him?" asked the head serf.

      "With my club," said the engineer.

      "Wow"! "It must be a big club," said the head serf.

      “Yes” said the engineer, “there are at least one hundred of us”.

  4. Might be (c) - are they scratch marks from the bushes?

    Does the line across the road represent 'the line in the sand' the Shire President drew to bury the past so he didn't have to deal with it?

  5. Seems Shire Presidents never learn, secrets kept from the people are a recipe for egg on face!

  6. (c) Bragging as usual!

  7. a); but Marree Man ( not some Dorsetine nobody has heard of.

    1. A comparison with Marree Man would be more patriotic and politically correct, but you have to admit he is much less impressive than the Dorset giant with regard to his reproductive equipment.

      Besides, these days I'm always careful to avoid the pitfall of cultural misappropriation. I don't wish to be named and shamed on Twitter by a virtue-signalling collective of indignant millennials.

  8. Anonymous 17 July 21:19, don't be so bloody silly, the Marree Man's pecker is not erect, whereas Dorset Dave as he's colloquially known, has pecker any red blooded male would be proud of, and one which would cause the eyes of any wench to water, not to mention irrigating the shaded parts.

  9. John can you tell us how you know so much about the size and ability of Dorset Dave's pecker?

    1. FFS, look at the photo of the 50 metre figure of a man etched into the Dorset landscape, then ask how I know about Dave's pecker, as for the ability to turn on the tap, you tell me.

    2. Get a grip on yourself, John Thomas. This thread is getting out of hand.

  10. I recognise the ET on the right. He forgot to put his cat mat on.

    1. 'Behold, my brother Esau is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man' (Jacob to his mother Rebekah, Gen. 27:11).

      By 'cat mat', are you referring to a peruke or some other kind of artificial covering for a bald pate? If so, I think I can guess the identity of our local Jacob. It's been claimed that a bald scalp is a solar panel for a sex machine, so our friend might be well advised to ditch the cat mat and rejoice in the opportunity to revive what might otherwise remain a flagging libido. Bald pride! Bald is good! My own bald spot enlarges year by year, and I'm happy to vouch for its efficacy.

  11. At least you don't wear a cat mat!
