Secrecy in government is the first step on the path to corruption
Thursday, 24 September 2015
‘O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these
III Sc.1
Like many others in York, I was shocked and saddened by Matthew Reid’s
decision to resign not only from the office of Shire President but also from
the Shire Council.
His honest and eloquent resignation speech on Monday evening, and his
letter of resignation addressed to the Acting CEO, would have left nobody in
any doubt as to why he has taken that step.
He and his family have suffered much because, unlike his predecessors
in office, he moved to follow the path of reform instead of sitting back and
allowing the shire cart to rumble on in the same sordid rut as before.
Matthew Reid aimed to expose and correct the wrongs of the past and
make the Shire as a whole, Council and administration, accountable to the
community it exists to serve.He
wanted justice and fair play for the good people of York.
He was instrumental in—shall we say—convincing a certain former CEO
that after nearly ten years of virtually absolute rule over York it was time
for him to up stakes and slink back in disgrace to his lair in Alexander
By persuading Council to authorise the investigation that led to the Fitz
Gerald Report, he alerted us to the culture of bullying, nepotism, patronage, favouritism
and persecution in which some shire councillors and employees appear to have
chosen or been forced to become enmeshed over many years.
Councillors come and go, but some of the employees concerned still
occupy lucrative positions with the Shire.
All of those individuals played their part, for their own venal and far
from obscure reasons, in undermining Shire President Reid.
In this they were expertly assisted by officers of the Department of
Local Government, notably David Morris and Brad Jolly.They too, and their departmental
colleagues, also had their reasons, to which I have adverted many times in this
blog and elsewhere.
Mr. Morris compiled the ludicrous and deceitful ‘Show Cause’ Notice
that led to Minister Tony Simpson’s recommending the Governor to suspend Council.
The full story of Mr. Jolly’s role in the suspending of Council and the
appointing of James Best both as commissioner for and consultant to the Shire
of York is yet to be told.
What came over loud and clear on Monday evening, and is reinforced by
Shire President Reid’s letter of resignation, is that he and his supporters Crs
Smythe and Wallace were confronted at every turn by a stubborn and I believe
illicit policy of obstruction operating in the Shire. This policy, exemplified in
the conduct of the Acting CEO, was orchestrated by a very small but powerful
group of senior employees.
The Shire President’s letter is testament to this.He writes:
‘I was elected on a platform
of open and accountable local government with transparency, community
consultation and collaboration…Unfortunately I do not believe that the current
council administration or the Department of Local Government have the same
commitment…As a consequence of this resistance to change the processes and
accountability I have decided to resign…’
You can read the full text
of the letter, along with some excellent analysis from David Taylor, on the
Shire of York Blog at
Something that
surprised me in Matthew’s speech and letter is his expression of gratitude to
Minister Simpson and extolling of the minister’s virtues.
I don’t for a
moment doubt Matthew’s sincerity, but I find it hard to repress the suspicion
that the Minister was stringing him along.
If Tony Simpson
had really had our Shire President’s, or the Shire’s, best interests at heart,
he would not have accepted his department’s recommendation to have Council
suspended.In particular, he would
have paid more attention to Council’s response to the Show Cause Notice.He might even have bothered to read it.
Above all, he
would have rejected the department’s recommendation of James Best as
commissioner and consultant.
In this
connection, it might have been wise for the Minister to explore the possibility
that Mr. Jolly and Mr. Best may have constituted what is sometimes called a
mutual admiration society.
Personally, I
cannot forgive Minister Simpson’s flippant, insulting and contemptuous response
to my suggestion that he should accept a significant measure of responsibility
for the calamitous appointment of James Best as commissioner and its
His statement—no
doubt crafted by Mr. Jolly or somebody very like him—that there was nothing he
could do about the purchase of ‘Chalkies’ from the owners of Faversham House
and the York Palace Hotel amounts to a dishonourable evasion of his duty to our
So too does his
failure to offer any kind of reparation to the Shire of York or to forward
information about the transaction to the Corruption and Crime Commission.
So I’m sorry
Matthew, with all due respect I cannot join you in your praise of Minister
Simpson.The best thing I can
bring myself to say about him is that he may be no better or worse than an
emasculated prisoner of his senior bureaucrats.
However, I come not
to bury but to praise you.You are
a good, highly intelligent and honest man, worthy of our gratitude and respect,
a giant beside the mental and moral primitives who bullied you and made your job
I believe that
without the relentless undermining by disloyal colleagues, and the dishonest
and self-interested actions of the Department of Local Government, you would
have been able to achieve everything you set out to do for our shire.
As I told you
after you had made your resignation speech, I cannot say how sad I am that
you have decided to step down from office as shire president and councillor.
God alone knows
how the new council will get along without you.Good leaders in these discordant days are very hard to find.
Written, authorised and published
by James Plumridge, 14 Harriott Street, York WA 6302.
From Tuesday’s West Australian
York turmoil as council president resigns
The upheaval at the Shire of York has
continued, with president Matthew Reid resigning just two months after
the council was reinstated.
It is understood Mr Reid resigned on Monday night but his resignation will not take effect until October 17.
Reid’s resignation follows a tumultuous time for York council, which
was suspended in January over concerns about its ability to manage the
operations of the shire and provide good governance.
June the Corruption and Crime Commission found the shire had dealt
appropriately with misconduct allegations and the council was reinstated
in July.
Mr Reid’s resignation letter cited
concerns about a lack of commitment in both the council administration
and the Department of Local Government to deliver “open and accountable
governance at the Shire of York”.
“I was elected on a
platform of open and accountable local government with transparency,
community consultation and collaboration,” he wrote.
“Every decision I have made and every action I have undertaken has been with the aim of honouring these commitments.
I do not believe the current council administration or the Department
of Local Government have the same commitment or desire to bring about
the changes that I believe are necessary to deliver open and accountable
governance at the Shire of York.
“From time to time
I have faced the dilemma that as Shire President I am compelled to
express views, provide answers to questions and make statements that
have not necessarily been in line with my own view, beliefs and
understanding of events.”
He said the role required a full-time commitment he was unable to continue.
Reid’s resignation follows the shire’s loss of two chief executives
last year, one of which was accompanied by allegations of abuse from
At the time the council was suspended in
January Mr Reid expressed disappointment in the decision, arguing
instead the State Government should appoint a panel with the powers of a
royal commission to investigate corporate governance issues dating back
10 years.
Love the photo - shame the West Australian was not up to date with the fact that particular business (Saint's Diner) was closed by because of harassment by incompetent, unqualified staff at the Shire of York.
A sad casualty of the Hooper regime, hopefully one which will never be allowed to happen again. One issue you need to address James should you be unlucky enough to be voted on to Council, is that there has to be a level playing field for businesses, just because a particular business owner is not flavour of the month with Council, Council should abuse its power by relentlessly pursuing that person. While at the same time, a business owner who is flavour of the month slips under the radar and Council simply turns a blind eye. Everything action a Council takes has to be 'in the best interest of the public', this was Matthews ethos but sadly not one the Department shares.
Although most have probably figured it out, 'not' should be in "just because a particular business owner is not flavour of the month with Council, Council should abuse its power by relentlessly pursuing that person"; i.e." just because a particular business owner is not flavour of the month with Council, Council should NOT abuse its power by relentlessly pursuing that person." Just in case..
I don't know how the Department and senior staff live with themselves! These people even if void of conscience, still are paid good money to do the best they can for York. Even if they really hate Matthew, which obviously they do, they must see that he is who the people want. That just shows they couldn't care less about us.
You're absolutely right, Cadre, by hating our resounding choice of Councillor as shown by our phenomenal vote, the Matthew-haters have thumbed their noses as the people they are responsible to do their best for; one staff member twice spoke to me as though Matthew were 'the devil incarnate' for his efforts to clean things up.
I regard both favouritism and persecution in government as forms of corruption. If elected, I will do my best to ensure that every resident and business owner is treated with scrupulous fairness and that every decision and action of the Shire of York is in the public interest and consistent with the demands of equity and merit.
More important than electing me is making sure that individuals who might want to go back to the bad old days are kept out of office. Be careful whom you vote for, now and in the by-election. Forward to a better York or back to the future: the choice is yours.
Anonymous24 September 2015 at 18:13 - being a female I can only imagine the pain! May that wish be extended to include all those involved in the relentless persecution of Matthew Reid.
No matter how much Matthew now tells us Minister Simpson is a good guy - sorry Matthew that is a big ask. Minister Simpson believed and acted on lies he was told by Shire of York Senior Staff, Staff within the Dept. Local Government and that Minority Report penned by Pat Hooper. IF Minister Simpson IS a good guy, let him prove it to us by prosecuting and dismissing each and every one of those people under the Public Service Code of conduct for lying!
I am not sure how Jenni Law (Dept. Local Government) could sit through Matthews resignation and show absolutely no emotion - no guilt, no embarrassment- nothing. These bloody people are not human!
I repeat my piece of 23 Sept 2015 at 20:16 on this blog, by way of adding appreciation of Matthew and why he did what he did last Monday: [At Monday's Ordinary Council Meeting, just prior to Matthew's resignation speech], Mr Krieg spoke for many people and with authority. He has held responsible and respected positions and has a strong grasp of right and wrong. He was a worthy spokesman for us all. No-one there could have labelled him as 'just another troublemaker' as some people have done of others who were trying to get openness and accountability — something that should be afforded to all as a matter of course.
We ourselves (30 present in the gallery) showed our respect for Matthew by standing in unison to honour his efforts on behalf of York, against a tide of obfuscation and power games.
Once he had announced his resignation, Matthew felt freer to reveal how he had been required, by advice given him, to respond to queries in ways that did not fit with his conscience, and that whatever he and the current Councillors had tried he had been met with blocks all the way, that directives to the A/CEO were ignored, etc...
PART 2 We ourselves have seen examples of obfuscation by the A/CEO in letters of reply to enquiries, by his writing garbled sentences, for instance. When asked for clarification, he has sent replies that were equally meaningless or irrelevant, such as out-of-context quotes out of policies with no direct relation to what was asked, or quoting a latin legal phrase which has totally ne bearing on the status of the matter in hand and again was totally irrelevant to the situation. In at least one instance I was witness to, he dragged a third party into a ratepayer's correspondence to him, and in writing to the third party as well as the original correspondent he revealed private information belonging to the original ratepayer to that third party, while not mentioning it to the original correspondent. He recently wrote to another ratepayer about an issue relating to a totally different person residing the opposite side of the river to the person he wrote to, about an issue that has nothing to do with the person he wrote to. Under the influence of our disastrous former Commissioner he constantly refused to enact at least one matter which Council passed to be acted upon late last year, and since Matthew's return has continued to refuse to enact that directive. He also sent at least one FOI response which consisted entirely of 4 pages of black squares and black oblongs, every word being thus redacted. What disrespect to the ratepayer, and what a waste of photocopier ink — ink we ratepayers pay for.
These are but a few simple examples known to me of the intransigency of this A/CEO. If these few are known to me there must be many more known to others.
It is therefore totally understood how our Shire President found his authority to direct the A/CEO thwarted at every turn, and totally understandable how he found himself with no option (for the sake of his own integrity, the welbeing of his family, and the need for a drastic solution) but to make the ultimate stand against a situation which is not working, and which is totally untenable, given the intransigence of the players involved — and which was constantly putting him in the 'damned if you do and damned if you don't' position, regardless of his own integrity and the authority which rightfully goes with being part of Council and being Shire President (the one Shire President ever to be voted into Council with such a magnificent majority of ratepayer votes)
Matthew deserves our gratitude for contributing his best against the odds, and deserves to be able to get on with his life with his family and work, knowing that it is now going to be up to someone else in the 'hot seat' and the whole town insisting on openness, integrity and accountability in both our Council and the future Administration.
Let us also hope for appointment of a new CEO with social intelligence, integrity, and thorough knowledge of Local Government guidelines who is willing to communicate rationally and respectfully with the citizens of this town whoever they be.
James will you lot ever let this town move on from Hooper Reid Saint etc etc etc apart from boring is getting away from what we should be looking at the future and things like SITA/Avon Waste moving into Ashworth Road and the roads and the main street and the lack of vibrancy in town - if you are going to be a Councillor then how about getting off the soapbox and making some real input to the town and that requires real commitment and work not just sitting on your fat butt writing bull dust about things most people in town don't care about except for you 30 people
yeeesss sssiiirrrir mr anonymous could say it better come on JP become a statesman instead of a poet lets rock this town i tired of all that stuff as well
Why can't I be both poet and statesman? What was good enough for David the psalmist and Winston Churchill is more than good enough for little old me (not wishing to draw grandiose comparisons, of course).
Anonymous25 September 2015 at 03:54- you could not be more wrong using the word most.
If you had attended last Monday's Shire Council meeting you would have heard Mr. Julian Krieg (a well respected member of our community) state in his address to the Council that it is not, as some would like us to believe, just 'the minority' who are concerned about what has happened here in York, it is more like 50% of York.
Anonymous 3.54 so is it ok to fight the wrongs with Sita and Avon waste because they affect you, but not ok to takle other issues that affect others, if you had any idea what your talking about you would know that they are all linked, we got Sita in the Hooper era, if you don't want that tip then you have to uncover how we got it in the first place wouldn't you?
Anonymous25 September 2015 at 03:54 - Consider yourself bloody lucky you were not one of those targeted by the old regime.
Clearly you don't give a toss about what happened to those people who had their lives destroyed. Perhaps if you had stepped up and said enough is enough when people started trying to alert residents of the problems it would have stopped years ago. Sadly too many people pulled their curtains, kept their heads down when walking the CBD and simply pretended it was not happening.
For your information, the problems have not stopped and it is NOT just the 30 people you mentioned. Why the hell do you think Matthew resigned on Monday - bullying by Shire Senior Staff and the DLG.
So now the figure has risen to 34 because you can add Matthew's immediate family into the equation!
If in the future you happen to become one of those targeted by the Shire of York, I hope I still have enough compassion left in my body to at least give you a sympathetic hearing and some support, which is more than you seem prepared to do.
your wrong MG most people don't care they just want to get York to move on, there are only 34 people who care OK Try walking along the street on Friday and ask every person if they care about the past goings or the future prospects - then you will find out, they also want candidates like JP to get on with it and stop hammering teh past - its dead gone buried, we don't care OK
Anonymous25 September 2015 at 06:25 - If what you say is correct, your comment tells us just how much York has changed and become just like any other suburb in Perth!
How do you know what 'most people in town' care or don't care about? Have you done an opinion poll?
How are you making 'real input into the town'?
I thought I'd made abundantly clear in various posts what I stand for and will press for if elected to Council. If the people of York don't like what I say, they won't vote for me. It's called democracy. I won't mind if they don't choose me to represent them. Personally, I have nothing to gain from being a councillor. If elected, I will put my brain, heart and soul into serving the people of York. If not, I will accept the situation gracefully and continue to enjoy my retirement as before.
Why assume that I'm not interested in the issues you mention, like the Ashworth Road proposal and SITA's designs on Allawuna? Are you saying I've never written about them?
I'm amazed that you are so dismissive of Matthew Reid. He did his best for York. The people of York elected him with a record number of votes. He was brought down by a cabal of disgruntled councillors and staff, and a bunch of conniving bureaucrats, because he wanted to put a stop to fraud, corruption, favouritism and other bad stuff that had flourished for years in the shire. Do you want that repugnant state of affairs to become the order of the day again?
Communities and nations that ignore the past are often condemned to repeat it. You are right to focus on the future, but it's a bit like driving a car. You fix your eyes on the road ahead, but it's wise to look in the rear view mirror now and then. Otherwise, you might get a couple of tons of hot metal up your 'fat butt' and wind up dazed and bleeding in a ditch.
we don't care about it that's right just get on with the future and start trying to work with people instead of criticizing everyone that does not share your view JP et al. we need leaders not theologists
shows how much your in tune JP SITA and AVON WASTE its all part of the plan, I bet SITA take them over as soon as the approvals through, how about fighting that instead of dribbling about napoleon and the bible and god knows whatever we have to endure from you next, become a man of action instead of dribble
If that's how you feel, why bother to read my blog? It isn't a crime not to read it, and I promise not to be hurt if you don't.
I'm not a 'theologist' - or theologian - by the way, but I refuse to apologise for having a wide spectrum of cultural interests that I enjoy sharing with other people (whether they like it or not!). Knowledge is never wasted.
What do you want me to do - get a lobotomy?
On the subject of SITA, I was among the first to suggest that the state government and the opposition appear to support the Allawuna development, which may account for the failure of our political representatives to take a stand against it. No less a person than Matthew Reid described what I was saying as a conspiracy theory. I still think i'm right. It also helps to explain why the minister wanted to suspend the Council. If so, he miscalculated.
As for Avon Waste, I recently posted several comments suggesting Council should defer the decision until the October meeting. That's what has happened, thanks to Cr Smythe. Man of action? What do you want me to do - lob Molotov cocktails at the trucks?
no im a woman of peace but lets get some talk up on this and real action stop writing about the past i want to vote for you but only of your going to do something for the towns future
Well, I'm a man of peace. For what I'm planning to do for York's future, please read my candidate profile (on the Shire website) and my article 'What Do I Stand For? What Is My Program for Change?' posted on this blog on 13 September. If you don't agree with my perspective on Shire affairs, it would be best not to vote for me. Some people prefer the old ways. I don't, but I respect their opinions rather more, I suspect, than they respect mine. A few people have a lot to lose if people like me get elected. I have nothing personally to gain from being elected apart from the opportunity to improve the lives and prospects of the people of York and the satisfaction of doing so.
Please bear in mind that I'm still a candidate, not a councillor. It's too early for me to trumpet my views on specific issues, but people should be able to work out where I am likely to stand on them from what I have written over many months on this and another blog. It's most unfair to say that all my writing has been about the past.
Right now I'm in no position to take 'real action' but in the unlikely event that I'm elected to Council I will press for action consistent with my stated platform on all the issues troubling the people of York.
Oh for god sake Anonymous another parable is needed ..... your husband has just screwed around behind your back you talk about it find out what went wrong and move forward with trust to save your marriage or you don't talk about it live without trust and resent effecting harmonious lives of you and your families. well the shire of York is the cheating husband and the residents are the wives and families. and before any one carries on yes it could be a cheating wife...... addressing problems solves them burring them allows them to happen again and again god forbid that anyone else suffers and don't think it wont be you........ cause it all ready is Sita is just one of your already problems.
What those who just want to move on don't seem to realise is we're broke. We've had an Australian all time high 23% rate rise over 2 years, have rapidly falling land prices and two massive cash bleeding enterprises in Chalkies and the wreck centre.
Ok lets say we were to forget about the criminal acts and corruption. We still have no money and no policies so how do you suppose we are going to beautify the town etc?
Thete may be 30 at a meeting. Thats not to day only 30 people care. If that were the case Matthew wouldn't have been boting in with record numbers on the platform of reform.
If you dont care then just dont blog and put your head back down under your apathy shroud.
Readers will have noticed a recent flurry of one-line hostile comments. You may have wondered why I have bothered to publish them. The answer is that I've done so in accordance with the principle of free expression.
However, such comments have added absolutely nothing to the blog by way of rational argument or useful information. If they are useful at all, it is merely as sad illustrations of the stupidity and capacity for malice of of the individuals who write them.
I would guess that most of them were posted by one individual whose Facebook page (now generally inaccessible) contains many such simple-minded comments - better, exclamations - going back several years. He and his friends may have a vested interest in covering up the past.
I won't be posting any more of his inane drivel. That doesn't mean I won't publish comments simply because they oppose my point of view. Far from it. Rational opposition will always have a place in these pages. I welcome differences of opinion.
But from now on, twerps and trolls can take their business elsewhere.
James I note that you are not publishing my wife's posts is that how you like to win an election by only posting your own views and those that support your views?
Forgive me, but I'm getting tired of being the target of abusive comments that add nothing to our understanding of the issues facing the shire. I think I've given plenty of space to people who disagree with my views or refuse to acknowledge that I've gone further than most candidates ever would in the direction of explaining what I stand for and if elected will try to do.
A considered argument will always find a home on this blog, whether or not I agree with it, but not mindless insults from anonymous sources. I've been getting a few of those. I've run out of jokes to make about them.
they weren't insults James they were opinions that were different to yours and you still haven't put them up, you are deliberately and very calculatingly editing the posts for your own advantage how do you say my learned friend or should I say fiend, I must say when my blog comes out showing how much you edited out it will be interesting for those watching wont it, also make great council debate on how you conduct yourself
Obviously, you have difficulty telling the difference between insult (not to mention threats) and reasoned opinion. Add your cheap and silly sarcasm (‘learned friend or should I say fiend’), and I think I'm doing my readers a favour by keeping your fatuous comments out of my blog.
I'm not editing your comments. I'm rejecting and deleting them. If I were editing them, I would correct your punctuation. I have never edited a comment – not one.
I look forward to reading your blog. Good luck with it. I'm sure that if you succeed in getting it off the ground it will provide your readers with childish amusement for years to come.
James, I am a little perplexed, can you please elaborate on your comment "Forgive me, but I'm getting tired of being the target of abusive comments that add nothing". You seem to be offended, however you have no problem attacking and abusing previous staff, previous councillors and current staff? Why do you dish it out if you can't take it?
Hi James I've been reading your blog since this new one started and its been good to read but I don't think the way you dismiss that person is right you need to take into account others views I don't think they were insulting you, anyway that's just my thought good luck on the council
Anonymous 04:30: Thanks for your comment. I think I have a very good track record regarding taking others' views into account. However, there is a difference between reasoned opinion and the kinds of views I'm objecting to. Furthermore, they aren't expressing views on matters raised in the blog, just abusing me. Why should I print their moronic rubbish?
Here are some recent examples of comments I would rather not post:
'this blog is trash you only publish one sided stuff whats goin on with the one that you just banned cant you take another opinion?'
'you would be one the biggest mud slingers in town plummeridge, read some of your articles they are defamatory'
The first is a downright lie. Anyway, if he/she thinks the blog's trash, why read it?
As for the second, I admit my articles are often harsh, but they are fair comment on matters of public interest and not defamatory. Telling the truth is not the same as mud-slinging. What's more, the person who penned that silly little squib is so dense as not to be able to spell my name correctly even though it's clearly visible on the blog and all he or she has to do is copy it.
I'll give you one significant point of difference between me and my detractors. I have the courage of my convictions. I put my name to everything I write. I don't spit poison from the shadows. For good or ill, I stand in the open, for all to see, insults and threats notwithstanding.
I challenge my detractors to do the same. Then I might have some respect for them, if not for their opinions.
Oh, and by the way, it's my blog. If my detractors aren't happy with the way I run it, let them start one of their own - as one of them has said she will do.
And while I'm at it, Anonymous 02:29, I'm not offended. I'm amazed and alarmed by the apparent failure of our K-12 education system to ensure that everyone leaves school with at least a basic grounding in the rules of English. At least what I write is literate, whatever else may be said of it.
What I 'dish out' is the truth as I see it, backed up by argument and evidence. If my detractors come up with argument and evidence, I will cheerfully publish what they 'dish out', whether I agree with it or not, then exercise my right of reply.
And I repeat my challenge: Tell us who you are! Identify yourselves! Have the courage of your convictions! Don't be afraid: there'll be no death threats, like the ones directed at me.
Hi James I'm reading all this I think you need a holiday I don't think what that person or persons (because it looks like they are written by several people with different language) are as bad as you say, those one liners are pretty normal for a blog it adds colour and gets people involved more. Why not just do what others do and publish them all unless they use abusive language that way none can doubt your integrity which I'm sure you have and I look forward to you standing on council.
No, I don't need a holiday. Thanks for your concern. I'm fine and in excellent health and spirits. The trolls have given my friends and me a lot to laugh at but the joke is wearing thin, as all jokes do in the end.
I don't expect to be elected to Council, so I don't think the trolls and their attendant nincompoops have anything to worry about. I'm hoping some of them will turn up to 'Meet the Candidates' so I can see who they are. I'll be able to tell from the jut of the jaw, the slope of the brow and the position of the knuckles relative to the ground.
Healthy debate about the issues we all face (whether we all acknowlege we're facing them or not) is not only theraputic but essential for healing and growth. I think you've done that James. I've certainly disagreed the with you a couple of times but weve had lively debate. This gives us all another point of view to consider.
If some are simply being nitwits and just trying to stir the pot leave them off. Its your blog so do what you want.
Thanks for that, Anonymous 65. It heartens me to know that some people have the brains to appreciate that it's possible to have a disagreement without infantile mud-slinging.
Letters have gone out to the residents of York requestion information and registration of home businesses.
Don’t be fooled these letters have not come out to you with accompanied documentation explaining the differences between home office and home business and so on depriving you of making an informed decision.
If you are unsure ask for the legislation or laws which have to be generic through all councils and shires relating to home businesses.
It is not up to you to prove what you are or are not doing it is up to the council to prove what you are doing.
don't get caught paying fees for a home business when you only operate a home office or have a hobby.
Also Shire of York cannot go onto your property without permission not even the police can enter your property without a warrant.
Again ask for the legislation, Law.
Knowledge is power………. Don’t let someone deprive you of your power……… half the crap that goes on here does so because we are not informed or don’t know what our rights are.
Always ask to see the legislation that allows them to do this and ask if there is any subsequent legislation, or arm yourself by visiting the site SLP State Law Publisher. if it’s confusing ask the question on here someone will direct you in some way. We can’t tell you legal advice but we can show you how to find the legislation to help you.
My wife got one of those letters. To be fair, a very helpful leaflet was attached explaining in detail the distinction between a home office, home business and home occupation. I imagine that if others didn't get that leaflet, it's because somebody forgot to mail it with the letters. Ring up the Shire and ask for a copy. I'm sure they won't mind.
I'd love to see you on council James. You will though if elected need to be fresh and enthusiastic. My advice would be to get back to basics on this blog. What was your vision for the blog?
Forget wasting your time on idiots with tit for tat. Stick to using the blog for exposing corruption and lies and don't enter into debate with morons. Your under no obligation to publish anything.
You started the blog for a reason. Get back to that place
Thanks for your kind encouragement and support. I intend to remain fresh and enthusiastic for as long as I can - even if I'm not elected to Council!
My vision for the blog was to draw people's attention to corruption and incompetence in the Shire administration. What got me going was the administration's obvious intention, assisted by certain self-interested councillors who couldn't tolerate loss of their power, to frustrate Matthew Reid's program of reform. Their joint efforts culminated in the suspension of our elected Council on fraudulent grounds. Reading the Fitz Gerald Report, and speaking to several citizens reported as having been persecuted by the Shire, strengthened my resolve to press for change. So did the extraordinary fiasco presided over by Commissioner Best, for which the despicable Minister Simpson and his department simply refuse to accept responsibility or blame.
I don't expect to be elected. I've become aware of a nasty whispering campaign to convince people that it would be dangerous to vote for me because I supposedly 'bag York' - something I've never done (see my latest 'Notes from Underground', posted last night). In a way, it's a compliment: as the ancient Roman put it, 'oderint dum metuant', let them hate so long as they fear (that's one for Richard Bliss, who attacked me in print for my habit of erudite quotation). If I'm not elected, I will continue to devote this blog to the cause of reform. I'm reminded of a coarse remark of a former US president about being inside or outside the tent. I won't repeat it here.
You're absolutely right, I've wasted too much time responding to idiots. The march of the morons through these pages is over as of today. From now on, their feeble-minded lucubrations are destined for immediate disposal in the cyberbin. Thanks again.
Dont be defeatist James. You have just as much chance as any other candidate. I want to back candidates with confidence so dont let a few twits convince you otherwise. And how many of them are there anyway? They all write anonymously so it could be just the same two twits. Stop doubting yourself.
I'll be voting for you James. You are a fighter for the truth and know what's going on and what has gone on here in the Administration of York Council. As Tanya said just a couple of twits who don't give their name. Also please don't doubt yourself.
As I promised, here are the details about: York Shire Council Election. Meet the Candidates!
Shire Council elections will be held on October 17. There is a field of nine candidates for five vacancies. The sixth vacancy happened the other day by the sudden resignation of Cr Matthew Reid, but this vacancy can’t be filled at this election. A by-election will have to be held at a later date. The election will be conducted by the WA Electoral Commission, ensuring an independent oversight of the process.
Like last year, AVRA is organising a 'Meet the Candidates' meeting to be held on Wednesday October 7th starting at 7pm at the Church of Christ, Avon Terrace in York. The meeting needs to start on time in order for all nine candidates to address the meeting and time left for questions. We invite you to attend and spread the word. With the perilous state the York Shire Council has been in lately, it is important to elect the right mix of people to the Council in order to move forward.
{Taken from the latest AVRA (Avon Valley Residents Assoc Inc) Newsletter}
(If you're still unsure about the qualifications, etc of any of the candidates, here is your opportunity to find out for yourself and not have to rely on anyone else's opinion.)
Love the photo - shame the West Australian was not up to date with the fact that particular business (Saint's Diner) was closed by because of harassment by incompetent, unqualified staff at the Shire of York.
ReplyDeleteA sad casualty of the Hooper regime, hopefully one which will never be allowed to happen again. One issue you need to address James should you be unlucky enough to be voted on to Council, is that there has to be a level playing field for businesses, just because a particular business owner is not flavour of the month with Council, Council should abuse its power by relentlessly pursuing that person. While at the same time, a business owner who is flavour of the month slips under the radar and Council simply turns a blind eye. Everything action a Council takes has to be 'in the best interest of the public', this was Matthews ethos but sadly not one the Department shares.
DeleteAlthough most have probably figured it out, 'not' should be in "just because a particular business owner is not flavour of the month with Council, Council should abuse its power by relentlessly pursuing that person"; i.e." just because a particular business owner is not flavour of the month with Council, Council should NOT abuse its power by relentlessly pursuing that person." Just in case..
DeleteI don't know how the Department and senior staff live with themselves! These people even if void of conscience, still are paid good money to do the best they can for York. Even if they really hate Matthew, which obviously they do, they must see that he is who the people want. That just shows they couldn't care less about us.
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right, Cadre, by hating our resounding choice of Councillor as shown by our phenomenal vote, the Matthew-haters have thumbed their noses as the people they are responsible to do their best for; one staff member twice spoke to me as though Matthew were 'the devil incarnate' for his efforts to clean things up.
DeleteOoh Cadre, your tuff.
DeleteI regard both favouritism and persecution in government as forms of corruption. If elected, I will do my best to ensure that every resident and business owner is treated with scrupulous fairness and that every decision and action of the Shire of York is in the public interest and consistent with the demands of equity and merit.
ReplyDeleteMore important than electing me is making sure that individuals who might want to go back to the bad old days are kept out of office. Be careful whom you vote for, now and in the by-election. Forward to a better York or back to the future: the choice is yours.
Have you ever chopped chillies then gone for a pee and held your old fella? That's what I wish upon Brad Jolly, eternal soreness.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous24 September 2015 at 18:13 - being a female I can only imagine the pain! May that wish be extended to include all those involved in the relentless persecution of Matthew Reid.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how much Matthew now tells us Minister Simpson is a good guy - sorry Matthew that is a big ask. Minister Simpson believed and acted on lies he was told by Shire of York Senior Staff, Staff within the Dept. Local Government and that Minority Report penned by Pat Hooper. IF Minister Simpson IS a good guy, let him prove it to us by prosecuting and dismissing each and every one of those people under the Public Service Code of conduct for lying!
I am not sure how Jenni Law (Dept. Local Government) could sit through Matthews resignation and show absolutely no emotion - no guilt, no embarrassment- nothing. These bloody people are not human!
ReplyDeleteI repeat my piece of 23 Sept 2015 at 20:16 on this blog, by way of adding appreciation of Matthew and why he did what he did last Monday:
[At Monday's Ordinary Council Meeting, just prior to Matthew's resignation speech], Mr Krieg spoke for many people and with authority. He has held responsible and respected positions and has a strong grasp of right and wrong. He was a worthy spokesman for us all. No-one there could have labelled him as 'just another troublemaker' as some people have done of others who were trying to get openness and accountability — something that should be afforded to all as a matter of course.
We ourselves (30 present in the gallery) showed our respect for Matthew by standing in unison to honour his efforts on behalf of York, against a tide of obfuscation and power games.
Once he had announced his resignation, Matthew felt freer to reveal how he had been required, by advice given him, to respond to queries in ways that did not fit with his conscience, and that whatever he and the current Councillors had tried he had been met with blocks all the way, that directives to the A/CEO were ignored, etc...
ReplyDeleteWe ourselves have seen examples of obfuscation by the A/CEO in letters of reply to enquiries, by his writing garbled sentences, for instance. When asked for clarification, he has sent replies that were equally meaningless or irrelevant, such as out-of-context quotes out of policies with no direct relation to what was asked, or quoting a latin legal phrase which has totally ne bearing on the status of the matter in hand and again was totally irrelevant to the situation. In at least one instance I was witness to, he dragged a third party into a ratepayer's correspondence to him, and in writing to the third party as well as the original correspondent he revealed private information belonging to the original ratepayer to that third party, while not mentioning it to the original correspondent. He recently wrote to another ratepayer about an issue relating to a totally different person residing the opposite side of the river to the person he wrote to, about an issue that has nothing to do with the person he wrote to. Under the influence of our disastrous former Commissioner he constantly refused to enact at least one matter which Council passed to be acted upon late last year, and since Matthew's return has continued to refuse to enact that directive. He also sent at least one FOI response which consisted entirely of 4 pages of black squares and black oblongs, every word being thus redacted. What disrespect to the ratepayer, and what a waste of photocopier ink — ink we ratepayers pay for.
These are but a few simple examples known to me of the intransigency of this A/CEO. If these few are known to me there must be many more known to others.
It is therefore totally understood how our Shire President found his authority to direct the A/CEO thwarted at every turn, and totally understandable how he found himself with no option (for the sake of his own integrity, the welbeing of his family, and the need for a drastic solution) but to make the ultimate stand against a situation which is not working, and which is totally untenable, given the intransigence of the players involved — and which was constantly putting him in the 'damned if you do and damned if you don't' position, regardless of his own integrity and the authority which rightfully goes with being part of Council and being Shire President (the one Shire President ever to be voted into Council with such a magnificent majority of ratepayer votes)
Matthew deserves our gratitude for contributing his best against the odds, and deserves to be able to get on with his life with his family and work, knowing that it is now going to be up to someone else in the 'hot seat' and the whole town insisting on openness, integrity and accountability in both our Council and the future Administration.
Let us also hope for appointment of a new CEO with social intelligence, integrity, and thorough knowledge of Local Government guidelines who is willing to communicate rationally and respectfully with the citizens of this town whoever they be.
James will you lot ever let this town move on from Hooper Reid Saint etc etc etc apart from boring is getting away from what we should be looking at the future and things like SITA/Avon Waste moving into Ashworth Road and the roads and the main street and the lack of vibrancy in town - if you are going to be a Councillor then how about getting off the soapbox and making some real input to the town and that requires real commitment and work not just sitting on your fat butt writing bull dust about things most people in town don't care about except for you 30 people
ReplyDeleteyeeesss sssiiirrrir mr anonymous could say it better come on JP become a statesman instead of a poet lets rock this town i tired of all that stuff as well
DeleteWhy can't I be both poet and statesman? What was good enough for David the psalmist and Winston Churchill is more than good enough for little old me (not wishing to draw grandiose comparisons, of course).
DeleteAnonymous25 September 2015 at 03:54- you could not be more wrong using the word most.
DeleteIf you had attended last Monday's Shire Council meeting you would have heard Mr. Julian Krieg (a well respected member of our community) state in his address to the Council that it is not, as some would like us to believe, just 'the minority' who are concerned about what has happened here in York, it is more like 50% of York.
Anonymous 3.54 so is it ok to fight the wrongs with Sita and Avon waste because they affect you, but not ok to takle other issues that affect others, if you had any idea what your talking about you would know that they are all linked, we got Sita in the Hooper era, if you don't want that tip then you have to uncover how we got it in the first place wouldn't you?
DeleteAnonymous25 September 2015 at 03:54 - Consider yourself bloody lucky you were not one of those targeted by the old regime.
ReplyDeleteClearly you don't give a toss about what happened to those people who had their lives destroyed. Perhaps if you had stepped up and said enough is enough when people started trying to alert residents of the problems it would have stopped years ago.
Sadly too many people pulled their curtains, kept their heads down when walking the CBD and simply pretended it was not happening.
For your information, the problems have not stopped and it is NOT just the 30 people you mentioned. Why the hell do you think Matthew resigned on Monday - bullying by Shire Senior Staff and the DLG.
So now the figure has risen to 34 because you can add Matthew's immediate family into the equation!
If in the future you happen to become one of those targeted by the Shire of York, I hope I still have enough compassion left in my body to at least give you a sympathetic hearing and some support, which is more than you seem prepared to do.
your wrong MG most people don't care they just want to get York to move on, there are only 34 people who care OK Try walking along the street on Friday and ask every person if they care about the past goings or the future prospects - then you will find out, they also want candidates like JP to get on with it and stop hammering teh past - its dead gone buried, we don't care OK
DeleteWhy can't people be interested in the past and the future? Forgetting is the first symptom of senility.
DeleteAs for what people want - we'll find out after the election on October 17.
Anonymous25 September 2015 at 06:25 - If what you say is correct, your comment tells us just how much York has changed and become just like any other suburb in Perth!
How do you know what 'most people in town' care or don't care about? Have you done an opinion poll?
ReplyDeleteHow are you making 'real input into the town'?
I thought I'd made abundantly clear in various posts what I stand for and will press for if elected to Council. If the people of York don't like what I say, they won't vote for me. It's called democracy. I won't mind if they don't choose me to represent them. Personally, I have nothing to gain from being a councillor. If elected, I will put my brain, heart and soul into serving the people of York. If not, I will accept the situation gracefully and continue to enjoy my retirement as before.
Why assume that I'm not interested in the issues you mention, like the Ashworth Road proposal and SITA's designs on Allawuna? Are you saying I've never written about them?
I'm amazed that you are so dismissive of Matthew Reid. He did his best for York. The people of York elected him with a record number of votes. He was brought down by a cabal of disgruntled councillors and staff, and a bunch of conniving bureaucrats, because he wanted to put a stop to fraud, corruption, favouritism and other bad stuff that had flourished for years in the shire. Do you want that repugnant state of affairs to become the order of the day again?
Communities and nations that ignore the past are often condemned to repeat it. You are right to focus on the future, but it's a bit like driving a car. You fix your eyes on the road ahead, but it's wise to look in the rear view mirror now and then. Otherwise, you might get a couple of tons of hot metal up your 'fat butt' and wind up dazed and bleeding in a ditch.
we don't care about it that's right just get on with the future and start trying to work with people instead of criticizing everyone that does not share your view JP et al. we need leaders not theologists
Deleteshows how much your in tune JP SITA and AVON WASTE its all part of the plan, I bet SITA take them over as soon as the approvals through, how about fighting that instead of dribbling about napoleon and the bible and god knows whatever we have to endure from you next, become a man of action instead of dribble
DeleteIf that's how you feel, why bother to read my blog? It isn't a crime not to read it, and I promise not to be hurt if you don't.
DeleteI'm not a 'theologist' - or theologian - by the way, but I refuse to apologise for having a wide spectrum of cultural interests that I enjoy sharing with other people (whether they like it or not!). Knowledge is never wasted.
What do you want me to do - get a lobotomy?
On the subject of SITA, I was among the first to suggest that the state government and the opposition appear to support the Allawuna development, which may account for the failure of our political representatives to take a stand against it. No less a person than Matthew Reid described what I was saying as a conspiracy theory. I still think i'm right. It also helps to explain why the minister wanted to suspend the Council. If so, he miscalculated.
As for Avon Waste, I recently posted several comments suggesting Council should defer the decision until the October meeting. That's what has happened, thanks to Cr Smythe. Man of action? What do you want me to do - lob Molotov cocktails at the trucks?
no im a woman of peace but lets get some talk up on this and real action stop writing about the past i want to vote for you but only of your going to do something for the towns future
DeleteWell, I'm a man of peace. For what I'm planning to do for York's future, please read my candidate profile (on the Shire website) and my article 'What Do I Stand For? What Is My Program for Change?' posted on this blog on 13 September. If you don't agree with my perspective on Shire affairs, it would be best not to vote for me. Some people prefer the old ways. I don't, but I respect their opinions rather more, I suspect, than they respect mine. A few people have a lot to lose if people like me get elected. I have nothing personally to gain from being elected apart from the opportunity to improve the lives and prospects of the people of York and the satisfaction of doing so.
DeletePlease bear in mind that I'm still a candidate, not a councillor. It's too early for me to trumpet my views on specific issues, but people should be able to work out where I am likely to stand on them from what I have written over many months on this and another blog. It's most unfair to say that all my writing has been about the past.
Right now I'm in no position to take 'real action' but in the unlikely event that I'm elected to Council I will press for action consistent with my stated platform on all the issues troubling the people of York.
words words and more words tell us what you are GOING TO DO!!!!
DeleteOK, Anonymous at 17:16, why not tell me what you're doing and what you think I should do. I'm all ears.
DeleteOh for god sake Anonymous another parable is needed ..... your husband has just screwed around behind your back you talk about it find out what went wrong and move forward with trust to save your marriage or you don't talk about it live without trust and resent effecting harmonious lives of you and your families. well the shire of York is the cheating husband and the residents are the wives and families. and before any one carries on yes it could be a cheating wife......
Deleteaddressing problems solves them burring them allows them to happen again and again god forbid that anyone else suffers and don't think it wont be you........ cause it all ready is Sita is just one of your already problems.
What those who just want to move on don't seem to realise is we're broke. We've had an Australian all time high 23% rate rise over 2 years, have rapidly falling land prices and two massive cash bleeding enterprises in Chalkies and the wreck centre.
ReplyDeleteOk lets say we were to forget about the criminal acts and corruption. We still have no money and no policies so how do you suppose we are going to beautify the town etc?
Thete may be 30 at a meeting. Thats not to day only 30 people care. If that were the case Matthew wouldn't have been boting in with record numbers on the platform of reform.
If you dont care then just dont blog and put your head back down under your apathy shroud.
move on your living in the past i want yorks future i dont care about any investigation crap
Deleteso what do want to do dig over the bones forever lets make this town something get on with it
DeleteAnonymous 06:27, 14:51, 17:15, 17:17 - Please don't squawk if you are targeted by the Shire of York Administration.
DeleteBy the way - can you please let us know what you are currently doing for our community?
Readers will have noticed a recent flurry of one-line hostile comments. You may have wondered why I have bothered to publish them. The answer is that I've done so in accordance with the principle of free expression.
ReplyDeleteHowever, such comments have added absolutely nothing to the blog by way of rational argument or useful information. If they are useful at all, it is merely as sad illustrations of the stupidity and capacity for malice of of the individuals who write them.
I would guess that most of them were posted by one individual whose Facebook page (now generally inaccessible) contains many such simple-minded comments - better, exclamations - going back several years. He and his friends may have a vested interest in covering up the past.
I won't be posting any more of his inane drivel. That doesn't mean I won't publish comments simply because they oppose my point of view. Far from it. Rational opposition will always have a place in these pages. I welcome differences of opinion.
But from now on, twerps and trolls can take their business elsewhere.
James I note that you are not publishing my wife's posts is that how you like to win an election by only posting your own views and those that support your views?
ReplyDeleteForgive me, but I'm getting tired of being the target of abusive comments that add nothing to our understanding of the issues facing the shire. I think I've given plenty of space to people who disagree with my views or refuse to acknowledge that I've gone further than most candidates ever would in the direction of explaining what I stand for and if elected will try to do.
DeleteA considered argument will always find a home on this blog, whether or not I agree with it, but not mindless insults from anonymous sources. I've been getting a few of those. I've run out of jokes to make about them.
they weren't insults James they were opinions that were different to yours and you still haven't put them up, you are deliberately and very calculatingly editing the posts for your own advantage how do you say my learned friend or should I say fiend, I must say when my blog comes out showing how much you edited out it will be interesting for those watching wont it, also make great council debate on how you conduct yourself
DeleteObviously, you have difficulty telling the difference between insult (not to mention threats) and reasoned opinion. Add your cheap and silly sarcasm (‘learned friend or should I say fiend’), and I think I'm doing my readers a favour by keeping your fatuous comments out of my blog.
DeleteI'm not editing your comments. I'm rejecting and deleting them. If I were editing them, I would correct your punctuation. I have never edited a comment – not one.
I look forward to reading your blog. Good luck with it. I'm sure that if you succeed in getting it off the ground it will provide your readers with childish amusement for years to come.
James, I am a little perplexed, can you please elaborate on your comment "Forgive me, but I'm getting tired of being the target of abusive comments that add nothing". You seem to be offended, however you have no problem attacking and abusing previous staff, previous councillors and current staff? Why do you dish it out if you can't take it?
DeleteHi James I've been reading your blog since this new one started and its been good to read but I don't think the way you dismiss that person is right you need to take into account others views I don't think they were insulting you, anyway that's just my thought good luck on the council
DeleteAnonymous 04:30: Thanks for your comment. I think I have a very good track record regarding taking others' views into account. However, there is a difference between reasoned opinion and the kinds of views I'm objecting to. Furthermore, they aren't expressing views on matters raised in the blog, just abusing me. Why should I print their moronic rubbish?
DeleteHere are some recent examples of comments I would rather not post:
'this blog is trash you only publish one sided stuff whats goin on with the one that you just banned cant you take another opinion?'
'you would be one the biggest mud slingers in town plummeridge, read some of your articles they are defamatory'
The first is a downright lie. Anyway, if he/she thinks the blog's trash, why read it?
As for the second, I admit my articles are often harsh, but they are fair comment on matters of public interest and not defamatory. Telling the truth is not the same as mud-slinging. What's more, the person who penned that silly little squib is so dense as not to be able to spell my name correctly even though it's clearly visible on the blog and all he or she has to do is copy it.
I'll give you one significant point of difference between me and my detractors. I have the courage of my convictions. I put my name to everything I write. I don't spit poison from the shadows. For good or ill, I stand in the open, for all to see, insults and threats notwithstanding.
I challenge my detractors to do the same. Then I might have some respect for them, if not for their opinions.
Oh, and by the way, it's my blog. If my detractors aren't happy with the way I run it, let them start one of their own - as one of them has said she will do.
And while I'm at it, Anonymous 02:29, I'm not offended. I'm amazed and alarmed by the apparent failure of our K-12 education system to ensure that everyone leaves school with at least a basic grounding in the rules of English. At least what I write is literate, whatever else may be said of it.
DeleteWhat I 'dish out' is the truth as I see it, backed up by argument and evidence. If my detractors come up with argument and evidence, I will cheerfully publish what they 'dish out', whether I agree with it or not, then exercise my right of reply.
And I repeat my challenge: Tell us who you are! Identify yourselves! Have the courage of your convictions! Don't be afraid: there'll be no death threats, like the ones directed at me.
Hi James I'm reading all this I think you need a holiday I don't think what that person or persons (because it looks like they are written by several people with different language) are as bad as you say, those one liners are pretty normal for a blog it adds colour and gets people involved more. Why not just do what others do and publish them all unless they use abusive language that way none can doubt your integrity which I'm sure you have and I look forward to you standing on council.
DeleteNo, I don't need a holiday. Thanks for your concern. I'm fine and in excellent health and spirits. The trolls have given my friends and me a lot to laugh at but the joke is wearing thin, as all jokes do in the end.
DeleteI don't expect to be elected to Council, so I don't think the trolls and their attendant nincompoops have anything to worry about. I'm hoping some of them will turn up to 'Meet the Candidates' so I can see who they are. I'll be able to tell from the jut of the jaw, the slope of the brow and the position of the knuckles relative to the ground.
Healthy debate about the issues we all face (whether we all acknowlege we're facing them or not) is not only theraputic but essential for healing and growth. I think you've done that James. I've certainly disagreed the with you a couple of times but weve had lively debate. This gives us all another point of view to consider.
ReplyDeleteIf some are simply being nitwits and just trying to stir the pot leave them off. Its your blog so do what you want.
Your not going to get their vote anyway.
Thanks for that, Anonymous 65. It heartens me to know that some people have the brains to appreciate that it's possible to have a disagreement without infantile mud-slinging.
DeleteLetters have gone out to the residents of York requestion information and registration of home businesses.
ReplyDeleteDon’t be fooled these letters have not come out to you with accompanied documentation explaining the differences between home office and home business and so on depriving you of making an informed decision.
If you are unsure ask for the legislation or laws which have to be generic through all councils and shires relating to home businesses.
It is not up to you to prove what you are or are not doing it is up to the council to prove what you are doing.
don't get caught paying fees for a home business when you only operate a home office or have a hobby.
Also Shire of York cannot go onto your property without permission not even the police can enter your property without a warrant.
Again ask for the legislation, Law.
Knowledge is power………. Don’t let someone deprive you of your power……… half the crap that goes on here does so because we are not informed or don’t know what our rights are.
Always ask to see the legislation that allows them to do this and ask if there is any subsequent legislation, or arm yourself by visiting the site SLP State Law Publisher. if it’s confusing ask the question on here someone will direct you in some way. We can’t tell you legal advice but we can show you how to find the legislation to help you.
My wife got one of those letters. To be fair, a very helpful leaflet was attached explaining in detail the distinction between a home office, home business and home occupation. I imagine that if others didn't get that leaflet, it's because somebody forgot to mail it with the letters. Ring up the Shire and ask for a copy. I'm sure they won't mind.
DeleteI'd love to see you on council James. You will though if elected need to be fresh and enthusiastic. My advice would be to get back to basics on this blog. What was your vision for the blog?
ReplyDeleteForget wasting your time on idiots with tit for tat. Stick to using the blog for exposing corruption and lies and don't enter into debate with morons. Your under no obligation to publish anything.
You started the blog for a reason. Get back to that place
Thanks for your kind encouragement and support. I intend to remain fresh and enthusiastic for as long as I can - even if I'm not elected to Council!
DeleteMy vision for the blog was to draw people's attention to corruption and incompetence in the Shire administration. What got me going was the administration's obvious intention, assisted by certain self-interested councillors who couldn't tolerate loss of their power, to frustrate Matthew Reid's program of reform. Their joint efforts culminated in the suspension of our elected Council on fraudulent grounds. Reading the Fitz Gerald Report, and speaking to several citizens reported as having been persecuted by the Shire, strengthened my resolve to press for change. So did the extraordinary fiasco presided over by Commissioner Best, for which the despicable Minister Simpson and his department simply refuse to accept responsibility or blame.
I don't expect to be elected. I've become aware of a nasty whispering campaign to convince people that it would be dangerous to vote for me because I supposedly 'bag York' - something I've never done (see my latest 'Notes from Underground', posted last night). In a way, it's a compliment: as the ancient Roman put it, 'oderint dum metuant', let them hate so long as they fear (that's one for Richard Bliss, who attacked me in print for my habit of erudite quotation). If I'm not elected, I will continue to devote this blog to the cause of reform. I'm reminded of a coarse remark of a former US president about being inside or outside the tent. I won't repeat it here.
You're absolutely right, I've wasted too much time responding to idiots. The march of the morons through these pages is over as of today. From now on, their feeble-minded lucubrations are destined for immediate disposal in the cyberbin. Thanks again.
Dont be defeatist James. You have just as much chance as any other candidate. I want to back candidates with confidence so dont let a few twits convince you otherwise. And how many of them are there anyway? They all write anonymously so it could be just the same two twits. Stop doubting yourself.
DeleteI'll be voting for you James. You are a fighter for the truth and know what's going on and what has gone on here in the Administration of York Council. As Tanya said just a couple of twits who don't give their name. Also please don't doubt yourself.
ReplyDeleteThe fight for truth will only succeed if everyone keeps their eye on the prize.
ReplyDeleteJames, those attempting to derail you with their stupid comments probably won't bother turning up to vote.
As I promised, here are the details about: York Shire Council Election. Meet the Candidates!
ReplyDeleteShire Council elections will be held on October 17. There is a field of nine candidates for five vacancies. The sixth vacancy happened the other day by the sudden resignation of Cr Matthew Reid, but this vacancy can’t be filled at this election. A by-election will have to be held at a later date. The election will be conducted by the WA Electoral Commission, ensuring an independent oversight of the process.
Like last year, AVRA is organising a 'Meet the Candidates' meeting to be held on Wednesday October 7th starting at 7pm at the Church of Christ, Avon Terrace in York. The meeting needs to start on time in order for all nine candidates to address the meeting and time left for questions. We invite you to attend and spread the word. With the perilous state the York Shire Council has been in lately, it is important to elect the right mix of people to the Council in order to move forward.
{Taken from the latest AVRA (Avon Valley Residents Assoc Inc) Newsletter}
(If you're still unsure about the qualifications, etc of any of the candidates, here is your opportunity to find out for yourself and not have to rely on anyone else's opinion.)