Thursday 3 September 2015


(click to enlarge) 
This letter arrived in the post last week.  When I first read it, I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry.  After due deliberation, I decided that laughter would be best, but I did shed a tear or two over the putrefying corpse of democracy in Western Australia.

Readers may recall that on 10 August 2015 I posted on this blog a copy of the letter to which Minister Simpson’s dismissive missive purports to be a reply.  You will find that letter on the blog under the title ‘Another Open Letter to Minister Tony Simpson’.

It is, I admit, a long and complex letter.  It raises various issues connected with the Shire’s purchase, at James Best’s direction, of the Old Convent School (or ‘Chalkies’ as it is now more generally known).  It argues for the recognition of a moral dimension in actions, like Mr. Best’s, that may be valid at law but are dubious in context and reprehensible in their implementation.  Radical stuff, indeed.

Criminal Code, Section 83

In particular, I took Minister Simpson to task for promulgating a false, indeed ridiculous interpretation of section 83 of the Criminal Code, which applies to corrupt conduct on the part of public officers. 

In his reply to an earlier open letter jointly composed by my friend Jane Ferro and me, Mr. Simpson had opined (I won’t dignify his comments with the word ‘argued’) that a public officer acting within the scope of his lawful authority could not be charged with an offence under section 83.

How he came by that opinion is a mystery to me.  If it was based on legal advice, he should sack his lawyer.  If it was based on the advice of his departmental bureaucrats, he should get his director-general, Ms J Mathews, to send them on leave without pay for at least ten years.

If it was based on the advice of Ms Mathews, he badly needs a new director-general. And if he dreamed it up all by himself, he is too stupid to hold ministerial office and should straightaway resign or be fired.

With the help, if I may so put it, of two eminent judges of the WA Supreme Court, I was able to show that Minister Simpson’s opinion was mistaken—codswallop, in fact.  Notice that he doesn’t acknowledge his mistake.  That doesn’t surprise me.  He is a politician, after all, in a government that it grieves me to say is rolling inexorably downhill.

Corruption and Crime Commission

I’m astonished that the minister advises me to refer my allegations of possible corruption to the Corruption and Crime Commission.

As Minister Simpson well knows, the Commission is very unlikely to act on a complaint from a lowly citizen like me.  I’m fairly sure that if the Commission did miraculously decide to act, he would use his influence to stop any investigation into the conduct of his protégé, former commissioner Best, dead in its tracks. 

I believe he has done something of the kind before, towards the end of last year, when palpable, detailed evidence of corruption in the Shire of York, including evidence of credit card fraud, was presented to the Commission. 

As I’m sure Minister Simpson knows, and may conceivably have had a hand in, the Commission referred that evidence to Commissioner Best and Acting CEO Graeme Simpson, asking them to investigate all allegations against a former CEO and councillors. 

As everybody knows, because Mr. Best, with the help of his spin–doctors or ‘brand reputation managers’, released the news to the media and in an open letter to the residents of York, Messrs Best and Simpson mysteriously and improbably discovered that all such allegations were groundless. 

I believe Messrs Best and Simpson were lying.  I suppose it is possible that they were doing so off their own bat, but it seems likely they were acting on instructions from Minister Simpson and/or senior bureaucrats in his department.

In any case, as the Minister must know, the Commission decided some months ago to restrict its investigations to big fish, rather than dispensable minnows like former commissioner Best and the Shire of York. 

My ‘allegations of corruption’ would be better placed in the hands of the police—perhaps of the Fraud Squad—than those of the Commission.  I doubt, though, that the police would on such a matter as this pay attention to me or any other everyday citizen of York—especially if a minister of the crown moved to dissuade them from doing so.

It is Minister Simpson who should call on the police to investigate the sale and purchase of Chalkies.  I say that because as I pointed out in my letter of 7 August, he is the person who inflicted Mr. Best on the good people of York.  He must therefore accept much of the responsibility for the impact and consequences of Mr. Best’s calamitous six-month reign over our shire.

My views are not mine alone.  Many York residents share them.  There appears to be considerable dispute here as to whether Minister Simpson is a Machiavellian scoundrel or merely a fool.

This is his chance to prove that he is neither.  All he has to do is set himself the task of obtaining justice for the beleaguered people of York.

How about it, Minister?  Do you have the ticker for that?

Seen the other day in the window of a house on Avon Terrace...

(click to enlarge)

Someone forgot to mention Chalkies...


Allawuna landfill Application:  LATEST NEWS FROM AVRA

  Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP)

As you may know, Council refused the amended application on the 10th August.

 On the 31st of August the JDAP similarly refused the application and it now heads back to the State Administrative Tribunal where it is listed for a final hearing  scheduled for four days commencing the 17th November.

 In the meantime, the Interveners, of whom AVRA is one, must file application for continued participation in the proceeding by the 2nd October and the application is listed for a hearing on the 8th October.  

 Of most concern during the JDAP hearing was a statement from the Department of Environment Regulation to the effect that they could see no impediment to the issuing of a licence to the applicant should they obtain planning approval. 

 AVRA will be contesting the grounds for this by calling on our consultants to testify on the groundwater issues. The expert environmental witnesses are required to meet on the 6th November and must file a joint statement on the 10th November. 

 Stay tuned for further updates.

 Avon Valley Residents Association 


  1. I suggest you contact Barbara Inglis at the Corruption and Crime Commission and ask her why the Commission referred the files to the Commissioner, who in turn referred the files to ACEO Simpson, who in turn referred the files to the very same employees who were already up to their necks in corruption?
    Tyhscha Cochrane
    Gail Maziuk
    Tabitha Bateman
    Questionably, all remain answerable to Ray Hooper, who can be contacted at:
    3 Everest Way
    Alexandra Heights

  2. And then buy a ticket on the merry-go-round.

  3. Anonymous 3 September 2015 16:55 - Do you have proof of corruption?

    1. I can't answer for Anonymous, but I have seen such proof and have access to it.

      That includes access to a number of documents provided to the CCC last year and returned by the CCC for the Shire (i.e. Best and G Simpson) to 'investigate'.

      Needless to say, there was no investigation, just an anodyne assurance from Best that there had been no wrongdoing by anyone attached to the Shire. What Best said and wrote was a downright lie inspired, I believe, by the minister and his department.

      Those fools believe they can hush up the truth simply by denying it. Well, we shall see...

    2. Anonymous 4 September 2015 at 00:57. Take the time to visit the Shire office and ask to inspect the volumes in the CEO's office, the proof is there but with a name like anonymous your very unlikely to do that.
      What you should be asking is, where is the proof that James Best investigated the matter?

  4. Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to go fishing.
    He called the royal weather forecaster and asked about the upcoming weather conditions.
    The weatherman assured him that there was no chance of rain in the days ahead.
    So the king went fishing with his wife, the queen.
    On the way he met a farmer on his donkey.
    Upon seeing the king the farmer said, "Your Majesty, you should return to the palace at once because in just a short time I expect a huge amount of rain to fall in this area".
    The king was polite and considerate, he replied: "I hold the palace meteorologist in high regard. He is an extensively educated and experienced professional. And besides, I pay him very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him and I will continue on my way."
    A short time later a torrential rain fell from the sky. The king and queen were totally soaked. Their entourage chuckled upon seeing them in such a drenched condition.
    Furious, the king returned to the palace and fired the weatherman at once!
    Then he summoned the farmer and offered him the prestigious and high paying role of Royal Forecaster.
    The farmer said, "Your Majesty, I do not know anything about forecasting. I obtain my information from my donkey. If I see my donkey's ears drooping, it means with certainty that it will rain."
    So the king hired the donkey.
    And thus began the practice of hiring asses to work in the government and occupy its highest and most influential advisory positions.

    1. Yes, very clever and unfortunately very true.

      Let's hope we get some determined 'Kings' (and Queens) voted onto council at the next election. Kings and Queens who will put the people of York first, ahead of their own ego and the factions who hope to control them from the shadows.

      It would be a bonus if the Councillors find a CEO who accepts he/she is an employee of the Council.

      The people of York have had enough of dictatorial CEO's ...and ...councillors who were in the position more for the glory and what they could do for their friends, than they were about the future of our Town and those living here.

  5. Oh now I have seen it all.......Trevor Randell on his Facebook is questioning all 24 of his fb followers if he should run for council with a yes from all 24 ........he must be kidding What a joke he have experience what as a sheep of the Ray Hooper flock ?

    1. I don't think 24 votes will get him across the line.

      However, I regard Mr Randell as opposition, and it is never wise to underestimate opposition.

      All sorts of rumours about potential candidates have come to my ears. It's said that certain interests have encouraged Pat Flynn, Len Geek and possibly Richard Bliss to put their hands up. If that's true, we shouldn't take it amiss. Every qualified citizen has the right to stand, including Trevor Randell.

      On the plus side, I believe electors will have the opportunity to vote again for Denese Smythe and to vote for the first time for Jane Ferro. We need such people on Council. I ask everybody to vote for them.

      I'm standing, too, though not with much expectation of success. My nomination papers will be submitted tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the campaign.

      My decision to stand will of course have implications for the blog. From tomorrow until after the event, it may not be able to accept anonymous comments on any matter related to or arising from the election. I'm going to check that with the returning officer, but whatever he tells me I will not be publishing comments that amount to personal attacks on other candidates. Of course, comments on matters of policy will be welcome, but not if they are anonymous.

    2. TR needs his head read if he seriously intends to stand again. He shouldn't, and we couldn't stand it.

    3. You're not obliged to vote for him!

    4. This time around would be very diffetent to the last time TR was on council. I am hopeful we will have a clever, motivated and well articulated CEO for a start.

      As well Matthew Reid understands a thing or two about finances and governence. Therefore anyone standing for Council is going to need to be professional, will need to understand finances, health, roads etc or they will be a burden.

      Each councillor will need to take ownership of at least one portfolio if we are to grow and recover from the debt the wreck centre and chalkies have given us.

      I doubt some of the potential cadidates would be an asset with all that in mind.

      That being said they can learn but York doesn't have time.

    5. Read is an idiot that has lead to the complete destruction of the council and caused immeasurable damage to our town -sack him and sack all of you lot that are running if you win god help the town - complete utter fools that think you are popular but your not - just simple idiots with sad lives with nothing to do but delude yourselves that your clever and prudent - fools fools and more fools - get out of our good town - go live in Syria where they know how to deal with troublemakers.

    6. Your portfolio could be community devlopment and social inclusion. You'd be a winner.

    7. There is always one Pat Hooper is the bloody idiot he wrote the minority report get your facts straight you have dumped your shit with no actual evidence to back it up with just insults, so clever so prudent oooohhhhh get out of our town who's town?
      At least have the balls to use your name Mr Our Town.

    8. 6 people definitely candidates for change in York out of 9, 1 don't know and 2 on the dark side and Pat Hooper not putting his hand up

    9. Go live in Syria where they know how to deal with troublemakers that is low even for the poor excuse of a human being that you are. Sad very sad. I suggest that Mr Anonymous Ranter be ignored until he proves what he sais. Cant believe this person thinks he speaks for the good people of York. Really must be just acting out of fear at the thought that York finally getting cleansed.

  6. Who is the returning officer?

    1. A gentleman from the Australian Electoral Commission, David Payne. For anyone intending to stand and needing advice, his phone number is 0467802869 and his email You can nominate online at Nominations close on Thursday 10 September 2015 at 4 pm sharp.

      You can nominate online but I believe you have to see him in person as well.

      Mr Payne will be at the Shire office tomorrow and on Thursday until 4 pm.

    2. Sorry, I meant the WA Electoral Commission.

    3. Thanks James, Finally a outside body now it will hopefully be Just.

    4. Some of us had concerns regarding the results of the last two elections. I'm very glad that this time around, and I hope with all future elections, the Shire has had the wit to engage the services of the WAEC. No longer will we need to worry about the justice and propriety of election outcomes!

  7. No Follies, Please!6 September 2015 at 18:28

    Was wondering what might have been added over the weekend. A clear photographic summary says a lot. As you say, James, missed out the Chalkies bit, but (though you do not say to, James) in my opinion if Mr Bliss stands he'll be bringing that fiasco to the foreground again in person.

  8. $4000 dollars a week for a CEO just ridiculous,

    $90 thousand, $39 thousand greased with his own palm not to mention wasted money on advisors and consultants well over $100 thousand and a $625 thousand dollar building that needs a shite load of work, big money spent to be actually able to use it, from James Best.

    Money that would have been better spent on this town.

    Money better of in the pockets of the people that have ridiculous rates to pay.

    Money better spent on facility's to enhance the community, youth, aged, families, all this money expended and what has the town got to show for it. ( One of York's Original residents had trouble getting their loved one into a nursing home, important when you have spent a lifetime together and your partner is in a nursing home in Perth or worse Mandurah and your transport deprived).

    Farmers need decent roads, Families need affordable housing,

    Facility's for our youth, ( how long we been waiting for a decent skate park)over 10 years, so they don't get into trouble, we could have had a world standard first with the amount of money wasted by James Best.

    Job opportunity's to make this a productive town and keep our families close,

    Its all being raped from the town by Twats only interested in lining their own pockets.

    James best asked us to think of our descendants then lumbered us with debt.

  9. As I recall, Darlene, James Best asked us to think of the future of our 'decedents', who by definition don't have a future - not in this world, anyway!

    1. your both idiots - get a life

  10. Run for council you dopey idiot and we will start up a blog and drive you f,,,n crazy you piece of nothing, just like you have done to other good people - we will run you into the dirt.

    1. So you won't be voting for me, then?

      Good luck with your blog. I'm looking forward to reading it. Please send me the link when you've got it up and running.

      Do you intend to remain anonymous or will you be coming out from under your stone?

    2. What a knob you are Anonymous. Be brave and put your name to your post.

    3. Anonymous 8 September 2015 at 04:54 - Please list the names of the 'other good people' you refer to so we know who they are.

    4. Yes, I too would like to know whom I'm supposed to have driven crazy. I can't think of anything I have said or written that would be likely to have that effect.

      I'd also like to know who Anonymous 4.54 is. What is he so afraid of that he feels compelled to hide his identity? I mean him no ill. My guess is that he is male, of above average height, has a short fuse, is of modest intelligence, doesn't read much, is given to ranting rather than developing a logical argument and has a bisyllabic forename. Of course, I may be wrong on every count.

    5. you are fools, the town has had enough of you our rates have rocketed through your stupid FOI requests, you should all be thrown out of town, as for you Plummeridge you must have the brain the size of a pea to write this crap you keep dishing out - do you have a life mate - doesn't any one want you - this is all your life is about? your a pathetic fool. I heard you were a psychiatrist - god help your patients mate - you should be delisted - you definitely have mental issues - get out of town you fool. Publish that you idiot!

    6. Bring back Boyle Duperousel and Hooper - they were hero's - the town should honor Tony Boyle with statue in the main street, then take each of you down to the medieval fayre and stick you in that wooden brace and we can all throw some crap at you to see how you like it - you are all mentally disturbed - only wish the electoral commission did a sanity test on potential incumbents - you would all fail - sorry set of idiots while I am about - watch out if any of the people you target god help us suicide - we will hold you to account, best not forget that - have a thought for the people whose lives you destroy in your self righteous status - your criminals and should be banned from York for the rest of your lives

    7. I bet a dime to a dollar you don't have the balls to publish all that you flea, you sorry excuse for a man

    8. What about the people that could suicide from the Hooper Boyle Hooper duper rein your the disturbed its ok for them to cause harm but not ok for the truth to come out .back under your rock

    9. There is that tell all get out of town attitude we know who's good at that

    10. What a twat you are Anonymous 4.58 rates have rocketed for FOI's your kidding you don't need FOI's when your Open Honest and Accountable. your just making an idiot out of yourself that's already proven to be bullshit to cover up the real rip off, come to a few meetings and then shoot your mouth off but at least do it with your own name.

    11. Anonymous10 September 2015 at 04:58...I think that's 'the pot calling the kettle black', go and ask your Mother to explain it to you, when she sobers up!

    12. I think we all have a shrewd idea as to the identity of the author of the abusive and threatening comments aimed not just at me but at anyone determined to improve local government in York.

      I don't mind publishing his rants, if that makes him feel better.

      He suggests I might be a psychiatrist. I'm not, so I can't help him.

      At 5:06, he wagers 'a dime to a dollar' that I won't have the testicular fortitude to publish his nonsense. So now he owes me a dollar. I will accept US currency, which seems to be what he had in mind. I'm no numismatist, but I might use it to start a coin collection.

    13. Stop publishing anything with obscenties James. That way he will be stuck for words. The blog has been a valuable tool in exposing the truth and I for one don't want to read rants of this nature. It's a waste of my time and I don't tolerate foolishness well.

      By setting a precedent here (via language filtering) the blog can quickly return to creditability and be a tool in openess and accountability.

      Ignore ill informed delusional people as they'll drive you to all sorts of mental distress.

      If you were indeed a field expert in mental illness as suggested by the anonymus ignoramus I'd say engage by all means.

    14. Sage advice, Tolduso. Trouble is, the blog doesn't allow me to filter out anything - it's either publish or don't publish, and as I've said more than once I prefer to err on the side of free expression. I agree that these rants are tiresome and immature, but they say so much about what a twerp the author is that I find it hard to refuse them.

      However, I think his views have had a fair airing, so he can practise his inanities on Facebook in future and leave the blog alone.

    15. your a coward plummeridge - justly cant take it can you - now your acting as the god almighty self righteous fool that must censor public opinion - don't you guys get it - your a loud and stupid minority that talks s..t and have worked yourselves into a lather over nothing - if you don't like York then leave - for my part i'm going to put two statues up - one for tony and one for ray - were all mates here and they did a great job for the town - be sure i will be watching you idiots on council and you will get some of your own back - bet you wont publish this! - thank god your not a psychiatrist - so whats the Dr - or is a mistake should be DH!

    16. I agree with Tolduso, the Blog is a great tool for exposing the the truth and these people will - if given the opportunity - pull the blog down into the gutter.

      I applaud your decision James - let these people vent their anger on other forms of social media.

    17. Anonymous at 8:44, I am not a coward. At least I have the courage to put my name to everything I write and publish. What is really cowardly is to write spiteful, vindictive nonsense like yours and to do so behind a veil of anonymity.

      Yes, I can take it - to be honest I find it amusing. I read it out to family and friends and we all have a good laugh at your expense.

      However, I won't publish any more of your ridiculous rants unless you add your name to them. I'm giving you the chance to crawl out of your funkhole and show the world that you are proud of your semi-literate scribblings and half-witted opinions. I bet you won't take advantage of my offer!

      By the way, my name is Plumridge, not 'plummeridge', and my title refers to a PhD; I'm not a medical doctor, so I can't help you with whatever bacterium is nibbling away at what you probably but inaccurately would describe as your brain.

      I'm glad you intend to raise statues to your mates and even more glad that you will be bringing your scintillating mind to bear on the actions and decisions of the new council. Unfortunately, it does your friends no credit that they have supporters like you.

      I won't be leaving York. I like living here. That's one of the reasons I want to play a part in improving the way the shire is governed. You don't seem to understand that York is not identical with 'the Shire of York', the latter being a governing body, not
      the community it governs. It's possible to love York, as I do, but want to change the way it's governed. Got it?

      Once again, you lose the bet. Please donate my winnings to a charity for the intellectually inert, or put them towards the cost of the statues you are going to raise. Good luck!

    18. No leave this person to keep posting he is actually showing everyone what the hell people have put up with we all know who this person is and he keeps calling you gutless Mr Plumridge and doesn't even use his own name pleas post more of this maniac making an absolute fool of himself. oh and FYI Anonymous we already have a statue to Ray and Tony and Pat and you in fact its called the wreck centre the true reason York is haemorrhaging money and the rates are through the roof. Still waiting for you to post something news worthy.

    19. Some pretty low contributors have certainly come out of the woodwork (perhaps slime, actually). What a bunch. It takes an upcoming election to bring this out? Would have thought some higher motives might come out at this point.

    20. Rate payers have funded and still are funding a Memorial to Ray, Tony, Pat and Mark.
      It is the YRCC, complete with it's sink holes, bad airconditioning and stuffed turf on the tennis courts.

    21. What about the current victims to all of the bs that goes on this blog that "could suicide" as you so put it real victims. You people have no idea the damage that is being done. You all need to build a bridge and focus on the future. If you hate York that much the get out.

    22. Why should anything said on this blog drive someone to suicide? Is guilt the problem?

      Frankly, I don't believe you. If you're contemplating suicide, call the Samaritans.

      I don't hate York. I love it. I've no intention of leaving it. Get used to the idea that it's corruption and incompetence we dissidents hate, not York. The shire deserves better.

    23. What current victims moron, Pat Tony Ray Mark Gail Tyhscha? These people took great delight in destroying lives, for years and years they indiscriminately picked on anyone who they wanted to. Don't you dare blurt on about current victims, you're probably someone who's been in bed with these bastards over the years. Then suddenly the tide turns and with the exception of one we have a good line up of candidates who are not misogynistic control freaks. So you suck it up princess, what you and your current friends are experiencing is a fraction of the pain dished out by your demigods. Do you on honestly believe that Ray Hooper and his devout followers gave a shit about building bridges and moving on. If they had you idiot, we wouldn't be in the position we're in now, that obviously hadn't crossed your tiny mind. Where did 'build bridges' come from, please don't tell me your one of half a dozen of James Best's acolytes. Count your blessing you have a voice at all, over the last decade under Ray Hooper's authoritarian power trip, anyone who spoke out became victims, even his own staff. So before you go and stick your feral foot in your feral mouth again, ask yourself what Pat Tony Ray Mark Gail Tyhscha did for York, apart from destroying it!

    24. TSN -well said.

      Those who willingly surfed the wave of terror are starting to worry because their protector has gone. None of them have stopped to think he didn't even care enough about them to stick around. All he was concerned about was saving his own bacon!

      If any of them are currently suffering (I honestly doubt it), it is more likely a ploy to gain public sympathy because they are being exposed for the awful humans they are.

      I feel no sympathy for those you named. I know what they did to some very good people here in York and I will never forgive them.

      They took delight in what they did, and if they rot in hell it will be too good for them.

    25. Anonymous13 September 2015 at 04:30 - you seem to have acknowledged there were previous victims because you refer to 'current victims'.

      Are you at all concerned about those previous victims and the damage done to them?

  11. So Anonymous you have dirt on candidates that haven't done their Job, who have broken laws, who have not followed proper procedure, who have targeted members of the public instead of allowing due process, who have been in meetings and deprived those of their rights, who have lied in order to protect friends they work with or Ray Hooper who may I add on these blogs backed up by media clippings and government enquiries, that delve into miss management over Years starting with Kalgoorlie /Boulder. Chittering and exposed in York ripping us off thousands dollars rent on top of well paid wages, who realised they made a mistake and kept it going instead of just saying sorry or fixing the mistake, who were councillors warned with these documents on several occasions and over several years, Staff and Ray Hooper lying on documents and memos, (Just Love FOI), Workers Shire staff and Councillors who have played parts in this bad behaviour and continue instead of serving the public because hang on a minute they are public servants.

    One word of advice Anonymous 8 September 2015 at 04:54 Take it or leave it, Both blogs to my knowledge have always backed every thing said and done with written or photographic evidence. We all look forward to your blog and the evidence to back it up, otherwise its just you threatening an innocent person and pissing in the wind and we all know what happens then your own shoes get wet ?

    1. Your knowledge is misguided..... many untruths have been posted; hearsays, and assumptions.

    2. Well then, Anonymous at 6:20, why not tell us what aspects of our knowledge may be misguided, what untruths have been posted, and what false assumptions have been made? This blog is open to all contrary opinion, so long as it isn't just a silly rant. Why not tell us why we're wrong and what you believe the truth is?

    3. Knowledge is misguided what the news paper clippings in the Kalgoorlie Minor are untruths, where Ray Hooper was the town clerk and Finances were in disarray And he left, the Smilie Report in the Town of Chittering , Letters from the ombudsman at the time and Members of Parliament are untruths, what has happen here also a load of untruths, I am misguided Anonymous sept 6.20 please you have no idea your knowledge is minimal, this is not here say this is concrete evidence. not based on assumption. you have no idea, we know what's truth and what's not because we have all the paperwork spanning years, and yes we are doing something about it and it will become apparent and its the Truth. if you think it is any different your listening to here say ask for proof post it here and I assure you if you post the proof you have I will post the truth I have to prove your wrong.

  12. Anonymous 04:54 That's already been happening on FB for Years, The Truth Will Rein Supreme and does. Nothing to see there only ill informed lies. even Trevor Randell who is Jane then went on a rampage to discredit her with no knowledge of who she was.

  13. Lets forget this anominous numskull and get back to some real issues of York and how it should be run - I opoposed SITA, but i'm going to now look at this Avon Waste proposal at Ashworth Road where they are doing a job on the residents and farmers. Avon waste's moving their waste business there (closer to Sita) and right at York's doorstep and the golf club, it apparently was put up at tonight's meeting but we didn't know I just got a call from someone there that just saw it - whats going on again do we have another Sita on our hands where the deals are done and we the residents get to know when its all over and done??? From what I was told it was put up as a Transport Depot, HA HA Avon Waste is no longer a waste transfer depot there gone into transport only - its just a transport depot (so whose going to empty my bin tomorrow?), ahhh but Im told done that way the council can approve it on agricultural land instead of putting it in an industrial area - and I thought SITA was a problem - this ones on our doorstep.

    I thought this stuff was going to stop??? Any comments from the good people here? What about you James any thoughts on this one? I rang a few people and no one even knew it was happening.

  14. This looks like a planning application that is yet to be discussed and decided by Council. I haven't seen the 'late report'. I will try to find out more about the matter before next week's Council meeting.

    It would be wise for everyone opposed to this proposed development (a) to write to and petition the Shire President expressing opposition to it and (b) to attend Monday's meeting.

    I don't believe the present Council will look favourably on Avon Waste's activities if they contravene planning regulations or represent as you suggest a trick to circumvent them. There will no underhand deals, I'm sure of that. But for heaven's sake let Council know how you feel.

    What especially troubles me about Avon Waste's move is the indication that despite appearances and a forthcoming legal stoush in the Tribunal the SITA application has been given the nod to go ahead once formalities are over.

    1. A bit more information about Fairways: at the council meeting on 27 July, Jane Ferro asked several questions about the Avon Waste proposal. These are listed as questions 11-14 inclusive on page 21 of the minutes. Her questions asked when the proposal was lodged with the Shire; who was the author; when and where ha it been advertised; and if neighbours had been notified. All were taken on notice, so we should be getting some answers at next week's Council meeting - inshallah!

    2. you sound like a politician already James - what the heck are we doing we just went to war over SITA but Avon Waste's right in our front yard - shut them down when your on council you have my vote

    3. mate of mine knew the old owner said they paid over a million for the property and no condition that the council had to approve I think thats either a bet or an inside job they knew they will get approval

    4. they will approve it at the next meeting not answer any questions

    5. Sounds like another decision made behind closed doors - how much money changed hands this deal?

  15. Neighbours had their submissions published in the late report.

    1. a summary and they didn't even take much notice of what was raised by them just noted it whatever that is

    2. It was an agenda settlement breifing. They cannot debate issues there, only note things presented via deputisation. Please people get your facts right before you post.

  16. bugger me - nothin new at the council, we have a rubbish town - Avon waste conveniently moved closer to SITA and now every time I go to Perth I have to pass the Avon waste trucks the SITA trucks and the BGC trucks - bugger the tourism - lets become a place to look at Rubbish and Rubbish trucks - go for it councilors - I thought you were going to change things - we might as well get Boyle and co back

    1. Just because the adminstration sneak something in dosen't mean the Councillors will support it. A neighbour did a good presentation and asked them to slow down and consult the community. Give them a chance. It was dropped on them underhandedly last minute.

    2. Nothing will change unless Council takes back the delegated authority Boyle and Hooper traded for free drinks and over night stays at top Perth Hotels with their wives.

      The next Council will make or break this Town.

    3. I cant put this any easier for people to understand, We got rid of Hitler but we are still left with the army,
      We got rid of Ray but we still have his army!!!!!!!! they are the ones putting up late reports for the council and incorrect information.

  17. Most do understand what is happening F#%K.

    The Senior Staff are still operating with the idea they are in charge of the council.

    1. whats Mathews view on this does any one know - maybe we will get some sense from him on it? I think i'm right that the three Councillors have the final say on this one.

    2. I sat at the briefing meeting the other night, Cr Matthew Reid , Cr Denise Smythe and Cr Wallace expressed on several occasions that information they are expected to vote on at the next meeting was incomplete, unfinished, or otherwise missing altogether.

      Who drafts up these reports? the staff.

      How can the Councillors make an informed decision when the reporting is not accurate?

      Who is paid to make sure this information is complete in its entirety? well firstly the staff who are supposed to gather the information without fear or favour then 4 Grand Graeme Simpson is supposed to check it, and present it to council.

      Anonymous 18:02 Matthew is caught up in trying to deal with a CEO who is well past his use by date, who can only answer with take it on notice or I don't understand the question, and rules and regulations that don't permit him to deal with the staff.

    3. For Truth and Justice19 September 2015 at 02:04

      A/CEO's latest trick is to send out a letter to Residents (at least those who receive Shire e-mails) saying: "Questions submitted [at Council Meetings] should relate to the governance function of Council, being policy, direction setting, and decision making for the good of the Community as a whole.

      "All other questions on operational and administrative matters should be forwarded directly to the Chief Executive Officer."

      He wants total control, obviously, because when you ask him questions he writes nonsense back; and if its a case of FOIs he sends back pages consisting entirely of black blocks. He is an obstruction to our civil rights.

  18. I believe Council should make a ruling not to deal with Late Agenda Items, unless the item is an 11th hour life threatening emergency. This would stop the Administration calling the shots.

    The Administration use late agenda items to decrease the time Councillors have to research the issue/subject or so they can slip items in without the community knowing about it until it is too late.

    Almost all the Late Agenda items over the last 12 years could have been left until the next General meeting.

    Late items should be reserved for emergencies and there has only been one life threatening emergency in the last decade and that was when the storm hit in 2011!

  19. Anonymous17 September 2015 at 22:28: Sound reasoning, this.

  20. there's the big prawn, the big pineapple and the big bogan and now York can have the big avon waste truck, it really suits the town tourists will love it and go to northam or toodyay we will love it because its part of the community forget about agriculture and tourism lets get into rubbish approve the avon waste tip on the entrance to town thats all we need who thought up such a lovely concept lets support it vote for it Councillors just like you have with SITA

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