Wednesday 24 February 2016


You saw it first on the blog…

Well, not really, because I didn’t name him, but I’m talking about the gentleman whose photo I displayed as possibly being that of the new ‘broome’ that will sweep York clean. 

(No, it wasn’t a spelling mistake. It was a not-so-cryptic clue.  Well done, everyone who got it.)

The gentleman’s name is Paul Martin.  He is currently deputy CEO of the Shire of Broome, with responsibility for business enterprise, property and strategy development and community services.

Before taking up that position, he was briefly CEO at the Town of Port Hedland from 2010 until early in 2012.  His decision to leave the top job in Hedland for the deputy’s job in Broome will seem less surprising to someone like me who has lived in Hedland and and knows Broome than to anyone who hasn’t and doesn’t.

Mr. Martin’s departure from Hedland followed a misunderstanding with the Corruption and Crime Commission arising from a BHP proposal to build a donga city able to accommodate up to 6000 FIFO workers.  Ah, those were the days, when iron ore was king, the skies were full of working men and women in orange or yellow vests and we dreamed that the Chinese dragon would prop up our standard of living forever! 

There is no suggestion that Mr. Martin did anything wrong or that the misunderstanding was the reason for his departure.    I mention it only because I know you will all be googling his name and finding a report by Beatrice Thomas in the online West Australian for 10 January 2012, and an ABC report dated 29 March 2012 that Mr. Martin was heading for Broome.   Some cynics are bound to draw the wrong conclusions. 

By now, everyone will have heard that York Shire Council has appointed Mr. Martin as the Shire’s new CEO.  It chose him from a field of 41.  So much for those who said nobody would want to come to York because the blogs would frighten away potential candidates!

From all accounts, the choice was a wise one.  Mr. Martin is reputed to be a cheerful and gregarious fellow as well as a clever manager who enjoys a challenge and can think outside the square.  True, he comes from the swamp, but he’s no dinosaur, and indications are that Broome people who know him will be sorry to see him go.

Congratulations, councillors.  You’ve done well.  I’ve gazed upon the future in the tea-leaves and bless my soul, I really think it’s going to work.

A scapegoat

By now, I imagine most readers will have studied Pam Law’s account of her reasons for resigning as rating officer at the Shire.

I applaud Pam’s decision to come forward with her story.  It confirms what many of us have long suspected, that aspects of the Shire administration have been for too long over-dependent on the whims and fancies of certain senior staff.

Pam copped a lot of flak from disgruntled ratepayers.  It’s no picnic trying to collect debts from desperate people who can’t afford to pay.  Up to a point, being snarled at comes with the territory—but only up to a point.   

People complained to me that Pam lacked compassion in the exercise of her responsibilities.   Perhaps—but after reading what she has to say in her own defence, I wonder if she had much choice.  It now seems to me that she acted under instruction, in the process setting herself up as a scapegoat for the callousness of her superiors. 

Nobody would have mistaken former CEO Hooper for Mother Teresa, and I remember somebody showing me a disgraceful letter from A/CEO Simpson in which he dismissed a plea for merciful treatment on the grounds (I’m paraphrasing) that it was his job to maximize revenue coming into the Shire, not to show compassion to ratepayers fallen on hard times. 

This from an inept carpetbagger soaking the people of York to the tune of around four grand a week, and encompassing one of the most outrageous rate hikes in Western Australian history!

Not surprisingly, attitudes like that trickle down to middle management and folk doing it tough may find themselves being clobbered hard by frontline staff and doing it even tougher.

What I found most disturbing in Pam’s narrative is her statement that at what was obviously a very difficult time for her she got no support from Human Resources.  This calls for an investigation.  Pam’s critics on the blog may have acted unfairly towards her, but they didn’t owe her a professional duty of care. 

The Shire certainly did, and it seems pretty clear from what she says that it failed her, especially when, as she claims, another staff member started spreading malicious lies about her.   

I find myself agreeing with Anonymous 24/2 @ 00:50:  write it down, Pam, the whole story, naming names, and send the result to A/CEO Mark Dacombe. 

And yes, I may be, as Anonymous says, ‘a bit of a prick at times’, but I’ll help in any way I can.  Drop me a line at .   And thanks for sharing your story on the blog.   It was a brave thing to do.

Rules of engagement

To the person who submitted a comment under the name ‘Sharney Colton’:  I did not, as you allege, permit the lady you named to criticize someone, then refuse to allow the person criticized to exercise their right of response.

The lady in question did not mention anyone’s name.  She remarked on something she reported having witnessed, framing her remark in the context of a generalization about people in York—not one I agree with, by the way. 

On receiving your comment, I could see you had assumed that her remark was no mere generalization but specifically critical of you.   Why you assumed that is something only you can explain. 

There are two reasons why I won’t publish your comment.  Neither has anything to do with hypocrisy, as you have charged.  The first is that your comment is unduly acerbic and aggressive, and based simply on the supposition, no more than that, that the lady’s comment was directed at you. 

I repeat, no names are mentioned in the lady’s comment, and the comment contained insufficient circumstantial detail to identify you, whoever you are, or anyone else.

The second and more important reason is that whatever lies behind your comment appears to be some kind of private dispute that has nothing whatsoever to do with this blog.

From the outset, I’ve published a wide range of comments—probably too wide a range—but I think I must draw the line at allowing the blog to become a vehicle for the expression of personal acrimony arising from private disputes.

People who want to engage in that kind of thing should get in the queue to take part in My Kitchen Rules.
Witch-hunt in Joaquina Street 

Councillors and senior shire employees were apparently incensed by the publication on this blog of a photo of our new CEO, Paul Martin from Broome, a day or two before Shire President Wallace officially announced the appointment.

They seem to have assumed that one of their own had leaked the information to the blog.

In the course of the ensuing witch-hunt, councillors and staff alike endured merciless grilling.  Torture was used in the attempt to extract confessions, but to no avail.  Not even being forced to read aloud from the Fitz Gerald Report, followed by threats of involuntary suicide, could wring confessions from the unfortunate souls writhing in agony at the feet of their pitiless tormentors. 

No surprise there, because no such leak occurred.  I got some hints from a source that has no connection with the Shire of York—and has never lived here.  Then, by a process of elimination and deduction, I concluded that Mr. Martin had applied for the position, and that the mandate of heaven had finally passed to him.

As Sherlock Holmes said in The Sign of Four, ‘…when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth’.

I had no qualms in posting the offending photo.  I can think of no reason why Council’s decision should have been kept secret for even a day from the people of York, who will be paying Mr. Martin’s salary and emoluments.  I didn’t post his name against the photo because I didn’t want too much egg on my face if my conclusion proved to be wrong.   Instead, I opted for a cryptic clue.  We all have our little vanities, I suppose.

(Posted 290216.)


  1. Where can we read Pam Laws letter of resignation?

    1. Why would you want to? Pam has set out her case on the blog, in a thread under 'Meanwhile from Victoria...'

    2. James, in relation to my resignation, the first one which went into detail was not accepted. The one on file basically says "thanks for the opportunity that was provided to me" and I left it at that.

      There you go anonymous 24 February 2016 12:40, if I can find my copy I will gladly post it here for you.

    3. My apologies James, I'm clearly not as ardent in following comments, replies and posts as others who have the good fortune to. I applaud Pam Law and her comments - everything she says is true. Not easy working for the devil, I know this, because I worked in the same place for the same devil. It is very easy for people to make comment on situations without having the background details...I understand that. But for many and varied reasons, sometimes we have to walk a path until we can get to the turn off. There is good and bad on both sides, and I saw that daily in my role working for the SOY. Both within the SOY and the general public... lived liars, manipulators, trouble makers and two faced fiends and foes. Working for the SOY meant you were publicly and privately scrutinised...and all the while you had no right of rebuttal - after all as an employee, you sign a confidentiality agreement. It is easy for people to say, just leave....but a family who depends on you, a mortgage that dictates your every action, and a work ethic that says I can make a difference is a mighty sword to carry. In the end, all the good ones go...usually to their own detriment. Why don't I put my name to this??? Because I need to remain employable for at least the next 20 years. Many of us spoke to Councillors and Government Agencies to no avail. In fact I spoke to 2 Councillors upon my resignation and spilled the truth...for what? Nothing changed. My experience with both the SOY and a large number of doyennes within York has left a very sour taste in my mouth, which remains to this day. I'm going to ask that you and your bloggers respect the fact that the majority of underlings of the SOY employment do not deserve to be mistreated by either you or your commentators with your keyboard warrior statements. P.S I lasted 24 months with the SOY, if I could have sold my house quicker, it would have been a lot shorter...but as the agent said, who wants to come to York?

    4. From what Ive read it is usually (with exception of Pam) a while back only senior staff as a rule that are spoken about on this blog and they deserve everything they get! I have no sympathy at all for Masuik and Cochrane. Goes around comes around

    5. Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry your experience of living in York and working for the Shire was so grim.

      What you write reinforces several of my reasons for continuing with the blog. I hope and pray that with the new council and a new CEO the Shire will set out on a different path that doesn't involve threats, bullying, patronage, corruption and persecution of dissenters.

      In the short time he's been Acting CEO, Mark Dacombe seems to have guided the Shire towards significant improvements in morale and respect for our community, but there's much more to be done - it will take a very long time to undo all the damage done over the past ten years or so. Unfortunately, there are people who would prefer the past to be forgotten and their power and influence restored. That mustn't be allowed to happen.

      I'm well aware that most Shire staff are good people working in difficult, sometimes intolerable conditions. I think all of us 'keyboard warriors' know that and try to keep it in mind when we write about the Shire's failures and shortcomings. Yes, in Pam's case we seem to have been off-target, but if you look back through the blog you'll find, as I've written recently, that very few employees have been subjected to criticism. The blog has enemies among the staff, but more than a few invisible allies.

      Your statement that you complained to councillors and government agencies, but to no avail, will strike a chord in many of us. If you tried to alert the minister and his DLGC senior bureaucrats to what was going on, you will understand why we hold them in such contempt - their job was to set things to rights, and they succeeded in making them much, much worse.

  2. Rules of engagement
    Sorry James, you are wrong. Why would you think the comment related to me personally, it was also a mere generalization. I simply noticed that this was yet another ‘he said…she said’ statement and stuff like that criticizing people in York has no place on a blog without some justifiable explanation. The entire comment is unbalanced - negative about the community of York followed by a positive to have people come together for a 185th birthday party…… I missing something here?

  3. No, you're wrong. I don't know who you are - you're using a pseudonym - but your response to what the lady had written was so acerbic and aggressive that I felt justified in supposing some personal gripe lay behind it.

    There is nothing 'unbalanced' about following a 'negative' comment with a 'positive' one. Quite the contrary. Think about it. What does 'balanced' mean?

    We know the identity of the person who wrote the comment you objected to. She told us her name. Your identity remains a mystery. It would have been reasonable for you to respond to her comment in a calm and measured way. Instead, you went overboard with a series of questions framed in the style of a police interrogation from the 1950s.

    To sum up, her comment amounted to a general observation, yours to a personal attack on an identified subject. Surely you can see the difference? Personal attacks in the context of a political discussion are something blogs like this tend to accommodate, but your comment was not of that kind.

    Let's leave it at that, shall we?

  4. Pam they surely can't just not accept your resignation letter. Did they give you a reason for not accepting it in writing?

    1. Anonymous 6302, that same thought occurred to me.

      Who was the person who refused to accept your resignation, Pam - or better, what was that person's role in the organisation? What reason was given for not accepting it?

  5. can we move on - how many times do we need to say it - we have a new CEO let the bloke do his job, you idiots dont need to do it for him

    1. We'll 'move on' when the wrongs of the past have been corrected and we're satisfied that the future won't be like the past - and certainly not because some anonymous creep with an axe to grind tells us that we must. How many times do we have to say it? If you don't like the blog, don't read it, and keep your daft opinions to yourself.

    2. The new CEO needs all the tools to be able to do his job if he is to succeed in leading us into a bright future. This also means he has to be rid of a few tools like the TOOL who occupys the HR position

  6. this is all very personal, one would have thought from reading Pam's note that some recognition that you can do serious damage to peoples self esteem and emotional stability from such personal attacks, especially when you think you know all the facts but actually you dont. Isn't it time this blog cleaned itself up and stopped publishing personalized attacks that one day may have serious consequences on individuals and here I say openly suicide, this blog is nothing short of cyber bullying sometimes. It would be good if we could clean up our act and look at what that other person keeps saying, (that James takes great exception every time) the future and the rebuilding of York.

    1. I don't believe for one moment that a comment on this blog, however unpleasant, can drive a reasonable person to suicide. This, I suppose, is the modern world of victimhood, trigger warnings, 'micro-aggressions' and the rest. For heaven's sake, good people, toughen up. As I said in an earlier comment, no wonder the Islamists are coming after us. We have turned ourselves and our way of life into easy prey.

      What I take exception to 'every time' is the accusation of negativity. The reason I take exception to it is that so far as I can see I am one of the very few people who have offered clear, cogent and positive suggestions as to how York can be cured of its present malaise. A couple of articles ago, I asked others to put up their suggestions. Not many came through, and none at all from the kinds of people who accuse this blog and me of 'negativity'.

      So, why don't you tell us what positive steps YOU think are needed to guarantee 'the future and rebuilding of York'? Give yourself a head start by looking at the topics I nominated in my article 'Talking about York's future..' Go on - show us what you're made of!

    2. your ignorance of suicide is outstanding James, take care its on the record and if it happens it will be on your hands if you dont curb the cyber bullying on this blog

    3. A great deal of the ‘cyber bullying’ that has appeared on this blog has been directed at me. However, I won’t be contemplating suicide because of it.

      Far from being ‘ignorant’ of suicide, I have read and thought a good deal about it down the years, and have talked people out of it from time to time. I wonder how much you know about it? To me, your comment seems merely glib, with a smidgin of idle threat thrown in.

      Hardly anyone has been subjected to personal attack on the blog. Those who have copped it, with one possible exception, are not cleanskins. They are people who have abused power and position to make life miserable (and sometimes more expensive) for other people. They know who they are and must surely have a shrewd idea of what they’ve done—and why, to speak figuratively, now and then a peasant boot like mine connects with their guilty posteriors.

      The best remedy for what psychologists call ‘suicidal ideation’, i.e. thinking about doing yourself in, is an injection of stoicism. The next best is a sense of humour.

      Part of the problem is that too many people these days are endowed with a massive sense of personal entitlement and a corresponding set of unrealisable expectations. Some of this is tied up in the idea of ‘self-esteem’, one of the most pernicious concepts ever to have invaded the Western mind. There’s far too much of it about. Most people, in my experience, think so highly of themselves that they’re devastated by even a whisper of criticism, no matter how richly deserved.

      Forget self-esteem, which comes cheap like a plastic toy in a cornflakes packet. Work on your self-respect, which like respect in general is something we all have to earn. No self-respecting person would contemplate suicide in reaction to something said on this or any other blog.

    4. as I said it will be on your hands, as a qualified psychiatrist I think your comments above are a disgrace and you should immediately stop thinking that you are qualified to comment, take care James it will happen its a matter of time and those most vulnerable are not necessarily the ones you think in your misguided and very unqualified way. In fact if it does happen I shall then identify myself and will be your worst enemy as a qualified witness, all I am asking is that you stop the personal comments they have consequences far beyond your untrained imagination can conjure. In short get off your high horse and listen to someone else for a change!

    5. You are NOT a qualified psychiatrist but a common or garden liar. I doubt that you have any kind of qualification worth writing home about. Identify yourself now if you expect to be taken seriously.

      I have no idea who may or may not be 'vulnerable', if indeed anybody is, which frankly I doubt.

      Everyone is 'qualified' to comment on the matters I adverted to, with or without a medical degree. You're not only a liar, you're a fool.

      What's the moral difference between your own threatening and abusive comments and what you take exception to on the blog?

    6. sorry James I just read this, you are wrong I know who I am, nothing you have said is correct, I am making a valid point that the blog that you host has content directed at individuals and is not only defamatory it is very personal, this is cyber bullying under the veil of community interest, but with no less impact on vulnerable individuals, you are choosing to facilitate that function and therefore complicit in the carrying out of that behavior, I am not a criminal lawyer so i have no idea what the repercussion are there for you, all I am saying is that you have the benefit of this knowledge and you can look further into what I am saying using an expert of your choosing. Ignoring what I have said is at your own risk. I repeat should there be any sad consequences as a result of your hosting these personal attacks and in numerous cases where you have actually added weight to the attacks, I shall come forward to give my expert evidence and show these comments to any investigation carried out. It is not too late no one has gone so far yet, but heed my advice you and I alike do not know what is happening inside a vulnerable persons mind, the consequences of what you think you have a right to say (which I would question) can be very sad indeed. I dont know you and in many cases do not care about what is said on the blog as I live in York only part of the year, however after a friend of mine directed me to your blog I was rather shocked that this was without a doubt in my professional experience akin o some of the worst cyber bulling I have read in my work at schools and universities over the past 8 years. That is my professional opinion and none of what you have written will change that.

    7. Well, I'm sorry too, but I still think you're a fraud. If you are a 'qualified psychiatrist', perhaps you would care to dispel my native scepticism by telling me what qualifications you hold, where you acquired them, and what specifically entitles you to represent yourself as an authority on suicide and its causes. You might also like to recommend some recent articles on suicide from reputable psychiatric journals.

      A qualified psychiatrist would know that causation in such matters as suicide is far more complex than your comments would seem to indicate. As the psychiatrist R D Laing once put it, in any case of emotional breakdown, 'the gun that fires now was cocked long ago'. Are you suggesting that we should spend our lives suppressing truth and walking on eggshells in case some 'vulnerable person' decides to end it all on the basis of something said about them on a blog that according to its detractors nobody reads? That way lies madness of a different kind.

      Do you read newspapers, by the way? If so, have you noticed how often hurtful things, most of them true, are written in them about a wide variety of people, not only politicians and criminals but also previously obscure citizens who never expected their sins to be found out? If your ideas about suicide were correct, every issue of the West Australian would be followed by a dozen or more suicides. Strangely though, most people seem to cope quite well.

      As you rightly say, neither of us knows what is happening 'in a vulnerable person's mind'. In fact, we don't know what's happening in anyone's mind, or who counts as 'a vulnerable person' at any particular time.

      How do you know that I'm not 'a vulnerable person', at this moment, in response to your strictures and threats, weaving the rope that will liberate me from the burdens and terrors of human existence? My point is that you don't know, but if I were, in a moment of weakness, to string myself up in the garden shed as a result of reading your comments on the blog, you would not be to blame.

      My lawyer has advised me that in the event of such 'sad consequences' as you allude to, and which I would regret no less than you, I would have nothing to fear from the law. Sorry to disappoint you.

      As a society, we are so busy turning misfortune into victimhood, we fail to notice that in doing so we run the risk of depriving those we are trying to help of personal responsibility and the dignity that flows from it. Stoicism - the much-derided 'stiff upper lip' - is vital to the maintenance of human dignity. These days it is very much in decline, to the danger and detriment of our civilization. That is my 'unprofessional' opinion, and nothing of what you have written, whatever your occupation, will change that.

    8. Forget them James. Dont water down the blog with tit for tat with a fraud. You've said your piece and shown them for what they are.

    9. James, why are you bothering giving York's very own Sigmund air time?
      My money is on the anonymous 'qualified psychiatrist' being a senior member of SOY.
      I've never read so much crap, who's going to commit suicide because of the blog and why?
      Cyber bullying is bullshit, I doubt (Ms) Sigmund ever found herself on the wrong side of Hooper, maybe underneath him a couple of times, but never on the wrong side.

    10. Anonymous @ 20:58 and Slack Alice, thanks for your advice and support.

      We've all heard of Sigmund Freud. Now it seems we have our very own Sigmund Fraud!

    11. By golly you are all very dismissive of that person I just read all that and think it is worth taking some of those points on board, as an avid reader of the blog I certainly dont want to be part of online bullying things perhaps we can tone it down a bit

    12. how does someone that raises genuine concerns become demonized as Sigmund Freud?

    13. Nobody has been 'demonized', except perhaps for me. Did you read what our supposed 'qualified psychiatrist' actually wrote? Psychiatrists are among the smartest and best educated people on the planet. Much of their work entails writing reports. They know how to craft and punctuate an English sentence, to cite evidence backing their assertions and to present their views in a fair and balanced way. They also have an excellent grasp of word meanings - I can't imagine any psychiatrist of my acquaintance confusing 'none' (a contraction of 'not one' or 'no one') with 'nothing', as she does in the last sentence of her comment of 28/2 at 16:56. So - she is not a psychiatrist but a sham, and I'm sorry now that I gave her the chance to be taken seriously.

    14. Slack Alice28 February 2016 at 21:10 I think you are right. The psychiatrist qualifications are about as authentic as hers on her employment file at the Shire of York.

  7. James sometimes wrongs of the past cant be corrected look to the horizon and move ahead. I dealt with Pam and she was a very good person for our council, she left clearly because of the threats etc - they came from the people of York not the council staff, lets see it as it is not make it up to suit our own objectives.

  8. 'Corrected' was a poor choice of word, sorry. I should have said 'remedied'. We can certainly remedy wrongs of the past, e.g. by compensating the folk who suffered them and by making sure they don't happen again.

    This is a direct quote from Pam's comment on 23/2 @ 15:33 (under 'Meanwhile from Victoria...') - 'My name is mud in that office now due to one staff member. I stood up to her at the very end and she ended up spreading bullshit lies about me through the office.'

    Well, whoever that staff member was, their behaviour seems to have been at least as unsavoury as any comment published on this blog. So don't blame only 'the people of York' for Pam's troubles.

    As a regular recipient of nasty abuse from maggots on the dark side, I won't make light of what has happened to Pam, and I'm deeply sorry for any part I may have inadvertently played in it.

    But the real culprits are those of her colleagues who didn't give her the support she deserved when she needed it and turned against her at the end. Had she received that support, she might not have felt driven to resign.

  9. Just a point or two. Anonymous, Feb 26 @ 02.33 We don't have a 'new CEO' yet. The gentleman we have is an 'ACTING CEO' and understand he is fulfilling his role, as required.
    I do believe our NEW CEO, steps up to his new position in April. (?) I may be corrected if wrong.

    Anonymous, Feb 26 @ 16.36. You have the gall to accuse James (and others) of what is akin to 'cyber bullying', with the possibility of causing someone to commit suicide. Really? Who?

    In case you haven't noticed, the aggression, manner and the phrasing you use, in your writing is actually tantamount to 'cyber bullying'. So, while you are busy accusing everyone else, take a good look at yourself. Accusations towards James, of personalised attacks against Pam Law and telling "us" to clean up our acts (whilst neatly including yourself, I noticed - perhaps you didn't mean to?) is wrong!

    I do think the majority of people DO listen to what sensible comments have been made, and react accordingly.
    I also noticed that you haven't supplied any support or sympathy towards Pam. Clearly what happened to her, has been an extremely nasty event, and leaves one feeling absolutely devastated. I have been in a similar position myself and I have a friend who has also been on a similar journey. A little late now, perhaps, but Pam, you have my sincere sympathy for what happened to you. And for my part, I am sorry.

    Yes, you are right to say that the consequences can leave the recipient feeling down and out, but by the same token, there are supposed to be rules, regs. and laws to prevent, help, support and fix those situations. It is just that it doesn't happen all that often, mainly because the people who cause the problem, are the people in charge. All boils down to the fact that, those who are supposed to be in charge, should be qualified to do the job they are paid to do.

    That is where the accusations get personal. And rightly so.

  10. there is no reason for us to be so personal James to have our opinion, so i dont support what you have written here

  11. Can't help feeling that this Real Voice blog spot has reached a 'jump the shark' period....a term to describe a moment when something that was once great has reached a point where it will now decline in quality and popularity. How do others feel?

    1. That's a very interesting comment, Disillusioned. You may well be right. Would you like to expand on it?

  12. Perhaps for now, but only until the next bit of documented evidence arises which it will.

  13. Yes its a pity and I appreciate James effort but I think the cause is over we have a new council and they are our friends that have fought for our causes, maybe James time to reinvent the direction of the blog

    1. I wonder if Ashworth Road residents would agree with your description of the new council.

      After months of departmental brainwashing, councillors seem to be exhibiting some of the same characteristics as their predecessors - secrecy and gullibility, for a start.

      But the real problem, as we all know, lies elsewhere. How do you rate our chances of significant change?

  14. Yes well although i'm a regular reader I do think the blogs lost its way how can it change to help improve York

  15. agree agree well said Disillusioned, no offence to james

  16. Yes I thought about what is being said about the blog being very personal and the consequences of that and I have decided it is a point and we should be more careful with our personal articles I went back and read some and they really do go a bit far

    1. Are you talking about articles or comments?

  17. both actally if you go back and read you will see often someone will comment on an individual in a personal way and you will then ad weight to that comment and even add to it, i just say James as a person im not comfortable with that

    1. Sorry, I'm a bit slow today. Are you talking about people who are named on the blog?

      What do you mean by 'adding weight'? Can you point me towards a couple of examples?

      I'm not disputing what you've written. I'm wondering why my view of the matter differs from yours.

      Perhaps it's because I've been the target of some very nasty comments, quite a few of which I've published in the interests of free expression. As the 'owner' of the blog, I consider myself fair game, as in my view are petty tyrants in the bureaucracy and those who are unfairly enriching themselves at the community's expense.

  18. Ears to the ground1 March 2016 at 20:17

    Just been told by BP staff the BP Lakes service station and the old Road House will be closed for 6 months for re-development! Signs are already being removed. Staff have just been notified. The ruins will remain.

    1. Could this have something to do with SITA's proposal for Allawuna? If so, awkward questions would arise regarding the integrity of the SAT process. How could BP have obtained advance notice of SAT's decision?

      But don't let's be paranoid. It's probably just a coincidence...

  19. Ears to the ground1 March 2016 at 21:05

    Not paranoid James.

    Power Poles are being replaced on the Great Southern Highway out towards 13 Mile and beyond.

    1. Oh dear. Should I stop believing everything I read about the separation of powers in Western Australia?

      Power poles, eh? Perhaps the government intends to encourage tourism in the Wheatbelt by installing tramlines from Midland to York along the Great Southern Highway. After Elizabeth Quay, anything's possible.

  20. Something I have been advocating for, for a long time. Every new road, every 'reconstructed' road should have ample and appropriate room up the centre of the roadway, for light rail, regardless of where it is going, or how long it might take to install it. Then there is NO excuse for not providing outer suburbs and closer country towns with public transport. Ridiculous for York People to travel all the way over to Northam (1/2 hour from town centre) to catch the train - at great expense, to travel through Toodyay and down to the city. Takes about an hour and 1/2. When York people can be at Mundaring in 3/4 hour and catch a bus or Midland in an Hour and catch either bus or train to the city. We 'older folk' might be provided with fuel cards to help us with transport, but city folk can use public transport anytime they want and not be restricted to the hours of 9.00 am to 3.00pm for reduced costs. Hands up who manage to get specialists appointments/ business appointments earlier or later than those times, or have all their business finished by 3.00pm so they can catch a 'cheaper' train back home to Northam????? Direct route is much better. We then also have the ridiculous situation of people wanting to travel to places like Albany, having to head north through Northam, York etc., just to get there. How crazy is that??

    What is happening with the SAT decision. Has anybody heard anything - received any information of their decision??? Seems awfully quite.

    1. You're joking surely Jan. The fight to keep the train to Northam is not over yet. It costs WA tax payers millions to run a train and the Avon Link runs at less than 20% capacity. The city has the population but not enough trains so I doubt we'll be a priority any time soon.

  21. I know that the building plans have been released for quotation by trades

  22. I heard Avon Waste was ramping up its move to Ashworth Road due to the pending sale of the site to SITA, not sure how true but i heard it.

  23. we're all doomed alluwana, ashworth road trucks tips recycling what a great town bring it on, our Councillors are asleep at the wheel

  24. Ears to the ground2 March 2016 at 06:05

    Perkins Builders is currently tendering for the projects listed below.

    BP The Lakes Roadhouse Closed

    1. what I was referring to in Anon 3:28 was the plans for Alluwana not The Lakes

  25. your kidding so its going ahead?

  26. Plans released for quote for Alluwuna?
    Does this mean SITA's privy to inside information? If so, it is not a good look for due process, fairness or trusting the W.A. legal process, to say nothing of trusting the State Administration Tribunal and State Government! As James said above, awkward questions would arise regarding the integrity of the SAT process.

    Surely an appeal could be lodged in the Supreme Court if SITA's application is approved. I think two or perhaps three of SAT's decisions have been overturned in the Supreme Court. Would it be worth considering crowd funding to cover an appeal?

    1. We're in dangerous territory here. In my view, governments, like individual politicians, should never be trusted no matter from which side of politics they come.

      Most judicial officers do their absolute best to make sure their judgements accord fully with the law as it stands and are not likely to be overturned on appeal. However, everybody makes mistakes at times. I was heartened by the Supreme Court's ruling on Roe 8, overturning SAT's decision on the basis that the EPA (no doubt as directed by government) had declined to carry out its statutory responsibilities. The EPA did, or rather failed to do, exactly the same regarding the landfill, so maybe there's scope to appeal if SAT's judgement goes against the people of York.

      But beware - if York's champions lost an appeal to the Supreme Court, they might be up for mountains of legal costs. As the old saying goes, we have the best legal system that money can buy. Going to court can break you, even when you're in the right. To be fair to the appellants, we'd have to get crowd funding to help them. Bear in mind that, unless I'm greatly mistaken, they'd only have 7 days to lodge their appeal.

      However, so far as I know SAT's decision hasn't come down yet, so let's not get despondent. I'm off to light a candle to St Jude...

    2. Ears to the ground2 March 2016 at 22:23

      Lets pray for a miracle.
      Sooner or later something has to go right for York.

  27. Great to see a new footpath in McCartney street beside Home Hardware.

  28. whats the footpath got to do with SITA and Avon Waste ?

    1. Nothing, I suppose, but it's a bit of good news and I guess that's why it was posted. The blog doesn't turn up its nose at good news, whatever the topic.

  29. I have read nothing but criticism about the negative things on this blog and when someone makes the effort to write something positive - ie the nice new footpath - it still gets questioned. Some people are never happy no matter what.

  30. Fortunately, the world does not revolve around SITA and as James says, any good news is welcome.

    To add to that - I was delighted to see in our latest, local paper, that the majority of York people, still have good hearts and are thoughtful and supportive of those who recently, haven't been quite as fortunate as the majority of us, and have lost their homes/property, stock, vehicles their town and perhaps businesses and also perhaps, for a short period, all hope.

    The fundraising that has been undertaken in the last month or so, is truly heartening and nice to see that 'our' people don't just sit and contemplate their navels. They get their act together, more, they WORK together, so that the less fortunate may have their lives improved, even just a little.

    So I think a huge "CONGRATULATIONS' and some THANKYOU'S to all of those who have stepped up and given of their time, perhaps funds and in some cases, possessions/stockfeed etc., to help others.

    Isn't it nice to know that those few deadbeats, who constantly abuse/accuse, tell falsehoods and harass those, who have contributed to this blog (and others), for voicing concerns over the state of affairs in our fair town, are most definitely in the minority.

    THIS, is how we will get ourselves out of the mire and re-boot York.

    Well done, people.

  31. how about a bit more work on teh footpaths of York they are in a disgraceful state just have a good look as you drive next time, surely some work crews can get a program of restoration going when they have nothing else on
