Monday 1 February 2016


Let’s put up an agenda…

Readers will have seen for themselves the demand in numerous comments on various topics that the blog should forswear referring to the past and deal exclusively with the challenges likely to face York now and in years to come.

Many times, I have responded by pointing out that the past is mirrored in and does much to shape the present, which in turn, as it becomes the past, will play a decisive part in moulding the future. 

This is not mere academic theory.  It is common sense.  We ignore it, as individuals and as a society, at our peril.

It seems my argument has fallen on deaf ears.  A century ago the pioneer motor vehicle manufacturer Henry Ford proclaimed that ‘History is bunk’.   As I have discovered, he has more than one vociferous disciple in York.

I prefer George Santayana’s aphorism from his book Reason in Common Sense: ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’.  No less do I like novelist Kurt Vonnegut’s rejoinder: ‘I’ve got news for Mr. Santayana.  We’re doomed to repeat the past no matter what.  That’s what it is to be alive’. 

If we’re doomed to repeat the past, our best course is to find out as much as we can about it and try to figure out how to avoid repeating the really bad bits.

I’m well aware that the folk most eager and determined to thrust York’s recent history aside are those most at risk of ignominy, disgrace or worse if the truth about the last ten years is fully revealed.

Currently, I have four articles lined up for the blog.  Each of them starts with a look at the past and tries to tease out implications for the present and where possible, the future.  Unfortunately, I can’t write a lot about the future.  I haven’t been there lately, not since the dog ate the operating instructions for my time machine.

Real voices

This blog, as I’ve said in the past, is called ‘The REAL Voice of York’ for a very good reason.  My voice alone is NOT ‘the real voice of York’.  Nobody’s voice is, certainly not mine. 

The real voice of York is a collective voice, made up of individual voices often in furious disagreement.  It was always and remains my desire to provide a stimulus to discussion followed by a platform for the expression of diverse opinions. 

Naturally, I make no secret of my own opinions, but I only apply the heavy hand of censorship to comments that are designed to be more abusive than enlightening.  Not everything I censor comes from the dark side.  I have sent nasty or obscene remarks about certain denizens of the dark side to the same spam folder as nasty remarks about me. 

For example, the blog does not welcome scurrilous assertions about the imagined sex lives of Shire employees or councillors and commissioners past and present. 

Up to a few days ago I simply deleted such comments, but no longer.  History must be served.

Correspondents (I like that word better than ‘commenters’) who are trying to discredit me by accusing me of jettisoning comments that disagree with my point of view in fact do themselves no credit at all.  The evidence on the blog, going back to the beginning, is against them. 

I repeat for the nth time: comments that embody or advance an argument, or provide information, and are not obscene or grossly impolite, will always find a home on the blog no matter which side they favour.  That’s a promise I have kept and mean always to keep.

Enough, already.  As the French say, let’s return to our muttons (revenons à nos moutons), namely the subject at hand.  Which is: what’s the way forward for York?  What should we be talking about when we talk about York’s future?

Setting an agenda

These are some of the things I believe we should be thinking and talking about.  You may not agree with my choice of topics.  Feel free to add to the list or suggest that some topics should be removed from it.

1.  MONEY   This is the big one, in my view.  The last Shire budget, promulgated and adopted by His Rapacious Excellency Commissioner James Best, condemned York’s ratepayers to an historic rise in rates—among the very highest in Australia, I’m told.  Are we getting value for money? 

What should Council be doing to make sure that for next year and in future rates are fixed no higher than the CPI?  (For  2016/17, should rates increase at all?)

2.  STAFF   Is the Shire overstaffed, for example at the upper levels of the administration?  Is it time to restructure?  Do we really need a DCEO, and if we do, should we be looking for one who is able and willing when necessary to step into the CEO’s shoes? 

Are contract staff salaries in general too high and perquisites too generous?  In this area, too, are we getting value for money?  If not, how should Council exert pressure on the new CEO to change that situation in the ratepayers’ favour?

What should Council and the new CEO do to ensure that the Shire’s long history of nepotism and patronage is never repeated, and that past instances of this illegality are corrected with a minimum of delay?

3.  CONSULTANTS   Do we really need to engage so many highly paid consultants; and is the reason we have them that senior staff aren’t up to the jobs they are paid to do? 

On the latter point, A/CEO Dacombe doesn’t seem to think so.  Last week I was shown a letter he had written to a ratepayer defending the continuing engagement of the services of his fellow ex-CEO of the City of Canning, none other than Dominic Carbone, to assist the Shire’s financial controller. 

According to Mr. Dacombe, this arrangement is definitely giving value for money (yes, he used that very phrase).  Are we all convinced that he’s right?

(By the way, I owe Mr. Carbone an apology.  In a recent article, I may have insinuated that he has no financial qualifications.  Mr. Dacombe wrote that his friend was in fact for many years a CPA, but no longer renews his certification because he no longer needs to. 

I’m not sure what Mr. Dacombe was trying to tell the recipient of his letter.  Was he saying that Dom used to need his CPA as a local government CEO, but no longer needs it as a WALGA-promoted financial adviser to local government authorities?  Does that really make sense?  Anyway, whatever Mr. Dacombe meant, sorry, Mr. Carbone.)

4.  FITZ GERALD    What is Council going to do about the Fitz Gerald Report?  Will it tell us what its lawyers currently recommend? 

I say ‘currently’, because there is a 12 months’ limitation on pursuing an action in defamation, and the document has been around on the Internet and elsewhere since it first appeared in or about July 2014.    Like the Australian Women’s Weekly, it’s very widely read.  (Yes, I realise the situation may not be that simple, but the lawyers will know.)

More to the point, what does Council plan to do or what is it doing by way of compensation or other redress for the victims of past wrongs committed in the name of the Shire of York?

5.  THE YRCC   This is a thorny one.  I’m working on an article about it, so I won’t say much here.  I was surprised to be told the other day that the YRCC is used by less than 20% of York’s population (the actual figure quoted to me was 18.6%). 

Can that be true?  If so, whatever happened to ‘user pays’?  Why should 4/5 of the population be slugged with maintaining at considerable cost a facility used only by the remaining 1/5?  How much has the development cost since its inception, and what is the rate of return on this costly investment?   How often has it done service as a convention centre, and at what profit to the Shire?  Does Council have a plan for the future of the YRCC?

6.  THE OLD CONVENT SCHOOL   What should Council do about this unsafe, apparently unusable building, purchased on the whim of Commissioner Best, a.k.a. Jimmy the Rat, aided and abetted by A/CEO Simpson?   How does it plan to use the building, if at all, and if that isn’t the intention, how does it plan to get rid of it?

7.   TOURISM   Much of York’s future lies in tourism.  I sense that this important economic activity has taken a bit of a dive since the collapse of the old Tourist Board.  What’s to be done?  How best (I wish there was another word) can we promote tourism in York so that we get more than our fair share of tourists from overseas as well as interstate and WA?

8.   ALLAWUNA   Any day now, presiding member MacNab will bring down his verdict.  If it goes against us, will it be possible for JDAP, as defendant, supported by Council, to appeal?  If not, how does Council plan to make sure that the citizens of York get the best possible deal from the dumping of Perth’s waste in York’s agricultural zone?

OK, no more from me.  What do readers think?  Over to you!

A good news story…

Robyn and Kay Davies are heroines of the fight against SITA’s proposed landfill at Allawuna.

Here they are on Australia Day with the certificates awarded to them as nominees for York Citizen of the Year.  (Photo courtesy of Roma Paton.)

The top award went to Adelphe King, in recognition of her many years of voluntary service to the York community.  If anyone has a photo of Adelphe, and is willing to share it, I’d love to post it here.  Please email it to .

Congratulations to all three ladies, stalwarts of the Shire of York.


  1. James what about the Avon Waste issue you left it off

  2. Right, let's add it. Would you like to kick off the discussion? What do you think was going on when Council approved the Avon Waste application? How are residents affected by the truck depot, and do they have plans to appeal the development? Have they formed a group to oppose it? It's your forum. Go with it!

    1. Is it true some residents in Ashworth road were told IF they publicly object to the truck depot, their rubbish will not be collected?

    2. Its true Jeremy Fisher pulled me up in the Castle and threatened me to keep my mouth shut or else.

    3. Anonymous @ 23:07, what were Mr Fisher's actual words - what was the 'or else' he threatened you with? Do you know if he's threatened others, and why do you think he would have picked on you?

    4. Thats how the Fishers get what they want!
      Jeremy is the family 'heavy'.

    5. Tell it as it is3 February 2016 at 05:30

      All those in Ashworth Road who have been threatened must speak out - it is the only way to stop these bullies.

      Those who met with Mr. Fitz Gerald found the courage. Residents of Ashworth road need to stand united and expose what has been happening to them. No one can help you if you don't tell us what has happened.

    6. You've got this bloke Jeremy Fisher all wrong. He's a frog who likes to go fishing. He has a lady friend called Mrs Tiggy Winkle. You can read about him in a book called 'The Tale of Mr Jeremy Fisher and Mrs Tiggy Winkle' by Beatrix Potter. Look it up if you don't believe me.

    7. Be carefull "Tell it as it is", those people you encourage to speak out will be targetted.
      Remember nothing has been done with the Fitz Gerald Report, all those who spoke up then have been hammered, yet Mr Fitz Gerald has never been seen again and his report has been burried by fearfull beurocrats.
      The perpetrators of the crimes walk about larger than life confident that the corrupt system will protect them.
      I know of one poor soul who gave evidence to Mike Fitz Gerald and Matthew Reid,
      and was then arrested by the police on bogus charges one hour after walking out of Matthew's office. It took 18 months and a small fortune to clear that individuals name.
      So go ahead speak up but remember those prison cells are freezing cold in winter and the lawyers will want $5000 a day to defend you.
      Those making the false claims will walk away without a question and the Police force will simply put it down to doing their job, they have no choice.

      Democracy in York ! it hasn't changed in 150 years.

    8. Truth Seeker, those are very serious allegations.

      What were the bogus charges? Did the accused person have to go to court to clear his or her name?

    9. It was in the local paper for over a year, an serious charge, threats to kill.
      10 times in court I believe.
      Small fortune as you can imagine.

      A couple of low lifes associated with the dark side did the dirty work.
      In our democratic society it only takes the word of two people and you are forced to defend yourselves. No evidence required, just two statements.

      So again I say, beware anyone wishing to speak up.

    10. I would assume being a small town not giving too much information on charges etc is to protect certain people. Shame it's required. I agree with Truth Seeker on this.

  3. I asked at the last council meeting would the Fitz Gerald report be tabled or acknowledged by council? - the answer given was yes and no - so I guess its being talked over? after all it wasn't a no.

    the other question I asked was about the Major Fraud Squad (MFS) and was their any news - the answer given was it is still under investigation, and the current ACEO was in contact with the MFS - so that's all still going.

  4. Your my hero Darlene

    1. No I am not a Hero. Just part of a group of people working together, wanting the wrongs made right.

  5. Darlene, just why are you suddenly so interested in the Fitz Gerald Report you had nothing to do with it, I know I've read it and you name is not mentioned in it anywhere. Why are you suddenly going on the blog with your name, to be famous. And what do you mean the answer was yes and no, what is that meant to mean. And the answer was not yes either or had you not worked that out. So a part from nothing what have you got to tell us.

    1. I think that's a bit unfair. Darlene has often posted comments on the blog - and under her own name too - though she's been uncharacteristically quiet for a while. My name isn't mentioned in the FGR either, but that hasn't stopped me from taking an interest. Not everybody is interested only in matters that directly affect them or offer the promise of renown.

    2. Oh you are so Clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P SB2 February 2016 at 16:16 so you have read the initial FGR report, the brief Summery oh you are so clever.

      Good on you Darlene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she always presents on paper. She is not one to open her mouth without proof unlike you P SB.

    3. Perhaps you would like to state how many times you have been to a council meeting, and your name and then attack Darlene.............

    4. The fame Game continues the only one, I want to see famous is Ray Hooper for what he did to this town, I want to see him spread all over the front page of the West Australian in prison Greens. The rest will get their comeuppance when it happens.

    5. Fact or Crap2 February 2016 at 18:37 - You are not the only one waiting for those headlines. He will take several down with him when it happens.

  6. correspondents, they can't put two words together, when they do its just gossip.

  7. P SB2 February 2016 at 16:16 Suddenly so interested in the FGR? had nothing to do with it? Read it my name is not in it? suddenly go on the blog to be famous? next time come to the council meeting before shooting your mouth of in a public forum. A copy of one of the emails from mike Fitzgerald,
    Thank you for going to my aid Plumridge to answer P SB fully why I was not mentioned by name in the initial report its none of your business that's why and its between me and mike fitzgerald.
    not open for public discussion. a copy of the original email copied below has been sent to verify what's typed below is an accurate email sent from fitzgerald strategies to James Plumridge.

    I would be now expecting you to apologise P SB for not getting your facts straight and attempting to drum up more useless gossip about me :) oh and I have removed certain things because it's my bloody business not yours P SB.

    Subject: Shire of York Investigation
    Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 04:38:06 +0800
    To: darlene.barratt@

    Good morning Darlene

    Can you please prepare for me a written statement of as much of the details as you can provide on the following issues:

    1. Interaction with and verbal Permission from the Shire XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXand then the subsequent alleged complaint andXXXXXXXXX actions against you following that. Then your request to see XXXXXXXXXX and Tyhscha’s advice XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    2. Please then explain the details relating to the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX subsequent advice XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the legal expenses added to your rates bill.
    3. Please explain what XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ray said to her about future trouble if you didn’t agree XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. If you can, please get XXXXXXXXXXX to write a statement for me on this matter.
    4. Please give details of the difficulties that you experienced getting answers to questions and to getting meetings with the CEO on matters affecting you. Include the nature of the matters you wished to discuss with Ray Hooper.
    5. Describe the change in treatment you received after you started going to Council meetings and participating in Public Question Time.
    6. Give me details from your notes of how you discovered Ray Hooper was misquoting sections of various Acts off the top of his head that were fabrications and provide me with copies of your complaint to the CCC and copy of the Shire President’s complaint to the CCC on this same matter.
    7. Please tell me what you know about the sale of the Convent and your concerns as to where the money from the sale went to.
    8. Please provide me with details of and a copy of the threat of legal action that you received from Ray Hooper with the Police mentioned as being copied in and your visit to the Police only to find out that he had not in fact sent a copy to the Police.
    9. Please explain history of Rates Department treatment of you by Ms Moggeridge over your request for Rates Deferment and Tyhscha’s involvement in this matter.
    10. Please describe your discussions with Ray Hooper about the Ross Mill legal expenses and his reaction when Tyhscha offered to go get the file etc.

    Thanks darlene. I know this is a big task, but it will assist the investigation.

    Call me any time if you need to discuss these matters or have any questions.

    Kind regards
    Mike Fitz Gerald
    Fitz Gerald Strategies
    Industrial Relations & Management Strategists
    Licensed Employment Agent (Lic No EA2423)
    International Independent USANA Associate - 6699984
    9 The Crest CANNING VALE WA 6155
    Pho: +61 8 9455 3887
    Cell: +61 419 907 443

  8. Well then, what you had wasn't that important then was it if it is not in the report it could not have been very use full could it.
    It was a good question thow and you should not bight my head of for asking it. Who is Ross Mill I have never herd of him.

    1. And you should get your facts straight before you accuse

    2. P SB2 February 2016 at 17:43 -Shame, shame, shame. You have absolutely no idea what Darlene was put through!
      Check your facts and spelling before you shoot off your mouth next time.

    3. Spell check is your friend.

  9. PSB mind your business. to assume makes an ass out of U and me. what I had wasn't that important? this is just one email you dick. You accused, I answered you want any other information then come and see me, at least put your identity up, but no your just like Ray Hooper and all his minions shoot from the side lines. Accusation cleared truth revealed.

    1. I think you've made your point, Darlene.

      S PB, Rosmill is the name of a company, Rosmill Pty Ltd. The proprietor's name is Carl Bell.

      In 2010, the Shire appealed to the WA Supreme Court against a lower court decision in favour of Mr Bell's company. It lost, ignominiously and at great expense to the ratepayers of York.

      You can read the official report of the case at Shire of York -v- Rosmill Pty Ltd (2010) WASC 189 or you can wait for me to write about. It happened quite a while ago, so my detractors will have a field day, but it's funny and says a lot about how Ray and his 'acolytes' on Council used to do business.

      To sum up, Rosmill was prosecuted for an alleged offence against the Health Act . The case turned on the defence of honest and reasonable mistake of fact.

    2. Even if Darlene's information wast important as you say, it together with other peoples that you may not deem important is what builds a case.

    3. I'm not a dick thank you, and I take offense at to been called one. I simply asked a question. And FM why are you attacking me like that its a reasonable question.

    4. P SB2 February 2016 at 21:09 - would you accept that you are not that bright then?

    5. OK, dear readers, that's enough. S PB asked a question. Darlene answered it very thoroughly and people have supported her. Please, let's not squabble.

  10. Why is carl bell in trouble again that happened years ago and carl was found to be not guilty?

    1. Mr Bell isn't in trouble at all. He had a big and so far as I can tell from reading the official law report, a well-deserved win over the Shire. Where did I suggest he is in trouble again?

    2. We never did find out what the final figure from Ray Hooper for that little debacle.

    3. Ross Mill - Another top secrete deal done by Ray Hooper.
      Bet his two favourite girls know what it cost Ratepayers!

    4. Ross Mill
      It sounds like an X File.
      here's a good one for the X Files, try the Shire Aministration Records.
      They are like the Bermuda Triangle, things go in only to disappear and never be seen again.

  11. ALLAWUNA and the Ashworth road project, if their is a connection. I am looking forward to the news from mac nab to be that work from the Davies ladies on Allawuna is successful. I cant believe that James Best bought that building,6 months and it has sat idle, who knows when it will ever be ready to use. I don't know much about what's happened in York, I have only been here 4 years but what I have seen and read on both blogs I am glad I have had little to do with the York Shire.

    1. Those two Davies Ladies worked their buts off for four years for the people of York. Well done Ladies!

    2. I have inside knowledge - yes there is a connection and that Transport depot will become a recycling dump that will service the entire country area of WA within 3 years, York Councillors were either conned or asleep at teh wheel when they approved the Ashworth Road dump

    3. Anonymous 3 February 2016 at 05:15, and I bet that "inside knowledge" consists of gossip and hearsay. I bet you don't have one scrap of evidence to support your claim, I hope I'm wrong but I doubt I am. Over to you......

    4. Tell it as it is3 February 2016 at 17:52

      Anonymous3 February 2016 at 05:15 - please stop playing games with peoples emotions.
      IF you DO have evidence of what you claim, now is the time to get it on the blog.
      By spilling the beans you will provide he Ashworth Road residents a chance to lodge an appeal with SAT.
      Fishers can't do anything to you if you post an anonymous blog.

  12. P SB - February 2, 17.43. - you seem to have a v. thin skin.

    You have made some less than polite comments regarding Ms.Barrett, and for some reason seemed to think she had just lobbed on the planet, when the rest of the town knows and recognizes, that she has been front and centre of some of the grievences against folk in this town, taken by Mr. R. Hooper and Co.
    When the tide was turned and truth and facts pointed out to you, you now cry 'victim', You are not. If you are going to bad mouth someone, at least get your facts right. As has been pointed out, ad-infinitum, since day one of the blogs being set up, one of the major points of contention has been the underhanded and secret manner in which the shire operations have been handled, for a long time. That includes a number of people in town who have been badly done by.
    You may not be a 'dick', but right now you are looking pretty bl@@dy stupid!



    1. That's exactly what I'm inviting people to do - to nominate and discuss issues important to York's future. Why don't you do that, instead of just whinging about people who think differently from you? Go on, tell us what YOU think needs to be done to carry York forward.

      Why do you keep reading this blog, if you find it so boring? And how does the blog get in the way of your so-called 'progressive people'? If you have any luck 'stopping the past', which has already happened, please let me know.


    3. Were waiting progressive persons. Are you going you share your good ideas with us? Or maybe you meant that you just want to progress YOUR business and that's why you're keeping your good ideas to yourself? If your bored jot down some progressive ideas. If not stop reading this blog because Im going to keep asking YOU to produce something positive every time you say move on. Are you progressive enough?

    4. Pat Maweini3 February 2016 at 20:11 - Good comment.
      Sadly our society has a few souls who claim to be progressive while their real aim is to disrupt by whinging and telling others what to do.
      I doubt they are capable of coming up with any positive ideas because they thrive in the shadows!

    5. Still no response from the deluded bogan who thinks he can 'stop the past'.

    6. Be patient James they have a business to run as well.

    7. Thanks, Norma, I will be patient. Did they need a lot of capitals to get the business started?

    8. You bet they did, and James Best helped them by buying a dud building from them!

  14. here here anon 5:09 James puts up an attempt to bring this blog from 2010 to 2016 and they all start going back to the past, thick heads and those that are just too old and cant move on I say too

    James you pushing it up hill to change these people York needs to progress enough of the muck racking

    1. Again bring it on.Tell us about your ideas for progress.

    2. Anon 5:09 and Anon 5:42 in this thread, I see Allawuna, which is current, I see current council meeting, current questions I believe the major fraud squad investigation is current, people want issues solved once and for all, and from what I can gather, they are being solved slowly, In the thread someone was accused and a lot of people including the accused defended it, and well, what would you like to talk about that is current. other wise, I for one will ignore your constant attempts to save yourself or your friend, and continue to read all that current stuff I just stated. everything is current and on both blogs, not only this one, they every now and then, have to reflect on the past because some of the stupidity is still happening.

  15. There will be progress when the $27,000 elephant in the room is addressed.

  16. Replies
    1. Tell it as it is3 February 2016 at 17:55

      I think Anonymous3 February 2016 at 07:38 could be referring to the FGR.

  17. There's a stampede of elephants in the room at York each carrying their share of ivory. What is the name of the elephant you'd like tamed?

    1. lol. I am referring to the Fitz Gerald Report, apparently the cost of this document concerned approx. $27,000, it has to be addressed as the ratepayers paid for it and consequently this valuable document cannot be ignored. I am wondering if there is an audit reference to it all.

    2. There's no Minutes available on the Shire web site for the Special meeting Duperouzel, Boyle and Hooper held to decide the future of the FGR. A/CEO was also present at that meeting.
      How can the decision those three clowns made be legal when it was not even recorded as a Meeting.

      IF someone has a full bound copy of the final report, why can't they present it and table it at a Shire meeting. Then the Council will be forced to either accept it or refuse it - at least then the people of York will know what team the council is batting for.

    3. Cadre3 February 2016 at 17:06 - Elephants are wonderful intelligent animals and I would prefer not to associate their image with any of the people involved in the damage to people lives.

      A Rattle snake, Viper or Cobra yes.

    4. Cadre what have elephants got to do with anything are you meaning white elephants

  18. This is confusing, what elephant is being undressed?

  19. That is funny, however my posts of Anonymous 3 February 2016 at 07:38 and Anonymous 3 February 2016 at 19:01 reads as "addressed". Poor elephant.

  20. Good question Anonymous 3 February 2016 at 19:01

  21. Please people use a name other than Anonymous. Its really confusing. Just choose Name/URL from the "comment as" drop down and type any name.

    1. Yes Irked I agree.

    2. Anonymous 3 February 2016 at 22:16 hillarious

    3. Yes, Anonymous2 4 February 2016 at 00:23, I know.

  22. Anonymous3 February 2016 at 22:16 - so why do you continue to use Anonymous?

  23. OK so which one of us is the anonymous that James does like you know the one he is always telling to put up an article or go start their own blog or that ere a "smart ass"(s), its all so confusing, I think there must be 20 or more of us but James thinks there is only one - why - well its simple if there were more than 20 anonymous's then that would mean the majority don't agree with him and that's just not cricket Old Boy! very damaging for the ego say what.

    1. I don't know how many of you there are. I said in one comment I thought you were a gang. And I say again that the majority of comments I receive are friendly ones.

      Please note: I'm still giving space occasionally to infantile comments like yours. However, don't bother to post any more such comments today. It's not a numbers game, as your comment would seem to suggest. I don't care how many other imbeciles are lined up giggling behind you. One on the side of truth is a majority.

  24. Congratulations to the new council on the development of the new Engagement and Consultation plan. I've signed up for 3 of the four advisory/reference groups.

  25. Tanya, what 'Engagement and Consultation' plans are you talking about and why has there been no engagement and consultation about the Engagement and Consultation plans? I thought things had changed!

    1. Its everywhere in the local paper, on their website, sign up forms at council meetings etc.

    2. Tanya, I can't find the local papers website to read about it have you got the link. I searched google and bing, is there another search engine I can use. Why do you have to sign up for 3 aren't you allowed to do just 1, what happens if people haven't got time to commit.

    3. Anonymous 5 February 2016 at 12:00
      Just go to the shire website

      You can sign up for one

    4. I am trying to find where you mean, I have looked and looked and can't find it anywhere, I have found the Shires website what buttons do I need to push to find the forms.

    5. Anonymous5 February 2016 at 20:55 - if you left click and drag your mouse over everything Tanya has listed in her comment from hhtp:// right through both lines to the word .pdf then click on 'copy' in your edit section and then 'paste' that into your google search, the link will come up.
      Click on the link and you will have all the information you need.

  26. Tell it as it is5 February 2016 at 01:54

    Anonymous4 February 2016 at 23:55 - for starters you could use a numerical number instead of hiding behind Anonymous.

    The information is out there, try reading the centre pages of the YDCM!

    If you had bothered to attend the Electors Meeting last night - advertised and open to everyone, you WOULD have heard for yourself that you can put your name down for 1 or all of the reference groups.

    Nothing will ever change for those who choose not to read and/or listen!

    1. And you can be condicending or inform people who can't attend due to work/family or personal commitments. You can offend people who can't attend our gain allies by sharing information.

  27. I do suspect that the Council, while happy to accept people onto their reference groups, would also have a problem with the name "Anonymous" - esp. if there are a number of them, as it appears.
    It would be a bit like one child in a busy shop, yelling out "MUM"?, and having all the mothers reply. I suppose they could refer to themselves as numbers. After all, apparently it was good enough for the Nazis to use numbers for identification. Could be close. Some of the comments made in this blog, border on the fanatical zeel of the aforementioned nasties. (Run out of town, progress, living in the past, etc.) If there enough of you, form a group and try marching down the street, shouting out your little mantras. But then Anonymous's probably don't have the intestinal fortitude - like giving their name!
    Brown shirts? No. Brown pants. Zieg Heil!!! What a bunch of idiots.

    N.B. Forgive me, those of you who use the 'anonymous', but make reasonable comments. J.

  28. Regarding - 'Anonymous' February 3, 2016 @ 5.09.

    I am assuming someone, perhaps family member, even a friend/associate must know who this person is. (actually, I think most of us do know) - however.

    Can you PLEASE show him how the "Shift Keys" and "Caps Lock" work on his keyboard, so that he can use both upper and lowercase letters. And perhaps a 'retired' Headmaster could help him with spelling, punctuation and the proper use of Capital letters at the beginning of sentences etc.
    It would be doing all of us a kindness.

    Then all we have to do is try to help him with his obsessive/compulsive behaviour in constantly repeating the same thing over and over and over.
    My apologies if this is the beginning of that dreadful 'Alzheimers Disease' or perhaps some form of memory loss. ( smack over the back of the head with a lump of 4 x 2 should do it).

    1. I do enjoy your sense of humour Jan.

      I agree, I think most know who this person is and I doubt a retired Headmaster would achieve much.

  29. get over it the whole world is anonymous why cant people post as anonomous

  30. OMG you can still stay anonymous but so we can follow all the anonymousness can you not pick a number of a letter to go with the word Anonymous. like I have.

    1. Anonymous 545 6 February 2016 at 00:09 - thanks for showing how easy it can be done - doubt it will sink in though.

  31. I like to be anonymous because no one knows who I am them. If I was anonymous 23, 94 or 76 I'd still be anonymous so what's the difference?

    1. Because then your not talking to yourself

  32. every one should post as anonymous then we just focus on whats said rather than who said it - before you dismiss this comment think about it

    1. Better still, people should post under their real names so we can be assured that they have the courage of their convictions.

      I'm reconciled to the likelihood that that will never happen, but it does seem a pity that so many contributors from both sides of the argument appear to be frightened of their own shadows and reluctant (here comes another cliche) to stand up and be counted.

      I can understand why individuals who were persecuted by the Shire administration in the past should be wary of identifying themselves, particularly since some members of the administration who were complicit in that vindictive behaviour still prosper and flourish under the new order and are still in a position to launch an offensive against dissident ratepayers. (Much the same thing happened on a grander scale in Germany and Austria post-WW2 - maybe the new council should institute a 'de-nazification' program to erase all traces of the old regime.)

      But why the old guard and its gang of obsequious and sycophantic trolls should feel the need to remain anonymous is beyond my comprehension. What are they afraid of? Who has ever gone after them?

  33. FYI this council met in January, the council doesn't usually, I think that this is a sign that the current council is committed to fixing the past and laying down firm policy's and guidelines for the future, as past policies were out of date and lacked substance. Some even not in line with current laws. there are people on the council that I may not be particularly happy about, but as long as the past doesn't repeat its self, and they work towards reconciliation and promoting, developing, a healthy community for all of York, then I am behind them, but I will not tolerate victimization when people don't even know the full story. As for a newspaper article recently saying why don't we stop talking and volunteer in the community, I have an answer for that not all of us blow a trumpet to let everyone know what we do.

    1. The current council isn't the problem, except that it seems to have fallen under the spell of the DLGC and the shire administration, as witness its use of WALGA as a recruitment agency and apparent exclusion from the CEO shortlist of professionally qualified people from outside the mephitic quagmire of local government service. (I say 'apparent' on the basis of such partial information as I've been able to obtain - which hasn't been much, because the selection process has been shrouded in secrecy from the outset, with councillors obediently maintaining what they would suppose is a dignified silence.)

      The article in YDCM to which Darlene refers is a letter from Mrs Wendy Solly accusing some citizens of 'shire bashing' and exhorting all of us to volunteer our services as members of local clubs and organisations as a way of pulling together and lifting York out of the doldrums (I hope that's an accurate paraphrase.)

      Would Mrs Solly's prescription work, I wonder? My initial response is to speak up, using Milton's words, for the introverts among us: 'They also serve who only stand and wait'. What do readers think?

    2. I was not impressed with Mrs. Solly's letter.
      Who gave her the right to accuse some people of 'shire bashing' . She has no idea what she is talking about.

    3. I'm sure Mrs Solly's letter was written in good faith, and she has put forward a suggestion as to how York might be improved, which is more than people fighting the Shire's corner are usually able to do. (Still no response from 'the capital screamer'!)

      However, pointing out bad things done by the Shire administration with the complicity and authorisation of former shire presidents and councillors is NOT 'Shire bashing' but a different process called 'setting the record straight'. The purpose is to seek justice for those who were hurt, as detailed for example in the FGR.

      I say this with all due respect to Mrs Solly, whom I know to be a good person and diligent community leader who has York's best interests at heart.

  34. Darlene Feb 7 @ 19.16

    Well Said, Darlene. Absolutely right. A number of people in the community do, do a lot, but don't have the need to boast, or 'big note' themselves. They are called the "quiet achievers". There are some who just want their name in "lights". I, myself, have always felt somewhat self conscious and embarrassed when publicly acknowledged, when I feel that just a plain "Thankyou" with meaning, is sufficient.
    God, it's hard being popular!

  35. You hit the nail on the head Jan. Most want their name in 'lights' and are super glued to the controlling positions they cajole their way into.

  36. Hot news from a friendly Councillor, our new CEO is a gentleman named Jeff Breen, set to start in May.

    1. Thanks, Mary. (Are you winding me up?)

      If what you say is true, and Mr Breen is the same Jeff Breen as the former CEO of that name at the Shire of Ashburton, Council's decision to appoint him calls for an explanation.

      The Jeff Breen I have in mind was Ashburton's CEO from 2006 to 2012. In 2012, the DLG carried out a probity and compliance audit following which it threatened the Shire Council with suspension.

      The council responded by sacking Mr Breen, holding him responsible for what Shire President Kerry White called 'serious issues' raised by the audit. Mr Breen, for his part, described the issues as 'relatively minor'and easily corrected. He told the ABC that he intended to take legal action, presumably against the shire.

      Mr Breen is currently a consultant based in NSW. He holds a bachelor's degree in engineering from Deakin University. According to the FIGJAM website 'LinkedIn', he is skilled in a huge diversity of areas, including 'Change Management', 'Leadership Development', Workshop Facilitation', 'Stakeholder Engagement', and 'Entrepreneurship' to name only a few titles from the onanistic drumroll. Sadly, 'Using Plain English' and 'Avoiding Management-Speak' don't feature among them.

    2. IF it's true he was sacked, surely Simpson and Barnett must admit there is a bloody serious problem with the stick-fast CEO's rampaging through the revolving door of local government.

      Is there ever going to be an end to this farce?

    3. The so called hot news could be a sick creation from the mind of the poor soul needing help from the retired headmaster.

    4. The Ashburton council WAS suspended for six months. Print Email Facebook Twitter More
      Ashburton council says no basis for suspension
      Updated 13 Dec 2012, 7:36am

      Ron Yuryevich
      PHOTO: The Mayor of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Ron Yuryevich, has been appointed commissioner of the Shire of Ashburton. (ABC)
      MAP: Tom Price 6751
      The Shire of Ashburton council is maintaining there is no reasonable basis for its six-month suspension.

      The Department of Local Government conducted a probity audit into the Pilbara council, at the request of the council, earlier this year.

      The audit found evidence the shire had not properly performed some of its functions and it questioned the council's ability to govern effectively.

      As a result, the council sacked its chief executive last month and the Local Government Minister John Castrilli issued the suspension.

      The shire was asked to respond to the allegations of non-compliance and a copy of that response has been obtained by the ABC.

      The allegations were in relation to staff performance reviews, council meeting procedures and tender processes.

      There were also adverse findings regarding the lease and operation of an Onslow caravan park and lease arrangements of five Onslow properties. Planning processes for Onslow's airport expansion were also questioned.

      The council says it was shocked to discover the extent of the alleged non-compliance identified in the report but maintains there was no lawful, or reasonable, basis for its suspension.

      The Kalgoorlie-Boulder mayor, Ron Yuryevich, has been appointed Commissioner of the Shire of Ashburton while the council is stood aside.

      Councillors have been ordered to undertake governance training.

      Mr Yuryevich says he will act as commissioner for the next six months.

      "My challenge ahead is at the end of the six month term I leave here with the suspended councillors ready to walk in after training and pick it up and go forward as a better council," he said.

      Ashburton's acting CEO, Frank Ludovico, says it is business as usual.

      "The Commissioner has all of the powers and responsibilities of the council and instead of nine people there's only one person," he said.

      "There will still be council meetings, there will still be all the business of local government continuing."

      Inquiry call

      The State Opposition has renewed its call for an inquiry into local government which is the latest in a string of problems, including Canning council's suspension, and recent issues at Kalamunda and Albany.

      The Opposition's John Hyde says the Government must address the core problem of relationships between chief executive officers and elected members.

      He has called on Mr Castrilli to launch an inquiry.

      "We've had five CEOs at Albany in four years, there've been problems at Canning, Ashburton, Kalamunda and other councils, and Mr Castrilli has refused to act," he said.

      "Until you address the core problem about the relationship between elected members and employees under the CEO, you're going to keep having these problems occurring."

      Mr Castrilli says there is no need for an inquiry because there is not an endemic problem across WA local authorities.

      "These things happen from time to time, unfortunately, and when they happen, we look at each case individually and see what sort of area of assistance they require," he said.

      "This Government has invested a lot of money into lifting the performance of local government.

      "It's only a handful of local governments who get into this situation and we're trying to fix it when and how we can."

      The Kalgoorlie-Boulder city says Mr Yuryevich's appointment as commissioner will not affect his duties as Mayor.

    5. Tell it as it is9 February 2016 at 21:21

      Olwyn Price9 February 2016 at 07:13 - Reading what happened with Shire of Ashburton, it has remarkable similarities to York.

      Wonder if their Shire President made it known he/she was intending to rid the Administration of corruption, unqualified senior staff and over staffing.

      Starting to look like the DLG, and it's entrenched public servants, are wielding their power where ever and when ever they can to keep a strangle hold on the councils, particularly councils wanting to stop or investigate corruption. After all, the DLG has to justify their existence don't they. The way I see it, they will do anything to keep the lid on what has been happening, particularly here in York.

      Recycling those who have been voted out by the Ratepayers or sacked by the Council is NOT the remedy, but then Minister Simpson and Barnett already know that.

  37. Where is he from?

    1. The swamp. See my previous comment.

    2. Gees, I cannot believe this!

      Did any of our Councillors bother checking this guy out?

    3. Tell it as it is9 February 2016 at 00:12

      OMG - Didn't anyone bother to check on this applicant? Is he another member of the LGMA parachute club?

      'Change Management' is that an omen? Bye bye Gail,Tyhscha, Tester and Johnson!

    4. Bill, it may not be true. There's something about the pseudonym of the correspondent who provided the information that hints at a mischievous person with a warped sense of humour. Still, it would be an odd kind of joke. What would have led the joker to pick on Mr Breen?

  38. As usual, and not surprising, it's the 'little people' left to pick up the tab to rectify a problem not of their making.

    Any one in York experiencing "NO SIGNAL" on their TV intermittently will be pleased to know the reason is as follows: (Information provided to the Hon. Mia Davies from Telstra)

    “Our customers have access to one of the world’s fastest mobile networks as we switch on 4GX in a number of communities across the country. 4GX utilises 700MHz spectrum that Telstra recently acquired from the Government.  The introduction of 4GX is designed to ensure our customers in York enjoy great coverage, network reliability and consistently fast speeds as more activity, more people and more devices come onto Telstra’s network. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is the Government agency responsible for managing the radio frequency spectrum in Australia and allocates different bands of spectrum for different uses to avoid interference. They recently sold spectrum licences in the 700MHz band to Telstra and Optus for use in delivering mobile broadband services.  While use of the 700MHz spectrum will improve mobile services for customers with compatible devices, there is the potential that in some instances there may be degradation of TV reception for people located near a 700 MHz mobile base station. According to the ACMA, a small number of people living near mobile base stations may experience reception difficulties due to their TV receiver being ‘overloaded’ by the signals from the base station. This problem is not unique to Telstra and is not due to Telstra operating outside the ACMA’s licence conditions for the use of the spectrum. There are technical options to resolve these TV reception issues.

    FYI: I have spoken to a gentleman by the name of Stuart (in Northam) who knows what the problem is, and he is prepared to come to York. He can be contacted on 96225111 or 0417963550 - hopefully if enough people contact him we may be able to reduce the travel costs.

    1. Roma, I believe the cost for each individual seeking to rectify this problem could be around $300. Is that true?

      Thanks for sharing this information. It's nice to have a problem we can't blame on the Shire.

  39. Hi James, Just received an email from Stuart:

    The cost to repair your antenna sight unseen I would expect to be between $280.00 and $300.00. This is providing that it requires the same type of work to repair the fault that we have had to do in Northam.
    We have had about 30 antennas over here that have had the same problem. If it was to be more expensive than this I certainly would be discussing this with you before I proceeded with any work. However I would be hoping that it will be the same as we have been seeing in Northam.

    1. What about a class action against Telstra? It carried out without notice or consultation changes it must have known would adversely affect TV reception in our area. Could be a valid cause of action there...might even unite the town against a common foe.

  40. What's to say you can't be a volunteer with your name in lights or as a quiet acheiver but still hold the shire to account? I can do both and credit the shire where credit is due.

  41. What's our chances Mr. Plumbridge?

    The Government did the deal on this. The ACMA is the Government Agency and they acknowledged they knew there would be problems. Because it is only a few people, they don't give a shit!

    Bet they wouldn't get away with this in the City - these residents are being discriminated against!!!

    We know one thing for sure, MIA Davies doesn't care about what is happening to these people in HER electorate!

  42. heavens people can we move to more positive discussion are you all going to spend the few years you all have left creating problems and attacking people - please lease lets move forward

    1. Would you care to be more specific? Positive discussion of what?

    2. Anonymous9 February 2016 at 04:26 - oh dear, woken up from your sleep have you?

      York is moving forward, you seemed to have missed a few months!

      Please see if you can locate a little compassion for those people who were targeted. Perhaps IF you had stood up and spoken out things would have been different for them.

    3. just read it James 'class actions' 'problems' just read it my friend you are the moderator its just negativity at its best please can this town move to being more positive, some of the people here are just bitter twisted souls that seem to have nothing but hurting others on their mind

    4. Yes, Anonymous 9/2 at 16:11, I am the moderator, and I see my role as being to extend to all sides of any debate the privilege of having comments, 'positive' or 'negative', appear in this blog. That is the same privilege I have just extended to your expression of negativity towards, a.k.a. complaint about, people who in your opinion are 'bitter twisted souls' who want to hurt people.

      The context of your remark makes it a bit puzzling. Roma has taken the trouble to discover why so many viewers in York in recent times have experienced interruptions to TV programs. It turns out that Telstra's improvements to mobile phone reception in this area are causing the problem. So far as I know, Telstra neither notified York residents of its plans nor warned us of possible adverse consequences for TV viewing. It also appears that if viewers want the problem fixed, they will have to put their hands in their own pockets, while ACMA and Telstra, the originators of the problem, will scurry away scot-free.

      Now, you may not care about any of this. Perhaps, like me, you have experienced no such problem (depends where you live, I'm told) and in any case don't spend that much of your life watching TV, which is from some points of view a way of killing time for those who prefer it dead.

      However, there are many older people in York who rely on the TV for company and entertainment and are justifiably pissed off that Telstra in cavalier fashion, without warning or apology, has blighted their viewing pleasure. Most of those people are pensioners for whom the sum required to pay for putting the problem right - a problem not of their making - may well be out of reach.

      Hence my tongue-in-cheek allusion to the possibility of a 'class action' against the telecommunications giant, which like SITA is big enough to behave irresponsibly and ruthlessly without much fear of the consequences.

      'Negativity' is very much in the eye of the beholder. Comments like yours, which pour contempt on people whose views you dislike, are as negative as any I have to read. Without wishing to pursue the matter very far, has it occurred to you that some people in York may have good reason to feel 'bitter and twisted'? After the last great rates hike and the purchase of Chalkies, I think we all do.

      I'm always suspicious when people say that we should forget the past and 'move forward', especially when they do so anonymously. (Some people said that sort of thing at the time of the Nuremberg trials.)

      What's wrong with dealing with the past and then moving forward? Why the desperate urge to protect the guilty from retribution, opprobrium and disgrace?

  43. WTF has 4GX and ACMA got to do with anything?

    1. Anonymous9 February 2016 at 16:14 - go back to sleep, we will be sure to wake you if there is an emergency!

  44. Well done to the maintenence team for cleaning up the streets after the last storm. It is their job, but nice to know someone in the Admin is actually doing what they're paid for.

    1. I'm sure I saw Tyhscha and Gail running after the truck, armed with secateurs and a broom.

    2. Riding the broom maybe

    3. I thought I saw Tyhscha driving the grader (remember Ray trained her) and Gail was controlling traffic with the lollypop sign.

  45. Richard Bingham is the new CEO.

    1. Is that the Richard Bingham who was for several years the South Australian Ombudsman?

      If so, see notes of his 2009 address to a Local Government Association of SA seminar for CEOs (at on the topic of the relationship between his office and local councils.

      See also dealing with his report on how politicians and SA Education Department bureaucrats mishandled a case of sexualt assault in a public school.

      Could we really be that lucky?

    2. No, try Richard John Bingham, there's more chance of him being our next CEO than there is of Jeff Breen filling the position.

    3. The only Richard John Bingham I know of is Lord Lucan, who disappeared in 1974 and last week was declared dead by Britain's High Court.

      Has he shown up in York as an applicant for the CEO position? You read it first on this blog!

      After ten years of CEO Ray Hooper, nothing would surprise me.

    4. York survived ten years of hell with Ray Hooper, it will be a breeze to take on someone who has been officially declared dead!
      Great cartoon material.

  46. My TV has had reception problems since the 'Govt' paid for a new antenna for me. That didn't work, so they put in another one; same probs and then I ended up with a 'dish' That seems to be worse than anything. Ridiculous. Reception drops out all the time and hard to get back again.
    Never had this problem when we had analogue. Also have major problems with "connectivity" for computer and so s l o w ..... Govt should be forking out of all of this. Repair to a working state - like it should have been to start with.

    Regarding proposed new CEO Breen. If DLG took action against him and Ashburton, what in the HELL is he still doing on their books as a jobs applicant and HOW DARE THEY recommend him for a job in a Council that has had over a decade plus, of manipulative controlling toads. Can't call them lazy, because they have worked hard - albeit for their own benefit!!!
    And if true, what the HELL is wrong with the New Shire Councillors, if this person has actually been appointed. Full background check should have shown up former troubles and they DID NOT have to employ anyone from the suggest list. They could easily have started another hunt, out in the real wide world. A comment/explanation from the Shire President, right now, would not go astray.

  47. Im Just Going to Complain That People Can't Move Forward10 February 2016 at 01:03

    Keep calm and carry on. The new CEO is not Jeff Breen, nor is it Richard Bingham. Calm down, the York rumour mill is on hyper drive.

    As for Telstra, if there is enough people that had TV before and now they haven't, through negligence on Telstra's side, then if they want to have a class action against Telstra they can.

    If you are treated wrong or unfairly or some one has been negligent then you are aloud to complain.

    Instead Anonymous 9 February 2016 at 16:11 you are complaining in the same way, that you want others to stop complaining, maybe if you move forward others will follow?

    Anonymous 9 February 2016 at 16:14 WTF has 4GX and ACMA got to do with anything?
    Sorry still complaining are we? move on?
    Funny this page is called Shire Of York Real Voice, that's what its got to do with, people in town not connected by social friendships, are connected here, its not until a post that people realised, that others were experiencing problems.

    Now to all the Anonymous people that want this site to move forward, post a bloody topic or shut up, because we are all over move on, move on, move out, move out.

    we are all sick of your complaints as you apparently are of ours, if you want to have a blog on Shire Of York Moving Forward then start it, I would be interested to read.

    But you won't because your not going to be controlling anyone are you?

    1. I'm sorry that by an oversight this comment wasn't posted when it first arrived.

      I think a blog entitled 'Shire of York Moving Forward' or the like would do wonders for the town. Great suggestion!

      Come on, forward movers, move forward. Your time has come.

  48. Good one Mary Hinge

    1. I thought so, I'm surprised just how many naïve twats are out there.

    2. Why 'naive'? See my comment 9/2 @ 00:00. I'm sure others reacted as I did. If Ms Hinge's information was untrue, as appears to be the case, why play such a silly, shallow trick on the rest of us - and why construct the joke around Jeff Breen?

      (Yes, we all picked up on the Ronnie Barker jest.)

    3. James, this is getting hard to follow, who is Ronnie Barker?

    4. Ronnie Barker was an English comic actor who starred in such TV situation comedies as 'Porridge', a satire on prison life, and more recently 'Open All Hours'. He was famed for his ability to speak very quickly while transposing the first syllables of successive words, whence his relevance here.

    5. I remember, he used to partner Ernie Wise as I recall.

    6. No, that was Eric Morecombe. Ronnie Barker's comedy partner was Ronnie Corbett. Their show, starting in the 1960s, ran for many years. It was called 'The Two Ronnies'. Please stop this, you're making me feel my age!

  49. Can we wait until Shire President David Wallace makes the announcement.

    1. That's what we were doing, until Ms Hinge rocked up with her good news from a friendly councillor!

    2. Un-hinged would be more appropriate!

  50. Readers, I now have it on good authority that NO appointment has yet been made to the position of CEO at the Shire of York.

    The state of play is that interviews have been concluded and negotiations are now taking place with one or more candidates.

    The moment I know more, the news will be posted on the blog.

    One other thing: it seems that background checks will be undertaken by the recruitment agency, WALGA, rather than by the councillors themselves.

    1. James every councillor should be privvy to the WALGA background check report. As well every councillor has access to Google, FIGJAM Linkedin, Online news reports etc just like we do, so I can't imagine any potential CEO who has left a trail of destruction behind him/her would be in the running.

      Do you really think that these councillors put their hands up to be elected under the circumstances only to then rely totally on WALGA's recommendation?

      Lets give them a bit of credit. So far I think they're doing a good job. There are so many problems to be sorted things are going to have to be prioritised. We might not agree with the order of priorities but not every will always agree. That's why we select people we think will be a good cross representation of the community.

      There are three councillors I am certain are taking the CEO'S appointment very seriously. Those same three I am sure are well aware of WALGA'S overall bias and will take that into consideration.

  51. I'm extremely disappointed our Councillors are NOT doing their own background checks on the potential candidates - surely they owe us that much after what our Town has been through!

    Why trust WALGA? They look after their own members, which means they won't tell us if someone had fallen out with the Council they were working with will they.

    I had hoped some councillors had learnt something from the last mistake- employing Ray Hooper.

    1. Councillors are not qualified to do background checks.

    2. Anonymous at 19:38, I'd say that anyone with a functioning central nervous system who can use a computer and a telephone is qualified to carry out background checks.

      I suppose it is possible that one or two councillors might be excluded by those criteria, but a majority should be up to the task. If not, they don't have the brains to be on council and should resign.

      Whoever is appointed must expect to be investigated fully, not only by me but by friends of the blog. The results, positive and negative, of any such investigation will be posted here.

    3. Anonymous11 February 2016 at 19:38 - You don't have to be a Rhodes Scholar to to surf the net and check up on the applicants.The Councillors owe it to us to get it right! I agree James, a couple on Council may find the task challenging.

      I am finding it difficult to understand why ANY of the Councillors agreed to allow WALGA to do the back ground checks, what were they thinking?
      WALGA look after their members, they don't give a damn about us.

  52. Oh James, you have got to be joking, surely. One would have thought that WALGA would have had all relevant info, regarding all L/Council CEOs/ potential CEOs., etc., within their files. Wonder how far back the checks will go? Christmas, 2015, perhaps?

    On another note, shopping for meat at the Co-op today. Tried to buy some Pork 4,1/4 chops, but to no avail. Only had Pork Loin chops, supposedly on special. Usually these are v. expensive and end up v. dry, regardless of how they are prepared and cooked. Apparently the Co-op are no longer going to stock 4,1/4 pork chops. No reason. And they wonder why 1/2 of York shop in Northam, Mundaring or Midland!! Ho Hum.

    And finally, a good piece of news. Collected a free newspaper called 'Have a Go', today, just to have a look . A 'Seniors' paper, with lots of stuff for we older folk, so we can participate, in things like holidays and groups etc. Noted on one of the pages in the paper, was an article about York - Specifically the York Antique Festival, which (apparently) is being held at the Town Hall (nice comments there as well) over the long Easter Weekend at end of March. Encouraging lots of people to York and to also visit the Peace Markets at the same time, over the road. All in all a very positive article encouraging folk to visit and tour around the town and assorted heritage sites.
    Shame half the shops have closed - no gift shop any more and Balladong farm not yet opened.
    Wouldn't it be great if between now and then, some people with some historical knowledge got together, and organised to do some bus tours around town on the day to visit places like the Residency Museum and other selected sites around the place. Minimum cover (? $2-gold coin) charge for fuel, perhaps - children free. Makes sure there are Devonshire teas available at the assorted Cafes/pubs in Town and all that jazz. Could restart - or at least help, kick start our tourism industry again. Perhaps the footy club or similar could do a sausage sizzle, hamburgers perhaps?
    Hot dogs?
    Wouldn't it be nice if the town came together, before this event, tizzed the place up a bit, made all nice and tidy and look like we really wanted tourists to visit and perhaps stay for a while.
    Oh course, if we have 45c. heat on that weekend, I suspect if will all go down the gurgler.
    Still, we all live in hope.
    Grab a copy of the paper and check out the article. Only small, but nice to see.

    1. Don't worry Jan, WALGA will have all the information on ex CEO's trolling the Local Government arena looking for another position and they are not going to divulge anything negative about one of it's own members.

      Councillors cannot take a risk on this decision, they must do their own checking to find out the truth.

  53. Yes Jan the tourists will be flocking here to have a hot dog.

  54. Why does it take 2 weeks (and counting) to get the minutes from Council Meetings?

    1. Minutes are on the Shire's web site now.

      Some very old questions have finally been responded to.

      Take note of Question 2 by Mike Gill (page 10) and the answer re the condition of Chalkies building purchased by Commissioner Best!

      Good on you Mike for persevering to get answers.

      Best should be sent an Invoice for the cost to make the building safe for the public to use.

    2. Here is the question:
      Question 2:
      Why did McDowell Affleck not recognise that York is in a seismic zone, this renders the building unsafe for public use?
      The answer provided to this question when it was submitted was that comment would be sought from McDowell Affleck on this issue. Comment was sought on 10 September 2015 and the representative of McDowall Affleck indicated orally that he had recognised that York is in a seismic zone. He provided further advice by email that McDowall Affleck “do not believe that the building should be used by the public before the repairs noted in the drawings are undertaken.”

    3. Does this mean James Best actually knew the building needed repairs done?

      Failing in his duty of care as Commissioner (appointed by Minister Simpson) springs to mind.

      Is it true Ray Hooper told a local he was surprised Minister Simpson appointed Best as Commissioner?

    4. Yes, it is true. He was overheard several months ago in Mundaring shopping centre telling a well-known York identity he had been surprised by Mr Best's appointment as York commissioner because the minister would have known when appointing him that he was not an honest and trustworthy individual.

      Actually Mr Hooper didn't use that phrase but a single word often applied to holders of public office who illicitly use their position for personal enrichment, for example by taking secret commissions.

      I know of no direct evidence of such misconduct on the part of Mr Best, so I was very surprised, indeed shocked, to learn of Mr Hooper's opinion.

    5. The question did Ray Hooper know so much about that side of Mr. Best?

    6. To be fair to Mr Best, Mr Hooper's accusation might have been based on supposition rather than fact, or simply idle chatter.

    7. Ray excelled at that - supposition rather than fact and idle chatter!

  55. Reality February 11, @ 04.03.

    To paraphrase a line from an 'oldish' - but relatively 'recent' American movie "If we fed them, they will come!"
    In actual fact, if people come, they will be looking for a feed, esp. if they are carting children around with them Not sure how many of the children-bearing tourists would be welcome in the Town Hall, because the object of the exercise is the 'ANTIQUE FAIR' on the EASTER weekend!
    However, if the markets are on in Peace Park, as I believe they are, wouldn't it be nice to have the tourists range a little further, than the Town Hall and surrounds?
    Entertainment for children - including 'our own', perhaps an easter egg hunt?, might be nice.
    An Easter parade in the main street? Decorated Easter bonnets? Competition? Colouring, home made, and decorated 'bonnets'. Could actually be a nice, pleasant long weekend.

    FD February 11 @ 15.54 - T'was a rhetorical question. I'm sure you are absolutely right. You are also correct in stating that the Councillors cannot take the risk on the decisions and background checks of potential CEOs.

    What stuns me, is that after all the rubbish that the WALGA and friends have put York through and the crappy CEOs they have sent us - one, after another, after another, is that the new Councillors and some not so new, have gone, yet again, down the same route!!! Unbelievable.

    Worse, is the 'perceived', well, perhaps real, laziness of this group of elected office bearers in handing one of the most important jobs they have been given - along with our trust, back to a group of self-serving Govt. officials, who are still in the process of trying to shaft us and anyone else, objecting to their method of operations. (M.O.)

    After everything they have put 'us' through, why on earth would they be trusted, ever again????

    Comes down to "due diligence" From what I know of our Councillors, the majority of them have a brain and appear to be more than capable of making a selection from a group of potential employees, interviewing same, undertaking background checks, doing a rigourous referee check and then coming to an educated conclusion as to the best applicant. Our Councillors DO get paid to do this job - may not be much in the broad scheme of things, however, it is still ratepayers funding that helps support them, along with our votes.
    After all, if a few Gov't. officials can do this job, then how hard can it be????

  56. Has 'Jan' ever been to a shire meeting?

    1. 'Jan' is the lady's real name. I think the answer to your question is yes. For many years, Jan was actively involved in a variety of community activities in York. She is now disabled and effectively housebound, as she has been for quite a long while. She continues to take a close interest in York's fortunes, but going to council meetings is likely to be off her agenda for some time to come.

  57. Doing a background check requires a fair deal more than you think. That's why the Councillors should leave it to the professionals.

    1. My friend Bill Cebula emailed me the following comment for posting on the blog:

      ‘The obvious question to ask any applicant for a job as CEO is: why are you applying, i.e. leaving your previous job?

      If the applicant's stated reason is to seek promotion, and the facts support it, that’s OK.

      However, if the applicant is a local government CEO wanting to change employers or re-enter the local government system after after a period of absence from it—red flag! The question should then be asked, "Why did you leave your former job (or, why do you want to leave your present job?") I’ll bet this was not asked of Ray Hooper.

      It’s a good idea to warn applicants at the outset that they might be summoned to a second interview. If told that at the beginning of the selection process, applicants might be less likely to lie, exaggerate or embellish BS answers.

      Of course, applicants should also be told that a full range of enquiries, including police checks as well as approaches to current and/or previous employers, will be made about them in addition to checking with referees.’

  58. Irked13 February 2016 at 01:54 That does not mean WALGA is qualified.

    A criminal background check is only useful IF the person has been charged with a crime, found guilty and has a conviction recorded against them.

    A criminal background check won't tell us if a person is a charlatan. It's the charlatan CEO's who jump ship as soon as the risk of exposure looms or they think they will have to face sticky questions we need to avoid.

    Membership numbers are important to any Association, including WALGA and they will do anything to keep people on the books and paying their membership fees.

    James Plumridge did a good job researching the internet on the names some brainless fool put forward last week.

  59. can we move on to something positive???????

    1. Of course we can!!!!!!!

      Why don't you kick off the discussion???????

      Go for it - the floor is yours!!!!!!!

  60. support of new attractions to York !!!!!!!!!

    1. What new attractions do you think we should support? Why?

    2. Anonymous15 February 2016 at 00:02. Do you expect the blog master to read your mind.

      I am not aware of any new attractions in York and have not seen any promoted elsewhere, can you tell us what they are please.

  61. Your style is a bit arrogant James surely this comment fro that person is not offensive to anyone and for my part and I am not that person or do I know them, I do agree however that we need to be more forward thinking dont you?

    1. My style is not arrogant - 'exasperated' perhaps.

      If you tell me what you mean by 'forward thinking', I'll tell you whether or not I agree with you. What I find over and again is that most of the people in York who preach 'moving forward' or 'forward thinking' tend to be part of or are linked to the old regime and to have a vested interest in making sure the past is securely buried.

      As a matter of record, in my election campaign material and elsewhere on this blog I have made several positive proposals for the betterment of York. I suggested the imposition of fiscal discipline on the Shire as a means of keeping the rates in check. I proposed the creation of a new tourism board to advertise and promote York's many attractions.

      People with your attitude have come up with nothing so far except insults and vacuous phrases. You accuse me of arrogance, but yours is astounding.

      Yes, 'exasperated' is the right word to describe my style in countering folk like you and nitwits who believe that comments acquire greater force in proportion to the number of exclamation and question marks contained in them. 'Go, winged thought, widen their brows.'

  62. well James you are showing frustration but I could offer some advice if you want it, just open up to what that person is saying, I think we do need to look into the future and while you may excuse yourself for being exasperated, I think we all in town have a responsibility to think about where the town is going. We have managed to change the council and one would think that the errors of the past shouldn't be repeated. I am thinking of the US in Iraq and Libya here as distant an analogy as that is, they went in and shot up the bad guys but didn't pay heed to what was left after and its a mess thats eating up the world now. Now I know your not 'Stormin Norman' and I am not suggesting that but, I do say lets take on board this delinquents suggestions and try and list out all of the things we could do as a town to give it a more positive future. We cant keep shooting shadows in the dark now can we, lets rebuild and leave a legacy that justifies what have been about for the past few years.

    What does everyone think?

    1. The trouble is that the folk you call 'delinquents' aren't saying anything. Have you actually read my article 'Talking about York's future'? What do you think I was trying to do, if not get people on all sides of the argument to focus on what needs to be done, as you say, 'to give the town a more positive future'?

      I concluded the article with a list of possible topics for discussion. I invited readers to extend the list with topics they deemed important. Some did, but not from the dark side, by which I mean the people who send me insulting remarks accompanied by vacuous phrases that add nothing of consequence to any aspect of the discussion we need to have.

      As I pointed out in my previous comment, I have over many months made numerous suggestions as to how we might get York back on its feet. They include staff restructuring and reduction; applying fiscal discipline to Shire spending as a check on rate increases; changing the toxic culture of the Shire administration by bringing it more firmly under the control of council; managing better, and if possible stopping, the financial haemorrhage flowing from the YRCC, that dismal, crumbling, pharaonic legacy of the oppressive past; creating a new body, properly staffed and governed, to promote tourism in York; planting trees in the main street, to replace the ones removed by Ray Hooper in 2004 and make the CBD more attractive and welcoming to tourists (and to residents, too); and so on.

      Compare that list of positive policy ideas - that significantly, have generated no discussion and met with no support - with the complete dearth of positive ideas from the dark side, the drooling idiots who have the brass neck to accuse me of 'negativity'. In my considered opinion, there are people in this town who preferred the old days of bullying by Shire bureaucrats and councillors happy to do their bidding. Some of those people probably stand to gain from a return to the bad old days. Others are probably masochists, and should either seek counselling or make appointments with Madam Lash.

      Do you wonder that I'm exasperated?

    2. Anonymous15 February 2016 at 16:04 - James has offered the gripers countless opportunities to put forward suggestions. None take up the challenge, they slither back into their holes and surface a week or two later with another snide remark.

      BTW, I am aware of new businesses, but not new attractions. Does anyone know what they are?

      "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."
      Whether we like it or not, the opportunity for history to repeat itself is just an election away!
      The only way to prevent the awful things done to residents happening again is to deal with wrong doings of previous Councillors, ex ceo and Staff. This will send a clear message of zero tolerance to anyone who thinks they can build another regime here using Local Government..

      I have heard a number of people refer to York as the Town of broken dreams and that is sad.

    3. you will drown in your pessimism sir (anom 2) you live in the past and the past has come to an end when we elected our nominees to council - don't you get it

    4. get over the past Councillors mate they have gone now is our change to get things right, write something good if your at capable of that

  63. Ok so James you have done your best to change the discussion now how about all us blog readers, can we get away from the council issues as they appear to be done to death and now we have a good council lets leave it with them to sort this out, that of course all starts with a permanent and capable CEO.

    Ok so what are the events and things that we used to have that should be brought back or what are the things that could be established? York needs a lifeline to increase its popularity and to get it back to the great town and holiday place it used to be.

  64. yes good move i'm done with talking about Hooper and others over and over and over and over ....

    what happened to the Jazz festival anyway why didn't that keep going?

    1. Wasn't the last Jazz Festival the one money went missing - Kate Watts?

    2. no idea whats that about (sorry for the pun)

    3. James, any chance of providing the link to the Kate Watts Story

  65. An event organiser cannot even consider running events here until there is a consistent, clear and consise events policy, an equitable playing field and proper funding application and aquittal processes. Otherwise the risk is too great. Sorry but that brings it straight back to the Shire.

  66. there is an event package at the shire and it has been republished recently in the policy review on the web site so i think thats covered, do we have to keep coming back to criticize the shire all the time (can we please move on from that) i am asking is what events could we bring back or run here, we have new Councillors lets assume they will support them.

    1. They can support them all they want but its still inequality and make it up as you go until a new policy and application process is documented in stone. I beleive Matthews council paid Ms Richardson to write an events policy. Its comprehensive, fair and professional from what I've seen of it so lets adopt it and move forward

    2. its the same policy that was there before no different your dreaming

  67. why does the council need to fund an event, many don't require funding

    1. Councillor's support does not necessarily equate to funding.

      Anyone running events here definitely needs Shire support - ie road closure etc.

    2. Yes true and they are the events which will have little economic, cultural or social impact

  68. is that right, im not convinced

    1. Then put your own hard earned money on the line and run an event. Its easy really. Only a few legalities to consider

  69. blah blah blah we had a tourism board but members greed to feather their own nest destroyed it. People like Tanya Richardson, Maurice Buck and Sandra Paskett to mention a few who tried and failed to get tourism working,but due to lack of interest from the community, business and shire it failed.The businesses in York need to look at themselves firstly because all I see for the last 9 months is empty cafe and shops most days.I believe York is a dying town if the town stay the way it is Bye Bye York.Stop the public debates and criticisms this is negative to the town.James you do a good job but please stop please give the new council time to repair and implement change.We need tourist and the community to keep York running.Community alone want keep it alive.

  70. business can only move forward when the Council supports it and the Community stops attacking the people behind the businesses thats what the blogs are good at attack anyone who is not the same as them we should support those who put their lives on the line and money to set up shop not denigrate them all the time, the council admin is so busy looking over its shoulders how can they work to support business, the Councillors wouldn't know what business was to support it they all have their heads in the sand

  71. yes empty cafe's because the locals don't support them just ask any cafe owner who their main customers are they aren't York people

  72. Community support for business is a vexed topic that calls for a good airing.

    Make no mistake, this blog is pro-business, but there are a couple of issues that may inhibit community support for eating places. The Wheatbelt is the poorest region in WA in terms of per capita income. Many York residents are elderly folk solely dependent on pensions. With annual increases in council rates and the cost of power and water, not to mention rising grocery prices, popping occasionally into a local watering hole for a coffee and a bun may for less-well-off residents impose too great a strain on the household budget. That is no reflection on cafe and restaurant proprietors, who try their best to remain competitive but are forced to rely on tourism to keep them afloat.

    Another issue - which I broach reluctantly - is that while some businesses have received encouragement and favourable treatment from the Shire, others appear to have had a rougher trot. We shouldn't forget the legal and emotional pressures applied to the proprietors of one business in Avon Terrace that used to bring hundreds of two-wheeling tourists into town virtually every weekend. After several years of intense Shire harassment, the proprietors came to believe they had no option but to close down. Meanwhile, other business people were permitted, it seems, to change their building and business arrangements without bothering about such trivialities as Shire permission.

    My point is that businesses can only prosper in the long term in a climate of local prosperity and fair competition. I am confident that the new Council is well aware of the above and related issues and that councillors and the new CEO will make the Shire more friendly to ALL business proprietors, not just friends and supporters of councillors and Shire employees, as appears to have been the case in the past.

    Above all, the Shire must do everything it can to promote tourism at every level, here and overseas. Without a major increase in tourist numbers, and the jobs (especially for young people) that such an increase will bring, York may indeed die - a tragedy not just for the town, but also for WA. That fate isn't inevitable, but it's up to all of us to make sure it doesn't happen.
