Wednesday 16 March 2016


Council to review SAT’s decision on SITA’s landfill application

The following officer recommendation will go before Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 21 March 2016.

“That Council:

1. Receive the decision of the State Administrative Tribunal on the application for review of the Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel decision not to approve the construction and operation of a major waste management facility to be located on the Allawuna Farm in the Shire of York.

2. Await the comments of the Council’s legal advisor, Mr Denis McLeod, before determining a course of action.

3. Maintain a dialogue with other parties who oppose the decision of the State Administrative Tribunal."

 See pages 51-52 of the current agenda.

In backgrounding the recommendation, the agenda item states that 'The Shire has taken a firm line on this issue in support of the local community's view that the site is unsuitable and that the facility should not be established in that location'.

It seems likely, therefore, that subject to expert legal advice Council is considering the possibility of supporting an appeal in the Supreme Court against the Tribunal’s decision.  It does not have legal standing to launch one.

It will be interesting to see which way Cr Randell votes on the recommendation.

The meeting should provide an opportunity during Public Question Time for Ashworth Road residents to question Council about (a) any unauthorised uses of the Avon Waste truck depot and (b) any traffic and access problems arising or likely to arise from it.

If residents are concerned about hostility from Avon Waste employees, presumably they can submit questions in writing to Council and ask for their identities to be suppressed. 

Expect the Avon Waste cheer squad to turn out in force.  Opponents of the landfill and/or the truck depot should do the same.

POSTSCRIPT:  More Breaking News

Mia Davies on ABC radio this afternoon

Tune in to ABC 720 this afternoon at 5 pm to listen to Jane Marwick interviewing our local member of state parliament, Mia Davies MLA.

The interview will comprise a discussion of SAT’s decision on the SITA landfill.

I believe this will be an interactive program, allowing texts and comments from listeners.[ Note: I was wrong.  Jane invited listeners to send texts and comments after the interview had finished.]

This will give Mia a chance to make up lost ground with the electors of York.  Give her a go.  Both blogs have given her a bit of a roasting—especially the other one—but it’s time to welcome her (belated) expression of support.

What Mia said…

Here are some of the points Mia made during the interview.

She has had concerns about SITA’s proposed landfill from the beginning and expressed them to SITA.  (A pity she didn’t express them to us, her constituents).

‘From day dot’ she has worried about the state of the Great Southern Highway and the threat to traffic posed by the projected landfill.  She will press for upgrades to the highway, which at present is not suitable for the volume and type of traffic it is going to have to accommodate.

She is aware of environmental concerns regarding possible seepage of leachate into groundwater, but from her perspective as Minister for Water, she is, in her own words, ‘less nervous than the community’.

She thinks an appeal to the Supreme Court against SAT’s decision is unlikely, but objectors (as well, presumably, as SITA) will have the chance to appeal to the Minister for Planning against the conditions attached to the decision.

She claimed to have said from the beginning that Allawuna is not the right place for the tip.  She may have expressed this view to SITA, as she said, but I don’t recall her expressing it to her constituents, and I can’t find an early media release confirming that she did. 

At this point in the interview, I had the distinct impression that Mia might be suffering from a mild case of Pinocchio’s Proboscis, a medical condition common to politicians of all stripes as well as to other members of WA’s ruling elite.

Towards the end of the interview, Mia mentioned that the Wheatbelt generally seems likely to become the site of other landfills built to contain metropolitan waste.  She named Chittering and 
Toodyay as projected landfill sites.  

She said Wheatbelt residents might well regard the Allawuna landfill as ‘the thin end of the wedge’, giving rise to further applications.  In her view, government needs to develop ‘a more strategic and coordinated’ approach to waste disposal and she will be making representations to that effect.

I think Jane went too easy on Mia, but it was reassuring to know that Mia has always opposed the landfill, even if she forgot to tell us of her concerns until now.

Perhaps Jane should have prepared for the interview with a careful study of the blogs.

Robin Davies

Mia’s interview was followed by a telephone call from our own Robin Davies. She and Kay Davies were accredited interveners in the SAT process. 

Perhaps with the Roe 8 decision in mind, Robin pointed out that despite having received many submissions from local residents the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had declined to assess the environmental impact of the landfill, in particular the threat of groundwater contamination from leachate. 

(A similar failure of the EPA in relation to Roe 8 resulted in a successful appeal to the Supreme Court against SAT’s decision in that case.)

Robin reminded listeners that SITA had hospital contracts and might be bringing medical waste to Allawuna.  She complained that SITA had moved to prevent the admission into the tribunal of evidence obtained from the Department of Parks and Wildlife.  She agreed with Mia that the Great Southern Highway was unsuitable for heavy traffic flowing to and from the landfill.

Robin’s contribution was succinct and to the point.  I had the impression that she hasn’t abandoned the idea of a Supreme Court appeal.  She and Kay have fought the good fight valiantly on our behalf at every stage in the proceedings.    The good people of York owe them an enormous debt.

Chin up, everybody.  The game may not be over yet.  'Say not the struggle nought availeth...'

POSTPOSTSCRIPT: ‘Animal Crackers’ strikes again…and again…and again…

‘Animal Crackers’ is the name I’ve bestowed on the author of the ‘woof woof’ threats against our dogs that were published on this blog a few days ago.

The first part of the name indicates his likely position on the evolutionary scale.  The second part alludes to his mental state, expertly diagnosed according to criteria set out in the psychiatrist’s manual DSM-V.

 Mr. Crackers let me know he was upset because I hadn’t posted his most recent comments, of which there have been more than a few.  I had previously told him I would only post his comments if he subscribed his name to them. 

However, on this occasion I have decided to publish a representative sample of his work.  I may consider posting a further sample if he submits his comments under the soubriquet ‘Animal Crackers’. 

That’s quite a concession, Mr. Crackers, and you would be wise to take advantage of it.

I don’t know who you are, and now you’ve stopped threatening my dogs (thanks, Trevor) I doubt I’ll take the trouble to find out.  But you’ve told us a fair bit about yourself:

1.              You are an employee of Avon Waste or the partner of one.  You identify closely with your employer.
2.              You didn’t do well at school and probably left at the first opportunity.
3.              You have a propensity for violence and a short fuse.  If you haven’t already done so, you should sign up for a course in anger management.
4.              You have contempt for women, especially if they disagree with you.
5.              You have more than once been in trouble with the police and may have a criminal record.
6.              You are friendly with Cr Randell.

There you are, Mr. Crackers—how did I do?

POSTPOSTPOSTSCRIPT: More breaking news...

Words fail me...for now.


Allawuna Farm Landfill works approval application

On 17 March 2016 DER determined to grant works approval W5830/2015/1 to SITA Australia Pty Ltd for the construction of a Class II Putrescible Landfill and associated infrastructure at Allawuna Farm Landfill located on part of Lot 5869 on Plan 224502.

DER’s decision to grant works approval W5830/2015/1 was advertised in The West Australian on 21 March 2016 and will be advertised in the Hills Gazette on 25 March 2016. DER is also writing to all persons who made a submission on the works approval application to notify them of the decision.

Anyone who disagrees with conditions specified in the works approval may lodge an appeal with the Appeals Convenor, within 21 days of the applicant being formally notified of the works approval conditions. Appeals cannot be lodged against the decision to grant the works approval.
Supplementary Information (not previously uploaded to website)

  • Vermin Management Plan;
  • Litter Management Plan;
  • Asbestos Management Plan;
  • Waste Acceptance Manual;
  • Odour Management Plan;
  • Dust Management Plan; and
  • Noise Management Plan.



  1. Whose side would "GetUp!" take I wonder

  2. who givea a fuck about the ashworth road its a done and dusted, no one is going to do anything nothing they can do anyway.

    1. Plenty of people seem to care about the Ashworth Road truck depot, in particular about its likely impact on traffic and tourism. They also care about the possibility that what started as a rubbish truck depot may eventually turn into something worse, e.g. a fully fledged recycling depot.

      Some Ashworth Road residents have said they were threatened to keep quiet about their misgivings. Do you know anything about that?

  3. ye you only print the comments from the bitch who lives at ashworth road you don't print the ones from anyone who agrees about it

    1. I have no idea who is the lady to whom you so rudely refer. What does your use of that kind of language tell us about your attitude to women?

      What you say is not true. I've published comments from both sides of the argument. Very few have been submitted by people on your side.

  4. Insignificant Princess17 March 2016 at 01:45

    Sir Buh, thanks for thinking of that is worth a try.

  5. over over over its all over we won print this you fucker no ones going on monday no one gives astit about ashworth road, weres the woman fron ashworth road see they all given in we one

    1. People appear to have lost heart for the moment, but that doesn't mean they've 'given in', and it certainly doesn't mean they've come round to your point of view.

      Try not to gloat, it's unseemly - and may be premature.

    2. Something that's just occurred to me...if, as I strongly suspect, the proprietors of Avon Waste have agreed to sell out in due course to SITA, Mr Crackers and other loyal employees may find themselves out of a job and on the scrapheap. SITA, as a major multinational enterprise (Suez-Lyonnaise, will have stricter rules than Avon Waste about who they want working for them. For example, employees with criminal histories are unlikely to be welcome. Random alcohol and drug testing may also figure in the new arrangement.

      My point is: if Avon Waste passes into SITA's hands, Mr Crackers shouldn't expect the same degree of loyalty and support from its current owners as he has been showing for them. Nor should he expect SITA to be as tolerant an employer as Avon Waste.

  6. come on print my comments you gutless bastard ashworth road is done deal nothing you can do can change anything now you no I'm write admit it print my comments

  7. trev beat you fare and sqare thats why you not print my comments

  8. I’m not so sure that he did. Many people were surprised that somebody who didn’t campaign, stayed away from ‘Meet the Candidates’ and declared to all and sundry that if elected he would resign without taking his seat on Council, still managed to get in (just) with 284 votes.

    As I’ve said more than once, I'm now very glad I wasn't elected. I would have found the 'training' ridiculous and annoying and the insistence on 'confidentiality' aka secrecy about virtually everything impossible to accept. I would have been put under unrelenting pressure to give up the blog. That's why I didn't contest the position left vacant by Matthew Reid's resignation. I was happy to see it go to Cr Walters.

    On the other hand, I would have seconded Jane’s motion to defer the decision on the Ashworth Road decision for at least a couple of months.

    It's common knowledge that Shire elections were rigged on former occasions to prevent the election of someone who I'm very pleased to say is now a member of Council.

  9. The sentence in Point 1 of the Officer Recommendation, viz: “That Council:

    "1. Receive the decision of the State Administrative Tribunal on the application for review of the Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel decision not to approve the construction and operation of a major waste management facility to be located on the Allawuna Farm in the Shire of York."

    is as clear as mud to anyone who hasn't followed the process in fine detail. I think I can figure out what it means.

  10. I have no idea who you would be talking about being a woman in Ashworth road as most of them that have had a say are men. Your a low life and I am sure any of their husbands would whip you into shape with those cowardly and unnecessary comments. I know that Graham has little respect for women by his past actions - is that you Graham? You just cant help yourself I see!
    The fact is that it is significantly more than a truck depot (that's just a charade for the dumb folk of York to believe and the Councillors that voted for it to rely on) and it is a proposal that is made up of mostly NOT PERMITTED uses on agricultural land.
    It is also the case that it should not have been approved as even truck depots on agricultural land should not be approved if it impacts the tourist and amenity of the area which this clearly does.

    That aside we have several Councillors that have interests they have not declared in the venture and Trev of course (bless his heart) who should have stood aside due to his (admitted) close relationship with the Fishers. Finally this has more to do with people like me that live in town and commute up the highway than it does for Ashworth Road people and I want to know why we haven't (that is the towns people) been given the same public hearing as SITA got due to the impact this will have on us all. This is actually worse for York than Alluwana, I wonder if that organisation set up to fight SITA can now be directed to this Avon Waste project.

    One other note, I am pleased that James has published your posts as it can only be Fishers people (yes those in the peanut gallery including the woman that had so much to say about it) that would write and post such low life garbage, the reason being their is no logical justification for the Ashworth road depot to be approved and the Fishers can only stoop to threatening people that speak up and then using semi literate idiots like that person to do it.
    I wonder why one of the Fishers dont get on the blog and show us why they are right? Answer because they are wrong and know they will lose that argument. They only got this through by improper processes with gullible Councillors with no ethics.
    It should never have happened but the Councillors still have the power to do this right - call a town hall meeting and tell the people of York what is going on and give them the right to publicly comment - thats what they should do but they wont because they cannot justify properly how this harmful proposal ever got approved. Please prove me wrong DAVID WALLACE? Your challenged lets see if you really walk the talk mate

    1. I no its you not many peoples live in ashworth road whats you problem you got it wrong james you don't now nothing about me or my freinds you wrong about all of it not so clever now are you no

    2. So why not tell us exactly who you are and what your relationship, if any,is with Avon Waste? Show everyone just how wrong I am!

      You forgot to use your new nickname, 'Animal Crackers'. Naughty!

    3. Hey James did you know Animal Crackers is also an album. Its by the Wee Hairy Beasties - seriously I did not make that up.

    4. No, I didn't. Thanks for the tip! 'Animal Crackers in the human zoo' - sums it all up, really. It's on Youtube!

  11. if you want to understand the mindset of that brain dead contributor and whats going on here just watch the Sopranos, they have morons that do their dirty work that what we have here - York is under siege from this business

  12. good one James keep posting them so we see what the Fishers are capable of to protect their business interests - in the raw as you would say

  13. SITA/Avon WASTE one and the same as far as York future is concerned

  14. POSTPOSTSCRIPT: ‘Animal Crackers’ strikes again…and again…and again…

    Well said James. Most in York figured out who they are.

  15. Well done to the Shire and Council for delivering the final two community strategic planning workshops yesterday.

    Interestingly, the community input was from varied demographics but as it turns out our priorities are much the same accross the board.

    I do not envy the council or the adminstration moving forward, knowing as Im sure they do, there is 10yrs of backlog, but I am confident there is now enough information and input at their disposal to do so with a can do attitude.

    The community members who did attend contributed a lot of time and energy to this and I am grateful to them all for trying to assist the Shire and each other to lead York into a new era. Its reassuring to know thete are still willing volunteers around.

    Leadership from within the community will be important. Let's all start thinking about what we can do to shape our future. You might not have a lot of time but micro volunteering or virtual volunteering might be an option. Once a month from home for an hour perhaps?

    I will in my own time look into a skills and interests audit as I am sure there are many willing but undiscovered residents in town.

    Feel free to email me at with your details including your skills, interests, hobbies and availability.

    The opinions expressed above are strictly my own and not necessarily that of any other company, organisation, group or individual.

    1. Great comment, Tanya. I agree with every word.

      I had to miss the first session because I was in Albany. I'm very glad I attended yesterday. It was time well spent.

      Tongue in cheek, I have to ask - does doing the blog count as volunteering?

    2. Lets just say literacy, editing, proof reading etc are skills which may well be sought after. Lol.

      Thanks for taking an interest James, and for your positive and valuable contribution yesterday.

    3. As I recall, it was Tanya and Ray Hooper who sacked all the volunteer staff in the first place. We used to have a good team of volunteers contributing valuable time and prepared to share their combined local knowledge at the defunked Tourist Bureau.

      I was a member for 5 years, soon after Tanya became involved things rapidly went down hill. The management was slack and non existent when it came to cash handling, this is all common knowledge and well recorded. Kate Watts was made a scapegoat for the failings of two or three people, Tanya being one of them, the manager at the time.

      Its difficult to understand how, with so much baggage, Tanya now wants to carry out a "skills and interests audit" on potential volunteers, would 'cash handling' be one of those shills I wonder?

    4. Exvol, what you have written strikes me as malicious nonsense. Kate wasn't made a scapegoat. She stole as a servant and had form for that offence.

      Despite her history, Kate was appointed to a position of financial trust by her father, the chairman of the tourist bureau - an act of nepotism by anyone's reckoning. I believe that appointment was made against Tanya's wishes and over her head.

      As I recall, Kate pleaded guilty and received a custodial sentence, despite letters to the court from Ray Hooper and Shire President Hooper begging for clemency on the spurious grounds that she hadn't been properly trained. Quite rightly, the magistrate treated both letters with severe contempt. (I've seen copies of both letters.)

      As everyone knows, I enjoy history, but in this instance I see no reason to re-write it.

    5. EXVOL21 March 2016 at 01:08 I suggest you check you facts.

      Kate Watts was found guilty of fraud by a Legal Court process. Are you saying the Court made a scape goat of her? Kate pleaded guilty. She also had a previous conviction.

      I think you may be one of those directly involved in the attempt to cover up the crime!

      York can thank Tanya and Sandra for uncovering the financial discrepancies and taking it to the Police, otherwise Kate may still be serving herself from the gravy train!

    6. EXVOL-I am not going to debate this with you because I know you are not an ex volunteer. Therefore this will be my one and only comment in response.

      I know you are not an ex volunteer because there was only one volunteer at the time that I started who was one and still is one of our most upstanding citizens. I would be very surprised, astounded even, if that person were to have posted the above comment. I also know this because Ray Hooper's care factor about the Tourist Bureau was zero and he had nothing to do with volunteer appointments or dismissals. If you are indeed that volunteer you would know that.

      That particular volunteer was asked to undergo some training because as valuable as that volunteer was we became accredited and it was a legal requirement that all staff and volunteers underwent accredited training. The volunteer in question was unwilling to do so and resigned. In hindsight, now that I have a great deal more experience and knowledge in all things volunteering I wish I had attempted to develop a Volunteer Management Plan and retained that person.

      The problem with that is, we had a committee who kept minimal minutes, financial records or anything else relating to good governance, so developing a volunteer management plan was probably unlikely. But of course you already know that don't you.

      I have a fair idea who you are and I know that you are well aware that Kate Watts stole the money and admitted to it reluctantly 5 yrs later. You also know that I reported financial anomalies to the committee and shire at the time who took no action.The first item on my managers report every month was in relation to governance. For you suggest that your accusations are well recorded is just a flat out lie but of course you know that too.

      To say that everything went downhill and there was poor management is a matter of opinion I guess. I did have over 200 well wishes from business and industry expressing regret at the news of my resignation so I suppose not everyone shared your opinion. I submitted my resignation because of poor governance, nothing more and nothing less, but of course you know that too.

      Don't bother trying to get me to bite again because I won't. I will too busy working with the many volunteers who have already emailed me to be concerned with your lies.

      Hopefully the blog master who has seen the evidence to the contrary will not publish any more of your rot anyway. I suspect he won't because he has actually seen the well recorded (as you say) evidence as did the Police, the DPP and the Magistrate all of which included my detailed managers reports, information gathered form seized computers and statements from the other staff.

    7. I was in the Avon Waste office one day (not saying I work there now ... mmmnn) and overheard that Mike Watts is selling off the land at the old Avon waste site when they shut it down, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree as they say.

    8. I was a very happy volunteer at the Tourist Bureau during the time the Irish Lady was Manager, unfortunately she left suddenly for very sad family reasons.
      She was replaced with 'the Manager from hell' so I resigned. The Manager was the person who skipped Town over night.
      I had had many years of experience working/volunteering in Tourism, running events and completed Aussie Host training. I also completed the on line booking program.
      I would return as a Volunteer in a heart beat IF the Visitors Centre ever becomes the place it should be.

      I only ever had pleasant communication with Tanya.

    9. Anonymous21 March 2016 at 04:35 - Doubt anyone in York will be surprised Michael Watts is involved.

      I hope Watts and the Fisher's realise the moral obligations (possibly legal obligation as well) for flogging off land full of chemicals. Can't wash rubbish trucks on land and expect to sell it as pristine real estate to unsuspecting buyers.

      Not so long ago it cost the State Government millions to remove meters of contaminated soil from a site they wanted to sell off.
      The Shire of York got caught with the contaminated soil on the old Power house site.

  16. Well done, Tanya, for offering your time and abilities and encouraging local folk to set up a 'register' of sorts, of people who have the skills and time to work to a better future for York.

    People with broad and diverse set of skills and abilities, are a fabulous resource that should be put to good use and most certainly should not be ignored.

    Also a 'Well Done' to the Shire and the people who volunteered their time to attend these weekend workshops, held by the Shire, to help develop a plan that will put things into perspective and enable us, as a Town, to start with the most important things, as listed by locals, to start to take that first big step forward into an new era.

    Regarding the Avon Waste proposal to develop a 'truck depot' in Ashworth Road. As I have pointed out before, (and would LOVE an answer) apart from a proposed sale to SITA, there is and was absolutely NO reason to develop such an Industrial site there, when we have an semi- underdeveloped INDUSTRIAL SITE, within town boundaries.

    If is it good enough for the Shire, with lots of vehicles and not just trucks, to park there, there can be NO possible reason for such an industrial site to be positioned on good farmland, at the Towns' entrance.
    The Tourism business that has been slowly building in the Ashworth Road district, will very rapidly slide down the drain, along with some of the chemical-laced exudate, washed from the Avon Waste trucks.

    Also, as pointed out before, these are rubbish trucks, coming in from all over the region, carting rubbish from every conceivable corner. When the trucks come back from their jobs, they all need to be washed down. If they don't get washed down, the stench alone, would probably make the employees sick, let alone the chemicals and poisons that they may have been carrying - and would also probably rust out the metal fabric of the vehicles.

    I do think that the Shire need to have a rethink on this decision and that the public need to apply more pressure. The Shire need to request from Avon Waste, the types of rubbish and poisons that they carry around, or at least place stringent conditions on the business and perhaps some swabs for testing at Government, Agricultural or even Private Laboratories, be undertaken, just to see what we would be dealing with. Suspect results could be (although on a smaller scale) very similar to that of the SITA rubbish.

    **Which is why SITA want this site so badly - foot in the door , etc.

    Finally, as James calls (?) him "Animal Crackers" (apologies to Marx fans, I think), whom I have labelled "Dipstick #1". He continues, unrelenting, with barely literate, foul language and appalling spelling, verbal abuse and threats to person/s.

    James, suggest you just delete each and every note, without bothering to even read them. Not even worth the trouble, to give him the time of day.

    With his continual reference to Councillor Randall, as his mate, I would suggest, that this Councillor distance himself as far and as fast as his long legs will carry him. If this is the calibre of your 'mates' and level to which you aspire, this is probably as far as you will ever get. Even some of the better class of mates, will very quietly and slowly, withdraw their support.

    This person is rapidly proving himself to be the lowest of the low.

  17. DER approval released today - Stage 1 means construction of the following

    Item 7 - Electricity access!

    There you go folks, Mia can profess to be as concerned as she likes but it does not wash with the facts on the ground!

    The Government knew all along the rubbish dump would be approved. It's called pre planning and feeding the community bullshit! The power poles were delivered months ago and have been laying in the bushes ready to be installed.

    There's still the DER appeal process to go before SITA can begin so, everyone needs to keep an eye on the property to make sure no one jumps the gun!

    Did I hear Mia say on ABC Radio the application will be approved regardless? Did anyone record the interview?

    1. go Avon waste the doors open screw York, the Council's on your site move quickly

  18. Heard at the coffee table on the Terrace the York Freemason is pressuring Councillors to do his bidding.

    Isn't this called attempting to govern by stealth?

  19. Everyone's entitled to lobby councillors. Good councillors won't allow themselves to be swayed by such lobbying. Being a freeman of the town carries no special influence or privileges, so far as I know. I believe the council intends to formulate a policy to govern how, why and upon whom this quaint mediaeval monicker should be bestowed.

  20. Does anyone actually know who bestowed the title on this bloke and why?

    1. I'm told it was Ray Hooper's idea, as a reward for the gentleman's overall contribution to the town.

    2. Cripes, I thought it was someone really important like the Governor or the Queen who would make such an important decision.

      Does anyone know if the peasants had any say in this?

    3. Of course, but only through their elected representatives, the councillors of the day, all of whom I'm told voted in favour as instructed by CEO Hooper.

    4. The peasants weren't consulted.
      In Ray's reign, the peasants had to obtain his permission to breath!

    5. one of the peasants22 March 2016 at 02:35

      James Plumridge21 March 2016 at 23:36 - as you say...the Elected Members were instructed by CEO Hooper.
      That makes the whole thing meaningless to everyone - except those who were instructed to vote.
      What is the relevance of the position in 2016?
      Many in York have no idea the position even exists.

    6. It isn't a position, it's an honour. So far as I'm aware, it imposes no duties, bestows few if any privileges and exacts no emoluments.

      My understanding is that the honour was in this case awarded on the recommendation of CEO Hooper. I used the word 'instructed' sardonically, to reflect what appears to have been the nature of CEO Hooper's relationship with the council of the day.

      What is its relevance to 2016? It's a survival from the towns and boroughs of Merry England. It's a link with tradition, which G K Chesterton described as 'the great democracy of the dead'.

      Another such survival is the office of Justice of the Peace, although that has precise duties and privileges attached to it as part of our legal system.

      I'm hardly responsible for what people in York may or may not know. That responsibility would fall more heavily on a former shire president who I'm told held for many years a position as educator in a local school.

      I've always found that in contemplating such matters as these, a sense of humour comes in very handy.

    7. By the way, the honour is 'freeman of the town', not 'freemason' as mistakenly reported a few issues ago in the YDCM.

    8. More of 'I'll scratch your back if you look out for my back deal' Ray made?

    9. Common knowledge that Gordon Marwick acquired his Freeman status as part of the York Estates deal.

    10. Anonymous 14:38 - What was 'the York Estates deal'? Are you sure that what you say is 'common knowledge' isn't just common opinion?

    11. Anonymous22 March 2016 at 14:38 - Tell us more detail please.

      Most residents know the large subdivision 'estate' north of Cowan Road (north east end of York) belonged to Marwick and this subdivision was approved during Ray Hoopers time here.

      Why would Ray Hooper give Marwick Freeman status for this?

    12. Anonymous22 March 2016 at 14:38 Are you saying Marwick negotiated or asked for the Freeman of the Town status?

  21. agreed James but the Avon Waste approval sets this Council in a different mold, they do allow it to effect their vote - very disappointing for York, i thought these Councillors would have been better but they are not they are the same as the last bunch

    1. we one plumerige avon waste rule you lost own up ashworth road yeh we one you never got a chance you and your freinds loosers all of you

    2. Another zinger from Animal Crackers. He wants me to admit that he and the Fishers have 'one'. Or perhaps he is one of the Fishers, in which case I would start having doubts about the quality of education at Guildford Grammar.

      Unless I'm much mistaken, Cr Randell voted last night with the other councillors for the Shire to engage in a campaign of political lobbying against SITA's proposed rubbish dump. Does this mean that the Fishers don't want the dump in York? My head is spinning...have I wandered into an alternative universe?

    3. James, unfortunately a Guildford Grammar education cannot guarantee a high level of comprehension, common sense, honesty, ethics, morals or in deed good manners.

      I had two Cousin (both deceased) whose parents spent a fortune on their education at GG, both finished up east west truckies with very questionable underworld connections.

      The greedy forget they will go into the grave penniless and their families fight to the death for a share of the ill gotten gains.

    4. It's won not one who's a looser?

    5. Better educated than get educated24 March 2016 at 16:55

      get educated 24 March 2016 at 06:59, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
      I don't expect you to understand my antonymous tight point, but hopefully James might explain.

  22. Anyone who lodged a submission against the Allawuna/SITA Landfill with DER should have received formal notification of the Works approval W5830/2015/1 by email- if they provided it - or by snail mail if they posted their submission in.

    All those who wrote submissions have the right of appeal.

    Anyone who has not received the notification should contact

  23. Perhaps Cr. Randell has finally realised the people of York are expecting him to represent their wishes.
    He was more than foolish to openly state during his speech in the Council meeting at Greenhills that he has been personal friends with the Fishers.
    Randell needs to read the Code of Conduct!

    1. In countries that like Australia have an Anglo-Saxon political system, there is a perennial dispute between supporters of representative democracy, in which politicians are elected to think and act as they think best for the rest of us, and those in favour of the mandate theory of government, i.e. that politicians are elected to implement the popular will.

      The 'representative' view was best articulated by Edmund Burke, the 18th century British parliamentarian, in a famous speech in 1774 to the electors of his constituency, Bristol: 'Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgement; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion'.

      That is the position usually adopted by politicians of a conservative persuasion. Historically, supporters of the mandate theory have tended to come from the left of politics.

      Plainly, Cr Randell is a follower of Edmund Burke, as in this respect am I. However, I think Burke's judgement would have stopped him short of advocating quite so eloquently for the business interests of his friends. He might instead have given more consideration to issues of community health and safety and the likely impact on tourism.
