Tuesday 22 March 2016


[STOP PRESS 290316

York residents still engaged in active opposition to SITA landfill

Please, everybody, watch this excellent video: https://youtu.be/d6q8tCvr_GQ

Then let your representatives in state and federal parliament know exactly what you think of the SAT decision in SITA’s favour and of the political cowardice and failure to act that made that decision possible.

This is our eleventh hour—but it may not be too late to turn the tide.

Mia, here’s your chance to redeem yourself in York’s eyes.  Don’t let it go to waste.]


by Keith Schekkerman

[Reprinted by kind permission of the author from the Avon Valley Residents Association (AVRA) Newsletter, 17 March 2016.  Its appearance here is not to be interpreted as an endorsement by Mr. Schekkerman or AVRA of any opinion expressed at any time on this blog by the moderator or any other person.]

The AVRA committee is disappointed with the outcome of the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) in the case between SITA/SUEZ and the Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). As you are aware, the proposal calls for the dumping of millions of tonnes of metropolitan waste on Allawuna Farm which is on the Chidlow/York Rd. The court ruled in favour of SITA/Suez and upheld the appeal, subject to some conditions. The rubbish tip can now go ahead.

This whole sorry case has shown that local Town Planning Schemes are worth little, as top drawer lawyers can pick holes in them at will and because of the current system Shires are unable to defend themselves. The State Government decided some time ago that Shires would be “assisted” in making decisions for projects that are worth over six million dollars. It instituted the JDAP system, where outside experts help to make the ‘final’ decision.

In this case, both the Shire and the JDAP rejected the plan twice. SITA/Suez appealed to the SAT who overruled everyone and approved the project principally because the JDAP defence was no match for the big budget legal representation afforded by SITA/SUEZ.

The will of the community and the Shire’s Town Planning Scheme, which does not permit this development, counted for nothing.

While the AVRA committee was upset by the decision, we were not altogether surprised. From the beginning, this whole regrettable saga has been marked by the repeated failure to act on the part of those that were and are in positions in which they could have been expected to represent the interests of the majority of people in York.

Early in the process, during the last state election campaign, the Premier Colin Barnett met with AVRA members and gave the undertaking that he would come to York and discuss the issue with us and that “Cabinet would deal with waste disposal before any decisions would be made”.

Guess what, he never got around to it and decisions were made. You might remember Colin Barnett’s stance on the Margaret River coalmine proposal. He pronounced that ‘it is not going to happen’ and that was the end of that.

  The Premier and Steven Strange, visiting York in 2013, where the above undertaking was given.

Our local member, the Hon Mia Davies, is also the Minister for Water. If she had been prepared to spend a little political capital, she could have vetoed this proposal with the stroke of a pen. We know that the DER came up with a computer model that appears to show that there was no hydrological connection between the proposed site and the Mundaring Catchment. However as the site is within a few hundred metres of the catchment, the precautionary principle should have been invoked to safeguard the catchment as well as the other waterways. Nobody knows if the area is connected as not enough fieldwork has taken place to prove it conclusively one way or the other. While we are aware of her stated opposition to the plan, her actions consisted of encouraging her colleagues to act, rather than act herself.

AVRA has a letter in file from the Minister for the Environment, the Hon Albert Jacob, in which he states that the landfill capacity on the coastal plain is sufficient until 2030. This 14 year time period would have given the Government the time to develop a comprehensive plan to deal with waste from the metro area and suitable locations for new landfills, if they so desired. The truth is that they are not interested! They keep trying to handball it on to the Waste Authority who, under their rules of engagement, use the Victorian Environmental guidelines on waste disposal, etc, in which they are tasked with identifying new sites. They have not done so and leave local Shires poorly equipped to defend against unwanted development.

Recently a letter came to light written in November 2013, from the Minister for Planning, the Hon John Day, to our local MLA Ms. Mia Davies. It talks about a range of planning matters to do with waste disposal, etc. and makes some sensible observations.

He goes on to write that “Subject to environmental and land use suitability, landfill sites should be adjacent to the region’s transport routes – the Great Eastern, Great Northern and Brand Highways. The Great Southern Highway, though technically a main road, may not be configured to handle the type of vehicles proposed, nor be an ideal entry point to WA’s first inland town of York”.

All this shows that our elected representatives know what needs to be done but nobody has the gumption to act. We are well aware of the political influence organisations like SITA/SUEZ can bring to bear and the manner in which financial contributions to political parties may influence their actions.

We invite you to contact the various political players mentioned and seek some answers for yourself. The only thing that will stop the Allawuna proposal now is a rethink on the part of our political representatives. Recent history has shown that all are more interested in the short electoral cycle of politics, rather than rocking the boat and representing the interests of their electors.

To demonstrate how insincere SITA/SUEZ is about this application, take into account the following. The modified and down sized second proposal reduced the volumes of rubbish and the lifespan of the operation to 20 years. When the SAT wanted to include this 20 years as a condition of operations, the company objected and the SAT caved in. What we have now is an unlimited landfill operation with further applications to follow that will expand the volume and variety of waste together with the attendant increase in the trucking traffic. In time the rubbish trucks will approach from the east as well, through the York town site.

The surrounding landholders now find themselves in the position of having their property values greatly reduced by the proximity of the tip, and their right to enjoy their property in peace is vastly compromised. Precedence has shown that there is little chance of recompense for this and that contamination, both literally and figuratively, has now been forced upon a community, in particular on those that live near the site. Whether this is real or perceived is of no consequence as perception is just as damaging, sometimes more so.

All in all the York Community has been let down badly by our elected representatives.  This whole exercise has been of little consequence to them, as there are just a handful of votes involved. Their inaction has been monumental.


From the Facebook page Stop 40 Years of Perth Rubbish in York:

“The following suburbs and localities need to know that the water they drink, which comes from the Mundaring Weir may be seriously affected by the SITA landfill proposal.

The SITA Allawuna landfill site is located in the catchment area of the Mundaring Weir.

Please share and let your friends know if they live in Sawyers Valley, Chidlow, Wooroloo, Mundaring, Mount Helena, Stoneville, Parkerville, Mahogany Creek, Glen Forrest, Helena Valley, Darlington, Midvale, Bellevue, Swan View, Green Mount, Boya and Hovea.

Mundaring Weir also pumps water to all the communities in the Avon Arc, the wheatbelt and as far as Kalgoorlie.
Everyone needs to be aware of this proposal as it will affect us all.”

 (see comment 29/3 at 20:30)

(Photos courtesy of Beven Meredith)


  1. I was present when Colin Barnett gave the undertaking 'Cabinet would deal with waste before any decision is made'.

    I was also present when he gave the undertaking HE would come back and speak with the people of York about it.

    Barnett lied to us!

    He had no intention of doing anything to help the people of York.

    He wants the rubbish out of the metro area no matter the cost. He, MIA and everyone else involved in the approval process won't be around to explain OR apologise when the ground water is contaminated!

  2. Barnett's children's water playground at Elizabeth Q is poison, contaminated, great work Barnett sick children on your hands is a great legacy. Now, with the ultimate dumping of Metropolitan rubbish at Allawuna St Ronans just a couple of hundred metres from the Mundaring Water Catchment, that water supply to Kalgoorlie and towns between is at risk of contamination. Save Fremantle Mia but not the Mundaring Water Catchment your tears over Fremantle were a great publicity stunt for the Nationals who are elected by and for the people on the land, you were given votes you were trusted to protect the Water and the Land. Who? and what? are you representing and saving for future generations.

    Travel from York to Perth and observe the sign at Mt Observation DRINKING WATER CATCHMENT PLEASE REPORT POLLUTION Free call 1800626636. The sign is directly on the road that goes between Mt Observation and Allawuna.

  3. Get used to it people, don't expect your Politicians to tell you when the drinking water in our pipe line is contaminated. It happened in America it will happen here!

    Photos have been taken of all the Water Catchment contamination warning signs Mia and it will be posted on the blog and 40 years of rubbish site if they mysteriously disappear!

  4. It’s not only surrounding landowners whose properties are likely to decline in value once SITA’s landfill is up and running and York’s rubbish-led recovery is in full swing.

    Who will scramble to visit, let alone buy property in, a town only accessible from Perth via a dangerously narrow and winding highway infested at one end with large SITA trucks carrying metropolitan waste to Allawuna then returning for another load to Welshpool, and at the other end with large Avon Waste trucks rumbling through town then turning off into Ashworth Road for a quick sluice-down at the new depot-cum-recycling plant in embryo?

    According to realestate.com.au there are now 343 properties for sale in York, including 133 houses. This number will almost certainly increase as the full horror of what the Barnett government, SITA, SAT and Avon Waste have inflicted on York takes hold of the people who live here.

    Expect property values, already in steep decline, to travel further south. Meanwhile, expect municipal rates to continue to soar—unless Council plans to control them by reducing spending, which so far it has expressed no intention of doing, and may not be able to do.

  5. Mokine Road - York.


  6. The spending could be reduced dramatically IF York had a reasonable number of Staff in the Administration.

    Compared to York Shire, Northam Shire has half the number of Staff in their Administration and they serve double the number of Residents. York Ratepayers can no longer fund the high number of employees within the Administration.

    When is someone going to address this issue? Surely Councillors can instruct the new CEO - using KPI's - to reduce the salary budget expenditure by 1/3 within a 6 month period. Councillors must reign in this spending.

    It's no wonder people are selling their homes and moving out. York Rates are ridiculously expensive.

    Recoup some of the wasted money from those responsible for the $$$$ sink holes - the wreck centre, Chalkies and the unsustainable employment Contracts for current senior Staff.

    1. By any rational standards, the Shire of York is seriously overstaffed at senior levels, and senior members of staff are grotesquely overcompensated not only in relation to their qualifications but also in relation to the work they do.

      Why, for example, does a senior employee in the administration enjoy at ratepayers’ expense the sole use of an expensive late-model car? I’m told that the employee I have in mind is currently working for only half of the week, but continues to have full-time use of the car. Why?

      About a year ago, I asked a question in PQT about the professional qualifications of specific senior staff. Commissioner Best fobbed me off by saying that it was difficult to attract academically qualified staff to a small country town. Perhaps unfairly, I interpreted this to mean that none of them had any qualifications at all. I’d still like to know the answer to my question, but I doubt I ever will.

      As we in York know only too well, local government in WA offers unscrupulous mediocrities the opportunity to mismanage public funds on an industrial scale. Real champions of probity, like the splendid John Carey, Mayor of Vincent, are, sadly, few and far between. Last year at the annual WALGA conference, Mayor Carey moved to promote greater transparency and accountability in local government. Delegates voted his motion down by a significant margin. Draw your own conclusions. (I wonder which way York’s delegates voted?)

      Mayor Carey is now asking his council to consider withdrawing from WALGA (at present, Nedlands is the only metropolitan council not to belong). Perhaps Shire President Wallace would care to put the same question to our councillors in York.

  7. If nothing that has been pushed 'Perthside' has been taken on board by the city folk, regarding water pollution, and destruction of farming land and the general environment, dangerous roads, so far, wouldn't it be lovely, if they didn't notice all the extra traffic travelling to York - perhaps they might think the trucks come from a farm - we may well still be able to sell up and get out, before people start getting sick. Might be an idea about now to install a large number of water tanks around our properties, so we can at least get some relatively clean rain water.

    And a question - if anybody knows the answer, How much in rates - Land, Industrial, Home Business will SITA be paying the Shire? Or will they get a deal?

    I do know that out that way, farmers pay the shire huge amounts in shire rates - for nothing....
    They do not get rubbish picked up, the main road is under the control of Main Roads, they supply their own water etc. SO, why are they having to pay rates????
    I also understand that farmers on the East side of town, get charged half to a third of what farmers on the west side pay. Still waiting for an answer there, as well. WHY????

    1. We are sure as hell not getting value for money whennit comes to the roads.'
      Those poor buggers using Mokine Rd better be careful, the new road they built just before xmas is a disgrace, no drains no brains.

      They have just blown a million bucks building two new roads that are more dangerous now than when they started, who is responsible, we can't just keep throwing money down the drain. Chalkies is smnall fry compared to the degradation of the road asset due incompetent senior management.

      No qualifiactions, no experience and no idea, why do they keep getting empoloyed.
      Is it part of somebodies master plan to ruin our Shire.

      Pat Ray Tony Mark Roy and Brian, you know who you are and what you have done, now you can answer the questions of your grandchildren when they inherit this godforsaken place.

    2. Good question Jan.
      I think you will find that the Shire Presidents of the past 20 years have been aligned with the big boys on the East side of Town.
      Gordon Marwick, Shire President for 10 years, and Tony Boyle disgraced former Shire President, and Pat Hooper, best man at Marwicks wedding and lifelong friend.
      All have interest in keeping the East side rates down, mind you they both had nice new roads built alongside their farms to up the land value, at our expense.

      Start digging Jan.

    3. Anonymous28 March 2016 at 15:32 - Pat Ray Tony Mark Roy and Brian had no idea the things they did wrong would be exposed, let alone be plastered across the cyber world on the blogs. They believed the cover ups/propaganda/shredding/lies and bullying would remain hidden forever.

      They are all experts at twisting the truth and will make sure their Grandchildren believe they were the good guys! In time their Grandchildren will find the truth and they will be thoroughly ashamed of their ancestors!

      Mark showed his ineptness as a Deputy Shire President when he went crying to Minister Simpson with the Fitzgerald Report instead of dealing with the issues.

    4. Well, here's a simple question for the Shire administration: why are properties to the west of York more highly rated than those to the east? Or to put it another way, precisely what additional amenities do property owners on the west side enjoy that cause their properties to have a higher rateable value?

      Conversely, why do property owners on the east side pay less?

      A question along those lines was put to Commissioner Best when he announced his preposterous rate increase last June. As usual, he did not provide a definitive answer.

      Here's another question: the presence of SITA's landfill, along with Avon Waste activity in and approaching Ashworth Road, must surely diminish the amenity of residents to the west of York. Will this be reflected in future decisions of the District Valuer? If so, what impact is that likely to have on the fiscal position of the Shire?

      Anonymous 28/3 at 20:22, are you saying that councillors of a former day acted corruptly in manipulating the system to suit their own interests, even to the extent of having access roads to their properties constructed at public expense? That's a very serious allegation. Perhaps our present councillors should look into it.

    5. Shire Rates have always been higher on the West side of Town for Farmers because they receive higher rainfall.

      If this is true - why on has the State Government allowed one of those precious farms to be used as a Landfill site?

      Are we being governed by fools?

    6. Jim, I think you may find it was Anonymous 28 March 2016 at 17:32 who mentioned the roads, not 20:22

    7. Anonymous at 01:23, you're absolutely right, my apologies to both contributors.

      Anonymous at O1:18, I think we all know the answer to your question - a resounding yes, but who are the bigger fools who elected them?

      Your mention of rainfall as the explanation for the east-west rates differential puts me in mind of the old harvest hymn: 'We plough the fields, and scatter / The good seed on the land/ But it is fed and watered / By God's almighty hand...'

      Since it is a beneficent Providence, and not the Shire, that is responsible for the difference in rainfall, why should that providential difference be reflected in the rates? I thought we were paying, at least notionally, for services that the Shire provides, not for the vagaries of climate.

      Egalitarianism gone mad, that's what it is. Grrr!

    8. Anonymous28 March 2016 at 17:32 - My goodness, Gordon Marwick, Shire President for 10 years, and Tony Boyle disgraced former Shire President, and Pat Hooper, best man at Marwicks wedding and lifelong friend.

      Don't forget Cr. Pat Hooper was the author of the 'dob in your leader' minority report!

      The Three Stooges!

      Is it any wonder our beautiful town is in such a mess.

  8. Unbelievable, a new road that is made from quicksand.
    What happens if a truck strays to the verge, it will most likely roll.
    This is what happens when you employ incompetent arrogant fools as senior staff.

    1. Ear to the ground28 March 2016 at 20:37

      Not only have we had our rights overruled by SAT, us peasants attempting to protect our drinking water, environment, the hazardous Lakes/York Road, to say nothing of our Historic Town are being stomped on by big brother Barnett.

      Peasants have to pay $50 for the privilege of objecting to decisions made by Public Servants relating to the SITA/Allawuna Landfill works approval !

      Office of the Appeals Convenor confirmed:

      There is a $50 fee associated with lodging an appeal against the conditions of a works approval. I have attached an information sheet for your use that describes the appeals process in relation to Works Approvals and Licences.

  9. Ear to the ground March 28 @ 20.37

    Does the $50 get paid back to complainant if appeal is upheld? Easiest way to pay the $50 is for a number of people to get together, nail down exactly what it is they want to appeal and each put in, say, a $1.00. If the answer is unacceptable/Govt hype/rubbish, not an answer or info 'blacked out' - well, it might be "confidential", is the money refunded, or can you appeal, the appeal?

    We might complain about them, but you really have to hand it to the 'public servants' - somewhat of a misnomer, when they really put their minds to it, they can come up with some absolute crackers.

    What a shame they don't put the same amount of effort into doing their jobs correctly, so that we didn't have to ask questions all the time or appeal the works approval?
    If the people employed to do a particular job, actually did it, I wonder how much money could be saved - just in wages alone?

    All this thinking does make me tired. Perhaps I will go back and work for the Govt. again, and get some rest.

    Oh, before I do that, the very telling comment made regarding the difference between York and Northam Shire workers/employees - absolutely right, by the way, when Northam town was building their new premises, near the old railway station, York was also building the current mausoleum.

    York was hit for something like $1.5 million - complete with "heritage" architects - and still doesn't do the job, not enough room, library keeps getting smaller, whilst the Northam building complete with verandahs and parking area, came to around $350,000.00. What a difference a Shire and about 40 km makes. Ah, days of Elliot Fisher. Remember him? Threatened farmers with no graded roads etc, and literally divided the town in half, at a meeting.

    Unreasonably, the town thought that the money getting spent, was a bit over the top!!

    Why do and how do, we keep employing them???

    1. Shire President Wallace told a friend of mine recently that he hoped the rate increase in the next budget could be contained to 3%.

      He'll have to do better than that. After the swingeing increases of the last two years, I think we're entitled to a period of at least three years with no rate increases at all - followed by a policy that no future increases will exceed the CPI.

      Is this possible? Of course it is! Review and reduce all spending - that's the key!

    2. Fisher Marwick and Fisher built a monument to stupidity in joaquinia st. NOT TO BE OUT DONE. Hooper Boyle and Hooper built another monument to stupidity on forrest oval .Now because YOU ratepayers complained about it now YOU know that YOU ARE NOT TO COMPLAIN .You know what happens when you complain you get a visit.Because there was to many of you complaining it was decided to get all of you at once and they gave us a rubbish dump another monument to stupitiy O I WISH to thank Mia and Brown for all their support to sita with all those extra trucks and polluted water YOU have been so wonderful I WILL remember you on voting day

    3. Bevan sadly you are so correct, this community lives in fear of retribution from the Shire Administration.
      Just this weekend a relative newcomer to the district, spoke to me about the state of the road that they just finished and the accident that a neighbour has just had at the site, this person was surprised that the Shire had upgraded the straight section of road and then left the two shocking bends at either end untouched.
      I suggested this person put these concerns in writing as they are valid complaints.
      The response was instant, no I can't I have two young children I can't put them in any danger.
      Christian Chadwick's name was raised and reference to the use of this criminal by the Shire Administration to intimidate residents.
      So we are being terrorised by the Sire Administration, no one apart from the usual brave souls will speak out, the silent majority remain silent because of fear.

      Well David Wallace, 6 months in the job and we still have a community living in fear, it seems we have a council in fear as well, silence is not an option, you were elected to represent the community so do it.

      Remember failure to act because of fear is no excuse, you will be held responsible simply because you are complicit due to inaction. You have a duty of care to this community, no excuses about not being able to act.
      If someone is killed on one of these dangerous new roads you will be hauled before the beak and asked to explain why you sat it silence while an incompetent administration destroyed this community.

      Duty of Care, look it up David, you will find it under the Civil Liabilities Act 2002.

      You have been notified you have no option you must stand up to the thugs, bullies and criminals that your council employs.

    4. Ear to the ground29 March 2016 at 16:56

      Sorry Jan, there is no suggestion of a refund for the $50 if the appeal is successful. Gives the impression there is NO CHANCE for the appellant.

      Reckon this could be a budget balancing fund raiser for the Barnett Government!

    5. Anonymous 29/3 at 16:21, I'm not convinced that there's any reason nowadays for residents to fear retribution from the Shire administration. Those days are over. If I'm wrong, I'm living proof that the best protection is speaking out, not anonymously but as the proud possessor of a name.

      I've received threats, but not from the Shire or Shire workers, so far as I can tell. I'm sure some people on the Shire - a handful of employees, maybe even a councillor or two - would shed no tears if I were to be swept up into a fiery chariot and returned to my home planet tomorrow, but none of them has harassed me unless you count as harassment the occasional dirty look across a crowded room. On the contrary, I've found Shire staff friendly and helpful (perhaps they don't read the blog).

      To borrow the famous words of President F D Roosevelt, we have nothing to fear except fear itself.

      However, if residents believe the Shire is punishing or harassing them, the blog is the place to air their grievance.

      Which reminds me - back in January, my friend Beven Meredith had a bit of a stoush with a medley of Shire staff and consultants at his late father's house. Not long afterwards, he surprised a Shire worker, one C T Chadwick, intruding on his property for the purpose of poisoning an innocent tree growing upon it. Beven's conclusion, as I recall, was that this was Shire harassment, but it might just have been a common-or-garden cock-up. He took a couple of photos, reproduced above.

      I don't believe the Shire would instruct Mr Chadwick or anyone else to harass a resident, however troublesome and obstructive it deems that resident to be. I know that sort of thing used to happen, but I doubt it happens now. If I'm wrong, and it does happen, TELL THIS BLOG ABOUT IT. Don't live in fear!

  10. Ashworth Road is a bigger problem than Alluwana why dont we object to that?

  11. ashwoth road ra ra ra we one stop going on over it its goin a head

    1. Another scintillating comment from Animal Crackers, aka Dr Dyslexia. He's still in town, stealing oxygen from the honest burghers of York.

    2. clearly a Fisher as the idiot only comes out when Ashworth Road s mentioned

  12. OMG is that Christian Chadwick poising the tree.

    1. I'm assured that it is.

      It's time Council took a long hard look at the circumstances of his appointment.

  13. Surely that's not Mr Chadwick in the picture using dangerous chemicals, surely any Shire worker would need to be competent before being let loose with dangerous chemicals and some certification would be a necessity. Obviously not if Chadders is using them, not with an IQ you could count on one hand and still have digits to spare anyway. It is Chadders though, after zooming in on the picture one can clearly see the satanic malevolent stare in his eyes, if looks could kill, someone would be dead like the poor tree.

    1. Who was the brave individual who took the photo? You deserve a medal for your bravery, it takes a real man to stand up to a bully. Christian Chadwick was responsible for bullying Richie Smith out of a job a couple of years ago.
      I always thought the Shire workers were there to look after us?

    2. Does anyone know what is the Shire's policy regarding (s) use and handling of dangerous chemicals and (b) the destruction by Shire workers of trees growing on privately owned land? I suppose the latter procedure would require some kind of lawful authority.

    3. Yea its him all right, the reptile from the land of the long white cloud.

      Look out Bevan he will have you and James for breakfast.

    4. Fearful resident29 March 2016 at 23:44

      James if you recall, Works Manager Allan Rourke stated in the February council meeting that the Shire follows all EPA guidelines.
      Then in the March meeting Dacombe stated that the Shire has no policy in relation to roadside vegetation or chemical use.
      So who do you believe.

      Dacombe also stated that the Shire have no drug and alcohol policy either after all this time, the committees raised this issue mid 2014 but business as usual down at the depot.
      Another carton for the boys hay.

      All designed to maintain the booze fuelled culture that dominates this town.

    5. Are you saying Christian murdered a privately owned tree, who's tree was it, shocking.
      The authority would have had to have come from Alan Rourke the works manager, no worker would be permitted to kill trees willy-nilly.
      Is tree owner going to sue the bastards?
      Who's responsibility will it be when the tree topples over and crushes someone?

    6. Terrified resident29 March 2016 at 23:54

      Anonymous 22.21 its no laughing matter.
      He might have killed that tree without any backlash but he might very well kill one of us if the blog keeps stirring him up.
      From what I have read on the blogs this individual has a history of extreme violence and alcoholism. Why the shire employed him straight out of prison without a licence or any form of experience is open to conjecture.
      Why he is still employed after the history he has carved out for himself in this town belies comprehention.

      A simple breath test each morning would have him gone inside a week.
      Then again you could probably remove the Foreman and the Works Manager with that same industry standard OHS policy.

      Birds of a feather flock together as they say.

    7. Anonymous 23.35 you couldn't be further from the truth.
      The Shire workforce is there to look after themselves, lots of booze, lazy hazy days in the sun, no rules to follow, what a dream.
      Shit the Deputy Ceo and that new Works Manager whats his name? they are probably paying themselves a 100 grand a year plus a car plus super plus long service plus plus plus ...
      And what the Pluck do they do for all that loot, its seems Dacombe is the only bloke working in that place, he starts a 6 in the morning and that includes Sat and Sun.


    8. Just a few points attempting to stem what seems to be a rising tide of hysteria:

      1. We shouldn't de-humanise Mr Chadwick. Attacking him in that way just creates a diversion. The problem lies with the Shire, which appointed him in very dubious circumstances and has continued to employ him even though his bullying is known to have driven out other employees and cost the Shire around $100K in compensation payouts. That's something the Shire should investigate, but I don't think it will. It may be praying that the situation resolves itself later in the year when Mr Chadwick faces court on charges of burglary ('home invasion')and GBH, and is found guilty.

      We have no evidence that Mr Chadwick is an alcoholic or that he consumes alcohol while at work. The most we can say on the evidence of his criminal record is that when he's tanked up, he's a spectacular menace to himself and others.

      As for 'conjecture' - I think we all have a shrewd idea of who facilitated Mr Chadwick's employment by the Shire and has protected him ever since. I've written about it on the blog more than once. Of course, the Shire pretends not to know the truth and has chosen not to act on it.

      2. There is no contradiction between Mr Rourke's statement about EPA guidelines and what the Acting CEO said later. The Works Manager can implement EPA guidelines in the absence of a formal policy requiring such implementation. That would be a wise course of action, in my view.

      3. The arboreal victim of Mr Chadwick's ministrations was growing on Mr Meredith's property. By 'lawful authority', I meant an order from a magistrate. I'm not sure that the Shire can poison a tree on private land without getting a court order - except, perhaps, in case of emergency, and even then not without giving prior notification to the landowner.

      4. The Shire's failure to implement a drug and alcohol policy is puzzling and shameful. That said, I'm aware of no evidence that incriminates the Works Manager and foreman as people who would fail an early morning breath test. I don't know the foreman, but I have met and spoken several times with the Works Manager and I must say he strikes me as a pleasant and sensible bloke, not one clamped in the vice-like grip of the demon drink.

      5. One comment I haven't felt able to publish began by telling me that I'm 'dreaming' if I think Shire harassment of residents has ceased in York. That's not why I didn't publish it. I was concerned that something said about an individual strayed too far into defamation territory, well beyond the limit of 'fair comment'. I can't edit comments, so it's a matter of 'one out, all out'. If the writer re-submits his comment after removing the defamatory bits I'll be happy to post it on the blog.

    9. Terrified resident29 March 2016 at 23:54 - Tyhscha Cochrane is the best person to answer all your questions.

      She is his friend, she gave him the job, she kept him in the job and she protects him! He calls her Aunty Tyhscha.

  14. I apologise Terrified resident, I know it's no laughing matter, I can sense the fear in your words, you poor beleaguered soul. Many residents have fallen foul of the orchestrated torment sputtered from the mouths of those charged to protect us. You are quite right about the random breath tests.

    "An idle and vagrant Indian, whom the white man's fire-water had made riotous about the streets, was to be driven with stripes into the shadow of the forest".
    Nathaniel Hawthorne

    That "forest" could well be 'middle earth'.

    1. Anonymous30 March 2016 at 00:46

      That "forest" could well be 'middle earth'.......bit over my head, can you explain this please.

    2. Clue: 'Lord of the Rings' was filmed in New Zealand.

    3. I don't get it, what's Lord of the Rings got to do with it.

    4. Clues: 'Middle Earth', Mr Chadwick is a Kiwi.

    5. Tell it as it is31 March 2016 at 07:55

      Gee I wish people would not talk in riddles. It is like doing cross words!

    6. Whats a kiwi got to do with middle earth.

    7. Maybe Middle Earth is where he picked up some bad hobbits.

    8. What are you tolkien about?

    9. Oh God, gimli strength.

    10. Alice, your ingenuity has dwarfed my wit. No more, please, unless in Elvish.

  15. Terrified resident29 March 2016 at 23:54 - Not sure if it helps you to know...... you are not alone, others in York are also still frightened.

  16. Well done to Beven for standing up to the Wildman. Its a pity there aren't more people around like you. Be careful but, its not only Christian you need to be aware of, the Shire has many methods it uses for intimidation.

  17. Christian's 'protector/carer' is only working two and a half days a week.

    If the DCEO position has been reduced to two and a half days a week, why does the Shire of York have a full time DECO position?


    1. With regard the Shire using poison on the trees. An investigation has revealed those trees had already been butchered by the Shire. and the east boundary fence is in bad shape made so by the Shire when the footpath was done. Beven has more that one reason to be feeling aggrieved.

  18. In strine

    "flogg im and send im back to wear he came from"

  19. St Ronan's Well Reserve with its precious water was vested in 1963 in the Shire of York. Nearby farmers carted water from the well in times of need over the summer months. During the time the late Ray Lawrence was on the Council the Reserve was given to the neighbour who denied public entry by fencing it. History has it a lengthy legal battle ensued and the York Shire Council was ordered to give the Reserve with its precious water back to the people.

    1. Was that neighbour a friend of Ray Lawrance?

      Apples don't fall far from the tree - Ray Lawrance's Son Brian was on Council when the Convent deal was done.

  20. Well done Bevan

    Your courage is admirable.
    Those of us with wives and children have too much at stake, this lot will target anyone they can to destroy you.

  21. Terrified resident.....how are you feeling now poppet? Hopefully a little better now you know others share your anguish.

    1. Anonymous31 March 2016 at 04:31 -why is it I get the impression you are not a very nice person?

    2. Terrified resident31 March 2016 at 16:08

      Thanks anon 4:31 feeling a little better, it does seem that there are a number of us who have been under pressure for a long time.
      Lets hope that new leaders emerge that are able to stamp out the rot that has influenced the powerbase of this community for so long.

  22. It troubles me greatly that so many people in York continue to live in fear of retribution from the Shire.

    In my opinion, there is no reason for anyone to be afraid of such an outcome. We have a new Council, a capable and responsible Acting CEO and (from all reports) a dynamic new CEO on the way. Times have changed, so to a considerable extent has the culture of the Shire, and it's time for us to acknowledge those changes and adjust our ideas accordingly.

    It's true that in some respects the old guard continues to exercise influence on Council decisions through the stooges it worked so hard to get elected, but theirs is a minority influence. It's also true that some of ex-CEO Hooper's 'acolytes' remain on the Shire payroll, but I sense that their wings have been clipped.

    Perhaps I'm 'a cock-eyed optimist', but I'm not afraid of the Shire and if anyone might have reason to be afraid, that person would surely be me.

    People who feel that the Shire (or any of its employees) is treating them spitefully or unfairly, or simply doing the wrong thing in any respect, no longer need suffer or contain their frustration in silence. They can publicise their dissent on the blog.

    Nobody should have to live in fear. Perhaps what the community needs is firm reassurance from Shire President David Wallace that the old days really are over, and there will never be a repetition of the kinds of horrors chronicled in the Fitz Gerald Report.

  23. James I do believe you are being fecetious.
    We are still being intimidated by the Shire, I know of 3 people who have just recently been intimidated by associates of the DCEO.
    Nothing has changed at all, the bullies are still calling the shots, look no further than the Shire maintenance truck. Once upon a time it was manned by two local gentlemen who had pride in what they did and care for the community that their children and grand children lived in.
    They were both bullied into oblivion by messrs Chadwick and Co and received paltry payouts compared to the assurance of long term stable jobs to support their families.
    Now the Shire maintenance truck is manned by two lazy slobs who drive around in circles all day avoiding work. The driver is non other than Christian Chadwick. Go figure.

    The Fitzgerald report has remained supressed and no action taken to solve the riddles because the current President is fearful of being treated as Matthew was.

    We are a million miles from democracy, the SITA tip is a classic example.

    In the past year the Shire has spent over a million dollars rebuilding roads, none of these new roads is up to standard or even safe to travel on, check out the link to the quicksand road.

    So James tell me why you are so optomistic.

    I suspect one reason you are not afraid is because you are simply a conduit for information, a messenger and as they say never shoot the messenger. However if you were actively involved researching the activities of the Shire and standing up in Council meetings and asking the incisive questions as Mr Saint does so often I suspect you may have a little more to fear.
    No insult intended James, we all play our roles, you are doing a fantastic job as the messenger.

    We are all still in fear James.
    Courage is the ability to overcome fear and as I see it Beven Merrideth just put his hand up as a man worthy of respect.

    1. No, I wasn't being facetious, but I was expecting some such correction as you have supplied.

      I don't think I'm merely a messenger. Much of what I've written to date has been highly critical of the Shire and its senior administrators, going back to the time when I was writing for the other York blog. I have drawn attention to criminal activities on the part of individuals employed by the Shire. I exposed the dubious circumstances surrounding the employment of Mr Chadwick and the purchase of Chalkies. As for the SITA landfill, I have excoriated our local political representatives for their failure to help us and brought to light the connection between that failure and the role of government and opposition in, shall we say, making the landfill possible in York.

      You mention bullying in the depot. Go back a few weeks on the blog, and you'll find my article on that topic which includes a full account of Mr Chadwick's role in such events and indicates how it has been covered up by senior employees of the Shire.

      In short, I have consistently stuck my neck out further than a constipated turtle. For my pains, I've received a couple of feeble death threats and threats to my furry family, as publicised on the blog. The reason I'm not afraid has nothing to do with 'just being a conduit for information'. It's because I believe that courage is the foundation of every other virtue, and refuse to be afraid.

      If the sorts of things you describe still happen - I'm not disputing what you say - tell ACEO Dacombe about them in confidence, and/or post the details on this or the other blog, anonymously if you must. As I've said several times, it's not my voice that's the 'real voice' of York, it's the voice of York's residents - including you.

      Why am I optimistic? Because I have seen positive changes in York since the new Council and ACEO Dacombe took office, and sense that further positive changes are on the way. If those further changes don't materialise, I'll be among the first to complain.

  24. People feel the wrath James when they put in an application for something i.e a building permit or an application for some other type of change of use for their business etc. If they have been a turtle as you say, they can expect their head to be swiftly chopped off. Just look at what has been done to Laurelville Manor. They are still fighting and have spent tens of thousands on nothing. Dates back to when the owner stood up without fear to the Committee of the YTB and the Shire. Some of the players might have changed but a long and historical issue remains as legacy at great cost to what should be a thriving local business.

    The senior staff are the ones that have caused this culture within the Shire and fear among the community. Those staff remain to this day. When those staff are gone that's when we will really experience change. The Councillors have no control over staff as much as they might like to but the ACEO does. Now that would be a cherished legacy from Mark.

    1. Those building permits have been drawn up by a team of Corporate psychopaths to be used by Corporate psychopaths, if the SOY is using them they are in that league.

  25. For sure, Goliath is giving David a real good flogging.

    1. Never mind, we're busy polishing our pebbles for the next throw of the sling.

  26. I think you may find the ACEO has had his plate full dealing with lots of things.

    From what I have been told, people are asking the ACEO to deal with things himself, specifically requesting the two senior female staff not be involved.

    Lets be fair, the ACEO cannot dispense with Senior Staff. There is a process that needs to be followed and it would be unreasonable to have this process half way through when the new CEO arrives.

    I am sure the new CEO is a smart enough Man to identify incompetent Senior Staff once he arrives.

    As someone commented earlier, if the DCEO can reduce her attendance time to two and half days a week, either she does little or no work OR the Shire of York does not require a full time DCEO.

    Years ago, the DCEO position incorporated the Finances and HR. Ray Hooper separated the duties because he wanted to increase the number of Staff he had under him, it pushed up the CEO's level = more $$$$$.

    When interviewed for the CEO's position I believe Hooper asked how many Staff there were. When told, he claimed the Administration was grossly over staffed and said he would reduce the number to around 18.
    The Councillors at the time were not smart enough to put that in a KPI and keep him to his word.

    1. Does any one know what TC does when she IS at work?

  27. Those photos tell only part of the story .I will print the story latter . Also there is history to St Ronans well reserve of the reserve being vested to the shire ,then vestature take away from the shire by decree of the governor .There was intimidation to several families including my own as I was involved with St Ronans well.This was in the 70s and 80s nothing has changed .St Ronans was a A Class reserve and they tried bastardise it

  28. Anon March 31 @ 07.33
    Re - apple trees. Guess who owned the land that Fishers have purchased??

    Mr.B.Lawrence was voted onto council by a number of locals, who remembered better years, when his father was on council and things ran smoothly and progressed and York was a Town to visit and a nice place to live. Ah, the good old days. I guess we all have our hiccups.

    For those who are still frightened of staff, retribution or consequences - DON'T be frightened, GET ANGRY.

    I understand how debilitating fear can be, but in the long run, what exactly is it that they can do to you? If you are threatened, go to the police, take out an injunction or a restraining order against them. Stand up in a council meeting, state your complaint in public and demand an answer as to what the Shire is going to do about their staff harassing the public, or refusing works orders. MAKE IT PUBLIC. Bullies like silence, that is why they threaten people, knowing that a vast majority will keep their heads down, in fear.

    That is the worst thing you could do. Make a LOT of noise and keep asking the Shire Councillors why you are being bullied, why your paperwork/requests etc. has been held or refused, or life made difficult.

    Stuff the bastards. Revenge is lovely, icy, icy cold!!!

    1. Excellent advice, Jan. If only everyone had the guts to take it. We CAN fight back and win. Social media are tremendous weapons in the hands of our citizens. Let's use them to their fullest extent.

  29. Doug Witherspoon31 March 2016 at 23:12

    Shire has just appointed a part time assist for the part time assistant of the part time DCEO. Starts April 2nd


    1. It is April fools day
      2nd April is a Saturday, are you for real?

  30. Doug Witherspoon31 March 2016 at 23:12 - Does this mean the number one Shire bully needs help?
    What happened to Chadwick - has he been deported?

  31. Jan31 March 2016 at 22:43 Re - apple trees. Guess who owned the land that Fishers have purchased??

    Thanks Jan - slowly the dots are being joined.

    I live in fear of discovering I am related to one or more of these idiots behind the mess we are in here in York!

  32. James, has Gordon Marwick anything to do with the proposed Ashworth Road development? I have heard rumours that he and Graham Fisher are as thick as thieves (no pun intended) and normally there is no smoke without fire.

    I'm second generation Yorkie, so still considered by many as a 'blow in', however, I have noticed that if there's a quid to be made somewhere, the same old faces are in the right place at the right time, Gordon Marwick being one of those faces.

    1. I've heard nothing to associate Gordon Marwick with Ashworth Road, the Fishers or anything to do with SITA's proposed landfill.

      Somebody did tell me that Gordon took a very active part in making sure that I wasn't elected to Council. (I don't hold that against him.) The same person told me Gordon wanted Heather Saint to be Deputy President, and was disappointed she didn't make it. That surprised me, because I know he was instrumental in getting Pam Heaton elected, and she voted for Denese.

      My point is that rumours can be very misleading, especially when they impute guilt by association.

    2. I can believe Gordon took a very active part in making sure you weren't elected to council, he did exactly the same two or three elections ago while scrutineering for his buddy Pat Hooper. Of course Ray Hooper was Returning Officer and Heather Saint missed out by 6 votes, but hey that's how it works in little country towns.

    3. Roger (Rabbit)1 April 2016 at 20:42

      I heard Pam Heaton promised Gordon she would vote Heather Saint as Deputy. Unfortunately for Pam, members of the gallery were close enough to see where on the ballot Pam put her tick - yes she ticked Denese!

      Does Gordon still trusts her?

    4. Gordon and Pat were dialling their fingers off to make sure you were not elected James.
      These two are frightened of people with brains because they cannot control them. Thats why Gordon wanted Pam in, but I hear tell she did the dirty on him when she voted for Denese as Deputy.

      I also noticed the same faces 'just happen to be' in the right place at the right time when big $$$ are in the offering. They are shitting in their own nests!

    5. Slack Alice1 April 2016 at 03:18 I have lived here for a very long time and I call my self a local!

      I take no notice of those who appear to be frightened of residents not related to them. It's the Smokey Mountain syndrome!

    6. Anonymous 1/4 at 12:55, I assure you that Gordon Marwick did nothing wrong or illegal in discouraging people from voting for me or for anyone else, if that is indeed what he did. He had every right to do that. So did Pat Hooper.

  33. I hope all u people of York are now happy ,my man mr Chadwick is now behind bars. This is not the end...

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