Wednesday 8 June 2016


 (Note: postscript added 13 June 2016
            further postscript added 14 June
          and a tribute in verse added 16 June
          and another great photo for day 4 of the challenge, the best yet in my opinion)

Silence isn’t always golden—sometimes it’s just a way of keeping us in the dark

Ever the optimist, I submitted in writing a question for Council to consider at the ordinary meeting on 23 May 2016.

The question was set out, more or less as it went to Council, at the end of my article ‘The White Elephant in York’s Pajamas’, posted on Friday 13 May.  

According to popular superstition, that may not have been the most auspicious day to post it, but the article provoked close to a record number of comments, indicating a high degree of public interest in the history and possible future of the York Recreation and Convention Centre. 

At the meeting, I read out my question, omitting the obsequious bits I had craftily added by way of preface.  Shire President Wallace’s response was so friendly, cheerful and enthusiastic that for a moment I thought he was about to give me a medal, make me a freeman of the shire, present me with a prize-winning stud ram and offer me his daughter’s hand in marriage (the last being subject of course to the pending introduction of sharia law and the consequent legalisation of polygamy).

My question, in essence, was about the cost and benefits (if any) of the construction and operations of the YRCC. 

I wanted to know how much the centre had cost to build; how much of that cost had been skimmed from other projects; what it had cost to repair and maintain since being opened for public use; what financial benefits, i.e. revenue and profit, had accrued to the Shire from the centre’s operations; and whether or not the centre was ever likely to pay its own way.

Introducing the question, I reminded everyone that former A/CEO Graeme Simpson had well over a year ago promised to provide us 'within a week' with a ‘fact sheet’ containing information of that kind.  He made the promise in one of his rare lucid moments, so it’s no wonder I remember it so well.   

We are still waiting for the promise to be fulfilled.  I was expecting the present Council and Shire administration to fulfil it, on the premise that a promise made is a debt unpaid.  After all, it was made in the Shire’s name.

Be careful what you wish for, because if it’s hard facts you’re after you might not get them from the Shire of York

As I wrote in ‘Notes from Underground’ (25 May), ‘I formed the impression that the question wasn’t unwelcome, as I had felt it might be, and would evoke in due course a detailed response’.  In my innocence, I expected Council to instruct the CEO to make public what I (and many others) would like to know.  

Using the kind of language beloved of politicians and bureaucrats, I pointed out in asking my question that such information might help us ‘to facilitate an informed consultation process’ regarding the relevant aspects of the draft strategic community plan.   

Alas, the vanity of human hopes and wishes!  By ‘detailed response’, I meant that the question should be answered in detail—and further, that the detail would relate for the most part to the question as I had asked it, not to another distantly related question that I didn’t actually ask, but might have asked if my purpose had been to assist Council and the Shire administration to obscure the awful truth about the YRCC.

This was the Shire President’s response, slightly edited, as recorded in the minutes of the meeting:

…the draft Corporate Business Plan refers to an action “YRCC Management Review” to be undertaken in the 2016/17 financial year…It is expected that this review will result in a Business Plan for the YRCC being presented to Council for consideration.  The Business Plan will address many of the … issues [forming] part of your question.  Once this Business Plan is considered by Council and directions for the Centre decided involving consultation with sporting clubs this would be a better time to issue a Facts Sheet if possible.

No, Dave, that wouldn’t be ‘a better time’.  The best time to give us the facts is NOW.

‘I want to believe…’

OK, let’s paraphrase what the Shire President said.  The tart comments displayed in italics are mine.

1.              This financial year, there’s going to be a ‘Management Review’ of the YRCC.  (Excellent! But who will carry out the review, under what headings, and if the review reveals that the centre isn’t cost-effective, and can’t be made so, will the Shire tell us?)
2.              The review should result in a ‘business plan’ for the centre.  (What form will the review take, based on what underlying assumptions?)
3.              The proposed business plan will address ‘many issues’ raised in my question.  (Precisely which issues will it address?)
4.              We don’t think this is the right time to put out a Fact Sheet.  It may not be possible to produce one (why the hell not?) It would be better to put one out when Council has considered the plan and decided, after a round of chin-wagging with the sporting clubs that use it, just where the centre’s future is heading.  (Most residents aren’t members of sporting clubs and don’t use the centre.  Suppose that a majority of residents would prefer not to go on paying in their rates for a centre they don’t use and which can’t pay for itself—what then?  Will their objections be cast aside in favour of the interests of a handful of sports fanatics—and of a bevy of superannuated boozers getting subsidised grog in the tavern?)

I think Shire President Wallace and his cohorts completely missed the overall point of my question, which as I made clear from the outset was to enable residents to make an informed contribution to the development of a business plan for the centre.

We shouldn’t have to wait for a facts sheet until after the business plan has been presented to Council.   We need the information I asked for now, not when the plan is to all intents and purposes a fait accompli.

To give just one example of what I mean:  if it turns out, after examining the figures, that the tavern and restaurant are paying their way and reaping excellent profits for the Shire—stranger things have happened, though not often—will that raise the spectre of competitive neutrality in relation to the town’s struggling hospitality sector?  

If it does, should we close those operations for the sake of local entrepreneurs?  We can’t reflect on that question, or indeed on the future of those operations, without a full knowledge of the facts.

Like Agent Mulder in The X-Files, I want to believe.  I really, really do.  I want to believe that the new Council and administration not only have our best interests at heart, but also want to share with us the facts and figures upon which their perception of our best interests relies. 

I want to believe that the bad old days are gone forever, that the truth will no longer be withheld from us, that it will shine forth resplendently for all to see as a new and more confident era dawns.

I want to believe that unlike most if not all of its predecessors, Council will eschew secrecy in government in the knowledge that such secrecy isn’t only the first step on the path to corruption, it’s also the first step on the path to public opprobrium and loss of trust. 

I want to believe that our Council really is committed to open, honest and accountable government.  

Yes, I want to believe all of that.

But I’m buggered if I'm ready to believe it yet.

POSTSCRIPT:  Why won’t the Shire of York tell us what the Major Fraud Squad found in the Shire’s financial records?

In my History Channel post of 17 April 2016, I discussed Acting CEO Dacombe’s recommendation that Council should suppress details of the Major Fraud Squad’s decision not to investigate irregularities arising from transactions on the Shire’s corporate credit card and (I believe) other financial dealings of the Shire.

I did so under the heading ‘And now for something completely different—lawyers advise York Shire Council to suppress Major Fraud Squad report’.

I adverted to the matter again in my farewell tribute to Acting CEO Dacombe, posted on 26 April.

It wasn’t my intention to have a go at Mr. Dacombe, whom I like, respect and admire.  He made it clear that his recommendation relied on legal advice.

Nor was I being critical of the police.  They identified irregularities, but described them as ‘governance, accounting or record-keeping issues’.  It’s the governance issues that most concern me here.

Presumably, governance issues arose because councillors had approved irregular expenditures, thus providing those responsible for them with a viable defence to any criminal charges that might otherwise have been laid.

So far as the police were concerned, the Shire Council has the authority and power to approve all expenditures made in its name, and by giving that approval, to validate them.

Explained—or explained away?

I’m not entirely happy with that explanation of what seems to have occurred. 

Can it really be the case that what ratepayers might regard as dishonest —I won’t say fraudulent— activity ceases to be so because lazy and incompetent councillors aren’t bothered to check what is thrust under their noses for approval month after month?

And were our highly paid auditors asleep at the wheel when they examined the Shire’s financial records year after year?

I suppose it’s possible that certain members of past councils were directly implicated in some of those irregularities, which in total may have cost ratepayers a significant amount of money. 

It’s my understanding that some of the irregular expenditures were on alcohol purchased from a bottle shop in Perth, while others related to a trip interstate.  On a more trivial note, I know of at least one occasion when the Shire’s credit card was used to buy icecreams in Mundaring on the way home from consulting a lawyer in Perth.


Leaving aside the vexed question of possible criminality, were questions of probity involved in any of this, and if so, what did Brad Jolly and his fellow lotus-eaters at the DLGC have to say about them?  Do they have anything worth hearing to say now?

The DLGC knew what was going on, because York ratepayers told them.  They did nothing, probably because they didn’t care.  Or perhaps they thought it wasn’t ‘in the public interest’ for councillors and staff to be embarrassed by the truth being made available to the forelock-tugging residents of York.

Thankfully, new policies are in place to reduce the likelihood that such improprieties, large and small, don’t happen in the future.  We have Mark Dacombe and Dr Gael Ferguson to thank for that.

But is that a plausible excuse for turning a blind eye to past iniquities?  I don’t think so, and I doubt that most of my readers do, apart from the tiny tribe of self-interested zombies who are all for flushing uncomfortable ‘historical issues’ down the toilet.


What most puzzled me about Acting CEO Dacombe’s recommendation was the assertion that it would be ‘inappropriate’ to release details of issues raised in the police report because to do so might result in individuals responsible for them being easily identified.

Most of us have a shrewd idea who those individuals might be.  Frankly, I don’t care who they are, if they are no longer members of Council or employed by the Shire.

What troubles me is that some of them might be members of Council who were also members of past councils at times when the irregular expenditures occurred, and were among those who approved them.

What troubles me even more is that their complicity, witting or not, in giving such approval might be what lay behind both the recommendation and Council’s vote to adopt it.   At the April ordinary council meeting, that vote was split 5-2, with councillors Saint and Walters dissenting.

I believe that if any current councillors were in any way, at any time and for any reason so complicit, they should not have voted on the recommendation because they had a discernible interest in avoiding embarrassment by keeping the matter under wraps.

(Incidentally, it was a similar line of reasoning that led me to conclude that a former council’s decision to suppress the Fitz Gerald Report was illicit.  The three councillors forming the quorum that voted for suppression were all mentioned adversely in the report and had no business voting on it.)

It’s the issues that matter

That said, I suspect most of us would be happy just knowing precisely what the issues were—all of them, not just governance issues—without being given details that could identify the individuals responsible for them.

This isn’t just about history.  It’s about the present and the future.  It’s about ensuring as far as possible that nothing that shouldn’t have happened ever happens again.

Good policies are helpful, but human ingenuity in the service of self-interest will usually find a way around them. 

The best safeguard for good governance is an electorate that knows the truth and is vigorously and permanently on the lookout for bureaucratic misfeasance and for the failure of councillors to put community interests ahead of personal concerns.

 So, councillors, come clean—tell us what the issues were that the police identified.  As our ancestors used to say, before truth became a casualty of the postmodern era, telling the truth shames the devil and sets us free.

POSTPOSTSCRIPT: On a lighter note…

From Cr Randell’s Facebook page—his first entry in The 5 Day Photograph a Twat Challenge

I don’t know if Trevor’s going to win, but they say he’s in pole position.

 The challenge continues with a second entry…

Game of Thrones…Trev snaps a selfie in a public toilet—and not a hair out of place!
 He missed out on the Queen’s Birthday Honours.  Is he aiming for Twat of the Year?

…and rolls on with a third…


(apologies to Dr Seuss)

This is the tale of a Twat in a Hat,
Some said he was silly, some called him a prat,
Others laughed at his antics and called him a dork
But he shone like a star in the fair shire of York.
An adept of Facebook, and eager for fame,
He had earned by his efforts a luminous name:
The world read with wonder his trenchant remarks
That wound up in rows of exclamatory marks;
His favourite epigram, oft written down,
Declared that his foes should be run out of town—
Those complainers and whingers, who dwelt on the past,
Had no place in HIS town, and from thence should be cast
Back to where they'd all come from.  Lip angrily curled,
He cried, ‘First Ashworth Road, then tomorrow the world;
The future of York rests with rubbish in trucks.
It’s time to move forward.  History sucks’.
Most of all he detested—I’ll mention their names—
York’s dastardly bloggers, David and James:
Those horrible creatures, those arrogant knaves
Who slime in and out of their cowardly caves,
Pointing the finger at bloody good blokes
Who’d looked after their mates and struck down other folks.
The summit and crown of his glorious career
Was to stand for election as Twat of the Year.
Not everyone thought that was such a good thing,
The bloggers poked fun as his campaign took wing,
While respectable residents said he’d lose face
If he wasn’t elected, and bring us disgrace,
Which of course would be shameful, a shock and a scandal—
But he’s certain to win.  Just ask Councillor Randell!!!!!

…now it’s Day 4, and the champ weighs in with a defiant declaration of where he stands on a vital issue of principle affecting us all—if those figures refer to inches, he must have shrunk in the wash, probably during the spin cycle…


Don’t worry, Trevor, nobody around here thinks love is a crime, or wants to see you dragged off to jail.  Such an event would ‘eclipse the gaiety of nations, and diminish the public stock of harmless pleasure’.

Disappointing News:  Day 5 of the ‘Photograph a Twat Challenge’ seems to have been cancelled or indefinitely postponed.  The Facebook page that hosted it, Trevor and Sharon’s Love/Hate Page, is no longer available for viewing to the general public.

I wonder—is it possible that the day 4 photo isn’t of Trev but of the mysterious Sharon?


  1. Is that it, is there a part two, did you have five minutes to spare post afternoon tea?

    1. Good heavens, you want more? What a glutton for punishment you must be. It's not that long ago that persons of dubious quality were begging me to stop writing and shut down this blog. You obviously weren't one of them - congratulations.

      I'm already at work on another article. It will appear as a separate post. Don't worry, I won't neglect my readers.

  2. The Shire Finance section/records - IF accurate, open and accountable - should be able to retrieve all the information requested. They should be able to tell what the YRCC cost Ratepayers to build, how much is costs to run and IF it is making any money or running at a loss.

    Can someone find the guts to come clean and tell us instead of fobbing us off? Why do we have to wait till July 1. 2016?

    The Shire of York is a multi million $ entity - who the hell is doing the accounts?

  3. Here here anon 8 June 4 33

  4. Where have you been? Many residents and ratepayers have been asking the exact same questions for 4 years. Difference is that until now the Council's of the time really were secretive and has their own self interests.

    D Smythe has a few questions to answer she could have done and said a lot more over the years rather than playing on both sides of the fence pretending to be mates with all while she was talking behind everyone's back.

    D Wallace never said a word when he was on council before and now he wants to be the saviour of York. I'm not even sure the other Councillors get a word in or know what is really going on!

    1. Yes, I know I'm following in the footsteps of others who tried in vain to get information from the Shire about the cost of the YRCC. The difference is that now we have the means to make our concerns public, not only in York but far beyond.

      The Council isn't impervious to criticism. Our new CEO may for all I know be a dyed-in-the-wool bureaucrat - as most CEOs probably are, bless them - but he isn't a corporate psychopath and I believe he is sensitive to the wishes of the community, even if he may not always agree with them.

      Whether or not to release information is a governance issue. So if the Council instructs the CEO to release information I would expect him to play by the rules and release it. Unlike a couple of councillors, he has no need to feel constrained by reverberations from the Shire's grotesque past.

      The ball is in Council's court. It's for our councillors to do the right thing by the people of York. If and when they don't, I shall post the facts on the blog and we can all start throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes (not literally, of course). If they do, I shall post those facts instead. In that case, we shall all weep tears of joy and stoop to kiss their feet as they pass by (again, not literally).

      Sometimes, Dave and Co., it takes courage to do the right thing. Do councillors have the ticker to be open, honest and accountable? Time will tell. Meanwhile, I'll go on burning candles to St Jude.

    2. I gave up on D. Smythe long ago. Denese stood by and quietly watched things happen to people and said nothing. She condoned bad behaviour by staying silent. Then she had the audacity to say she had a mandate from the people to be Shire President. Give us a break Denese, your not any where near the same calibre as Matthew Reid.

      Smythe is only DSP because her name was drawn from the Corn Flake box not because she had the support of her fellow councillors.

      We have three councillors who have the guts to be open, honest and accountable Saint, Walters and Ferro.

  5. Don't worry about the details of the past now. We all know that the rec.centre has and still does cost more than we can afford atm. Every step costs time and money,and there are many more steps to take before it can be turned around. That is the challenge. Good luck Council, I know that as good as you may be, every extra dollar we pay in fixing the administrative bungle is going to open a new can of worms.Just like skyrocketing rates are going to open up cans of worms when we all decide we want something physical for all that money. So use that money for real action.Put people on the ground not behind the desk.

    1. We are being invited to comment on the future though Junior, by way of a Draft Strategic Plan for our future.

      It is very difficult to plan ahead when we don't know what the YRCC is costing. I don't care about the cost of construction as it's done and we know the Council and Snr Admin at the time were idiots. Therefore we can assume we paid too much.

      I do care about Profit and Loss though. I suspect the CEO is reluctant to produce a P&L because he knows it won't be accurate or favourable.

      As Ms Richardson pointed out at the last Council meeting a spreadsheet is not accurate reporting if that's what is being produced by the Centre Manager. Council didn't argue the point so one eould assume that's correct. An elecronic sales system which records incoming stock and outgoing stock is essential. Otherwise its open to in accuracies and theft. I'm not saying there is theft as such.

    2. The reason I care about the cost of construction is that in one way or another, we're still paying for it. And there's more to come, if you add to that cost the expense of renovation and repair. I'm told there's a major problem with drainage, resulting from the decision years ago to reorient the playing areas. If that's true, big dollars will be required. Whose pockets will they be snatched from?

    3. Yes but the Shire owns it now James and no one will buy it so its going to cost what it costs to maintain and repair it.

      The management could go back to the sports clubs but should it? In principle definately, but if we had a P&L each month we'd be in a better position to know if its viable. Giving it to the clubs to profit from means we'll definately continue to pour money into something we draw little return on.

      We can hardly draw conclusion in the Strategic Review about its fuure without this info.

    4. Altruist, surely you must have heard the expression 'throwing good money after bad'. Why not bulldoze the place and restore Forrest Oval to what it was before the centre was built? Just a thought.

    5. Now very poor ratepayer10 June 2016 at 03:49

      Altruist 9 June 2016 at 20:17 says ....Yes but the Shire owns it now James and no one will buy it so its going to cost what it costs to maintain and repair it.
      That is exactly what has been said about the Chalkies building and the ratepayers didn't have a say in choosing to build or buy that either so why should we be saddled with years of debt and rate increases for what - just to please a minority of the community?
      Just sell off the Chalkies building and suffer the loss now rather than later as we continue to pay interest on another loan and costs for the maintenance. As James says why "throw good money after bad". After all, there won't be any income from the building because just like every other venue in town, the Shire give it up for use free of charge to anyone and the ratepayers continue to pay for the privilege.

      As for the wreck centre let's have some transparency from the Shire about the costs then maybe it can start to get some idea on how to recoup money back. The Shire could start with asking the sports clubs to contribute to the pot or at least fund raise like every other community group has to.

  6. Just as a side issue I have had some engagement with the new CEO, he's good, impressive, I hope he goes well and straightens this whole mess out.

  7. Unfortunately Dave is beginning to showing the same traits as Boyle and Hooper.

    He doesn't have the courage to face the truth and deal with it because it will expose his mates for what they did.

    Dave's way is: lets pretend everything is fine and dandy in York's garden and if I ignore questions being asked people will eventually give up asking. Sound familiar?

  8. It must be pointed out that, with the exception of two or three councillors, still with us, all the overcosts, inconsistences, mismanagement of both money and staff and stuff ups in general, all happened under the directorship and control of people, who are no longer there.

    I can see absolutely NO REASON why this current council cannot and does not, release all the figures/finances associated with the council, during that period in time. The people of York know about general stuff ups, and it will just confirm to us how much was/has been lost and how far it all went.
    By bringing all to light, would firmly point the fingers, at those responsible, giving us a chance to perhaps try to recoup some of the missing funds.
    For example, we know the shire sold the old convent to Mr.& Mrs. Lawn (old friend of Mr. R. Hooper), but what happened to the money? Understand there is NO trace of it. Over $300,000.00, odd, I believe. !!!

    More, by bringing everything out into the open, may enable the council and town to come to terms with everything, and help assist bringing everything back into line.
    Providing even a basic, truthful, P & L sheet, would give us a fairly accurate idea of what we are up for.

    Did mention in a prior post, that if all too much, perhaps York could consider going bankrupt.

    Not a joke. Would wipe all debts and give us a chance to start all over again.

    Let us face it, the problems we HAD, (and have) were NOT caused by the current council. I also have a
    sneaking suspicion, that the Govt. may not let us go bankrupt, but as a good deal of all of this was their fault, they should take some responsibility!

    And the current council, in general could then say, "Wow, look at what they have done. We're going to try to fix this."

    Many years ago, Bob Hawke won an election, after many promises, and some short time later, after some perusing of the actual accounts, gave a speech on national television, cancelling all promises, pointing out the dreadful state that the books were in, and have to start from scratch.

    Which he did and to this day, is still the most popular P.M. we have ever had.
    Had the guts to tell it like it was.

    Let us see what sort of a council we have got ourselves. An if still inadequate, at election time
    remember it and vote in people who will get off their backsides and actually earn the money WE pay them..

    1. Jan Chalkies was on the market for a long time before JB purchased it so probably not so easy to just sell it.

      The $300k from Lawn didn't dissapear it was found. It was just recorded incorrectly.

      Councillors don't get paid just out of pocket allowances.

    2. Anonymous10 June 2016 at 17:52 Can you verify your claim the $300k was 'just' incorrectly recorded?
      You seem to be the only person in York with this knowledge.

      Perhaps you also know the name of the highly paid Staff member responsible for the creative accountancy?

    3. It is absolute bullshit that $300k was 'just' recorded incorrectly. There is more to this than a recording mistake and ratepayers deserve to be told the truth.

      Ratepayers are paying big money for qualified finance people to do their job.

      We are not talking about $10 or $100, we are talking about a $300k mistake and it is not acceptable. The person responsible should be dismissed.

    4. You're rehashing old news. Its been proven the money was there but was not recorded properly and those responsible have gone. Lets not waste time on this.

    5. Anonymous11 June 2016 at 00:06 You say it has been proven. How about posting the proof on the blog.

      Ratepayers cannot afford these financial mistakes and those making them do not deserve employment.

      If you believe it is ok for an employee to make a $300k recording mistake, then continually hide it from ratepayers for years in the face of repeated requests for information, then I suspect you may have a closer link to the person responsible than you are prepared to reveal.

      Did you know an out of date valuation certificate was used by the Administration for the Tender process, deeming the Tender in breach of the Tender Act.
      The CCC chose to accept a verbal explanation from the CEO. That CCC was dismissed by the State Government some weeks later.

      Why didn't the Administration admit it was an accounting error in the beginning, instead of ducking and weaving?

      The Finance officer involved is still employed by the Shire of York and should prepare a full statement backed up by evidence:
      Who gave the instruction of where to record the funds?
      Where the money was incorrectly recorded?
      The date the financial correction was made.
      Where the money finished up.

      Not a big ask - something Shire President Wallace should have already demanded on behalf of the ratepayers. it's called being open and accountable.

      I am beginning to lose hope we will ever have a Shire President with the guts to uncover, expose and address the mistakes of the past.

      It would happen if York is ever fortunate enough to secure a Shire President without baggage of family or schooling ties to those behind the scenes.

    6. Proven when and to whom? Have you seen the 'proof'? Do you really believe that an amount of around $300K would have been recorded mistakenly, even by the SoY?

      Last year ACEO Simpson or one of his handmaidens provided (not to me directly) copies of what looked like a spreadsheet entry purporting to record proceeds of sale of the convent. The entry may have been genuine, but it didn't look kosher to me. I certainly wouldn't regard that entry alone as 'proof' that the proceeds really did find their way into the Shire's coffers.

      (I'm not saying it didn't - I'm disputing the assertion that it has been proved to have done so.)

      You might remember the sad tale of Town Clerk Stevens' hasty departure to Hong Kong in 1906 (History Channel, 17 April 2016). A Perth firm of accountants was called in and examined the Shire's financial dealings going back several years. It found many deficiencies in the Shire's financial records.

      Perhaps the SoY's records should be subjected to a forensic audit starting with the sale of the Old Convent and focusing thereafter on the YRCC, credit card purchases and the disgraceful purchase of Chalkies. That would, I suggest, be a lot more thorough and productive than the Clayton's investigation conducted by the Fraud Squad - and covered up, in time honoured fashion, by the Shire.

    7. James, all it will take is council (elected members) to take control put up an agenda item explaining what its intentions are, vote, if affirmative, the CEO has no option other than implement councils decision. Of course, back to reality, we're talking about the Shire of York, so any decision will first be run by the Department of Local Government, (JennI Law because David Morris moved sideways to the Department of Commerce),Denis McLeod, Lloyd Martin LGIS, Macri Partners Auditors and anyone else I've forgotten. Only then, something may happen but don't hold your breath.

    8. Concerned ratepayer12 June 2016 at 23:52

      Further to Anonymous12 June 2016 at 01:04 - It's becoming evident the Boyle and Hooper abysmal style of leadership has not ceased. Wallace appears to have been handed their batten and is more than happy to run with it.

      Good Leadership is measured by a persons ability to deal with and resolve difficult and unpleasant issues. To date Wallace is not scoring any better than Boyle and Hooper.

      Does Shire President Wallace have the courage to request a full statement answering the questions raised by Anonymous12 June 2016 at 01:04 and publish it? If not, he should seriously consider just sticking to farming.

    9. Anonymous11 June 2016 at 00:06 You seem to have inside information on this - why didn't you expose this years ago?

      The $300K as so well hidden even the Forensic Auditors from the CCC could not locate it within the Shire records - how do you explain that?

    10. Stew Pidd12 June 2016 at 20:10 You have hit the nail on the head.
      I would be surprised if the Shire President breaths without first obtaining permission from Jenni Law and McLouds. He is too scared to make decisions in case he upsets his friends.

      I do believe we have an excellent CEO. Pity the Shire President isn't of the same standard.

    11. Why has the Finance Officer still got her job?

      This mistake goes far deeper than just incorrectly recording the $300k. It also involves a cover up with false and misleading information being provided to ratepayers ever since the Convent was sold.

  9. Well Jan, obviously Bob Hawke's got bigger balls than Dave Wallace's quail eggs.

    1. Bob's favourite game is cricket. I believe Dave's is hockey. Cricket balls are bigger than hockey balls. Is that what you're trying to say? If so, I'm sure Dave would quail at the comparison.

  10. Can contributors to this vital medium stick to the topic?
    Over and over comments are made which are irrelevant to the published article.
    Careless moderating I call it.
    Keep it on track.

    1. Slack Alice10 June 2016 at 02:59 - I hope you are not suggesting censorship?

      Have you forgotten our voice was taken from us by the Hooper, Boyle and Hooper?

  11. Slack Alice, relevance is in the eye of the beholder. I don't mind posting a bit of humour now and then, not even when it arrives as on this occasion in the form of a vulgar acrostic. I've often said that matters may come up as side issues that turn out to be no less important than the topic(s) canvassed in my article.

    BTW, are you still keeping company with Larry Grayson? Shut that door!

    1. Thank you James for pointing out the inadvertent mishap, it was remiss of me not to notice before hitting the publish button.
      I will definitely pay more attention in future, please accept my profuse apologies.
      Terrific article by the way, keep up the good work .

    2. My dear girl, I think you're suffering from acrosticomania. Have you tried counselling?

      Thanks for your endorsement of my work. I shall keep it up for as long as I can, until advancing age diminishes my faculties and dampens my powers.

  12. James, in your latest post script above concerning the Fraud Squad Report/Investigation fob off, you write...."I believe that if any current councillors were in any way, at any time and for any reason so complicit, they should not have voted on the recommendation because they had a discernible interest in avoiding embarrassment by keeping the matter under wraps."

    We do know that in the very sordid past Boyle, Hooper, Lawrence, Scott, and Duperouzel concealed the truth on any unscrupulous matter to avoid embarrassment or blame. These famous names will all go down in history for the wrong reasons as they are added to the hall of shame, no longer to be befriended or trusted and certainly condemned in the community.

    At the present time though, four of our seven Councillors were also part of those previous Councils Wallace, Smythe, Walters, Randell) and fall into the ‘discernible interest’ category.

    The way I see it these four seem totally oblivious to their past actions which encouraged Ray Hooper to take what was not his to spend and condoned his trail of destructive behaviour throughout the Shire.

    After the recent vote whether or not to release the Fraud Squad report, should we now be concerned that, in relation to ‘historic issues’ in which they may have been involved, these four (and possibly others) will continue to suppress the truth and vote for cover up rather than honesty?

    1. Problem is Sir Thinkalot much of the community sadly bury their heads in the sand and have no idea about how their money is being spent. They are the majority and come election time it becomes apparent. I agree Cr Wallace bears little responsibility but Smythe and Randell have no excuses.

  13. Let's be fair: Cr Wallace came on the scene late. He was elected in 2013 and served under SP Reid, who did his best against impossible odds to put matters right. Cr Walters did what she could to keep the council honest, but had to endure severe bullying from other members.

    We should keep arguing the case for transparency on the part of the Shire - both council and administration. I certainly intend to go on doing so.

  14. One of those who bullied Cr. Walters was re-elected.

    What the hell are these Councillors frightened of? Wouldn't it be better to reveal the truth and get it over and done with. Protecting people and pretending things didn't happen is not going to do us any good.

    It is not going to do SP Wallace reputation much good if he keeps hoping it will all go away because it won't. I had hoped he would show some real Leadership and deal with things. That hope is fading fast.
    Thank goodness we have the blogs.

  15. Some things really need to remain private.

    Doesn't Cr. Randell realise he is making a super fool of himself and the Council.

    I guess his behaviour appeals to the less intelligent in the community which is how he got re-elected.

    1. You wait until the willy shots on day five.

    2. Don't be silly, his name's Trevor.

  16. James, we have seen enough of Trevor's private life.

    I am thoroughly embarrassed he is one of our Councillors and it has nothing to do with his choice of partner.

    I am proud to say I have many Gay friends here in York.

    How can we trust or respect Trevor's ability to make rational decisions on behalf of the community when he behaves like a teenager who thinks it's funny to post private photo's of themselves on social media for the world to see.

  17. What's Trevor on?
    We have been calling for random drug testing for Shire workers, maybe the testing should include Councillors.

    Trevor has no dignity to lose!

    1. Let’s give credit where it’s due.

      I’ve just read a report by Chris Thomson in WAToday. The report is dated 24 August 2009. You can read it at

      Cr Randell is featured for having strongly supported the Shire’s move to reward upstanding citizens with $2000 a pop for dobbing in a vandal or hoon to the police.

      However, as Shire representative on the local youth advisory committee, Cr Randell was at pains to point out that simply blaming young people for anti-social activity was unfair. It was no less likely that older people with a skinful of grog were responsible, he said (not exactly in those words—his were more dignified).

      Unfortunately, Deputy CEO Stanley pulled the rug to some degree from under Cr Randell’s feet by stating that ‘most vandalism and graffiti occurred during school holidays’. I say ‘to some degree’, because the DCEO said nothing about hooning.

      It seems that in those days Cr Randell showed a tad more gravitas than he currently displays on Facebook.

    2. Sorry, I was wrong. He did say 'skinful of grog'. Those were his exact words. Straightforward Aussie English - bravo!

    3. It was ok at the time though for Mrs Cochrane to blow in the bag with a skinfull of grog in a Shire vehicle. Hypocrites.

    4. How come Mrs. Cochrane was not immediately dismissed back then.

      Did anyone see Channel 9 last night - Credit Card fraud. Sounded familiar.

    5. Yes and how much money will be paid to her and others as they walk out the door now,and in hindsight was that the best way for them to be relieved of their services?

    6. Anonymous 17/6 23:15 - Some things are worth paying for. And bearing in mind the travails of past years, yes, it was the best and probably the only legal way to dispense with their services. Congratulations, Paul Martin, for making a fresh start possible.

    7. Don't worry folks, it may seem they got off scot-free for now but I would not be in their shoes for quids.

      For starters they've lost their jobs, reputations, the use of the credit cards and the free four hour lunches.

      They may now begin to realise they were backing the wrong horse because it bolted from the feed lot and left them to face the music. Sad really, because they believed he was their protector when in fact he didn't give a toss about them.

      Guilt will visit them every night for the rest of their lives and they will never know if a CCC summons is waiting the other side of the door every time they hear a knock.

      Who knows what will be uncovered down the track as Paul Martin unravels the mess he has taken over. That's one of the benefits of a new broom, it is more likely to succeed in flicking the dirt out the door into the light for everyone to see.

      Look what happened to Alan Bond - took a while but he was exposed.

    8. Yeah it is apparently only several hundred thousand dollars,not sure that was best or only way though

    9. Anonymous18 June 2016 at 03:06 - are you telling us you believe Cochrane was paid several hundred thousand?
      I doubt it. I believe she would have received 6 months pay, the legal requirement for rescinding an employment contract. Doubt anyone in Local Government will employ her, her reputation is trashed.

      I believe Mr. Martin will be sieving through all records - including the financials - to make sure he has a clean slate to work with. I also believe he will be truthful with the people. He has a long career ahead of him and I doubt he will blot that career - or his reputation- by protecting anyone involved in corruption or corporate fraud.

      Be patient people and give him time.

    10. Anonymous17 June 2016 at 23:15 - Why don't you email James Best, he's the fool who renewed Cochrane's contract. Best got carried away with his own importance and our cheque book.

      Cochrane and Maziuk would only have received their legal entitlements.

      Cochrane and Maziuk lost something far more valuable than their jobs - their reputations.

      Be grateful they are both gone.

  18. You're wrong James those figures aren't inches they're centimetres. I saw Trevor in town this morning in IGA and he was struggling to reach the handles on the trolley.

  19. Are you sure that's Trevor in the latest photo? It doesn't look much like him. Look at the beard.

    1. Well, if it's not Trevor, it could be Conchita, the Austrian singer who won last year's Eurovision Song Contest.

  20. Get a grip, people. Definitely NOT Councillor Randell. Apart from not looking anything like him, in case you haven't noticed, Councillor Randell is TALL - really tall, in fact around 6'6" tall. Clearly the person in photo looks to be only around 6'3". Probably been paid to hold sign.

    A mention was also made, that Councillor Randell, in his former guise as a representative of the people in Shire, was seen to be a "normal" human being, being conciliatory, pleasant, supportive and working towards harmony within community. Then that all changed.
    Consider - His Dad was alive then, now he isn't. This new persona developed after that event.
    Clearly didn't want to upset his v. supportive and outspoken Dad. Barry (his Dad) was a nice bloke. Equally so, is his Mum - a nice person.

    Shame that Councillor Randell hasn't put any thought regarding his actions, into what his Mum and the rest of his family, must be going through, if not seeing, then certainly hearing on the local grapevine, of his antics.
    He must have all but ripped her heart out.
    Lots of people are 'gay' (that used to be a nice word to use in general speech, as well, now hijacked) but the majority show a little class and some dignity towards their sexual bents and have some consideration for others. As someone said, Councillor Randell needs to grow up!
    Shame Councillor Randell

    1. Jan, it's not only gay people who need to show a bit of class and dignity in exercising their sexual proclivities. I'm reminded of a remark by an Edwardian lady that she didn't mind what people got up to so long as they didn't do it in the street and frighten the horses.

    2. Jan, if you are talking about Cr. Randells previous stint on Council, I have no recollection of him being conciliatory, pleasant, supportive and working towards harmony within community.
      From personal experience he was the exact opposite. He was, and still is, a nasty piece of works.
      I have not forgotten the repugnant comments between him, Cr. Hooper and other oxygen thieves on Face Book.
      I don't trust him and am embarrassed he is a Councillor - AND that has nothing to do with him being Gay.
      All the Gay people I know in York act with class and dignity and they are respected - Randell is not one of them.

  21. DLP - June 18, @ 01.52. I was referring to a time, WAAY back, when Gavin Troy was around, during his second stint, and Mr. R. Hooper hadn't taken over completely at that stage, and still under the mentorship of Mr. Troy. People from the community were working in reference groups, and Councillor Randell was out and about then. Mr. P. Hooper was supposedly on a reference group, to help develop a plan for the local youth. But, Mr. P Hooper, NEVER made it to any of the meetings. Understand everytime there was a meeting, it unfortunately coincided with the races!! York or Northam, it didn't seem to matter - most conspicuous by his absence. However, I believe, probably most fortunate for the rest of the people on the reference group.
    And, NO WAY will I disagree with you, on anything else.

    1. That was when Gavin Troy discovered CEO Ray Hooper spent Federal grant funding allocated for the Glebe St. Bridge on one of his pet projects instead of the bridge.
      Thanks to Gavin, some swift reshuffle of funds took place, the bridge upgrade was rescued and Ratepayers did not have to pay back the Federal Grant.

      We were not so lucky with the next Commissioner - he spent our money to help out his friends by buying the structurally unsound Chalkies and renewed the DCEO's contract against the wishes of the people!

      Proves there's been a serious decline in the ability and standard of Commissioners available for Local Government- the first saved us and the second screwed us.

    2. Thankfully the standard of CEO has improved since Ray Hooper jumped overboard from his dysfunctional, unstable sinking ship leaving the crew to save their own jobs.

      It probably cost ratepayers 6 months pay to show Cochrane the door but it was a small price to pay to stop the control she had over staff and residents.

  22. Jan, what a cruel heartless person you have shown your self to be, its a hard to imagine having someone as spiteful as you in our little town. You felt the need to mention Trevors parents - hang your head in shame. We are all entitled to a little fun in this life and we can all be serious when we need to - surely at your age you have learn that - not nice to be so shallow over this Jan - maybe it would do you some good to have a good laugh and giggle from time to time. Also we now live in a day and age when photo shop exists - ask someone to google it for you and have a read about it. And James - its really not Trevors fault that you did get the votes is it - the people of York voted but not for you - I cant help but wonder if it was because already you had shown your spiteful side - maybe it happened because you have way to much time on your hands - maybe you could be a help to this town in a much nicer way than wasting time on social media running down the people that do their best for this town. You may choose to see me as unintelligent - I choose to see me as an intelligent person who knows how to have a giggle. Oh and I`m not the mysterious Sharon - I`m sure if you used all your IQ you could find me ... :/

    1. Anonymous19 June 2016 at 06:01 - you obviously do not know Jan.

      I agree, yes we are entitled to a bit of fun in this life. The reality is,Trevor is a member of our Council representing all the people of York. With this privilege comes an expectation from the people that he will abide by a certain standard of personal behaviour.

      Trevor failed the behaviour test the first time he was on council, by participating in gutter talk on face book with fellow Councillor Pat Hooper and he has failed ratepayers again this time with his insatiable need for public attention on social media.

      Randell stated to many if elected he would resign on the Monday following the election. He has proved to us he is a liar.

      How did he get on council this time? You claim you are intelligent so I am sure you can work that out for yourself.

    2. Resident of York19 June 2016 at 18:53

      I remember Hooper volunteering for the reference groups and I have no recollection of him showing up other than for that first meeting. Would it have anything to do with the fact no sitting fees were being offered? Anyway I agree Jan it was probably fortunate for those working on the groups that he had other commitments.

      I was on the receiving end of Randell's nastiness and rudeness during his first stint on council. He was egged on by his fellow childish councillors, including Pat Hooper.

    3. Thank you for your comment. I ‘ll leave Jan to speak for herself, except to note that unlike you, she isn’t afraid or ashamed to subscribe her name to what she writes, and she does have a strong sense of humour. I know this because she’s a friend.

      Why you should wish to drag up last year’s elections is a mystery to me, but since you have, I feel obliged to restate my position on the matter. Quite a few people did vote for me – not so many fewer than voted for Cr Randell. Actually, not many York residents did vote – less than 30% of the electorate, as I recall. Two of the present councillors, of whom Cr Randell was one, were beneficiaries of a concerted campaign organised by a couple of local luminaries determined to get their nominees elected and (as I suspect) to make sure I wasn’t.

      I’m not complaining: they had every right to do that, and I ran a very poor campaign, hardly a campaign at all. If you spoke to my wife, she would confirm that I wasn’t displeased by the outcome of the election. I’d come to the realisation that if I were elected, I would be continually involved in battles with other councillors, the Shire administration and no doubt the DLGC over issues of secrecy and my resolve to keep going with my blog. I would have found that immensely tiresome.

      Neither of the two councillors I refer to campaigned for election. As one of them declared in my presence on polling day, she didn’t have to because she was on a firm promise of success. Moreover, Cr Randell had told all and sundry that if elected, he would resign, which made his being elected all the more miraculous.

      As it happens, I knew the moment I saw who the WAEC Returning Officer, in his innocence, had appointed to man the polling station that I had no chance of being elected, no matter how many people might have voted for me. As somebody a while ago explained in the Australian Spectator, early and postal voting can, shall we say, facilitate an unexpected result at the polls.

      I don’t think you’re in much of a position to describe me, or anybody else, as ‘spiteful’ while defending your friend Cr Randell. I have read many of his Facebook ‘rants’, including those in which he spitefully advocated running certain residents out of ‘his’ town. I remember that before the election, he published an extremely spiteful comment about Jane Ferro. Luckily, he is neither very bright nor especially articulate, so his poorly honed barbs barely sting. As the saying goes, if he can’t take it, he shouldn’t dish it out.

      Let me tell you, madam, even though long retired I have very little time on my hands. Many things keep me busy other than writing for and moderating this blog. I don’t regard the blog as a waste of time. Many important changes have occurred that were first mooted in this or the other blog. Nor do I consider that people targeted by the blog – not only in my articles, but also in readers’ comments – are necessarily ‘doing their best for this town’ rather than for their mates or their sponsors. As for helping the town in ‘a nicer way’ – such good as I do, and I believe I do some good, I prefer to do by stealth, so I don’t blame you for not knowing about it.

      Finally, I haven’t the faintest idea who you are, or how intelligent – though your use of the adolescent phrase ‘have a giggle’ tells me something about your capacity for intellectual achievement - but I have the distinct impression that it is you, not Jan, who has had a sense of humour bypass.

    4. Randell was one of the councillors who gave the CEO approval to write the Yellow Memorandum and post it on public notice boards. This was done specifically to embarrass the three people Ray Hooper named.

      Randell was not a nice person then and he has not changed.

  23. To Anonymous; June 19 @ 06.01 Apparently your self professed "intelligence" doesn't extend to understanding what 'spite' really is. I don't understand what part of standing up for Councillor Randells' parents and in particular his Mum, you have missed and how anybody could take that as being 'spiteful'.

    It is more than clear that He really doesn't give a toss, but at my 'age' (c.35 by the way) I felt it was time someone cared. Apparently NOT you.

    What sort of a son embarrasses his Mother in the way he must have? Hard to be proud of someone lacking a decent moral compass.

    Apparently, I have miscounted. I thought I had worked out how many individuals, such as your self, we had in this little town of ours.
    Oh dear, I was wrong.

    Yet another bloody dipstick!

    (That is humour, by the way.)
