Wednesday 25 May 2016


 Note: postcript added 31 May 2016
           two further postscripts added 2 June 2016

Are York’s white elephants a threatened species?

That’s a question readers may have been asking themselves after perusing my previous article on the subject.

The answer is probably no. 

The best we can hope for is that the big white elephant, the YRCC, is placed on a restricted diet and made to work harder.  Unfortunately, the little white elephant, the Old Convent School aka Chalkies, is, I believe, being lined up for major reconstructive surgery, at a cost of around $250,000, to bring it ‘up to code’.

At Monday’s council meeting, I posed the question appended to my previous article.  I formed the impression that the question wasn’t unwelcome, as I had felt it might be, and would evoke in due course a detailed response. 

I wonder, though, if I haven’t set the Shire an impossible task.

I don’t think I’m the only York resident who suspects that documents and other records pertaining to the YRCC will be found to have mysteriously vanished from the files. 

That may be why A/CEO Simpson didn’t keep his promise, made early last year, to produce a fact sheet about the YRCC; he couldn’t, because much of the information he would have needed had gone walkabout, so to speak. 

My memory isn’t what it used to be, but I seem to recall him telling us at the January 2015 OCM that the YRCC fact sheet, along with others, would soon be hitting the streets.

Shortly afterwards, he repeated his promise in a letter to a friend of mine, reproduced below (the letter, not my friend). Click the pages if you need to enlarge them.

At a guess, I'd say the letter wasn't actually composed either by Graeme Simpson or by the nominated contact person, Tyhscha Cochrane, but by the outside consultant engaged to handle FOI applications.  The giveaway is the reference 'AS', which I'm told signifies 'Administrative Services'. 

Draft strategic community plan

Monday’s meeting was held at Talbot.  This was my first attendance at a Talbot meeting.  A friend drove me there.  I’m glad she did, because if I’d tried to find the Talbot venue by myself, I’d still be searching for it. 

At this time of year, and helped by recent heavy rains, the countryside is green and wondrously beautiful to behold, so I arrived at the hall in a very cheerful frame of mind.  This was reinforced by the tea, coffee, sandwiches and biscuits provided by the hospitable ladies of Talbot. (Is it still OK to call women ‘ladies’, or is it politically incorrect?  If it’s the latter, I promise to go on doing it.)

On arriving, I had a pleasant conversation with Cr Saint, an old friend, and Paul Martin, our new CEO. 

The agenda for the meeting included, as an appendix, the draft strategic community plan.  It’s a big document.  I’m still sniffing my way through it (when you’ve lived with dogs for many years, as I have, you find yourself ineluctably drawn towards olfactory metaphors).  I’ll study the plan more closely before writing about it.

Heading each page of the draft plan is the slogan ‘EMPATHY  RESPECT  COURAGE’.  Missing is the word ‘TRANSPARENCY’.  I’m sure that omission was unintentional and will shortly be remedied.

Breaking news…

This morning, the York rumour mill went into overdrive, so maybe you’ve already heard what I’m about to tell you.

Never mind.  This is what was relayed to me from several directions:

Rumour 1.  The DCEO, Tyhscha Cochrane, has been relieved of her position (there is an alternative version, that she relieved herself of it).

Rumour 2.  The HRO, Gail Mazuik, has resigned, and has since been seen driving the school bus.  She and her husband will soon be leaving York, having bought a house in Cannington.

Rumour 3.  Gordon Tester, Manager of Development Services, has been made redundant and is now in quest of other employment consistent with his experience and qualifications.

Rumour 4.  All three, Tyhscha, Gail and Gordon, were summarily dismissed from their employment on Friday of last week.

If rumours 1 to 3 are true, or just the last one, I’m sure I speak for most residents of York in wishing Tyhscha, Gail and Gordon happiness and success in their future endeavours, wherever fate may lead them, so long as fate doesn’t lead them back to the offices of the Shire of York.

A further update on Christian Tarou Chadwick

Remember Christian Chadwick?  He’s the Shire depot worker from New Zealand who’s featured more than once in the pages of this blog.

Most recently, I wrote about him at some length in my article The Untouchables (23 November 2015).  He also featured in a Newsflash dated 7 December 2015, under the heading  ‘An update on Christian Chadwick’, which recounted details of a violent incident in which he had allegedly starred. 

This alleged incident involved bursting uninvited into somebody’s home where children were celebrating a birthday party, attacking the children’s father with an offensive weapon, breaking the father’s collarbone, and generally behaving in a threatening and obstreperous manner towards the victim and his family.

He was charged with aggravated burglary in a dwelling and assault occasioning actual bodily harm in circumstances of aggravation.  If he’s found guilty, he will spend several years enjoying the luxurious hospitality of a WA prison.

After that, he will most likely be deported to his home turf, the Land of the Long White Cloud.

A few weeks ago Mr. Chadwick appeared again in Northam Magistrates Court, where he was remanded on bail to a committal hearing in Perth on 17 August 2016.  He will then be further remanded for trial in the District Court.

The Northam magistrate allowed him bail on several conditions, one of which was not to approach within 50 metres of the victim.

Yesterday morning, Mr. Chadwick drove a Shire vehicle past the victim’s house as the victim and his partner were seeing their children off to school.  He had a passenger—presumably a colleague—in the vehicle with him.  It is alleged that he made an obscene gesture towards the family group, meanwhile uttering obscenities and threats.  

This might reasonably be construed as intimidating witnesses, a serious crime in itself.

The victim has reported Mr. Chadwick’s behaviour to the Northam police.  If Mr. Chadwick has breached his bail conditions, he might soon find his bail revoked and himself in prison awaiting trial.  His trial may take place at a date well into next year.

This is all pretty amazing.  Here we have a man with a serious criminal record appointed several years ago more or less straight from prison to a position on the Shire payroll.  As I’ve explained in previous articles, he got the job—earmarked for someone else—by a process of patronage resulting from his friendship with a senior Shire employee.

He has remained on the payroll even though his presence and conduct in the depot led to the reluctant departure of two fellow workers who obtained payouts from the Shire amounting to around $100,000.

I learned from the victim’s mother today that her son intends to report this latest incident involving Mr. Chadwick directly to CEO Martin.   Last time such a report was made, by my friend Mr. Templar, A/CEO Simpson refused to take action on the grounds that what Mr. Chadwick did in his own time was of no concern to the Shire.

But this time it’s different.  Mr. Chadwick drove by the victim’s house and threatened him in the Shire’s time and in a Shire vehicle. 

Surely it’s time for him to go.

POSTSCRIPT:  Reproduced below is a post from a certain Ms McNamara that appeared last week on a York website.  I received it in the mail from an anonymous source.  Click it if you need to enlarge it.

I believe Ms McNamara is the partner of Christian Tarou Chadwick and the mother of his several children.

I have given her post space here for two reasons.  The first is that, according to my source, it was swiftly taken down from the website in question, presumably by the site’s moderator.  This meant that her message, which was obviously important to her, could not have received the degree of public attention she would have desired.

The second reason is personal.  In her post, she alleges that ‘bloggers’ have told lies about her family.  I suspect that this accusation is directed primarily at my colleague David Taylor, who writes for the other York blog, and me. 

It’s not nice to be called a liar, especially when you have taken pains to discover and write the truth.

For the record, neither David nor I have ever mentioned Ms McNamara by name or written anything derogatory about her or her children.  So far as I can remember, we have said nothing at all about them.  So it is nonsense for her to say that we have written ‘bullshit stories’ about her family. 

Our concern has always been exclusively with the well-attested behaviour of her partner, Mr. Chadwick; his criminal record and propensity to violence; and his conduct as an apparently specially favoured Shire of York employee. 

If Ms McNamara thinks that David and I have lied about Mr. Chadwick, I would like to know where and in what respects we have done so.  If Ms McNamara will provide me with that information, I shall be happy to publish it on this blog.

[On Sunday, David published on the other blog, Shire of York official unofficial site, ( an article reporting on developments regarding Mr. Chadwick’s immigration status and the likelihood that if convicted of a further offence he will be deported to his country of origin, New Zealand.  

David’s article, entitled ‘HAKEA, then HAKAS and HUNGIS’, includes the suggestion that Mr. Chadwick should get legal advice on his family situation in the event that the Department of Immigration cancels his visa and permanent residency.   That is excellent advice, and not to be construed as an attack on Ms McNamara and her children just because it contains the word ‘family’.]

POSTPOSTSCRIPT:  While we’re on the topic of false accusations… On 27 September last year, less than a month before the shire council elections, Trevor Randell (now back on the York Shire Council) posted the following statement, or question, on the Gay News Network.

“Thought you would be interested to know I have been targeted as I’m going up for councillor on the York Shire Council.  Rednecks here have started a blog which it prints two photos of my partner and myself and is obviously targeting the fact I am gay so I have lower morals.  What do you think?”

He concludes by citing the web address of the other blog for which I used to write before starting this one. 

His post has since disappeared from the Gay News Network website, so there’s no point in my providing the link.  Some readers may remember that a while ago David Taylor discussed Trevor’s post on the other blog, but that article too has been taken down.  In my opinion, it was an inch or two over the top.

My quarrel with Trevor’s post has nothing to do with its dubious grammar and wonky syntax.  It certainly has nothing to do with his being gay.

What rankles is the implication that he was being ‘targeted’ because he was a gay man ‘going up for council’ and further that the blog in question was started for the express purpose of persecuting him for being gay. 

As he would certainly have known, that blog had in fact been started well over a year before he contacted the Gay News Network.   He would also have known that the raison d’être of the blog from the beginning was to tell the world about shady goings on in the Shire and the Department of Local Government—not specifically to target Trevor Randell.  

If he was targeted by either blog, it was because he had been a councillor during the Ray Hooper years, is an admirer of Ray and a close friend—I am tempted to say ‘disciple’—of former shire president Pat (‘Minority Report’) Hooper, and was party to council decisions of that period that do neither him nor most of his then colleagues much credit. 

I can’t speak for everyone who wrote for the other blog, or posted comments on it, but I reject Cr Randell’s suggestion that the people who started or, like me, contributed articles to it are ‘rednecks’. 

The word ‘redneck’ signifies somebody who is uneducated, ignorant and acts from prejudice.   Cr Randell is entitled to consider me prejudiced, though I would disagree, but surely even he would admit that I am not uneducated and ignorant, though I wouldn’t rank him as a credible judge of such matters.

He told the Gay News Network he was being targeted because of ‘the fact that I am gay so I have lower morals’.  Being gay doesn’t mean having ‘lower morals’, which is what his words imply.  Being dishonest does. What he reported to the Gay News Network was untrue, and I’ve no doubt he knew that when he wrote it.  He appeared to be trying to represent himself as a martyr in the cause of being gay.  As the poet says, ‘For some, not to be martyred is a martyrdom’. 

Sadly, over the centuries there have been many genuine gay martyrs, victims of the prejudice, cruelty and malice of societies that punished them for being, as was falsely supposed, subversive and depraved.  There are gay martyrs still, in Islamic countries like Iran where gay men are routinely hanged from cranes.  Trevor Randell is not a gay martyr, and I sincerely hope he never will be. 

As it happens, I was sent copies of the photos he mentions. I believe they were lifted from his Facebook page.  I declined to publish them on my blog. I thought them creepy and in very poor taste—and not, let me stress, because his partner is male.

POSTPOSTPOSTSCRIPT:  Here’s another entertaining post by Mandz, culled this time from her Facebook page…and by the way, I’ve never received a comment from her on any topic—and if I had received one, and didn’t post it, how can she possibly have a screen shot to prove that she did submit it?

If she wants to tell her side of the story on my blog, I’ll be only too happy to publish it.  She can send it by email to .

As you can see, she has a very distinguished friend.

Good i got u lot attention in less then 6mins hahaha . Quicker then i thought it would be. As u can see its only the writters of the blog an very few sheep who give a hoot about our ordinary life lol (laugh out loud) u lot must really have such boring lives to care let along write about us. I find it funny how many of times i have commented to ur blog articles yet never seen my comment posted hence why i have calld you lot liers cause wont post my comments the other side the truth. I have screen shots to prove it too so keep bloggin if u must keep entertaining us with ur filth no skin of our nose but to have an opinion on anything dont u agree its only fair to have both sides of a story??? But dont seem to post my comments hmmm . As a parent u do what ever u need to protect ur family agree? Think about that ur kids are old enough to defend them self mine are only little an bein stood ova by grown man down the st, chased down by grown woman in car tryin to run them ova who does???grown adults that attack little girls who know wat else these ppl are capable of or what they wil do nxt ..... when we have followed al the instruction given by authority's but i have more then enough evidence to show not al parties are doin as been advised. An if u want to crear up any other questions let do it ova a cup of tea shal we i not a key board basher i like to speak to ones face when talking so let me know when were ill be there i might even pay for ur cuppa seen as times r tough in OUR little town . Have a fantastic day now
Trevor Randell They won't slime out of their caves to address you. Mind you when I do see them I pity them yes actually feel sad for them . Their lives have got to this. As for their blog, what its still going? Maybe it's easier for them to send out emails to the 5 or 6 that read it. Mind you I suppose they have nothing better to do with their lives. As I said it's rather sad but admittedly does bring a smile to my face smile emoticon

(I wasn’t able to access the photo that accompanied Cr Randell’s comment, so I substituted one of him standing next to his mentor, guide and spiritual adviser, former shire president Pat Hooper.  I must say I rather like it.)

Smiley Emoticon  hrs an instergrm ov cr randell, it ws snapd wen he sat dn on a whoopee cushn at an ofishal funkshn, I sw lokl guvmnt minster tony simpson put th cushn on the chr he ws grinng wen he dun it, OMG hou we al larfed!!!!!


  1. Don't let the door hit you on the way out ladies.

  2. Breaking News...

    Which ever rumour is true, there will be a huge sigh of relief reverberating throughout the community.... so long as one is true.

    The most important thing is, if true, this has effectively severed all influential links with senior staff and Ray Hooper.

    On the subject of the cost of the YRCC. It became apparent to many the DCEO had difficulty locating the documents in the Shire's filing system.
    Surely the Shire's Finance Officer would have an accurate record of all the documents. Why can't she provide copies?
    Wasn't she responsible for processing the payments for the project? To make those payments she would have had to have the Invoices - where are they?


    Concerns arising from the 2004-2014 Bully Tournaments held by the elite SOY club have resulted in a Blame Game investigation.

    Following the shock removal of Cochrane, Maziuk and Tester as team coaches, SOY team members allege they only did what they did to non supporters of club because they were following instructions from their coaches.

    It is still to be determined if the three Coaches used their own initiative and acted alone, or took instructions from their boss. However, according to some SOY team members, the boss was not to blame in any way because he was acting on direct orders from his employer, the President and Councillors.

    Investigations to date reveal Broil and Hoopla both held the prestigious position of President of the elite club during the period under investigation and If allegations are proven, Broil and Hoopla will be stripped of their Life membership and medals.

    Preliminary results indicate some underlings on council 2004-2014 failed their integrity test. Secondary testing will be conducted.

    Investigations will continue over the next few months with a number of Staff eager to arrange witness protection status.

  4. Such good news, should bring great joy to a LOT of people in town (and perhaps, out) whether they be working for the Shire or just part of the Community. If the rumours are true - and no smoke without fire, I'm told, and the three Monsters of York ( and possibly a 4th - legs and fingers X'd) I would say that our new CEO, Mr. Martin, has earned his keep, in one fell swoop. Well done, Sir.

    Money well spent here - finally and at last.

    Understand Mr. Martin has Uni degrees and is actually qualified to do the job, he has been employed to do.

    That also puts our Councillors back on the ladder, on the way up, to earn the Communities' respect. And about time. Well done to those involved in employing our new CEO.

    Reading through the above information provided by James, it seems we have been lumbered permanently for the moment, a chalk coloured elephant. So let's make the most of a bad thing and turn it to the Communities' advantage.

    In a pervious age, with another out of control CEO, we had our current mausoleum/shire offices foisted upon us, at great expense and not unlike the 'wreck' centre, badly designed and lacking proper facilities.
    One of those facilities, was the improper siting and design of our local library.
    I my knowledge, the library has already been reduced in size, several times, to accomodate the ever expanding office requirements of Shire staff. In particular, no permanent place in which to hold Shire Council meetings.

    Now here is an idea. Why not use the Chalk house, to house our Library. If we have to spend yet more money refurbishing it, why not do the job properly and get and GOOD architect, together with the Librarians and design the facility to support our literary needs, for many years to come. By the way, that should also include, proper well designed disabled toilet facilities and wheelchair access into the bargain.

    An important point to note is that toilets for the disabled SHOULD NOT be 2 inches off the floor.

    A very good example to copy, is the disabled toilet at the Drs' surgery, but put it where it can be easily and quickly accessed, for those in desperate need, with out the ability to move fast!

    Whilst on the subject, the 'Wreck' centre does NOT have any disabled facilities. Thought that was illegal, these days and any architect/builder worth their salt would know exactly that! Such costs should lobed right back onto those involved in the general stuff up.

    And, still on the subject of design, from this point on any building, particularly public ones, should be required to have skylights, to cut down on power, PLUS solar panels for water, heating/cooling, power, etc. etc.
    Do it all while in the process of redesign and NOT as an afterthought.

    Small ones and holiday participants shouldn't be forgotten.

    Any thoughts on this one, people? Things looking up and positive. Enthusiasm encouraged, by not over excitement, yet.

    1. I like the idea about the library in Chalkies Jan. Please be sure to put that as a submission for the draft stategic review open for comment

  5. Hi Jan, nice to see you back contributing to the blog. Hope you are feeling much better and regaining your strength.

    I always enjoy reading your contributions because you tell it as it is. As you say, things are certainly looking up.

    I think your idea of using chalkies for a Library is great. We definitely need a stand alone much larger Library. Chalkies is more suitable for that purpose than as a Visitors Centre as someone suggested. In any case, the Visitors information Centre needs to be in the main street.

    Just in case you are not already aware, the Strategic Plan is on the Shires web site and is open for Public comment for four weeks.

  6. Are you people mad, we can't afford to maintain the assets we already had prior to the farsical purchase of Chalkies. Exactly how may people use the library in this digital age and how many people do you thing will use libraries in a decades time? I think its more about a meeting place rather than library facilities, how would you justify a million dollar library when OUR current assets are in disrepair. I suppose you'd rename it the James Best Centre just to rub salt in the wound. I haven't heard anything quite so stupid for a long time.

    1. I agree with you Pete.
      The Wreck centre was supposed to cost 4 million and what is it now 14 million.
      So if our $625,000 investment in the derelict and condemned Chalkies is supposed to cost no more than $250,000 to fix rest assured it will cost 5 times that and we will all be lumbered with a 2 million dollar cold old hall.

      Sell the the godforsaken building and reclaim the losses from Best, Simpson and Affleck. $100000 each and probloem solved.
      How much did we pay Simpson and Best in the time they were shafting us, something near this, so yes boys give us back the loot you fraudulently dispossed the community of. After all we were paying for leaders with integrity and intelligence, and what we got was you two.

    2. Pete and Roger the realty is the Shire shouldn't own Chalkies, but they do and it sounds like the plan at some stage might be to repair it, so it needs a use.

      Libraries are meeting places and about much more than books inclusive of digital resources.

      I'm not saying it has to be a library, but you can be sure at some time in the future the Shire will need more space in the Admin as it hopefully progresses.

      In the perfect world those people you mentioned would pay for it whatever becomes of the building

  7. Yes Pete, I have to agree with you what a ridiculous idea when we have absolutely no money to spend. Jan, Roma and Tanya can say what they think in their Strategic Plan submissions and include ideas for how the Shire can pay for upgrade and repair to the building. I only hope they don't suggest obtaining grant funds. The Shire have to match grant funds dollar for dollar and anyway no new grant would be available for upgrade and maintenance only. So we can only go on what's in the proposed future budget to see if any money has been set aside for it?

    I think Council have more important things to spend money and perhaps they should be getting rid of some assets instead.

  8. Pete, could I suggest you make inquiries with the Shire of York and find out how many residents use the Library and how many books per week are accessed. Perhaps you can let us all know the figures on the blog.

    I read an average of four Library books a week.

    As a Ratepayer I also have a stake in the Shire of York's assets, therefore I believe I am entitled to an opinion without someone questioning my sanity.

    Regarding the naming of the building, my choice would be to leave it as .... 'Chalkies'.

    1. Leave the name as a testament to the Bliss's would you? I rest my case!
      Roma, why don't you get the numbers of people who use the library the next time you borrow a book ask someone.
      When our roads and bridges are fixed up and the Town hall has been brought up to speck as promised over the years, when the wreck centre is sorted or closed, then maybe we could consider new projects.

  9. It was Pete who raised the question, let him do the research!

  10. Replies
    1. It would be nice to express an idea, have people offer some viable alternatives, debate the issues and find some poitive resolutions. I think I'll talk it over with my pets. Signing off.

    2. Tanya, I sense in you a kindred spirit. I talk everything over with my pets. They are the brains behind the blog and as I'm sure many readers have long suspected, they write most of the articles. I can always trust my dog Rollo to tell me when I'm barking up the wrong tree.

  11. Does anyone know if the dismissal of the DCEO and HR person last Friday had anything to do with the late night activities in the Administration building on 14th April, 2014 following the councils decision to investigate complaints against the CEO? The CEO resigned on the 15th April 2014.

    1. If only the shredding machine could talk.

  12. Thanks for the update on Chadwick Mr. Plumbridge.

    I was shocked to read Chadwick was using Shire time and transport to harass that already traumatised family.
    Haven't these people suffered enough? They deserve some peace of mind.

    I hope the Police will act swiftly and lock Chadwick up.

  13. Readers might like to know that since I posted the article above I've received confirmation from individuals belonging to my underground network of informants that the Shire employees mentioned in the article were indeed relieved of their positions on Friday of last week.

    This hasn't pleased everyone. Certain members of the public appear to take the view that the primary purpose of York's ratepayers is to fund the employment of Shire employees - or to put it another way, that Shire employees aren't in their jobs to serve the community cheerfully, faithfully and capably, but to live prosperously at our expense.

    It's even been suggested that the Shire office was home to a happy 'family' that our new CEO has cruelly dispersed and destroyed.

    Don't misunderstand me - I'm all for Shire employees living prosperously at our expense if they provide the quality of service they are paid to provide and don't abuse the authority implicit in the positions they hold.

    As the good book says, 'The labourer is worthy of his hire' (Luke 10:7). But when for any reason labourers aren't worthy of their hire, why should they remain on the community payroll?

    I believe CEO Martin's decision to reorganise and reconstruct his workforce - that is, OUR workforce - meets with the approval of most York residents and no doubt of a majority of councillors. It certainly meets with mine.

  14. Pete and Rodger: May 26, 2016. Clearly you are 'new' to town, otherwise you would know that the building in question, was actually on the Shires' asset list, many years ago and used to be the local Kindi and Preschool, and the local Library, in the main hall, until someone decided to include it into the current Shire building. Has also been used as assorted restaurants and most recently an antique shop.

    This building is a heritage building, and as with most buildings, if left empty and to their own devices tend to fall down from lack of maintenance and suffer from graffiti and vandalism. This was one of the reasons it was originally sold, that and the decision not to spend the money to maintain it.

    Again, through apparent lack of knowledge, you need to know, that there are grants available to repair heritage buildings.
    They are listed on the 'web' and also printed in the W.A. newspaper, a couple of times a year. Usually one for large grant applications and one for smaller applications.

    Case in point is the beautifully restored old farmhouse at the end of Redmile Road, near the river, that was brought back to 'life' by the Hammersley family. Older York folk would remember it as the 'Brigadiers' House. Marwicks' Barn in Newcastle Street, was yet another recipient of a heritage grant. There are a number of these around town. Perhaps you didn't know that?

    I have no idea how old you might be, however I would be willing to bet that books were used in the majority of your years of education, as they continue to be so at our local school. They also have a library and children are constantly encouraged to read. The Shire library hold weekly sessions for small children in the library, plus holiday sessions for other children.
    And in case you didn't know it, the Shire library has had computers on site for public use, for many years, free of charge.

    You can actually combine print and digital information in the same building.

    Despite your insistence that books are on the way out, Companies such as Dymocks and Angus and Robertson are of the opinion - based on personal knowledge, that book sales are as popular as ever and have actually increased, over the recent years.

    Libraries are meeting places and have been used as such, for generations. I myself have participated in a number of meetings held at the library for different organisations, including Shire 'Reference' groups and Community 'Boards'.

    Now, through no fault of our own, we own this building again. To attempt to sell it, as it is, knowing that it is in dangerous condition, smacks of a lack of morality. Like selling a vehicle with bald tyres and a rusted out frame work. We will never get back for it, what was paid for it and certainly not in its current condition or the current market.

    If $250,000.00, or thereabouts, has been 'put aside' for repairs to this building, so be it. Let's get the best use out of the money spent, or to be spent and put it to good use.

    I might also point out, that contracts can be written to include a set maximum cost, with a set date finish
    and compensation paid to the Client, if the contract is not upheld. I understand contracts such as these are unheard of here, within the corridors of power, so far, but the rest of the world has been using contracts such as these for time in memorium.
    There is nothing wrong with having a stand alone library building and free up much needed space at the Shire for a proper council meeting place.

    Just one last thing: Rodger proposed that we collect monies from Best Simpson and Affleck, and I'm inclined to agree in principal with you - but it 'ain't gunna' happen.

    And as you suggest that we only collect $100,000.00 from each of them, only comes to $300,000.00. That is only half of cost price, and doesn't take into account, repairs.
    Something wrong with the maths, perhaps?

    Better hit the books and improve the maths skills!

    1. Bless your little soul Jan you can really dish out the shirt fronts.

      Sadly you missed the boat on this one, let me explain the maths. We sell the building for what its worth about 350 thousand, then we add the costs of interest on the loan to date plus some of the shire costs incurred getting quotes for repairs etc that brings us up to about 300 thousand that the community is adrift. Hence we pursue the naughty boys for 100 grand each.

      You make a good point regarding morality, surely the blisses and bawden knew it was a ruin, they had spent nothing on maintaining it themselves. Then best ignores the community and buys it for a ridiculous amount. Is that ethical Jan.

      Now i suggest you go easy on the slurs because i for one have lived in the valley for 25 years and have an honours degree from univesity that included advanced calculus, math Jan math.

      You are right we did aquire chalkies through no fault of our own. The building purchase is subject to an investigation and the foi data collected to date would seem to indicate foul play on behalf a few individuals.

      Now being a little short of knowledge i had thought that were the shire to commence repairs it would be jeopardizing any chance of forcing the guilty parties to the table, if i am wrong again Jan please enlighten me.

    2. I'm not sure what planet Jan is from, clearly not the planet reality. Last year the Commissioner re-lumbered us with the DCEO when he renewed her contract. According to Jan's logic regarding the Chalkies building would we have to put up with her for another 5 years, NO she's been got rid of and in return we are not wasting more money.

  15. Regarding costs to the Community in general and rate rises.

    I do suspect that now we are no longer paying huge wages to people who have had positions of power, but no skills to operate, that, that, should improve the bottom line, right there.
    Further, because these people couldn't do the job they were getting paid to do, their jobs were "outsourced" to other entities. That will no longer be happening, so that should further increase the bank balance.

    Even if new and competent people are employed to take up some of these vacant positions, I suspect that the level of wages will be adjusted to the level of competence. I also suspect that some of the jobs will be incorporated into existing positions, because competent and qualified people can usually do several jobs at the same time, and other positions shouldn't have existed at all and will be abolished. More savings.

    No longer employing advertising companies and others, mentors and the like, to write articles and big note those incapable and incompetent employees, will and should be, dumped like hot potatoes and may have done so already, thereby increasing more of the savings, at our end.

    I'm not absolutely sure on this next point and please correct me if I am wrong, but having our rates increased for the last several years, I was led to understand that rates increases should not be undertaken for a further two or three years. Inflation and banking rates by the RBA, should be also taken into account.

    Lobbying your local Shire Councillor and asking appropriate questions of those in charge and also those in the know at the Lands Department in Midland, should be able to clarify this situation.

    I am of the opinion that as residents, we have paid more than our fair share, one way or another and should be given a break, at least for this year.

  16. Interesting to see Jan is back with the same old condescending fervour.
    Perhaps everyone should check their facts before they write!

    1. That's not nice, and it's unfair. Jan isn't condescending, and as one contributor observed, 'she tells it like it is'.

      What's more, she's not afraid to use her own (real) name when she writes.

      Keep those comments coming, Jan. I welcome them, as I'm sure others do.

  17. Thankyou James and Anonymous May 28. If I wanted to be condescending, I would come back as a chauvinist bloke from the late 1900s and prior times, and lay it on with a shovel!

    And, thankyou Rodger, for your blessings. Jolly nice of you. Well done on your placement at Uni and your degree, (there are a few of us around) and also your version of basic economics. Congratulations.
    (Note to Anonymous May 28 - that was condescending! - apologies to Rodger.)

    I could see no reason why work could not be undertaken on the building in question. Recovery of funds and repairs to the building are two separate items.

    I agree that the sale of the building and the actions of the former owners, was hardly ethical, and more than likely, the actions of the owners prior to that, who would have sold the building to the Blisses, also in a unmaintained condition. This building has suffered from a string of owners negligent in their actions in maintaining this building - including the former York Shire Council.

    That does not mean, that in this day and age, we should equally unethical in our actions.
    At the beginning of a new era in York, why we can't take a deep breath and start off with some morally correct and ethical attitudes, towards the business of running the town of York.

    Just because there are some sleezebags out there, doesn't mean we have to lower our standards down to their level. Let's just start off by doing something right, for a change. Can't hurt and would probably help.

    Just to throw another idea into the pile - York could always go 'Bankrupt', then we could start from scratch, all over again.
    Do you think that would work, Rodger?

  18. On the subject to encouraging Tourists to come to York, how many of you have noticed the disgusting amount of rubbish on the roadside verges, coming out of the Lakes?
    There are piles and piles of it.
    As the Lakes has been shut for some time and is likely to shut for some further months ahead, means this rubbish has been hanging about for quite some time.

    Rubbish on the roadsides has been a bugbear for many years, but became worse after the Government and the 'Keep Oz Beaut' mob, decided it would be cheaper not to provide motorists with litter bags for their cars. Not really an excuse for bad behaviour and disgusting habits. Isn't hard to stash the rubbish and drop into bin at home.

    It has always been a certain distance from roadhouses - people buy the food and drink and eat it, several miles on, dispose of the rubbish onto the road.

    Now, the area in question is mostly in the NORTHAM SHIRE, and as most Northam people travel up the highway and not up the York Road, it is out of sight, out of mind.
    Having said that, the York/Lakes/Perth Road is a main road and therefore comes under control and auspices of MAIN ROADS DEPARTMENT.

    I wonder if the mess was noticed by Mr. Barnett on his recent travels into the bush. Well, our bush. (Yes, he does have a property/farm in Toodyay, with Angus cattle, or did.)

    If we locals are repulsed by this mess, what in devil and how do visitors to our town, view the entrance to this area of the Avon Valley??
    The various departments used to combine and the bring some prisoners over from Woorooloo, to collect and bag up the rubbish for disposal in the right place.

    We can complain loudly about this, but the request for clean up to the Northam Shire and Main Roads, must come from the Shire, and should be a permanent undertaking.
    And that cleanup, includes those who are guilty of just being too slack, to bin their own rubbish.

    I will put this on the Public notes for the Strategic Plan for York (thankyou Roma and Tanya),
    but it would be nice if lots of people did the same.

    Perhaps a few roadside signs may also help?

    It is such a shame that this mess is left to lie and blow around in the bush, especially when the bush is looking so nice after all the rains, and is the one welcoming entrance for Tourists to our area of the state.

  19. When Barnett saw all the rubbish littering the bush on Great Southern Highway near the Lakes, he probably thought the Landfill had already started and the rubbish had accidently blown off the trucks.

  20. Thanks for the link to the Chadwick saga.
    The truth is slowly being revealed and Chadwick's deportation cannot come soon enough.

    1. Ms McNamara’s post concludes cryptically with the letters ‘ffs’. This puzzled me, until a younger friend explained that the letters stand for the expression ‘for Fuck’s sake’. So who is this Fuck for whose sake Ms McNamara enjoins us to modify our behaviour? According to my friend, Fuck is an ancient divinity worshipped day and night by millions of devotees throughout Australia and the western world. This venerable religion, with roots in humanity’s earliest origins, recruits converts from every rising generation and unlike competing faiths seems unlikely ever to die out.

  21. I found the article by Ms. McNamara difficult to decode.
    I managed most of the cyber short cuts - what does wiv mean?

    1. Possibly 'waiting in vain', or 'onanism in Valparaiso'.

    2. ... or maybe, just 'with'

    3. Silly me, I never thought of that.

  22. Thanks for explaining what 'ffs' meant.
    I thought Ms. McNamara must have had twitchy fingers and hit keys by mistake and not realised!

  23. Mandz...such a beauty they named a flower in her honour: Carpobrotus glaucescens

    1. Thank you, Anonymous 31/5 at 15:25, for enlivening our discussion with an appropriate wealth of botanical information.

  24. Mandz had best be careful Karma is a bitch. Her past behaviour and threats towards former female Shire staff may now come back to bite her in the arse.....

    1. Not a bitch, but a chameleon - according to Boy George and Culture Club.

      I thought Ms McNamara's problem was with IGA staff, not ladies working at the Shire.

    2. You can't just leave it there James, pray tell what problems with IGA staff?

    3. Nothing much really, just that somebody told me she had been suspended from shopping at IGA following conflict with people who work there.

  25. Isn't Mandz the lady who used to organise the Easter Fair and Gourmet food Festival two or three years ago?

    1. Anonymous31 May 2016 at 20:57 - Given Ms. McNamara's rant on face book she would be pushing to fill in the necessary forms.

  26. Anonymous31 May 2016 at 19:23 if Chadwick had been dealt with under OHS by Cochrane and Maziuk and dismissed from the Shire when he first bullied fellow worker's, or better still not been given the job that was actually someone else's, none of this would have happened.

    Ms. McNamara and Chadwick are well suited.

  27. When Trev said "does bring a smile to my face", that smile could have been brought on by an appendage.

    1. That's unlikely. An appendage is something found at the back of a book. I don't think he reads books.

    2. No you fool, that's an appendicks.

    3. Crikey, that's two mistakes I've made today. I'm only allowed one a year.

      I think I'll slime back into my cave.

  28. Didn't take long for Trevor Randell to slip up again.

    It is not good for a York Councillor (Trevor Randell) to refer to those submitting posts on the blogs as cave dwellers.

    For your information Trevor I live in a home, not a cave and I am rated accordingly.

    I recall Trevor Randell did something equally as stupid on Pat Hoopers facebook when they were both Councillors suggesting certain people be run out of Town.

    Trevor, it is time you realised your behaviour is reflecting badly on the Council as a whole.

    I hope those who voted for him are suitably ashamed of themselves.

    1. Calling York residents 'rednecks' is a slur on York, reflecting badly on the town - HIS town, as he has often reminded us.

      That sort of language won't encourage gay tourists to come here.

  29. How dare you Councillor Randell! I voted for you and now I wish I hadn't. To assume only 5 people read the blogs and that you know who they are is not only egotistical but also irresponsible. You are not representing the majority of the community if you support people like Ms Chadwick. Disappointed Trev!

  30. Dear James, the following is a comment Cr Randell published on his Facebook account just prior to nominations:

    "Who is this Jane woman who wrote that load of CRAP in the local paper in letters to the editor? Does she want a lawsuit or something? Where does she get her facts? Out of a Kellogg's Box? OM f......NG God! They just get worse! And someone said she's going up for council! Good luck with that Mad Woman!"

    If this slimy cerebrally polluted Marfanistic troglodyte had an IQ in double figures, he might have realised he's skating on thin ice. According to one of Cr Randell's historical published comments, he "suffered in silence", this time it won't be in silence as the 'slimy cave dwellers' now have two blogs.

    Cr Randell's choice in friends speaks volumes.

    1. Yes, I knew about that Facebook comment and responded to it on the blog shortly after it appeared.

      In fairness to Trevor, he did visit Jane's shop a day or two later to apologise to her.

      What is a 'Marfanistic troglodyte'? Troglodytes are cave dwellers. He's too tall to be a troglodyte, he'd have banged his head every time he 'slimed' out of his cave.

    2. If he apologised to Jane that's a good thing. I would question his motives for doing so though. And, he obviously didn't learn anything in relation to opening his big mouth.

    3. >> He's too tall to be a troglodyte
      hence the Marfanistic qualifier, probably. One of the symptoms of [marfan syndrome]( is abnormal tallness. Tis a pity neither side can refrain from name-calling in these shenanigans

    4. Richard Cheese2 June 2016 at 21:50

      Marfan syndrome is a height disorder.

    5. Thanks for telling me that, Richard. I'd never heard of Marfan syndrome. In my ignorance, I thought Marfan might have been the name of a superhero in a Marvel comic.

      The syndrome seems to be the direct opposite of Duck's Disease, a complaint I've lived with for many years. It's getting worse. It's reached the point where I can't see over the top of the steering wheel when I drive and have to hold up a hand mirror in order to see the road. Three times this week the cops have stopped me to check there's somebody in the car.

  31. I am shocked Trevor Randell has publicly insulted people again. When is he going to grow up?

    He may have apologised to Jane but he now needs to start door knocking to apologise to each and every resident.

    If he knocks on my door and apologises I will let you know via the blog!

    Anonymous2 June 2016 at 04:26 - you are right, Cr. Randells choice in friends (and mentor) speaks volumes.

  32. Trevor, Ex York councillors, Politicians, Public servants, and councillors from other towns read the blog.

    I have friends in Perth, NT, NSW, Qld and NZ who all follow the York blogs.

    1. The blog is read throughout the Anglo-sphere (Canada, UK and territories, NZ, USA) and in many other countries where English is widely spoken as a second language, like the Netherlands. I think I can fairly claim to have put York on the map and made Trevor an international celebrity.

      Expect an avalanche of eager tourists when ISIS stops blowing up planes and the current global financial depression comes to an end (if it ever does).

      I predict they will all be knocking on the door at Settlers clamouring for an audience and an autograph.

  33. Randell is quite literally an idiot, an imbecile and a moron, all words he has previously used in his rants about members of the community. His stupidity while expressing his unbalanced, insecure and malicious emotional feelings now reflect adversely on other Councillors. As a ratepayer, I am not prepared to accept this behavior by an elected member regardless of who they are.

    I would expect the Shire President to take control and chastise an elected member for making any comments which could be considered to be derogatory.

    At section 3.1-Personal Behavior, the Shire of York Code of Conduct states, quote,- Members will;
    "make no allegations which are improper or derogatory (unless true and in public interest) and refrain from any form of conduct, in the performance of their official or professional duties, which may cause any reasonable person unwarranted offence or embarrassment".

    Cr Randell would argue that he made the comments outside of performing his official duties, however, this argument falls down as any comments made publically by an elected member which may be offensive to any member of the community is a breach of the public trust placed on the member.

    According to section 6 - Enforcement of the Code: "Breaches of this Code are considered serious by the Council and its Officers, as it outlines the way we work with each other and the community. A decision to deal with a breach of this Code by an elected member shall be a decision of the Council. The Council may, where the circumstances warrant, move a “Motion of Censure” against the elected member and record the reasons for such action in the minutes of a meeting".

    Of course this will never happen as has already been evidenced, because the Shire President hasn't the balls to do anything other than pass it on to his CEO and mentor (one of the same). It is not for the CEO to police or sanction the elected members.

    In the cold light of day, Shire staff (particularly depot staff) can behave as badly as they want and the organization will collectively condone the behavior, apparently the same now applies to elected members.

    1. I apologise for my earlier comment at 15;39, in the last paragraph I stated: "Shire staff (particularly depot staff) can behave as badly as they want ". The majority of 'depot staff' are good decent hardworking law abiding people, although, there is one totally rotten apple in the basket.

    2. I wasn't offended or embarrassed by Trevor's comment. He hasn't threatened me and I'm glad to know I evoke his sympathy and concern whenever he sees me sliming around the town. Also, I've dished it out to him a few times and don't begrudge him his rapier-like responses.

      Seriously, I don't agree that Cr Wallace should intervene. Trevor has every right to speak his mind (such as it is) in any forum he chooses. We're all too quick to take offence these days. Where is the robust democracy we used to have before it was infiltrated by cultural marxists in politics, academia, the media and saddest of all, the churches?

      On a positive note, Trevor has added a new verb to our language, viz.- Slime, v.i. to peregrinate like a slug, snail or other gastropod, esp. in and out of caves, leaving a sticky trail of humorous verbiage; first used in this sense as a verb (2016) by Cr Trevor Randell in a Facebook comment and shortly thereafter quoted by James Plumridge on his blog The REAL Voice of York: [ME slyme, OE slim, cog. German Schleim]

  34. I can only imagine how difficult Trevors behaviour must make it for the new CEO and Council. He is just really immature plain and simple.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. I totally agree such insight

  37. Yes Slack Alice 2 June 2016 at 20:43, I agree, if people were a little more mindful over what they write there would less chance of offending folk. There are always ways of putting a strong message across without upsetting the majority of the public.

  38. The Administration reshuffle = a Triple Bypass for the Town.

  39. Anonymous2 June 2016 at 17:34 Trevor's poor conduct is a problem for the Shire President and his fellow Councillors, not the CEO.
    The CEO is in charge of the Administration staff

  40. Sorry, Slack Alice, with great respect I have to disagree. Kindness and compassion, yes, but not at the heavy price of stopping people from saying whatever they want to say, offensive or not. We live in very authoritarian times under the iron heel of the green-left agenda. It's turning us into a nation of namby-pambies, always on the lookout for the chance to be offended (and if possible go for compensation).

    Nowadays, if you say something 'hurtful' about certain classes of people or religious beliefs - not Christianity, it's always open season on that - you can wind up with a heavy fine or a prison sentence imposed by some crackpot kangaroo court. Look what happened to Andrew Bolt.

    The free expression of opinion, however bigoted, absurd or irrational, is an essential feature of an open, democratic society. Restricting freedom of speech is only a whisker away from restricting freedom of thought. That's already happening in our schools and universities, not to mention the media.

    It's all lily-livered nonsense. If people are prone to being offended, they should learn verbal karate. Argue against what offended you, but respect the offending party's right to speak his or her mind. That shows real kindness and compassion, not the ersatz kind peddled by ideologically driven, dimwitted, poorly educated, placard waving, virtue signalling elites with their cry of 'no platform' for anybody whose views differ from theirs.

    Sometimes truth is hurtful and offensive, but in the end it will always prevail. It may take time, but eventually a good argument will knock over a bad one.

    And who says blogs have to be 'responsible'- or anything else for that matter? If a blog is offensive for any reason, don't read it. If a TV program is offensive, change channels or turn the bloody thing off. I'd be wary about legislating for 'responsibility', because in the case of freedom of expression who has the right to say what responsibility means?

    (My word, I feel better for saying that. I hope I haven't offended anyone.)

    1. James, your intellect has blinded you.

    2. What do you mean? Blinded to what?

      I think my intellect - such as it is - lends clarity to my view of the world and honesty to what I think, speak and write. I don't expect people to agree with me, I respect their right to disagree and I can say hand on heart that I don't take offence when they do, even when they are doing their best to be hurtful.

    3. How are you at acrostics, Dr P?

    4. Blinded by the light,revved up like a deuce,another runner in the night.

    5. I'm better at acrostics than you might think - but I didn't notice until well after posting the comment, and it wasn't something to which I felt inclined to draw readers' attention!

    6. WTF has acoustics got to do with anything?

    7. Not acoustics, acrostics. The word means an arrangement of words or lines whose first letters spell a word or a sequence of words. It comes from Greek 'akrostichos', formed from 'akros'(higher, as in Acropolis) and 'stichos' (a line of verse).

      Here's an example:

      Trust me, I'm a councillor.
      Remember all I've done for the Shire.
      Everyone knows I work for the common good,
      Veering neither to right nor left,
      Only pursuing without fear or favour the best outcome for all.
      Ray, Pat and Tony, my friends - we should put up three statues!

      Got the idea?

    8. Did you know this is not the first acrostic published on the Real Voice of York?
      When did you realise a superior mortal got the better of you?
      Are you going to be more vigilant in future?
      Right now I feel particularly pleased with myself and quite rightly so.
      Fatuousness will get you into trouble.

    9. Slack Alice:

      1. Yes, I did know. For example, I remember one that referred to a former shire president by a vulgar term for mulieris pudenda. I prefer not to draw attention to such things.

      2. Not a superior mortal, merely one of a character less refined. It's easy for such a base fellow to get the better of me, because I'm not permanently on the lookout for an opportunity to shock the bourgeoisie. I didn't perceive the acrostic until after posting my comment in reply.

      3. Yes, I will try to be more vigilant, but I'm not going to scour every comment for evidence of smartarse verbal capers, and now and again a crude comment will slip through the net. Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus, as the poet says.

      4. Pleased that you can play tricks on a person of more elevated and judicious intellect and taste than yourself? You're a tosser!

      5. Fatuous? Are you having a shot at me for being slightly overweight as well as being diminutive in stature? (I got that one straightaway.)

    10. Horace had an excuse, his work was long and convoluted.

      A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
      (Mark Twain)

  41. If he does not adhete to the code of condut James there's no point having one. God help us then. It will be a free for all.

    1. My next article may well allude to apparent breaches of the code by TR and another councillor. I say 'may well' because I'm still trying to get my facts straight. I might have the story wrong (but I don't think so).

  42. Comment, accompanied by photo of Councillor Randell, supposedly with a surprised look on his face, after Minister Tony Simpson allegedly place a whoppie cushion on Councillor Randells' chair, does make one wonder if there is, or has been, some closer personal contact, between parties, prior to this 'official function'. Perhaps via an alternative website?? Ah, who cares???

    To Anon June 2, @ 04.26. What a wonderful turn of phrase you have. Just love it. Keep up = v. good entertainment.

    To 'Slack Alice' June 2, It is nice to know there is someone who has such an enlightened and optimistic point of view. Wouldn't it be nice?
    However, we do live in a society of "mixtures", and while we have variety - that, being the spice of life, within our communities, all of such thoughts and wishes, will remain just that.
    Having said that, your comments were nice to read, and think about. Well done.

    For Mandz, do suspect that comments made with regard to her and partner finding out about Immigration etc., may not be necessary. With her apparent knowledge of sheep, it may be possible that she also comes from the Isle of the 'Long White Cloud'.

    Further, despite her rubbing more than a few people up the wrong way, and making comments unbecoming, credit must be given, in acknowledging that whatever her partner has done, or has been accused of doing, she is loyal to a fault, in her support for him. Often a rare thing to find, these days. You must also give credit for her undeniable support and protective stance she has taken over her children/family.

    Mandz, assuming the information is correct, if people have threatened, or put your children at risk, in anyway, I trust that you have reported same, to the police.

    Let's face it folks, to blame children for the behaviour of others, is way blow the belt. None of the accuseds' behaviour or actions, is their fault.

    On a different tack, both Councillor Randell and Mandz have done and continue to, lambast readers/bloggers for having nothing better to do with their time, writing etc.
    Bit like pot calling kettle black. It is more than apparent that both of you take the time to not only read the various and assorted blogs, but also take the time to comment, and continue to abuse people for doing exactly that same as you do.

    Get a grip and perhaps expand your horizons and get a life.

  43. Yes Jan. I thought Slack Alice's comment was particularly pertinent and true, especially where she says, "everyone must be mindful that what they say and write might be offensive to others", how true.
    Now that Tyhshca has left us for pastures new, and the evil ashtray has moved on to butt buckets new, who apart from Mandz will now be watching Chistian's back?
    I hear that Mr Clint Strickland *depot shuffler)"won't be taking orders from no poofta's", the interesting times continue.

    1. In that case, if Cr Randell is on the lookout for 'rednecks', he now knows where he might find one. For Mr Strickland's sake, I hope what you heard isn't true. Otherwise, he might see himself featured in Gay News Network.

  44. Oh, and I forgot....Maurice Buck of Mad Mo's fame has launched a new web site where he intends to expose things, umhhh.

    1. Yes, I traced the site to him a couple of weeks ago by checking its domain registration.

      I suspect I may be the individual he accuses of trashing York's reputation (what does Maurice think he's doing by calling York 'a town of hate'?) and thinking he's 'better than anyone else'. Or is he having a go at David Taylor? If he means me, I don't think I'm better than anyone else: different maybe, better educated than many maybe, more talented in some ways than most maybe, but none of that makes me intrinsically better than the rest of humankind. Each of us has a unique and valuable part to play in the world, and as the song says, 'All God's chillun got wings' - we just have to learn to fly in the right direction.

      And it would ill become a short, plump, balding, elderly fellow closely resembling Uncle Fester in appearance to slime around, as Trevor would say, giving himself airs!

      Has Maurice put anything new on the site? I'm looking forward to the revelations he's promised us. I note with disappointment that his site doesn't make space for comments. I'm sure some of us would have something useful to contribute to the site.

    2. Maurice won't do anything, he's all talk and no action, he was only in York a few minutes before he joined the Avon Tourist committee and bullied the committee before being expelled.

    3. You've been listening to Bliss Jane. That'll lead you to allsorts of untruths.

    4. Well if any blog site is sure to send people running from York, it is sure to be the one that Maurice has threatened to go ahead with. I say threatened as there is only his opening attack, which is nasty and would turn away anyone that has not visited this town from coming here. How are we supposed to turn things around when there are idiots on the loose like that destroying the towns reputation even more and sending us back to the days of settlement. He makes it look like this town has two classes; criminals and snobby in-bred's.

    5. Anonymous6 June 2016 at 15:24 I agree and Maurice will turn more local people from his business by his stupidity. He was arrogant and rude to customers the first week he opened at his old premises.
      There's criminal and snobs in every town (and suburb). Not sure about in-breeding in York but history indicates old families attempted to keep wealth, property and perceived power under tight control.
      Most have lost the bulk of their wealth and large properties over the years. As for power, some senior members still struggle with the realisation they no longer 'own and control York'.

  45. Dear Editor

    I received an email from a friend this morning telling me Cr Pam Heaton has lied to avoid a scandal in the new council and that Cr David Wallace is behind it, is this true?

    It relates to a document which has been doctored to in order to mislead the Local Government Standards Panel, is this true?

    Which members of the current council are involved in this matter?

    It has been said that Gordon Marwick is responsible for advising Cr Heaton not to admit liability, does anyone know anything about this?



    1. I know nothing about a 'doctored' document. I do know about and have seen a letter from Cr Heaton to a ratepayer. I believe SP Wallace is dealing with the matter and has been doing so for several months.

      There's no scandal yet, and if the parties can sort things out among themselves, there almost certainly won't be. For the time being, it's a private dispute into which Cr Wallace and the DLGC have (no doubt reluctantly) been drawn.

      I'm not aware that Gordon Marwick has had anything whatsoever to do with the matter. In any case, 'liability' in the legal sense of the word doesn't seem to be part of the picture.

  46. After I initially left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now every time a comment is added I
    get four emails with the exact same comment.

    There has to be a way you can remove me from that service?

    Many thanks!

    1. My sincere apologies for the inconvenience and annoyance this is causing you.

      Regrettably, I have no idea how to alter your predicament for the better.

      Have you tried unchecking the box, or blocking the emails?
