Tuesday 30 August 2016


 (Postscript added 2 September 2016)

No apple for the teacher this time, just a few friendly words of advice

Mark Lloyd, my opposite number at York & Districts Community Matters, has kindly passed on to me a letter he received from a certain Mr. J P McG. Hooper, JP, of this parish. 

Some readers may remember Mr. Hooper.  He is a former York shire president, exposed by York’s blogs as author of the so-called ‘Minority Report’ that in 2014 encouraged Local Government Minister Tony Simpson to suspend our democratically elected council of which Mr. Hooper himself was at the time a member.

Mr. Hooper secretly submitted the report to the minister after publicly voting with other councillors to oppose the proposed suspension.

Since then, Mr. Hooper has crawled out of his funkhole and craftily reinvented himself as president of York’s bowling club.

I recall observing on his taking up that office that ‘underarm’ was a step up from ‘underhand’.

Mr J P ('Pat') Hooper, President, York Bowling Club and author of 'The minority report'

Anyway, back to his letter.  It is addressed as an ‘open letter’ to me, rudely styling me as ‘Mr.’ James Plumridge  (just ‘James Plumridge’ would have been fine if ‘Dr.’ was sticking in his craw).   

It is a letter of complaint demanding that I make a public apology.  Mr. Hooper asked Mr. Lloyd to publish the letter in September’s YDCM.

However, Mr. Lloyd wisely and fairly decided that I should have the opportunity to respond to the letter in The REAL Voice of York, where the matter Mr. Hooper complains of first appeared.  He has informed Mr. Hooper of his decision.

Without further ado, I give you Mr. Hooper’s ‘open letter’.
(Click to enlarge)

In effect, Mr. Hooper accuses me of misleading readers of the blog by making false claims about the bowling club’s past indebtedness to the York Shire Council.

Here is the text of my remarks touching on the bowling club exactly as they appeared in my article on York’s hungry ‘white elephants’, posted on 23 June 2016.

I was under the impression that the expense of providing services for the benefit of sporting clubs would be to some extent defrayed by agreed contributions from the clubs.   

Apparently that was once the case, but is no longer so.  Council waived that requirement a couple of years ago.

I recall that in 2012 or thereabouts, the Shire took out a loan for the Bowls Club that the club agreed to repay at the rate of around $30,000 per year.  It appears the remaining balance of that debt was also waived. 

Next year, the Shire expects to spend $11,350 on turf maintenance for the bowling greens and to receive green fees of $8,320 (a net cost to ratepayers of $3,030).   Of course, the club wasn’t responsible for the sinkhole, so we’ve really no right to grumble.

Allegedly false claim No. 1:  That in 2012 or thereabouts the bowling club obtained a loan from the Shire with annual repayments of around $30,000.

My response:  The date was wrong (a typo, mea culpa), but otherwise the claim was correct.

I refer Mr. Hooper to page 39 of the minutes of the special council meeting held on 5 September 2008 to confirm the proposed annual budget for financial year 2008/9.  I believe he was at that time shire president, but did not preside over this meeting because he was on approved leave until 19 October 2008.  Acting Shire President Brian Lawrance took his place. 

Other councillors present were Trevor Randell, Tony Boyle, Ashley Fisher and Tricia Walters.

Under the general heading ‘Loans and Self Supporting Loan Information’, the minutes record a self-supporting ‘contingency loan’ to the York Bowling Club of $250,000.00 repayable over 15 years by instalments of $29,799.00 per annum.  If the loan had run full-term, the club would have had to repay a total of $446, 985.00 with a total interest component of $196,985.00. 

It was billed as a ‘contingency loan’ because the York Bowling Club had asked for it ‘in case they [were] not successful in gaining sufficient grant funding to replace the existing grass greens with synthetic bowling greens’.  Those must have been the greens at the club’s old premises, because the YRCC was still in 2008 not much more than a slowly brightening gleam in CEO Hooper’s eye.

I searched council minutes for later references to the loan but found none.  That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, merely that I failed in my search.  If they do exist, and Mr. Hooper knows where they can be found, let him please point me in their direction.

A further point:  if the loan was accepted, and repayments have not been waived, then the club is contractually obliged to go on paying nearly $30K per annum to the Shire until 2023.  

Allegedly false claim no. 2:  That the Shire waived all debt relating to the loan.

My response:  That isn’t quite what I said.  The words I used were ‘the remaining balance of the debt’.  Admittedly, after only a few years of repayments, the remaining balance would have comprised most of the loan.

I have no access and seek none to the financial records of the York Bowling Club, but it seems clear to me that if the club were still forking over nearly $30K a year to the Shire, its president and management committee might by now have come to notice the continuing drain on their funds.  Mr. Hooper’s letter makes it clear that if ever such a drain existed, it ceased operating a while ago.

It’s possible that the club received sufficient funding from other agencies and had no reason to take up the Shire’s offer.  Information obtained from a usually reliable source indicated that that was unlikely to have been the case.

The same source also indicated that the club had in fact accepted the loan but that further repayments were waived because the club had transferred its activities to the YRCC.  

If Mr. Hooper would like to take issue with this version of events and to clarify the club’s actual position regarding the loan, he is most welcome to do so on this blog. 

Regular readers of the blog will confirm that I am always happy for my mistakes to be corrected and have never failed to accord space to such corrections on the rare occasions when they have been necessary.   

I also said I was ‘under the impression’ that the sporting clubs had agreed to contribute towards the expense of running the YRCC, but that the Shire had waived that requirement.   I didn’t direct that comment specifically at the Bowling Club.

Allegedly false claim no. 3:  That the club was granted ‘special favour by waiving of funds they never received or sought’.
My response: The club did seek the funds mentioned in my article.  Mr. Hooper is in a better position than I am to say whether or not the club received them.

There was no suggestion or implication in what I wrote that the club got ‘special favour’ from the Shire, if by special favour Mr. Hooper meant a favour not available to other clubs.

I confess that my remarks in the same article about the Hockey Club, Shire President Wallace’s tender nursling, might reasonably be construed as an accusation of special favour. 

As I indicated at the time, those remarks were made in a heightened state of irritation because my English nephew, Kyle, a talented hockey player, had turned his back on the rest of his family, Brexiteers all, and voted to remain in the EU. 

But my tongue-in-cheek animadversions on that occasion had nothing to do with the Bowling Club.

A reminder

Mr. Hooper and his committee remind me that the Bowling Club ‘contributed $80,000 to the Forrest Oval reconstruction’, and relinquished its former premises as well as its former liquor licence.

I knew about the premises and the liquor license, but not about the $80,000.  I think club members were very foolish to let CEO Ray Hooper and his acolytes on Council con them into handing over such a large sum to the Shire and giving up their former premises and liquor licence in exchange for the dubious privilege of shifting their activities to the YRCC. 

By now, most Bowling Club members must surely agree with that verdict.  

The Bowling Club should have followed the example of the York Croquet Club, which eager to preserve its freedom, and guided by wise and intelligent leadership, elected to stick to its current venerable premises and flip the Shire the bird.

Recent photo of giant sinkhole, YRCC bowling green (Groundswell Images Pty Ltd)


Mr. Hooper has demanded that I issue a public apology to the Bowling Club if I have no evidence to support my claim that the club entered into a loan arrangement with the Shire.

I think I have produced enough evidence to render such an apology superfluous. 

But to the extent that I have misrepresented any factual detail, or may have misled anyone in relation to matters of context or principle, I AM SORRY.

However, Mr. Hooper is absolutely excluded from the scope of that apology. 

I will not apologise to him about anything whatsoever, not even if he manifestly deserves an apology, until he has had the good grace to apologise to the people of York for his deceitful and treacherous conduct as author of the ‘Minority Report’. 

In that capacity, he played a significant part in unleashing the curse of James Best on York and must accept a corresponding degree of responsibility for the demoralising months of grief and strife that followed.

No apple for the teacher—Mr. Hooper’s language bloopers

I’m told that Mr. Hooper was for many years a teacher and deputy principal in the York District High School.

It’s therefore surprising that his letter contains some elementary English language bloopers.

Blooper no. 1:  The material he complains about was ‘brought’, not as he says ‘bought’, to the attention of his committee.  Sadly, this error is commonplace in Western Australia.  I wish I had a dollar for every time I encountered it in a student’s work.

Blooper no. 2:  Mr. Hooper in his fifth paragraph suggests that I might have to apologise for ‘an inference’.  I think he should have said ‘an implication’.  An implication is ‘something implied or suggested as naturally to be inferred without being expressly stated’ (Macquarie).  An inference is a logical consequence derived by deduction from a statement or premise whether expressed or implied.  For example, a speaker says something, at the same time implying something else; the listener infers that ‘something else’ from what the speaker says.

The erroneous reversal of meaning between ‘imply’ and ‘infer’ is now so commonplace that for more than 30 years the Macquarie lexicographers have classed it as ‘colloquial’.  Colloquial it may be, but surely it should be out of bounds for members or former members of the teaching or any other erudite profession. 

Blooper no. 3:  ‘Repayments…was’ in Mr. Hooper’s first paragraph should of course read ‘repayments…were’.  (Too obvious to merit further comment.)

I also have a problem with Mr. Hooper’s arithmetic.  In his second paragraph, he calculates that annual repayments of $30,000 meant that the loan must have ‘been in excess of [i.e. ‘more than’] $500,000’.

Well, no.  Annual repayments of $30,000 over the prescribed period of 15 years would amount to $450,000, which is not ‘in excess of’ half a million.  Assuming that the repayments included interest, we might reasonably infer that the actual loan would be much less than the total repayments, as indeed it was.

By the way, I thought Mr. Hooper was disputing the existence of the loan.  So how could he have known that the loan period was 15 years, which he must have done to arrive at anything like the (erroneous) figure he suggests?

My article gave no details of the loan other than the amount of the annual repayments.

Can it be that Mr. Hooper’s demand for an apology has arisen solely from a childish cavil regarding the date when the loan was taken out?

Hooper’s bloopers—jeepers creepers!  Sometimes I just want to pull a rug over my head and quietly give way to despair.

POSTSCRIPT:  At last month’s Ordinary Council Meeting, Mr. Hooper asked Council to confirm ‘that in 2012, or thereabouts…the Shire did not secure a loan on behalf of the York Bowling Club’.  (See pp. 7-8 of the current minutes, just released.)

He gave as his reason for asking the question that ‘a Dr James Plumridge’ (my word, he knows how to make a fellow feel special) had ‘blogged’ that the Shire had during the period stated taken out a loan for the club and had subsequently waived the balance of the debt.

I’ve confessed to having typed the wrong date.  But these questions remain:

1.              In 2008, did the Shire secure for the Bowling Club a contingency loan of $250,000 repayable by annual instalments of $29,799?
2.              Did the Bowling Club take up the loan?  If so, how many repayments did the club make to the Shire?
3.              If the club did take up the loan, did the Shire at any stage waive the balance of the loan, and if so, when?
4.              If the balance wasn’t waived, is the club still making annual repayments to the Shire?
5.              When he asked his question, did Mr. Hooper know that the Bowling Club had in fact been offered a loan in 2008—when he was Shire President—more or less matching the description given in the blog article he quotes from?
6.              If he did know that, why didn’t he mention it either in his open letter to me or in his question to the Shire?  In other words, was he just trying to be smart, presumably at my expense?

‘Open and transparent’

In a second question, Mr. Hooper raises concern—as he claims, community concern—over the possible closure of the YRCC.

He calls on Council to ensure ‘that there will be open and transparent processes… regarding any planned changes to the YRCC and that all users of the YRCC and the Forrest Oval complex are full [sic] consulted about planned changes’.

He adds darkly that ‘If the YRCC was closed the Bowling Club would not have a home’.  Well, Mr. Hooper, whose damned silly fault is that?

‘Open’ and ‘transparent’ aren’t words that spring unbidden to the mind when Mr. Hooper’s name comes up in conversation.   

His attitude to openness and transparency has been fully on display since his exposure as author of the ‘Minority Report’—not to mention the Shire’s refusal during his presidency to publish details of corporate credit card transactions.

But on this matter, he has my support.   I would be very sorry to see such an important question as the fate of the Splurj Mahal decided by a handful of people behind closed doors.  

There’s just one point of difference between us.

It’s not only the small minority of York residents who use the centre who should be consulted about its future.  So should the majority of residents who don’t use the centre but are compelled to pay for it anyway.

Priority No. 1 must be shutting down the tavern restaurant and bar.   I’m sure Mr. Hooper and his entourage, regular users of the tavern, will have no difficulty finding alternative munching and swigging stations closer to the centre of town.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  2. Wake up Bowls Committee! Pat Blooper Hooper will rile you all up then lead you down one of those sinkholes. When are people going to learn the man can't be trusted. He has his own agenda always.

    He has been overhead by a couple of my friends spruikin about the Council taking the YRCC away from the clubs. I think the Council have been very clear about the decision making process and how and when it's going to occur.

    Maybe Pat stil ignores the minutes because he still beleives they're worthless like they were when he was SP.

    What a pompous twat demanding an apology! Don't think that'll be the end of it though Dr. Plumridge, because the man is never ever wrong.

    All of his shenanigans will just continue to divide York. He makesme so angry.

    Pull your head in Hooper. You're making a fool of yourself again.

  3. Oh dear, Pat is attempting to gain attention….. again.

    Pat has a very poor command of the English language given he was a Teacher.

    Pat, here's some free on-line tuition:

    Lesson 1 - Bought means to buy.

    How much did the person have pay you to bring the information to your attention?

  4. Great article Mr. Plumridge.

    I am shocked to read Pat Hooper is the President of the Bowling Club.
    Did members not realise he shafted ALL York Ratepayers by writing the Minority Report?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Resident of York30 August 2016 at 22:47

    Angel T30 August 2016 at 19:59 - congratulations on your eloquent post. Hard to top that one.

  7. How on earth did Pat Hooper get voted in as President of the Bowling club?

    How embarrassing for York.

  8. Aw, c'mon guys. Give President Hooper a bit of a break. While I understand the constant underswell of anger with in our community, for him to really get what you're all talking about, you need to use words of two syllables or even less - if possible.

    AngelT, darling, words like "moronic deviant" are probably way above his head (or just slide off) and will require others to explain to him - which is why he surrounds himself with people like Mr. Weekes and Co. If he can't get 'brought' and 'bought' sorted at his age - well, not a LOT of hope, is there?

    I can't remember him being a D.P. at York, but he was, apparently, at Kalgoorlie Primary School.
    I wonder how much of everybodies' various club funds could be offered to Kalgoorlie, to take him back??

  9. You are right about the words of two syllables Jan.
    This then begs the question - who wrote the letter for Pat Hooper?

  10. He woz my teacha and tort me a lot.

  11. I'm shocked. I had no idea Mr Hooper is so unpopular.

    Believe it or not, there have been comments so vitriolic I have decided for the sake of public decency not to publish them.

    Would somebody please comment favourably on him - say, on his record of public service? He must have done something right at some time, even if it was by accident.

    I refuse to believe Mr Hooper is the kind of person depicted in the comments received so far. There must be some misunderstanding.

  12. What public service?

  13. Can anyone confirm if A/Shire President Brian Lawrence was a financial member of the Bowling Club in 2008.

    Shire records shows the vote was 5/0 which means he voted.

  14. I was stunned to learn today that PH had the nerve to question Council about it's transparency at the most recent Council meeting in relation to the YRCC. Is he for real?

  15. Milky Loxodonta31 August 2016 at 03:49 - I was told PH side kick Weekes was with him at the meeting.
    Was Weekes there to provide a bit of courage or make sure PH got the question right?

  16. On legal advice, and with much regret, I've deleted a few comments.

    By all means put your views forcefully, preferably stating the facts they're based on, but please avoid abusive labels however justified they seem to be.

    1. It seems that whenever this man attempts to grandstand he evokes public outrage. I'm not surprised considering the state in which York has been left through his and others legacies. I don't expect he'll learn from it. It's a good life lesson though for all to learn when to admit defeat and bow out graciously. He obviously listens to the wrong people.

    2. Looks like he has had weeks and Weekes listening to the wrong people / person

  17. James, have you been got at?

    1. Absolutely not. I received no complaints, threats or reproaches from any quarter.

      I was concerned that words like 'deviant', 'narcissist' and so forth might have legal implications, particularly since they were not specifically linked in the relevant comments to a body of supporting fact.

      So I sought the advice of my lawyer, who warned me not to sail too close to the wind.

    2. I see no reason why you shouldn't allow open slather on the topic of Pat Hooper, publish the cursory disclaimer and permit the good people of York to express themselves.

  18. Hooper's Bloopers

    I'm not entirely convinced Mr Hooper used the wrong word in the first line of his letter. Most members of the bowling committee seem to be reasonable people and I wonder whether they would have needed some additional persuasion to agree to putting their names behind this missive. (One assumes they have agreed.) Also, in Australia, colloquial is generally stronger than formal, so I hate to say it but you can't really pick on the inference/implication discrepancy. On the plurals issue, you are absolutely correct, but I think you missed the similarly mis-pluralised '... then the Committee request that you' which should be 'the Committee requests that you'.

    There's also the tortured 'Further to that you make claim' which is in need of an indefinite article and in want of a comma to be correct. Additionally, I question the use of 'Pre' as if it was a standalone word, and not a 'pre fix' - and why it got capitalised but formal, education and groups didn't.

    But the most obvious error imho, is 'Can the committee ... remind you?' I cannot remember a teacher who didn't gleefully pour their derision on the difference between can and may when I was in school.

    Was he maybe elected to his teaching position?

    1. I agree that Mr Hooper perpetrated other language errors not mentioned in my article. To cite more than three would have been overkill and have resulted in a lack of rhetorical proportion. Please don't assume that I missed something just because I didn't mention it!

      'Committee' is sometimes used as a plural noun, though nowadays more rarely than in the past. (Cf. 'government' and 'team'.) I'd be inclined to let that one through.

      I don't agree that 'in Australia, colloquial is generally stronger than formal'. More widespread, yes, but why 'stronger'? When people have something important to say, they tend to be careful how they say it and to strive (not always successfully) for grammatical and semantic accuracy.

      'Make claim' is just a pompous, clumsy way of saying 'claim'.

      The important distinction between 'can' and 'may' is on the way out, more's the pity.

      The confusion of 'infer' and 'imply', 'colloquial' or not, does violence to meaning. It makes my flesh crawl, like people saying 'less' when they should say 'fewer'. ('Countable' versus 'uncountable' nouns - 'Less flour, fewer loaves'.)

  19. Now, common, you two. I requested the other day that you give President Hooper a bit of a break. But you are doing it again - using really, really big words and throwing in "plural nouns" and the like.
    Even some of President Hoopers' better educated friends would be hard pressed to work out what the devil you are talking about. To find out, they would have to ask either of you, but I do think that would be out of the question - just a guess, mind you.

    As that is unlikely to happen, you are going to have a small portion of the male population in town in a highly confused state.

    Perhaps Anon - 31 August @ 20.46, should get to do the marking (is there such a thing as a minus 'F'?) There appears to be so many errors, I don't think Dr. Jim would have time, and the errors are so constant, that after a while, you would just have to let the ball through to the keeper.

    The noted error "could the Committee remind you" well, could they? Perhaps not.

    James, I do think that some things should be allowed, esp. AngelTs' comment with regard to President Hooper being a "Narcissist". She is is spot on. What else could it be when President Hooper keeps putting himself out in the public arena, with the mistaken assumption that he still has the 3 'Ps? Position, Power and Prestige - all gained from being the S. Pres. of a v. small country town.

    To perhaps jolt him out of that assumption, may I suggest that you publish ALL comments regarding President Hooper, for say, one day? Perhaps he would then get the hint - he isn't as good or as popular as he remembers, or wants to be again. Comments allowed through for a week, I think, would probably crash the blog!

    As for President Hooper and attached friend, at Shire Meeting, requesting 'transparency'.
    That is understandable. The word has been bandied about a lot the last few years, so by now he has not only learnt how to say it, but also what it actually means.
    And if the Shire can't tell him, it might be adding to his confusion, with memory loss. He was so busy being a 'powerful President' with position and prestige, he needs someone to remind him of all the nasty, underhanded, backhanded, things he did to the people of York, when he was in "control".

    1. Thank you Jan.
      Narcissist he is, deviant he is, in respect to departing from usual accepted standards of behavior ethically speaking.

  20. Will PH understand what is being discussed?

    In the case of the above open letter a minus F should apply.

    Bloggers may have been reluctant to use the F in case is was taken the wrong way.

    1. Just read the Minutes. What a fool Pat Hooper is making of himself asking council to be OPEN and TRANSPARENT in the processes put into place regarding any planned changes to the YRCC.

      Council of the day (including Pat Hooper) failed to be open and accountable about the YRCC. No one knows how much it cost Ratepayers because it was all kept a secret.

      Any changes the current Councillors make HAVE to be better for the community, we cannot continue to spend money on this disastrous complex. It was a bad decision by Council to combine all the sporting groups in the first place. The building is a bad design as a conference centre and the Shire should never own a Liquor licence.

      I congratulate the Croquet Club for standing their ground. They were the only ones not fooled.

      Does PH suffer from memory loss? Two words open and accountable NEVER entered his vocabulary when he was Shire President.

      Questions Pat Hooper may like to answer BEFORE he judges others in the open and accountable stakes:

      What about being open and accountable about why you wrote the minority report?

      What about being open and accountable about the hiding of the Fitzgerald Report?

      What about being open and accountable about why you renewed Ray Hooper's contact when you knew the community did not support you.

      What about being open and accountable about why you voted to pass the ex CEO's Credit Card expenditure.

      Now the date of the loan has been clarified on the blog - will the President of the Bowling Club go back to the next meeting and ask Council to confirm the loan?

      By the way, the loan 'date error' was minor compared to the goofs made by PH.

    2. Pat calling the kettle black2 September 2016 at 17:31

      Oh and there's always the Facebook chat with Pat Hooper and Trevor Randal discussing running a woman out of town. Will an apology. For that be coming any time soon either of you?

    3. Doubt you will ever receive an apology from Pat or Trevor - they would both choke attempting to get the word sorry out.

      I recall that face book 'chat' between Pat Hooper and Trevor Randell, they were both councillors at the time.

      No sympathy for either of them - they are both a disgrace to our Town.

  21. At the end of the day, if you can't say what you think of Pat Hooper why should anyone comment at all? Hooper deserves no protection he's everything people say he is and worse. Don't invite people to comment then knock them back for doing so, you're no different to the man you are accusing of doing the same.

    1. Excuse me? I'm not accusing anyone of knocking back comments, so why do you say I'm no different from whoever you have in mind?

      I pulled down a handful of comments on legal advice. You have the advantage of anonymity, I don't. Perhaps you're not aware that the publisher of a defamatory comment is no less open to legal action than the comment's author.

      Are you offering to pay my legal fees and give evidence in court if I'm landed with a writ?

      The rule amounts to this: if you call somebody 'a moronic deviant' or a 'narcissist' you need to support those judgements with specific instances of actual behaviour on the part of the individual concerned. The problem with those particular descriptions is that they are either hyperbolic or relate to pathological conditions requiring expert diagnosis.

      I don't think anyone has actually made out a case for applying those descriptions to Mr Hooper.

    2. Does Corporate Psychopath require expert diagnosis?

    3. Oddly enough, the answer is probably yes.

      'Psychopathy' is regarded by most psychologists as a pathological condition. The current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (the psychologist's and psychiatrist's 'bible') calls it 'anti-social personality disorder' and offers a checklist of characteristics believed to define the condition.

      In his book 'Without Conscience', the result of many years of studying psychopaths, Dr Robert Hare discusses many behavioural features he regards as associated with psychopathy. These include:

      Glibness and superficial charm
      Grandiose feelings of self worth
      Pathological lying
      Habitually deceitful and manipulative behaviour
      Lack of remorse
      Shallow emotional life
      Callous attitude to other people
      Parasitic lifestyle
      Sexual promiscuity
      Early behavioral problems such as lying, fire setting, stealing etc.
      Lack of realistic long term goals
      Impulsive behaviour
      Inability to accept responsibility for their own actions.

      There are other indicators but I've forgotten them. I suppose we all share in them to some degree.

      I've met a few such individuals over the years. Many rise to high positions in politics, business and the public service. They are the so-called 'corporate psychopaths'.

      Personally, I'm not sure we need the help of psychologists to understand what a psychopath is and who counts as one. I think some people are just plain evil.

  22. Goes around comes around Hooper!

  23. Interesting. Very Interesting.
    Does Dr. Robert Hare know Mr. P. Hooper, do you think? - Seems to have nail it, although, not sure about setting fire to things, or the promiscuity - but I have heard rumours, take some with a little grain of salt, but no smoke without fire. Once we have that, then you're off and running! I wonder if Dr. Hare knows Mr. R. Hooper, as well.

  24. The list from the book 'Without Conscience' seems to tick most of the boxes.

    I also believe some people are just plain evil and left unchecked they cause so much heartache and grief.

  25. Just read the minutes of the last council meeting! Really Pat open and accountable about the YRRC please you fool we are all still waiting to find out how much the YRRC cost us as a community in the first place.

  26. James,

    Pat Hooper has suffered enough, time for everyone to move on, including you.
    Arguably, he has made mistakes in the past but lessons have been learnt.
    Time for everyone to move on build a few bridges and build a bright prosperous new future.

    I for one see a great deal of potential in York if we can all work together.
    Silly name calling should stay in the playground with the children!

    Acrimonious behavior will severely impair Paul Martin's position as York's new CEO.

    Can't we all make a concerted effort to get on with each other for the sake of the towns future?
    Unless there is a marked change in attitudes from all sides, nothing will ever change.
    Negativity spreads like wildfire don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch.
    Time to all work together for a brighter future.

    1. 'Arguably'?!

      May I remind you that Mr Hooper started this round of hostilities by attacking me during PQT and demanding an undeserved apology for his club. He then asked Mark Lloyd to publish an 'open letter' to the same effect in YDCM. His purpose can only have been to injure my feelings and reputation. His efforts have backfired, as did those of another local worthy a year ago.

      In the circumstances, I'd say my response has been measured and good-humoured - not at all acrimonious. Anyway, at least one councillor has assured me that nothing I write makes the slightest impact on Council or Shire, so please don't worry about Mr Martin. I'm sure he'll manage very well.

    2. Anonymous2 September 2016 at 19:57 - I am sick of hearing 'we need to move on' and 'we need to move forward'. Suggest you direct your recommendation to Pat Hooper. Have you forgotten Pat Hooper was 'dishing out' of the hurt for years and he appeared to enjoy it. What he is receiving is nothing like he gave out.

      Where were you when we needed councillors (including Pat Hooper and Ray Hooper) to be told to back off because Saints, Darlene and others had suffered enough?

      Were you one of those who ducked their heads and pretended everything was okay?

    3. Oh no, not again...I've just detected the acrostic...

    4. Thanks for alerting us James.

      Anonymous2 September 2016 at 19:57 - very clever.

    5. Anonymous as well not by choice4 September 2016 at 09:30

      Anonymous 2 sept 19:57 how much did pat hooper suffer? Did he have to pay fines for bogus court dates, was he made to lose money on his property due to bogus planning laws and building laws? Did he have his family or pets attacked or threatened? Was he ever once open and accountable for any thing? Don't worry about Paul Martin he is already made marked changes and the town is moving forward. Obviously your a person who got away lightly from the hooper hooper?

    6. Anonymous as well not by choice4 September 2016 at 09:30 - I too concluded Anonymous 2 sept 19:57 was a person who escaped the hooper hooper onslaught, or at the very least was on the same low level of mentality.

      After Dr. Plumridge's clue and a closer look I realised I was completely wrong.

      I extend my sincere apologies to Anonymous 2 sept 19:57 for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

      Reading between the lines of the Anonymous 2 sept 19:57 post and thinking a little outside the square may clarify the information being imparted. The other option is, look up the meaning of the word acrostic and go from there.

  27. I take it the letter from Pat Hooper is not a joke.

    We all know there's a number a levels of intelligence within the human specie. Some are easily understood, some take a lot more effort and compassion on our part to work out where they are coming from. Some are on a completely different wave length to the majority of us and even with heartfelt empathy it is impossible to connect with them.

    Even with years of Human Resource experience I struggled to understand how Pat Hooper processed things (in his brain) when he was the Shire President and nothing has changed.

  28. I also just read the minutes.

    Ex Cr. and Shire president Pat Hooper - It's time for 'show and tell'.

    Since you raised the issue of openness and accountability during question time at the last OGM, I think it's time for you to be open and accountable with the people of York.

    Given your unquestionable loyalty and dedication to the community you were elected to represent, I have no doubt you would have been working foremost for the Ratepayers and would have kept your finger on the pulse, making absolutely sure everything within the YRCC was built to the highest Australian standard and we as Ratepayers would finish up with a complex we could all be very proud of for many years to come.

    Given this, we know you would have made sure ratepayers received the best deal for the $$$ spent and as our elected members you (and other councillors) would have ensured CEO Ray Hooper provided you all with copies of Building Plans, monthly progress reports, estimated and most importantly FINAL costing of the project.

    Apart from providing the estimated and final costing on the blog, would you also tell us:

    1. Why the Showers and Toilets banked up and flooded the ablutions the first time they were used?
    2. Sink holes appeared in the new Bowling Greens?
    3. Why the Tennis court faux lawn is lifting rendering the courts unusable?
    4. Why the acoustics in the Convention Centre (pub) are so bad?
    5. Why the air-conditioning is so noisy?
    6. Why the car park and concrete paths took so long to complete?
    7. Who signed off the work on behalf of the Shire of York?

    We are paying for this mess Pat and we need answers.

    Please don't insult our intelligence by telling us the information is confidential.

  29. The YRCC is not, and never will be a Convention Centre and those who dreamt up this idea were suffering delusions of grandeur.

    Time to change the name. Any suggestions?

    I will start the ball rolling with:

    York's Sporting Complex - minus Tennis.

    1. Noticed more witches hats on bowling green yesterday. Another sink hole?

      York's Sporting Complex should read - minus Tennis and Bowls.

    2. Anonymous 3 September 2016 at 18:48
      Correct the YRCC is not a Convention Centre. It is already named, 'The Wreck Centre,' what about YWC 'York Wreck Centre

    3. What about Ratepayers Sink Hole.

  30. What does the McG stand for - McGrumpy?

  31. Wasn't there a Gnome called Grumpy?

    1. No. He was a dwarf, not a gnome.

      In Disney's classic movie, the seven dwarves were named Doc, Happy, Bashful, Dopey, Sleepy, Sneezy - and Grumpy.

      The movie is based on a folktale, 'Schneewittchen' (Little Snow White) popularised by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. In the Grimm version, the dwarves don't have names.

    2. Why do constantly allow derogatory comments about short people on this forum. Short people, or dwarves as you prefer to call them, have feelings you know! Those feelings may be a little lower than average but still exist never the less.
      Nobody ever takes the piss out giants, is this because people are scared in case a giant thumps them or stamps on them crushing their bodies like a grape.

    3. I think at least one councillor would disagree with your suggestion that the blog doesn't publish derogatory statements about giants.

    4. I don't have a problem with people making fun of me as a short person, I have been subjected to it all my life. I am 4'10" and have often been referred to as a dwarf.

      Crowds are a bit of a problem because I can get lost easily and I do have great difficulty reaching items on the high shelves in the supermarket.

      However, as a result of my height I was cast as Sneezy in a stage play of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves - I was 32.

  32. My apologies Dr. Plumridge, I must have become muddled by the similarities in personalities.

  33. Would be a good reminder of the incompetent people involved in creating this mess if we called it.

    Hooper's Folly.

    1. Someone suggested we build a memorial for Tony, Pat and the others. We would need a group of statues at the wreck centre covering each and everyone involved in the mess. Perhaps one statue could be built at the scene of each sink hole as it occurs.

      What would a statue of a dick head look like?

      If a group of Geese is a gaggle, whats a group of dick heads called?

  34. Which bloody imbecile approved power at the park for the caravans James? It looks as if this is costing us around $150 p/w.

  35. I don't have a problem with power at the park. What I do have a problem with, is if that power source is being drawn from "the grid". We have 9 months of the year with essentially 'fine weather' and even in winter have enough sunlight for people to be able to obtain hot water. We also have at times, an abundance of wind through the town. What is wrong with setting up a series of small wind turbines to create power on the days when sunlight is a little scarce.
    Tree height poles with helical shaped wind blades (shaped not dissimilar to a 'gene'/ genetic matter) and only requires wind speed at a minimum of 4km/hr to produce power. Set up through small turbines - think the headlamps on pushbikes attached to the front wheel - a series a gears worked by the wind, and then into storage batteries. Not hard, is it??? If the shire are going to start investing OUR rates into these things, they really need to start putting some thought into the manner in which they achieve their goals.
    Oh - perhaps a bit of a stretch, for some. Still, CEO has a brain and could guide some of them.

    1. Whats wrong with a solar panel at the top of each pole for the power in Avon Park. These campers have their own battery back up system on board for power, let them charge the battery up during the day and draw on it at night.

      Currently we are being slugged for commercial rates for the power these visitors use and that sucks.

      For years we have had to deal with CEO's, councillors and senior staff with vacuum sealed devoid cavities and it is a new phenomena to have a CEO with a set of brains, good communication skills and a desire to work with the community. ….takes time to re-adjust.

  36. Read the other blog - it is a nightmare.

    We have the two Hoopers headlining both blogs!

    1. It's a..............Nightmare on Maddock Street!

  37. Absolute scientific proof: Found in "The Guardian" Newspaper, printed in U.K and N.S.W by Fairfax Media, and distributed worldwide.
    Australia's latitude and longitude will shift nearly 2 metres next year. The continent moves about 7cm north-north-east every year because of the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates.
    But it means a gap between Australia's latitude and longitude as it is shown on local coordinates,
    which move with their local continent and global coordinates, which don't. The Geocentric Datum of Australia, the country's coordinate system, was last updated in 1994, and Australia is about 1.5 metres farther north-north-east."

    So, yes, without a doubt, we are experiencing 'Climate Change' if only because of Continental shift.
    Sometime in the next few decades or so, we will be able to start planting fruits and flowers more akin to surviving in more sub tropical and tropical environs. Pollies and the nay-sayers can't argue with that!
    Just so you all know and can quote same, when lost for words at that 'quiet' moment, at that party that you didn't want to go to. Be amazing.
