Saturday 13 August 2016


‘Luxury lifestyle investment’ for sale in York

One of York’s most prestigious and picturesque properties, Faversham House, is back on the market for $2,850,000 after 12 years occupancy by York identities Richard and Nola Bliss.

Mr. and Mrs Bliss have run Faversham House as a highly successful function centre specialising in weddings and conferences.  With council approval at every stage, they have carried out extensive restoration work befitting the property’s Georgian and Victorian origins and style.

The property boasts 14 elegant bedrooms, and manicured grounds spread over 1.70 hectares (4.2 acres in the old money).   The price per acre is $678,571.

It is being offered for sale either as ‘an idyllic private residence’ or as a commercial opportunity.

Several international celebrities have already shown interest in acquiring the property.  They include Islamic State Caliph Al-Baghdadi, who recently suffered the loss due to drone strikes of his palatial residence in Mosul together with most of his domestic staff and high command.

However, his offer would depend on Council permission to add a minaret to the existing structure and the removal of noise controls that might interfere with his religious right as a Muslim to broadcast calls to prayer five times a day.

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said that if he fails to win office in November, he will consider buying Faversham House and moving to York.  If he does, he will stand for election to York‘s Shire Council, with a view to displacing Cr David Wallace as Shire President and taking on Cr Trevor Randell as his apprentice.

As shire president, Mr. Trump, supported by Cr Randell, would build a wall around York to keep out newcomers from Perth.  He would force Perth City Council to pay for the wall.

Meanwhile, closer to home, the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, acting on a recommendation from former York commissioner and Bliss benefactor James Best, has noted the potential of Faversham House as a site for the resettlement of approximately 1000 refugees from strife-torn Somalia. 

“Based on what the commissioner told us, they would feel very much at home in York”, a spokesman for the department tweeted today.

Agents for the sale are the Perth office of Garland International Luxury Lifestyle Investments.  See their advertisements at

Owner Nola Bliss and Cr Denese Smythe posing between two examples of the impressive statuary displayed at Faversham House


  1. James, you should be ashamed of writing this kind of racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic nonsense.

    I'm sure I can call on lots of people willing to say they're offended, insulted and humiliated by your right-wing extremist opinions. Actually, as a woman, I'm offended. Really, really offended.

    In fact, you made me cry.

    Why don't you just go back to where you came from?

    1. I'm sure I've heard your name before somewhere.

      Your comment is extremely unfair. So far as I can tell, nothing I've written can legitimately be construed as having any of the features you mention.

      I'm especially puzzled by your accusation of misogyny. What is your evidence for that?

      And why do you judge my opinions to be 'extreme right wing'?

    2. You're racist because you poke fun of the Caliph who is an Arab. You're islamophobic because you obviously think Muslim lives don't matter (the drone strikes). You're homophobic because you're always picking on Cr Randell, who says he's gay. You're misogynist because you've published an unflattering photo of two women when there must have been other photos you could have used showing them in a better light. You're extreme right wing because you say you believe in free speech and you don't care about offending people. You're just an angry white middle class male!

    3. Who is the other female in the photo with Ms. Bliss?
      Is she from one of the Madam Lash shows?

    4. I wonder why she assumes you're white and assumes there is a better photo of the ladies which would paint them in a better light? If I were those ladies that's the comment I'd be offended by. Stupid woman.

    5. She can tell from my photo that I'm white, Dianne. Also male. Angry and middle class, not so obvious.

      I think she's an imposter, as Jan suggests - a Yorkie with a big wooden spoon, not a South Australian senator. The Greens at their most politically correct wouldn't engage in such hilarious inanities as those expressed in her second comment (would they?), and I doubt that Cr Randell's fame has spread as far as Canberra.

      Her comment that the photo of the the two ladies is 'unflattering' is particularly silly. For Heaven's sake, it's a photograph! That's what they look like.

    6. I think you'll find that Ms S. Hanson-Young is in fact Ms Yva Kane coming to the defense of her bestest friend Denese.

  2. They'll need to produce the 3rd set of books to sell it as an ongoing concern.

  3. If comment made Aug. 14, 2016 @ 01.00, truly does come from S. Hanson-Young, (which I sort of doubt and do suspect local resident with large wooden spoon) she really, really needs to take off rose coloured glasses, nail polish remover will help with the super glue, and move to perhaps Denmark the country, not West Aust. town, or to one of the other European countries, where woman aren't safe to walk, day or night.

    To Anonymous @ 04.27 - the 3rd set of books are still probably with Mr. Best, getting sorted, which is why they have advertised it as a private residence, no proof required, see.

    I wonder after all the R 'n R (that is "running repairs" a multi use term - as most women will acknowledge)
    renovations and refurbishments, if they have managed to sort out the rising damp and the condensation that used to have water running down the walls - on the inside - in winter and the steaming up - on the inside - of all the windows as well, especially when they tried to warm the place up, using fires, heaters and anything else they could lay their hands to.
    Perhaps they have, as they are advertising in August.
    Or maybe just giving themselves some time before becoming inundated with buyers in spring.
    Certainly wouldn't want to wait until summer to try to sell it. Way too hot, despite the thick stone walls.

    Do you think they will move into the Pub?, perhaps that will go on the market as well and they will just move to the city, where they must have friends waiting for them, ready to greet them with open arms.

    Do you think they realise that they could probably buy 'Chalkies' back, for a fraction of what they originally sold it for?, and either do that up and flog it off for $2.85 million, or even move into it.

    Suppose we will have to wait and see. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.

  4. If they are stuck for accommodation after flogging off the York sauna their friend James Best would surely jump at putting them up.

    What's the saying.......????stick together.

  5. Nice photo of Nola and her friend.

  6. For the price they are asking for Faversham the Palace Hotel should be included. For Chalkies they got double what it was worth. And they can also make a notable donation toward the restoration of Chalkies.

  7. I do hope Nola and Richard acknowledge with great appreciation the world wide coverage your blog is giving them and the sale of their Faversham cottage.

    With such a comprehensive promotion I reckon the Blisses might even consider a bonus for Mr. Plumridge - 1% of the asking price would be nice.

    1. I'm sure Mr and Mrs Bliss are deeply appreciative of everything the blog has done for them, not least my endeavours to promote their house on the international market.

      However, I don't ask for acknowledgement or payment. I'd be satisfied to know that they intend to reimburse the Shire the difference between what they received from the sale of Chalkies and its true market value at the time. That would be nearly enough, I believe, to bring the wretched building 'up to code'.

      I'd also be happy if they felt able to tell us why James Best, a man not fabled in the annals of altruism, chose at some professional risk to himself to help them out financially by forcing the Shire to buy Chalkies for such a ridiculously inflated price. There's something about that arrangement to suggest that a piece of the puzzle may be missing.

      But most of all, I'll be happy just to go on receiving from Mrs Bliss her customary cheery greeting and friendly smile whenever she sees me strolling past the York Palace Hotel.

  8. I wonder if someone here can answer my question, why have some rates gone down this year by around $200 yet some have increased by around $400 with a rate increase of about % 2.5. how could values of varied so much from house to house within the same area, without any major physical changes to such houses?

    1. Anonymous 18th August 2016 at 06:31 Your question was answered on the other blog. Landgate's number is 9273 7373. Also there's info which came with your rates.

    2. Out of the mouths of babes

      Family discussion on recent rate increases.

      6 yo asked - why have the rates gone up?

      Mother responds - we have to pay the debts left by Ray Hooper

      6 yo - why doesn't Ray Hooper pay his own debts?

  9. Might be a nice gesture to donate the remaining FOI fund to ST Johns Ambulance to go toward replacing the equipment lost in last nights fire.

  10. There is some good news for York. Found in todays' West Australian (Saturday August 20).
    York Ice Cream Company's "Jarrah Honey Ice Cream" was named Champion Ice Cream at the Perth Royal Show and has also won gold for its "Espresso Ice Cream". A Very Well Done to all concerned. Congratulations.

    Also mentioned was 'Mimmos Gourmet Gelato' from Helena Valley. This is another small business which has done v. well for itself, by scooping major prizes at the Perth Royal Show. Congratulations to Mimmos, as well.

  11. Here's a perfect opportunity for Mia Davies to do something for York - Royalty for Regions money could be used to replace the two Ambulances for York.

  12. Such a shame that some little "s...s" (allegedly) set fire to our Ambulance station.
    Hope they are not going to need the Ambos' assistance and transport to hospital, any time soon, especially after they get caught.

    I think you will find that York Ambulance will have a comprehensive insurance to back them up, and the Government will supply the funds to help replace the vehicles, (perhaps through the R. for Reg.) as they do for all St. Johns'.
    The majority of costs, if I'm not mistaken, will come from the resupply and refurbishment of the equipment that the Ambulances carry. A good portion of which, has been locally fundraised for, in the past.
    Even so, that alone will come at some considerable cost. I think, fortunately for our Ambulance centre, they have had some v. forward thinking Treasurers' who have been smart enough to invest any surplus of funds raised, which may help, to some extent. But, that also means that any future "fall back plan" will be decimated, from this point on, and the Volunteers - and they are ALL Volunteers, working for our community, will have to start all over again.

    Meanwhile, I suspect that the Shire may be able to help them out perhaps, by supplying parking/storage room at the Shire Depot. As our St Johns' is constantly busy one way or another, I expect that a replacement/ temporary or otherwise, may be supplied to York to assist, until more permanent arrangements could be made.

    The overall downside to this ugly outcome, is that any future donation of "retired" Ambulance Vehicles and equipment, to close, lower socio-economic Island neighbours, will have also gone down the drain.
    Stupid, selfish actions, don't just affect us as a community. These actions have a 'snowball' affect
    to a whole range communities, some of whom can least afford to go without.

  13. Yet another example of 'Good Manners' has bounced its way out of the Shire offices, this time from the man himself, our C.E.O. Mr. Paul Martin.

    This, in the form of a letter, arrived in my post the other day. Just a short note, thanking me for my 'request', that some organic matter, be removed from Shire land, on my property boundary.

    As mentioned previously, shire staff arrived and dealt with the matter rapidly and efficiently, and included contact from the Depot Manager. All appreciated.

    I have had letters from Shire C.E.Os' before, but so long ago, can't remember exactly.
    How nice to be dealt with politely, efficiently AND a follow up letter, from the person holding the reins, effectively closing the matter.

    Clearly, Mr. Martin is keeping a 'weather' eye on all matters, Shire. What a pleasant experience.

    Thankyou, Mr. Martin.

  14. I get sick to death with people who whenever something bad happens jump straight in and want to hang someone. Councillor Smythe is also guilty of this, on her Facebook page she posted - "I do hope they are caught,what a senseless act". The fire was an accident, an unfortunate electrical fire, no one can be blamed, or maybe if these people get off on blaming others maybe blame some little china man for making dodgy electrical components. Councillor Smythe ought to know better she's no different to Pat Hooper in that respect.

    1. Anonymous 21/8 @15:19: It may be true that Cr Smythe has jumped to an unwarranted conclusion, but with respect, so have you in claiming that the fire was an unfortunate accident. As yet, nobody seems able to say with confidence what caused it. However, last night's ABC News reported that police are considering the possibility of arson.

      If the fire was deliberately lit, I would join with Cr Smythe in condemning the incident as senseless and in hoping that the perpetrators are caught - not because I like to see people blamed and punished, but in the hope that the perpetrators (and others of like mind) might be deterred from committing similar senseless acts in future.

      On the topic of ABC News, did anyone see the segment on our former ranger Matt Sharpe's splendid work finding homes for stray dogs that would otherwise have to be euthanased?


    2. Regarding comments made about 'someone' allegedly being responsible for arson at our local Ambulance Depot, I was also one of those. My information via the news on the radio the following morning, where it was stated that 'arson' was suspected.

      Since that time, I understand that the 'Ambos' have found shelter and temporary home with our local S.E.S and 'Fireies' (good on them).
      I also understand that the Arson Squad now think that it may have been faulty electrical problems within the premises.

      Whatever happened and however it happened, damage has been done.

      However, even though our 'Ambos', may be working under reduced circumstances, I'm absolutely positive that as a group, they will be putting up a first rate effort and continue to do the same job, with grace and style, as they have always done.

  15. Yes, saw Matthew Sharpe with a selection of homeless dogs, needing their 'furever' home. I know it costs a lot to keep these dogs and get veterinary attention when required - more expenses, but like the Swan Animal Haven and Shenton Park and the mob from Northam "Safe", who I understand have gone out of business, they charge a lot of money, to people looking for a dog.

    $400/$500 is prohibitively expensive and for a little more, people could buy a pedigree or X-bred
    (or Bitzia, or Mongrel, Heinz variety, as they all used to be called), which is what they do, adding to the problem. Often from greedy people running dreadful 'puppy farms'.

    If the costs came down, more people would buy one or even two of these animals, and give them new homes. While people, such as Pensioners or those on low incomes, can afford to feed and care for a dog, the expense of getting one, puts people off.

    While prices to obtain these dogs remains high, the numbers in care will remain high, costing those looking after them even more, and leaving the poor little souls, behind bars for extended periods of time. It then develops into a 'catch 22' problem. Such a shame.

    Good people are there trying to do the 'right' thing and potential owners, also looking to do the 'right' thing. There must be a sensible and logical solution to this problem.

    Having muddy little paw prints around the house can be a bit of a trial, but then the fun and joy those little muddy paws bring, makes everything else just disappear.
