Thursday 29 September 2016


Chinese local authority ‘vandalism’ goes viral on the Net

Last week the Internet buzzed with reports from China concerning the concreting over of a mile-long section, dating from 1381, of the historic Great Wall.

The dubious ‘restoration’ was carried out on the orders of the Cultural Relics Bureau of Suizhong, a county forming part of northeast China’s Liaoning Province.

One observer complained that what had previously been ‘an unkempt, haunting 700-year stretch of the wall’ now resembled ‘a cement skateboarding lane dumped in the wilderness’.

Ding Hui, chairman of the Cultural Relics Bureau, acknowledged that the changes to the wall were aesthetically ‘not ideal’, adding that ‘the repairs really don’t look good’.

Park officer Liu Fusheng, who first alerted the public and media to what the Bureau had done, called it ‘an act of vandalism carried out in the name of preservation.’ 

He told an interviewer that even little children could see that the work had been botched.

‘It’s like a head that’s lost its nose and ears’, Mr. Liu said.  He explained that the Bureau was supposed to have restored original features of the wall, like fallen stone carvings and crenellations, but had chosen instead to save money by using new bricks and concrete and ‘tossing the carvings aside’.


Despite the furor that erupted on national and social media, some local officials remain unrepentant about the Suizhong Bureau’s decision.

Bureau CEO, Wei Hupo, was the most outspoken, describing complainers as ‘idiots and scoffers’ who should reflect on the quality of their lives and ‘either shut up or expect a visit from the municipal ranger’.

Local business identity and former member of the Bureau’s governing committee, Ah Wonwa, refused to be fazed by criticism that the work had ruined a piece of China’s history. 

‘History isn’t for Suizhong’, he said.  ‘It’s only for silk scrolls and embroidered fans’.

An equally dismissive response came from Suizhong celebrity chef and Bureau committee member Wang Delti when he was asked about the likely impact on tourism of the Bureau’s action, which contravened its own policy of restoring historical monuments to their pristine state. 

‘People need to remember that Suizhong isn’t a big city like Shanghai or Shenzhen’, Mr. Wang told a reporter from the Liaoning Gazette and Communist Party Calendar. 

‘It’s in the country, so we have to take a flexible approach to this sort of thing.  Tourists like to walk on our section of the Great Wall, but now and then they used to slip on the ancient bricks.  Any fool knows it’s safer to walk on concrete. 

I anticipate millions of safety conscious tourists coming here, not to mention skateboarders eager for a new and unusual challenge’.

Told that some local residents were up in arms over unsightly damage done to the Great Wall, Mr. Wang replied that he wasn’t interested in the views of such people because they were known to be newcomers to Suizhong. 

‘I think they should be run out of town,’ he said. ‘And my friend and political adviser, Pa Hupa, agrees with me.  If your family hasn’t lived in Suizhong since Confucius invented prawn crackers and dim sums, you don’t count for much around here.

Those troublemakers can bugger off back to Beijing.’



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, Wan Kin. I've deleted your comment because on re-reading it I realised that it contained material likely to offend the LGBTQIU community.

    2. Alright, James, we know what LGBTQI means, what does the U stand for?

    3. 'Unknown' maybe?

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. The 'U' stands for 'Undecided'. I don't know why that category wasn't included in the official 'alphabet soup'.

      Sorry again, Wan Kin, but you left me no choice. 你是同性恋 Nǐ shì tóngxìngliàn

    6. James, what's come over you regarding Wan Kin?
      It doesn't look good for blog that its getting wiped every time Wan Kin contributes!

    7. Yes, it looks like censorship I know, but in his last comment he did two unpardonable things: he called me '婊子 biǎo zi' ('little tart') and he rudely rearranged the letters of my name. Just because he has a crude grasp of Chinese invective, he thinks he's got the whole world in his hands.


  2. 很搞笑的文章,大声笑“

    Shanghai Shirley

    1. 谢谢你,我很高兴你喜欢它
      Xièxiè nǐ, wǒ hěn gāoxìng nǐ xǐhuān tā

    2. 哦,我的上帝,你口交真是太傻了


    3. 请不要粗俗,我的读者都非常拘谨
      Qǐng bùyào cūsú, wǒ de dúzhě dōu fēicháng jūjǐn

    4. 总之屁股我不在乎

    5. 孔子说,在树梢上一个矮人高更看到比芦苇巨人
      Kǒngzǐ shuō, zài shù shāo shàng yīgè ǎirén gāo gēng kàn dào bǐ lúwěi jùrén

  3. Ho Lee Fook29 September 2016 at 23:05 - do you know Suzie Wong?

    1. Yes twice. The Flying Dragon and the Tiger's Walk.

    2. Don't make Asian jokes, it's wong.

    3. Yes, I knew Suzie. O, what a gal! She lived with a friend of mine, Harry White. They quarrelled over whether their son Izzy should be called Wong or White. In the end, they settled for 'Izzy White-or-Wong'. On leaving home, Izzy moved to Perth and became an Aussie.

  4. Did she marry an Auzzie and live in Mozzie?

  5. I tried to put the following comment on the other blog but the reCAPTCHA is not connecting.

    Unfortunately Cadre, when you put someone with intelligence in the mix on council (ie Matthew with his LG degree), those without intelligence see it as a threat. Their only recourse is to work behind the scenes with their cohorts to make life as difficult as possible for the person with intelligence - hence the Minority Report. 

    History is repeating itself with the current Council.

    1. History is repeating itself and many are watching from the sidelines to see how it unfolds.
      What we do know is, while the ego driven people control the council York will not heal.
      There's a secondary specie of the human race, they completely motivated and controlled by their oversized ego's. They have an incomprehensible need to be seen and made to feel important.
      They are easily identified by the collateral damage they leave behind.

    2. We shouldn't be too hard on the current council. To the extent they're going the wrong way - and they're not going wrong with everything - they simply reflect a cultural malaise afflicting political life everywhere and at every level. Most politicians hunger to be noticed and admired, a dangerous weakness that often results in poor decisions. A few in every generation are philosophically committed to the welfare of their fellow citizens. We voters aren't too smart at spotting the difference. In my view, Tony Abbott with all his faults and failings was a better (more honest, less slippery) PM than the present incumbent, and Anthony Albanese would be preferable as Labor leader to the opportunistic and disingenuous bully Bill Shorten - but I'm pretty sure very few voters would agree with me, and I could well be wrong.

      As for the current presidential contest in the US...I'm glad I don't have to choose!

  6. If you knew Suzie like I knew Suzie you'd better get yourself off to the clinic asap!

    1. Honestly, its only a cold-sore.

  7. James, please give us a translation of the conversation in Chinese, not everybody learns Chinese at uni. I didn't know you could speak Chinese.

    1. 我敢打赌,他不会

    2. 嗯,我没有,请参阅下面发表评论
      Ń, wǒ méiyǒu, qǐng cānyuè xiàmiàn fābiǎo pínglùn

      Translation -

      HLF: 'I bet he won't.'

      JP: 'Well, I did. See comment below.'

      (I wish HLF would transliterate his comments using hanyu pinyin, as I do. The Chinese characters are harder to decipher.)

  8. OK, here goes.

    Shanghai Shirley: 'Very funny article, laughing out loud.'

    JP: 'Thank you. I'm very pleased you enjoyed it.'

    Ho Lee Fook: 'You are a fool who performs a popular but universally derided sexual practice.' [Not exactly what he wrote - I prefer not to be more explicit]

    JP: 'No vulgarity please, my readers are extremely prudish.'

    HLF: 'I don't care, shortarse.' [This fellow must have studied Chinese with Kevin Rudd.]

    JP: 'Confucius says, a dwarf up high in the treetops sees further than a giant standing in the reeds.' [Confucius said no such thing, but I thought it was my turn to take liberties.]

    I didn't 'learn Chinese at uni'. In fact, I don't speak a word of Chinese. When confronted with a specimen of the language or the task of writing in it, I simply put myself into a deep trance and consult the Akashic records.

    1. Did you learn your Chinese back home at Yangsi village?

    2. No. In a previous incarnation, I dwelt for many years in the heart of the Forbidden City, serving in the office of Sublime Jade Wand at the court of the Dowager Empress Cixi (or Tsu-hsi, in the outmoded Wade-Giles system of transliteration). The pay was niggardly, not having kept pace with the CPI since the early days of the Ming Dynasty, but the perks were nothing to be sneezed at.

  9. While we're joking does anyone else find the recent destruction of Shire and community property by some members of the York football club funny? Where does the Shire stand on this? I've heard an employee of the Shire in a managerial role found it humorous, was it reported to police?

    1. That's a serious matter. Can you provide details of the incident(s) you're referring to and the damage done? Have you contacted the Shire or the police?

    2. How can I get one of those pretty orange circles with a white B in the center next to my name?

    3. Are they available in Blue?

    4. Do the circles come in different colours?

    5. Done that, what do I do now?

    6. Do I need to send an email to get it going or something alike?

    7. Would be nice to have green and red circles for Christmas.

      Can we have a cartoon of Santa for Christmas?

  10. Tell me what is the relevance of your article regarding the concreting of the Chinese Wall.
    Why publish many of the comment in Chinese when in all likelihood no one in York will understand?
    Are you intending to publish unrelated articles on a regular basis or is this a one off?
    Try and concentrate on the important issues!

    1. You haven’t understood the importance of building bridges between cultures.
      Only connect, as the novelist E.M. Forster said in a different context.
      Understanding that Chinese local authorities sometimes act like ours provides a firm basis for bilateral cooperation.
      Didn’t it strike you how similar the ideas of Ah Wonwa, Wang Deli and Pa Hupa are to those of certain residents of York?
      Isn’t it even more remarkable that their names have a familiar ring?
      Laozi says, what is hidden deep is always present.
      Look it up in the Daodejing!

    2. Dr. Plumbridge - there's many people in York working hard to build bridges.
      Unfortunately as fast as a bridge is built, someone comes along and attempts, or succeeds in destroying it behind you.
      Answer: because some people in York don't want anyone else to be seen doing something they themselves (a) didn't think of or (b) are incapable of doing.

    3. The bridge issue goes back years, 400k was used for the glebe street bridge and it wasn't destroyed it just needed a lot of work doing to it to make it safer.

    4. Am I reading it wrong? I didn't read the 'building bridges' issue mentioned by Anonymous5 October 2016 at 19:52 as having anything to do with the Glebe Street bridge repairs.

  11. Roger 3 October 2016 at 03:54 - How about you write an article on an important issue for us.

    1. I think Roger got his point over without the majority being aware.

  12. Lets all hope Roger is not a pseudonym for Pat or Trevor.

    An article with words of one syllable would be too boring.

  13. Sorry people. - Back to problems with Shire - already.

    Hands up those who are on pensions or one sort or another, have been paying off shire rates on a regular basis for many, many years, and have just opened up their mail to find a 'Final Notice' demanding payment of thousand++ $ for this years rates? When and why was the payment system changed? Since when? - apparently since Mr. Martin took over, perhaps?
    I tried to ring and ask, but apparently the Shire now close at 4.30p.m.

    If the Shire are not going to provide a payment service, anymore, one would have thought that they would at least let you know, perhaps send you a letter? If they are still providing a service, again, one would have thought that the 'new' rates person would have checked the lists to find out who was on extended payments, surely? I do know one existed, once.

    So when they open tomorrow 9.00am or 9.30a.m. - whenever, I will have to go and ask, WHY?
    More than just annoyed, v. upset. How they think people might have access to large amounts of money to pay a final notice, without notice, defies logic.

    1. What happened when you contacted the Shire, Jan?

  14. Rates saga sorted. Saw the 'new' rates lady, "Annika" who was v. nice, got onto 'system' to check and find out 'why'. So, as I understand it, the Shire machinery/rates system, doesn't seem to recognize my method of paying rates. (I go in, hand over the cash, Shire assistant, taps in required info, hands over receipt and I go again). Because it doesn't recognize this method, it 'decided' to generate a final notice. A note/message, has now been attached to my 'property', so the machinery doesn't generate further final notices. A huge relief. And thankyou to Annika.

    See, we still need actual people to attend to the input of info - machines can't manage just by themselves, despite what the Pollies would like to think. (e.g. "Landgate")

    Next complaint is the Fire Breaks dates. York Shire have got a time span up to October 25 to get it all done, after which there is an 'on the spot fine' of some considerable amount.
    Now people I know, in a couple of other Shires - Northam for a start, have extended the time to November.
    When firebreaks and weed control have been sprayed two or three times already and it keeps raining and the weeds keep growing and the farmers can't even get their hay cut - and those that have, may lose the lot, because it continues to rain, how in the blue blazes is one supposed to achieve the work done by the required date?

    I did notice yesterday that the shire have had a grader out and have done all the breaks along the river side of their property, the motorcross track, etc., adjoining the rubbish tip. But not everyone has access to such equipment, and when it keeps dribbling out of the sky, what to do??

    I am waiting for a 'phone call from the Ranger to discuss same, but it seems that commonsense should kick in and do what a few of the other Shires are doing. Extend the date, for completion of fire breaks. Supposed to be 32c. tomorrow (Friday), but believe rain and some more cold weather is due again, over the weekend.
    Guess I will have to wait and see.

  15. Does this mean everyone that paid cash, got a receipt is going to receive a final notice?

  16. I don't know. I might just have been the 'lucky' one. It seems that this how, my life has been travelling for a while. But I have to say that I am getting really sick of God hurling these sorts of challenges at me. I can do without ALL of them~!

  17. So Jan, are you saying you paid in full yet got a final notice? Or, are you saying you had some kind of special rates payment scheme in place which has changed this year with no notification? I'm confused by your posts, genuinely, no malice intended.

    I received a rates notice with several payment choices. I chose one. I paid and received a receipt.

    I also received, several times through the year, various publications which explained burning periods to me. Agree or disagree with the time frames, I did what needed to be done when it needed to be done. Perhaps we should think about a community program which helps those most at disadvantage in our community do same. Not to suggest you are disadvantaged, I don't know your circumstances, just got me thinking.

    I don't beleive Mr Martin has changed anything with regards to payment systems, but will stand corrected if so.

    As far as I knew the Shire has always closed at 4.30pm. Again happy to stand corrected.

    I read this blog to stay informed about the real issues in my community of which unfortunately are dictated by the LG employees and to some extent the council of the day.

    I'm obviously missing something. Be nice in your reply.

  18. Hi Bill, Sorry I have you confused. No, I also receive a selection of suggested payment systems, but like to do a 'catch up'. I sometimes make the odd extra payment, or pay say, perhaps , fortnightly, if and when I can afford it. This is so that I can make sure my rates are all paid up either by or before the last payment date.
    (I like to think that I'm then in Credit - even if just for a little while - makes me feel better!)

    Re - the fire breaks, I also, like everyone else, receive same notifications. My point is that although these fire breaks have already been attended to, by spraying several times already, but with the continued rain and following weed growth has to be continually done. This is difficult, either because it keeps raining, or the weeds keep growing (again). The breaks have to be done by Oct 25 and it is still raining. The farmers can't even cut their hay, because of the rain. If they are having problems, we are all having problems.

    And yes, there are a number of disadvantaged in the community that could do with some help in this.

    There are also a number of "operators" who charge pensioners an exorbitant amount of money to do a job of clearing. For example, several years ago, I had a major medical problem and was unable to attend to my back paddock. A friend hunted around for me and the best we could do, was find a person who charged me $400.00, to slash the back paddock. Took him 1/2 an hour. That is called ripping people off - amongst other things. These 'operators' have a captive audience.
    And people in these situations don't have any other options. There is no help or support from the shire. They just give you a list of people who could do the job for you. Those people who do a good job at a relatively reasonable price, are run off their feet and serve their regular customers first - can't blame them for that. There used to be a number of reliable people in town who ran these types of business, but all have retired themselves now and some have left town, as well.

    Your idea of setting up a community based program has great merit. Something that perhaps we could have a think about, and forward some suggestions and head up a group to set up same. I would suggest that this should involve the shire at some level, perhaps a Ranger, so that it is all kept on an even keel, and doesn't run out of control with egos taking over.

    I do have a few thoughts on the matter, but would be interested in what other people think.

  19. I meant some sort of roster system or similar not that the Shire are involved. It's not their job to look after ratepayers private properties.

  20. I was thinking of a similar system, however just left to some of the locals, can get wildly out of control, v. v. fast. Believe me, have seen it all before, plus the "roster system" isn't always workable. I recall one such system, many years ago, and was all go, until some people had work done, and then never seen again and those who worked, kept working and missed out on the help!
    In addition to this, I was thinking of perhaps getting some financial help for equipment, via "royalties of regions", which can be accessed by Shires for local works.

    There are some things which may need to be gently encased in a bit of concrete to ensure it works.
    If this comes under some sort 'professional' control/assistance it may be much easier to apply and therefore succeed. Prior experience - several times, makes one wary of being bitten~!

  21. Some of the 'handymen' advertising for work in York only do inside work. Would be good if they said this in their adverts.

  22. Are we really getting Christmas decorations in the main street this year?

    1. Yes, I believe so. You may recall that Council set up a committee or working party for this purpose. The members have met several times and jobs allocated to individuals - for example, Roma Paton is arranging a competition for decoration displays in the businesses along Avon Terrace.

    2. And who will be judging the competition and what are the prizes?

    3. I asked a dwarf friend of mine if he'd care to contribute toward this year's Christmas decorations.
      He said "no I'm a little short'.
      He told me that the day before he had his wallet stolen by a pickpocket.
      I said "how could anyone stoop that low?"
      He now suffers from low elf esteem

    4. I'm told Pat Hooper has been asked to judge the competition, but he won't do it unless the Bowling Club gets its liquor licence back.

      If Pat doesn't do it, the Shire may give the job to the Governor-General.

      First prize will be a romantic tryst with a councillor of the winner's choice. Second prize will be romantic trysts with two of the councillors, but the winner doesn't get to choose.

      Third prize is a week for two at a 5 star resort in Hawaii.

      Jingle balls, have you considered a career in sit-down comedy?

    5. I read your comment a couple of times and was unable to find the punch line, I'll keep reading.

      Pat won't be judging the competition, once upon a time he used to dress up in costume and pretend to be Father Christmas for a famous High Street department store (IGA), sadly, it was short lived, as the kids didn't like his presence.

      Another gem, Trevor Randell has been nominated to decorate the top of the Christmas tree this year because he's fairy tall and can reach.

    6. There's no punch line. I don't deal in jokes, only in facts and scurrilous gossip.

      Trevor isn't fairly tall, he's very tall. I can't see him sitting at the top of a Christmas tree, waving a wand and singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

  23. Glad to hear the Christmas Committee has met and it is all go!

    Dissapointment though that the arguably more important Avon River Committee aren't themselves abreast of any developments. Losing momentum and motivation by the minute. C'mon Paul and Esmerelda that is why you're getting the big bucks.

  24. Oh James, how dare you threaten the ratepayers who win the coverted first, second and possibly third prize, potentially forcing the winner to spend time with some of the Councillors.

    That is a bit under the belt.

    At this rate, no one will want the job - and might have to pay Mr.Hooper to change hats and actually do the job. Although, having said that, not sure that many of his 'friends' have shop fronts for decorating. You could be responsible for massive confusion, he won't know what to do and may have to get advice - but I suppose it could be the 'Railway Carriage' if up and running by then.

  25. Pat is busy trying to get the liquor licence back for the Bowling club. Wonder why? Didn't he have a hand in them relinquishing it in the first place? What changed his mind?

  26. Howdy just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let you know a
    few of the pictures aren't loading correctly.
    I'm not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I've tried it in two different internet browsers and both show the same results.
