Saturday 26 August 2017


 Avon Valley Residents Association Inc.
Newsletter 26th August 2017                                             

Greetings All,

The saga continues - In early August notification was received by stakeholders and the Shire of York that a second application was to be lodged with the DWER to obtain a works approval for a rubbish tip on Allawuna farm.

On the 21st of August the application was advertised for a public comment period until the 7th September. The link to the application is:

The new applicant is Alkina Holdings P/L, company details, contract for sale etc are all contained in the above application.

The Shire of York has been active these last eighteen months in trying to bring about zoning changes to avoid the importation of metropolitan waste into the Shire. A full report is available on the Shire website and will be tabled at the Council meeting on the 28th August. The link to the report is:

The report is in the Agenda on pages 15 to 23.

A further application was not entirely unexpected, as the situation will never be conclusive until the effective expiry of the planning approval.

Our politicians are always receptive to letters from their constituents to gauge the depth of feeling on controversial developments, the link below will give you the contact details of the current Ministers:

If you have an opinion, write to the DWER and/or relevant Minister and if you are able to, attend the Shire of York council meeting at 5pm Monday 28th of August. Darren West MP is very supportive of our stance against this development.

Our last appeal against the Works Approval was never determined because SITA (now SUEZ) withdrew their application. AVRA will comment on this application and any subsequent works approval/conditions, we too have not been standing still and have further information to strengthen our objection to this un-necessary development.

Among other factors that may be in play is that SUEZ is not at all comfortable with this new application as there could be an intellectual property rights issue involved, the basis for which is obvious from a cursory examination of the application. It is also noted that some important documents/sections are missing.

Keith Schekkerman & Denis Hill
for the Avon Valley Residents Association


  1. Interesting newsletter.

    I tried to find the Avon Valley Residents Association web site and it no longer exists.

    No one has heard from them since SITA pulled out of the SAT process.
    When was the Associations last meeting?
    When did Avon Valley Residents Association hold their AGM?
    Why didn't Beverley Hill list the missing documents in the newsletter so we can include this in our submissions?
    What is the further information this group has to strengthen their objection to this un-necessary development? Is this information going to be shared with all of York or kept a secret?

    1. Good luck trying to get AVRA (Avon Valley Residents Association)to give you any information. Robyn Davies and Kay Davies applied to become 3rd party interveners with the SITA/SUEZ saga of which went on for nearly 5 years and those Ladies did not ask for money at all. AVRA also were granted 3rd party intervener status but their intervener status was revoked.
