Saturday 9 September 2017


Avon Valley Residents Association (Inc.)
September 8, 2017

Greetings all,
The consultation period to comment on the application for works approval for the proposed landfill on Allawuna Farm has been extended to Thursday, 28 September 2017.

The letter explaining the reasons is below. The link to the application is:

At the last Council meeting an undertaking was given that a Special Council meeting would be held before the closing of the comment period. As soon as we know the date we will inform you and encourage you to attend.

In the meantime, please write to the DER and your politicians to share your opinion of the landfill proposal. The reason why rubbish and landfill policy is such a dog’s dinner is that no single politician/ minister owns the subject. So write to the Premier, Ministers for the Environment, Water, Transport and Planning.  Our politicians are always receptive to letters from their constituents to gauge the depth of feeling on controversial developments, the link below will give you the contact details of the current Ministers:

Regards, Keith Schekkerman for AVRA Committee
PS,  the AGM for AVRA will be held at the Church of Christ hall on October 17, at 6pm.
All welcome!

(Click to enlarge)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. When the waste avoidance and resource recovery levy was introduced it was intended to fund waste management initiatives and reduce the volume of waste to landfill.
    The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) is now funded by 75 per cent of that levy. The government therefore is dependent on what is basically a pollution tax to fund the DWER budget, with only a small proportion of the levy being invested in waste management programs to help reduce the volume of waste to landfill.
    With this being the case how can the DWER be allowed to give approval to landfill applications as it is a clear conflict of interest between the government agency and landfill applicants? There is little wonder to why so many developments are being approved that are clearly not supported by the community but obviously benefit the government.
