Sunday 17 September 2017


At next month’s Shire Council election, residents will have three positions to fill and seven candidates to choose from.

I have listed the candidates below in alphabetical order, adding in each case a dot point summary of information provided in that candidate’s manifesto. 

The three councillors whose terms expire this month—Randell, Wallace and Walters—have offered themselves for re-election.

As usual, the Shire has posted the full text of candidates’ manifestos in the library window.

The Candidates

Sharon MacDonald

§  Owner of York Post Office since 2011
§  Aware of problems facing small business
§  President York Junior Netball 2008-2013
§  Chair of York FM Radio 2010-2012
§  Director of York Co-op 2010
§  Chair of York Youthcare 2015
§  Represented junior netball on inaugural working group for YRCC
§  Will be open and accountable, support public participation in Shire affairs, promote ‘steady and careful community growth’

Trevor Randell

§  Shire councillor for 9 ½ years
§  Qualified chef
§  Current portfolio comprises youth and aged care, emphasis on getting doctor for hospital
§  Supports upgrading of roads and other infrastructure to guarantee community safety
§  Supports tourism, agriculture and business in general
§  Main aim to get community working together for York’s prosperity and success
§  Contact: mobile 0477 112 945

David Taylor

§  Raised in Avon Valley, regards York as home
§  Has lived in York for much of last 12 years
§  Expertise in print media, communications, political research, as director on advertising boards, ‘constitutional governance investigation’, local tourism
§  Will facilitate open and honest governance, probity, financial accountability, performance controls, interactive community consultation, an informative and respectful relationship between Shire management and staff, offering staff training opportunities, protection of the environment, a contemporary approach to local tourism, and ‘a caring community and carefree lifestyle’
§  Contact: mobile 0412 252 621, email

(David doesn’t tell us so, but he is well known to many in York as the writer of York’s other blog, The Shire of York Official Unofficial Site.)

Kevin Trent

§  City of South Perth Councillor for 33 years, twice deputy mayor
§  Bachelor of Commerce, OAM
§  Former deputy chair of Rivers Regional Council, responsible for planning of waste disposal in southern metro area
§  Life member of WALGA
§  Member of Uniting Church and York Society
§  President, York sub-branch of the RSL
§  Will press for public toilet in Avon Terrace, improvement of footpaths and drainage, upgrading of transport infrastructure
§  Supports ‘equitable representation for all residents and ratepayers in achieving objects of the Shire strategic plan’.
§  Contact: Phone 9641 2565, email

David Wallace

§  Local farmer, lived all his life in York
§  History of involvement in Avon Valley community groups
§  Shire councillor for 4 years
§  Will promote ‘good governance and stability’
§  ‘Would like to continue to be part of the leadership driving York into the future’
§  Contact: mobile 0427 902 987

(David doesn’t tell us so, but he has served as Shire President since 2015 and is a former president and a life member of the York Hockey Club.)

Tricia Walters

§  Has lived for 12 years in York, served for 6 as councillor
§  Has always acted and voted in the best interests of ratepayers
§  Has completed WALGA councillor training
§  Believes our shire rates are too high and may increase further following likely reduction in state and federal funding to local government
§  Will press for net reduction in Shire spending to ease financial burden on ratepayers
§  Opposes selling off public assets to pay off debt
§  Will support ‘worthwhile measures to promote tourism, improve roads and provide special facilities for young and elderly people’
§  Contact: mobile 0407 735 577

(Tricia doesn’t tell us so, but she holds a BA from UWA and a Diploma in Business from TAFE.)

Denis Warnick

§  Lives in York, owns a local business
§  Will work ‘to create a successful and vibrant town, enrich lives of residents, attract new people to the shire’
§  Council should support agriculture and tourism and the physical and social infrastructure that underpins them
§  Has the ‘will, energy and determination’ to work with Shire ‘to achieve prosperity for York’
§  Contact: mobile 0409 897 018

Order on ballot paper

1. Trent
2. MacDonald
3. Walters
4. Randell
5. Warnick
6. Taylor
7. Wallace



Avon Valley Residents Association Inc.

Tuesday, 19th of September 2017

Greetings All,

From our last newsletter you might recall that comments about the landfill proposal are now open at the DWER. The York Shire Council, at its meeting on August 28th resolved to hold a Special Council Meeting so the community can view the submission the Shire will make to the DWER.

The meeting will take place this Thursday 21st of September at 5pm at the Lesser Hall.

You are all invited to come and listen to the Council, which this time around is vigorously opposing the application.

The consultation period to comment on the application for works approval for the proposed landfill on Allawuna Farm has been extended to Thursday, 28 September 2017

The link to the application is:

An AVRA committee member contacted the DWER to point out to them that some of the documentation submitted by the new applicants still carried the logos of the original applicants which drew the following response: “Please be advised that matters regarding proprietary rights are not regulated under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and are therefore outside the scope of the works approval assessment.”

The Department of Environmental Regulations (DER) has changed its name to The Department of Water and Environmental Regulations (DWER).

Keith Schekkerman for AVRA committee.

PS  the AGM for AVRA will be held at the Church of Christ hall on October 17, at 6pm.  All are welcome.

Saturday 9 September 2017


Avon Valley Residents Association (Inc.)
September 8, 2017

Greetings all,
The consultation period to comment on the application for works approval for the proposed landfill on Allawuna Farm has been extended to Thursday, 28 September 2017.

The letter explaining the reasons is below. The link to the application is:

At the last Council meeting an undertaking was given that a Special Council meeting would be held before the closing of the comment period. As soon as we know the date we will inform you and encourage you to attend.

In the meantime, please write to the DER and your politicians to share your opinion of the landfill proposal. The reason why rubbish and landfill policy is such a dog’s dinner is that no single politician/ minister owns the subject. So write to the Premier, Ministers for the Environment, Water, Transport and Planning.  Our politicians are always receptive to letters from their constituents to gauge the depth of feeling on controversial developments, the link below will give you the contact details of the current Ministers:

Regards, Keith Schekkerman for AVRA Committee
PS,  the AGM for AVRA will be held at the Church of Christ hall on October 17, at 6pm.
All welcome!

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