Sunday 17 September 2017


At next month’s Shire Council election, residents will have three positions to fill and seven candidates to choose from.

I have listed the candidates below in alphabetical order, adding in each case a dot point summary of information provided in that candidate’s manifesto. 

The three councillors whose terms expire this month—Randell, Wallace and Walters—have offered themselves for re-election.

As usual, the Shire has posted the full text of candidates’ manifestos in the library window.

The Candidates

Sharon MacDonald

§  Owner of York Post Office since 2011
§  Aware of problems facing small business
§  President York Junior Netball 2008-2013
§  Chair of York FM Radio 2010-2012
§  Director of York Co-op 2010
§  Chair of York Youthcare 2015
§  Represented junior netball on inaugural working group for YRCC
§  Will be open and accountable, support public participation in Shire affairs, promote ‘steady and careful community growth’

Trevor Randell

§  Shire councillor for 9 ½ years
§  Qualified chef
§  Current portfolio comprises youth and aged care, emphasis on getting doctor for hospital
§  Supports upgrading of roads and other infrastructure to guarantee community safety
§  Supports tourism, agriculture and business in general
§  Main aim to get community working together for York’s prosperity and success
§  Contact: mobile 0477 112 945

David Taylor

§  Raised in Avon Valley, regards York as home
§  Has lived in York for much of last 12 years
§  Expertise in print media, communications, political research, as director on advertising boards, ‘constitutional governance investigation’, local tourism
§  Will facilitate open and honest governance, probity, financial accountability, performance controls, interactive community consultation, an informative and respectful relationship between Shire management and staff, offering staff training opportunities, protection of the environment, a contemporary approach to local tourism, and ‘a caring community and carefree lifestyle’
§  Contact: mobile 0412 252 621, email

(David doesn’t tell us so, but he is well known to many in York as the writer of York’s other blog, The Shire of York Official Unofficial Site.)

Kevin Trent

§  City of South Perth Councillor for 33 years, twice deputy mayor
§  Bachelor of Commerce, OAM
§  Former deputy chair of Rivers Regional Council, responsible for planning of waste disposal in southern metro area
§  Life member of WALGA
§  Member of Uniting Church and York Society
§  President, York sub-branch of the RSL
§  Will press for public toilet in Avon Terrace, improvement of footpaths and drainage, upgrading of transport infrastructure
§  Supports ‘equitable representation for all residents and ratepayers in achieving objects of the Shire strategic plan’.
§  Contact: Phone 9641 2565, email

David Wallace

§  Local farmer, lived all his life in York
§  History of involvement in Avon Valley community groups
§  Shire councillor for 4 years
§  Will promote ‘good governance and stability’
§  ‘Would like to continue to be part of the leadership driving York into the future’
§  Contact: mobile 0427 902 987

(David doesn’t tell us so, but he has served as Shire President since 2015 and is a former president and a life member of the York Hockey Club.)

Tricia Walters

§  Has lived for 12 years in York, served for 6 as councillor
§  Has always acted and voted in the best interests of ratepayers
§  Has completed WALGA councillor training
§  Believes our shire rates are too high and may increase further following likely reduction in state and federal funding to local government
§  Will press for net reduction in Shire spending to ease financial burden on ratepayers
§  Opposes selling off public assets to pay off debt
§  Will support ‘worthwhile measures to promote tourism, improve roads and provide special facilities for young and elderly people’
§  Contact: mobile 0407 735 577

(Tricia doesn’t tell us so, but she holds a BA from UWA and a Diploma in Business from TAFE.)

Denis Warnick

§  Lives in York, owns a local business
§  Will work ‘to create a successful and vibrant town, enrich lives of residents, attract new people to the shire’
§  Council should support agriculture and tourism and the physical and social infrastructure that underpins them
§  Has the ‘will, energy and determination’ to work with Shire ‘to achieve prosperity for York’
§  Contact: mobile 0409 897 018

Order on ballot paper

1. Trent
2. MacDonald
3. Walters
4. Randell
5. Warnick
6. Taylor
7. Wallace



Avon Valley Residents Association Inc.

Tuesday, 19th of September 2017

Greetings All,

From our last newsletter you might recall that comments about the landfill proposal are now open at the DWER. The York Shire Council, at its meeting on August 28th resolved to hold a Special Council Meeting so the community can view the submission the Shire will make to the DWER.

The meeting will take place this Thursday 21st of September at 5pm at the Lesser Hall.

You are all invited to come and listen to the Council, which this time around is vigorously opposing the application.

The consultation period to comment on the application for works approval for the proposed landfill on Allawuna Farm has been extended to Thursday, 28 September 2017

The link to the application is:

An AVRA committee member contacted the DWER to point out to them that some of the documentation submitted by the new applicants still carried the logos of the original applicants which drew the following response: “Please be advised that matters regarding proprietary rights are not regulated under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and are therefore outside the scope of the works approval assessment.”

The Department of Environmental Regulations (DER) has changed its name to The Department of Water and Environmental Regulations (DWER).

Keith Schekkerman for AVRA committee.

PS  the AGM for AVRA will be held at the Church of Christ hall on October 17, at 6pm.  All are welcome.


  1. What is the benefit for York that Mr. Trent is a life member of WALGA?
    Isn't WALGA an employment agency (and protector) for those working in Local Government?
    I do not recall Mr. Trent helping the people of York when we were fighting off the SITA Landfill application. We need to know more about his role in the planning of Waste disposal in the metro area.

    1. Perhaps Mr Trent and other candidates would like to tell us where they stand regarding the current landfill application and more generally regarding non-agricultural developments in the agricultural zone.

  2. Pleased to see we have a good selection of people to choose from for this election. Some we know, some we don't.

    Good questions about Trent by the way. Life member of WALGA rings loud warning bells to me.

    Walters only agenda has been to work hard for the community whilst serving on council. I've heard comments she's too old. What has a persons age got to do with serving our community when they are doing a good job? The Queen is still the Queen and no one is telling her she is too old.

    In the run up to the last election Randell declared he would resign if he got in. We now know he didn't keep his word on that.

    My money will be on David Taylor. I've read his articles and letters to various politicians and the Shire of York on the other blog. He has the guts to stand up for what is right, asks hard hitting questions and will not be bullied into silence by anyone.

    1. Life membership of WALGA is conferred following 15 years' service in a local government ( Trent's 33 years on South Perth council qualifies him.

      That whole South Perth thing on the other hand is ringing alarm bells. Didn't the Best commissioner ever come from South Perth originally?

    2. Yes, the inimitable former commissioner James Radcliff Best, having served as a councillor, spent two years as mayor of South Perth, having been elected for three. You can read all about his astonishing gifts and bewildering range of skills and accomplishments on the FIGJAM website LinkedIn.

      He inspired me to post several articles about him on this and the other blog in 2015. I miss him still, especially his capacity for 'visioning' and 'ideation'.

      Mr Trent must have known him. I wonder what he thought of him.

  3. Any mention of a Life membership of WALGA sends cold shivers through my veins.

  4. David Taylor has posted on the other blog an article (Fair for All: Shire of York Council/ WA Local Government Elections 2017) clarifying his intentions if elected to Council. His post concludes with an endorsement of his candidacy provided jointly by two prominent journalists.

    It's not clear whether or not he intends, if elected, to continue writing for the other blog. I hope he does. Our councillors seem to have been bamboozled into believing that they are not permitted to communicate directly with the public on matters that come before Council. My understanding of local government law is that while only the shire president (and the CEO under delegation) can speak for the Council as a whole, individual councillors have every right to express their opinions so long as they make it clear that their views are their own and they are speaking only for themselves.

    David seems to believe that under WAEC rules he is precluded from publishing 'public or personal views' while a candidate for election. With respect, I think he is mistaken. As a candidate in 2015, I discussed this matter with the returning officer David Payne who assured me I could continue blogging so long as I added my name and address to whatever I wrote. Perhaps the rules have changed since then, but I doubt it.

    David and I have had our differences, but I shall certainly vote for him. As we know from reading his many articles, he has an incisive and independent mind, highly developed research skills and a profound grasp of issues of importance to ratepayers. (I hope my endorsement doesn't harm his prospects for election!)

    I shall also vote to re-elect Cr Walters, another independently minded candidate who understands local government, cares about the community and isn't afraid to follow the bidding of her own conscience rather than blindly tag along with the majority of her colleagues. I'm told that some of those colleagues for that reason regard her as 'a troublesome councillor'. For me, that amounts to a recommendation.

    1. Is it true not one councillor put their hand up to assist fellow Cr. Walters with transport to and from council meetings?

    2. I don't know if it's true, but sadly, it wouldn't surprise me.

      Readers may not know that a few months ago Cr Walters was quite seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident. She was hospitalised in Perth and later in Northam and York. I understand that her car was written off.

      It's said that while she was in hospital the Shire, presumably acting on instructions from Council, refused to provide her, allegedly for reasons of 'security', with copies of documents relevant to her work as a councillor. Again, I don't know if that's true, but it wouldn't surprise me.

      When serving as a councillor some years ago, Cr Walters was badly bullied by her colleagues, especially by a shire president whose name I won't mention because I'm sick and tired of writing it. I have the impression that this time around she hasn't been bullied, merely ostracised and wherever possible 'left out of the loop'.

      That's what happens to people who don't subscribe to 'groupthink', and may I say not only in local government. Look at what recently happened to Margaret Court - I don't agree with her opinion, but she had every right to express it and not be condemned and pilloried for doing so. What in hell's name is happening to freedom of speech in this country?

    3. Sorry. Freedom of speech works both ways. Margaret Court has every right to express her opinion. That's freedom of speech. Everybody else has every right to express their opinion of Margaret Court. That's also freedom of speech.

    4. Of course people are entitled to express an opinion about what Mrs Court said. But punishing someone for holding an opinion is the antithesis of freedom of speech. Mrs Court was punished and pilloried for expressing her opinion. I don't recall anybody presenting a reasoned argument to counter what she said. Instead, those who opposed her views called for her name to be removed from a sporting arena named after her and she lost her position as a patron of the Cottesloe Tennis Club. Where's the sense in that? How does that advance the cause of free speech or indeed of same sex marriage?

      As it happens, I am absolutely opposed to what I take to be Mrs Court's view that arguments against homosexuality and same sex marriage should be based on verses from the Old Testament or even the epistles of St Paul (I can't remember off-hand if St Paul had anything to say on such topics, but I'm fairly sure that Jesus didn't). Her opinion could have been challenged on both theological and logical grounds. Why didn't anyone do that?

    5. The 'yes' campaign points out that Jesus didn't decry homosexuality as an abomination like the OT. The 'no' campaign say he didn't explicitly change the law (as he did with food, for instance), so must've agreed that it was such. The 'yes' campaign says 'look to the 11th commandment for a change in law'.

      There were theological arguments made against Ms Court, especially given her status in her Victory Life Centre 'church' ~ but they were all OT based. But to answer the general question as to the debate: 'why take the high road when the low is so much easier to travel?'.

      Finally: what freedom of speech? This is not a feature of australian life, nor has it ever been, regardless of how things should be. The high court has found some implicit protection of 'politically-related speech', but NOTHING in law or precedent (or culture - just ask Kevin Wilson, Rodney Rude, or even Molly Meldrum) says australians have a general freedom of speech such as exists in the US.

    6. Some deep shit going on here....way over my head!

      Are Kevin Wilson, Rodney Rude, or Molly Meldrum running 4 council, is Molly Meldrum gay?


    7. Anonymous 24/9 @ 13: 50 – Nobody really knows what Jesus thought about homosexuality in general, let alone same sex marriage. Theological arguments from both sides of the question seem equally facile.

      I’m not sure what you mean by ‘the eleventh commandment’. Perhaps you are referring to John 13:34, where Jesus says to his disciples, ‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you’. Unless, like some radical gay theologians, you believe that Jesus Himself was gay, that commandment would seem to refer to platonic rather than erotic love and can hardly be regarded as a ringing endorsement of same sex marriage.

      A popular secular candidate for the title is ‘Thou shalt not be found out’. My own favourite is ‘Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil’, a maxim impressed by his grandparents on the philosopher Bertrand Russell and cited in his autobiography.

      I don’t believe that people taking part in debates on matters of public importance – and the SSM debate is certainly one of those – should ever ‘take the low road’, if the ‘high road’ is the way of reason and logic and the low road is that of incitement to hatred and personal abuse. However, as a champion of free speech, I would argue that nobody should be prosecuted, persecuted or punished for what they think and say, only for doing physical harm to others or to others’ property.

      For that reason, I reject all forms of ‘political correctness’ as espoused and enforced by the increasingly totalitarian political left. Hurt feelings by themselves don’t merit the protection of the criminal law. The best counter to a bad argument is a better one. The best antidote to a lie is the truth. The best response to so-called ‘hate speech’ (an expression that can mean anything that politicians want it to mean) is social opprobrium, not hauling the perpetrator into the magistrate’s court or worse, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. By succumbing to the rule of political correctness, we open the door to effeteness and usher in the namby-pamby society.

      While I would agree that freedom of speech is under threat, I’m amazed by your contention that there is not and has never been freedom of speech in Australia. I’ve lived in this great country for most of my life, and enjoyed the frankness of the political, social and cultural debate I’ve experienced here. It’s true that there have been restraints on freedom of speech, e.g. libel laws, and laws against obscenity, sedition and swearing in public, but the free expression of ideas and argument has been a mainstay of intellectual life in Australia for as long as I can remember, and that in my view is what freedom of speech is really about. It’s a long time since anybody in Australia has been imprisoned for holding unorthodox political opinions. Unfortunately, all that could change if the left and its green allies, led by the obnoxious opportunist Bill Shorten, sweep into power at the next federal election.

      As for Rodney Rude, Kevin Wilson and Molly Meldrum…words fail me. Each of those irrepressible gentlemen has made squillions by exercising his freedom of expression. Such restraints as they may have from time to time encountered were puny and easily shrugged off.

      The First Amendment to the US Constitution, adopted in 1791, reads as follows: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’

      So far as I know, no such constitutional protection for freedom of speech is available in Australia, but for the present at any rate it remains reasonably safe, in most circumstances, to speak your mind openly. I’ve been doing that for years, and was never locked up.

    8. Anonymous 24/9 @ 18:14 - I'm disturbed by the thought of what you say is passing over your head. Have you considered switching from overhead sewage to a standard septic tank?

  5. Anonymous19 September 2017 at 20:19 - yes, the South Perth link set off alarm bells with me too. Where was Trent when Best was our commissioner?

    33 years in Local Government is an even bigger concern. York has just come through a purging of the old school local government mindset.

    Being a former deputy chair of Rivers Regional Council, responsible for planning of waste disposal in southern metro area should set off even louder alarm bells. Where exactly did Mr. Trent stand when York was fighting off the first Landfill application for metro waste?

  6. "leadership"? Oh the hubris. My vote goes to open, honest, and accountable representation. Leaders? We don't need no stinking leaders :-)

  7. James, do you know if AVRA will again be hosting a 'meet the candidates' session before the LG election in October, I you don't know, could you find out?

    I'm having a real job in deciding which three to vote for. David Taylor is a cert, he's has made it abundantly clear that LG needs reforming, the next two aren't so easy.

    I troubles me that Denis Warnick (not David Warnick as you have him listed)will be another Duperouzel, means well but totally out of his depth.

    Randell and McDonald will not be getting my vote as both have old school elegancies.

    David Wallace is a strong maybe, not because he's dynamic, but sometimes its 'better the devil you know' and unlike his predecessors (Hooper and Boyle) he's not a total arsehole.

    And there's the dilemma, two names left, Trent and Walters.

    Walters means well and is knowledgeable but totally ineffective and as cruel as it sounds, well past her sell by date.

    Trent - do we really want another LG dinosaur, 33 years in LG does NOT inspire me with confidence, rather it troubles me. Ray Hooper used to boast over his 40 years in LG, clearly for decades in LG had no positive worthwhile affect on him, quite the opposite in fact.

    So, a meet the candidates evening should make it an easier task to decide on a name to tick in the last box.

  8. I don't know if and when AVRA intends to hold a 'meet the candidates' evening. It will certainly be helpful if they do. Perhaps Keith Schekkerman or Dennis Hill would like to let us know. Time is fast running out.

    Thanks for correcting my mistake regarding Denis Warnick. And sorry, Denis, for calling you David. It was a slip of the pen.

    Your discussion of the merits and otherwise of the candidates will strike a chord with many. I too haven't decided where my third vote will go. I don't agree with your assessment of Cr Walters. The problem there is that her independence of mind has always left her isolated among her colleagues on Council. To the extent that she may have been ineffective as a councillor, that is why. I support her because she has the interests of the community at heart, has no personal barrow to push, understands financial matters, and has a sound grasp of what local government ought to be about. Furthermore, she is well educated, cultured and highly intelligent and sees the importance of a knowledge of history to our understanding of the present.

    Old age has its difficulties (as the saying goes, it's not for cissies) but it also brings into play the wisdom that only long experience can bestow. That's why many cultures revere and respect the elderly. Our culture, sadly, tends to consider old people as burdens and to stick them in nursing homes. I write this with feeling because I'm not much younger than Cr Walters!

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'old school elegancies'. 'Elegancies' isn't the first word that springs to mind in the case of Cr Randell. I think you must have meant to write 'allegiances'.

    In my frivolous moments, I wonder if I should give my third vote to Cr Randell. He is first-rate material for satire and has on occasion inspired me to verse.

  9. Yeah I will vote Taylor,Walters and still unsure of the others. Nice to see so many people in town again this weekend,especially considering the weather. Goes to show how well a little hard work can pay off ( I'm presuming a lot has been done from within the shire to attract lots of visitors to town for our long running medieval fayre as well as other events.) If this is the case well done SOY,but rather than pat yourselves on the back a more rewarding exercise could be some kind of public endorsement or applaud of the tireless effort put in over the years by the organizer of the medieval fayre and many other events including the monthly swap meet, which is all done for proceeds to charity, but also has a very positive spin off to the town and it's small businesses.

    1. York ratepayers and privately owned licensed premises, were you aware your rate dollars were allegedly not only being used to provide subsidized food and grog to caravanning visitors this long weekend, but also allegedly subsidizing so called "happy hours"?

      York ratepayers who can no longer afford to pay rates in single instalments (and so have to pay more than those who can), and who are seldom able to afford to eat or drink out (or perhaps don't partake in alcohol consumption at all), and who can barely afford to keep a necessary vehicle registered let alone enjoy weekends of caravanning, what do you think of the fact your shire appears to be using your money to wine and dine visitors and fellow ratepayers content to suckle at that same trough?

      Current Councillors who have nominated for re-election have had years to do the right thing by the majority of York ratepayers and direct the CEO and SOY team to shut off the tap to the trough and drain the swamp that is the YRCC.

      If indeed the YRCC was hosting ratepayer subsidized "happy hours" over the long weekend in direct competition with local licensed premises, then those Councillors have clearly failed the Shire of York ratepayers and businesses, yes?

      That said, shame on any York ratepayer who chooses to take advantage of fellow York ratepayers by eating and drinking at the YRCC while it continues to depend upon ratepayer dollars to operate in direct competition with privately owned York businesses, I reckon.

    2. Anonymous24 September 2017 at 02:14 - the organiser of the Markets and Medieval Fayre has already been acknowledged at least twice in the local Australia Day awards.

    3. The recycled Market day signs for the Medieval Fayre were crap. They had the start time as 8am on them. Stall holders were still setting up at 10 am.
      Is there any chance of having professional sign writing for next years Medieval Fayre? They can be kept for future years with just the date changed.

  10. We do not have to vote for three candidates.

    I am only voting for David Taylor. The council needs a good shake up and he is just the person to do it.

  11. Sir Buh25 September 2017 at 01:26 - Current councillors and partners also frequent YRCC and it's ratepayer subsidised policy. Those same councillors are not the slightest bit interested in whether people in York are struggling or not.

    Good article in the West Magazine this week. Pleased to see none of York's self appointed royalty got a mention. Had a chuckle when I read the two well deserved kicks up the backside for the previous administration staff and council. Couldn't help but conjure up an image of them chocking on their warm milk and Weeties.

    1. Pity the West article did not acknowledge M. Reid for removing Ray Hooper.

  12. All monies raised from any festival or event receiving ratepayer fund grant money should be returned back into the York community.

    1. The 1950's called and they want their advice back

    2. Deidre, is your comment in the right thread? I don't get to choose where it goes. Google does that automatically, based on where you placed it.

  13. Just read the two new articles on the other blog - Mr. Taylor gets my vote.

  14. I see on the Shire Webpage the YRCC is hiring more staff for the Bar and Restaurant.Must be really good to loose even more at the ratepayer expense. I find this disgusting running in direct competition with businesses in York.We know the YRCC is a white elephant catering to the few that are in sporting clubs no problem with that but sporting clubs need to run it themselves

    1. Yes, and to run it entirely at their own expense. Sadly, that will never happen unless the present council is replaced with one that has the interests of the majority of ratepayers at heart and defies the influence of discredited former councillors who played a significant part in establishing the YRCC (and are happy to pig out and booze there).

      Collectively, the current mob don't have the balls to do the right thing by the rest of us or the brains to make an intelligent decision without calling on the services of a so-called 'leisure consultant'. I'm confident that David Taylor and Tricia Walters know what needs to be done about the 'white elephant' and have the courage to press for change. That's why I'll be voting for them.

  15. Let the manager of the Bar and Restaurant pay the wages for all the staff. He is building an empire at ratepayers expense.

    In a few weeks we have a chance to replace three of the seven councillors. ALL but Cr. Walters ignore the fact the community is sick of their rates going up because of the YRCC. Minimal increase this year will not make the issue go away, we need councillors who have the guts to cut the spending and reduce rates.

  16. Councillors seem to think they are doing a great job because few attend their meetings.
    No consideration has been given to the possibility residents may have tired of watching a muted puppet show.

  17. Be interesting to see how many councillors up for re-election this time bother to attend the meet the councillors evening.
    Trevor Randell didn't bother fronting last time. He told people he would resign if elected and didn't keep his word.
    Will he have the gall to turn up this time?

  18. Who is managing the YRCC?

  19. Does that person have a name or has he/she changed it by deed poll?
