Monday 9 October 2017


Meet the Candidates

You’ll be able to meet the candidates—and bombard them with penetrating questions—from 7.30 pm onwards at the Church of Christ Hall in Avon Terrace on Thursday, 12 October 2017.

AVRA’s Keith Schekkerman will chair the meeting.

Meanwhile, here are some questions every candidate should have to answer:

1.     Council has set a current rate of 11.849 cents of Gross Rental Value for residential properties in York. 

This compares unfavourably with rates set by some metropolitan councils offering greater public amenity, e.g. Joondalup at 5.3 cents and Mosman Park at less than 6 cents. 

This year, the average amount of rates levied on York’s 1416 residential properties is $1,823.

According to the 2016 Census, York’s weekly median household income is $1024.  That is roughly two-thirds of the figure for WA as a whole, which is $1,595.  Median gross weekly personal income in York is $540 for residents aged over 15, compared with $724 for WA.  More than a quarter of York’s population (26.5%) is aged 65 or over, in other words of pensionable age.

Bearing those figures in mind, do you agree that York’s rates impose an unconscionable burden on a relatively impoverished community, and if you do agree, what steps will you take if elected towards reducing them over time to a reasonable level—say 7.7%, where they stood exactly 40 years ago? 

2.     In its current budget, the Shire provides for employee costs of $3,842,000, an increase of $339,232 over last year’s figure.  Those costs amount to 39% of budget expenditure, and represent the highest single category of expenditure identified in the budget.

According to the 2016 Census, the population of York now stands at 3,606.  This means that the cost this year of employing Shire staff amounts to $1,065.45 for each man, woman and child residing in York.

Do you agree that those employment costs are a tad excessive, and if you do agree, will you take action if elected to put the brakes on further staff recruitment?

3.      The York Recreation and Convention Centre is widely regarded as a poorly conceived and hideously expensive failure that serves the interests of less than one-fifth of York’s population and will always be a huge financial burden on ratepayers, whatever management model is imposed on it.

In particular, people are concerned that the Forrest Bar and Café, a Shire owned, staffed and managed enterprise, operates in competition with local businesses and worse, does so with the advantage of being heavily subsidized from the rates.

Council seems content to continue with this morally and fiscally questionable situation, at least for the next couple of years.  More than that, it is in the process of recruiting a ‘Wait Services and Functions Officer’ and a ‘Kitchen Hand General Duties’ to assist in running the bar and café.

If elected, will you support Council’s current policy regarding the Forrest Bar and Café—or will you take proper account of the interests of ratepayers and local businesses and press for the enterprise to cease trading forthwith?

4.     What do you regard as the most important aspects of a councillor’s role as defined in the Local Government Act 1995?  Why?

Yes, the questions are a bit wordy, but designed to leave no wiggle room for even the craftiest of candidates.  To avoid disappointment (we’ve had that in spades), don’t vote for anyone who can’t or won’t give a straight and honest answer to questions like those—or for anyone who doesn’t understand them.

It (usually) pays to advertise

Only three of the seven candidates, Trent, Wallace and Walters, chose to spruik their electoral wares in the pages of the October issue of York and Districts Community Matters.

With great respect, I have to say that Cr Wallace wasted his money and his opportunity.   I would have expected him to indicate briefly what he intends to do in his next term of office, and why. 

Instead, he opted for cloudy generalities wrapped up in weasel words and phrases like ‘good governance’, ‘stability in council’ and ‘move York forward in a positive direction’.   

For heaven’s sake, Dave, what does all that actually mean? 

Never mind, I’m pretty certain he’ll breeze in on the sporting club vote.

Mr Trent, on the other hand, made good use of his opportunity by clarifying his position with regard to the disposal of Perth waste in rural landfill sites.  He’s against it, and has been for many years.  

He’s also in favour of preserving trees as habitats for birds.  That, too, is something I can warm to.

Cr Walters simply relied on her manifesto as it appeared in the library window.  If elected, she will fight to reduce rates by restraining Shire spending. 

Like Cr Wallace, she doesn’t mention the landfill issue, but she has privately assured me that she is strongly opposed to the siting of a landfill anywhere in York.

As, of course, is Cr Wallace.


  1. Morning Jim. Its a piss poor line up, I shall only be ticking one box, David Taylor, at least he's made it abundantly clear what his thoughts are on certain contentious issues and voiced those thoughts with candor.

    You shouldn't worry to much about only the three of the candidate advertising in the local rag, for unknown reasons a good portion of the town didn't receive their usual copy through the letter box. The conspiracy theorists among us might think it has something to do with Ms McDonald using her influence over delivery of the newspaper, it will be interesting to see if she allows flyers to be sent out as has happened in previous years.

    1. I won't comment on the line-up, but I'm sure Sharon had nothing to do with the failure of the October issue of YDCM to reach every letterbox in York.


    2. As I understand it, the local newspaper is no longer delivered to our letter boxes because Australia Post - not Sharon - put the price up and it became unviable.

    3. Michael W, you could always put your hat in the ring, if you think the line up is so poor.

  2. Bloody good questions James. Lets see which of the sitting councillors up for re-election are prepared to answer them and keep their word if they get voted in.

    I am backing David Taylor for the same reason as the above comment.

  3. Hi Jim
    I know your going do something on the line regarding the YRCC health inspection but we should ask the candidates with the shire doing health inspection on their own business. I feel this is wrong a conflict of interest and shown poor credibility for York health Department.I want to do my own just like them Im trained in cert 4 health. Also what is the shire doing about long term tenants at settlers house causing anti social behavior this is another health issue in the planning permission that was given . York health is meant to be doing yearly inspection 75% are still waiting after 5 years. This is poor management on the York health dep.I can go on but i think you can get the picture of some failure in the Health Dept at the shire.

    1. Why not come to tomorrow's meeting and question the candidates directly about those issues?

      In my view, the Shire's Health Inspector shouldn't be the one to inspect the Forrest Bar and Cafe (if that is still happening). That task should be farmed out to an inspector from a neighbouring shire. The arrangement you mention is a bit too cosy. Caesar shouldn't be inspecting Caesar, so to speak.

      Did you ever get a reply/apology from the Shire regarding your letter of complaint, by the way?

  4. I was disgusted to witness Crs. Ferro and Heaton nudging and smirking during Cr. Walters address to those attending last nights meet the candidates evening. 

Cr. Heaton asked candidate David Taylor, if elected, would he continue writing for the blog. David Taylor's response was brilliant. He lent forward and said 'if elected, there will be no need for the blog'. 

    Randell failed to show up but his puppet master 'Minority Report Pat' did.

    Schekkerman stopped Dr. Plumbridge from speaking but allowed Pat Hooper to make a long statement about the YRCC.

    1. Can we get a copy somewhere of last night's meeting?

    2. So far as I know, nobody was taking minutes. The meeting was relatively informal.

      I made a few notes and will convert them into a brief report that I'll post above tomorrow or Monday.

  5. David Taylor's presentation from last night is up on the other blog.

  6. I could not attend last nights presentation and appreciate being able to read what David had to say.

    I heard in the co-op this morning that Cr. Walters gave the best presentation of the evening.

  7. Why did Ms. Heaton announce herself as Councillor Heaton when asking that question? Was she there on Shire business?

    1. As I recall, Mrs Heaton introduced herself as Pam Heaton, then added that she is a councillor. Truly, I don't see anything wrong with that. Her question to David Taylor - 'if you're elected, will you go on writing for the blog' (or words to that effect) - revealed more about her than she probably realised, but she had every right to ask it.

      I wish David had replied that he would continue with his blog, so he could keep us forelock-tuggers informed about what councillors say and do behind closed doors. I'd like to have witnessed her reaction!

    2. Why can't David Taylor continue writing for the blog when he is elected? Subiaco councillors write their own news items on social media.

  8. The smile was wiped from her face.

    1. I didn't notice Cr Heaton smiling when she asked her question.

      What surprised me was that she asked it. Based on something Cr Ferro wrote to me around the time of the oversized shed saga - during which both Cr Walters and Cr Saint played an honourable part reflecting their understanding of the principle involved - I had assumed that councillors and the administration pay little or no attention to what is written on either blog.

      Perhaps, after all, David Taylor and I have not been merely 'singing to the choir', though I still doubt that we are taken seriously by the superior spirits on Council. But Cr Heaton's question suggested otherwise.

    2. Of course, they read the blogs, maybe out of curiosity, most likely and rightly so for guidance and a real attempt to stay in the loop with the people on the ground, with an intention to fit them in when it suits.

  9. If councillors take guidance from the blogs, can someone explain why the YRCC Tavern is still trading and being subsidised by ratepayers?

    1. Believe me, I don't flatter myself that councillors take guidance from the blogs. Most of them, if they do read the blogs, would be more likely to take umbrage than guidance.
