Sunday 31 December 2017


‘We must protect the organisation.’
York Shire President Wallace, in conversation with a ratepayer, 2016.

A lawyer’s letter—every blogger’s dream

Readers may be surprised—and some may be pleased—to learn that I have received from Richard Graham, a defamation lawyer, what is known in the legal trade as a ‘concerns notice’.

Mr Graham is acting for a certain gentleman—hereinafter ‘Mr X’— who used to work for the Shire.

David Taylor has received a similar notice from the same source.

According to the notice sent to me, Mr X is ‘seriously aggrieved’ by various anonymous and pseudonymous comments posted on this blog touching on the circumstances of his departure from the Shire’s employ. 

He claims that imputations contained in those comments have damaged his reputation and that he has suffered loss and damage as a result—not to mention ‘stress, anxiety and depression’.

Mr X is no less aggrieved, it seems, by a report in one of my articles that he had said in the presence of a witness ‘the thing which is not’ regarding the matter of an oversized shed.  

The concerns notice amounts to an emphatic denial of each and every (allegedly) false and defamatory imputation concerning Mr X appearing in the pages of this and David’s blog—especially those pertaining to…well, you know... let’s not cause further embarrassment by spelling it out.

Mr X has instructed his lawyer that ‘each of the imputations…are totally false, without basis and constitute serious defamations of my client [and] that he resigned from the Shire of York due to personal health reasons’. 

(Grammar note: I think that should be ‘is totally false’, because ‘each’ denotes singularity.  You’d think a lawyer would know better.)

So there you have it, folks.  Mr X didn’t do what he was alleged to have done, and he resigned voluntarily because he was unwell, not because he’d done something naughty.

And anybody who says otherwise is lying—or so Mr X implies in his notice of concerns.

I’m sure Mr Graham will have advised Mr X that under section 25 of the Defamation Act 2005 an action for defamation is doomed to fail if the publisher of the ‘defamatory imputations’ is able to show that they are ‘substantially true’.

Making amends

The notice invites me to make by or before 10 January 2018 an offer of amends that would include:

(a) publishing an apology and a retraction on this website;

(b) handing over the names, addresses and email addresses of the authors of the offending comments (something I can’t possibly do, because I don’t know who they are and have no way of finding out—and if I did know, neither thumbscrew nor rack, not even the Spanish Inquisition’s comfy chair, would drag the information out of me);

(c)  removing all (allegedly) false and defamatory statements about Mr. X from this website;

(d) undertaking not to publish any more such statements;

(e) providing a signed apology and retraction which Mr X may publish ‘as he sees fit’;

(f)  paying Mr X’s legal costs; and

(g) paying ‘a reasonable sum’ to compensate Mr X for the damage (allegedly) caused to him by publication of the (allegedly) defamatory statements.

Before deciding whether or not to do any of those things, I thought it would be a good idea to get the Shire’s version of what had occurred. 

My email to CEO Martin

So on 15 December 2017, I emailed CEO Paul Martin for an opinion on the lurid rumours winging wildly through the town and alighting as comments on this blog. 

In my email, I summarised very briefly the general drift of public opinion, as expressed in those comments, regarding Mr X and what he was alleged to have done.

I mentioned public concern regarding allegations—

(a) that CEO Martin had effectively condoned Mr X’s alleged misdemeanours by not reporting them to the police (I had pointed out in blog comments of my own that in my opinion he was under no obligation to do any such thing); and

(b) that after leaving his job Mr X had continued to have access to Shire of York assets and resources—notably, that he had been spotted driving a Shire vehicle in Northam a week or so later.


Helpful soul that I am, I took it upon myself to advise CEO Martin of certain rumours relating to whatever steps he may have taken to facilitate Mr X’s remarkably abrupt exit from the service of the Shire.   

One such rumour was that he had required Mr X to resign rather than give him the sack, and had authorised Mr X’s continuing use of a Shire vehicle and accommodation. 

Another—in my view more serious—was that the CEO had put pressure on Shire staff to say nothing to outsiders about the circumstances of Mr X’s departure.  Whether or not he did that, or had reason to do it, it would certainly have been in keeping with the standard bureaucratic view that local government employees should be treated as a protected species and exempted as far as possible from normal processes of public disclosure, prosecution and disgrace.

It would also have been in keeping with the narcissistic local government doctrine that ‘protecting the organisation’ trumps ideas of openness, honesty and accountability in the organisation’s dealings with the people whose rates and taxes keep the rickety vessel afloat and support the grotesquely inflated salaries and emoluments of the crew.

(I should mention in passing that the allegations regarding Mr X emanated directly from members of the Shire workforce.  

Moreover, a relative of a Shire employee asked that employee if the allegations were true.  The employee refused to respond and when pressed, simply walked away.   Make of that what you will.

Mr X says he resigned ‘due to personal health reasons’. But why pull the pin on a lucrative job when all you would normally need to do if in poor health is ask for leave?)

The oversized shed

I also raised in my email the issue of the oversized shed, providing the names and address of the lucky applicants.  I said my concern was that the shed ‘had been approved secretly under delegation to keep it out of the public eye’.

Mr X, I said, did in fact assure me that no such approval had been given, and did so in the presence of a witness, whom I named (and who will if necessary give evidence in court).  

As yet, nothing has happened to convince me that the application went before Council for approval in what used and ought to be the normal way.  

Mr X told me exactly as I recounted that no such application had been made and no such approval given.   The meeting at which he said that took place in the Shire office.  It commenced at 11.30 am on Tuesday 6 June 2017.  Later, I got double confirmation that what he had told me wasn’t true.  He claims I was wrong to accuse him of misleading me, or of lying.

I suppose it’s possible that for some obscure reason the application and its outcome had been hidden from Mr X as it was from the rest of us—but I think that would be very unlikely.


I made it clear in my email that if Mr X carries out his threat to sue me for defamation, I will not hesitate to subpoena as witnesses the young women alleged to have been upset by his alleged behaviour. 

If the allegations are true, I cannot believe that those young women would be willing to perjure themselves for the sake of Mr X. 

I will also subpoena the CEO and other staff who may have played a part in facilitating Mr X’s departure and all relevant documentation, including correspondence, file notes and notes of telephone conversations, if any, with the office of the Minister for Local Government and his Department.

And for good measure, just for the hell of it, I’ll subpoena Shire President Wallace.  I’m sure he was kept fully informed of whatever was going on.

The Shire’s reply, or ‘pop go the weasel words’

It turned out that the CEO was away on annual leave, so the task of responding to my email fell to Suzie Haslehurst as Acting CEO.

This was her reply, which arrived in my inbox on 22 December:

Further to your email regarding a letter received from Mr [X’s] lawyer, I can offer the following;

  • Mr [X] resigned from his employment with the Shire of his own accord without any pressure or prompting from Paul Martin and there was no inappropriate use of a Shire vehicle, accommodation or any other Shire assets or resources by Mr [X].  No pressure was put on Shire staff.
  • I understand the shed application you refer to was dealt with in the normal way in accordance with Shire practices and procedures.


Suzie Haslehurst
Acting Chief Executive Officer

That phrase ‘I can offer the following’ is a dead giveaway.  The email has ‘legal advice’ stamped all over it.  Roughly, it means ‘I’m going to tell you something that looks like the truth, and that may have truth in it, but it won’t be the whole truth, which I intend to obfuscate to the best of my ability because that’s what the Shire’s lawyers have instructed me to do’.

On the other hand, if the email was all Suzie’s own work, she’s in the wrong job.  She should join the Noble and Ancient Order of Pettifoggers and start dishing out legal advice instead of taking it.

Anyway, this (here slightly edited) was my response, dated the same day.

Thanks, Suzie.  I'm pleased (but not surprised) that the rumours concerning Paul Martin's involvement are untrue.

I'm still puzzled, though.

Saying that 'there was no inappropriate use of a Shire vehicle or other assets or resources' leaves wide open the question of what use the Shire would consider 'appropriate'.  To put the matter simply: are you saying that Mr [X] did not have access to a Shire vehicle and accommodation after leaving the Shire's employ, and that reports of his being seen driving a Shire-owned vehicle in Northam a couple of weeks later are untrue?

Mr X may well have resigned 'of his own accord', but does that mean that the allegations [made against him] are untrue?  By implication in a letter to David Taylor, the DLG has confirmed that such were indeed the circumstances surrounding his departure.

Finally, if the shed application in question was dealt with 'in the normal way', does that mean it was submitted to and approved by Council like previous oversized shed applications?  If it was, at what Council meeting was it approved?  Or does 'in the normal way' indicate that what's normal now is for such potentially contentious matters to be dealt with under delegation in order to avoid public scrutiny?

Regards and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

My fourth paragraph is very imprecisely worded, so I’d better enlarge a little on my reference to the letter to David Taylor from the DLG, which actually wasn’t from the DLG but from the Local Government Minister’s Chief of Staff, Gary Hamley.

David reproduced Mr Hamley’s letter, dated 6 December 2017, in a recent post on his blog.   The rest of the post consists of David’s reply to Mr Hamley.

Mr Hamley’s letter appears to respond to David’s open letter, dated 9 November, to Mr Duncan Ord, Director General of the DLG.  Presumably, Mr Ord referred David’s letter to Minister Templeman.

David’s letter, as is usual with him, pulls no punches.  He makes no secret of what he believes Mr X to have done, what he thinks the Shire and other bodies ought to do about it, and what rather less satisfactory course of action the Shire will likely embark on instead.

And what does Mr Hamley say in reply?  Does he dispute David’s colourful account of what Mr X is alleged to have done?

No, he doesn’t.  This is what he says (emphasis added):

As you would be aware, the management of local government staff is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), however, I am advised that the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries was aware of the matters you have raised and is informed that appropriate action has been taken by the CEO. 

Ah, that weasel word ‘appropriate’ again.  How would they manage without it?


One thing I want to make very clear is that I have absolutely no personal animosity towards Mr X.  I met him only a couple of times, quite liked him, and formed the impression that he was good at his job.

It would give me real pleasure to find out that the allegations made against him are completely untrue, as he claims.  If that happens, I will cheerfully make an offer of amends as outlined in the concerns notice.

But until then, I’m not going to allow myself to be bullied into submission by a lawyer’s letter and concerns notice—not even by a writ.  I doubt Mr X will have any more luck with David Taylor.

I was going to disable comments for this post, but have changed my mind.  If you wish to comment, and feel you have to mention Mr X, please refer to him as that and not by his real name. 

Please note, though, that the primary target of this post is the Shire’s cover-up, not Mr X.  Did the CEO act ‘appropriately’?  If so, how?  If not, why? What did he actually do?

NOTE (added New Year's Day):  After consulting my better half—who as many of my readers will know is a paid up member of the Noble and Ancient Order of Pettifoggers—I’ve decided to remove some but not all of the comments to which Mr X, through his lawyer, has objected.

The four comments removed would tend to identify Mr X and to expose him—so to speak—to the world at large as one given to flourishing his flesh in what Suzie Haslehurst might describe as an ‘inappropriate context’.

Let the record show that I declined throughout to be swept up in what I regarded as a tsunami of moral outrage and calls for punishment.  That doesn’t mean I condone in any way what Mr X is alleged to have done.   

In my view, the alleged behaviour is to be thoroughly condemned but is so unfathomable in all the circumstances that it seems to call for therapy rather than a whipping.  At the same time, I understand and respect the opinions of others who view the situation differently.

I have not removed the comments from fear of legal action.  I shall not be taking up Mr X’s invitation to ‘make amends’.  If Mr X wishes to pursue these matters in court, I am willing to oblige him.  I shall be saying that to his lawyer.

Rather, I’ve removed the comments from motives of humanity and compassion.   I realized that if I didn’t remove them, they might follow Mr X around for the rest of his professional life—at any rate, every time he applied for a job.  What he is alleged to have done is bad, but my wife and I agree it doesn’t deserve a life sentence.

Besides, today is the beginning of what I hope will be a bright new year for everyone, including Mr X.  I just hope he is able to recover from whatever it is that ails him and to get his life back on track.

I apologise to readers whose comments I have deleted—especially to the one whose comment I deleted by accident and don’t know how to restore!


  1. Unless something has changed a over size shed application doesn't need to go to council if all adjoining property owners sign a letter of consent just saying.

    1. Maybe so, but that's not really the point. Mr X told me without qualification that no such approval had been given.

      And if this case was dealt with as you suggest, why didn't Suzie say so? Why does the Shire have to fob people off with weasel words instead of telling them the truth?

    2. I thought over sized shed (and sea container) applications had to go to council so York doesn't finish up looking like the Kewdale Industrial area. 

      After Hooper left delegated authority was reviewed by council to make sure the power/control went back to where it belongs - the Council!

  2. Why didn't the Minister's Chief of Staff's response letter to David Taylor include a denial, legal warning or strong berating if what David wrote was untrue?

  3. Is it all right to refer to him as (mr xxx)or would that not be a fair shake of the sav.

  4. Hoo-bloody-ray it’s about time, perhaps Mr ‘C’, appoligies my mistake, I meant Mr ‘X’ will be dumb enough to go the whole hog and we will see some senior employees both past and present under oath in the box.

    I’m fortunate enough to be friends with a couple of thoroughly principled decent Shire employees and I can categorically say that they would welcome a showdown before a court if that’s what it takes for the truth to be exposed (for want of a better word).

    When a scandal is uncovered via any media source and government personnel are caught out, their first instinct is to lie, closely followed by the routine cover-up. If the cover-up fails, which inevitably they all do, just a question of when, then the threats start, classic bully tactics.

    Unless my good friends are lying, which I very much doubt, Mr X revealed himself on at least one known occasion, in my uneducated opinion this confirms that what has been written on the blogs is substantially true.

    I sincerely respect your stance that you won’t be “bullied prematurely into submission” although I’m slightly confused about the ‘prematurely’ bit?

    Clearly Mr X has issues he needs to deal with, the matter had died a death and he should have accepted that instead of risking what will undoubtedly come back and bite him on the proverbial.

    Like you I have no axe to grind with Mr X, my concerns are with the habitual cover-ups, which, retrospectively, are nearly always worse than the crimes they attempt to conceal.

    Whenever you hear those acutely annoying words; “we must protect the organization”, what is actually being said is we must cover-up, the line between the two being indefinable to the ordinary reasonable person.

    Keep up the good work informing the public on the continuing corrupt activities of local government.

    1. Thanks for your kind and encouraging support. I don't know how that 'prematurely' crept in there. I shall remove it forthwith.

      It's the Shire's dishonest and ridiculous attempts to obfuscate the issue that offend me most. Mr X's actions were childish, bizarre and no doubt unsettling, but so far as I know he didn't threaten, assault, cause injury, steal, or offer the ladies illicit drugs. As you say, the cover-up is worse than the crime. I wonder if it has anything to do with the widely held view that Mr X was a 'captain's pick'?

      As for 'protecting the organisation' - am I the only person in York who suspects that SP Wallace is a little out of his depth? Surely it's the community that needs protection from the organisation, not the other way around?

    2. As sure as God made little green apples, if Mr X was ill he would have taken extended leave as did Ms Cochrane, he would not have resigned; no sane public servant would as the benefits are way too munificent to pass up when in the employ of the public sector.

      I recall Mr H resigning from his position of CEO rather than attempting to argue and justify his actions, he realized he had nowhere to go other than resignation.

      Sometimes it’s better to jump before being pushed, and then at least there is some chance invasive investigation can be avoided, which I'm sure was more to Mr Martin's advantage than Mr X's.

  5. I'm a bit interested in whether the lawyer's letter included the actual posts being alleged as defamatory or whether his words are as you've written "various anonymous and pseudonymous comments" and "removing all (allegedly) false and defamatory statements" without identifying what they are.

    There's a US law-blogger - Ken White @ popehat - who often garners pro bono support for people threatened over free speech issues by censorious legal-types (and their paymasters). His catchphrase - "vagueness in legal threats is the hallmark of frivolous thuggery" is why I asked about the actual claims. I understand US and Australian law are two different beasties, but I expect the practitioners are all cut from the same cloth. IANAL, but it looks like this is more of a bullying threat - with chilling effects on free speech - than a serious legal challenge.

    To see similar tactics employed in the US, check out the 'Censorious Asshat' awards on his site:

    1. Mr Graham's letter referred specifically to the comments, identifying their location in the blog. He quoted only the opening lines of each comment. I wouldn't describe his threats as vague.

      My guess (as everyone knows, I like to think well of people) is that he had taken Mr X at his word regarding the content of the comments, which might very well attract serious legal consequences were they untrue. If they were untrue, I would not have published them, but you, I and the rest of York know better - as will Mr Graham when he reads my response.

      The Shire, for its part, would do well to ask Mr X to back off. Neither the administration nor the councillors (especially SP Wallace) come out of this business smelling of violets. They all seem to have conspired to hide unpalatable truth from the public gaze. Shame, shame, and sod 'protecting the organisation'.

      Ken White strikes me as a man after my own heart. Thanks very much for the link.

    2. I believe that you have received similar letters. I am sure that there will be more to come. Enjoy you certainly deserve them. After all it is you who wrote the blog, no one forced you. You should check the crap you place on this blog as valid with credible evidence before going off on your high horse. I hope the penalty is high but I doubt you will learn from this experience... Tally hoe good chap! You reap what you sow, Laughing all the way to the court house... Come in sucker!

    3. Welcome back, Anonymous@19:06. I've missed you since you deserted this blog to make a name for yourself on York Bitching.

      Don't be late for your appearance in the Magistrate's Court in Northam tomorrow. I'm told you are facing two criminal charges, damage and trespass. I suppose you are reaping what you sowed.

      Your standard of English seems to be improving. Are you by any chance taking lessons from your elderly neighbour?

      I don't know of any 'similar letters'. They must have got lost in the post.

      Toodle-oo, old chap, and jolly good luck for tomorrow.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    11. I wont entertain your ideer of your pompus spelling police rules you were able to understand whot wos written even with the spelling mistakes so what is the issue? does it affect the message? If it was in a traininging package or leagle documetn then it would need to becorrecthowever it does nott mtaer how it is wtetrn the human brain will sort itout. can you spot the obvious errors hear? Tallyhoe old chap! Continue your undermining and backstabbing of everyone who does not follow your communist idealogigy. Become deogitory and insulting when you have run out of actual factual information as you always do hence you now picking up on speeling errors!
      read with interest your comment on R's brazilian, you sick sick dementaed indevidual.
      Gee why6 should I check my facts when you have consitently failed to chaeck and validate your oppinons on this blog. One rule for the seprem leader and another fore the rest of the planets population... Ste the example and others might follow however keep persercuting people with incorrect information and your credablitiy flows deeper into the surage system. Hmm wondr if you hace found any obvious spelling errors yet.

    12. Hmm, yes, I've found many spelling errors - a few of them might be deliberate, I suppose.

      Have you sought advice yet from a lawyer? Your fans are all agog to know if you intend to fight the charges or plead guilty and throw yourself on the mercy of the court. I shall be there on the day to report on the proceedings.

      Keep the comments coming, old bean. I'm sure I'm not the only person in York who enjoys your deranged lucubrations. Toodle-pip.

    13. you need to check your facts old boy. You won't see me in court as I have don't have any charges to face. you need to stop assuming and gather some facts. It would be nice if you actually knew what you were talking about old boy... What!

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. now I am not not facing any charges old boy. I believe that you have me mixed up with someone else. I would need to get to the edge of my large property cross an extensive part of crown land and state Forrest to enter anyone else's property. Once again you seem to have incorrect facts and details and can't be bothered to check or verify facts before going off on your little rants. As an ADF major stated to me just the other day after he read some of your rubbish, you are only interested in your side of the story, at least a journalist try's to keep an impartial view and will check and verify details you however are so bigoted that you don't think correct and accurate validated information is worth of anyone who reads this drivel. So tally ho old chap!

    16. The facts I checked relate to a person who appeared in Northam court recently on charges of trespass and damage.

      You say you are not that person. I don't believe you, but if what you say is true, I have to point out that I can't 'check my facts' because you won't tell me who you are. Perhaps you should put me in touch with your gallant friend from the ADF who will no doubt be happy to back up your denial.

      I reject your absurd allegation that I am 'only interested in [my] side of the story'. I have always given space to argument and opinions opposed to mine, even when, as in your case, they come from folk who are obviously well down on the left hand side of the bell curve.

      Please tell me who you are so that I can check my facts. It worries me that you may have mixed yourself up with someone else!

    17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. Perhaps you'd like to give me some examples of the 'truthful information' that I have rejected or treated disrespectfully. I treat the truth with respect, but I admit to having a short and easy way with offensive rubbish or comments that display crass ignorance or are obviously intended to offend. Perhaps you'd like to give me some examples of truths that I have denied, bearing in mind that truth and opinion are not the same.

      I don't claim to be without bias. Nobody is. Of course, if I disagree with a comment I argue against it as cogently and pungently as I can. That's called 'debating the issue'. It's not disrespectful to argue against an opposing point of view. Debate is the lifeblood of democracy.

      I do check my facts as far as I can. Please give me some examples of facts I've failed to check. Please note, too, that sometimes when I try to check my facts, I get lied to.

      Usually, I don't correct spelling and grammar errors. I only do that when I'm dealing with offensive or patronising comments from folk like you.

      I've never served as a councillor, in York or anywhere else. You should check your facts before rushing into print.

      If you were to reveal your identity I would assuredly check to see if you had recently appeared in the Northam court. Meanwhile, I must point out that if you choose to imitate the silly linguistic habits of the person who did so appear ('tally ho', etc.) you shouldn't blame me for supposing that you and he are one and the same.

      Who have I treated unfairly, and how was that treatment unfair? Examples, please.

      You mention my agenda. What do you think that is? I'm dying to know.

      Your capacity for empathy does you credit, but I wouldn't employ you as a psychologist. Whatever 'something similar' might be, I doubt that anyone has done it to me, and if somebody had it would not have been with impunity.

      Finally, I'm not in the least sad and have no reason to be. You should check your facts before making such assumptions. I don't need anybody's pity and I certainly don't have a chip on my shoulder about anything. I enjoy my life, including writing for and moderating this blog, but thanks anyway for your concern.

    20. I seem to have accidentally deleted the comment to which my long screed is a reply. At any rate, it has mysteriously vanished from view. My sincere apologies to the author. If he or she would like to resend it, I will happily post it again.

    21. I've managed to retrieve the text of the vanished anonymous comment, originally posted on 24 January 2018 at 16:41. Here it is:

      "You rarely check your facts/ any facts so one would question the validity of your claim that you can not check your facts here because you don't know who I am? if I was to inform you of my identity, no doubt you ore one of your minions would go out of your/their way in an attempt to discredit me too as I do not suck up all of your one sided commentary here as factual, accurate or unbiased unlike some of your loyal minions!

      Yes some people that read this drivel do have functioning brains and know rubbish when they read it! Probably one of the outstanding features of potentially having a metro tip so close to town would be that it is not too far to take this rubbish and dispose of it where it belongs.

      If you were actually interested in placing accurate information on your blogs then you would be asking both parties about the issue prior to posting it with an impartial view. This sir does not appear to be your agenda!
      Truthful information supplied through commentary here on this blog ais rejected by you as absurd, why is this? Is it because the view is different to the world view of James Plumridge therefore it is wrong, incorrect and is required to be put down immediately before anyone else may decide that the comment is valid.

      If the information you post here was unbiased and factual then yes you could argue that you give space for argument and debate however it appears that should someone disagree with you then you attempt to relegate that persons point of view to the garbage.
      As a last defence you then attack any spelling errors in your pompous arrogant manner which you became renowned for during your time on the York Shire council.
      Here is a tip for you, being able to spell does not make the man, their actions define them. I assure you I have never been to the Northam court house. I don't care that you dismiss this and continue to think I am someone else.
      Keep denying the truth if it keeps you happy and warm at night, It effects me not at all!
      It would not matter if I gave you my identity as you still would not check your facts, your many blogs show this repeatedly.
      Further to this who I choose to associate with has nothing to do with you nor does it require your approval.

      Maybe I just happen to feel that some of the people you have targeted have been targeted unfairly. I do not know them personally in the majority of instances however I am capable of empathy and can feel for the unjust biased treatment that you delight to subject them too.
      In most cases you could have spoken to these people before posting your biased opinionated blog and chose not to in your desire to persecute them for your own agenda.
      I would have to assume that this is because someone long ago did something similar to you and this is the only way you can cope with that issue!
      You are a sad, sad little man carrying a huge chip on your shoulders, I pity you , I really do!"

      The author is very willing to insult me publicly but too much of a coward to disclose his identity. I wonder if he will have the courage, or indeed the intelligence, to rise to my challenge by producing evidence to support his accusations. Somehow I doubt it.

    22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    23. Anonymous21 January 2018 at 16:35, 24 January 2018 at 16:41, Anonymous14 January 2018 at 22:01

      You claim to live surrounded by crown land and national forrest. An amazing environment to live it, how can you be so angry?

    24. 24 January 2018 at 16:41. Suggest you check your facts.

      York has had more than its fair share of pompous arrogant councillors over the last decade or two. James Plumridge is not one of them because I can find no record of him as a York Shire Councillor. This fact is easy to prove. Go check the bi-annual photos of councillors and then tell us what years he represented the community.

      Where's the 'many blogs' you refer to? James Plumridge only runs one blog which has articles and comments. Thesaurus is a great tool for those struggling with terminology.

      If you do not know the majority of the people targeted personally, how do you know they have been targeted unfairly?

      Look forward to your answers.

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. Anonymous22 January 2018 at 21:02 crikey, that conjures up a scary image, no wonder the Police were called.

    27. To the anonymous author of the comment beginning 'Would that be...' followed by the surname of a well-known York personality: Congratulations, you solved the cryptic clue.

      Unfortunately, I can't publish your comment until I'm certain that the person you named is indeed acting as understudy for the gentleman who is scheduled to appear in Northam court again on 12 February. My informants may be mistaken. If so, I wouldn't want to embarrass the poor chap.

    28. So you don't like inaccurate facts, well other people can do it too... see, you do not have a monopoly on that. Whats good for the goose and all that! Imitation is flattery is it not and as you have proven time and time again, you can not let any facts get int he way of your bullying or innuendo or a fictitious story now can we?

    29. I've never said I don't like 'inaccurate facts'. There's no such thing as an inaccurate fact. 'Inaccurate facts' is an oxymoron, logically speaking. If it's inaccurate, it isn't a fact.

      Correct me if I'm wrong (on second thoughts, don't bother, life's too short) but I would say that the term 'inaccurate' applies only to statements and measurements. You might want to ponder the difference between a fact and a statement of fact, but if your brain starts to hurt stop thinking immediately, ring for an ambulance and assume the foetal position until it arrives.

      'Innuendo' is Italian for suppository. I wouldn't want to get in the way of one of those.

  6. Just a change of subject, for a bit. Now we have a bit of "normal" York heat around again and at night time are looking to leave open some doors and windows, hoping for a bit of fresh air/a breeze, to lift some heat from our homes.

    Those dear little thugs are wandering our streets again, hiding in our gardens and checking out access points to the internal parts of our homes. I have had one, just this last Wednesday night.

    If I catch up with him, it will be a quick smack over the back of his head with a lump of 4 x 2.

    To those of you who have dogs, especially those who let you know, there is someone in your garden,

    1. Turn on ALL external lights.
    2. If you are at all concerned, ring the Police on 13 14 44. They will contact nearest Police, who will come and check it all out. Will also run patrols past your property, as part of their nightly tours. If you do see someone, make careful note and details, of colour, hair, height, clothing, shoes, anything at all that stands out, to help the Police nab the little sods.

    If nothing else, you can always turn the hose on them! They can deny all sorts of stuff, but wringing wet from a dousing, can't be easily explained.

    3. This person/s whistles your dogs and tries to make friends with them, SO, if you call your dog into the house DO NOT use the dogs' name, because the thug will also use the dogs' name. The same with your contact whistling. If your dog comes to a particular whistle from you, will also come to someone elses' whistle.

    4. Call the animal DOG, or here boy/girl whatever.
    5. This person who was in my garden for quite some time the other night, just kept moving around the garden, to a different spot and hiding behind bushes. At one point he must have been just a couple of metres from me, as I found trampled plants the next morning.

    My dog is a v. good little watch dog, but has a nice nature. Such a shame then, that the dog isn't quite into sinking in the fangs - yet! Something I will be working on, while I'm carrying a really good torch and a large waddy. smack, smack!

    Finally, make sure you place your stuff out of sight and do not keep your car keys and money together, or in a bag/purse - whatever. Spread them out, different rooms perhaps.

    A friend of mine in the city told me the other day, that an elderly friend of hers (92yrs) had come back home from shopping with her carer. Access to her home - back entrance, was through the garage and into the kitchen. The carer left the lady, who had placed her handbag on the lounge chair, and unfortunately both the carer and the lady forgot to shut and lock the garage door and the back door.
    When the lady came back out in to the main room, her handbag had gone, with about $80.00. By the time she had advised the Police, the thief had also removed a good portion of her life savings from her bank account, as well!!

    Take care and stay SAFE.


  7. And yet, another subject, but one we have been dealing with for some time.

    The dumping/landfill of rubbish on rich, good quality farmland. You have until the 19th January to put in your objections.
    Kay Davies had written up a very good application covering all the bases and all you have to do is read what the documents is saying and then just - SIGN it, DATE it, with NAME and ADDRESS and deliver it to the York Shire. The more people who do this, the better our chances are of stopping it from going ahead. For those who don't have access to the copy, I will ask James if he can perhaps put a copy on the blog, that you can just print off, and follow the above instructions.

    Takes just a couple of minutes of your time and not difficult, for an outcome that could well be absolutely devastating to our community for years to come, with the added danger of hundreds of trucks on the Perth road, each day. We have enough traumas from road and traffic accidents, on top of the pollution and damage to our environment.

    Get a copy of the document and sign it, and do your bit for our community.


    1. I'll certainly post a copy on the blog as soon as it arrives. Thanks, Kay, for taking the lead in persuading and helping people to make a stand against the new landfill threat.

      Speaking of which, I heard a disquieting rumour this afternoon that I sincerely hope isn't true.

      It appears that Kay prepared 1500 or so double-sided forms for people to read, sign and pass on to the Shire. The CRC is closed until next week, so she asked CEO Paul Martin if the Shire would photocopy the forms, which would then be distributed to York residents, presumably by mass mailing.

      Paul said he would have to get permission from Shire President David Wallace. He contacted Cr Wallace, who refused permission - so it's said - on the grounds that the Shire 'mustn't be seen to be taking sides'.

      I had the impression that with regard to the proposed landfill the Shire and the York community were singing from the same songbook and we could rely on the Shire and every one of our councillors, especially our shire president, to assist us wholeheartedly in the fight.

      If the rumour is true, would the Shire President's reluctance to engage the common enemy have anything to do with the fact that Allawuna's owner, Mr Robert Chester, has associated himself directly with the current application? Surely Cr Wallace isn't afraid of Mr Chester?

      And did Cr Wallace make the decision unilaterally, without first consulting other councillors? If so, should he have done?

      As I said, I hope the rumour isn't true. But if it is, it's time for Cr Wallace to resign. The people of York need and deserve a courageous champion at the helm - not a despotic equivocator.

    2. I wonder what Lady Jane would think of the SP’s unilateral decision making if the allegations are correct (I suspect they are), especially as it relates to the latest landfill proposal to which Lady Jane vehemently objected to, prior to her anointment as Councillor.

      Under the circumstances and because of the public interest factor, Mr Martin should have obliged and charged a minimal fee, putting it down to administrative/operational matters therefore keeping the SP well out of the decision.

      I’m with you Jim, Cr Wallace is in way over his head, the similarities between his conduct and that of his predecessors is uncanny.

      I would like to see the young fella Denis Warnick in the chair while he’s still unsullied.

      On the subject of defamation, I was saddened to see that you appear to have been browbeaten into submission by a shyster lawyer into removing published comments.

    3. Honestly, I wasn't browbeaten into submission. I haven't removed everything to which Mr X objected.

      As I've said before, I was moved to act as I did by moral, not legal considerations. I feel sorry for Mr X, who seems to have gone a bit loopy and I'd say needs help and plenty of it.

      Outing miscreants on social media is fine by me, but as we all know the revelations are in cyberspace for eternity if not taken down (remember Trevor Dunen from 2009, his blog post is still there). Mr X may have committed a crime, but he hasn't been convicted of one and I've heard nothing to indicate that he inflicted pain or misery, aroused an apprehension of danger, bullied members of the public or stole money from the Shire. I'm told that after the initial shock the women concerned had a laugh about what he did, which of course doesn't mean they didn't take it seriously.

      That said, I accept that not everyone would agree with me, and I respect your opinion. I'm not entirely certain that I've done the right thing in taking down some of the 'offending comments', even though my wife is adamant that I have.

    4. Poor show the Shire didn’t help with the landfill submission photocopying. A well known York business person came to the rescue and printed the double sided anti landfill submissions free of charge. Kay Robyn and another lady triple folded them by hand ready for delievery to homes.

      It was a case of if you want something done you get on and do it yourself, to hell with those people paid by the ratepayers and elected members.

  8. Anonymous4 January 2018 at 16:06 Lady Jane will do what she does best, flutter her eyelids, smile sweetly then give the SP unconditional support and retrospective permission.
    She fooled us all at those public meetings in the Town Hall speaking against the Landfill. I recall before she was elected, she was adamant councillors should communicate openly with the community. Another thing she fooled us on. Haven't seen hide nor hair of her since she was elected.

  9. James Plumridge4 January 2018 at 04:36 - well done Kay.
    I believe it was Robyn who asked the Shire to photocopy the submission forms.
    I am shaking my head in despair, I thought the Shire was on our side and supposed to bat for the Ratepayers?
    AMI are not ratepayers!

  10. Thank you to Kay Davies for taking the time to write a comprehensive submission against the current landfill application and have it delivered to every address in York.

    The two sided document only needs people to put their name and address, a signature and date on it then deliver or post to the Shire of York this week.

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  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. and the age of the google photo was????? How many times did you drive up and down this driveway in the past 7 years??? Oh zero! So therefore you are ignorant as to the amount of vegetation and the impact it was having in accessing this driveway, this I have come to expect for one of the cronies of the moderator of this page. So by looking at an outdated photo you were able to decide that there was not an issue with overgrown vegetation, I would suggest that the photo only covered one angle and did not in fact show the extent of the vegetative growth! Are you saying that Mr PP has no right to cut off any overhanging branches on his property growing through and over the common dividing fence. Can you explain the large amount of plant material returned to its owners property? Are you stating that there is not a law covering boundaries disputes IE vegetation growing onto another persons property. I will remind you that Florence had seven years to prune this vegetation which was neglected to the detriment of access to her good neighbour's property. Shameful was this neglect from this supposed good neighbour who only wished to stay a good neighbour. What rot!

    2. 'Shameful was this neglect...' Are you taking English lessons from Yoda?

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Can you explain the amount of material that was cut and returned to its rightful owner? You do realise that to keep this vegetation would have been theft don't you? It must have just grew overnight, probably on the back of the nutrients from the composted pig manure that was spread about the property over the previous 5 days? Amazing stuff that. Who would have thought that manure containing that much pH which would burn the roots (if you were to believe the moderator of this blog) of all the plants could generate so much growth in a single night. Really amazing stuff! How many tandem trailer loads did it take to remove this vegetation that was not growing into Mr PP driveway. Please show us the photos, everyone is most keen and interested to see this for them selves! Please, please, pretty please share these images with us so that we will know for sure that what you are saying is actually a fact?

    5. Let's concede for a moment that as you say the manure was composted. I saw it before it was removed. It was piled up close to Mr Pigpoo's neighbour's house on his side of the boundary fence and had remained there for months. It was an offensive thing to look upon, never mind the smell.

      Most people (there may be exceptions) prefer wherever possible to avoid the sight and smell of poo, animal or human. So piling pig manure close to a senior citizen's dwelling is, if you will pardon the vernacular, a shitty thing to do.

  14. so you no understand then? Nothing else? In desperation you once again pick on... oh no not the spelling, but the grammar! What a spiteful little man you are! Really is that the best you can do? Pathetic! And here you are saying that anyone can reply to your postings, how about giving the real story, only of they are your cronies and meet with your spelling and grammar requirements. Well I guess that is open to everyone to say their piece. Tally hoe old boy keep up the bullying tactics say what!

    1. If what you say is true, which it manifestly isn't, how is it that I continue to post most of your demented ramblings? You're not being fair at all. Shame on you, old chap, it isn't cricket.

    2. "most" certainly sounds like you only post what you want to post! Only that posts that you can ridicule over spelling errors or grammar which is proven time and time again. The only demented ramblings are for your own good self!

    3. Well, by posting your latest post I've just proved that you're a liar. Jolly bad form, old cock, you'll be blackballed when you put up for the club.

    4. Oh dear 'Tally hoe old boy' is back at the keyboard.

    5. Indeed he is, and very welcome too. I'm becoming addicted to his infantile insults and loopy lucubrations.

      Seriously, the poor fellow needs help. He clearly isn't happy. I'm worried he'll get himself into trouble with the law again. He seems to be a bit short on self-control.

  15. I believe that Yoda would have said This neglect shameful it was!
