Monday 11 January 2016


…but you may not want to believe it!

Somebody calling him- or herself  ‘A person who would like to see the truth out there’ has sent me a copy of an email from Ray Hooper to Mark Duperouzel.   The document is reproduced at the end of this post.

I’ve no clue as to how that person came into possession of the email but I’m convinced of its authenticity.  I’ll go so far as to say on stylistic grounds that nobody other than Ray Hooper could have written it.  It bears the stamp of his unique personality in every line.

For the benefit of people unfamiliar with York’s political landscape over recent years, Ray Hooper is a former CEO of the Shire of York and Mark Duperouzel used to be Deputy President of the Shire.

Ray Hooper resigned from his employment with the Shire in April 2014.  His departure met with widespread rejoicing among the ratepayers and residents of York.  Mark Duperouzel resigned from his office and council in November of that year.

Ray Hooper, the Sage of 
Alexander Heights

My decision to publish the email has not been taken lightly.  

My friends will tell you I’m a man who likes to please everyone.  Giving the email so public an airing will not please Ray Hooper, who as you can see marked it ‘STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL’.  Nor is it likely to please Mark Duperouzel, who by his own account resigned to devote more time to his business and family and may these days wish he had never got involved in local politics at all. 

(However, Mark is the man who at one of James Best’s poorly attended ‘visioning’ meetings proposed that those of us who declined to take part in Best’s nonsense should be ‘named and shamed’—no kidding!  He may still have his toe in the water, for all I know.)

It may not please former councillors and successive shire presidents Pat Hooper and Tony Boyle—though Pat Hooper’s capacity to bounce back with equanimity from the torrent of public opprobrium that followed his exposure as author of the so-called ‘Minority Report’ is nothing short of heroic, so he may not worry about further evidence of his talent for duplicity and deceit.   

Pat’s even got himself elected as president of the local bowling club.  A truly amazing man, then, whose influence on Council’s deliberations persists through his protégé Cr Randell, as I think was made manifest in Council’s decision on the Ashworth Road truck depot.  

Mark 'Name and 
Shame 'Em!' 

Pat's elevation promptly led, I’m told, to the resignation from the club of the previous president.  It sounds a bit like politics in sub-Saharan Africa, except that the previous president wasn’t shot,
macheted or driven into exile in a neighbouring shire.

Pat 'Minority Report' Hooper

Tony 'Standards Panel' Boyle

A guide to reading Ray’s email

The email is dated 27 July 2014, a full three months after Ray Hooper’s resignation from the position of Shire of York CEO.

It appears to respond to a request from Shire Deputy President Duperouzel for advice on what to do about the Fitz Gerald Report (FGR).  It is highly probable that Crs Boyle and Hooper, who are mentioned in the email, were parties, though not signatories, to that request.

to read the final version of the report.

Under the State Records Act, Shire Deputy President Duperouzel was obliged to submit copies of Ray’s email, and of his own request for advice, to the Shire of York.  Did he? If not, should that failure be referred to the WA Corruption and Crime Commission?


It was improper that Shire Deputy President Duperouzel should have been asking for such advice from ex-CEO Hooper, and scarcely less so that Ray Hooper responded to it as he did.  Any such request should have been directed to Acting CEO Michael Keeble, or failing that, to one of the overpaid and underworked drones in the DLGC who would no doubt have been glad to be given something to do to destabilise York’s popular and reformist shire president, Matthew Reid.

It seems equally underhand and no less improper for councillors to seek guidance from ex-CEO Ray Hooper without first acquainting A/CEO Keeble and Shire President Reid of their intention.

The Fitz Gerald Report

The email shows Ray Hooper to have been extremely worried that the FGR might be released into the public domain.  Those of us who’ve studied the report won’t be even slightly surprised by this; it describes in lurid detail aspects of the reign of dishonesty and terror unleashed on York under his stewardship, apparently with the full backing and in some instances complicity of a majority of councillors.  As well, it touches on questions concerning shire finances about which the former CEO was extremely sensitive, in particular the use of a corporate credit card.

Again, it comes as no surprise that Ray’s advice to Mark, Tony and Pat (‘the three of you’) is to adopt underhanded tactics to remove the FGR from circulation.  Notice, in his second paragraph, the phrase ‘in our favour’—was he plotting a comeback?

His advice in that paragraph amounts to this:  that Mark as Deputy Shire President should call a special meeting of councillors, in the absence of Shire President Reid, to decide the fate of the FGR.  If five councillors were present—the best scenario—Mark, Tony and Pat would be in the majority.  If only four were present, Mark, as chairman, would have a casting vote.  In the expert opinion of former CEO Hooper, that would be a worse outcome because using the casting vote ‘could lead to public dissent’.  We can’t have that, can we?

The public’s right to know v. the Shire’s right to keep it ignorant

Ray’s dictatorial contempt for public opinion emerges more vividly in the advice given in his next paragraph, that ‘if possible, all contentious matters should be listed for special Council meetings’.  No agenda needs to be given out in advance of such meetings, limiting the public’s opportunity of finding out what the council (or more correctly, the shire administration) has in mind for the shire before any decision is made.

Note, too, this cut-price Machiavelli’s insistence that ‘Any matters relating to staff’ should come before Council ‘as a Confidential Report’. 

Ask yourself—why should council staff be protected to that extent from public scrutiny of their conduct and other matters pertaining to their employment? 

Why should they be treated more favourably in this respect than ratepayers and residents whose least consequential infractions of local laws appear in detail in documentation presented to council?  Above all, what about the public’s right to know about everything done in its name and that it pays for—including employment of staff?

A few years ago Ray got very upset about cartoons in the local paper representing him as an avatar of der Führer complete with swastika armband and Hitler-style moustache.  I vaguely recall feeling sorry for him at the time.  Who wants to be compared, even in jest, with one of the most horrible villains in world history? 

My sympathy has evaporated.  The advice Ray peddles to Mark, Tony and Pat in this email could have come straight from the pages of Mein Kampf.

Poor me, says Ray, it’s so unfair

In his fourth paragraph, insisting on the need to destroy all copies of the FGR and refrain from publishing it further, Ray strikes a note of self-pity not unlike that depicted in a much-parodied scene from the German film Der Untergang (Downfall), about the final days of the Third Reich.

 ‘No attempt,’ Ray complains, ‘has been made to afford me any level of natural justice throughout this stressful and debilitating period.’ 

How those sorrowful words must resonate with the unfortunate victims of Shire persecution who crowd the pages of the FGR!

Ray goes on to observe that ‘certain sections of the community will seize any opportunity to besmirch my character…’   At first blush this comes over as paranoia, but on reflection it seems no more or less than the truth.  The strange thing is that Ray doesn’t seem ever to have asked himself why those ‘sections of the community’ regarded and continue to regard him with feelings ranging from mere distaste tempered with amusement to bitter hostility and scorn. 

Social media—triumph of the blogs

Ray’s penultimate paragraph contains a veiled threat, that if the FGR is not dealt with as he advises, Council and the Shire might end up ‘being joined in any potential legal claim’—that is, a claim arising from further dissemination of the FGR.

He seems to have reckoned without the power of social media and the Internet.  Virtually from the day of its first publication, the FGR has been available electronically.  It has been cited and quoted on several blogs, including this one and its sister, the Shire of York Official Unofficial Website.

Strangely, though, I have found no evidence of legal proceedings having been launched by Ray Hooper or any councillor or shire official mentioned in the FGR.  Nor have I seen any attempt by any of those individuals, including the DCEO, to defend their reputations in any other public forum.  In my view, those two states of affairs are not unconnected.


When I received the email, I had a momentary concern about its authenticity.  I observed that it was unsigned, and further, that it emanated from an email address that seemed to have no association with Ray Hooper at all.

As I studied its contents, I soon came to the conclusion that only Ray could have written it.  A phrase like ‘perpetual antagonists’ gives the game away, as does the telling comment that a particular outcome ‘would be in our favour while appearing to be open and accountable’—vintage Ray, in my opinion.

But I was left with the mystery of the email address.  Who, I wondered, is the helpful Debbie Scaturro?  What could be her connection with the Sage of Alexander Heights?

As usual in such situations, I went to the FIGJAM website Linked In, to see if Ms Scaturro has a presence there.  Indeed she does.  As well as working as an administrator for a Perth firm of consultants, she is a consultant for a company trading in bedroom accessories of an erotic nature—what used to be known in a more innocent age as ‘marital aids’—together with unguents and lotions designed to stimulate the senses and enliven amatory inclinations. 

The company in question styles itself Pure Romance.  Alas, I am too long in the tooth to consider myself a potential customer of such an enterprise, especially in the current hot weather, but if any of my readers feels inclined to put some business Ms Scaturro’s way, here’s the relevant website:

Ms Scaturro presents herself as ‘Entertaining, empowering & educating women…ask me,’ she goes on, ‘how to have fun with friends, shop for free, make extra$$$’ and she signs off as ‘Your own Intimacy Advisor.’

Ms Scaturro is also registered with Facebook and Twitter and has a Pinterest website.  She appears to enjoy an active social life and judging from her photograph (below) is a pleasant, cheerful and attractive young woman.

So how, I asked myself, could such a person have anything to do with Ray Hooper?  Is she a kind neighbour who helps him out with technology—never his strong point, I’m told—or an editor or amanuensis helping him to write his memoirs?

Does anybody know the answer?  What on earth has Ray Hooper to do with pure romance?


  1. There can be no doubt that Debbie is the daughter of Ray, she's the spitting image, and her vocation is particularly apt considering Ray is the dildo of all dildos. Mind you, it would have alleviated all the stress of trying to decide what to buy Gail and Tyscha for Christmas.
    As far as Ray's letter, I'm speechless. It was well rumoured at the time that Ray was controlling council, this confirms it. I always suspected that Mark unhealthily viewed Ray as a Father figure which bordered on hero worship. Ray once told Mark he would make a great politician and that he should consider entering State politics, Ray may have been right judging by the caliber of our State politicians who don't exactly inspire confidence. After that, Mark had his head so far up Stephen Strange's arse, he couldn't see day light.
    Duperouzel would have definitely not acted unilaterally, Pat Hooper and Tony Boyle would have been heavily involved, Mark's too simple and naive to plot against half the council. Pat Hooper already proved what a treacherous piece of shit he was when he authored the Minority Report, which was a highly successful deliberate means to convince Simpson to suspend elected council.
    Mark Duperouzel turned out to be a villainous feeble turncoat.

    1. Is that Dr Stephen Strange from Marvel Comics?

    2. Is this an attempt at humour?
      If so, you need to work harder.

    3. Is that an attempt at sarcasm? If so, it certainly fails as wit.

      I have no idea who 'Stephen Strange' is. When I Googled the name, I found myself reading about a character from Marvel Comics. So I thought I'd give him a plug.

      Are you the Stephen Strange that Anonymous 56 has in mind? If so, perhaps you'd like to take advantage of the blog to enhance your currently obscure fame and reputation. Be my guest, but keep it short, no room for egomaniacs here.

    4. Stephen Strange described himself as a third generation grain grower and livestock producer. He was the Shire President in Bruce Rock for 14 years, Deputy President for five years, and involved in local government for 25 years. He was the Liberal candidate in the last election.
      And yes, Mark was besotted.

    5. Thanks, A. Doorwoof, for the information. I genuinely had never heard of Mr Strange and have no recollection of his having stood as a Liberal candidate in the last election. Perhaps that's because I voted for Mia and Paul, may God forgive me. (I presume you mean the state election.)

      York has been consigned to oblivion by all the political parties. If I leaned left I'd vote Green, but what are old tories like me going to do when the next elections come round?

    6. Mark made a fool of himself in the scuffle to be seen talking to Stephen Strange.

  2. Another damning report, James, (thankyou) with the help of a brave soul who has had the gumption (thankyou) to forward a copy of the email from Mr.R.Hooper, via "Debbie". Cannot mistake those eyes - would HAVE to be a relative? Betcha.

    The sheer audacity of Mr.R. Hooper to demand that ALL copies of the Fitz Gerald Report be destroyed just takes your breath away. Unbelievable. Who does this man think he is? Certainly a Dictator if not of the first order, but perhaps the third?

    Wonder what Mr. Fitz Gerald would think of that little exercise? The first of the items to be listed in Report #2, of the continuing underhanded, bullying, manipulative actions by Mr. R. Hooper and his co-horts, one would think. (hope).

    With the duplicitous nature of Mark Duperouzel, now showing, in all of his true colours with complete disregard, sheer lack of respect of our views and wishes, in working against the townsfolk, who he and his family rely on for his business, keep feed and a roof over their heads, brings sharply into focus, the not unreasonable question, of should this person continue to expect loyalty from his former, current and potentially new clientel? I DON'T THINK SO!

    Those who are currently supporting him AND his business and are absolutely disgusted by his actions, I suggest that you show him so. WALK AND TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE.
    And please, let him know why.

    These people cannot be expected to do what they have done to this town, and get away with it. Just when we think things can't get much worse, down comes another wall of water to knock us off our feet.

    Said it before and will say it again.


    Let us get some legal action happening against these crooks. It appears they have no shame in what they have done. Just working harder to cover their backsides - all of which need a jolly good kicking.
    Worse, has been the proof, arising from the murky depths, of how hard these people worked at getting rid of the popular voted appointee to the Shire, Mr. Matthew Reid, former Shire President.
    Is it no wonder, that they chose as their first course of action, to get President Reid removed from council. Just when he was starting to find the end of the thread to unravel the deceit and years of corruption by those around him. And this, as it now shows, was not just in relation to the Office bearers and former councillors, but the senior staff, as well. So sorry Matthew. Still feel the loss, of what might have transpired, had you been able to accomplish what you had set out to do.

    I think, well and truly, it is time to go, for those who have stuffed up royally and have done badly by the people, who pay your wages. I do think, in some cases, goal time, would be good time.

  3. Had a gut full of weak leaders11 January 2016 at 03:37

    When will the current Shire President get off his backside and ratify the Fitz Gerald Report.

    Sitting on it is only allowing Ray and those pieces of filth he influences to continue with the underhanded acts they are conducting to avoid justice.

    Time to step up Mr Wallace, you have seen how that miserable little weasel Duperouzal behaved, you are better than that.
    It is better that you initiate the follow up to the FGR than wait until the legal actions commence.
    Some of us could be placated if only we had the opportunity to be heard.

    Get cracking mate, it will be two years in April that we nailed Ray, yet his band of thieves and thugs are still employed down at the shire.
    Its bullshit David, the honey moon is over, you are the president act like one and show some integrity and leadership.

    1. Good on you James, great article.

      The email has left me totally speechless. Just when you think it cannot get any worse it does.

      Did Mark table both emails for the Shire President and fellow Councillors to read? If Mark failed to log his outgoing email (Shire related) and the incoming email (Shire related) in the correspondence register - he was in breach of the State Records Act.

      First Mark shafts the people of York by voting for the mega rubbish dump on our doorstep, now we find he shafted his own Shire President and Acting CEO Keeble by going behind their backs to seek advice from ex CEO Hooper. Now we have two scumbags - Pat Hooper and Mark Duperouzel.

      I took my business from Mark after the JDAP vote.

      The term Ray used 'in our favour' shows his first and only thought was to protect himself, particularly his advice to destroy all copies. What else did Ray Hooper order destroyed while he was here in York?

      Ray was good at Special meetings and we now know why: all contentious matters should be listed for special Council meetings’ No agenda needs to be given out in advance of such meetings, limiting the public’s opportunity of finding out what the council (or more correctly, the shire administration) has in mind for the shire before any decision is made.

      More correctly, the above statement by Ray Hooper shows he believes the Administration is in control, not the CEO and not the council. Is it any wonder we are having problems with Gail and Tyhscha, they believe they are in control of the Town.

      We all knew what you were up to with your countless special meetings Ray, now you've provided the proof confirming your sneaky slimy tactics.

      Ray knew exactly what he was doing when he resigned, he was looking after Ray. Now he is squawking that he was denied natural justice. Well Ray, those people who lives you destroyed like the Saint's and all those Women you targeted were also denied natural justice......until the blogs.

      More truth to come.

  4. OMG. Thank you James for exposing more of the truth.

    Has anyone checked the financials to make sure we weren't slugged Consultancy fees by Ray Hooper on this.

    Hope someone provides a copy of the email Mark sent to Ray.

    Mark wanted people named and shamed, this is Karma for him.

    My guess is Ms. Scaturro is Ray's daughter - check the eyes.

  5. That email has left me totally speechless. Just when you think it cannot get any worse it does.

    Ray Hooper is like a malignant growth we have no cure for.

    Did Mark table both emails for the Shire President and fellow Councillors to read? If Mark failed to log his outgoing email (Shire related) and the incoming email (Shire related) in the correspondence register - he was in breach of the State Records Act.

    First Mark shafts the people of York by voting for the rubbish dump on our doorstep, now we find he shafted his own Shire President and Acting CEO Keeble by going behind their backs to seek advice from ex CEO Hooper.
    Now we have two scumbags - Pat Hooper and Mark Duperouzel.

    I took my business from Mark after the JDAP vote.

    The term used by Ray 'in our favour' shows his first and only thought was to protect himself, particularly his advice to destroy all copies. That was instructing a councillor to destroy State Records! What else did Ray Hooper order destroyed while he was here in York.

    Ray knew exactly what he was doing when he resigned, he was looking after Ray. Now he is squawking he was denied natural justice. Well Ray, so were those people who lives you destroyed like the Saint's and all those Women you targeted.

    Yep it is time for the Fitz Gerald Report to be tabled. No more cover ups, no more secrecy - lets get it out in the open. To hell with what the Minister for Local Government says. All he cares about it his own job.

    1. Had a guts full of liars and thieves11 January 2016 at 14:57

      This is bigger than the minister, this goes all the way up the line.
      The Governor General should be called in to conduct an inquiry into the disgrace that is York.
      We are still a commonwealth country and the Queen is still above the government that now appears to be implicated in this miscarriage of justice.

      Once the FGR is formally tabled the process begins.
      A class action is in the wind.
      But who will pay for the legal damages against the shire when the truth gets out you might say.
      Sell a house at Alexander heights, one on Ulster road, one on Sixth road and a few acres on Top Beverley road and you will find that all the victims can be compensated quite adequately without impacting on the shire coffers.

      Get on with it David Wallace you are the Shire President, if you think that covering things up will save the town some money you are wrong, all that will happen is that a block on Ovens road will be sold to compensate the victims for the current Presidents complicit action in furthering the cover up.

  6. There is an image of 'Shirl' celebrating her 65th Birthday on Deborah Scatuuro's FB page...

    1. Too late! Ms Scaturro's FB page is no longer accessible, proof if any were needed that Ray keeps an eye on the blog.

  7. Page is still up....

    1. Well, I've just had another go at it, and got a page with this message:

      'Sorry, this content isn't available right now
      The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.'

      Might this have something to do with the fact that I'm not on Facebook myself? It doesn't matter - my motive for trying to visit the page was mere curiosity. I bear the young woman no ill will and was surprised to discover her identity as RH's daughter. She seems too nice, somehow.

  8. Hadn't realised that the Fitz Gerald Report had not been ratified. Why Not? What are You waiting for, Mr. Wallace? Perhaps some advice from senior shire staff, via Mr. R. Hooper???

    According to the Local Paper - Voice of York, York Shire Council page, next SHIRE MEETING is at 5.00pm, January 28, 2016 at the York Town Hall.

    Would suggest to ALL BLOGGERS, to grab a mate, by force if necessary, and drag all along to this Council Meeting and DEMAND that the FGR be Ratified, so that action can be taken.

    Mr. Wallace has no excuses. Even if senior staff and the scungy sods - (former Councillors), did manage to destroy all copies of the report - in York, there are plenty around in the Public Domain and even portions thereof, linked above, via James' input.

    Get off your backside Mr. Wallace, back up your former words with some action and finally DO some good for the Townspeople, you are supposed to be representing.

    Don't just make a few noises - cause a few large explosions, to be heard all over the valley.

    Make the votes that people trusted you with, count. A new day, a new life. Make it happen.

  9. Jan, what a spiteful person you are. Yet another one who seems to think they know everything and never bothered to put her hand up for a place on Council to support Mr Wallace. Get over yourselves you people.

    1. Here here, well said Anonymous 12 January 2016 at 00:08, Jan's obviously a frustrated woman, desperately in need of something. Dave Wallace is doing a bloody good job and I won't hear otherwise. He's putting in ten times the effort Hooper and Boyle put in, especially Boyle the fat lazy turd.

      Come along to the next meeting and see how well Wallace and the new Council perform, or would you rather hear what happened third hand?

    2. I support Dave Wallace too. I know he's working hard and I believe he will make a positive difference to York.

      At the same time, I understand the frustration of people like Jan. The problem isn't Dave or his colleagues (with an exception or two) but the secrecy in which they are required to work. York is facing very serious fiscal and administrative problems. After the disastrous antics of previous councils and CEOs, the citizens of York need more than just anodyne reassurance that things are going to improve.

      Nobody, however morally upright and hardworking, should expect to be trusted without having to earn that trust. People need to be kept up to date with regard to the problems confronting the Shire and what Council intends to do about them. What's more, it would help greatly if Council from time to time stated clearly and unambiguously exactly what it regards as problematic in the way the Shire operates and what policies it will develop and implement to put things right.

      In my view, Council made a serious error with respect to Ashworth Road because it allowed the Shire administration to manipulate the situation to suit Cr Randell's little mate and the proprietor of Avon Waste. That has made people uneasy, because it feels like the sort of thing that used to happen, not the sort of thing people want to happen now.

      Jan has expressed herself forcefully, but I don't believe she meant to be spiteful. The plain truth is that until Council deliberations as well as decisions are carried out in the full glare of public scrutiny, some people will find it hard to trust our local government. And after what's been going on in York for years, it's hard to blame them.

    3. I agree with Anonymous 12 January 2016 at 00:08 - Jan IS rude and spiteful. She forgets that it was Matthew Reid who returned as Shire President in JULY 2015 along with Denise Smythe, so why is David Wallace getting the blame for their failures. Up until the October elections all Reid and Smythe did was blame everyone else for past mistakes.

    4. Top effort James, brilliant work.
      And Eddie, yes we will all be there to see council in action.
      Lets hope we can argue over things a little more meaningful than chooks.
      That display of council in action at Greenhills was pathetic.

  10. You appear to be editing comments, removing text you don't agree with, would you like to explain your actions, bearing in mind your strong commitment to free speech?

    1. I've done nothing of the kind. As I've explained many times, it is impossible on this Google blog platform to edit comments (except my own, of course). My only two options are publish or delete.

      Following a blitz of spiteful and sometimes threatening comments from folk who dislike my views, I decided some time ago to modify my policy of publishing everything submitted as comments to the blog. That is my right as moderator. It's my blog, after all, and those who don't like it don't have to read it.

      I believe as resolutely as ever in freedom of speech, but in relation to argument and opinion, not threats, insults and one-line inanities. Why should I provide a platform for malicious half-wits?

  11. Anonymous 12 January 2016 at 02:15 All Reid and Smythe did was blame everyone else for past mistakes? Words escape me. You're a complete twat. Fullstop.

    1. Cadre......Are you trying to say that you don't agree with Anonymous 12 January 2016 at 02:15, or have words escaped you because you're in total agreement with his/her statement?

      Are you from the same 'mold' as JP, if anyone voices an opinion which differs from yours, then the person must be a "twat"?

      Free speech with repercussions, hey?

    2. When on this blog have I ever described anyone as a 'twat' for any reason?

      I respect opinions that differ from mine and usually publish them. Occasionally I give someone a serve, not because they disagree with me but for the manner in which they do so. But I have not used the word 'twat'.

      Your closing sentence is puzzling. Are you trying to be clever? I don't interfere with your right to express yourself, but I'm under no obligation to publish everything sent to me. I'd be happy to see folk like you produce your own blog. If you were to do that, would you publish every comment sent to you?

      If you could shut down this blog, would you do it? If you would, what would that say about your commitment to freedom of expression? Are you genuinely in favour of that freedom for others as well as yourself and your cronies? If not, it's hypocritical to bang on about it.

  12. OMG is it really that fifficult yo follow? In my opinion anyone who suggests that all Matthew Reid did whilst in office was blame everyone else for the past is a complete twat. Of course he did and rightly so. Smythe is another story all together.

    1. Cadre, for obvious reasons the answer is yes. Your comment is "fifficult yo follow", oh wait a minute, I'll ask my three year-old to translate, ah now I understand, 'difficult to follow'.

    2. Cadre -12 January 2016 at 16:12 I find your comments difficult to follow.
      One minute you say those who believe MR blamed everyone else is a twat.
      Next you are saying: Of course he did and rightly so.
      Which is it?

  13. your right James the real issue today is the approval of the Avon waste dump next to the golf course we should all go to the council meeting and ask why the town wasn't consulted that decision will effect us all for years and these Councillors need to stop that happening I've had enough of Randell being a running mate for the Fischer's and doing what they like in this town, who can show support by contacting any of the Councillors and getting them to go against it, they say they had no choice but that's just passing the buck, they are the Councillors they can stop it if the town requests them to

    1. Good luck with trying to talk to any of the councillors about what is happening at the Council.
      Try it, and see if you are also told "Sorry I cannot discuss council matters".
      Must be something in the Coffee at the Administration, one sip and they become a member of the secret society.

    2. Back to the email above - just goes to show Ray Hooper did not believe in democracy and neither did Boyle, Hooper and Duperouzel! What a bunch of scumbags they turned out to be.

      Ray Hooper's idea of keeping the public in the dark by processing important issues through Special Meetings is proof he wanted total control of our Town.

      It was Ray's way or the highway. We are so fortunate he took the [Great Southern] Highway and left!

    3. I didn't read Jan's posts as rude or spiteful.

      Just because a person did not nominate for Council does not mean they don't care about York and what is happening.

      Don't jump to conclusion perhaps there's compelling private reasons why a number of people did not nominate!

    4. Hater of anonymous twats12 January 2016 at 21:08

      James, could I suggest that you dedicate a post to the 'Avon waste dump' as referred to by Anonymous 12 January 2016 at 18:26, or better still, suggest the anonymous's start their own blog as the considered articles on this blog are being watered down with unrelated unsubstantiated comments from people who are obviously to dumb and/or lazy to inform themselves of the facts before shooting their mouths off.

      I was under the impression that the approval "next to the golf course" (presumably, the Ashworth Road approval), was for a transport depot. I believe a transport depot further along Ashworth was approved by a previous council sometime ago , obviously all the anonymous's weren't bothered about that particular transport depot, probably because they didn't recognize a surname, put two and two together, make five, and want to hang someone.

      I shall go to the next council meeting in the hope Anonymous 12 January 2016 at 18:26 turns up to "ask why the town wasn't consulted that decision will 'effect' us all for years", then we'll know who the idiot is.

      I haven't heard one plausible argument against this application, the fact the applicants name is Fisher, is not a reason to object or refuse it. You anonymous warriors need to read up, learn the facts and then put over an educated argument. Big ask I know, so view it a challenge, an impossible one maybe, but give it a go....

    5. You're absolutely right to remind everyone that for 'waste dump' we should read 'transport depot' - I've pointed this out myself in response to a comment on a previous topic.

      I suspect that what concerns certain anonymous commenters (as distinct from pseudonymous commenters like yourself, unless your name really is 'Hater of anonymous twats') is a version of the 'thin end of the wedge' argument.

      It's been put to me that Mr Fisher has made a deal with SITA, which it is alleged has offered to buy Avon Waste from him for a very handsome sum but would prefer to have a truck depot close to Allawuna. (This would presuppose that SITA is more confident of victory than it should be, given the doctrine of separation of powers which supposedly precludes executive interference in judicial decision-making.)

      SITA is immensely wealthy, resourceful and powerful, so once it has its hands on Allawuna, the story goes, it may decide to extend its operations at Ashworth Road, in which case it will apply for planning approval to YSC and the saga will begin anew.

      At this point, two other factors enter the argument. The first is anxiety about an increased volume of traffic westward from York and along Ashworth Road in both directions, to the discomfiture and inconvenience of residents.

      The second is Cr Randell's championing of the truck depot proposal. There is a widespread view that Cr Randell is a glove puppet or cat's paw of disgraced former Cr Pat Hooper. Mr Hooper is allegedly very cross with the people of York who thanks to publication of his 'minority report' no longer regard him, if indeed they ever did, with the affection and respect to which he considers himself entitled. It is alleged that Mr Hooper has said on several occasions that he intends to get his revenge on the town and further, that the new Avon Waste truck depot is part of that revenge.

      As for the present council, it was duped into approving the depot proposal as a matter of urgency at its first meeting post-election when it should have deferred voting on it until local residents had had the chance to organise and express opposition - say, until February 2016. Cr Ferro moveddeferral but surprisingly no other councillor seconded it, perhaps because they'd all been told that the matter was a fait accompli and there was nothing they could do to stop it. (But isn't there a 'community benefit' clause in the legislation, and if so, how and why were councillors satisfied that its requirements had been met?)

      I reserve judgement on all of this pending further and better information. I agree with you that the name of 'Fisher' should not be sufficient to damn this or any other proposal, though as I recall it was Mr Fisher, in his former capacity as shire councillor, who several years ago revealed serious aesthetic and possibly intellectual limitations by uttering the immortal aphorism 'History is for books, not for York' - a sentiment to which Cr Randell, Mr Fisher's friend, has many times made clear that he subscribes.

      Do you know, I think I might be able to work this up into a novel or TV mini-series...

    6. ABC ran an Australia series, from memory is was called A Bed of Roses. Very funny series about a corrupt Local Council.
      Perhaps you could call yours - The Thorns Exposed!

    7. Yes well written James, the Hater of Anonymous Twats is connected to an employee of the Fishers so there is little surprise in what that person has written. I think what you have written does highlight some of the issues and the under current behind that approval. Surely there are some Councillors that have had time to think about this and reconsider, I dont care about Ashworth Road residents but I do care about about those bloody trucks going up and down the hill its already a frustrating trip out of town and past the school and through the town, I also care with passion that SITA has its foot potentially right in York if they do buy this off the Fishers. It should not have been approved and needs to be stopped. I dont agree with the Avon Waste employee blog that anyone that has this view is dumb or lazy as I am not and I know a lot of others in town that are of the same view. The only ones I have found to support this either work for Fishers or will benefit from the move of their operation out of town.
      Keep on digging James perhaps someone from Ashworth Road can give you more details as I did speak to one and she seemed to think there were a number of reasons it should have been approved and that the process for approval was well lets say "SITArized"

    8. That last sentence is tantalising. Would somebody who has evidence of an existing or proposed connection between Avon Waste and SITA please favour the blog with an informative comment?

      It's hard for a 'blow-in' or 'johnny come lately' like me to understand how somebody like Cr Randell, from an established family, who claims to love York can connive with commercial interests to turn this beautiful old town into the rubbish capital of the Wheatbelt - and how most other councillors, on the say-so of a possibly corrupt and certainly incompetent administration, just tag along meekly in his wake.

    9. The connection between SITA and Avon Waste is the Shire Administration and Randell!

      Remember that handshake at Greenhills!

    10. theres a judge out there hes against it, I heard our new shire president made a hero (or idiot whichever you want)of himself shutting him down at the meeting, obviously our Pres thinks his grasp of the rules exceeds that of a judge, heaven forbid York's jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, so as to speak, can we ever get some Councillors with brains, integrity and even an once of consideration for our good town????

  14. The question still remains; how long will it take before we have an permanent CEO that will take the reins and do a clean sweep of the upper management in the office. This is where the problem has been for many years and will remain unless someone has the balls to step in and do something about it. The three of them, and we know who we are talking about, run that place and without change nothing in York will change.

  15. What a pretty young Lady.

    My goodness, Romance parties. Things have moved forward since the good old tupperware party. How to have fun with friends, shop for free, make extra$$$

    Wonder what the Hostess prize is? God, I hope it's not Ray!

    1. It occurs to me that there may be a conceptual connection between 'romance' denoting physical intimacy and 'tupping', from which 'Tupper' as in 'Tupperware' is probably derived.

      The verb 'to tup' entered our language late in the 16th century. It appears to have an agricultural origin, referring specifically to the breeding of sheep. It quickly became a crude synonym for sexual intercourse - as did 'rutting', a term associated with the mating of deer and the likely ancestor of the Australian slang word 'root'.

      The earliest literary use of 'tup' known to me is in Shakespeare's 'Othello', first performed in 1604. In Act I Sc. 1, the villainous Iago tells Brabantio, Desdemona's father, who doesn't know his daughter has eloped with the Moor, that 'Even now, now, very now, an old black ram / Is tupping your white ewe'.

      A 'tupper', as a noun denoting agency, is therefore, presumably, a person who tups, a designation for which almost everyone at some time qualifies. It could be shortened to 'tup' as in the case of the father of the British fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley, who was called 'The Tutbury Tup' in recognition of his lifelong exercise of droit de seigneur in and around the town of that name.

      It appears that 'tupper' at some time before the 19th century evolved into an English surname, suggesting that Sir Oswald's father was not the only prodigious practitioner of the romantic arts. For a while, following the publication of Rev. Martin Tupper's 'Proverbial Philosophy', a thoroughly tedious work, 'tupper' came also to mean 'bore'.

      Visitors to New Zealand will doubtless be aware that many Tupper families reside there.

  16. Anon January 12 @ 00.08. Spiteful? really? Merriam-Webster Dictionary, lists "spiteful" as having/showing a desire to harm, anger or defeat (having or showing spite) - full of spite/malice; showing spite, malicious, malevolent, and; mean, desire to hurt, adj. shown/ing malicious ill will. See? Education, before violence. Just so you know.
    (N.B.- classic examples are Hooper, R, Hooper, P., Boyle T, et al.)

    I am assuming you must be what some residents in York, call "a blow in". I have already put my 'hand up' in the past, as did my Grandfather, many moons ago. What is more, I have spent a good part of my adult life in this town, supporting a wide range of projects, causes, shire community groups and projects, hospital and school.

    So, where in the hell were you??????

    If you are going to 'bag' and abuse others, publically, at least start with some correct information.

    I have little desire to hurt anyone, with the exception of those who have harmed our Town, our Pockets and our Reputation. I certainly don't think I have malevolent tendencies. However I could be wrong!

    Eddie January 12 @ 01.05 - Frustrated - you bet. Mr Wallace has been a councillor for longer than some of the Councillors we have and it is a matter of priorities, sifting through the crap to get to the really important stuff. Like prosecuting those who should be residing at the Governments' pleasure instead of our pockets.. And, yes, Mr Wallace started off well - saying all the right things, but has been hijacked by those with the experience of doing so. And I agree with you regarding some of the former Councillors.

    It is my Democratic right and also my right as a long time citizen of this town to voice my opinion.
    As is with some of the long time citizens in this town, we have a LOT of knowledge about a lot of things, especially those from the past. History repeating itself. Oh yeah, just in a different format. If these things are not stopped now, it will happen all over again.

    We need a new, honest C.E.O. who will get on and fix admin problems and get rid of the excess, overpaid, underworked staff, who manipulate and milk this community for all their worth.

    Ratify the FGR and get some legal stuff happening and perhaps the refund of some of our community funds.

    A forensic audit of the books going back over several decades (even if it is just to show how much we have had stolen from us) and a ROYAL COMMISSION into York and WALGA/ Govt Ministers and poor, self serving decisions that they have made, leaving us in the mire that we now find ourselves.

    To the person who thinks I have been 'rude'. We could meet somewhere for coffee and debate your comment. Certainly nowhere near as rude as some. But I could be. Like to test the premise?

  17. Do you honestly believe that anyone in their right mind with the attributes you desire would want to take on the role of CEO, or any position at the shire, given the history of the place. They would have to have the hide of a rhinoceros or have been living in La La land for the last 20 years to think they can solve the issues of the shire. The person who has the qualifications that you require is most likely already employed in a higher paid position without the hassle of dealing with a dysfunctional council. In short if this person exists...they won't be wanting to come to York.

    1. Totally agree John Pettersenn...

    2. Well, I don't agree. Taking on the job would be a challenge, but what we need most of all is somebody who craves a challenge, is honest and clear-eyed, and has the intelligence to figure out what's gone wrong, the courage to stand up to bullies and the wisdom to help council change things for the better. Not the kind of person WALGA is likely to deliver, unfortunately, so I suppose to that extent I do agree.

    3. what fool would want a job on York Shire to be cut to pieces by the bloggers and other detractors in town, York has screwed itself with these witch hunts

    4. Pettersenn says its because of the council, I would say and a dysfunctional town, just read the blogs to understand what i mean, York has lost everything it once had and will continue to until we all start working to rebuild and stop all our critisising and knocking people down when they have a go, and that starts with each of us not just the Council

    5. You can only choose from the people who have actually applied...after reading council minutes from various councils following a CEO recruitment process, the final decision is made by full council by vote regardless of who the recruitment people are. If you have a strong employment committee made up from your elected members who are diligent in finding out everything they need to know about the applicant and ensuring that they are clear about who they want then the recruitment person has no say, they are just facilitators of the process. On another point, I wonder what happened to the past applicants from the York's previous attempts...doubt anyone worth their salt would be willing to reapply if they haven't already been snapped up by another council. I'm afraid York's reputation as a great place to work has greatly diminished.

    6. No, the town is not dysfunctional. It's the Shire of York that's dysfunctional and has reduced the town over the years to a shadow of its old self, for example by not supporting tourism and making life hard for entrepreneurs and others for the sin of asking questions about the expenditure of public money.

      Exposing incompetence, corruption, tyranny and greed, which is what the blogs do, is not 'witch hunting'. The only people who get 'cut to pieces' on the blogs are those who've done or are doing wrong and deserve to be outed for it. 'Having a go' of itself doesn't make anyone a target, but there is a reasonable expectation that when people take on public office they won't let themselves be decoyed into repeating the mistakes of their predecessors.

      Some of you people amaze me. You throw around empty phrases, like 'work to rebuild', without ever giving examples to clarify what you mean. And you are so wary of your own shadows that you don't have the nerve to tell us who you are. Go on, earn respect by showing you have the courage of your convictions and the wit to support them with facts and argument. Since you seem to be adherents of the dark side, you've absolutely nothing to fear but fear itself.

    7. its not a great place to work or live any more those days are gone, hopefully the next generation will fix what we have stuffed up if the blogs are right we as a town are totally incapable

    8. York is not dysfunctional.
      The problem has been the poor choice of elected representatives for over a decade, combined with ingrained corruption at the top of the Administration. Those elected representatives failed the people by exacerbating the serious problems instead of addressing them.

      Only time will tell if we will ever see the light at the end of the tunnel.

      No matter what, those issues need to be addressed, including dispensing with three females at the top.

    9. Please don't lose heart. I believe the worst is over. Things have got better and there is a good chance they'll continue to improve if the new council listens and talks to the people and holds its nerve. We as a town are not incapable, but we have to take control of our own destiny, not abandon it to rogues and fools as in the past.

    10. sorry James the new council is no different to the last ones they have already shown that

    11. sorry James, I don't believe that things will get any better either until the senior administration staff are moved on. I have said it before, they are where the problem lies. Council themselves can do nothing to remove them. It lies solely in the hands of the CEO.

    12. The CEO is answerable to Council, meaning that Council can direct him to sort out staffing problems. It could set KPIs regarding restructuring and reducing staff numbers. The idea that only the CEO has authority over staff is a myth peddled and perpetuated by the DLGC (folk like Jenny Law) and staff who benefit from it. The Council's authority over staff is exercised through the CEO, not directly by Council itself, but the CEO acts under Council's direction.

  18. To some extent, I agree with John Petttersenn but how can our councillors do any checking on the applicants if the names on the applications have been replaced with numbers?

    If the councillors had been diligent and done their research on the ex CEO's background, they would have found he had been under investigation in Chittering and he resigned.

  19. People seem to forget we have the two blogs because residents targeted had no way of letting the people of York know what an evil person Ray Hooper was and the treatment he was metering out via his staff.

    Worse still, the elected members who should have listened didn't because they had the same evil minds and did nothing to stop him.

    Has John Pettersenn read the Fitz Gerald report? Those people were living in hell and it had to be stopped before the Town became known for suicides.

    Please don't knock those who have a voice for the first time since Hooper left and please don't tell them to get over it. I am sure in time they will but it has to be in their time, not because readers devoid of empathy say they should.

    I believe the worst of the truth is yet to come.

  20. Is the Fitzgerald report still available for public viewing or can anyone tell me where to obtain a copy?

  21. Try

    Boyle, Hooper and Duperouzel illicitly voted (no quorum) to suppress it. James Best and the deceitful Graeme 'Gollum' Simpson said they had buried it beyond retrieval. Meanwhile, it has been on the internet since it first saw the light of day. It's time the Council voted formally to accept the report and place it on the Shire website for the world to see. But that would take courage of a very high order.

  22. Thankyou, James. Any idea of how much of the Public's money went into this report?

  23. If memory serves, it cost somewhere in the region of $28K, but I'm not sure. Acting CEO Mark Dacombe will be able to tell you.

    1. Thankyou James,

      With that kind of expenditure of Public monies, how on earth has it been shelved? That is close to an internal audit and should be on the Shire website even without Council acceptance.

    2. Written information provided by Mr. Graeme Simpson:
      Mr Michael Keeble used Mr Dirk Feinauer for his legal advice and the record shows that the Council of the day resolved to lock down the official copies of the Fitzgerald report.

    3. I'm reluctant to give credit to anything Graeme Simpson says or said.

      What was Feinauer's advice, exactly?

      If Council as a whole voted to suppress the report, did any councillors vote against suppressing it? If so, did any ask for their dissent to be recorded?

      'The record shows...' What record? Where is the minute of Council's decision to suppress the report?

      If the report was suppressed by a meeting of only three councillors, what about the small problem of a quorum?

      Finally (for the moment) - by 'Council of the day', does Simpson mean 'Commissioner James Best'? If so, what a bloody farce.

  24. Would people stop being so childish.
    Anonymous14 January 2016 at 03:11 and Anonymous14 January 2016 at 05:04 obviously don't have anything better to do with their time.

    1. Thanks, Beth, I shouldn't have let those daft comments through - not paying enough attention. I've deleted them. I often wonder what it must be like to be as stupid as some of the people out there.

    2. Beth, what about the comment from Anonymous 14 January 2016 at 05:04, do you not think that was "childish" as well?
      Some people might think your comment is childish, are you a JP clone, if you don't like a comment the commenter is childish or worse a 'twat'.
      What is about you holier than though commenters, why are your comments not childish but others are childish.
      We're not children we're responsible adults with minds of our, if we make a comment it is not childish it is adultish.
      If a young person below the age of 18 comments then it can be a childish comment, if the person is over 18 how can it be a childish comment.
      Do you think that if a woman makes a comment it is a feminine comment and if a man makes a comment it is a masculine comment, or is it just a comment?
      You seem to be discriminating against commenters perish the though a persons skin might be a different colour, does that then become a dark comment, from the dark side?
      If someone is of fair skin is that a fair comment and then would it be a fair comment as in fair comment or a comment from a fair skin commenter.
      Would someone with dark skin be offended if you said that's a fair comment?

    3. Anonymous 14/1 at 15:28: Are you on something? If you are, and it's not illegal, would you mind telling us all about it and where we can get some? It seems like fun, and might save us from the sweat and toil of actually having to think.

    4. I fully understand what Anonymous 14 January 2016 at 15:28 is trying to say. James, its not fair to suggest the person is on 'something', not everyone is clever as you.

      The person is obviously struggling to understand why one commenter is accusing another commenter of being childish, when the first commenter considers he/she is not childish and that their comment is in fact a reasonable comment.

      Commenters will not agree with other commenters all of the time, thats what makes commenters comments interesting. If all the comments were the same, no one would comment, then you would n't comment or Beth wouldn't comment so I wouldn't be writing this comment about the persons comment who Beth commented about.

      People should be allowed to comment without fear of commenters commenting against them, I don't mean people can make comments about anything they want to comment about but commenters should feel free to comment without commenters making nasty comments about their comments.

    5. Crikey, not another one. That stuff must be really good.

  25. Remind me what exactly this article was about as it appears to have regressed into a pathetic forum for idiots.

    1. You can easily remind yourself by scrolling upwards and looking at the article again.

      The article itself hasn't 'regressed' into anything; it remains exactly as it was when posted. I suppose you mean that the site has degenerated into a forum for idiots. That isn't true. What is true is that a few idiots, mostly from the dark side, occasionally take advantage of the blog's hospitality to say silly things, but on balance, most comments have meaning and purpose even when their authors go off at a tangent - which isn't something I would discourage, because new and important topics for discussion often emerge as a result.

      That said, I acknowledge that sometimes I slip up and let comments in that are idiotic in that they have little meaning and do nothing to advance discussion. Bonus dormitat Homerus. I'll try to do better in the future (or 'going forward', which is now the smart thing to say).

  26. Not so sure about that, James. I think it may be a good thing to let some of the more idiotic comments from bloggers, come through, just every now and again.
    Just shows the rest of the community that in our midst, as in most communities, we have in minority, a bunch of moranic, idiotic, dickheads, who can barely string two words together, and those who can, fail to make little, if any sense, at all!

    However, some comments can be somewhat entertaining. We all have to have a laugh, sometimes. But, as you say, it may be funnier or make a little more sense, if we take something that 'helps' us understand - or try to understand, what it is that these people are trying to say.
    (I do understand that those who participate in getting extra 'help', grow it themselves).

    I sometimes suspect that some of the comments eminate from the yellow 'workers' building in Joaquina Street.
    Everyone is entitled to their views, but at times it is difficult to ascertain what those views are supposed to be.
    Also shows the general population, whatever their views, the rubbish that you have to put up with, when editing your blog.

    Stiff upper lip and all that jazz. More power to you, James.

  27. Thank you, Jan, for your sympathy and support.

    Some of the most idiotic comments ever submitted to the blog came from somebody who is now a member of council. The fellow seems barely literate and hardly capable of rational thought, which is probably why the old guard and its intellectually underdeveloped band of supporters took such pains to get him elected. Like attracts like, as the saying goes.

    What he wrote was hilariously funny, though unintentionally so. I wish he'd write some more. As you say, we all need a laugh now and then.

    If he's read the above article, or to put it more accurately has managed to struggle his way through all the words, would he still advocate putting up statues to Ray, Tony and Pat? I bet he would. Who cares about betrayal and impropriety these days?

    1. i dont agree the only comments to be edited should be those that are illegal or threatening the rest stays - thats what our grandfathers fought for James - you probably didnt know that, my Grandfather didnt die for you to have the right to play god

    2. What do mean, 'play god'? This is my blog. It's for me to decide what goes into it and what doesn't. If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple. Why not start one of your own, where you and your friends can argue for what you believe to be true.

      How many times do I have to explain that on this blog platform I can't edit comments. It's either publish or delete.

      I'm sorry about your grandfather. Please accept my condolences.


  29. You write with an English arrogance James please go back to England York doesn't want you

    1. Who are you to decide what York wants? What gives you the right to speak for York? Why not tell us who you are, so we can judge for ourselves whether or not you're qualified to express such an opinion?

      I received 8 comments this evening as ridiculous as this one or worse. I haven't published them all. (My guess is that the dark side conferred by telephone.) I'd have more respect, and be less inclined to 'English arrogance', if the writers of such comments put their names to them instead of remaining anonymous. What are they afraid of?

      The success of this blog would seem to indicate that not everyone in York wants me to leave town.

    2. Anonymous16 January 2016 at 04:54 who are you to speak on behalf of the people of York?

      Telling people to leave town appears to be standard suggestion from those on the dark side.

  30. yes lets put up statues Boyle, Best, Hooper and Simpson - they worked hard to build this town while your bloggers were pulling it apart

    1. What exactly did they do 'to build this town'? They didn't do much for tourism, and some were complicit in foisting a huge white elephant on the town that has cost ratepayers millions and will continue to do so for many years to come. All Graeme Simpson seems to have done is help James Best and the DLGC put the finishing touches to the destruction of York. And you want to put up statues!

      How the bloggers can 'pull the town apart' is a mystery to me. You credit us with more power and influence than we can possibly possess. When I force the Shire to buy a decrepit old building, or try to persuade a court of law to go easy on somebody who's ripped off tens of thousands meant to advance the tourism industry, or do anything like what's chronicled in the Fitz Gerald Report, or negotiate secretly to make York a receptacle for metropolitan junk - well, then you can accuse me of 'pulling the town apart'. Until then, I suggest you keep such accusations to yourself.

    2. Anonymous16 January 2016 at 04:55: If Boyle, Hooper, Best and Simpson worked hard to build this town, perhaps you would explain:
      why Boyle was publicly censured by the State Government Standards Panel?
      why Pat Hooper turned informer against his fellow councillors?
      why Best spent $650,000 of Ratepayers money on a building that has been declared unsafe for the public to enter?
      why Simpson wrote emails to a resident discussing openly the problems of another resident - without authorisation?

  31. Anonymous14 January 2016 at 15:28 If you had been following the blog closely, you would have realised Beth's comment WAS directed at Anonymous14 January 2016 at 03:11 and Anonymous14 January 2016 at 05:04 both of which were deleted by the Blog Master. Refer James Plumridge 14 January 2016 at 15:26 Thanks, Beth, I shouldn't have let those daft comments through - not paying enough attention. I've deleted them.

    1. What comments at 1528 and 311 there aren't any silly. Why are you thanking Beth and how are you allowed to delete them if James Plumridge is the Blog Master, have you got a password.

    2. I deleted them. Go back to sleep.

    3. Are you the Blog Master.

    4. No, I'm the moderator (and now sole proprietor) of this blog.

      The title 'Blogmaster' belongs to the mysterious person who started the other blog, the one I used to write for. There's some debate as to whether or not he really exists and if the title is just a front for the Illuminati.

  32. I have I fundamental problem with comments being deleted, its the worst form a censorship. The context of a conversation can be dramatically altered with a little selective bowdlerism.

    1. It's not the worst form of censorship by any means. The worst form is political correctness in any of its guises, because it compels self-censorship, which is more or less a species of cowardice in the face of the enemy.

      I would never delete a serious comment, one that propels the discussion forward, whatever opinions it contained, but I give notice that mindless nonsense, silly sneers and abuse are no longer welcome on this blog. Occasionally I will make an exception if there is an opportunity for me to have a bit of fun at the writer's expense.

  33. It is scary to think these people are out there.

    1. I don't believe this, what people out where who's scaring who. If someone is scaring someone they should tell the police straifgt away in case it gets worse, don't be scared. And anymous 2013 whats rocks got to do with conversations.

    2. That's a good question - who's scaring whom? I think what D meant was that the presence in the world of really stupid people is frightening, especially when you consider that they vote and worse, reproduce their kind. I would like to dissociate myself from that kind of elitism - except that when I look back over some recent comments submitted to the blog, I quite understand what D is getting at.

      Now, as to rocks and conversations: 'bowdlerism' has nothing to do with geological phenomena but denotes the practice of expurgating books, plays, movies etc., in other words, censoring them by taking the naughty bits out of them. The word is derived from the name of Dr Thomas Bowdler who did this to Shakespeare's plays (all of them!) back in the late 18th or early 19th century, I can't remember which.

      (I think you knew this all the time and wrote your comment in a spirit of jest.)

    3. See this is what people are saying, your showing of. You make it hard on purpose, my dad died of phenomena its a horrible sickness.

    4. I'm sorry for your loss.

      A few years ago I was stricken with phenomena which rapidly turned into plurality. I had to go into hospital but my wife tells me I survived.

    5. Trevor Randell suffered from a little plurality at the October election.

    6. Are you suggesting the election was rigged in his favour? How would that have been possible with David Payne from the WAEC in charge?

  34. Wow...100 comments on this post - clearly a nerve has been stood on. I am an ex Yorkie ( although I still have some great friends there) and if I may, I would like to make a few observations on what I both experienced during my time living in York and my post York experience... (from reading the blogs) Firstly...during my time in York, it was clear that Ray Hooper ruled with an iron was very much his way or the highway and that translated through to Shire Employees (apart from the chosen few) to Councillors whom he bullied into submission, generally through his 'perceived' knowledge of everything to do with local government (he could rattle off every bylaw, precedent, sub law...whatever you want to call it) and in all honesty, the community should not be surprised or shocked that Councillors were and could be hoodwinked... the local government system asks for everyday locals to step up to the put a portion of their time and livelihood up for grabs, yes I know there is a remuneration package, but in reality it is truly a 24 hour / 7 day a week prospect...and in a small town, that's exactly what happens. Keep in mind that most nominees for these positions want to do the right thing, they want to achieve good management and outcomes for the town that they live, work and play in and where they have or are bringing up families... However, power is a seductive mistress and when coupled by a leader that is so hungry for control and so masterful in deception, the unsteady become easy pray for conversion to the 'my way or the highway' philosophy... In addition, these poor elected fools then have to walk the plank surrounded by the SOY sharks...and we know there are a few of them... Now in saying all of this...I also have to change hats and say that during my live in experience in York, I rarely saw very much positive community spirit, and by this I mean people / groups / dissenters of the SOY do much to inspire, encourage, engage, participate, generate any positive activities / events / good news stories / promotions / media releases - don't get me wrong....I am fully aware of the individuals who did - Tanya Richardson / The Medieval Fayre / John Langton plus a few of the accommodation properties.... etc etc. But for the main part, there was always a lot of grizzling amongst the town folk and not much participation and I can say this with my hand on my heart.... Sporting groups were not much better - not all of them - (Junior Netball were amazing) but they did love to complain... FAST FORWARD - post York living....over the last 12 months I have been looking to settle again in a rural area...plant my feet and make some life changing I had lived in York before, it was on my radar and through googling came upon the 2 York blogs, as well as googling everything else I could about York, along with the SOY site...unfortunately, there was not one positive post or site regarding York...nothing, nada, zip, zero. I have only just (in the last week) purchased a property in another location, which has had it's own problems with local council, but after investigating it also has a very healthy, positive and forward thinking population which is happy to self promote without the local, state or federal governments having to be responsible. Anyway, just something to consider as your town attempts to move forward :)

  35. My impression is that the Hooper-Boyle-Hooper regime crushed York's community spirit. The nadir was the Kate Watts affair leading to the collapse of tourism in York. It took a long time to sort out what had really happened to the tourist board money, thanks in no small measure to the two Hoopers who tried to shift the blame on to an innocent party, Tanya Richardson, presumably to ease the burden of their friend Michael Watts. With that kind of nonsense going on, it's no wonder people lose heart and 'grizzle'. Few people are entirely blameless when things go as badly wrong as they have in York - I stood by and did nothing for years while dimly aware that something was amiss in the town - but it's not fair to blame the victims of the old regime, except that they continue to vote idiots in as councillors!

  36. Mark Duperuzal discussed shire business with an ex employee of the Shire of York, Ray Hooper dictated that a report, that primarily contained questionable information about his conduct as CEO of the Shire of York, be disposed of !!!! and there it all is in black and white.

    1. Mark had no right to be consulting with Ray Hooper, let alone discussing the Fitz Gerald Report with him.

      Why didn't Mark wait and meet with the Shire President Matthew Reid and full council before running off with his dummy to meet with Minister Simpson, or had Mark forgotten Matthew was the President of the Council?

      Ray Hooper advised Mark Duperouzel to destroy a report Ratepayers had paid for! What else did Ray Hooper order to be destroyed in his time here?

    2. Yes it will be interesting who and when contacted Mr Hooper after he RESIGNED, as per his RESIGNATION LETTER, how many phone calls were made from the shire office or from mobiles or other phones computers and the like, No use running to your phone or computer to delete, I love technology it stays out there in cyber land forever and telephone companies keep phone records for ages, we seen all this with that shameful suitcase murder of that precious little girl and her Mother, you can run but if there was more than yourself involved you cant hide, A wise woman said to me once its not a secret if it involves more than one person!!!!

  37. Anonymous17 January 2016 at 00:37 "to Councillors whom he bullied into submission, generally through his 'perceived' knowledge of everything to do with local government (he could rattle off every bylaw, precedent, sub law...whatever you want to call it) and in all honesty, the community should not be surprised or shocked that Councillors were and could be hoodwinked... the local government system asks for everyday locals to step up to the plate"

    Councillors were warned, shown documentation, told he Ray Hooper was misquoting legislation, instead of looking up the legislation for themselves, or even, when seeing actual newspaper clippings and documents had they acted appropriately instead of sending lambs to slaughter with lies, bully tactics, they are actually lucky that their antics didn't result in people being killed.
    It could have been so different but for the fact of greed, ego's and overwhelming of self importance.

    Integrity, humility, knowing write from wrong, qualities we are all born with some just choose to ignore them for their own gain.

    1. Watching17 January 2016 at 07:48
      Councillors were not bullied into submission by Hooper, they had choices and they chose to allow greed, power and self importance to lead them.

      I know councillors WERE TOLD Ray Hooper was misquoting the local government act and they chose to ignore the warnings. ALL the councillors knew exactly what Ray Hooper was doing and they ignored it, because it suited their cause which makes them totally to blame for for mess York now finds itself.

      They didn't even have the guts to follow up the Fitz Gerald Report! They were trusted and they let the people down.

      I believe an innocent Kalgoorlie Shire Employee was shot when he was sent to the counter to deal with a resident who had asked to see the Deputy Shire Clerk Ray Hooper.

    2. Jesus, you people are pretty ordinary!

      Anonymous17 January 2016 at 15:43, you state that you; "believe an innocent Kalgoorlie Shire Employee was shot when he was sent to the counter to deal with a resident who had asked to see the Deputy Shire Clerk Ray Hooper".

      Would you like to extract your finger from wherever its stuck and come up with one iota of evidence to support your sensational claim?

      On second thoughts, I doubt very much you have the intellect to even start to put a case forward, so you had better stick to the bandying about of false rumour and innuendo.

    3. Anonymous17 January 2016 at 15:43 read it again that quote was from Anonymous17 January 2016 at 00:37. they stated that they were not bullied???????? as for the Ray Hooper Kalgoorlie fiasco that is a false rumour, one phone call to the historical society cleared that up there was a shooting in Kalgoorlie to do with a disgruntled gentleman who apparently was a little disabled who shot at a clerk not Ray Hooper and was disarmed by the health officer but before that turned the gun on himself the end.

    4. What really happened in Kalgoorlie on that fateful day many years ago?

      This is the story I heard. A local builder - said to have been Italian, but that may be 'merely corroborative detail intended to give verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative'- entered the municipal offices and asked to speak to Ray Hooper, the deputy town clerk or whatever holders of that office were called in those days.

      Instead of Ray Hooper, another employee came out to the reception area. The builder, mistakenly assuming that employee was Ray Hooper, produced a firearm and shot him. He was then disarmed (perhaps by the health inspector) and subsequently arrested. Later, he was tried and found guilty of murder.

      A friend of mine relates that the murdered man's son told her son that his dad 'had stopped a bullet meant for Ray Hooper'.

      Is the story true? I don't know, but somehow I think it might be. York is hardly Dodge City, but a few months ago a local worthy, as mild-mannered a gentleman as you are ever likely to meet, confessed to me that he had once or twice contemplated administering what Wyatt Earp might have described as the hot lead enema in similar circumstances to those that had obtained in Kalgoorlie. Fortunately for him, and for Ray, common sense prevailed over smouldering rage.

      True or not, the story is part of the Ray Hooper myth. We should note, though, that the story as I heard it doesn't accuse Ray of having done anything wrong, but merely casts him in the role of intended victim.

    5. James the only person who was shot was the man himself and Ray Hooper was not working there at the time.
      865375 BASSETT, Dennis Mervyn 14 April 1993 WA Kalgoorlie Disarmed offender in the Kalgoorlie/Boulder City Council Building Mr Bassett was the health inspector and was awarded a bravery medal

    6. Fact if you go to the sister site shire of York BlogSpot 6302, go to posts from December 2014, scroll down to the story Sound Familiar, you will see there a newspaper clipping from the Kalgoorlie Minor dated August 18 where Ray had already exited because of severe miss management in council finances to head off to chittering and of course our beloved little town.

    7. Thanks, Fact or Crap, for putting facts in the way of a good story.

      What a shame! Even if the story isn't true, it feels as though it should be.

      Sometimes crap is more fun than fact.

      Are you sure that the citation you've produced (and I've checked) doesn't relate to a later incident than the one to which the story refers?

    8. No one would like the sensationalism that the story, if it would be true, would befit a more treacherous apt owner Ray Hooper than I, I assure you.
      But alas it is a rumour, and very easily debunked, there is a lot that could be said about this callous manipulative man, but this is just what it is, and the man that went into the shire office turned the gun on himself, as told to me personally by 1 person that was there on the day and the lady from the historical society in Kalgoorlie Boulder, is just not true, sorry.

      Positive this is the only time someone has entered the Kalgoorlie Boulder Armed. again sorry.

      Just a case of Chinese whispers some truth to it but not the truth that matters.

      York can be good at that at times, best to always seek both sides to a story, talk to witnesses, I have found that usually the truth doesn't alter depending who's in the room, and unless you have done research or you have ascertain both sides of the argument, it is best not to go on what you hear even if the person is someone you think you can trust.
      I have often been told that someone doesn't like some one, with the answer being because this or that, then when asked they heard it, when supplied with the other half of the story, and written proof or evidence, they say they didn't know? well if you don't know don't spread. and funnily enough there are people that are out there even when provided with the truth are happy to believe in the lie, people are hated because they are truthful go figure, but telling fibs to deflect the truth from being revealed, that's how councillors, Ray, and staff destroyed innocent people in town, and fools took it as being gospel and still do, and all those who played Chinese Whispers will have to answer for their behaviour if not to a court, powers that be or to the grand creator. its just a fact!!! :)

    9. Thanks again, Fact or Crap, for taking the trouble to research this story and sharing your findings on the blog.

      It says a great deal about Ray Hooper that a story like this - a kind of minor urban myth - has attached itself to his name.

      Last night I watched a show on SBS about 'dark matter' as conceived by particle physicists. It reminded me - ignorant as I am of the science and mathematics behind the esoteric speculations of those extraordinary minds - of just how bizarre the universe is, and what a kaleidoscope of weird possibilities it presents to us.

      So might there not be a parallel universe in which the story of Ray and the crazed would-be assassin is true? Or in which Ray never became CEO of the Shire of York, the YRCC never got built, York still enjoys a vibrant tourist trade and all the festivals it used to host, rate increases are always held to the CPI or below, local politicians of every stripe and at every level loyally support their constituents, all shire employees are qualified for the work they are paid to do and capable of doing it, and the current DCEO is still pulling middies in the Castle Hotel?

  38. hey James where is my post????????

    1. How would I know? You haven't said who you are, so I can't tell which piece of anonymous rubbish I decided not to post was yours.

  39. it wasn't rubbish you arrogant SOB

    1. Sorry, councillor, I'll be the judge of that.

      As for arrogance, I'm not the one who thinks he has the right to demand that people leave town because he doesn't like their opinions.

    2. What is a SOB?

    3. SOB = a deeply unpleasant insult directed at my late mother. If Anonymous 18/1/16 @ 00:15 would care to identify himself, I shall challenge him to custard pies at dawn. Say what you like about me, cobber, but leave my mum out of it.

  40. Does anyone have any idea what happened at Mr Chadwick's court hearing on Monday?

    1. On the whole, I think I prefer 'Anonymous'.

      No idea, but he's still driving shire vehicles around the town. He complained to a friend of mine today about the photo of him placed on the blog not long ago. He said it didn't show his best profile. (Just kidding.)

      My guess, and it's only a guess, is that he pleaded not guilty to burglary and AOBH and the matter was set down for trial in the District Court. Either the Grey Street charges were dropped, or he pleaded NG to them and that matter was set down for trial in the magistrates court.

      A friend tells me that a lot of Kiwis were in and around the court yesterday so maybe they frightened the cops and the court into cancelling the charges and letting him go. (Just kidding again.)

      Seriously, if anyone knows what did happen, please put a comment on the blog.

  41. A nice spot of rain, some pleasant days and cooler nights, decent sleep, just perks you right up, doesn't it?

    While on the subject of C.E.Os', was perusing the "Professional Appointments" section of Saturdays' West and noticed adverts for C.E.Os, from several shires. Makes interesting reading.

    Shires involved include 'Shire of Menzies, Shire of Broomehill and Tambellup, and Shire of Sandstone'. Gosh, the things they ask for! Foster a 'Customer Service Focus', Positive Team Culture, COHESIVE relationship with the Council AND Community; efficient planning and delivery of services.
    Then, Additionally: hold "Relevant Tertiary Qualifications" Heavens above.
    Further; Implementation of an "already agreed vision" in a Shire that has enjoyed 'excellent management' and a 'very stable work force' for many years. What happened to the old CEO?
    He is retiring. Damn, could have used him. The successful applicant here, has to have a
    'Proven Track Record in Leadership, Management and Achievement', etc. Just dizzy with the possibilities of a CEO, that good, here in York.

    Two of the adverts want the applications to be addressed to the SHIRE PRESIDENT. Shire of Sandstone is using - Guess who??? MIKE FITZ GERALD - who is to, apparently, check out the assorted C.Vs and statements addressing the Selection Criteria and Requirements of the position, for the Shire of Sandstone. Smart people up there.

    Shire of Menzies want a CEO who can be 'Sensitive to the issues facing Isolated communities' and to possess 'exemplary work ethics and supervisory skills and a proven ability to communicate with diverse stakeholders' and the ability to make a difference.

    Good luck to Menzies - they are going through WALGA!! (Canvassing of Councillors will disqualify)

    Clearly there are people out there with these qualifications, who can do the job required, have the expertise and experience, who are honest and reliable, with a good work ethic, who are respected by their Peers, Employers and co-workers. People who stay in the job for so long, doing such a good job for their Communities, that they end up retiring and having to be replaced for no other reason, than they have reached a conclusion to their working life.
    What a wonderful position to be in. And now, poor souls, these Shires have to take a leap of faith and hope that they get a new CEO, who can not only stand in, but fill the boots of those CEOs, past.

    As a Community, all we can hope for (and wish) is something similar, a CEO along those lines of the one who has retired, who will be honest, do the job they are paid to do, properly and be highly successful and respected and admired for their achievements in leading this Town out of the mire, to a light, bright and successful future.

    Legs and fingers crossed, People. And, perhaps, Pray a lot!

    1. Never mind Menzies, good luck to York - it's going through WALGA too!

  42. Pity we cant also have citizens apply to live in York based on their contribution to community, that way all the dissenters on the blog that are so caught up in history of Boyle Hooper etc etc as well as three quarters of the new Council would not be allowed in town.

    1. Goodness me, there I was thinking that all the local halfwits, having lost the argument, had given up and gone to ground.

      Perhaps you'd like to tell us what you have contributed to the community? Or what your heroes did that wasn't a total stuff up inspired by greed, lust for power or self interest?

    2. Wonder if Anonymous21 January 2016 at 16:56 is brave enough to tell us if he/she was born here.

      As some one said previously suggested, the self appointed York hierarchy should have installed razor wire around the Shire of York and kept the town completely closed. They sold off their farms to property developers for heaps of $$$ and now whinge and call those who invested their life savings into the town names.

      Can any one tell us why the SAYH resent those people who have chosen to live here?

    3. Anonymous21 January 2016 at 16:56 So your on the side of the dissenters on the blog then ?

      Ray Hooper was a blow in and applied for the job and got it from the locals?

      Pat Hooper another blow in got the job from the locals?

      Locals do such a great job at vetting, seems York is the only country town in Australia that is not warm and welcoming, maybe if you had of vetted better in the past dear localite you would not be putting your foot so profoundly in your mouth when you make a statement. The only people who are on council at the moment that should leave are the people that think that everyone else is beneath them and we know who they are most of them local.

    4. Anonymous21 January 2016 at 16:56 - I was unaware some people with questionable intelligence/education would prefer York to be a closed Town - why wasn't I told before I purchased a home here?

    5. To Anonymous21 January 2016 at 16:56.
      If Hooper, Boyle, Lawrence and Randell were so good for this town, perhaps they would like to post their full education levels, qualifications and volunteering service to York.

      Serving as a councillor is not counted because they were paid for that.

    6. Being members of Boards don't count either as they are paid positions. The only ones they are out to impress by being members of various boards are the plastic socialites and Politicians.

      Can't recall any of the above volunteering any where in York. Haven't seen them at 'clean up Australia' or volunteering at the Tourist Bureau. Pat Hooper was on the Committee (as a Councillor) during the Kate Watts issue.

      They have bored us with their illiterate speeches as Councillors at various community events.

  43. Fact or Crap25 January 2016 at 20:00 - spot on!

    Anonymous21 January 2016 at 16:56 - goodness me, you are really showing your ignorance! All of those targeted WERE wonderful contributors to the community! Unfortunately because they were not 'anointed' by the self appointed 'custodian of York' and dared to show people like you up by putting their money, heart and soul into the community they chose to live in they were 'dealt with'.

    If you believe York should be a closed community, I suggest you speak with the Estate Agents so they can warn prospective purchasers of properties.

  44. lets anoint Boyle Hooper and others give them the key to York we have a lot to thank them for
