Monday 4 January 2016


So what might this mean for Allawuna?

On 17 December 2015, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Wayne Martin ruled invalid the Environmental Protection Authority’s decision to approve the Roe 8 Highway Extension without first undertaking a proper assessment of the proposed development’s impact on the environment, including local wetlands.

You can read a report of Chief Justice Martin’s ruling by Daniel Mercer of the West Australian at

It seems from Mr. Mercer’s report that the EPA has form when it comes to shirking its responsibilities to the WA environment.  It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that where environmental concerns collide with big developer interests, the EPA will either find excuses not to run an assessment or will simply ignore its own policies and turn its back on the problem.

In so doing, it’s probably reflecting the attitudes and approach of our premier, Colin ‘Big Picture’ Barnett, who has sworn that Roe 8 will go ahead despite the Supreme Court’s ruling and strong public opposition.


Last year, many York residents twice made submissions to the EPA regarding SITA’s proposal to establish a landfill at Allawuna farm on the Great Southern Highway, about 20 kms from York.  The landfill would operate as a repository for Perth’s waste, including noxious materials like blue asbestos.

They were wasting their time.  No doubt at a nod from the WA government, the EPA decided to approve the proposed landfill without assessing SITA’s proposal—as some assert, without subjecting it even to a cursory assessment to find out if a full assessment was called for. 

It did so despite serious misgivings on the part of knowledgeable and qualified residents regarding the hydrological and seismological ramifications of placing a landfill at that site.

That’s when our local MLA, Mia Davies, Minister for Water and a member of Mr. Barnett’s cabinet, earned the soubriquet ‘Missing In Action’ which is likely to follow her to her political grave.

An EPA bureaucrat told one resident over the ‘phone that the authority wasn’t getting involved in Allawuna because it was too busy dealing with problems ‘up north’, presumably the fall-out from the gas-hub debacle.  Apparently that was an EPA stuff-up as well.

What about York?

At some time within the next few weeks, the State Administrative Tribunal will hand down its verdict on SITA’s Allawuna application.

I’m sure none of us wants to try pre-empting the Tribunal’s decision.  All we can do at present is hope and pray that the universe is pushing for a just outcome, namely a ruling in favour of the people of York and a poke in the eye for grubby French-based multi-national Suez-Lyonnaise and its local avatar, Nial ‘I Thought We Had a Deal With the Shire’ Stock.   

But if the SAT ruling goes the wrong way—should we consider doing as the opponents of Roe 8 did, and applying to the Supreme Court on similar grounds to theirs? 

A message to Albert and Mia

Roma Paton has kindly given me permission to publish an email she sent the other day to the WA Environment Minister and his colleague, the Minister for Water.  Here it is.

Date: 2 January 2016 3:26:02 PM AWST
Cc: Mia Davies <>
Subject: EPA/SITA Landfill application

Hon. A.P. Jacob MLA BEnvDes, M. Arch, JP
Minister for Environment; Heritage 
Dumas House, 
West Perth.

Dear Minister Jacobs,

Enclosed below is an article by Daniel Mercer alerting to issues with the Environmental Protection Authorities assessment of various projects within Western Australia and ask you to also consider reviewing the decision of the EPA not to assess the application by SITA Australia Pty. Ltd. for a class 11 or 111 putrescible landfill (Allawuna Farm Landfill) Great Southern Highway, St. Ronans (W5581/2014/1)[*6} in the Shire of York. 

I believe the EPA regulator also ignored its own policies when they chose not to assess SITA's Landfill application given its proximity and potential risk to the Mundaring Water catchment.

The residents of York have been fighting to stop this Landfill a number of years.  Twice it has been through the JDAP process and we are within the 90 day process of a decision being made by the State Administration Tribunal.

In fairness to the people of York and future generations accessing water from the Mundaring Weir, would you please review the process used for the SITA Landfill application, before any decision is handed down by the State Administration Tribunal.

I believe the Town of Tammin want the SITA Landfill and a large amount of Royalties for Regions money has been allocated for a Feasibility Study on this. The rubbish could be railed into Tammin eliminating road transport currently planned for the Lakes to York section of the Great Southern Highway.

Yours sincerely,

Roma Paton

cc Hon. Mia Jane Davies MLA BMM
Minister for Water; Sport and Recreation; Forestry; Deputy Leader of the National Party of Australia (WA)

cc Daniel Mercer, West Australian Newspaper.

Thanks, Roma.  Please let us know how you get on. 

Mia will probably turn up for York’s Australia Day celebrations.  Some of you might like to give her an idea of how you feel about her duplicity regarding the landfill.  Politely worded placard, anyone?

 A nice photo of Mia Davies MLA taken a long, long way from the nearest landfill.  


A few weeks back I reported that I’d received information from somebody using the pseudonym ‘A person who would like to see the truth out there’ regarding a letter dated 27 July 2014 from ex-CEO Ray Hooper to then Shire Deputy President Mark Duperouzel.   I suggested that the person concerned might like to provide me with a copy of the letter.  He or she has done so.  The letter is as interesting as I’d hoped it would be.  It will be examined in my next article, scheduled to appear later this week.


  1. When the Hon. Mia Davies reads your article, we may hear she has been 'inadvertently indisposed' on Australia day. She may need time to recover from her 'holiday'.

    If the Landfill application is rejected, you can bet MIA will claim the victory and tell us how hard she has been working behind the scenes to obtain the positive outcome for her electorate.

    I voted for her at the last election - never again.

  2. Good to see people are still releasing the truth, look forward to reading your article.

    Duperouzel had trouble letting go of the apron strings.

  3. Why can't you leave Mark alone he was doing his very best for a town that he loves. He's not a bad person he wasn't given the opportunity to shine, he was cut down in his prime.
    Anyway I would like to say a lot more on the subject but there are men in white coats knocking at the door and I haven't taken my medication.

  4. Doing the best for the Town???? Is that why he voted for the rubbish dump?

    Mark was afforded the honour and privilege to represent the wishes of the York people and he let them down by supporting SITA application.

    Please tell us how and when was Mark cut down?

  5. I dont get it why are those Councillors demons for supporting SITA but the new ones "excused" for voting for Avon waste

    1. Anonymous 7 January 2016 at 06:08 - remember the word demon was your description OK.

      Those councillors are demons for many other reasons, not just SITA.

      Try reading the Fitz Gerald Report, ask why they renewed Ray Hooper's contract when they knew the majority of york wanted him gone - in fact Tony Boyle lied, he promised NOT to renew Ray Hooper's contract - ask why they voted to continually go after the Saints. They all knew the CEO was attacking vulnerable people in the community and they did nothing to stop it?

      If you don't believe the people wanted Ray Hooper gone, check the number of votes Matthew Reid got when he nominated for council.

      Mark Duperouzel was not cut down, he chose to resign at same time as Tony Boyle AFTER they (Duperouzel, Boyle and Hooper) voted to hide the truth from the people of York, then proceed to shaft their President! I suggest Duperouzel and Boyle took the advice to step down from the ex CEO, hoping to bring down the council. The only thing redeeming Pat Hooper was, he at least stayed until the elections.

      On the subject of Avon Waste - you need to look at when this project was planned and who in the administration (Ray's appointees) set the foundations so the current council could not decline the application.

  6. Hold on a moment, Anonymous at 6:08 - who's excusing anyone?

    The Ashworth Road question might well come back to bite the new council. Who knows?

  7. heavens sake when we will we all get over the Hooper boyle era its dead and gone lets focus on real issues today

    1. Isn't Ashworth Road a real issue? And doesn't it have its origins in changes to the town planning scheme? And who were the folk responsible for those changes? In that case, how can you say that era is dead and gone?

      We won't 'get over' the past until the whole rotten story is exposed.

      Would you like to nominate what you regard as the 'real issues' of today, and tell us all what you think should be done about them?

    2. The real issues are Gail, Tyscha and the rest of the incompetent and corrupt administration that they lead. While they are still employed Ray Hooper is still calling the shots.

      Get rid of them.

    3. Anonymous9 January 2016 at 03:59- Are you one of the perpetrators from the Hooper Boyle era?

      If not, you must be one of those who stood by in the shadows and did nothing to stop the disgusting behaviour.

      If you had been relentlessly targeted by the above evil entities, you would not be so quick to tell people to 'get over it'. It has to be dealt with to make sure it never happens again to anyone else.

      Until you have walked in the shoes of the damaged people, you and the rest of York have no right to judge!

    4. Anonymous9 January 2016 at 03:59/ It is not a matter of getting over it. It is a matter of exposing those involved and making sure the people of York know what they did so they are never put in a position of power and trust again.

      Groups and organisations in York should be very wary of those involved in the bullying and avoid voting them into positions of power on their committees - they crave attention and have a insatiable need to feel important within the community.
      Too late for one club.

  8. Come on Anonymous 9 January 2016 at 03:59 we're waiting. Time and time again Anonymous people blog about getting over it and dealing with the real issues. But they never tell us what they think the real issues are or share their positivity and good ideas for the future? I wonder if its because they're lazy and waiting for someone else to do so or if after a reality check they know barriers are still in their way. Barriers developed in the Boyle and Hooper eras that the senior staff still enforce.

    Criticism is easy. Keeping your head down is easy. Gossiping is easy. Empathy is easy.

    Facing the whole ugly truth and demanding its dealt with so it never happens again is hard.

  9. repeat get over it and move forward or the town will die

    1. The town is dying anyway, thanks to people like you with their heads in the sand or their own rectums. Repeat, councillor, what are your ideas for reviving a moribund town? Do you think that making York the rubbish capital of WA is going to revive York's fortunes? Do you really want to live in a a town like that?

  10. it will be a rubbish town because of this bunch of incompetent people that voted for Fishers dump to be at Ashworth Road
