Tuesday 26 January 2016


[The article below is the work, lightly edited, of the late David Paton, probably written in 2011.  It offers a provocative viewpoint that some may consider wrong or even offensive.  I invite readers to submit short articles (500-800 words), or letters, for publication on the blog, which as I have often said is open to all points of view on relevant matters.  The only stipulation is that the article or letter must be more intellectually engaging than a mere rant, which on the face of it would exclude contributions from one prominent member of Council – but he’s welcome to try.] 

The Squatter Influence Still Flourishes in York

Most people would agree that in York, the shire council and nearly all influential clubs and peak bodies are controlled, directly or indirectly, by descendants of squatters or people who would like to be seen as such although of more lowly station or more recent arrivals.

Most of the persons of influence have had only a minimal high school education.

Perhaps a few have gone on to agricultural college but in the main—only a basic, if expensive education.

Those same people, when serving as councillors, are now expected to understand complex accounting methods used to operate a multi-million dollar business.

The descendants of squatters have been quick to sell off their land for housing and other developments. Many have regretted this loss of land with the accompanying loss of prestige that went with it.

Other actions may come back to haunt them.  Consider the giving away of the use of the York Tennis Club land. The York Tennis Club was formed in 1929.  Club premises were cared for by volunteers and became useful to other organizations and individuals.

By vacating the York Tennis Club land, the sons and daughters of former squatters have given away probably a million dollars worth of prime land in the centre of York. This included river frontage, and a one hundred year old grape vine, for practically nothing.

There was no need for them to do this, because members of the Shire Council, and some members of the tennis club, were the descendants of squatters. So they had enough influence collectively to tell the powers that be ‘to stick it where the sun don’t shine’.

The same influential people were also dudded when they handed over their stake in Forrest Oval for the promise of the use of land and buildings at the York racecourse. The York Agricultural Society is the oldest in Western Australia, having been formed in 1843. At first they used to hold their shows along the foreshore of the York River, but later, as their organisation grew, and with the help of the York Municipal Council, they exchanged their land by the river for a larger site at Forrest Oval. 

The Agricultural Society quietly handed over buildings that were constructed for them in exchange for the use of some of the racecourse buildings. We all know what happened early in 2011, when buildings on the racecourse—dating from 1843, and also squatter controlled—blew away in a summer storm and could not be replaced because they had been under- insured.

The racecourse committee consists of some (past and present) members of York Council and the shire administration. Those people should be held accountable for the York Racing Club having twice had to cancel meetings because of a bad track.

The above examples demonstrate that the squatter influence is largely responsible for the downgrading of historical sites and the erosion of York’s history.  History and heritage don’t matter to them.  It’s money that counts.

And let’s not even mention the sad fate of the ficus tree, a significant feature of York’s identity, which was destroyed by a gang of thugs encouraged by council inaction.

However, the original settlers’ blood is running thinner with each passing generation. Not quickly enough for most of us!!

David Paton

POSTSCRIPT: In his article, the late David. Paton (whom I never knew) makes a number of assertions.  Some of them I find a bit puzzling.  Sadly, I can’t ask him for clarification, because the dog ate my ouija board, so I’ll summarise them briefly and ask readers who wish to comment to say which of the assertions are true, partly true or entirely false.  Here they are.

1.     The Shire of York and local organisations generally are (or were) controlled by descendants of squatters and their hangers-on.
2.     Such people are too poorly educated to run a large organisation like the Shire and to oversee the Shire’s finances.
3.     The York Tennis Club made a serious mistake in ceding the use of its premises to the Shire, getting little of real value in return.
4.     The York Agricultural Society made a serious mistake in giving up its Forrest Oval premises in exchange for use of racecourse buildings that blew down in a storm.
5.     The people who run York are too preoccupied with making money to care about York’s history and heritage.

What do readers think? Did David go too far?


  1. what a load of rubbish - more raking over the past Plumerige - its a poor reflection on you sir

    1. I didn't write it, and I lack the historical knowledge that would enable me to say whether I agree with it or not. However, I take full responsibility for publishing it. My goodness, it seems to have touched a nerve with you.

      Why not tell us what assertions of fact in the article are wrong?

    2. you published it - 2011 - James it now 2016 - do you think we can move on here?

  2. heavens sake I was just reading your other article comments that seem to make the point that we need to look forward and you post this James, are you not hearing your followers?

    1. I have readers, not followers. Aren't you paying attention?

  3. Congrats to the ACEO for putting together a good agenda. Its nice to read officers recommendations without all the undertones. Congrats to Cr Saint, Cr Heaton and Cr Ferro for their contributions as well. Smythe, Walters and Randall sat by year after year with no valid policies and did nothing. Wallace at least tried to support Matthew for change. Lets hope there's plenty more good policies to come.

  4. there is nothing in the agenda

    1. During the rein of Ray Hooper Agendas were as long as shindlers list and may have had undertones of other Nazi propaganda as Ray has been portrayed in previous posts on the other Blog and I believe this Blog.

      That aside Ray and the other admin we see now by the sparse agenda's, dealing with what we see as nothing, compared to previous agenda's of people justifying their existence and jobs on paper.

      The new agenda's see us dealing with actual protocol not personal witch hunts Ray always bought it to council with his recommendation, challenge Ray and you would get that's an operational matter, seems operational matters run smoothly now that the vengeance part has been removed. Fact .

  5. yes it would be the most benign agenda ever sent why are we congratulating these people?

    1. Anonymous27 January 2016 at 19:59 because now the shire's councillors focus is on how the performance, responses, response time, will be handled they are building with policies a harmonious and professional way that things will be handled from here on, they are putting things in place, so that the shite fight that has happened in the shire will be easier to resolve amicably, to make the shire more open and accountable for everything to the people, and that takes time, this council so far is at least addressing past issues, instead of adding to them. for that at least congratulations are in order, it takes brave people to admit and to tackle complete messes as this head on. Fact .

  6. what the heck is this published for its old, the man (with respect) has passed on and it bears no relevance to today

  7. Well, it's the History Channel, and with all due respect most of us don't get to be truly historical until we pass on.

    Relevance is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not convinced that point no 5 is irrelevant - not after Allawuna and Ashworth Road.

  8. come on James perhaps we should be just looking at SITA and Ashworth Road forget the rest its from yesterday isn't it

  9. Not long ago I devoted a long article to SITA. Since then, I've had a fair bit to say by way of comment on Ashworth Road. Unlike most people, I see the past mirrored in the present, to which it is often a key. That's why I'm interested in knowing what people think about what David had to say. Is what he said, or any of it, true?

  10. its irrelevant now James I think he's/she's right

    1. Truth is never irrelevant, no matter how old. It can shape our understanding of the present and guide our approach to the future.

    2. Truth is irrelevant on this blog because it gets in the way of a good story ... me thinks!

    3. You're an impostor. Charles Dickens would never have written 'methinks' as two words, because he would have known that 'methinks' is not synonymous with 'I think'. The Old English word from which 'methinks' is derived means 'seem', not 'think' so the archaic dative construction 'methinks' literally means 'it seems to me'.

      You're also a liar. On this blog, truth often gets in the way of a good story. I have always invited (and published!) corrections to what I write. I suppose the best I can expect from someone of your calibre is smart-arse remarks.

  11. yes its mirrored in the present as the council is still useless

  12. but the ashworth road and SITA debacle is still happening cant you find some more to publish James - come on put it in for the team mate, we love you for it

  13. Why do you allow belligerent anonymous people to belittle a Council without any considered attestable facts?
    Exactly what are your motives?
    We know what Ms Paton's are!

    1. Presumably you're referring to the comment from Anonymous 27/1 @ 23:07.

      As everyone knows, I am always reluctant to reject comments. I don't see that one as 'belligerent' in tone - more like 'despairing' or 'disappointed'. My hunch is that it was submitted by someone out Ashworth Road way.

      Over the past couple of months it's become increasingly apparent that rightly or wrongly, some people are unhappy about Council secrecy and signs that the administration continues to be firmly in control of events.

      It hasn't escaped everyone's attention that Dr Gael Ferguson, the consultant brought in to advise on policy change, hails from NZ, is a former colleague as well as compatriot of the A/CEO and is associated with his consultancy, Localise. As it happens, I googled Dr Ferguson and was impressed by her antecedents. She may well be the best person for the job in the Southern Hemisphere, but it's not a good look after ten years of systemic nepotism and patronage in York that a CEO, acting or not, should be farming work out to his mates. I'm not saying Dr Ferguson shouldn't have got the job, merely that the public should have been told right from the start of the decision to contract her services and the circumstances surrounding her appointment. Such matters should be open as well as honest and accountable, and it's Council's responsibility to make sure residents are kept fully informed of them.

      Some people have told me they are unhappy about the Council's decision to refuse Matthew's application for reimbursement of legal fees, or more precisely, about the Council's failure to spell out clearly and openly the reasons for that decision - secrecy again.

      I don't believe the Council is 'useless', far from it, but I do understand why some residents are disgruntled and inclined to harsh judgement.

      What are my motives? They are to do what I can as an outsider to break down the culture of secrecy, greed, favouritism and bureaucratic misfeasance that has come to characterise the administration of local government in York (not to mention the rest of WA). I recognise that I'm banging my head against the proverbial brick wall, but as the man said, it gets you nowhere but it's lovely when you stop. Exactly what do you think my motives are?

      What Roma Paton has to do with your complaint I've no idea. I'm sure she isn't the anonymous correspondent who's upset you. No doubt she'll have something to say about your remarks.

    2. I do not know anyone by the name of Sue.

      As Sue claims to know so much about me, I challenge her? to meet me for coffee so I can put a face to the name and provide her? with the opportunity to tell me more about myself.
      I will pay for her? coffee of course.

    3. Roma, are you a fan of Johnny Cash? I think Sue may be a boy.

    4. No Jim I am not a fan of Johnny Cash but I know he released a song about a Boy called Sue!
      I have the distinct feeling the Sue on your blog is a male. The offer still stands to buy him coffee, but I will take you along with me Jim and buy you one too.

  14. James Mr Dacombe in the 23rd of November 2014 minutes 9.2.2 declared a financial interest and left the meeting when the councillors voted to engage localise pty ltd to prepare, deliver and write up subsequent notes of councillor induction workshop on integrated planning and reporting.

    1. Exactly Fact or Crap, James is all to quick to pass judgement without informing himself of all the facts. The word hypocrite springs to mind.

    2. Perhaps I've missed or misunderstood something, but the minute you refer to relates to an induction workshop held in December last year, to be facilitated by Ms Alison Dalziel, a director of Localise. It makes no mention of policy review or of Dr Ferguson.

      Council's resolution 13115 reads: 'That Council engage Localise Pty Ltd to prepare, deliver and write up subsequent notes of the Councillor induction workshop on Integrated Planning and Reporting'.

      I'm not suggesting that anything dishonest or otherwise untoward has occurred. I'm talking about appearances. Where in the minutes will I find evidence that other possibilities than Localise were contemplated? A suspicious mind - not mine, I hasten to add, but there are plenty out there - might see a hint of undue influence here. As I vaguely recall, there may have been occasions in the past when declaring interests didn't forestall chicanery.

      Unfair as it may be, Council has to overcome a reputation bequeathed by years of past Shire malpractice. That means it must be seen to act correctly in every aspect and particular of its work. It can't just say 'trust us' and expect to be trusted without further question.

      However, I don't want to carp any further on this matter. I'm pretty sure Dr Ferguson will do a very good job and I look forward to critiquing the results of her endeavours.

      May I add how pleased I am to see a councillor's consort springing gallantly to Council's defence.

    3. Anonymous @ 15:26 - Read my response to Fact or Crap. Now who's rushing to judgement without getting all the facts?

      Sometimes 'all the facts' are not available and I'm forced to speculate, which usually results in more facts becoming available via readers' responses.

      I'm sorry the word 'hypocrite' springs to your mind, because it's the wrong word. Look it up.

      Anonymity is worse than hypocrisy when you attack somebody's character or reputation. With all my faults, I've never been guilty of that. Now crawl back under your stone.

  15. James... you speculate a lot...(form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence)...and you seem to revel in it...are you sure you weren't part of The Terrace Coffee Club Gang??? I loved seeing Pat Hooper, Tony Boyle, Nick Russo, Barry Smith, and for the life of me can't remember the retired journalist about 2 foot tall, grey hair and a walking stick...(hung out with Simon Saint a lot) anyway, there was always another bloke or two with them...they just loved to drink coffee and moan about everyone else in town and then would continue to moan about each one of the gang as they left the table...they used to speculate a lot as well...just asking, because as the saying goes, like attracts like. P.S I write as anonymous, simply so you don't speculate about me, although from my past comments you have tried once or twice (and always got it wrong).

    1. No, on my sacred oath, I was never conjoined in any way to that parcel of worthies.

      Of course I enjoy speculating, but as I've explained ad nauseam I do it to open up discussion that might reveal a new body of fact. It's a highly successful technique copied from the world's best journalists, so I don't shy away or apologise for it. Speculation is another word for using our imaginations to push back the frontiers of knowledge. It's a worthwhile activity. I commend it.

      And on many occasions I have produced firm evidence, so please don't pretend that I deal only in airy nothings. Look back through the blog and you'll see that simply isn't true.

      Your last sentence surprises me. Surely it's obvious that I'm more likely to speculate about you if I don't know who you are? Now you've got me speculating like mad!

    2. I forgot to mention that there is an important distinction between 'speculation' and 'drawing inferences'. This was pointed out to me by my wife, who as a lawyer is more familiar with the second activity than the first.

      I would add that both activities are legitimate processes of the human mind. Speculation is essentially a process of imagination, drawing inferences a process of logic.

  16. Quote by James Plumridge: 'Anonymity is worse than hypocrisy when you attack somebody's character or reputation. With all my faults, I've never been guilty of that'. Really? Any readers want to question that?

    1. Well, Anonymous at 19:52, I have never been guilty of attacking anyone's character or reputation from a position of anonymity. I subscribe my name to everything I write. Obviously, you don't. Perhaps you didn't quite understand my comment. That wouldn't surprise me.

      I don't deny that I sometimes attack the character and reputation of people I believe deserve it. Brace yourself, you could be next.

  17. Re - David Patons' article. I did know David Paton and was on several committees with him.
    AND I do know one thing that is absolutely FACT. Whether you agreed with Davids' opinion or not,
    David was an honest and honourable Gentleman and without a mean bone in his body. What is more, David joined a number of clubs and societies around town with the sole intention of doing "good works" for the Town. I also know that David would go out of his way to assist people, problem solving any technology issues that one might have had.

    As for Davids' article, I remember when this was first published in local paper at time. Issues with self serving Councillors and manipulative CEO, already well entrenched and had been for some time.

    I do have now and did then, a point or two, disagreeing with a couple of Davids' views in his article at the time.

    Going back to the '70s, we had people like Ray Lawrence and Laurie Davies on Council and both Gentlemen and particularly Ray Lawrence, were on the Shire Council for many years. These men and their compatriots, were the ones who pulled York out of the mire then and developed what turned out to be a highly successful plan for our Town.

    This was after "The Earthquake", which caused the destruction of a number of buildings and verandahs in the main street in town. Their plan was to encourage Yorkites to cleanup, tidy, rebuild and repair the damage, developed Balladong Farm and other historical sites around York and advertise widely, to encourage the tourists to come and 'have a look'.

    And Tourists came in droves, from all over the place. So successful was the campaign, that Television stations sent cameras and reporters to town and produced stories for the local evening news. So how is that for some of the local "squatters' and their decendents?

    The Lightlies, combined with a number of other good, hard working folk, staged a major campaign around town to build a retirement facility for Yorks' aged folk, who were retiring off their farms or wanting to "downsize" ( as the now popular saying goes), but not wanting to move from York or go to Mandurah (half of York lived there at one time).

    The result of that work is what we now call "The Lodge".

    This programme was supported by the whole town.

    See, not all of the decendents are ratbags. Case in point, is Robyn and Kaye Davies, (Laurie Davies decendents/family), who have been working on the Towns' behalf, against SITA and Co. Appreciate what you have got and assist where you can. Looking backwards sometimes, can be v. helpful in moving forward.

    As for the rest of Davids' article, he did have several good points, and I think in hindsight some of the older members of the clubs mentioned, may well have regretted their actions in being complicit with Shire requests to move/handover and /or relinquish their tightly held land and facilities.

    1. Spot on as usual, Jan. I particularly agree with you about Robyn and Kaye. Great people.

      Just because I published David's article doesn't mean I agree with everything he says in it. I thought it might get people talking, and so it has.

  18. I am not councillors consort and nor would I ever be, however I am a victim and have nothing but distain for the perpetrators that have made me a victim. I believe in truth integrity and reporting facts and truth on both sides. Not to do this would make me just like them and I strive every day not to.
    The facts are that Ray Hooper, certain members of the admin, councillors, department of local government officials, and to a point certain members of the public, have inflicted with use of policies used incorrectly and lies unrepairable damage on certain members of the public because they could and did.
    As a victim I can tell you James no amount of money not even seeing some of these people get goal time will ever undo the damage caused by these poor excuses for human beings.
    Reporting the truth is paramount because not reporting the truth, reporting speculation discredits what truth we have in black and white, a saying that comes to mind is better not to speak at all than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
    I have seen on this blog that people ask you to close the blog down. I agree that everyone should have a say, whether it be on the side of Ray and his cohorts or it being as a victim. I believe it is best to know where to aim before I shoot, as in if someone has a go, show them irrefutable evidence in black and white, Not call them names back and get into mindless banter, we know full well who some of these people are, Why lower our standards. It also waters down our fight for the truth to be finally revealed.
    As a victim James, I am pleading with you, please stop, as you say attacking anyone on their character or reputation, one with integrity and fighting for truth would not stoop to this level.
    Let’s move above the diatribe and drivel and get back to the position these people have in the community and that is to serve, and they are paid quite well to serve, and it is high time, that in their position of service to the community, they are held responsible and accountable for their actions to the community.
    As a victim I want to see the perpetrators held accountable for their lack of service and negligence to the community, not only the victims the whole community.
    I would also add to the negligent in the shire Mr James Best and Mr Graeme Simpson as I believe they were negligent and further added to victim’s situations and burdened the community unnecessarily.
    Please can we get back to reporting the facts no more tit for tat if someone says something you don't agree with its ok hit back with a piece of paper or some factual evidence, please I am a victim and I have appreciated that you have put yourself out there to act as an advocate for justice to be done.
    As for David's letter, I do believe that groups do get taken over by locals who then support the mentality of if you are not in the purple circle or as someone put it SAYH your excluded or better not included. As a community we need to work together, help one another not just when there is a natural disaster, every day, because you never know, it just may be you (not meaning you personally James meaning every one out in this so called wonderful community) in the firing line, on the side of the road broken down, in need of help, a friend, whatever. We all breathe the same air. We are all on this planet together.
    But if you’re paid to serve the community then that’s what you are responsible for and you are accountable when you make service personal.
    I have faith in certain members of the new council that are in a position to make changes will make them with honesty and integrity and I believe that the shire council and its dynamics are making that happen slowly, but even York wasn’t built in a day.
    Please James continue to advocate for the victims but please do it with the integrity I know of you

    1. I'm sorry for having mistaken you for somebody else. I wasn't getting at you in my response, just defending myself from the suggestion that my facts were wrong when I had in fact already checked them as best I could. It's obvious that you and I are of one mind, fighting on the same side, and you have my sympathy, support and respect.

      I will go on advocating for justice to be done for people like you so long as I have strength to continue - or until the dark side runs me out of town, as they have more than once threatened to do.

      Speculation is a meagre substitute for factual reporting, but as I've said on various occasions it has its uses: it gets people talking, which often brings new and relevant facts into play.

      Please indulge my sadistic little hobby of taking a smack at people who make stupid derogatory remarks about me. I had no idea there were so many people in York with single figure IQs (and it's strange I never meet people like that in the flesh - I reckon they're chained up somewhere for their own safety but given access to the computer for an hour or two every day to let off steam).

      I know in my heart I shouldn't react to their taunts, but everybody has weaknesses and having to fire back is one of mine. It's only about as satisfying as flicking away flies, but I find it hard to stop. Maybe I should try hypnotherapy.

    2. we need a violin

    3. your like superman James fighting for justice - love that can just see you in that red suit and cloak, flying over the sky of York

  19. Fact or Crap29 January 2016 at 00:41 - As another victim I agree with you completely.

    James, please no more tit for tat. Rise above those who ridicule.

  20. deleting someones view is not tit for tat its outright censorship and leads to an unhealthy community bias, rise above that James publish the good the bad and the ugly, we may not agree with whats written but want to see it

    1. Sorry, but I've given my reasons and I'm sticking to my guns. The best way to counter community bias is for the dark side to start its own blog. Trouble is, they've got nothing worthwhile to say and if they had would lack the skill to say it.

      And there's no way they'd be publishing opposing points of view!

      I'm not deleting genuine opinion, just rubbishy personal abuse from folk who seem incapable of sustaining a rational position about anything. If somebody wrote that kind of stuff about you on the wall of your house, I'm damned sure you'd scrub it off.

  21. I know its hard not to react James, but by reacting, you actually give what they say credence, ignore keep to the facts, I am sorry I cant indulge, there are many good people in York, and a few that just have been blinded to the real truth, remember who we are holding to account for their evil works, and stick to the task at hand, no more reactions, please don't let what happen to us be weakened by those that will one day see the truth, and don't alienate the quest for the truth by silly childish remarks that alienate us further from those who are now seeing the facts for themselves.
    This is and can be a useful tool for exposure of important information, don't ruin it playing silly games with those that do it to discredit victims. look forward to more facts and less character assassination at least from the victim side of the camp.
    It matters not where Ray Hoopers daughter works what matters is that Mark Duperouzel while he was a councillor discussed private council information with someone who was no longer employed by the council and followed instruction from a former employee, who also advised Mark and the other councillors to destroy a document that concerned the former employee being Ray Hoopers performance or lack of during his tenure at the shire of York, ( that's like asking the murderer if he wants to be caught for the murder or not ) totally a breach of confidentiality, and an act of total stupidity on the actions of the councillors of that day.
    lets get back on track of asking for the wrongs to be made right and the truth to be there in black and white for the good of not only the victims but the whole community.

    1. If I don't respond, I have to delete, which leads to more criticism and abuse.

      I like to inject a bit of humour now and again. Unfortunately, not everybody enjoys a joke as much as I do, or enjoys the kind of joke that I enjoy. What other people find silly and childish might seem uproariously funny to me. Shakespeare had the same outlook, so I'm in the best of company, if not in the same class.

    2. Fact or Crap
      Would that document be the Fitz Gerald report? If so, then that document has an approximate value of $27,000 or so I have read. The conclusions are if that document is not tabled and there is an attempt to have it destroyed then who is going to replace the sum of $27,000, it cannot be the public or ratepayers. Plain and simple, it is an act of fraud in even attempting to hide or destroy a document belonging to the ratepayers.

    3. Anonymous 29 January 2016 at 07:32 part 1. Good Question, and the ideal thing to discus to get back on track.
      The FGR, or what we know as the Fitz Gerald Report came about when the president at the time, who may I add got voted in with a land side victory, was hearing so many complaints of over 8 years of unresolved issues, this was from members of the community who had written to the shire through the CEO at the time and several of the councillors to have complaints dealt with it may have been about their property, actions of staff, their development, a letter received, their rates, the list goes on.
      Ray Hooper would answer the letters with legislative jargon, to try baffle and he did baffle some, most into submission.
      Some however looked up the laws, looked up the information given and tried to speak to councillors, most of the time the councillors would go to Ray ( and I am trying to be fair here, because I know of times that this did occur, but it was not often) and they would say to Ray hey what’s this all about? Ray would say it’s an operational matter, and the councillors would have to leave it to Ray.
      Unfortunately, leaving it to Ray meant loads more jargon, until you had lost sight of what your original complaint was, and were on your way to fighting pages of misquoted legislation, to the point where we have the second drop off point, this is where people just got so head, sorry F8#Ked they just went into what I call the second phase of submission.
      Then there was those that said, hang on a minute, there is something really wrong here!!!!!!! Ray could not control these people, so other forms of making these people just submit, had to be formed, like most bullies, he rarely did the work on his own.
      He made councillors, staff, and higher up the food chain in local government, think that these people were idiots, Ray would be rattling off legislation appearing to be so knowledgeable, picking out small pieces of legislation to back himself up, some that didn’t even relate to the subject, but appeared to, and other bits that had corresponding legislation that should be taken into account, but quite conveniently left out of his so called knowledge of legislation.
      Other methods Ray used to stop any action from above, and I’m not talking God here he has his own dealings with Ray!! I’m talking DLG, is to write ahead of time or when question telling a whole load of lies on paper to the department and then marking it private and confidential. These lies were also told to councillors and staff and soon silly councillors and staff were telling these lies to friends, sharing this stuff on facebook, even Ray made memorandums, and posted them in the street, councillors were having jabs at community members with genuine complaints in their community update booklet.
      Some people however, got hints from talking to people over the phone, that all that was coming out of the shire was not quite the truth, some asked the DLG under FOI for documents, and were shocked at how Ray had told the DLG that matters were sorted, and that the person complains a lot, and other not true statements.
      Some people decided that Ray should be the one supplying these documents under FOI because he was the one who was writing the nonsense after all.

      All fact typing up part 2 now the saga continues.

  22. Pam Heaton told those at the meet the candidates night that she had been involved in the Talbot Land care group.

    Ms. Heaton was challenged about this claim recently by a resident. When asked what year Ms. Heaton was involved, she walked off.

    1. Sorry, I'm not quite sure of your meaning. Are you alleging that Cr Heaton lied to electors in a public meeting? I find that hard to credit, especially since a prominent local identity strongly backed her candidacy to the extent that she told people in my hearing on election day that she had felt no need to campaign for votes.

      I've also heard that Cr Heaton has been the subject of a complaint directed to the LG Standards Panel after allegedly insulting a couple of residents at a council meeting. Can anybody confirm that?

    2. I believe that the second matter you refer to is under investigation and so commenting on it at the moment would not be appropriate at this time.

    3. If you're right about the second matter, that's confirmation enough.

      What about the first matter? If true, the allegation is more than trivial.

  23. Anonymous 29 January 2016 at 07:32 part 2. As people received information their original complaints seemed to fade in to insignificance, because now these people were dealing with a pathological liar and manipulator amongst other things.
    Soon many people were so convinced that these people were trouble makers thanks to the York rumour mill fuelled by councillors and staff that failed to look up or understand legislation, and so the rumours gained momentum because the councillors and staff should know what’s going on, they are on the inside right!!!!!!
    No wrong!!!!!!! They had built up such a personal hatred for these people fuelled by their either lack of knowledge, lack of service to the community, or Idle gossip that was made from the original material, by councillors and staff, that by the way should never have been discussed in the wider community, because yes, that’s a breach of confidentiality, and they all swear to uphold that, and have signed documentation, but that’s another story.
    Now enter President Reid, voted in by the public. He has all these complaints, 8 years of them, he goes to Ray, what is this Ray? But Ray this seems wrong? Ray why has this not been fixed? Ray why is this still outstanding? Ray why did you write to this lady telling her there is nothing more you can do, but write and tell the Ministers office that this problem was sorted?
    Ray was the only person in the Shire of York directly answerable to the council, Mr Reid was not permitted under legislation to rake over the coals any other staff member under legislation, This meant that Ray and his so called commitment to the community and exemplary complaints management was in jeopardy, Ray Hooper was not cooperating with the CR Reid or council, so the council held a special meeting and it was motioned that they bring in a person that could identify complaints and the complaint management system, and resolve these issues once and for all, as Ray was unable to resolve anything. And the council was getting more and more bogged down with complaints.
    Unfortunately the person who was called in was MR Michael Fitz Gerald a man with a reputation preceding him as a no nonsense problem solver, with an eye on detail. He was hired to report on the conduct and performance of the CEO and complaints and how they had been handled, and report to the council his findings.
    The same day that it was revealed by the council to Ray, that Mr Fitz Gerald was coming, Ray Hooper resigned, and in his resignation letter the final I am a God how dare you challenge me was uttered, not in those words but that’s was what it meant.
    It wasn’t long before Mike Fitzgerald had a line up waiting to have an airing of their grievances, and no it was not just the likes of the so called trouble makers, several quite influential local family names, were there as well, one who is a freeman of the town, lined up with others to have their complaints heard.
    It soon became apparent with documentation to Mr Fitz Gerald that miss quoting legislation, bad behaviour, unreasonable demands, bully tactics, and activity that is considered criminal, had taken place, he compiled some documentation to back up the claims made, not all, but enough to report to the council that the Shire of York had major problems, and let’s not forget, Mr Fitz Gerald has seen all the documentation, you readers have not you have only seen the report, and that in his words,
    1. That there had been several instances where it would appear that former CEO Mr Ray Hooper has been involved in detrimental action against individuals, without authority of council and in contravention of the Western Australian Public Sector Code of ethics
    That’s not to mention the credit card use. That is now with the Major Fraud Squad. And other details that became apparent. one more part.

    1. Tell it as it is30 January 2016 at 00:35

      Ray knew the writing was on the wall for him after the lengthy Special Meeting when it was revealed formal complaints had been lodged against him. Council agreed to bring in the independent investigator.

      For the record Mr. Mike Fitz Gerald made direct personal phone contact with various people requesting they meet with him and bring relevant documents.

      Interviews were well under way - and yes one was a Freeman of York and another a member of a well respected family - when word broke Ray had sent a letter of resignation.

      Pat Hooper, Tony Boyle and Mark Duperouzel were scared witless when they realised the truth was about to have the spot light shone on it.
      Pat Hooper, Tony Boyle and Mark Duperouzel were scared witless when they realised the seriousness of the complaints and they did what they had always done - Duperouzel as Deputy Shire President consulted Ray Hooper who advised him to break the law and destroy all the copies.
      Fortunately there is at least one person in York who had the courage to release the draft report, followed not long after with a copy of the final report.
      Money will never take the damage away, most want an acknowledgement from the Shire of York and an apology. More importantly all those involved want to make sure it never happens again.

    2. Thanks Tell it as it is, it has been a big false rumour that continues today amongst some of the Locals as they like to be known, the ones born here, yes a few of you were there as well, which will come to those that have the belief that new comers are trouble and should have to apply to be aloud to enter York, as quite a revelation. The facts are all there undeniable. If Ray would like to deny these facts you can get your daughter to email me on yorkfactorcrap@outlook.com

  24. Anonymous 29 January 2016 at 07:32 Part 3. So now I bring you back to that gold mine of information that we should have stayed on track with that email to Mark Duperuzel from Miss Scaturro’s email address on behalf of Mr Ray Hooper.
    Mark Duperuzel is talking to an X shire of York Employee, who, and I’m talking factually here, who is in the middle of a report for failure to in his role as former CEO of the shire of York conduct himself and perform in that role appropriately, Mark Duperuzel also takes on the advice of this X shire of York worker who has been named in a document of questionable, let’s say ethics, to destroy a document that at this point had not been tabled to the council that ordered it, at his stage it could have been tabled as confidential, and Mr Ray Hooper could have either been asked to respond officially to the council or it the matter after considering the documentation that could have accompanied it may have been enough to see it answered in a court of law or they may have asked Mr Fitz Gerald to further investigate and speak with Mr Hooper and others accused.
    But no Mr Duperuzel along with Mr Pat Hooper and leaving out the president also on suggestion of Mr Ray Hooper, met and decided to quash or destroy the FGR, and this letter from an X employee told them how to do it.
    Ray Hooper was still running the Shire of York after his resignation in April right up to July with this email.
    Why was Mark Duperuzel sharing private Shire of York (SOY) information with an X employee?
    How much SOY information was shared with Ray Hooper after his resignation?
    Why did other councillors follow instruction of the X employee?
    What was their involvement in the ethics of the X employee?
    Why is this document never been tabled to a council meeting even confidential?
    What is going to be done about this in the future as these complaints have still not been dealt with?
    The current council is looking at some of these complaints, and has dealt with some, but there are many still outstanding. I am sure they will fix all of them in time because they are committed to tightening policy and procedure, relating to this so it will not occur again.
    In the meantime though and I hope a councillor reads this those that have cause these complaints to fester and have lied to cover up more lies, this needs to be dealt with.
    When I say no amount of money, would make this better for victims who have been targeted, their family’s targeted, their pets targeted, their property’s target, and left to feel worthless by the, in Michael Fitz Geralds words “detrimental actions against individuals in the community” and that includes all in the community that believed and belittled these victims because they believed the gossip or created it.
    Stop the proof is hear and it is in black and white, and if you can sit back and say “it wouldn’t bother me, I’d let it go” your worse of a liar than Ray Hooper!!!!! Because you too after living through this would hold the person or person’s accountable if it happened to you…….
    That is all that the victims want is accountability they should not have gone through this and no one else should have to go through this either.

    Ask your self why didn't Ray Hooper just write a letter and answer to the Fitz gerald report if he was so worried he hadn't got to defend himself?

    Why has he not started legal proceedings if the Fitz gerald report was so wrong, an apparently cost him his job ?

    1. As I'm sure you know, Fact or Crap, it has been alleged that certain senior employees of the Shire remained in telephone contact with Ray for many months after he slunk into ignominious retirement. I suppose it's possible they still maintain contact with him and seek his advice. Somebody should look over their phone records since April 2014.

      I recall that Jimmy the Rat (remember him?) told us at a council meeting that the employees in question - 'exemplary employees', as A/CEO Simpson described them - had 'pledged allegiance' to himself and his A/CEO, thereby implying that they were no longer in touch with the Sage of Alexander Heights. Not that it would have mattered either way, Best and Simpson were hardly an improvement on Ray.

      Ray complained in the email to Duperouzel that he had been denied justice. He was right. Justice would have entailed tar, feathers, six weeks in the stocks, one hundred lashes and confiscation of his super entitlements - just for a start.

    2. Yes James hopefully the fraud squad will have a look at that as well, they sure enough have the power and the tools to do so. It takes time for things to unravel, and they are starting to unravel fast.

    3. Fact or Crap29 January 2016 at 20:40 -you are spot on.
      Ray had every opportunity to stay and answer the complaints, instead he scuttled over the escarpment, down Greenmount and into the murky air of the burbs.

  25. Anonymous 29 January 2016 at 07:32 and Yes destroying or any attempt to make that document disappear that was ordered by the council the FGR, would, I'd say, amount to fraudulent behaviour as documents need to be kept for legislative purposes.

  26. Fact or Crap or James we appear to be missing part 1 of Fact or Craps seems 3 part information can we have it please.

  27. Is there a part 1 to fact or crap

  28. Anonymous29 January 2016 at 23:51 Yes there is a part one to as you say Fact or Crap not sure why it has not been posted I shall post it again with this.

    Anonymous 29 January 2016 at 07:32 part 1. Good Question, and the ideal thing to discus to get back on track.
    The FGR, or what we know as the Fitz Gerald Report came about when the president at the time, who may I add got voted in with a land side victory, was hearing so many complaints of over 8 years of unresolved issues, this was from members of the community who had written to the shire through the CEO at the time and several of the councillors to have complaints dealt with it may have been about their property, actions of staff, their development, a letter received, their rates, the list goes on.
    Ray Hooper would answer the letters with legislative jargon, to try baffle and he did baffle some, most into submission.
    Some however looked up the laws, looked up the information given and tried to speak to councillors, most of the time the councillors would go to Ray ( and I am trying to be fair here, because I know of times that this did occur, but it was not often) and they would say to Ray hey what’s this all about? Ray would say it’s an operational matter, and the councillors would have to leave it to Ray.
    Unfortunately, leaving it to Ray meant loads more jargon, until you had lost sight of what your original complaint was, and were on your way to fighting pages of misquoted legislation, to the point where we have the second drop off point, this is where people just got so head, sorry F8#Ked they just went into what I call the second phase of submission.
    Then there was those that said, hang on a minute, there is something really wrong here!!!!!!! Ray could not control these people, so other forms of making these people just submit, had to be formed, like most bullies, he rarely did the work on his own.
    He made councillors, staff, and higher up the food chain in local government, think that these people were idiots, Ray would be rattling off legislation appearing to be so knowledgeable, picking out small pieces of legislation to back himself up, some that didn’t even relate to the subject, but appeared to, and other bits that had corresponding legislation that should be taken into account, but quite conveniently left out of his so called knowledge of legislation.
    Other methods Ray used to stop any action from above, and I’m not talking God here he has his own dealings with Ray!! I’m talking DLG, is to write ahead of time or when question telling a whole load of lies on paper to the department and then marking it private and confidential. These lies were also told to councillors and staff and soon silly councillors and staff were telling these lies to friends, sharing this stuff on facebook, even Ray made memorandums, and posted them in the street, councillors were having jabs at community members with genuine complaints in their community update booklet.
    Some people however, got hints from talking to people over the phone, that all that was coming out of the shire was not quite the truth, some asked the DLG under FOI for documents, and were shocked at how Ray had told the DLG that matters were sorted, and that the person complains a lot, and other not true statements.
    Some people decided that Ray should be the one supplying these documents under FOI because he was the one who was writing the nonsense after all.

    1. Tell it as it is30 January 2016 at 20:58

      Fact or Crap30 January 2016 at 02:20 - yes you are on the mark again.
      When people lodged FOI applications, Ray would get the D/CEO to provide an estimated costing - usually way over the top - to put the FOI application well out of the reach of the average person. Many letters were so full of bullshit, they were difficult to understand. Months of delays was one of his tools. Many applications went to the FOI Commission for reviews. The cost to the Taxpayer of WA for the Commission to review an application is around $8,000. Then we had the likes of Ms. Boyle condemning residents at a Shire meeting because they had the audacity to ask for information, information they were entitled to. Entitled to if a Council was operating within the perimeters of what normal people accept as a democracy.
      There was little, if any, democracy applied under Hooper, Boyle and Hooper rule. It only applied for the anointed few.
      Ray did everything within his power to prevent people from obtaining documents.
      A couple of people in York attempted to obtain the full documentation for the costing of the recreation centre - one I believe was Tricia Walters and she is still waiting.

  29. why not James does it on the blog many posts just disappear

    1. Some comments disappear - not many - but comments posted on my blog aren't covered by the Public Records Act, and they're usually my own posts anyway.

      Perhaps you're thinking of comments that were never posted but dispatched unceremoniously to the spam folder. In that case, how could you possibly know if they were many or few?

    2. I along with many other anon followers can attest to the fact that you delete a large number of posts so that only your view of matters prevails as if it were the majority view, we keep copies of our posts that are deleted and will ultimately publish them. For example you are most unlikely to post this comment James

    3. Ah - so there's a gang of you. I thought so.

      Here's my challenge - publish and be damned. What you say is untrue. I imagine your idea is to publish comments invented for the occasion. If you do that, I have the means to show you up for the fools and liars that you are.

      Some of the comments I have withheld from publication are scurrilous attacks on the private morality of people on your side of the argument, including the DCEO. Would you like me to publish them?

      Besides, even if what you say were true, which it isn't, I remind you yet again that as publisher and moderator I have a universally recognised right to publish what I please and not to publish what I dislike or disagree with. Until recently, I hardly ever exercised that right.

      I will always publish disagreement unless it is just abusive nonsense - and I'll be the judge of that. If most comments on the blog broadly support my point of view, that's probably because most readers do, not because I don't publish opposing views to mine.

      See, I did publish your comment. What a pity you lack the courage to tell the world who you are. What are you afraid of?

    4. James Plumerige - Judge, Jury & Executioner of York

    5. For heaven's sake, grow up.

      I've published the above particularly inane comment to remind readers of the very poor intellectual quality of my detractors, some of whom are so unbelievably dense that they can't copy from the page they're reading the correct spelling of my name.

      That's it, no more. Further comments of this nature go straight into the spam folder where they belong.

    6. As for any Anonymous posts no one that is a victim is interested in the private life of anyone including Ray Hooper, we want to clear up what went wrong in the shire of York, and how it got out of control, occasionally we may have to enter a name not entirely connected with the shire of York, because it is factual we don't care if they for example take drugs, pee in the local pool, had an affair with the milk man, no one's perfect!!!!! but if they were paid to look after the community and they didn't that's another story.

  30. I bet you won't publish this comment!

  31. I'm out. James has offered us many times to stop participating if we don't like what he writes or how he moderates. Unfortunately this blog has become The Sunday Times of journalism / infotainment / hearsay / blurb / nonsense that tries to pass itself off as something with value. At least the other blog is well written, researched and without shock jock tactics.... I liken the other blog to The Australian...a little more high brow with a lot more credibility. Farewell James.

    1. Off you go, then. You'll be back. Don't forget to take your sandwiches and a banana.

  32. JAMES and if you don't know why I used capitals, its because I'm bloody angry, who f53ken cares!!!!!! gone to bed last night, we are back to focusing on actual truth, and I wake up to this tit for tat school girl hair pulling shit, if you are advocating for the people in York that were victims of Ray Hooper then Pull your head in and stick to the facts at hand. who cares post their nonsense and let the truth answer them. delete all the diatribe and lets get back to focusing on what really happened.

    1. Fact or Crap, I have great respect for you, but this is my blog, I created it and I'll run it my way. I'm happy to take advice, but I will not be told how to manage my blog by you or anybody else.

      May I remind you that I have done as much as anybody in York to publicise the facts you are telling me to stick to. Go back over articles on this blog, and on the one I used to write for during the first six months of last year, and you will perceive for yourself the truth of what I've just said.

      I use humour of various kinds, including ridicule, to drive my arguments home and sometimes just for a bit of fun at the other side's expense. That's not something I intend to stop doing or apologise for. Keeping the blog going takes time, application and nerve. It drags me away from other important projects, but I keep going with it because as yet not all the truth is out there and I want to see the whole story told. Surely I'm entitled to amuse myself now and then.

      We're all different and have our own ways of coping with life. My vision of the world is essentially a comic one. Yours, I think, reflects what the Spanish philosopher Unamono called a 'tragic sense of life'. I'm the first to admit that my sense of humour tends to cover everything like a weed. That doesn't matter: it gets folk reading, which is the main thing.

      If I were more serious in my approach, I would have many fewer readers, which means that fewer people would have access to the truth.

      If you don't like my blogging style, I remind you that there is another York blog that reflects a more sober outlook than mine. It's a very good blog, with informative and well-researched articles by David Taylor. I'm sure you read that as well. I do. I recommend it to everyone.

      I warn readers, though: the moderator (or blogmaster) of that other blog is a lot more inclined to censor comments than I am.

    2. Tell it as it is30 January 2016 at 21:05

      Come on people, give over. Stop being so critical.

      The blog is a FREE service provided to the people of York involving many hours of unpaid work.

      If you think it is so easy, try setting up and running your own blog.

      I know first hand the other blog master chooses what he/she wants to publish.

      Would you prefer to turn back the clock to the Hooper days - I don't think so.

  33. So now its gone from blog on Shire, Councilors and staff to blog on members of the public, to blog on blog.
    What is it that morons want?

  34. Reader of the blog31 January 2016 at 01:01

    Anonymous30 January 2016 at 22:20, I am struggling to understand what you are trying to tell us.

    Can you wait until your brain is cleared of whatever has impaired it and have another go.


    1. You don't have to look at the blog if you think you're wasting your time by doing so. You seem to believe reading the blog is compulsory. I assure you it isn't.

      As I've suggested many times before, councillor, why don't YOU start a 'positive' discussion by suggesting in detail a way forward for York? Tell us what you DO care about. I'd gladly give you space on the blog. I'd even correct your grammar, punctuation and spelling.

      Meanwhile, you're hardly in a position to complain about 'irrelevant rantings'. They seem to be your stock-in-trade.

      It's Murdoch and Plumridge, BTW.


    3. Tell it as it is31 January 2016 at 18:29

      Anonymous31 January 2016 at 15:43 my goodness you are one angry ant.

      Have you ever considered Anger Management?

    4. I have to correct it James....It's - you are or you're (your in charge...your getting more..) Sorry one of my pet hates. lol

    5. Anonymous 31/1 @ 18:34 - We can't possibly be acquainted. I'm sure I don't know anybody who thinks in capital letters.

      I don't believe I'm being defensive, though I've no doubt you are being aggressive and have been so since you started posting comments on this blog. All I'm doing is asking you to tell us about your ideas on how to get York out of its present predicament.

      For instance, what would you do to improve the Shire's fiscal position and strategy in order to reduce the outlandishly excessive level of rates currently being imposed? What do you think can be done, if anything can, to turn the YRCC into a paying proposition instead of merely a drain on the ratepayer purse? What about tourism, currently in the doldrums - for instance, would it help to set up a professionally run tourist bureau? If so, how should it be organised?

      Go on, don that thinking cap. And while you're at it, why not tell us who you are? Do that, and I promise not to accuse you of being a councillor ever again.

  36. come on James listen to the rumblings of the followers, we have all been loyal to you

    1. Yes, you have been loyal, and I'm grateful for that. If I may be forgiven for a momentary and uncharacteristic vulgarity, I cop a lot of shit from the troglodytes on the dark side, so it's very good to know there are people in York who don't regard me as Public Enemy #1 and want to run me out of town.

      However, I am a particular kind of individual with what some regard as an odd outlook on life. If my personality was different, I doubt that I'd have the guts, drive and determination to maintain a blog like this.

      Every now and again I like to poke gentle fun at my detractors. It's my way of minimising the stress occasioned by having to read their nonsense in order to decide whether or not I should post it on the blog.

  37. Can we have another article or subject please.

  38. Coming up shortly...patience, please. I do have other important projects that have claims on my time. I have several articles planned for the next few weeks.


    1. Well, while you're waiting to find out, why not write one along the lines suggested by me @ 00:15.

      Send it to wildwood@westnet.com.au .

      No need to use capital letters except as the conventions of punctuation require.

  40. Replies
    1. I didn't think you were a coward James just pompous and arrogant but I suppose if you insist we can add it for you, thanks for your input

    2. Nobody likes a smartarse, mate. The reference to cowardice, as you well know, was meant for you, Anonymous. You may think I'm pompous and arrogant, and you may be right. I really don't give tuppence what you think. But I'll tell you this: I'd much rather be considered pompous and arrogant than be thought a coward. Thanks for acknowledging that I'm not one.

  41. whats happening to this blog James have you are at risk of losing reders, please increase its appeal or I will stop reading it, its not serious any more and one of the problems you have is that many of the issues we have been discussing are becoming past issues, we need to reinvigorate the blog, by the way Im not the same anonymous just a regular reader and resident

  42. Perhaps the approach I've taken in my latest article will be more to your taste. I hope so.

    Please don't judge the blog solely on the evidence of the last couple of weeks. I'm a bit overwhelmed with things to do and fed up with being insulted.

    And I'm not one of your nice, inoffensive, politically correct lovey-dovey kinds of people. I was raised in a hard school. When I'm bitten, my instinct is to bite back.

    Actually, I'm gaining readers - but apparently not in York!

    You're obviously a sensible person. I would be sorry to lose you as a reader. Be as critical as you like. Thanks for your concern.

  43. thank you James I look forward to reading the next article

  44. yes no-ones interested in the blog from York and the overseas ones are watching for a laugh in that they cant understand how this little town of York in WA has so many viscous people that want to bring their town down, we are a laughing stock thanks to you and Taylor James

    1. You're wrong - the number of people interested in the blog, i.e. who read it, increases every week, not only overseas but also in Australia. You're obviously interested, otherwise you wouldn't be reading and commenting on it.

      You have no idea why overseas readers take an interest in the blog. I suspect it's because like many small communities that never get written about, York is a microcosm of the world illustrating some of the problems, such as corruption, of modern societies everywhere.

      'Viscous' means sticky, adhesive or glutinous, flowing slowly. I've never encountered a viscous person. Could the ones you're talking about be extra-terrestrials made out of treacle or golden syrup?

      It's not David Taylor and I who've made York a laughing stock. It's folk like you and your friends who've had it your own way in York for years and now can't stand to see the power shifting elsewhere.

  45. Anonymous3 February 2016 at 17:08 Do you work in the Shire Administration? Try using spell check in the future.

    1. James just read all this I am intrigued that you would think that this would be newsworthy to overseas readers that's just fascinating can you tell me why, just never occurred to me that it would be that's all.

    2. See my third sentence at 3/2 18:40. I've been taken completely by surprise at the number of overseas readers taking an interest in the blog. In the beginning I discounted the attention as the result of accidental page views, but as numbers swelled and patterns began to emerge I realised there had to be more to it. I'm still shaking my head about it.

      That said, far and away the greatest numbers of people reading the blog are Australians.
