Saturday 4 July 2015


Copies to: Hon. Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia
Hon. Mia Davies, MLA
Hon. Paul Brown, MLC 
Ms Jennifer Mathews, Director-General, Department of Local Government and Communities
                        Hon. David Templeman MLA

Dear Minister Simpson,

Shire of York—Proposed Purchase of Old Convent School—Apparent Breach of Section 83 of the WA Criminal Code

On Thursday 2 July 2015, at 5 pm, the Shire of York convened a Special Council Meeting.  

The York community was told of the meeting only 25 hours before, by a notice posted on the Shire of York website at 4 pm on 1 July.

As you know, our elected councillors will resume office later this week. At this as at all meetings since early January, your appointee as commissioner, James Best, replaced the elected council.

The main purpose of this meeting, and the main reason for hundreds of community members attending it at such short notice, was to enable the commissioner to authorise the purchase of two blocks of land, Lots 800 and 801 South Street, belonging to two prominent local business people.  The land is the site of a heritage building, the Old Convent School, formerly owned by the Shire but sold in 2001 to private buyers.

At an earlier Special Council Meeting convened a week before, on Thursday, 25 June, to pass the Annual Budget for 2015/16, this proposed purchase had encountered extreme opposition from ratepayers who had been alerted to it as a new item in the draft budget.  Notice of this meeting was unconscionably short, given the importance of the business under consideration.

The new item bore the description ‘Town Square—purchase and development’.  This was misleading, because the amount allocated to the proposed purchase, $625,000, would cover only the purchase price of the property, leaving nothing over for development. The property to be acquired was not identified. 

As well as being misleading, the item seems to have been artfully concealed in a very lengthy budget document. Only the sharp eyes of a few astute members of the community brought it to light. 

Calling council meetings at such short notice makes it difficult for many people to attend.  However, immediately following the 25 June meeting, the community mobilised to petition for a special Electors’ Meeting.  The petition, containing many more than the requisite 100 signatures, was handed to the Acting CEO, Graeme Simpson, on Monday morning 29 June 2015. 

It appears to have been the handing over of this petition that precipitated the convening of the second Special Council Meeting on 2 July, when Commissioner Best, in his capacity as Council, gave the green light for this apparently corrupt transaction to go ahead.

We say ‘apparently corrupt’, because it seems that the purchase of the property in question will confer a benefit upon the vendors, who are friendly with the commissioner, while inflicting a financial detriment on all other York ratepayers.  We do not assert that it was in fact corrupt.  That is a matter on which we presume you will seek legal advice.

It would surely have been more fitting for the matter to be deferred for consideration by our elected councillors on their return to office.  If they agreed with the proposal, they could apply to you for special permission to raise the money required.

The draft budget revealed that the purchase money is to be obtained in the form of a loan from State Treasury.  The Shire has been in considerable financial difficulties for some time. It can ill afford more debt, and the commissioner himself has admitted it is close to insolvent.

Borrowing such a large sum for a proposed development that hardly anyone wants and regarding which the community was not consulted—which, indeed, seems to have been hatched in secrecy—will obviously make the Shire’s financial situation worse.

Sadly, the Old Convent School is not in a satisfactory state of repair.  It will require a good deal of work and money to bring it up to the standard required for its proposed use as a visitors’ centre. Yet Commissioner Best and Acting CEO Simpson made no allocation in the budget to cover the cost of repair and maintenance of the building or further development of the site as a whole.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the proposed transaction is the lack of prudence displayed in the Shire’s failure to obtain, before signing the contract of sale, a sworn valuation from a licensed land valuer.  It is generally believed that the property is worth much less than the Shire has contracted to pay for it. Without a sworn valuation, we have no way of knowing if that is true.

When questioned about this at the 2 July meeting, Acting CEO Simpson declared that obtaining such a valuation was only legally necessary when a local government was proposing to sell a property, not when purchasing one.  If that is truly the case, it ought not to be, since both kinds of transaction should be directed towards getting ratepayers the best possible value for money.

Minister Simpson, you must bear a considerable measure of responsibility for this fiasco.  You appointed James Best as commissioner in York, presumably on the advice of your department.  The popular opinion is that you briefed him to hose down community disquiet about the actions of previous councils and a former CEO, with the intention of disguising your department’s laisser-faire attitude towards, or even complicity in, what your senior bureaucrats have designated as ‘historical issues’ in York.

All Mr. Best needed to do was to keep the engine oiled and ticking over.  Instead, seemingly carried away by the scope of his mission, he has spent ratepayers’ money on unnecessary consultants and lawyers as well as public relations experts, or spin doctors as they are more accurately known. From a financial point of view, and not only that, his tenure of office in York has been a disaster.

We believe we speak for the great majority of York residents in asking you to use your authority and influence to put a stop to the proposed purchase of the Old Convent School, for example by persuading WA Treasury to reject the Shire’s application for a loan.

To assist you in your deliberations, we attach a schedule of extracts from the Shire of York’s website that relate to the long-term financial viability of the shire. We refer you in particular to the extract from page 19.  It is abundantly clear that the Shire cannot afford Commissioner Best’s latest and most questionable extravagance.

Yours sincerely,

Jane E Ferro

James Plumridge

5 July 2015



The framework guides the Council in identifying community needs and aspirations over the long term (Strategic Community Plan), medium term (Corporate Business Plan) and short term (Annual Budget), and then holds itself accountable (Audited Financial Statements). The Council, in preparing a long term financial plan, will seek to answer the following-
 The affordability of the community’s needs and wants;ð
 How can we plan to achieve the desired outcomes;ð
 Meeting future challenges and pressures; andð
 Achieving financial sustainability.ð

The LTFP establishes the financial direction of the Council in order to meet the funding requirements over the next 10 years. The Plan is prepared in conjunction with the Councils Corporate Business Plan to ensure the affordability of services and facilities incorporated into the Corporate Business Plan.

Pg 19
3.1.1 Findings
An analysis of the above financial information reveals that for the 2012-13 financial year the Shire has an operational deficit of $1.219M inclusive of depreciation, or a surplus of $0.40M excluding depreciation (non cash).
This continuing trend will place the Shire as unsustainable (deficit of $1,218,962 divided by Rates revenue of $3,764,540 = -32.38%) if the current service delivery levels are maintained and if no alternative revenue sources are identified.

Pg 24
In order for the Shire to be financially sustainable it needs to fund ongoing service delivery and the replacement of assets without imposing excessive debt or rate increases on future generations; in other words it needs to maintain intergenerational equity.
The key financial sustainability principles are-
1. The Shire must achieve a fully funded operational position; that is it must collect sufficient revenue to fund operational expenditure, depreciation and interest on borrowings.

Pg 38
6.2.5 Borrowings
The Shire will be prudent and fiscally responsible when considering any proposals for new debt to deliver Council’s objectives.
The Shire does not propose to borrow funds over the life of the Plan.
For further information on Borrowings, please see Section 9.3.7 of this Plan. New Borrowings
No new loans are proposed to be raised over the life of the Plan.

Pg 57
Risk can be simply defined as the effect of uncertainty on the objectives of the Shire. When evaluating risks the following issues must be understood –
5. Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequences, or likelihood.


  1. I publicly support the letter above.
    Thank you James P and Jane for making the effort to stop Ratepayers incurring more debt.

  2. Thanks for your support, Roma. Something we forgot to mention was the apparent absence from view of anything remotely resembling a business plan, with a statement of objectives, stages of development, a timeline, detailed cost estimates and criteria for evaluation. Was any such document tabled? I vaguely recall that the 2 July meeting was supposed to consider such a plan, but Messrs Best and Simpson were so much under siege that to be fair they could easily have overlooked it.

    1. James, in with the few Agenda copies on hand on 2nd, a 3.3 page Appendix was included, which was called Draft Concept Statement. Fluently written, but was not a Business Plan

  3. Yes a big thanks to James P and Jane for the letter. It is excellent and we can only hope that the people it is addressed to for once get off their butts and do something for a change. James Best has ruined and interfered in this town making many decisions that should not have occurred. As mentioned in the letter one would have expected he just kept things oiled and running. Oh no, not Mr Best he has interfered in everything. I cannot wait until he is gone and just hope and pray it will be immediately after the handover to our democratically elected Councillors.

    1. Oh and thank you to the researcher who provided the information in the schedule. I thought I had seen it before and was told that we owe thanks to a blogger named 'Just as expected' who posted it on the other blog on 1 July 2015 at 22:05 on the article NOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - 2 JULY 2015. Anyway thank you all again for taking the time to do it.

  4. If there is a plan it should have been published as an appendix in the agenda.

    If Minister Simpson is intetested which of course he won't be they would look for a business plan

  5. Why is Commissioner Best over ruling the 'local' voice?

    Why has Minister Simpson allowed Commissioner Best to over rule the 'local voice' and sign us up for a $625,000 debt none of us want?

    Commissioner Best told residents at a public meeting we are close to insolvency, so why add to our financial problems?

    Local Government is supposed to be just that, Local Government. Shire President Reid, Crs Smythe and Wallace are York's Local Government - our 'local voice'.

    Yet we have a State Government Minister deciding our 'local voice' should be suspended on the word of a handful of State Government employees from his own State Government Department. None of these people, not even Minister Simpson are local to York.

    It was also State Government employees who recommended a State Government Minister appoint Commissioner take control of our Town.

    This is NOT local government.

    This is not democracy!

  6. I'd say there are masses of us supporting this letter, James and Jane.

  7. Darlene Barratt5 July 2015 at 23:14

    Just received a phone call from Graeme Simpson confirming that James Best role as commissioner finishes tonight at 12 pm, and James Best Role Forward he will have an advisory role to the mentoring panel but wont be directly dealing with the elected members and he said that was his advice from the department and now I apparently know as much as he does about James Bests Role continuing with the Shire of York.

  8. Lets hope they all turn up to the meeting this afternoon.
    It is my understanding the people limit for the Tavern is 280 - if the number exceeds this, the meeting will need to be re convened to the York Town Hall or it will be in contravention of the Liquor licence.
    The Shire will also be in contravention of the Law if they exclude people from attending a Shire meeting they have called.

  9. Access to the Shire was denied to the public this morning - door were locked and all staff could been seen inside having a meeting.
    Some residents travelled considerable distances into Town to do business and pay their vehicle registration but couldn't.

    As a State Government Licensing point with advertised set hours for payment of registration etc.someone at the Shire office stuffed up.


  10. Subject: serious concerns/York
    From: Roma Paton
    Date: 6 July 2015 2:10:27 PM AWST
    Cc: Mia Davies , J. Best

    Minister T. Simpson,
    Minister for Local Government, Community Services,
    Seniors and Volunteering
    Perth. W.A.

    Good Morning Minister Simpson,

    As I have not received an acknowledgement or response to the email (see below) I sent to Commissioner Best, I am forwarding it onto you and Mia Davies.

    I do not and never have condoned graffiti with in any community and I am disgusted with the way the recent graffiti in York was handled. It should have been painted over at the first opportunity.

    Many residents in York were prepared to pay for the paint and volunteer their time (including me) to paint over the graffiti themselves. The community were prepared to rally quickly to do this had the Shire not over reacted by employing a Security Guard to patrol the front of the building thus preventing community access to cover up the graffiti.

    I wish to also state I am not at all happy with the way our meetings have been conducted by Commissioner Best during the last six months.

    Commissioner Best has over ruled the communities reaction and approved a $625,000 loan application to Treasury, for a building the Shire of York had previously owned but off loaded because of its maintenance costs. The decision to proceed with the purchase and add the debt for Ratepayers to pay off was made within minutes of him telling those present that York was close to insolvency.

    All the meetings chaired by Commissioner Best have been held in a Licensed premises, which for many people, including myself, is abhorrent. For very personal reasons, which I will not go into, I find it extremely difficult to go into Licensed premises and I have literally had to force myself to attend York Council Meetings out of loyalty to our Shire President Matthew Reid, Crs. Smythe and Wallace.

    The acoustics are poor in the Recreation centre making it almost impossible for people to hear what is being said. The meeting last week saw dozens of people (some with serious back issues) left standing because there was insufficient seating available for them. It is not acceptable to leave people standing when there is a perfectly good venue with sufficient room for seating to hold such meetings - namely the York Town Hall.

    I am also disgusted with the way our Shire President Matthew Reid was publicly humiliated by Mr. Best at the above Shire meeting. Commissioner Best should have allowed Matthew Reid to speak, he is after all a Ratepayer of York and he IS our Shire President and should have been afforded due respect by Commissioner Best.

    I look forward to receiving your response to this email - I am happy to receive it by email.

    Yours sincerely,
    Roma Paton

    The email sent to James Best will be on the next comment due to limit of characters

  11. From: Roma Paton
    Date: 4 July 2015 10:36:36 AM AWST
    To: "J. Best"
    Cc: "GUBANYI Mark [PD06206]" , Matthew Reid , Denese Smythe , david Wallace
    Subject: serious concerns re security guard

    Good Morning James,

    It has come to my attention that a security guard is patrolling the front of the York Town Hall and Shire building writing down registration numbers of every vehicle that drives past the Shire office. This is blantant intimidation of the people of York and a possible invasion of peoples privacy.

    It is my understanding the security guard will be in attendance all weekend, and as we have a Car Festival on in York this weekend and Visitors are also going to hear about the graffiti on the Shire wall and want to go and have a look at it, they will out of natural curiosity drive past the Shire office and will undoubtedly have their regis. number taken. This is not a good look for our Town and it is nothing short of a disgrace and overreaction on the part of the Shire Administration.

    Even when Ray Hooper was the subject of a similar incident some time ago, he simply arranged to have the words painted over that very day. Which by the way is the normal way to handle graffiti.

    As the Shire of York is a vehicle registration point, I trust the Shire Staff will not be instructed to access private information of all those people who have had their registration details taken by the Security Guard because they drove up or down Joaquina Street, which is a legal thoroughfare.

    I request you to immediately put a stop to the intrusion on residents and visitors right to move around the Town freely, without feeling they are being intimidated by the Shire of York.

    Can you please advise me what action you will be taking on this matter.

    Kind regards
    Roma Paton

  12. The open letter to residents on the other Blog was signed by James Best but NOT dated.

    Here we have a man who is supposed to be an expert in all things and was sent to York to take the place of our Council and he doesn't even remember to put a date on a letter.

    This may explain why he had the DLG, WALGA and Lawyers protecting him at tonights meeting.

  13. Those at last nights meeting could be forgiven for thinking they were taking part in a Federal Government question time with James Best practicing for his 'safe seat' with the Liberal Party at the next election.

    James Best showed his ignorance and complete lack of manners by talking very loudly over a Lady trying to speak, drowning her out to make sure no one could hear what she was trying to say to him - just like the Federal Politicians do.

    This Lady had apparently spent hours helping none other than Mr. James Best himself. No friends in Politics ay Mr. Best and no gratitude either.

    James Best was called a liar by a number of angry Men. James Teflon Best didn't flinch. Perhaps he has heard it all before and has become used to it.

    The icing on the cake was James Best imagining himself as the Speaker of the House - declaring one resident as being 'named'.
    Heaven only knows what that means, reckon it could be a bit like being sent out of the room at school I think.
    We will probably find it in the small print in the new Dealing with Unreasonable Conduct Policy rushed through just five hours before Teflon Bests contract finishes.

  14. After tonights 'Dealing with unreasonable conduct' Policy.
    I suggest any one going into the Shire of York to speak with ANY staff should protect themselves with a pocket size video camera/recorder.
    This will cover your arse against false allegations.

  15. Darlene Barratt6 July 2015 at 13:15

    Couldn't sleep I knew there was something else on telephone council meetings seems Graeme at least new there was a telephone communication law just got it wrong it has to be further than 150km and a town site not in a town site near by that's more than Jenni and co worker that didn't know there was legislation on it.

    14A. Attendance by telephone etc. (Act s. 5.25(1)(ba))
    (1) A person who is not physically present at a meeting of a council
    or committee is to be taken to be present at the meeting if —
    (a) the person is simultaneously in audio contact, by
    telephone or other means of instantaneous
    communication, with each other person present at the
    meeting; and
    (b) the person is in a suitable place; and
    (c) the council has approved* of the arrangement.
    (2) A council cannot give approval under subregulation (1)(c) if to
    do so would mean that at more than half of the meetings of the
    council, or committee, as the case may be, in that financial year,
    a person who was not physically present was taken to be present
    in accordance with this regulation.
    (3) A person referred to in this regulation is no longer to be taken to
    be present at a meeting if the person ceases to be in
    instantaneous communication with each other person present at
    the meeting.
    (4) In this regulation —
    suitable place means a place that the council has approved* as a
    suitable place for the purpose of this regulation and that is
    located —
    (a) in a townsite or other residential area; and
    (b) 150 km or further from the place at which the meeting is
    to be held under regulation 12, measured along the
    shortest road route ordinarily used for travelling;
    townsite has the same meaning given to that term in the Land
    Administration Act 1997 section 3(1).
    * Absolute majority required.
    [Regulation 14A inserted in Gazette 31 Mar 2005 p. 1031.]

    1. So that means Pat CAN do the right thing by the York community and take part in rescinding all the things Best rushed through.
      We know what James Teflon $$$$ is made of, lets see if Pat Hooper is any better.

  16. Darlene Barratt6 July 2015 at 19:34

    Yes attendee apparently I have been born again, re christened like the royal baby HRH Charlotte and so close to my 50th birthday in a naming session of the York Shire Council, named just as I was Darlene Barratt that cold July morning when I let out my first cry on this wonderful planet run by a bunch of lunatics.

    1. Darlene, you being named was the hi-lite of the evening! How special are you!

      At least James Best pronounced your name correctly which is more than he did mine!

    2. How did James Best graduate from Curtin University and manage to miss learning one of the basic rules for pronunciation?

    3. Even Federal Minister Barnaby Joyce stated 'the world has gone mad'.

  17. Darlene Barratt6 July 2015 at 19:54

    (Oh perhaps I'm going on the standards panel all the walga officers were there last night at the meeting or He is putting my name forward for election James did ask me one when I first met him if I would consider it or now this sounds like fun I could be helping in a covert warrant exciting pmsl)

    Provisions about standards panels
    cl. 4
    page 376 Version 06-g0-00 As at 01 Jul 2015
    Extract from, see that website for further information
    (c) if the member vacates office before the term of office expires,
    entitled to attend meetings and otherwise act in place of the
    and a deputy attending a meeting or acting in place of a member under
    this subclause has all the functions and protection of a member.
    [Clause 3 inserted by No. 1 of 2007 s. 13.]
    4. Submission of lists
    (1) Before a person is appointed as, or as the deputy for, a member under
    clause 2(b) the Minister is to invite WALGA to submit, within
    28 days of the invitation, a list of 9 persons eligible for appointment.
    (2) The person appointed is to be one of the persons................. named................... on the list
    submitted under subclause (1) but if a list is not submitted in writing
    in accordance with the invitation of the Minister, the Minister may
    appoint any person who would have been eligible for inclusion on the

    4.69. How to vote
    (1) If only one office is to be filled at the election, an elector is to
    cast his or her vote by marking the ballot paper in accordance
    with regulations so as to indicate the candidate ...............named............... on the
    ballot paper whom the elector wishes to be elected.

    Entry under warrant
    (1) In the circumstances described in subsection (2), a justice may
    by warrant authorise a local government by its employees,
    together with such other persons as are.............. named............... or described in
    the warrant, or a police officer, to enter any land, premises or
    thing using such force as is necessary.

  18. Wonder if the blank Shire forms employees were given to sign last week had anything to do with a senior staff member (acting) rallying the troops and threatening a mass walk- out.

  19. There is no doubt about people who bubble to the top of Local Government (Crs. Reid, Smythe and Wallace excluded). They must have a special training program so they learn how to twist the truth to suit their own bubble.

    I heard a number of residents at the meeting last night saying 'where do these people come from' ? 'Its as if they have come from another world'! They do, their world is called Local Government.

    Re the Open letter to residents - which by the way I note is undated:
    Best refers to allegations of incompetence, misconduct and even corruption within the Shire. Best tells us he is privy to these allegations which infers they are 'secret Best business' (SBB) and no one else has knowledge of them. That is true, no one in the Community knows what the hell he is talking about.

    According to Best, he investigated the SBB allegations on behalf of the CCC, BUT also stated the CCC investigation had absolutely nothing to do with the Fitz Gerald Report. This means the Fitz Gerald Report still has not been addressed.

    When Best first arrived, he spoke with some of the victimised Residents. He appeared incensed by how they had been targeted and treated by the Shire of York. He gave an undertaking to address all the issues in the Fitz Gerald Report (FGR). He even stated to several people he thought Ray Hooper was an evil person.

    Best had a sleep, drank some of that coffee (mentioned by another blogger), received a fundamental kick up the arse from Minister Simpson and turned on every one of those he was previously so concerned about - now referred to as 'indignant residents'.

    Best refers to anonymous bloggers as cowards, hiding behind keyboards allegedly doing harm to good people and damaging 'brand York' . Mr. Best, York does not need 'brand York' to promote itself. It was, and still is, Western Australia's First inland settlement and promotes itself through it's history.

    Many of those blogging are people who have finally realised the damage done to those 'indignant residents' and are now supporting them.

    No one is a coward for blogging anonymously when it comes to the Shire Administration or Dept. Local Government employees. During the second World War, it became essential for people to use anonymity to fight oppression and dictators and that is what residents are doing here in York.

    Residents saw what happened to people who stood up and questioned the Administration, dared ask for a fair go or God forbid questioned the accountability of the CEO's credit Card usage - they had their businesses and lives destroyed.

    Best should have another look at the photo of the criminal damage. There is no word "worker" in the photo and the correct spelling is puerile Mr. Best.

    The suspension of the Shire President and Councillors was because they had three traitors in their midst who were desperate to cover up the truth - read the Fitz Gerald Report.

    The fast tracking of the Dealing with unreasonable Conduct suggest the Shire Administration is in collateral damage control and the Blogs are doing their work.

    Congratulations and thanks to both Blog Masters. I will post my comments on both Blogs - anonymously.

  20. The acting SS member has taken the batten from Ray Hooper - She is on speed dial to him.

  21. I hope Masuik does walk out. I dont care what it costs to see the back of her.

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  22. I cant beleive they threw EDO into the agenda item re unreasonable conduct using the cost of FOIs as a reason for not employing an EDO.

    I was willing, ready and able to take the position but Masuik couldnt get the contract right. Unlike others I dont dign incomplete forms. She is not even good at HR let alone as the DCEO. JB knows all this.

    The salary was already bugeted so FOI costs are irrelevant.

    Anyway I thought FOI's were way down compared to recent years. Under Matthews watch anyway. I assume they are creeping up again under JBs watch.

    More blatant lies by JB and GS.

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