Wednesday 8 July 2015


The Old Convent School—How James Best and Graeme Simpson Stitched Us Up Good and Proper

A member of the York Consortium has received advice from a senior Treasury official regarding the purchase of the Old Convent School.

This is the advice as I interpret it.

1.     Treasury has no role in determining whether or not a local government, like the Shire of York, can borrow money.  The Shire’s submission to borrow money is not made to Treasury but to a separate entity independent of Treasury, namely, the WA Treasury Corporation (WATC).

2.     WATC are not interested in the merits of what the local government is planning to do with the money.  Their job is to borrow the funds for the applicant at the lowest possible rate.  In effect, they act as a broker. 

3.     It follows that James Best stitched us up good and proper by arranging in secret to buy the Old Convent School and borrow the money to do it.  The fact that the property probably isn’t worth anything close to what the Shire will now have to pay for it is apparently quite beside the point.  So, it seems, is the fact that this arrogant fellow and his accomplice, Acting CEO Simpson, were too reckless and/or stupid to take the obvious precaution of obtaining a sworn valuation from a licensed land valuer before agreeing on a purchase price.

4.     Is there anything we can do about it?  Not a lot, but we could petition Minister Simpson to object to the transaction on the grounds that the Shire can’t afford it.  On present showing, the Minister and his department seem determined, for inscrutable reasons, to make life as hard as possible for the Shire of York.  Best’s treachery (for that is what it is) would be grist to the Minister’s mill.  (I think a petition is a good idea, but I’m sure the Minister has already decided that James Best can do no wrong.)

5.     The building is heritage listed, so another option might be to write to the Heritage Council seeking a review of the listing, citing its condition and the unsustainable burden the proposed purchase will place on the Shire’s finances.  In doing this, the Treasury man says, ‘It may also be prudent to request the reasons why the building was listed in the first place and who proposed its listing’.  When the building was listed, the Heritage Council may not have known or been informed that there were ‘serious structural issues’ or that there may have been ‘foul play or ulterior motives’ on the part of persons seeking the listing.

Sounds like a job for our elected Council.

Should we roll over and accept the inevitable, as Best, Simpson, Minister Simpson and the Minister’s puppet masters in the DLGC would have us do?  I don’t think so.  Never say die.

Let’s do everything we can think of to overturn this transaction.  All ideas (or ‘ideations’) welcome. 

Meanwhile, we must contemplate the awful possibility that James Best is being groomed for a place alongside Minister Simpson in the state legislature.  As a conservative, I despair for the future of conservatism in Western Australia. 

I’d say it’s firmly in the hands of morally deficient people of mediocre intellect who wear sharp suits and drive Mercedes. 

I don’t see much to hope for in the other mob, either.  They don’t seem to give a damn for the people of York.  If they care, they haven’t shown it or said so.

I have this recurring nightmare that at the next election I shall be left with no alternative but to vote for the Greens.  God help us all.

"I've never known the York river so choppy at this time of year".


  1. I am not sure how James Best can sleep at night knowing he has stitched us Ratepayers up for a building we don't need and a loan we simply cannot afford.

    It is my understanding the condition of the building is not even taken into account by the WA Treasury Corporation when considering the approval of the loan. The Shire didn't even have to declare what the money was going to be spent on.

    When considering purchasing a Heritage listed building, I would have thought it common sense to obtain a sworn valuation and have at least two Structural Engineers check the building over. Mind you, I am drawing on knowledge my Mother handed on to me and she was a very wise Women.

    I doubt Mr. Best would have been so quick to sign the Offer and Acceptance to purchase the building IF the money was coming out of his pocket.

    1. Personally, I'm not opposed in principle to the Shire buying heritage properties - far from it.

      What I object to is, first, some popinjay from South Perth telling us that we need a town square in a back street and imposing his 'vision' without consultation on the people - ourselves - who will have to pay for it.

      Secondly, I object to the secrecy in which his 'vision' was pushed through. The bastard knew we wouldn't agree to it, so he and Simpson kept it under their hats.

      Thirdly, I object to the absence in his deal with the vendors of a sworn valuation from a licensed land valuer. We are going to have to pay well over the odds for the property central to his 'vision' - as some of us believe, up to 50% more than the property is worth. Helping out friends is one thing, but it's another thing when other people have to pay for it.

      Fourthly, his 'vision' took no account of the expense of repairing and maintaining the property. The engineer's report was issued on 5 June 2015. The commissioner must have known for at least a fortnight that the building was not in very good condition, but never mind, who gives a stuff, those York bumpkins will just have to grin and bear it.

      Fourthly, I object to the role played in this rotten business by the DLGC. They are supposed to be very clever people (pardon my mirth) but they, along with Minister Tony Simpson, must have given the commissioner carte blanche to screw the people of York however, with whatever and in whatever position or direction he pleased.

      As I studied the row of shiny-faced suits sitting protectively with the commissioner at the meeting the other night, I thought of a saying of the American politician Henry Clay: 'So brilliant and so corrupt, like a rotten mackerel by moonlight, they shine and stink'. Except I don't know if they can really be very bright, if they are giving their support to a self-promoting nincompoop like you know who.

    2. Sorry, the second 'fourthly' should be 'fifthly'! Wake up, James P!

    3. Minor detail: The McDowall Affleck Repaort letter is dated 11th June, the inspection was 5th June, JP.

  2. When the Heritage listings were done they would have been done 'in all good faith'. I have no doubt of that. The building is of great historical importance in York's history. When and how damage has occurred before or since who knows, and don't forget its age and the fact that it was built when many floors were directly built over soil (there are other houses in York where this is so). Then we had the Meckering Earthquake which did so much damage that one of our hotels was not deemed worth saving (hence the bare fenced patch diagonally opposite The Castle). The details of the Heritage Listings (several levels) can be found on

    I don't believe the Heritage Council would review the listing (apart from the fact that it is on several listings: National Trust (1985), National Estate (1978) and Municipal Inventory (1995). These classifications are permanent, and for our benefit as beneficiaries of our significant Built Heritage. The accompanying statement on the site says: "A simple building of architectural merit, important as an early convent school and for its association with the teaching Mercy nuns. Relevant as a former part of the Roman Catholic establishment adjacent, to which it contributes environmentally and rare as a surviving example of an early building serving the community for private education." They probably have not seen it in its latest condition, though, because they state the Condition as "Good" and the Integrity/Authenticity as "High". Perhaps they could be shown the McDowall Affleck Report of 11 June 2015?? I.e. the one displayed under What's James Best got in common with 29 South Street, York? on the

    Yes, we are right, however, to be concerned about such a transaction when we are in the kind of financial straits we are in. We are right also to be upset about the secrecy with which we nearly didn't even know about any of this till after the Budget was passed. I for one only knew because someone phoned me and made sufficient comment that I then searched through the Budget for mention of sale for $625,000, loan for $625,000 and Town Square for $625,000. I myself was at home and had time to put the puzzle together and was ready for the meeting later that day. So many other people never had a chance to hear, search the Shire website, read any e-mails we sent out, or phonecalls various of us made. Others would have been at work at the meeting time, or had prior arrangements they had no time to alter. Some even (and there were no more than 15 in the gallery, two of whom were local journalists and hence obsrvers) didn't know what was in the Agenda till they got there and others told them.

    You are right about so many other of the dubious aspects of this situation.

    I myself had a message this evening from another senior official, colleague of the one referred to at the head of the article above, and who has heard and read some details from another source. His reaction, on having read the Open Letter To the Hon. Tony Simpson that is on this Blog wrote: "It sounds like there has been a lot of action in the York shire ! If this was sent to the Minister, then it will go through the appropriate channels !"

    Trying not to be fatalistic, wouldn't it be lovely if in going through the appropriate channels it actually brought the appropriate results!!!

  3. Vision of Blindness8 July 2015 at 17:04

    As far as I am aware the Minister has to give approval for the purchase's of this kind before it is formalised and it has to be complete with supporting documentation. Has the minister given permission for the purchase? Was it a proposal of a prescribed kind enabling JB not to advertise his intent to purchase for a month by public notice?

  4. After hearing the false rumour Best may have had family connections here in York, I did a quick search of my family tree and thankfully found he is not listed in it.


  5. Look, according to the Shire the "worker" is still in office.


    Mr James Best

    Address: P O Box 22, York WA 6302

    Mobile: 0419 921 516


    Term Expires 7 July 2015
    James Best

    Councillors - SUSPENDED

    Shire President
    Cr Matthew Reid

    Address: 63 Ford Street, York WA 6302

    Phone: 9641 1151 (home)

    Mobile: 0427 411 044


    Retiring: October 2017
    Cr Matthew Reid

    Deputy Shire President

    Cr. Denese Smythe

    Address: 5 Morse Street, York WA 6302

    Phone: 9641 2365 (home)

    Mobile: 0419 924 676


    Retiring: October 2015
    Denese Smythe
    Cr. Pat Hooper

    Address: 37 Fraser Street, York WA 6302

    Phone: 9641 2285 (home)

    Mobile: 0417 935 998


    Retiring: October 2015
    Cr. Pat Hooper
    Cr. David Wallace

    Address: 256 Young Road, York WA 6302

    Mobile: 0427 902 987


    Retiring: October 2017

    1. At 6.04 pm on 9th July James Best is no longer on
      Only our smiling Councillors are there now.

      Wonder whether JB has looked back at this blog yet and discovered he can't count.

  6. Look at his linkedin 7 moths commissioner no wonder he stuffed up with figures for buying a building forgetting what it would cost for development and the like the man cant count. January 7 to July 6 that's 6 months. what a twat.



    BBC (Pty Ltd) Consulting

    1998 – Present (17 years)|Perth Area, Australia

    Specialising in the areas of strategic business planning, visioning, and stakeholder & issues management. Skilled leadership counsel based on significant experience.


    Shire of York

    January 2015 – July 2015 (7 months)

    Senior Consultant

    Integral Development

    2013 – January 2015 (2 years)

    1. As I recall, his FIGJAM (LinkedIn) profile states that he was mayor of South Perth for 4 years. Is that true? I thought he held that office for 2 years only, then decided not to stand for election again. (Loud cheers along the South Perth foreshore.)

      What is 'stakeholder management'? Sounds sinister to me.

  7. When I have a festival James I have many "stakeholders" such as sponsors, tourism groups, media partners etc. Guess I am a "stakeholder" manager as well. And I am very experiened in managing them with more than 50 "moths" experience.

    1. Sorry, Tanya, I grew up believing that a stakeholder is a person who holds the money staked in a wager - not a person who has a 'stake', i.e. interest or involvement, in a process or event. Every time the meaning of a word is distorted in this way, our language loses a measure of semantic precision. This particular distortion is almost as bad as the loss of 'fewer' in favour of 'less', which obscures, even obliterates, the important grammatical distinction between countable and uncountable nouns (and makes my flesh creep, too).

      I'm not one of those teachers and linguists who believe that progress in language use depends on 'laying paths where people walk'. However, I know that in that respect I belong to a rapidly diminishing minority of unreconstructed linguistic tories!

  8. The meeting the other night was infiltrated by undercover probity police hiding amongst the gallery. Someone spotted two up the back (near the door) and his Lady friend rugged up like she was going to the South Pole and two near the side window.
    They were NOT included in the list James Best acknowledge and welcomed which was rather remiss of him.

    1. Reminds me of the comic strip 'Spy v. Spy' in Mad magazine.

      Those people really are 'something else', as Americans like to say. I hope James 'I'm going to name you' Best and Graeme 'levels of resignation' Simpson were the target of any such probity check, but I doubt it.

  9. Who knows, the DLG finally may have finally realised Best was not the BEST person for the job after all and came up to do a sting on him.
    By not welcoming and acknowledging ALL special guests attending the meeting Best was a very very naughty boy!

    The ex York Councillors, ex CEO and Shire Senior Staff should tune in and watch the current Royal Commission.

  10. Well, I hope you're right, but I'm not optimistic. Minister Simpson, being a politician, and his top bureaucrats, being the jobsworths they are, are unlikely to permit anything that brings their judgement unto question.

  11. Willie Wag Tail10 July 2015 at 08:09

    Couldn't believe Best had half the public service come to York for the meeting.
    He probably thought it made him look very important, walking in with all the heavies - instead it made him look rather stupid.
    Were they supposed to make us scared? If that was the purpose, it didn't work. They are just Public Servants and no more important than the people of York.
