Tuesday 14 July 2015


Add your voice—and make a difference!

IF YOU OBJECT to former Commissioner Best’s hasty, ill-considered and morally dubious decision to force the Shire to buy ‘Chalkies’ (the Old Convent School) –
IF YOU THINK he had no right to saddle York—already in serious financial trouble—with a further debt of $625,000 pursuant to that decision—
IF YOU OPPOSE the implementation, at an unspecified cost, of his ‘Town Square’ concept, imposed on our community without consultation and forming no part of our agreed strategic goals —
IF YOU BELIEVE that James Best as commissioner has been one of the worst things ever inflicted on the Shire of York in the course of its long and noble history, not excepting the Meckering earthquake
You can use ideas and information from the letter below and other articles on this blog to help you in composing your letter of protest.

The email address of Hon. Tony Simpson, MLA, Minister For Local Government And Communities is:

Other politicians you could copy in are:
Hon. Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia wa-government@dpc.wa.gov.au
Hon. Mia Davies, MLA Minister.Davies@dpc.wa.gov.au
Hon. Paul Brown, MLC paul.brown@mp.wa.gov.au 
Ms Jennifer Mathews, Director-General, Department of Local Government and Communities info@dlgc.wa.gov.au
Hon. David Templeman MLA david.templeman@mp.wa.gov.au

Minister A.J. (Tony) Simpson, MLA, 
Minister for Local Government; Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering; Youth
Copies to:
Premier of WA, Hon. Colin Barnett
Hon. Mia Davies, MLA
Hon. Paul Brown, MLC
Ms Jennifer Mathews, Director-General, Department of Local Government and Communities
Hon. David Templeman, MLA, Shadow Minister for Local Government; Community Services

Dear Minister Simpson, 

I am deeply concerned about both the decision and the processes involved in the decision for a transaction bundle to:

1. Purchase a damaged heritage property (Lots 800 & 801 South St, York) for the inappropriate sum of $625,000;

2. Request a loan from the WA Treasury Corporation for that sum; and to

3. Combine land from the purchase of Lot 800 with the existing Peace Park to form a Town Square;

and further:

4. To include this at the last minute into the Shire's Budget Agenda without Community Consultation, and with insufficient notice for most people to become aware of either the Agenda or the proposed transaction bundle.

The decision was hastily made by the then Commissioner James Best and risks putting in increased jeopardy the Shire's Financial viability. 

Commissioner Best made this decision despite repeatedly telling those at his hastily-called Special Council Meetings of 25th June, 2 July and 6th July that the Shire is in danger of becoming Insolvent, and repeatedly laying the blame on actions of Ratepayers, instead of on actions the Shire chose to take.

I am aware that Commissioner Best was your appointee to the Shire of York, and I myself decided to 'give the  situation the benefit of the doubt' and took part, till they faded out, in several of the 6 new Advisory Groups Mr. Best instituted, in the hopes that (despite many similar efforts in the past not progressing as much as people over the years had hoped) some good things might come out of our willingness to try a new way.

Sadly, this all backfired when (a) the Commissioner started coming late to meetings, then cancelled for May then June almost all meetings but one group related to Business, thus leaving us in limbo, and (b) enacted several hasty decisions at those last meetings, without recourse to Consultation.

There can be no surprise that those of us willing to give the Commissioner the benefit of the doubt ended up just as disappointed and disillusioned as a vast representation and cross-section of York Ratepayers as demonstrated in the last 3 Special Meetings. This cross-section was made up of people who normally have diverse interests at heart or else don't normally cross paths, yet the shock-horror at what was being done to York drew them together in unity against these actions.

Below I present my analysis of the events in those last days of Mr Best's tenure (here in text, but also appended as a document).

for a $625,000 transaction for a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT
Objection respectfully submitted to
Minister Tony Simpson and copied to others
1. On 24th June at 2pm, giving only 27 hrs notice, The Shire sent out an e-mail to those signed up for notification by this means, announcing that the Agenda for a Special Council Meeting of 5pm 25th June was available. The Agenda consisted of the Budget to be passed by the Commissioner acting as Council. A notice may have been placed on the Shire Notice Board on 19th June, but only people looking for it would have seen it. Several reasons would have made it unlikely that people would attend the meeting: not having heard about it or having seen the e-mail or notice, prior engagements, being still at work or on the way home from out of town, etc... Accordingly, no more than 15 were in the Gallery, 2 of them being journalists and hence purely observers. The notice given for the meeting was unconscionably short.

2. Hidden in the Agenda Appendix 9.4.1, each on different pages, were 3 New Items:
    p. 9: Initiatives:.....Purchase of Poperty — Lot 800, 801 South Street, York
    p.16: 8.1 Borrowings:”For the 2015/2016 year, Council has decided to borrow $625,000 to fund the purchase of Lot 800,801 South Street, York.”
    p.84/89 in the electronic version (no page #s in the print version):
    New: Loan Proceeds — Town Square: Income: $625,000
    p. 89/89 electronic version:
    New: Town Square — Purchase and development: Expenditure: $625,000
    The sum is the same because, as confirmed by the reply of the then Commissioner to questions, they refer to the same transaction bundle: loan for buying the Lots, for the purpose of (a) joining Lot 800 to Peace Park to create a Town Square, and (b) utilise the building which is on Lot 801 for lease on a commercial basis in the short term. In the long-term (see Draft Concept Statement, Town Square — Shire of York 1st July 2015) there is a proposal to use the building for e.g. Visitors’ Centre and other civic uses.

3. Unnecessary delay in notifying Ratepayers of Agenda (and hence this item) and avoidance of Consultation with Ratepayers. Prior to the 24th June, on 15th June, in fact, the Budget Appendix for the Meeting had been completed, as per the document online; i.e. http://www.york.wa.gov.au/Assets/Documents/Document-Centre/2015_Minutes/June_15/9.4.1_Appendices_25_June_2015.pdf
    Normally the notifying e-mails are sent out 5 days ahead of a meeting. This would have allowed adequate numbers of ratepayers to be present, but did not happen. Even some there did not know the content, including the issue of the $625,000 transactions and their purpose. These people first heard of it at the meeting, and the rest of us who did know by then heard only the night before or the morning of the meeting.

4. Even at a 23rd June public meeting on planning for the future which was conducted by Mr Best and the Public Relations officer he was using, and attended by approx. 60 ‘business people and community leaders’ at the Castle Hotel, the plans to buy “Chalkies” and create a Town Square were kept quiet despite a very broad range of ideas to improve the economic welbeing of York being raised. It is singularly strange that no reference was made to this plan, and it can only be surmised that it was being ‘kept in wraps’ for the 25th June Budget Meeting.

5. The Agenda for the Special Council Meeting of 2 July was posted only approx 25 hrs in advance and e-mailed approx 24 hrs in advance, and a Notice of that of 6th July was posted on the Shire’s site 3 days ahead, but announced by e-mail only 7hrs ahead on 6th, and notice of its Agenda 1.5 hours ahead; hardly time for Ratepayers to digest the contents, if even see them, ahead of Question Time.

6. While the owners of Lots 800 & 801, most recently utilised as the business “Chalkies”, have every right to sell property they own, the greatest publicly known difficulties with the transaction are:
    (a) the manner in which the Commissioner rushed this through without consultation with the Ratepayers; (Special Council Meeting of 2 July: confirmed the delegation of power given to the Acting Chief Executive Officer on 18 June, 2015 to negotiate for an offer to be made to purchase the properties at 25 & 27 South Street, York” (the same property as Lots 800 and 801).
    (b) the fact that ultimately the Ratepayers have to repay the loan and all related costs; e.g. its interest and the bundle of costs associated with purchase, rezoning, remodelling the grounds, and works required on the building itself — in addition, the cost of design, construction and maintenance of the proposed setting up of the Town Square; (see 6.(c) & 7. & 6.(f)below)
    (c) that the building is in sufficiently poor condition that major works are required to bring it up to safe standards;
    (d) that we would have to do that when the former Commissioner insists that we are heading for insolvency already if we are not careful; (he has repeated this at every meeting: 25 June, 2 July, 6 July) See 8. below.
    (e) that despite this he has applied to the WA Treasury Coporation for the loan (2 July motion); however, they as broker do not scrutinise any defects in the proposed use of the money or e.g. the condition of a property that may be bought with it etc... (NOTE: Initially, the Commissioner was careless with his words and was heard to imply that the borrowing would be from State Treasury; this led to understandable misunderstanding)
    (f) Mr. Best presented Item 9.2.1 APPENDIX at the 6th July meeting (Draft Concept Statement; Town Square — Shire of York, 1 July 2015): it includes removal of some exisitng landscaping & infrastructure, professional design, raised garden beds, ‘abundant and inviting seating’, Wi-Fi, lighting, ‘significant areas of paving and other hard-stand, and  the planting of mature trees and associated landscapint’ etc.....

7. Regarding 6.(c) above: The McDowall Affleck Site Inspection (5th June 2015) and Report (11 June 2015) letter to Paul West, current Project Officer at the Shire indicates significant faults in the building at 27 (Lot 801) mis-written as 29 in the Report. These include serious cracking in original walls, lesser cracking in the newer portion of the building, some of the cracking reaching floor to rafters, bowing out of a wall above a window, some cracking being right through walls and some being ‘out of plane’ (jutting out from the rest of the wall), some mortar turned to sand, moisture levels in the ground clay varying from time to time ‘result in alternate vetical heave and subsidence’ (responsible for some of the damage). Some sections of the wall would need to be rebuilt and others have the cracks filled. Rods and plates would need to be installed in some places. Repointing needs doing by experienced heritage professionals. If necessary, underpinning could be required. The best that can be said for the building is that it is in ‘fair structural condition for its age’!! Some guestimates for repair suggest $200,000 to $300,000 additional (repair/restoration) costs to the actual buying of the building.

8. No Business Plan has been devised. This should surely have preceded any contemplation of buying the property, applying for a loan to fund it, etc....!

9. No sworn independent valuation has been attained, but only a Bank Valuation. Given current values, the figure of $625,000 seems excessive.

10. Ongoing Shire Debt. In his efforts to blame Ratepayers for the expenditure of $807, 824 plus other uncosted factors, Mr Best failed to point out the ongoing deficits the Recreation Centre has been suffering, and failed to point out that this project itself has fallen behind in the works for some of the stages. He also failed to mention ruptured pipes due to shoddy workmanship, etc... This, while not impacting directly on the proposed buying of Lots 800 and 801, accounts for some of the financial difficulties the Shire is experiencing and, togetherwith the costs he blames Ratepayers for, is very good reason why the Shire should not embark on risky expenditure such as paying back such a large loan as $625,000 over ten years plus costs of repairing the building, plus costs of developing the proposed Town Square. The farmers have also been complaining of Road Works not done. That is a more sensible expenditure, given the switch from 3-Tier rail to more road use.

11. Financial Prudence is a MUST. Curiously, in the lead up to the end of his tenure and the time that he would be putting forward the proposed buy-up and development of the proposed Town Square, Mr. Best abolished the three Shire Committees which The Council under President Reid had reinstated after years of hiatus since 2005 — the Heritage Advisory Committe, the Works Advisory Committee and the Finance and Risk Advisory Committee. These Committees would have been expected to uphold Financial and Developmental Prudence more conservatively than he would wish. Perhaps that is a convenient reason to have abolished them. He set up 6 new Advisory Groups, but by May had begun turning up late and then held none of the meetings except a Business Focussed group in May and June. The way was paved (intentionally or otherwise) for no-one to know what was about to happen. Thus opposition was out of the way.

12. The Shire purchase/buy-back of the property known as “Chalkies” confers a benefit to the vendors (one couple), but it inflicts a financial detriment to all other Ratepayers. It is contributing significantly towards our rates going up approx. 10% (varying ways of calculating having led to varying estimates).

13. The new proposal can be construed as constituting a significant risk. The taking out of yet another loan by the Shire and the raising of the rates flies in the face of THE SHIRE OF YORK’S LONG TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 2013-14 TO 2022-23 (LTFP) in terms of (a) its operational deficit;   (b) the need for long-term financial sustainability and (c) its proposal that “No new loans are proposed to be raised over the life of the Plan.”

14. When the Shire owned the property approx. 12 years ago, it was deemed too “expensive to maintain and surplus to requirements’. Perhaps prudence suggests that we should steer clear of this risk.

15. This transaction bundle was not part of the current Strategic Plan. A large part of the community feel it would take us away from our Strategic Goals rather than towards them.

Yours Sincerely, 
Liz Christmas, B.A. Hons (Sydney and Murdoch); M.Psych. (Curtin)
15th July 2015



  1. Loved your comparison with the Meckering Earthquake, James P

    1. We need to use the photo finish technique to see the difference between Ray Hooper and James Best.

    2. Great letter Liz, you covered all the issues really well.

      Sent my letter in as well.

  2. Love the photos finish idea!

  3. Please, readers, don't be put off by the length and detail of my article/letter to the Minister. I put the detail in so all could see that the points were based on facts.

    The idea is that IF PEOPLE WISH TO they can write letters to the Minister themselves, and so I presented some facts (along with others cited by James Plumridge and others) which are behind points people can make.

    No-one needs to write all the detail. Summary points or dot-points can be made. THE FACT THAT I WROTE A LONG, DETAILED LETTER DOESN'T MEAN ANYONE ELSE SHOULD FEEL THEY HAVE TO!!

    As James Plumridge and Jane Ferro have shown, and as I also was reliably informed, Citizens informing the Minister and others of processes, decisions and statements that have shocked and let down the Citizens of York in the recent weeks is the most important element.

    The other point of the document is that it adds more info (or puts it together) about facts that are relevant when we have the Special Electors' Meeting on 27th July.

    Let's hope.......

    1. Liz, thanks for clarifying the intention of your letter, which I must say is full of useful information.

      You're right, people don't have to write long letters to the Minister. He knows what has happened. What he now needs to know is how people feel about it.

      As Jane and I pointed out in our letter to the Minister, he has to bear some responsibility for Best's outrageous decision to buy the Old Convent School. Usually, a commissioner is appointed as a caretaker for the period of a Council's suspension. Not this time, it seems. Apparently bewitched by Best's line of bullshit, and no doubt at the urging of the nabobs in his department, the Minister sent him here with instructions to bring us into line, cover up the lurid past and deliver a swift kick up the khyber pass on his way out - all of which he has accomplished to perfection.

      If Minister Simpson agrees with his vainglorious popinjay, let him fund the purchase and the additional costs of development - costs that Best seems not to have given a thought to, presumably because his primary focus was on doing something nice for his mates.

      So some of you might like to include in your letters the suggestion that the state government find the money for our new backstreet 'town square'.

      But the most important thing is to tell him that you don't approve of the purchase and what you think of Best's conduct in making us pay for it and trying to push it through secretly.

      Another thing: the purchase may be a fait accompli (Mr and Mrs B look mightily pleased with themselves right now) but that doesn't mean the restored Council has to proceed with the development. They should be canvassing other options before imposing additional expense on the poor bloody ratepayer. Probably A/CEO Simpson will advise them differently. They should take no notice of him if he does. He's not here for the long haul. We ratepayers are. We're the ones that Council has to please.

  4. The Council is meant to be the A/CEO's boss; not the other way around. So if he 'dictates' to the Council they need to remind him who's boss.

  5. More from me: FOLLOWUP LETTER TO THE MINISTER/S (with accompanying resend of my letter, and signed as usual)

    "Dear Minister Simpson and others to whom I wrote on 15th July 2015,

    Your automatic reply states:

    "Please be assured your correspondence will be actioned as appropriate. Should it be required, a formal response will be sent to you in due course."

    I am indeed requesting a response.

    Someone phoned and advised me that if I wished for a reply I should actually ask a question. So my questions are:

    1. Were you aware that the man you appointed to act as Commissioner to York this last 6 months was using the processes apparent in the details I have outlined in my letter?

    2. Do you agree that these matters might require an investigation into the justifiability of any or all of the actions taken by then Commissioner James Best, without due Consultation with the Ratepayers in hastily progressing the matters outlined in my letter?

    3. Do you consider that the processes by which Mr Best carried out these actions might have compromised the integrity of the decisions?

    4. If the answer to question 3 is 'Yes':

    (a) would you consider that these actions should be quashed?
    (b) would you take action to see that they are quashed?
    (c) could you advise on how they could be quashed?

  6. I believe, when Ray Hooper was first appointed CEO he asked how many Staff the Administration had. When told, he 'feigned shock' and claimed our Administration was over staffed. He allegedly claimed he would reduce the numbers within twelve months.

    IF the Councillors at the time had done their job properly, they would have included the undertaking made by RH as one of his Key Performance Indicators but they didn't. Consequently he did the exact opposite, increased the Staff and built his empire and not one Councillor questioned him.

    Our ex CEO worked systematically to take as much power from our Councillors as he could over the decade he was here by increasing his 'delegated authority'. Unfortunately our not so bright ex councillors failed to see he was gradually stripping them of their control over him.

    The delegated authority needs to be reversed.

    Given the $625,000 debt James Best just stitched Ratepayers up for, his statement we are close to insolvency, and a 13% increase in Rates there is a good case for Councillors to instruct THEIR employee (the A/CEO) to reduce our Administration overheads without reducing the services to the Community. How the A/CEO does it is up to him!

    A good start would be to instruct the A/CEO NOT to re-employ/contract Staff who have previously been dismissed, sacked or received a $$$ payout by the Shire of York.

    The gravy train has run out of Gravy! Time the debt was shared evenly, enough is enough.

    1. You're right. So was Hooper, when he said the Shire was overstaffed.

      Considering the size of York's population, how is it possible to justify the number of 'key' i.e. senior staff currently on the payroll? Do we really need a DCEO, for example? What makes the whole thing even more ridiculous is that some of these senior staff have no qualifications relevant to the positions they hold, appear to have no intention of acquiring any, and worse, are so incapable of doing some of the work they are paid to do that it has to be farmed out at great expense to lawyers and consultants.

      What's more, they're a weak-nerved lot: the first whiff of ratepayer grapeshot, i.e. legitimate criticism, and they scurry off on stress leave or call a stop-work meeting and threaten to walk off the job (so long as the more junior staff, the ones who actually do the work, stayed put, it could be months before anyone would notice).

      Regarding your penultimate paragraph, whom had you in mind?

  7. Refer Item 9.2.1. Appendix A - 6th July, 2015.
    Heading: Sacked Staff Payouts

    $25,000 Manager Planning plus Car and house for three months.

    AGENDA SETTLEMENT BRIEFING – 20TH JULY 2015 - See disclosure.

    4. 4.1 4.1.2
    OFFICER’S REPORTS DEVELOPMENT REPORTS Lot 1 & 2 (18) Panmure Road, York
    When acting as a planning authority in accordance with the powers conferred by the Planning and Development Act 2005 and any relevant scheme, the Council of the Shire is entitled to make decisions based only on proper planning considerations.
    FILE NO:PA1.9910
    COUNCIL DATE: 27 July 2015
    REPORT DATE: 10 July 2015
    LOCATION/ADDRESS: Lot 1 & 2 (18) Panmure Road, York
    APPLICANT: Glenwarra Development Services
    REPORTING OFFICER: C. Thompson Senior Planner (GHD)
    DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST: Shire of York - Jacky Jurmann

  8. Commissioner Best, some Shire staff and ex Councillors are continuing to pump out propaganda about the costs of FOI's and the Fitz Gerald Report in the hope the community will believe it.

    Rational thinking people will realise IF the Shire of York had nothing to hide, they would have released all documents residents applied for, without forcing the use of the FOI process and the Fitz Gerald Report would have been dealt with in an open, accountable and responsible manner.

    Ironically, when James Best first arrived in York, he told me (and others) we could have any document we wanted from the Shire of York Administration. He said there is no need for FOI's. A week later he changed his mind. Why?

    Because the blog copy of the Fitz Gerald Report is the text only and does not include the evidence/documents provided to Mr. Fitz Gerald, the propaganda machine is claiming the Report is only hearsay. Thousands of documents were provided by Residents as evidence. I believe it was the supporting evidence that caused the three Councillors to panic and block the release of the report.

    The Commissioner, A/CEO and Senior Staff are attempting to deflect the blame for budget blowouts away themselves. The Administration chose to run up the huge legal bill, not the Ratepayers! It is high time a little common sense was used, and moral responsibility taken, when spending Public money. That goes for James Best as well.

    The decision to increase our Rates and incur a debt for $625,000 for us was made by Commissioner Best! Both these decisions go directly against the Shire of Yorks own Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) - see sections 5.1, 6.2.5. and below.

    What did the LTFP cost the Community to create?

    I believe the decisions to slug us with a 13% increase in our Rates and sign us up for a $625,000 debt were made by James Best to make life as difficult as possible for our returning Councillors.

    In my opinion, being Commissioner of York went to James Best's head.

    Extracts from: The Shire of York's Long Term Financial Plan 2013-14 to 2022-23 (LTFP)
    Pg 24
    In order for the Shire to be financially sustainable it needs to fund ongoing service delivery and the replacement of assets without imposing excessive debt or rate increases on future generations; in other words it needs to maintain intergenerational equity.

    Pg 38
    6.2.5 Borrowings
    The Shire will be prudent and fiscally responsible when considering any proposals for new debt to deliver Council’s objectives.
    The Shire does not propose to borrow funds over the life of the Plan.
    For further information on Borrowings, please see Section 9.3.7 of this Plan. New Borrowings
    No new loans are proposed to be raised over the life of the Plan.

  9. We know who Jacky Jurmann is, and the mystery of her departure with perks and her reappearance (contracted?), but who is the new C. Thompson, Senior Planner? Yet another new face. Yet another complex 'team' of players mixed in like one of those 'puzzle rings', and circles within circles. When will everything just be straightforward, no complex 'interest' stakes, etc.....???

    1. Yes, we do know who Jacky Jurmann is. She made a rather charming appearance in the Fitz Gerald Report, having played a significant role in the persecution of two of the Shire's prominent dissidents. Yet not long ago James Best told at least two residents having planning problems with the Shire that if they put their matters in the hands of Ms Jurmann of a consultancy called Glenwarra obstacles would be removed and their paths made smooth. Corrupt or what?

      I was present during such a conversation. So was Graeme Simpson, and so were the dissidents I mentioned. I signed a pledge of confidentiality, so I've kept quiet about it until now. But it rankles that Ms Jurmann, having been dismissed from the Shire with a payout, is now back on the payroll. Is she still running her consultancy, does anyone know?

    2. Yes, she's still running her consultancy, probably until she's re-employed at Shire where bad behavior is rewarded. Take it from me, Jacky Jurmann is a piece of work.

    3. I am surprised people in York even consider using Jacky Jurmann. I saw the dirty work she did to a couple of people here and I would never trust her. Wonder if she was re-employed as hush money?

      Why was James Best recommending the consultancy Glenwarra? Is he receiving commission from Jacky?

      Did he receive a kick back for performing a Greece type bail out for the Blisses?

  10. Yes JJ is still running her consultancy business. I believe she is also doing work for the Beverley Shire.

    She is also employed by the Shire of York as a consultant representing them at the State Administration Tribunal to do with the proposed Landfill. Bet that is costing us mega bucks.

    As a consultant she charges (just like Lawyers) for every phone call she receives.

  11. AND
    Our Staff
    The Shire of Cunderdin has an enthusiastic team of dedicated administrative staff who under the management of Chief Executive Officer, Peter Naylor, bring to the communities of Cunderdin and Meckering a range of experience and expertise in their relevant fields.

    Town Planning Officer: Jacky Jurmann
    Environmental Health Officer: Tim Jurmann
    Building Officer: Tim Jurmann
    Ranger: Mathew Sharpe

    The Shire of Quairading employs a Contract Planner, Jacky Jurmann, who can be contacted by ........ and is available for appointments in the office every second Tuesday.

  12. OMG, it's like a creeping disease within Local Government!

    Doesn't Local Government check peoples backgrounds before they employ them?

  13. Cut and pasted from above:
    James Best told at least two residents having planning problems with the Shire that if they put their matters in the hands of Ms Jurmann of a consultancy called Glenwarra obstacles would be removed and their paths made smooth. Corrupt or what?

    Why did James Best suggest using Glenwarra? Was he acting as Jacky's Glenwarra Consultancy agent?

    What were the obstacles and who put them there?

    If Jacky Jurmann can magically remove obstacles as a consultant under the name Glenwarra, why didn't she remove the obstacles for these people while she was employed as the Planning Manager with the Shire of York?

  14. Laurelville Manor has not received the appropriate licences after about 8 years and I fear will soon close. Jacky Jurman caused this issue by introducing Omnibus 50 which includes the Sita proposal. Dodgy in its self.

    Now I beleive Laurelville has been forced by JB and GS to contract Glenwarra. Seems its another case of Jacky can remove all obstacles. Is Jacky Moses or what?

    She causef Laurelville's issues in the first place. Talk about blackmail, corruption and cronyism.

    Faversham on the other hand has major renovations with backdated falsified retrospective approvals.

    Absolutely sickening. Another great business down the plug. This agenda item needs to be sorted NOW in its entirety once and for all.

    They bring hundreds of people to York every month for weddings staying at least overnight and those visitors are keeping this town alive.

  15. So now we have two business run by honest people being forced out of business in York because of dodgy deals being done with Staff at the Shire of York - first the Saint's Diner and now Laureville.
    Funny the name Jacky Jurmann keeps coming into the picture.

    How come Faversham can have documents backdated with retrospective approvals when others are persecuted and taken to court?

    Is there some secrete back door at the Shire honest people don't know about?
