Monday 13 July 2015


James Radcliff Best BA (Curtin) FIGJAM (Shire of York)

Principal, BBC Consulting, Perth: business consultant, catalyst facilitator (eh?), expert on leadership, ethics, and strategic communication skills, all-round management genius, etc. etc.

Specialist in fact management and equivocation 

‘Tenacious and determined approach to doing what is right for the organisation and the community it operates in” (his own words)

Demonstrated readiness and ability to spend ratepayers’ money on expensive crack-brained schemes that benefit his friends (our words)

Personal Mantra: ‘Passion, Perseverance, Possibility, Perdition’

Facebook friend of Nola Bliss, Director of Fun, Fabulosity and Frivolity (I didn’t make that up) at Faversham House, York,  joint owner of the Old Convent School aka ‘Chalkies’ until overpriced sale to Shire of York goes through as facilitated by— you’ve guessed it—James Best  

                                                   They said putting York right just couldn’t be done.
                                                   They said he’d rue it.
                                                   So he tackled the thing that couldn’t be done—
                                                   And couldn’t do it. 



                                                     Living in York, Western Australia?
                                                    Have a decrepit building for sale?
                                                    Need to sell it for more than it's worth? 
                                                    Don't mind upsetting your friends and neighbours?
                                      If so, contact: or call 0419921516 (open all hours)  



  1. Replies
    1. If you think that's 'cheekee', Liz, you should have witnessed the Blisses, arm in arm, smiling at all and sundry as they sashayed up Avon Tce towards - well, who knows - the Shire Offices (to meet up with Best's accomplice in driving York further to insolvency, the ACEO Simpson - or perhaps having an affectionate look at Chalkies while they still own it....). As my family were wont to say, 'It was a sight for sore eyes!!!"

  2. Can someone tell me who determined James Best to be an all-round management genius?

    1. It may have been Minister Tony Simpson, who has immense faith in James Best and seems to believe he can do no wrong. Or it may have been Jennifer (see no evil) Mathews, head honcho of the DLGC, or her sidekick and probity guru Brad 'We don't just cross our fingers and hope' Jolly. Or it may have been his erstwhile colleagues on South Perth City Council, or the grateful citizens of Toodyay and Fremantle, or two VERY grateful business people resident in York.

      Or it may have been James Best himself, or someone else of the same name and professional background. Or (lingua in maxillam) it may have been me.

  3. He's a worker

    1. No, he's a 'hands on' local government expert with with a penchant for wasting ratepayers' money on lawyers, consultants and spin doctors - a kind of Robin Hood in reverse.

    2. Graeme Simpson's a bit of a worker as well.
      Tony Simpson, I hear works all the time, must be one of those obsessive disorders.

  4. Don't forget he's a "Futurist" too as stated on the Leadership WA website

  5. Honestly, Tanya, I hadn't forgotten - but I'm still trying to work out what a 'Futurist' is.

    Does it mean somebody who thinks he can see and predict the future, i.e. a clairvoyant?

    If so, he should take up the study of history, and learn about the Law of Unintended Consequences which has dominated human affairs since (to use the famous words of Norman Gunston) human beings first crawled out of the primeval slime and sat down to watch television.

  6. Hi York

    I've been reading your blog and the other blog for about a month now - and have read as far back as possible. I have also been reading the Agendas and Minutes from the Shire of York. I totally agree that there are concerns for the Residents of York....I'm not questioning that at all.

    One thing however that I must question is that there has not been one post about the positive things that are occurring - that are being orchestrated by the people and business's of York in the sense of Community Spirit. I ask that you not confuse this statement with the positives that you are doing regarding holding the management of your Shire to task.

    I read on a post that 70,000? hits have been made to one of the 2 sites and that you have people from all over the world reading your blogs. I am one of those readers....I would however love to know what the benefits of visiting might be? What are the attractions, what do you, the people of York recommend in terms of considering your Town a destination to visit??? There must be lot's of great things about your town or otherwise you wouldn't all have the passion you do, to ensure the wrongs eventually get sorted...

    Sure, there are tourism sites and Visitor Centre sites and venues, but I'm just not hearing much love from you about a month of posts covering all the great businesses that must exist, the great history, the sites to visit, the places to eat, the best time of the year weather wise, events that you know about and recommend, places to stay, sporting events???

    I would love to hear about that and how as a community there is ongoing support in the positive side of things....I think your 70,000 hits might like to hear about it too...You risk sounding like a NO GO zone for visitors, tourists and possible new residents....just saying.

    1. Anonymous 14th July 20:19 It would be nice to know where you are from.

      York was once a vibrant Festival Town. One by one the Festivals were interfered with, taken over or stuffed up by Councillors (thankfully all but one are ex) and the Shire Administration let by ex CEO Ray Hooper.

      Fortunately people power has finally found it's voice and together with our positive and honest Shire President Matthew Reid, York is about to blossom once again.

      I am sure you will be made to feel most welcome if you decide to visit.

  7. Love the Simpson bit!

  8. Thank you for your thoughtful and sympathetic comment.

    York is a beautiful shire and the people of York are as friendly and welcoming as any you will find in Australia. However, few will dispute that a series of incompetent and morally dubious (I choose my words carefully here) decisions by successive shire administrations has brought t the shire to its knees.

    For several months, since the Minister for Local Government decided on spurious grounds to suspend our democratically elected Shire Council led by a popular new shire president, and to appoint a 'commissioner' to act in the place of council, the people of York have been subjected to what an outsider might well perceive to be a systematic attempt to break their spirit. That is what both blogs have chronicled and opposed.

    As you've probably gathered, there's a lot of unresolved issues from the era before the election of our proper council in 2013. The Department of Local Government, and the Shire administration under the leadership of the commissioner and acting CEO, have exercised a grim determination to bury past grievances without first making a serious attempt to resolve them.

    Speaking for myself, there is nothing I would like better than to devote this blog to the positives of living in York. I love this town. I chose to live here. I love the history and the beauty of the surrounding countryside. Most of all I enjoy spring and autumn in York - in summer and winter alike, the climate leaves something to be desired, but even at those times we have very pleasant days.

    You've given me an idea, and I thank you for it. Even though it's midwinter, bleak and cold, I'm going to cycle round the town with a camera and photograph all the things that make living in York worthwhile - and that will be quite a few photos - and post them on the blog. I'm not much of a photographer, but in York you don't have to be, the shire speaks for itself.

    God willing, with a new and dynamic Shire Council under the leadership of Shire President Matthew Reid, the fortunes of York will be restored. A bright future beckons. But there's still much work to be done.

    Thanks again for your comment. If you come to York, you will be made welcome. Many people from many places in Australia and overseas still visit us. I don't think they regret it.

  9. York is predominantly a farming and rural community, which means huge tracts of land are seeded and / or are used to graze sheep and cattle. The town was founded during winter months when it was green and lush – as it is presently. The land is endowed with gorgeous vistas of rolling hillside that bring forth a sense of deep appreciation for such a beautiful place to live.

    Horses, goats and alpacas are also common sights. As you would expect, all species are found throughout our Shire, including dogs and cats. Working dogs often are in the backs of working vehicles (utes and other trucks), typically barking at everyone on the main street as they are driven past. Many residents and visitors alike have their family dogs with them as they sit at the al fresco tables along Avon Terrace, the main street in York.

    There is a peaceful quality about country life which, understandably, attracts suburban dwellers on their days off and during their holidays. To make York even more attractive, we are a true historic town and less than 100 km from our State’s capital, Perth. The buildings date back, in many cases, over a hundred years as York was a supply centre during the gold rush era. The buildings are most often built of stone and brick, designed by famous architects. In fact, you can see the European influence in the design and structure of the buildings, as well as the way they positioned along the street.

    We have no fast food outlets, cinemas or commercial type buildings. York is quite special and I am told by many who have travelled extensively that we are only a handful of true heritage towns in all of Australia. Some describe it as reminiscent of the Wild West!

    I am privileged to run a gift shop in town which is replete with handmade items, mostly from our locals but also from other artists and craftspeople in the Perth region who would rather sell their works in our shop than in the suburban shops, for a variety of reasons. Visitors from all over the world visit York and, inevitably, our git shop. They rave about what the town has to offer and can understand our love for it.

    As others have stated, this is the real travesty in having administrators who have done their best to destroy our town, including tourism. The great news is we are on the rise, with new shops and a newfound unity among the residents after enduring what has been inflicted on us by government bureaucrats, from local right through to State level.

    Thank you for enquiring about our special place on Mother Earth. You must visit us one day and see for yourself!

    1. Thank you Jane E Ferro - a pleasure to read and use my imagination for the beautiful picture you have painted. Keep spreading this word through the 2 blogs that are operating. As my mother always says, one can catch more bees with honey :) Keep up your fight for justice, but don't let the fight cloud the beauty that is still all around.

  10. why don't you do something useful and ask the council what is Avon Waste doing on Ashworth road fudging a transport depot application that is actually a waste transfer station, workshop, transport (high volume) office and administration and toxic cleaning business - now that is a realistic cause for you - have a go they already park their trucks and bins out there even before approvals, they have purchased the land at a premium without knowing they will get the approval - how confident they are they will get the approval - why doesn't the shire have an industrial area for this type of activity, why are they so confident and why did they try to fudge the application????

    1. I thought I was doing something useful, trying to hold the Shire to account on various fronts!

      I know nothing of what Avon Waste is up to. Not every scrap of local info comes my way.

      Have you questioned the Shire about this? Can you email me with more detail and possibly some photos?

      It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the Shire has made a secret deal with Avon Waste.

  11. Whilst I bow to a greater brainpowers, in town, than mine, I suffer from a minor 'cringe factor' problem, every time someone writes that 'The Shire' has done this or that, specifically regarding insolvency within the shire and the 'Creative Accountancy' undertaken by some. 'The Shire' is a given area within certain boundaries, or alternatively the ELECTED MEMBERS of the Community placed in positions of governance, supported by the ratepayers.
    For the last 6 months, these decisions have been made by Commissioner BEST and his partner in crime, CEO Simpson, neither of whom have been elected into any position in our Shire. Please aim in the right direction. There are some, good, honest and hard working people working in the Shire offices (and a few, NOT), however that clearly does NOT include the two at the top of the pyramid. People perched in precarious positions, high up the greasy pole, eventually come down to earth. A thud would be nice!
    $167,000.00 in wages?? That is more than a backbencher. How do I go about getting a job as a consultant? Does it entail 'sleeping' to get the job? Otherwise - I'm out!
    On another front - Avon Waste in Ashworth Road? Another area of good quality cropping and farming land - even closer to town. Will SITA use Avon Waste as a precedent? And from memory on a water course/creekline/runoff. Are the 23.5 people working for Avon Waste, those same ones that will be found at Allawuna? V. interesting.... Clearly, someone has been doing deals.
    I have great difficulty coming to grips with the fact that a complete stranger can move into town, take over everything, waste what little funds we have, on things we had already disposed of years ago, and with good reason, lie through their teeth, blame everyone else and then refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. Wouldn't it be nice, if in the future, we could use some of our ratepayer funds and hold Mr Best personably responsible for the funds he has wasted, without consultation, with anyone of note. e.g Take him to court for every penny he has extracted from our coffers. Where there is a WILL, there will be a way and I understand from someone who might know a thing or two about such things, that this is entirely possible. (Man bites dog.)
    Mr. Best, you came to this town and treated us like idiots. We are not. I think your main problem has been, that there a great deal more people in this town with more brains, than you. And they know how to use them!
    BEST gone. Well, one can hope.
