Thursday 31 December 2015


I’ve just finished reading David Taylor’s article, Mr. Carbone Monoxide—the man who would trash York, on the other blog, the ‘Shire of York official unofficial site’. 

It is an astute piece of research and writing that draws heavily on David’s experience in the spheres of local politics and journalism.  If you care about the future of York, and the parlous state of local and parliamentary governance in Western Australia, please read what David has to say about both in relation to the topic of waste disposal in the Avon valley.

What you read may distress you, but it may also inspire you to endorse more creative and sophisticated forms of protest than we have hitherto seen against the use of the Wheatbelt as a repository for metropolitan waste, including toxic waste in the form of packets of blue asbestos.

It may even inspire some of you to engage in such protests and encourage others to have a go.

What David has done is unearth and expose a complex pattern of relationships underlying the proposed Allawuna landfill, perhaps originating in an earlier unsuccessful proposal, launched when Dominic Carbone was Canning’s CEO, to dump the City of Canning’s waste at Grass Valley near Northam.   

Remember Dominic?  He’s the bloke who looks a bit like Chairman Mao smiling as he plans the Great Leap Forward. 

As David reminds us, in 2009 the City of Canning declined to renew Dominic’s contract, alleging in effect that he had misled them regarding the investing of a measly $60m of the City’s money.  He’s now a consultant with connections to WALGA and a favourite with at least one senior employee of the Shire of York.   

The Shire came perilously close to engaging his services for a second time earlier this year during the reign of another of WALGA’s anointed, Commissioner James Best.  The less said about the first time, the better.

Our former MLA, Max Trenorden, led the charge against that earlier proposal.  In this, he was ably assisted by his research and media officer, none other than David Taylor himself.

My last History Channel, published on this blog a fortnight ago, raised several questions about the Allawuna proposal, notably why Western Australian politicians and pundits of every stripe have shown so little interest in SITA’s determination to lob millions of tons of Perth’s junk into York's agricultural zone.

I feel confident in saying that David’s article provides comprehensive, indeed definitive answers to those questions. 

A word of warning, though—read David’s article, and you may never want to vote for Mia Davies again.  Or for anybody else, come to that.

A jarring note

I’m a fan of David’s.  When it comes to investigative journalism, he beats me hands down every time. 

So I’m more than a little upset to have to take issue with his closing remarks in the article I’ve just recommended everyone should read. 

Those remarks refer (without saying so) to a postscript to my recent note of congratulation to Council (Newsflash—Council responds to publication of Pat Hooper’s ‘Minority Report’) for issuing a media release, signed by Shire President David Wallace, apologising to the people of York.   

‘Apologising’ is really too strong a word.  The tone of the media release is more one of reassurance than of apology, but let that pass.

This is what the Shire President had to say:

All Councillors of the Shire of York are aware of the release of the Minority Report and of its significance.
Those in the York community who have also read the report may feel that its content requires a response from Council.
Obviously there are matters raised that may be considered controversial and regrettable in the way that certain events were handled at that time.
It would suggest that Council at that stage did not present a united front in acting for and on behalf of our community.
We as your newly elected Council acknowledge this and now wish to assure our ratepayers and our community that the unfortunate episodes reflected in the Minority Report will not occur in the future.
A couple of days after expressing my congratulations, I added a postscript:

On reflection, and having read readers’ comments, I think I may have missed an important defect in Council’s apology.

The issue was not, as the apology suggests, that the Council of the day didn’t ‘present a united front’.  A Council consists of individuals who are entitled to disagree if that is what conscience tells them to do…

What went wrong here had nothing to do with failing to present a united front…

I had inferred from Council’s media release that what it was apologising for was the failure of a past Council to maintain ‘a united front’ on the issues that had prompted Pat Hooper’s ‘report’.  From that, I deduced a principle seeming to motivate the apology, namely, that councillors should in the interests of their community pretend to be at one when in fact they are divided on this issue or that.

Logic, it has been said, is the art of going wrong with confidence.  I was wrong to read into the apology an implication that isn’t really there, if that is in fact what I did.

It was reasonable for David to point out my error, if such it was, though why he should do so as the conclusion of an article covering at considerable length a completely different topic isn’t easy to understand.  His correction reads like something quite extraneous to the theme of his article, tacked on at a friend’s request.

I’m still not sure I was wrong, though I’m always happy to have my mistakes pointed out to me.  But I was sorry to discern a ripple of petulance in David’s final sentence, where he writes:

If I where [sic] the Shire of York Council, I would forget trying to do the right thing by communicating a sincere regret to the public, and let everyone wallow in the luxurious lack of transparency and no appropriate communication of the past.

No, David, you’d do nothing of the kind.   You would behave fairly and honourably, according to your disposition and custom.  I’m sure you’d never want to ‘forget trying to do the right thing’.  So who could have put that silly idea into your head?

Dominic Carbone

POSTSCRIPT:  People are ringing me up to tell me that Mr. Carbone is still on the Shire payroll.  Surely that can’t be true?  If it is true, how much are we paying him, and what for?

POSTPOSTSCRIPT: It's scarcely credible, but it seems our new councillors are going meekly down the same primrose path as some of their predecessors by rejecting the idea of open, honest and accountable government in favour of secrecy and confidentiality (which is just another name for secrecy when all's said and done).

This afternoon I received word that councillors are upset with the blog because people are using it to ask questions about the selection process for the new CEO.

Why shouldn’t details of the selection process be public knowledge?  (Nobody has asked to see details of the applications.)

Nor can I see why the reasons for using WALGA instead of a recruitment agency independent of the WA local government circus shouldn’t make it into the public domain.

As much as anyone, I’ve been keen to give the new council a fair go, to the point where one disgruntled individual accused me of being ‘besotted’ with it.

Let me make one thing abundantly clear—I’m not and will never be a mouthpiece for this or any other council or any member of council.  I leave that sort of thing to YDCM, which gets paid for doing it.

I called this blog The REAL Voice of York not because I have illusions about my ability to represent with full scope and accuracy the concerns of York people but because it was my ambition from the start to provide a forum for their opinions, whether in agreement with or hostile to mine. 

Open debate, together with open government, is the lifeblood of democracy.  It makes concealment, connivance, collusion and corruption just that bit harder to achieve for the political and bureaucratic narcissists who seek to benefit from them.

Nobody can say that I’ve strayed very far from my original intention for the blog.  I’ve given plenty of space—some say too much—to the inane witterings of an intellectually underperforming demographic.  Censorship does not come easily to me.

It’s not by arrangement that the great majority of those who post comments on the blog display an outlook on most issues that is similar to mine.  I would say that simply reflects the intelligence of the blog’s readers and their commitment to democratic values.

Why are councillors getting stroppy about the blog’s refusal to abandon the principle enshrined in its masthead, that there is no place for secrecy in local government—and precious little place for secrecy in government at any level?

You’ll have to ask them.  A couple of them you wouldn’t need to ask—they’re only on council at the behest and to do the bidding of the old guard and its hangers-on.  They wouldn’t know if ‘open government’ is a man or a horse.

It’s more difficult to understand why certain others seem to be going down the same road.  The best explanation I can think of is drawn from my experience of high school.  Remember the cosy feeling of being a member of a gang or part of the in-crowd—of being in the know, with access to secrets from which lesser mortals were excluded? 

Add to that some assiduous bureaucratic duchessing and a pinch of self-interest, and everything starts to make a peculiar kind of sense.

One councillor has even suggested that certain information was ‘leaked’ to the blog by my friend Roma Paton.  No, it wasn’t.  I have many sources, some of them surprising.  Having participated in selection panels from time to time, I also have background knowledge about how such processes tend to work.

Another councillor—yes, I think that’s who it was—posted a comment accusing Ms Paton of being ‘short on facts’.  My response to that, apart from exonerating Ms Paton from the implicit accusation, is that nobody would be ‘short on facts’ if councillors kept us properly informed.  It’s our money they’re spending.

Finally, I’m sad to say that on certain issues the new council has already been weighed in the balance and found wanting.  The issues I have in mind relate to Ashworth Road and to former president Reid’s application for reimbursement of legal fees.  I’ll have more to say about the latter in a few days’ time.


  1. For years Ratepayers have put up with secretive Councillors. Has it changed? It appears not!

    Councillors say they are doing great things and making huge progress. When asked what those great things are, we are told "you have to trust us".

    Sorry Councillors - YOU have to earn the trust of the York people!

    Time to provide a progress report on your collective achievements - not a lot to ask surely.

  2. I do not believe the Councillors should be completely united. We've had that kind of Council for well over a decade - they were all sheep blindly following the recommendations of Ray Hooper and his handpicked staff puppets.

    Time Councillors starting talking to those who voted them in!

    We were promised things would be different. We need Councillors who are prepared to talk to the people, listen to them and go in batting for them.

    Several Councillors were the biggest complainers of the secrecy process before they were elected and somehow they have fallen into the same rut.

    1. James you are such a hypocrite, above you state in your article "It was reasonable for David to point out my error, if such it was, though why he should do so as the conclusion of an article covering at considerable length a completely different topic isn’t easy to understand."
      Every one of your posts/articles goes completely off topic to the extent that it becomes nonsensical

    2. That's a lie, and you know it. I often cover several topics in one post, each under a separate heading. Or I may digress a little within a topic at times. But I never conclude a topic with something completely unrelated to it, which is what David has done on this occasion. I don't mind, it's no big deal. I was expressing surprise, that's all.

      Perhaps you'd like to demonstrate your critical faculty by nominating articles of mine that 'go completely off topic', as you allege.

  3. It's a bad portent of things to come that councillors have allowed themselves to be manipulated into using WALGA as recruiting agency for the CEO position.

    That will diminish our chances of getting a professionally qualified CEO. Does anyone know how WALGA arranges short-listing and selection? Do councillors get copies of every application so they can make up their own minds?

    Let's pray we don't finish up appointing another career local government applicant bereft of real professional qualifications, who believes that his/her first obligation is to the staff, not the community. And no corporate psychopaths, please, and no silly old men who go weak at the knees and between the ears when a woman flutters her eyelids...

    1. You make a good point James.
      WALGA has provided us with all of our recent A/CEO's and they are the same, lap dogs and puppets for the DLGC.
      If WALGA are involved rest assured the short list will only include applicants fully versed in the ways of local government, read corrupt narcissists looking to protect the status quo.

      We will no doubt be lumbered with another dinosaur who's only strength is his ability to absorb pressure and ignore the general public.
      I personally would be looking to employ a senior female professional with a background in finance and law. Then she will be immune to the tabby cat eyes and the slithering wriggles of the other senior staff members.

      And if all else fails we still have an elected council that is legally able to manage the CEO.

    2. Not sure who decided to use WALGA to find us a new CEO - it was a very stupid decision.
      IF Councillors had bothered to come out from behind their veil of secrecy, they would have heard loud and clear the community want someone that is NOT tainted and brain washed by the DLG!

      I believe WALGA short list applicants, Crs. are provided with the short listed applications with applicants names replaced by a number. This process is sneaky and manipulative and denies Councillors the opportunity to make their own inquiries about the candidates track record.
      Given our Councillors will be the direct Employer of the CEO, they SHOULD have access to every single application COMPLETE with the name. Why the secrecy?
      With this process it means we could finish up with Ray Hooper again!

    3. I believe WALGA should be excluded from the process altogether on grounds of vested interest.
      WALGA has been a key player in the rise and rise of prominent senior staff over the past 10 years. Given that some of those staff members may be implicated in the Fraud Squad investigation it cannot possibly be of benefit to this community, and justice in general, if they have a hand in selecting the new CEO who will be tasked with cleaning up the mess left by the Hooperites and their slimy band of filth.

      It is ludicrous that a council cannot do their own background checks on the short listed applicants. Hell we could end up with Tyhsca at the helm.

    4. In response to Sceptic, neither Keeble or Simpson were provided by WALGA and Dacombe was engaged by the current Council.
      In response to Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 01:44 (aka Roma Paton), facts, facts, facts, something you are very short on so why bother to comment. I would suggest that you should have stood for Council but on 2nd thought that would be a ridiculous suggestion.

    5. Anonymous 1 Jan @04:29 - By what process was Mark Dacombe engaged by the current Council? Presumably someone brought him to Council's attention? (I'm not complaining, just interested.)

      Who (or what agency) recommended the appointment of Keeble and Simpson?

      Oh, and how can you be so certain that Roma Paton is Anonymous at 01:44? I don't know that, so how can you? How long on facts are you, and what makes you so knowledgeable? Not one of the councillors, are you?

      Apart from providing a platform for your ad hominem attack on Ms Paton, what did 01:44 say that was factually incorrect? If you know better, please put us wise. Or is the truth a state secret, upon which the fate of empires stands or falls?

    6. If we're going to name people anonymously, then I'll stick my anonymous two-pennies worth in and guess that Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 04:29 is either Yva Kane or Denese Smythe, am I right or am I right?

    7. I have no idea who that person is. I doubt that it's either of the people you mention, but I've no information either way.

      There may be a clue in the grammar. 'Neither' should be followed by 'nor' and a singular verb - 'was', not 'were'.

      What's going on here? Why are readers turning on each other in this way?

    8. my moneys on Tanya Richardson being Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 04:29

    9. Tanya is a courageous person who has no trouble identifying herself when she contributes to the blog. I think you've lost your money.

    10. I thought we were supposed to be standing together to fight the corruption.

      Anonymous1 January 2016 at 04:29 threw out a bait 'deflecting the truth' and you all grabbed it and turned on each other.

      Stop being so bloody childish!

    11. Leave me out of your rot Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 16:37. When I've got something I think is valuable to contribute you'll know about it. If you dont want to publish your name so be it, but don't publish mine inaccurately. Actually don't bother I know who you are you moron.

      James they're only trying to clog up your blog with rot to deflect the issues. Stay true to the issues at hand please.

    12. Thanks, Tanya. As everybody knows, I try to give everyone a voice, but some people don't deserve one.

      Does anyone have inside knowledge of the CEO selection process who is willing to share it?

      I predict: there will be at least one candidate (maybe more) with law and/or accountancy qualifications but no local government experience who ought to be interviewed but won't make it to WALGA's short list. Go on, selectors, prove me wrong.

      Even if he/she does get an interview, WALGA, being what it is, will almost certainly recommend the appointment of one of the usual suspects. In that case, will our new Council have the courage to say no?

      Ladies and gents, the blogs are watching, and through them, the world.

    13. I think it's time we all calm down.
      The point here is that we stay united.
      Why do people continue to be negative?
      A reasonable person would realize we all need to stay focused?
      Surely the new Council must be given a chance.
      Time will tell whether or not Council are making the right decisions.
      After Council has made its decision, then it can be judged.
      No on e should be pre-judging, not even JP.
      Yes I agree, if Council make a wrong decision it should be held to account.
      Any reasonable person will appreciate the Council has a tough job to do.

  4. I too want an update on what our current councillors are working on. And not an update which is prepared by the staff. I want to know whats really going. The fact everything is hush hush gives me no confidence at all. What is happening with the Fitzgerald report, what is happening with the fraud squad investigation, what is happening with the senior staff appointments, what is happening with the rec centre finances, what is happening with the CDO, what is happening with the policies, what is happening with the caravan parking, what is happening with the works depot, what is happening with Mazuik and what is her job anyway, what is happeining with the outstanding rates etc, etc.

    The silence is deafening and lends me to beleive either nothing is happening, or councillors have forgotten who their representing.

    Speak to us David or risk being tarred with the same feathers as Boyle and Pooper.

  5. Having just read David Taylors' latest gathered and v. disturbing information, I have left a comment on his blog. (To be approved) Well done David, in your efforts to find the truth and assist this Town, perhaps extricate itself, from this, what appears to be, a rapidly, ever increasing downward spiral, into oblivion.

    People, if you have NOT read Davids' expose` on the latest fact finding mission, PLEASE, do so.
    (See James' 'link', to Davids' site, above.)

    It is vitally important that this Town take some action, NOW, and that includes, making a lot of noise, threatening election outcomes, aimed at those who think they are in comfortable positions.

    Just to let them know. THEY ARE NOT!!!

    Fundraising ( yes,again) to enable adverts to be placed in all local papers, including Hills Gazette and calling for a proper Town meeting - without any of our Shire members having a place at the convening table. This should be run by the people of York, for the people of York. Chaired perhaps, by James and David??? Whatever, We need to be making a Lot of noise NOW and aim our sharpened arrows firmly at those in power - of all persuasions.
    I think we are entitled to some 'Please explains' from those we have voted in, and those who hope to be voted in.

    Let us finally do something positive for our town, and stop arguing amongst ourselves. Now is not the time for division. Division leads to conquering. (History repeating - James is not wrong.)

    Let's get noisy people. I did say some time ago, that perhaps we need to be on the doorsteps of Parliament House. It appears that David is in agreement.

    God helps those, who help themselves. Those who have helped themselves, at our expense, need to be hauled in.

    Let's see if we can turn that focus onto ourselves for once!

  6. Jan, I think pollies are away from Parliament till February.

    Perhaps people could consider David Taylor's suggestion and rally outside Mia Davies office in Northam. She has some explaining to do because she is the Minister for Water and will expect people in York to support her at the next election.
    Why hasn't she made a strong public stand in the media on our behalf about the planned rubbish tip adjacent the water catchment?

    1. Read David Taylor's article and all will be revealed.

  7. James, are you stupid? Don't answer that, allow the readers to make their own minds up.

    If you bothered to check the minutes for the special council meeting 11 December 2014, you will notice that Mr Bill Cebula asked the following question:

    "You said Matthew that you used personal solicitors and QCs? I’d like it said that we are not paying for that, that is very expensive".

    Response: "Cr Reid answered that he personally carried the legal costs involved".

    Even aloft in the giddy heights of your intellectual prowess, you would have to agree that Matthew Reid admitted that he was carrying the costs involved.

    That being the unarguable case, which part of the reason for the decision don't you understand?

    1. No, I'm not stupid, and you shouldn't jump to conclusions. And don't be so bloody rude.

      I'm well aware of what Matthew said. That isn't the point of what I'm going to say about council's decision, though it does have a bearing on it.

      If you take the trouble to think very hard about your final sentence, you might just get an inkling of what I mean.

      Wait and see, and in the interim, keep your childish insults to yourself.

    2. Anonymous3 January 2016 at 04:40 - How do you know the reason for the decision? Are you a Councillor or closely connected to one?

      The reasons are not in the minutes and were, I believe, confidential.

      you sound like you have some inside information about

    3. Anonymous3 January 2016 at 04:40......1
      James Plumridge.......................0

      "If you take the trouble to think very hard about your final sentence, you might just get an inkling of what I mean".

      Do I sense a teeny weeny bit of back-tracking?

    4. Anonymous - 3 January 2016 at 07:38, are you stupid as well?....Don't answer, jury's still out!

      Read agenda item 9.2.6 ordinary council meeting 26 Oct 2015, inform yourself, do us all a favor moron.

      Are you another one of these ill informed ' johnny-come-lately's?

    5. No, you don't. I'm not back tracking. I stand by what I've said.

      Your identity is becoming more obvious with every word you write.

      Do I sense that you're overtaxing your teeny weeny brain over this? Yes, I do.

      Relax, calm down. I'm saving the story for my next 'Notes from Underground'.

      By the way, I was at the meeting on 11/12/14 when Matthew said he would personally meet the costs of seeking legal advice. As I recall, we gave him a round of applause. None of that has anything to do with my cavil about council's conduct regarding the matter. As I said, wait and see.

      Stop being a dork. You're doing yourself no good whatsoever.

      James Plumridge 2, Anon at 04:40 0 and relegated to the 4th Division.

    6. How sad to see targeting of residents is still ongoing.

    7. Indeed. I'm puzzled that anyone should think that members of the lay public not running blogs should have time, patience and inclination to trawl through old sets of minutes for explanations of what council is doing.

      I'm also puzzled that people change so suddenly and as much as they do when they get into power. In the end they suffer for it, when, as Walt Whitman wrote in his Song of the Broad-Axe, 'the populace rise...against the never-ending arrogance of elected persons'.

      Matters might improve if we revert to a ward system, where each councillor represents a particular neighbourhood to whose residents he or she is directly accountable.

      I'm told it was suggested to one of the new councillors that they should seek out and chat with a resident having problems with the Shire. 'Can't do that, not allowed', was the reply. Not allowed? For God's sake, who's in charge? What kind of crap are our elected representatives being fed?

      Members of parliament are free to talk to and initiate conversations with their constituents, so why not councillors? (I think I can answer that - it would make life more difficult and work more exacting for CEOs and their 'acolytes', that's why.)

    8. As an ex employee of the SOY, I can confirm directions from the CEO - Ray Hooper did not allow any staff member to talk directly with the Councillors of the day...I did and had to write a letter of apology to the CEO.

    9. Anonymous3 January 2016 at 20:31. Seems the ex CEO used humiliation to bring staff under his total control. He tried it with members of the community, picked the wrong ones and failed.

      A staff member of the Chittering Shire has related similar incidents.

      I hope more employees and ex employees speak out, it is the only way the truth will be exposed.

  8. Happiness is not a diamond as big as a house, but a mosaic of little stones, each one of which often has no separate value of itself. So let us be as careful of people's feelings as we can, for it is , in the last analysis, the little day to day happenings, the pleasant word or the generous impulse that will make the happiness of the people with whom our lives have touched.

    1. A lovely thought, poetically expressed. As St Paul wrote, we are 'members one of another' (Ephesians 4:25).

      However, I think we've all become a bit too careful of people's feelings, especially our own, to the detriment of commonsense and truth.

      I was very impressed this morning when I heard the journalist Samantha Maiden laugh off the report that Commonwealth government minister Geoff Dutton had called her 'a mad witch'. She wouldn't allow interviewers to decoy her into the expected display of hysterical outrage. A woman after my own heart, may she live long and prosper.

    2. Sorry, I meant Peter Dutton. I hope his feelings aren't hurt. I heard Penny Wong confecting outrage and calling on Turnbull to sack Dutton on the radio around lunchtime over the offending email. Politically correct humbug, in my opinion. It makes my flesh crawl.

  9. Good to see you've picked up on the Ashworth Road debacle James it is astounding that the people of York have just stood by and let that happen, I drove behind two Avon Waste trucks the other day heading up the hill out of town and we were doing 30kms an hour when they finally got over the hill they were going well over 100kms (the legal limit) probably taking advantage of the down hill run as their speed limiters (if they have them) cant stop it going over.

    An outrageous decision by this new council that will cost this town lives on the road and welcome our visitors with a giant recycling station, York home to WA's biggest waste recycling station - courtesy of the fishers, SITA and incompetent new Councillors and a town that doesn't care.

    When will the people of York start approaching Councillors to reverse this deplorable decision???

    I also note James you haven't yet done an article on this your too busy with the past I guess but we would all like to see you do one there's plenty to write about, or are you also frighten of the Fishers like our Councillors?

    1. No, I'm not too busy with the past. I think Ashworth Road deserves a long and detailed article by somebody with real expertise in relevant areas. I may not be that person, but I'm more than willing to make space available for somebody who is.

      No, I'm not afraid of the Fishers. I don't know them. I'm not sure the councillors are afraid of them, but believe they had been told there was nothing they could do to prevent the development going ahead. I've no idea if what they were told was true, but even if it was, there was no excuse for not deferring discussion of the matter until the community had had time to make its opinions known.

      That said, and while admitting I wasn't present at the time, I have to admit that Cr Randell's's lickspittle encomium (as reported to me) in support of the development filled me with wonderment and dismay. I suspect quite a few Ashworth Road residents would have voted for Cr Randell. I suggest you make your displeasure known to him. Catch him early in the morning on a good day and he might have some idea of what you're talking about, poor lad.

      In future, be careful who you vote for!

      I believe you have a retired Supreme Court judge among your number. Have you got together with him to find out if it's worth appealing Council's decision? Is anyone giving that a try?

      So far as I can tell, if Ray Hooper and Jacky Jurmann hadn't tinkered with the agricultural zoning, with the lazy compliance of former councillors, there's no way Avon Waste would have got away with their truck depot.

      I wonder how long the Ashworth Road proposal had been brewing before the current council got landed with the decision to approve it.

    2. It's interesting that when it suited Jeremy Fischer to HATE the SOY - regarding the YRCC and what it was doing to suddenly find that he is now in bed with them...the old saying - turn on a dime comes to mind...

    3. Isn't Jeremy Fisher the eponymous protagonist of 'The Tale of Jeremy Fisher' by Beatrix Potter?

  10. To Anon - Jan 3, 2016 @ 16.53 AND to Pete - Jan 2, 2016 @ 19.14
    Thankyou both. Kind words and sensible words, are what we need now.

    To the Anon who 'accused' Roma of publishing under an Anon. Get a grip. Roma at least has the intestinal fortitude, as does Tanya, to say what they think, without fear or favour, under their own names. Unlike YOU.
    What a hypocrite you are, accusing others of publishing under the guise of "Anon", when you yourself use it, quite freely, along with others, to lambast others within this and other blogs.
    How Dare YOU?.
    To badmouth others, when you haven't got the guts to put your own name on nasty comments, to and about, others, I think, places you at the lower end of the scale of humanity. I would suggest, somewhat cowardly. GO AWAY.

    To Anon - Jan 3, 2016 @ 4.36 - yes, you are quite right about Parliament being on a Summer break.
    That 'Summer Break' period, (after holidays, of course, is when our 'elected members' are supposed to be in their offices, and supposedly communing with their constituents. And, again, you are quite right. Being highly vocal and waving banners and flags around outside her offices and also those of Paul Brown, our other 'elected member', also supposed to be 'WORKING' for their voters/constituents.
    I think a very good place to start.

    Interestingly, I did hear on the Radio this morning, that Labor Party are now in front of the Liberal Coalition, by some considerable points and Mark McGowan is rating at around 53% preferred Premier. How hard can it be?

    Whatever your political persuasions, the "Game of Politics", is called so, for a reason. It is a game.
    I'm not sure that W.A. can afford that any more.
    So let us do some 'manipulating' of our own.

    I also think that the suggestion of Ashworth Road proposal, as developing into a 'Transfer Station', may be a little ahead of its time. As I understand it, Fishers only have permission to park their trucks on the site.
    Unless some other proposal has come forward, regard a 'Transfer Station' (and it may have, already - we don't know), parking trucks is as far as this proposal goes. Anything else coming forward regarding a second proposal, should be noted, however minutely, in the Shire records and listing at Council meetings. We now have enough astute, competent, and intelligent community minded members, who attend Council meetings and get copies of Shire minutes, to shout "foul" and bring it to the attention of the community. It cannot go through Shire without being mentioned somewhere.
    I am fairly sure that all the other stuff that has gone ahead of this, was probably noted in small print somewhere, and was missed completely by "Us". I doubt they will be able to get away with that again.
    We may have some members of Council that we don't trust, based on recently gained information, but we also have a few Councillors, who, given half a chance, will stand their ground.

    On another note, information gained by David Taylor, and published on his blog, regarding Mr. Daecome and his previous associations with our Council, plus the machinations of Mr. Carbone and the fact that, yet again, we are paying a staff member to do a job (with NO qualifications and family connections in shire offices), who apparently is incapable of doing what she is paid to do, forking out yet more of our hard earned cash - as ratepayers, to pay huge amounts to someone who shouldn't be there and clearly is NOT working for the good of this Town.

    Time some of these people went! Would love to see budget stuff to I.D. how much we are losing of our funds, to pay double, for a single job.

    Lets get everything straighten up. A ROYAL COMMISSION/INQUIRY into the York Shire Council and WALGA is looking like it should become an imperative for us. Lets us see what we can do. Push, Push and Push- even hardly and v.v. loudly. Constancy is the name of this game.!

  11. I missed this, so how did this Avon waste thing get approved isn't it agricultural land out there, they are a rubbish company

    1. Mia Davies is away on holidays until the 22nd January.

      I wrote a letter to Minister Jacobs on the 2nd January - cc'd Mia Davies and Daniel Mercer (The West Australian Newspaper) - requesting a review of the EPA's decision NOT to assess the York Landfill application. My letter resulted from Mr. Mercers article under the heading of:
      "An inquiry into WA’s environment watchdog after its botched assessment of the controversial Roe 8 project will investigate whether it produced similarly flawed reports for other developments."

      To read Mr. Mercer's article Google: Daniel Mercer January 2, 2016, 12:40 am Roe 8 error raises doubt on projects

  12. I was told the only one that stood up Roma was Jane the rest including David were puppets on a string to the Fishers, from what I was told, they didn't stand there ground their feet were not touching it

    1. If the council had rejected this application for a transfer station the Fishers would have taken it to SAT and won because the application ticked all boxes from a planning point of view.

      Then any future applications/decisions i.e. if the Fishers later applied to have a recycling plant or similar our council would not be part of the decision making process.

      That would be dangerous.

    2. I'm no expert on such matters, but I'm not sure that the picture presented to Council was as straightforward as councillors were led to believe.

      In the first place, what might have been meant by 'ticked all the boxes'? To what extent was that true? Was there really no room for argument and dissent?

      Secondly, once upon a time we had an agricultural zone admitting of no exceptions to planning requirements. Industrial activity was relegated to areas outside that zone.

      As I understand it, CEO Hooper and his busy little helper Jacky Jurmann persuaded a former council to change the legislation so that special uses could be accommodated in the agricultural zone subject to shire approval. If the changes in question weren't carried out specifically for the benefit of Avon Waste and SITA, they might just as well have been, because the net effect has been the same. Cynics might say they could hear the whispering sound of cash in transit, but not being a cynic I will say nothing of the kind, except that that sort of thing would never happen in York where questionable things are done not for purely venal reasons but altruistically, to help out one's mates.

      I'm now told that council has no say regarding planning applications that require special approval - only a planning officer (nowadays the planning consultant, as with the AW application) can decide whether or not it goes through.

      If that's true, it's disgraceful. Councillors are directly responsible to the electors. Planning officers, and worse, planning consultants, are not. They should not be permitted, even less required, to usurp the democratic functions of our elected representatives, if that is in fact what is now happening.

      CEO Hooper himself is on record as having said that Council changed the legislation 'to take the emotion out of it'. That was an outstandingly stupid remark, even for him. Emotion plays a vital part in every aspect of human activity. Taking it out of the equation risks causing misery to many to satisfy the whims and desires of a greedy few.

      Leaving all that aside, and accepting that the proposed truck depot (NOT 'transfer station') did in fact 'tick all the boxes', it was still open to council to defer consideration of the matter until the new year. That would have given time for the Ashworth road residents to seek independent legal and planning advice and to organise themselves into a strong lobby.

      Council did not have to tackle the application at its first meeting after the elections. I can only suppose they were swept away on the soaring wings of Cr Randell's oratory in favour of his friend Ashley Fisher of Avon Waste. I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure.

    3. Anonymous 6 January 2016 at 22:50, such a reasonable explanation, I think you are right. As for the comments by Anonymous 5 January 2016 at 19:59 and James Plumridge, third hand experts who should go to meetings by the sound of it and witness the truth for themselves instead of bad mouthing everyone.

      Blogmaster, I am surprised that you give these people an airing. Please do not let this blog go the same way as the 'other one' which is now a topic of ridicule.

    4. I am Anonymous 6th Jan 22:50. I do attend council meetings and have taken the time to speak to councillors about their decision hence my comments which are factual.

      Are you sure youre on the right blog? Or are you suggesting Davids blog is being ridiculed. Hard to take you seriously.

    5. I wrote before as Anonymous (7 January 2016 at 02:11)The second part of my post was actually meant to go on the other blog and said:
      Blogmaster, I am surprised that you give these people an airing. Please do not let this blog go the same way as the 'other one' which is now a topic of ridicule. (I was referring to this blog as I had noticed he was accepting stupid comments be posted.

    6. Try to stay awake, Anonymous at 02:11. This is the 'other' blog, the one you describe as a 'topic of ridicule' moderated by 'third-hand expert' James Plumridge. The blogmaster, apostrophised in your second paragraph, moderates the other blog - the one that isn't this one, if that helps you to claw your way through the fog of confusion in which what you are pleased to call your mind is no doubt continuously enveloped.

      I thought I'd made it clear that with regard to the subject under discussion I claim no kind of expertise, first, second or third hand. I made it clear that I was not at the council meeting in question. However, I had been regaled with reports from several quarters of what had occurred there, including Cr Randell's hymn of adoration to the proprietor of Avon Waste. I'm very sorry I missed it. I did study the Ashworth Road application as included in the agenda..

      By the way, this is not 'the other blog'. It's the other blog that's the other blog, not this one. Got it?

      This blog errs on the side of free speech, so even authoritarian finger-waggers like you will always be given an airing.

    7. Anonymous5 January 2016 at 19:59 - my comment above was NOT directed towards any of the current councillors.
      It related to the EPA failing to assess the Landfill application.

      Yes, Jane was the only one to put a case and vote against the application.

    8. Anonymous7 January 2016 at 04:40 - the other blog, whilst informative, does pick and choose what it posts giving the impression the blog master accepts only what will benefit him/her.

    9. Hater of anonymous twats9 January 2016 at 21:21

      For the attention of Anonymous 7 January 2016 at 21:30.
      Its a bit like the Shire of York minutes when Hooper was here.

  13. Why don't you ask the councillors who made this decision why they made it. To ASS U ME makes an ass out of you and me. Don't bother asking Randall cause we know why he made the decision and you can't beleive a word he says anyway

  14. As it happens, I did speak to two of the councillors at the time. One was the councillor who moved to defer considering the application but couldn't find a seconder. The other told me in effect that the application ticked all the boxes and refusing it would probably involve the Shire in costly legal proceedings. (I'm pretty sure that is what the remaining councillors would have said if I had asked them why they voted as they did - with the exception of the historically minded Cr Randell, who had his own agenda apparently based on the length of time the Fisher family had lived in York and how wonderful it is for someone to make rubbish collection the prime mover of the local economy.)

    1. Your no different James how can Councillors cop out this ticks all the boxes sounds like SITA all over again

    2. Sorry, what am I no different from? The councillors may have been persuaded that the Avon Waste application 'ticked all the boxes', but I'm not so sure it did. I thought I'd explained that. I also said that consideration of the matter should have been deferred until the new year. That makes me of the same mind as Cr Ferro but of a different mind from all the other councillors. I'm not a councillor, so please don't come down on me for what the councillors decide.

    3. For what it is worth, I believe the decision should have been deferred until the New Year so all councillors could check the validity of the information they were presented with. None of them had the time to check if they were provided with accurate information from the administration.
      Several of those councillors concerned about costly legal proceedings were not backwards in coming forward to spend ratepayers money on legal costs before.
      As for Randell he was doing what he was instructed to do and his mentor was there to make sure he did exactly what he was told do to do. He does not have the capacity to decide things for himself.
      Big hand shakes and pats on the back for Randell outside the hall after the meeting from the Fishers and his mentor Pat Hooper outside the hall.

    4. what was in the hand when it shook?

    5. Many are asking the same question, only Randell and Fisher know the answer.

  15. Dominic Carbone was paid $2640.00 for consultancy fees Inv. 38 dated 17/11/2015, can someone explain why?

    Tabatha is the financial officer, what does she do all day?

    Seems Ratepayers are being slugged twice for the same work.

  16. I want York Council to be disbanded and Northam run York and Beverley all as one, we dont deserve to have our own Govt body we dont know how to support it

    I call for York Council to be shut down forever, its a cost I can no longer afford and the people of York dont know how to get the most out of it, they just yell, scream and criticize

    All this bull dust just keep going on and on lets stop it now dissolve York Council now, start a petition James then we can stop worrying about all this and get on with our lives

    1. Why don't you start a petition? You're the one who's advocating this extreme course of action. I doubt you'll collect many signatures, though.

      Perhaps reading the blog is adversely affecting your mental health. In that case, you should stop reading it. I now have so many readers in so many countries I can afford to lose one or two in York.

  17. yes many countries as you have made us the laughing stock around the world with your derogatory blog James

    1. No, I haven't made York a laughing stock. You do my abilities too much credit. It's the old guard who made York a laughing stock. All I've done is tell the truth about what happened here and is still going on.

      As I've said before, I suspect many readers think they're logging into a new kind of novel on the basis that York's recent story can't possibly be real but must be invented. If only...

  18. steady up James hes entitled to his opinion your not god remember we have to accept that everyone has their own view

    1. Yes he is entitled to his opinion, as I am to mine. Yes, we do have to accept that people have views different from our own, but we don't have to like or agree with them. No, I'm not God, but these days God doesn't get deluged with anonymous threats to have Him run out of town. If He did, He'd probably get cross as I do and start another deluge of his own.

  19. whats all that about getting run out of town???

  20. I agree with Anon 2107, we need to hear everyone's view not just the ones you want James

    1. Anonymous @ 01:44 - see late comments on Notes from Underground, never fear, I don't take such things seriously but they can be minor irritants.

      Anonymous @ 1:45 - I agree, and I often publish points of view that conflict with mine. However, please remember that this blog is privately owned and managed. It's not a a public institution. As owner and moderator, I have the final decision as to what gets published and what doesn't. It's my blog, so that's only fair. If people think it isn't fair, they should start a blog of their own and run it according to their own rules. Frankly, I'm amazed that so far nobody has done that.

  21. I have been watching and reading the blogs since the beginning but must admit that recently I have grown skeptical of the content as many of my fellow bloggers have told me their blogs were not posted, that is not a good situation James Plumridge and I hope that you can refrain from it in future to keep the credibility of the blog as we all have different views on things and dont really want only your view to be pushed, freedom of speech is a basic for all Australians on this Australia day. We might be old and infirm James but we do like things to be free and open still

    1. Once and for all - it's my blog, not under public ownership, I'll decide what gets published on it, and any comment that isn't obscene, gratuitously insulting, totally vacuous or a bit of one-line drivel does get published, which should tell you about the intellectual quality of your 'fellow bloggers' who BTW are not 'bloggers' but 'commenters'. Those are people who clamour for the blog to be shut down because they don't agree with my opinions or the way I express them.

      So don't lecture me about free speech. If you don't like this blog, don't read it. I won't mind. If you have the guts and the talent, start a blog of your own under your own name. I wonder how many dissenting opinions you and your friends would publish. Not as many as I do, I'm damned sure of that.

    2. well having read your attitude sir i for one will no longer read your blog, its just your own tool to push the view your way thats not acceptable for me this is it for me

    3. Well, sir, I won't say 'sorry to see you go'.

      I note that you have not responded to any of the points I made in my own defence. I think I have your measure, sir.

      May I suggest, sir, that you devote the time you save by not reading my blog to some less intellectually demanding pursuit that won't send you off into paroxysms of pomposity.

      It occurs to me, sir, that you may not be 'sir' but 'madam'. That's the trouble with anonymity.
