Wednesday 26 August 2015


One mystery more or less solved—how much Commissioner Best was paid—and another mystery that remains unsolved—WTF did he do to earn it?

You may recall that the minutes for 6 July 2015 contained an appendix A to item 9.2.1.  Titled ‘An Unsustainable Path – York Shire Council Heading for Insolvency’, it cited the sum of $807,824 as having been incurred by the Shire since March 2014.

Some of us have concluded that the author of that appendix was none other than Commissioner Best, aided by Acting CEO Graeme ‘They’re all exemplary employees’ Simpson.

Even a cursory analysis of the document suggests that most of the sum in question would most probably have been incurred and expended during the latter part of financial year 2014-15—that is, during the calamitous reign of Commissioner Best.

I’m still reeling from the payment of $33,000 to Professional Public Relations (PPR) for ‘Brand reputation management and corporate communication’.  What will the tribe of unscrupulous corporate footpads think of next?


I published the appendix in this blog on 19 July.  It’s still there for you to read, if you enjoy the sensation of being amused and disgusted at the same time.

My present concern is with the item headed ‘Governance’.  This includes a payment to the Commissioner of $51,000. 

Later—I’m not quite sure when—this amount was increased to $63,000.  I can’t remember what the additional $12,000 was for.  Can anyone enlighten me?

But that’s not the whole story.  At last Monday’s Council meeting, in a rare moment of transparency, the Acting CEO told us that Mr. Best, in the guise of his company BBC Consulting, was paid $39,000 for his ‘visioning’ program in addition to his fee as commissioner.

Pressed for further details, the Acting CEO added that Minister Tony Simpson, when appointing Mr. Best, had authorised him to conduct the program in York at the Shire’s expense.

I don’t know what possessed the Acting CEO to say that.  A reliable source tells me it isn’t true.  Apparently Minister Simpson did nothing of the kind. 

In that case, it would seem that Mr. Best took it upon himself to inflict his ‘visioning program’ on the good folk of York.

If not the Minister, who authorised the contract?

And this is where we dive into the sewer.  You see, somebody acting as Council would have had to authorise the contract between BBC Consulting and the Shire. The only person in a position to do that was—you’ve guessed it—James Best. 

Am I the only one to catch the mephitic odour of an undeclared ‘financial interest’ here? 

Hold on though—perhaps the interest was declared.  Here’s a possible scenario. 

Commissioner James Best decides to contract BBC Consulting, proprietor James Best, to bestow upon the citizens of York the civilising benefits of several sessions of ‘visioning’, maybe with a sprinkling of ‘ideation’ and a ‘wordle’ or two to follow. 

Commissioner Best then recollects that he is in fact one and the same person as James Best, proprietor of BBC Consulting.  So he declares to himself as Commissioner that he has a financial interest in the proceedings, disqualifies himself from discussing and voting on the matter, then, as de jure Council of the day, authorises the transaction and directs the Acting CEO to implement payment.

Ah, but somebody in the Shire administration would have had to sign off on payment of the contract amount to James Best in his capacity as consultant and proprietor of BBC Consulting.

Was that person Acting CEO Simpson?  If not, who was it?


However this act of financial depredation was accomplished, it raises the following questions:

1.              Was the appointment of BBC Consulting authorised by Minister Simpson, as the Acting CEO has claimed?
2.              If so, precisely on what legislative basis did the Minister act, bearing in mind that he would have been effectively authorising Mr. Best to help himself to the Shire’s, i.e. our, financial resources? 
3.              If so, did the Shire receive written confirmation from the Minister’s office that the appointment had been so authorised?
4.              Further, if so, will the Acting CEO seek the Minister’s permission to table the relevant document?
5.              If Minister Simpson did not authorise the appointment, what steps did the Acting CEO take to ensure that payment to Mr. Best of $39,000 for his ‘visioning’ program was a legitimate use of Shire funds?
6.              Was the transaction a budgeted item?  If not, would it not have had to be approved by a majority of councillors and minuted accordingly?
7.              If the Minister did not authorise the appointment, and the appointment was not budgeted, where in the minutes are Mr. Best’s appointment of his company, i.e. himself, to run the visioning program, and the payment to him of $39,000, recorded?
8.              How many ‘visioning’ sessions were actually held?
9.              How many people attended each one?
10.          How many were cancelled, or postponed but never actually held?
11.          How many such sessions did Commissioner Best arrange but fail to turn up for?
12.          Do Council and/or the Acting CEO consider that the people of York got value for money from BBC Consulting?
13.          If not, what steps can and will Council take to recover the sum expended, or part of it?

At a rough estimate, I would say that Mr. Best’s part-time sojourn in York as Commissioner cost the York community at least $103,000, made up as follows:  $51,000 for being our commissioner; $39,000 for his ‘visioning’ program; and $13,000 for God knows what, unless it was the cost of meals, accommodation and travel expenses, which I suspect was in fact an additional but so far unspecified burden on the Shire.

And we shouldn’t forget the purchase of Chalkies for $625,000, this time not for his own benefit (and certainly not for ours!) but for that of his friends at Faversham House.

A little bird told me that Mr. Best has been touting for consultancy work in other Wheatbelt towns, telling people there what a wonderful job he did in York. 

Frankly, I despair.


  Rating or rorting?  Never mind which, we’re rooted (again)


                                                                                           From the land where law is king

                                                                                         The rates are the true embodiment
                                                                                         Of everything that’s excellent.
                                                                                         Pay, peasants, or it’s off to court:
                                                                                         We’ll sell you up and sell you short.
                                                                                                  (Apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan)          

(click to enlarge)

The table above comes from the Sunday Times for 9 August 2015.

In the metropolitan area, people are screaming because annual rates have risen by between 1.95% (Stirling) and 8% (Victoria Park).

In the country, the range is 0.2% (Ashburton) to 7.95% (Waroona).

Hold on—where’s the Shire of York, with its fabulous 13% rise?

The Sunday Times asked every local authority, including York, for information about the rates set for the current financial year.

It appears that the Shire of York ignored the request.  No prizes for guessing why.

Acting CEO Simpson, James Best and their 'exemplary employees' have made York a laughing stock (or as John Elkington might say, have 'diminished' and 'undermined' the Shire).

Colin Barnett and Tony Simpson—over to you (I’m joking, of course).
‘Coup de grass’ (sorry, I couldn’t resist it)

Readers may remember that on 7 June I posted former CEO Ray Hooper’s ringing endorsement of Green Planet Grass, the firm that laid down artificial grass for the bowling greens at the Recreation Centre.

I’ve since been told that the same firm provided the grass for the tennis courts.  The whole job would have cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Imagine my surprise on seeing the photographs below, taken this morning by a friend.  Something appears to have gone badly wrong with the surface of the courts. 

My first thought was that the job would have been carried out under warranty, so the Shire should call on Green Planet Grass to repair the damage.

Well, as it turns out, the Shire did exactly that.

But Green Planet Grass has refused to honour the warranty—and rightly so, because, as the firm points out, the courts haven’t been maintained.

Like real grass, you can’t leave artificial grass to fend for itself.  It has to be looked after, treated with tender loving care, much like the real thing.

So—what went wrong?

It’s obvious that for some reason, the Shire has fallen down on the job.

Though maybe not only the Shire—some of the blame would have to be laid at the door of the Tennis Club, if the club committee failed to give the Shire a nudge to get the job done.

And as Mr. Richard Bliss recently reminded us in a famous letter to YDCM, the buck stops with the boss. 

Come on, Acting CEO Simpson, tell us why you’ve allowed the tennis court surface to deteriorate in this way and what you propose to do about it.

 Perhaps it’s time we put you out to grass.  

Another blog joins the fray…

The York Consortium and I welcome the advent of a new blog set up three weeks ago specifically, as it says, to scrutinise the foolish, evasive, misleading and downright dishonest answers, or failures to answer, issued at Council meetings by Acting CEO Simpson (and occasionally other members of Shire staff) to questions on notice and from the gallery.

Our blog, The REAL Voice, is not connected with the new blog, ‘Shire of York Q & A’.  Nor, I believe, is our friendly rival ‘The official unofficial site’ at

This is how the new blog introduces itself and defines its purpose:

"It is becoming increasingly obvious that Shire of York senior employees have little or no aptitude when answering questions from members of the public.
This blog is dedicated to some of those questions and ludicrous answers.
Any member of the public who wishes to air a grievance in regard to this may do so on this blog.
Please send a copy of the question and subsequent response by the Shire.
Any scans or images must be in a JPEG format.
If you wish to remain anonymous, or wish to redact addresses and telephone numbers, please do so prior to forwarding any documents."

The new blog’s address is  When we first read that address, we assumed that the blog was initiated by the ABC’s chief resident leftie Tony Jones, but he assures us he had nothing to do with it.

We exhort readers to follow the new blog and feed it with relevant material.  The more the merrier, we say.

Saturday 22 August 2015


 Warm and fuzzy news from Walga, the planet of dreams, visionings, ideations and vain imaginings…

(click to enlarge)
(The West Australian 18 August 2015)

Meanwhile, back in the real world of Western Australian local government…

 (click to enlarge)

Why we love Big Brother—WA premier talks tough to big spending councils

Local government?  Yeah, they’re on notice.  Right now.  The rate increases householders faced, in my view, were excessive… many of these local govts are grossly overstaffed, they pay themselves too much…. we have CEOs in metropolitan Perth who get paid well above what the Premier gets paid…. there has been a culture of increasing rates with a lack of accountability… and [you, the councils] are going to be more accountable and your costs, your staffing, your rate increases are going to be public and people are going to be able to compare across councils….there needs to be efficiencies in local govt [and now] Big Brother is going to be looking over their shoulder

6PR, Gary Adshead’s morning show, Interview with Premier 6 August 2015   

If you’re just the mayor of Toytown 
Or a mighty CEO, 
We’ll fork out for the best hotels 
Any place you want to go,
We’ll fund your junket to the moon
Or any other star,
All paid for from the public purse 
If you really want to go that far...
(apologies to LEONARD COHEN)

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song…

Colin Barnett, WA Premier

Minister for Local Government Tony Simpson  

Before the fiddlers have fled,
Before they ask us to pay the bill,
And while we still have a chance,
Let’s face the music and dance.


Wednesday 19 August 2015


Readers will recall Richard Bliss’s letter, ‘Brevity is the soul of wit’ published in YDCM on 5 August 2015.

If you missed it when it appeared, you can find it posted on this blog on the same day under the saucy heading ‘Bliss Balls’.

Here’s my reply.  It appeared in today’s YDCM.
(click to enlarge)

I trust that exchange will end our confrontation.  I have other things to get on with, and I’m sure Mr. Bliss wants time to continue with his painstaking research into the sexual peculiarities of characters in the Old Testament.

And now, a peace offering:
(click to enlarge)
Don't they look scrumptious?  Enjoy!
You can find the recipe for these delicious little beauties at 

What I like about this recipe is that it’s nut-free.  If only life were like that!

Speaking of nuts...

Found on Facebook

Trevor Randell
1 hr

Rant number 457.
Who is this Jane woman who wrote that load of CRAP in the local paper in letters to the editor? Does she want a lawsuit or something? Where does she get her facts? Out of a Kellogg's Box? OM f......NG God! They just get worse! And someone said she's going up for council! Good luck with that Mad Woman!
Like · Comment · Share

Ladies and gentlemen: it looks like we’re in for a very dirty election campaign. 

It seems the old guard is on the march again, armed with insults, distortions and lies.  Mr. Bliss fired the first shot, aimed at me.  Well, I don’t mind that sort of thing so long as it isn’t directed against people I like, respect and admire.

Mr. Bliss did me a favour.  He gave me something to laugh and write about.  Like many wordsmiths, I spend my days in a funk that my talent, meagre as it may be, will suddenly dry up and leave me, as the poet says, ‘mute and inglorious’.  To some extent, it’s folk like Mr. Bliss that keep me going, and I thank them for it.  I hope he lets off another shot at me. I so much enjoyed the last one.

Mr. Randell chose a different target.  He attacked a friend and ally of mine by means of a crude, cowardly and cretinous diatribe.  Mr. Bliss, may he live long and prosper, displayed in his effusion some glimmerings of intelligence and wit.  Ranting Randell, alas, is not in the same league.  There is some evidence in what he wrote on Facebook that he may possess a spinal cord with a knob on the end, but that is probably as far as it goes.

For the record, Jane Ferro is sane, kind, intelligent, generous, eloquent and wise, all qualities with which Mr. Randell would appear to be totally unfamiliar.  As a business owner, she is an asset to York.  If elected to Council, she will be a still greater asset.  If you are qualified to vote in the forthcoming council election, please give very serious thought to voting for Jane. 

Meeting for Mid-West/Wheatbelt JDAP


Date:     31 August 2015 (Monday)
Time:     3pm



Saturday 15 August 2015


Everything going to plan for Jacky Jurmann

Found on Facebook: 

17 hrs ·
Exciting times!
Today we handed over the keys to this awesome Commodore SS Storm edition to Jacky. What a great car!
We know you will enjoy every moment driving your new car.
Look forward to seeing you for your first free service!
Thank you for supporting your local Holden dealer.

Remember Jacky Jurmann?

She used to work as the Shire of York’s planning officer or ‘manager of planning’.  She made a cameo appearance in the Fitz Gerald Report, refusing to answer embarrassing questions about her conduct while a Shire employee.

According to Mr. Fitz Gerald, her grounds for refusing were that, not being a qualified planner himself, he had no business questioning her and that by doing so he was insulting her professionalism.

This puts me in mind of a saying of Samuel Johnson’s, recorded in Boswell’s Life of Johnson for 1763:  ‘You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table, though you cannot make a table.  It is not your trade to make tables’. 

In this case, for ‘make tables’, read ‘give advice on planning applications’. 

(I threw in this ‘erudite’ allusion so that Mr. Richard Bliss would have something upon which to exercise his priceless gift for satire—see my previous post Bliss Balls 5 August 2015). 

My point is that even the loftiest expert is not immune from questioning and criticism.  And sometimes, when there are, so to speak, catcalls from the gallery, the gallery is right and the expert way off track.  This is especially likely when criticism is based on ethical rather than practical considerations.

You can read Mr. Fitz Gerald’s report at  Jacky crops up several times in the report, but most memorably and revealingly in the sequence 7.21 to 7.60 inclusive.  

I had in mind to re-publish that sequence with this column, but I’m not sure Jacky would appreciate the publicity.  Still, if you want to read it, I’ve given you the link.

No, she wasn’t sacked, sorry

Some readers may recall that not long ago Jacky, along with her husband Tim, the Shire’s former building inspector, was mentioned in a council agenda paper as having been sacked.  This caused the Acting CEO to publish a grovelling apology in the 5th August edition of our local newspaper York and District Community Matters. 

(I wonder—did Council authorise the apology?  When he apologised, Jacky was no longer an employee, so if he took it upon himself to act without authorisation I think he may have usurped Council’s authority.)

No, Jacky wasn’t sacked.  She resigned.  Allegedly, she resigned because the Shire knocked back or ignored her demand that it delete all references to her from the Fitz Gerald Report.

It’s easy to see why she might have wanted the Shire to do that.  The report doesn’t treat her very kindly.

On resigning, Jacky received a generous payout from the Shire and permission to remain in subsidised Shire accommodation and continue driving a Shire vehicle for three months after leaving her job. Nice one.

Resignation notwithstanding, her involvement with the Shire did not cease.  For a good while after resigning, she—in the guise of Glenwarra Development Services—was contracted as a consultant to assist with the Shire’s opposition to SITA’s landfill application.

She certainly seems to have made a big impression on Commissioner Best. In my presence, and that of Acting CEO Simpson, Commissioner Best told a York couple that engaging the services of Jacky’s consultancy would smooth the path of any application they decided to make for changing the use of their premises. 

I believe he gave similar advice to a local business proprietor, who took it but is probably now wondering why she bothered considering the unfair restrictions the Shire has imposed in approving her application.

I’m not sure the commissioner should have done that.  Nasty suspicious people (I regret to say there are a few of us in York) might regard what he did as touting for business on Jacky’s behalf.

The Shire of York has a new planning officer, or manager of planning, and Jacky, I’m told, no longer works for it in any capacity. 

Never mind, seeing that photo of her with her lovely new car infuses me with a warm inner glow.  I’m sure other ratepayers looking at that photo, especially those whose names are associated with Jacky’s in the Fitz Gerald Report, will feel very proud of the small part we've played in making the purchase of  that vehicle possible.
 Bliss Balls revisited

Some readers - very few, I imagine - might be interested in knowing the origins of the word ‘coitus’ in the expression ‘coitus interruptus’, as employed independently by both Mr Bliss and me in our respective learned disquisitions on the aberration for which the Bible says God slew Onan.

It’s from the Latin word coire meaning ‘coming together’.  (Hence perhaps its association with the word ‘bliss').

It first appeared in Middle English in the form ‘coite’ in a translation of a French textbook on surgery.

Its contemporary use, as a medical and polite term for sexual intercourse, which as we all know is itself a polite term or euphemism for ‘shagging’ or 'bonking', which are themselves slightly less offensive terms than the ubiquitous f-word, used to alarming effect by Mrs Bliss in her stand-up comedy routine, dates from the middle of the 19th Century.

The cognate synonym ‘coition’ was first used with reference to sexual intercourse in 1615.  It was subsequently made famous in a limerick that scholars believe was composed by a former Bishop of Bath and Wells:

‘As Titian was mixing rose-madder,
His model posed nude on a ladder:
Her position, to Titian,
Suggested coition,
So he climbed up the ladder and ‘ad ‘er.’

As Michael Caine would say, not many people know that.  Quite probably, not many people would want to.