Sunday 9 August 2015


1. Notice of Special Council Meeting - 10 August 2015


  • SITA S.31 Amended Application
  • JDAP Nomination of Preferred Members

“That Council:

1.Receive the Responsible Authority Report for the proposed Allawuna Landfill at Lots 4869, 5931, 9926 & 26932 (2948) Great Southern Highway, Saint Ronans.
2.Authorise the submission of the Responsible Authority Report for the proposed
Allawuna Landfill at Lots 4869, 5931, 9926 & 26932 (2948) Great Southern Highway, Saint Ronans to the Development Assessment Panel’s Secretariat.
3.Adopt the Officer’s Recommendation to REFUSE the development application for the Southern Highway, Saint Ronans.”

2. Elections 2015 – WAEC Information Session

If you are thinking about standing for election to Council - or just thinking about thinking about it - this information session is for you.

Officers from the Western Australian Electoral Commission will be conducting a preliminary information session on Tuesday 11 August 2015 York Recreation & Convention Centre commencing at 6:00 pm.

The information session has been designed to provide the necessary process arrangements for prospective candidates for the 2015 Council elections. Your attendance at this session is voluntary and will not be seen as a commitment to stand.

The election process has begun and advertisements calling for nomination will appear in local papers and the West Australian on 26 August 2015. Nominations will close 10 September 2015.

Those people who are considering standing for Council are encouraged to attend.
If this training is not convenient you may visit the link to the WALGA elected member training webinar


  1. Email sent to Channel 7 News Room on 5/8/2015

    On the news I see people in metro Perth are complaining about 5 or 6% increase in their local Council Rates.
    Why don't you ask the Shire of York why they allowed Commissioner James Best to increase our Shire Rates by 13% and put that on the news!
    Commissioner Best overruled our Councils promise to residents not to increase our rates more than CPI this year.

    1. Good point, Roma. As I've said many times before, Perth media don't give a damn about what has happened and is happening in York.

      It's been suggested that in raising the rates beyond CPI for a second year running Council (i.e. James Best) acted beyond his powers. Can anyone shed some light on this? If it's true, we should all consider adjusting what we pay accordingly.

    2. Keep Calm and Blog9 August 2015 at 21:51

      I am no fan of JB as you know Roma and James but it was actually a full council who voted for the rate rise last year when MK was here. That's not to say JB didn't implement it, but its important to present the facts correctly to your readers.

    3. Perhaps I'm sinking into senility, but I seem to recall that there was a rate rise of 11% last year followed by one of around 13% this year (for 2015/16).

    4. Keep Calm and Blog - You say "I am no fan of JB as you know Roma and James" - you presume I/we know who you are.
      James may know who you are, but I don't.

      The full Council voted for an 11% rate rise last year for last years Rates.
      It is my understanding from a letter I received from the A/CEO of the Shire of York, the Commissioner made the decision to increase this years Rates.

    5. Keep Calm and Blog11 August 2015 at 02:21

      That's depressing then Roma. 25% in 2 years. I'll be sure to thank Tony, Pat and Mark for that. Useless twats!

  2. I believe the Minister for LG was on radio and said something like that. I did not hear it but people in York heard it.
    Also following the complaints aired by residents in Perth on TV - I was told they are getting new Rate Notices........reduced.

    Why can't our Shire do the same?


  3. In June of 2012 Minister Castrilli took several councils to SAT because they raised the rates above 12 percent without approval from the minister at the time.

    $27m in council rates 'illegal'

    $27m in council rates illegal
    $27m in council rates 'illegal'

    The State Government has taken legal action against 22 councils after an audit found they had illegally levied more than $27 million in rates on 10,000 properties this year.

    In an extraordinary move, Local Government Minister John Castrilli began proceedings in the State Administrative Tribunal in April to have the invalid rates and service charges quashed.

    A spokesman for Mr Castrilli said yesterday the councils had failed to obtain ministerial approval before setting differential rates or minimum rates in their 2011-12 budgets, which was required under the Local Government Act.

    An estimated 10,380 properties and $27.19 million in rates are involved.

    In most cases, even if the SAT action is successful, the councils can impose the same rates after re-adopting their budgets with the relevant approval.

    The spokesman said $475,000, spread between 19 of the 22 councils, would likely have to be repaid to ratepayers because it was levied illegally and unlikely to be remedied.

    One large metropolitan council made up $349,000 of this amount, though he would not say which one.

    For the other 18 councils, the rates refund could range from $1000 to $35,000.

    In September, Mr Castrilli told Parliament that checks of 79 budgets for 2011-12 had found 16 councils had incorrectly imposed rates and charges and the issue could largely be fixed via a Governor's Order.

    The department said yesterday that further monitoring resulted in 22 councils being taken to the SAT - the only legal avenue available. An application against another council was under consideration.

    Six city councils are involved: Kwinana, Belmont, Gosnells, Rockingham, Kalamunda and Cockburn.

    The remaining 16 country councils include Albany, Bunbury, Murray, Chapman Valley, Exmouth, Carnarvon and Murchison.

    The spokesman said the breaches were "concerning".

    Asked whether the issue extended to past budgets, he said the tribunal matter only involved rates that were incorrectly levied in 2011-12.

    The spokesman said councils should notify any ratepayers incorrectly charged rates.

    The matter will be back before the tribunal on Monday. 12 Jun 2012
