Saturday 22 August 2015


 Warm and fuzzy news from Walga, the planet of dreams, visionings, ideations and vain imaginings…

(click to enlarge)
(The West Australian 18 August 2015)

Meanwhile, back in the real world of Western Australian local government…

 (click to enlarge)

Why we love Big Brother—WA premier talks tough to big spending councils

Local government?  Yeah, they’re on notice.  Right now.  The rate increases householders faced, in my view, were excessive… many of these local govts are grossly overstaffed, they pay themselves too much…. we have CEOs in metropolitan Perth who get paid well above what the Premier gets paid…. there has been a culture of increasing rates with a lack of accountability… and [you, the councils] are going to be more accountable and your costs, your staffing, your rate increases are going to be public and people are going to be able to compare across councils….there needs to be efficiencies in local govt [and now] Big Brother is going to be looking over their shoulder

6PR, Gary Adshead’s morning show, Interview with Premier 6 August 2015   

If you’re just the mayor of Toytown 
Or a mighty CEO, 
We’ll fork out for the best hotels 
Any place you want to go,
We’ll fund your junket to the moon
Or any other star,
All paid for from the public purse 
If you really want to go that far...
(apologies to LEONARD COHEN)

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song…

Colin Barnett, WA Premier

Minister for Local Government Tony Simpson  

Before the fiddlers have fled,
Before they ask us to pay the bill,
And while we still have a chance,
Let’s face the music and dance.



  1. What can you say Mrs Craigie isn't living our lives is she. If you have nothing to hide why are you hiding it, what part of honest open and accountable don't they get. please Mrs Craigie get down on the planet earth and suck up a few of the real peoples lives then you may know what your talking about I did notice that was an advertisement not a news article the difference advertisements want you to buy the product news article is the product exposed.

  2. Same old same old; i.e. seeing black as white and white as black.

    1. Wonder what will happen to Vincent Mayor John Carey?

    2. He prob won't get a job as a commissioner Liz you have to be part of the not accountable, best bullshit company for that job.

    3. If you have friends living in Vincent, encourage them to vote for Mr Carey. He is a breath of fresh air.

  3. Liz, Mayor John Carey may find the DLG start attending City of Vincent council meetings.

    What is the problem with having an on-line register for travel expenditure, gifts and hospitality - unless there is something to hide.

  4. Yep, sadly so Roma and SWO re the fate of John Carey. No, Roma, of course he is right about the openness and accountability needs.

  5. Oh dear oh dear, the Shire President has taken a leaf out of Boyles book and is publicly denigrating and spreading false rumours about members of the public considering nominating for Council, shame on you.

    1. I have published the comment of Anonymous 18.08 because I believe in freedom of expression, not because I believe it to have substance. Which members of the public is the SP alleged to be denigrating/spreading false rumours about? What sort of false rumours?

      Matthew Reid's integrity as Shire President is unassailable. If you have evidence to the contrary, tell us what it is. Don't resort to smear tactics, please.

    2. Anonymous 24th Aug. 18:08 - Are you sure you have not been listening to false rumours?

  6. I was unable to attend Mondays Council meeting, I hear that it was an appalling display of non transparency...?

  7. Anonymous 25 Aug 18:14 well you missed quiet the show, it seems Minister Tony Simpson told Graeme Simpson in a letter to do whatever James Best said including paying him for being a Commissioner and paying him again as a consultant, allowing James Best to spend any thing he liked unbudgeted and without being bought to a meeting or documentation or resolution, to top it all off, no declaration of any interest Financial or other wise, Apparently Graeme Simpson is going to ask Tony Simpson if he can share us a copy of that letter.

    I know its absolutely incredible smells of something fraudulent maybe? but on who's part?

  8. On the contrary, I'd say it was a fantastic display of 'non-transparency'.

  9. I did not believe things could get any worse, but it did on Monday evening.

    I was just as shocked as others in the gallery, when the A/CEO told us Commissioner Best was also receiving payments as a Consultant. The list of payments were unbelievable....and before anyone jumps in and blames Councillors Reid, Smythe and Wallace, all this happened while they were on what Mr. Best preferred to call 'sabbatical'.

    I expect a carefully worded excuse will be prepared as to why we can't view the letter from Minister Simpson Darlene.

    The visitors from Perth sitting in the gallery must have gone away shaking their heads.

  10. When is something going to be done about reducing staff numbers in the Shire Administration? Why do we need a DCEO?
    Can someone explain why the DCEO needs a support officer?

    1. Something certainly should be done. York has a population of 3800 souls, but a Shire workforce of about 60 including a top heavy administration. What's more, a lot of administrative work is outsourced to consultants, because the senior employees we pay to do the work are too lacking in nous or poorly trained to carry it out.

      No, we don't need a DCEO, nor a 'support person' to help her, nor an Acting DCEO. We don't need highly paid people with no relevant qualifications to occupy positions they're not equipped for.

      Sooner or later, preferably sooner, Council will have to appoint a competent, properly qualified CEO with the guts to implement a restructuring program and a commitment to reducing staff numbers in the administration. When I say 'properly qualified', I mean with a degree in law, business or accounting, not a fellowship or membership of the Local Government Managers Association signified by the letters FLGMA or MLGMA; that association is a networking body, not a dispenser of professional qualifications.

  11. Just realised why the DCEO fluttered her eyelids and got James Best to renew her contract for five years - she figures she will be qualified enough to do the CEO's job by then.
    God help York!

    1. James Best didn't renew her contract. Graeme did, the sly rascal.

  12. Did she flutter her eyelids at Graeme or burst into tears to get the contract signed?
