Wednesday 19 August 2015


Readers will recall Richard Bliss’s letter, ‘Brevity is the soul of wit’ published in YDCM on 5 August 2015.

If you missed it when it appeared, you can find it posted on this blog on the same day under the saucy heading ‘Bliss Balls’.

Here’s my reply.  It appeared in today’s YDCM.
(click to enlarge)

I trust that exchange will end our confrontation.  I have other things to get on with, and I’m sure Mr. Bliss wants time to continue with his painstaking research into the sexual peculiarities of characters in the Old Testament.

And now, a peace offering:
(click to enlarge)
Don't they look scrumptious?  Enjoy!
You can find the recipe for these delicious little beauties at 

What I like about this recipe is that it’s nut-free.  If only life were like that!

Speaking of nuts...

Found on Facebook

Trevor Randell
1 hr

Rant number 457.
Who is this Jane woman who wrote that load of CRAP in the local paper in letters to the editor? Does she want a lawsuit or something? Where does she get her facts? Out of a Kellogg's Box? OM f......NG God! They just get worse! And someone said she's going up for council! Good luck with that Mad Woman!
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Ladies and gentlemen: it looks like we’re in for a very dirty election campaign. 

It seems the old guard is on the march again, armed with insults, distortions and lies.  Mr. Bliss fired the first shot, aimed at me.  Well, I don’t mind that sort of thing so long as it isn’t directed against people I like, respect and admire.

Mr. Bliss did me a favour.  He gave me something to laugh and write about.  Like many wordsmiths, I spend my days in a funk that my talent, meagre as it may be, will suddenly dry up and leave me, as the poet says, ‘mute and inglorious’.  To some extent, it’s folk like Mr. Bliss that keep me going, and I thank them for it.  I hope he lets off another shot at me. I so much enjoyed the last one.

Mr. Randell chose a different target.  He attacked a friend and ally of mine by means of a crude, cowardly and cretinous diatribe.  Mr. Bliss, may he live long and prosper, displayed in his effusion some glimmerings of intelligence and wit.  Ranting Randell, alas, is not in the same league.  There is some evidence in what he wrote on Facebook that he may possess a spinal cord with a knob on the end, but that is probably as far as it goes.

For the record, Jane Ferro is sane, kind, intelligent, generous, eloquent and wise, all qualities with which Mr. Randell would appear to be totally unfamiliar.  As a business owner, she is an asset to York.  If elected to Council, she will be a still greater asset.  If you are qualified to vote in the forthcoming council election, please give very serious thought to voting for Jane. 

Meeting for Mid-West/Wheatbelt JDAP


Date:     31 August 2015 (Monday)
Time:     3pm




  1. Replies
    1. Don't know which is better, James; your humour or the limericks :-)

  2. Dear James,
    Trevor Randall has started to mouth off about prospective council nominees, in particular Jane Ferro, he needs to be reminded he was a useless faggot when he was a councilor.
    Trevor has obviously forgotten about his debaucherous behaviour in a room at the Castle with a certain barman, My advice to Ms Randall, is to keep your mouth shut or the past might catch up with you.
    Suffering in silence XXX

    1. The Facebook entry by Trevor Randell is disgraceful, but does not surprise me.
      If he does not know who Jane is, he does not shop local!
      For those that don't know, Trevor Randell was one of the ' bully boys' who received payment for being a Councillors during the 'horror' decade under Ray Hooper - Trevor was the marionette operated by Pat Hooper.

      I won't go to the Mill for coffee from now on.

  3. I suspect the Mr Bliss who Bested us (as opposed to Mr Best who Blitzed us) has something more up his sleeve in the lead up to the election, going by something he was doing on Monday evening.

    1. What was he doing? Go on, you can tell me, I promise it will go no further than the blog.

    2. Bliss did a 'theatrical prancing entrance' at the Shire meeting just as everyone was leaving!

    3. I think I know what EISEL19 August 2015 at 07:22 meant. Mr Bliss sought out a particular person and had a long conversation with said person outside after the meeting. I don't know whether the person was hoping that if he dares to stand for council he may be able to help said person's cause, or whether he was hoping to enlist said person for his standing-for-council cause (if standing for council is a risk he is prepared to take, that is). I would have thought said person would not want to take the risk either way, and Mr Bliss must have a very thick skin if he is prepared to take the risk of standing; but when all else fails, people sometimes are prepared to take such risks.

    4. To settle the bullshit as that is why this community is in the position it is, years of bullshit by certain members of the Shire Administration and councillors elected to benefit the community that spread lies for years.

      Risk Averse, EISEL19, unlike most when I comment on these blogs I go by my name, if you want to talk about me please don't beat about the bush name me.

      Mr Bliss actually walked in and I commandeered him, I was upset with his Newspaper Article that deemed, I presume me and a few others, who may I add have Genuine Complaints with the Shire of York as perennial complainants.

      Not wanting to blow wind up Mr Blisses Backside and appear like I condone the Bliss Chalkies Best debacle because I don't, the conversation was started by me not Mr Bliss.

      As for the inference that I would vote for Mr Bliss in order to get something, you actually don't know me at all. those that do will know there will be no voting anyone, The conversation was about how he put something in the paper about people that have been complaining for years in a light they have nothing to complain about without even knowing or talking to some of those people, one being me, ask me.

      Several people have come up to me in the last week asking me Questions, I have been able to show them in writing. If you think I am going to put all my info on here or any other blog, your dreaming, it is my paperwork and it is currently being used for my complaints, if you want to know if Its true then come and ask me to have a look.

      My Vote goes to stopping the bullshit, honesty, integrity, equality, and unity it is the only way this town will ever move forward. no I am not running for council, I will not become part of the machine I am Fighting.

      As for some one helping my cause what cause is that ? I would be interested to know.

  4. Please, patrons of the Mill Cafe, continue giving your custom to the lovely lady who owns the cafe - Janet - as she has no way of controlling the comments, etc of her chef. I've eaten there and everything is as good as I had heard from others. The food is very good so Trevor deserves to be complimented for it, which I did to him personally, by the way. It was the day I celebrated Jenny's birthday (who helps run the gift shop), treating her to lunch at the Mill Cafe. I'm thinking of returning when I'm not in the gift shop to re-introduce myself so Trevor knows about whom he's ranting.

    1. I'm afraid I don't share your level of forgiveness, I will not patronize the establishment any more.

    2. Me either, I prefer my coffee and food to be prepared by a person with a nice soul.

    3. I absolutely agree, Jane.

      There's no reason why Janet and other staff at the Flourmill should suffer because Trevor overstepped the mark on Facebook.

      He is, as you say, a good cook. I too have enjoyed meals there.

      It's unfortunate that he has friends who appear to be using him for their own electoral ends.

    4. I prefer my food to be prepared by someone who cleans their teeth. Makes you wonder about the rest of their hygiene standards!

  5. Actually I believe Nicky at the Castle got rid of him because he made derogatory remarks about the current Shire President.
    When Randy was a Councillor he came across as a 'limp dick' but things change......obviously!

  6. Looks like Trev is back on the payroll to do the 'bitchy' work for the bully boys (ex Councillors).

    The 'old York male control freaks' (ex Councillors) obviously do not have faith in those 'they' are putting up as 'front men' - ooops I meant Councillors, otherwise they would not be denigrating fellow candidates.
    Sadly these 'faceless ego driven' controllers operate in the shadows of York and only come out into the light for photo shoots when the likes of Barnett arrive.

    They must be bloody scared of Jane, James and the other 'honest' folk who intend to offer their services to the York Community to help Matthew and David Wallace clean up the mess Trev and his bully mates left us with.

  7. There's no need for them to be scared of us. Like Matthew, Denese and David, we want to make York a better place for everybody - not just a favoured few.

  8. Having read John Elkington's recent letter to the Editor, it seems he regards himself an expert on what happened between residents/Councillors/Administration during the Ray Hooper regime, and considers himself sufficiently superior to make judgement.

    How many Shire meetings have you attended Mr. Elkington? I may be wrong, but I believe it may only be one or two do with a swimming pool application if I recall. Could there be a grudge or two surfacing?

    Did Mr. Elkington ever witness the rudeness towards those in the Gallery during the Boyle rule? Don't forget Boyle was actually censured by the Standards Panel!
    Did Mr. Elkington ever witness the bellowing by Pat Hooper while he was Shire President?
    Did Mr. Elkington ever witness the way the York male Councillors treated Cr. Tricia Walters?

    I suspect Mr. Elkington may belong to the 'self appointed' royals of York - a sad bunch of self opinionated humans who believe they have more rights than the ordinary locals who live here.

    By the way Mr. Elkington, what qualifications did Crs. Boyle, Hooper, Randell, Lawrance and Scott have?

    1. I agree, the 'self appointed York royals' want to control the Council so they can 'look after' their own interests, relations and mates. That is what Boyle, Hooper, Lawrance and Randell did when they were on council.
      Grubby bunch.

    2. I'll be dealing with Mr Elkington very soon. Wasn't he one of the members of the public who caused Acting CEO Keeble to resign by abusing him in the Shire office? (Mr Keeble said he was.) I believe he was accompanied on that occasion by his good friend, the ubiquitous Tony 'Standards Panel' Boyle. As I recall, the argument had to do with the modification of Mr Elkington's application to install a swimming pool bang next to a boundary fence or wall.

      And didn't the Reid family trust object to the siting of the pool? And didn't Mr Elkington want to buy Balladong Farm, but was pipped at the post by - good heavens! - Matthew Reid?

      Mr Elkington, your grudge is showing. Vindictiveness is not the noblest human emotion. I know you have a capacious intellect, but bearing a grudge like that is the mark of a very small mind.

    3. When I read Mr. Elkington's letter to the Editor I felt it was obvious Mr. Elkington had a grudge against our Shire President for one reason or another. Didn't Elkington infer in his letter our Shire President was to blame for Keeble going? Thanks for filling in the truth for us. Seems Mr. Elkington is no better than Boyle.

      Nothing like sour grapes, payback and vindictiveness to surface when those delusional 'self appointed York royals' are upset!

    4. I may be wrong, but I think Mr Elkington did not hail from York originally. I think he just came later and 'tried it on' to get a job or two done that was going to benefit him: swimming pool, and something involving excavation on farmland? Was knocked back or complained about, so sees the goodies as baddies.

    5. EISEL, the 'self appointed York Royals ' didn't hail from York originally either! They are all 'blow ins' to the area.

  9. Perhaps Janet could find a more mature cook.

  10. No James, and Jane et al; we ain't scared of y'all.

  11. That's why these people are on the attack James, they only care about the favoured few.

  12. I swear this town is full of people that either live under a rock or are just plain stupid. Elkington and others seem to beleive York is in this mess because of a few people who attack the council and staff. If only it were that simple. Have they not read about all of the corruption or do they choose not to see it? It beggars beleif they could be so ignorant to the facts. Its one thing to be apathetic but its another to write to the paper with such idiotic conviction. They say Matthew wasted money on thr Fitz report but thats only because it wsd supressed by the 2 previos shire presidents. It seems they will support their mates at any cost. It really upsets me how inward thinking so much of the locals are sometimes.


    Very Interesting well what do they do for the amount of pay they receive? what responsibility's are they being paid such high wages?
    when they make the wrong decision or no decision and it is detrimental to the other party are these high wages warranted?

    the statement "the Local Government Minister Tony Simpson said ratepayers should be able to judge for themselves if they were getting value for money." for petes sake Tony you don't even answer our letters , refuse appointments , put us with a commissioner by getting two of the people that have turned a blind eye to a ton of complaints over 10 years and you say ratepayers should be able to judge for themselves come on stop feeding us a bakers dozen.

    1. The ratepayers have decided. We just aren't listened to. When we do get a reply from the Minister it is one someone has done on his behalf to make certain statements. Then they cut and past randomly so one person gets paragraphs A, B & C, the next gets A & B and the third gets B &C and the 4th gets A & C. THEY ALL GET: "The Minister has no power to intervene". True. I have copies of some and seen how it works.

    2. Thanks Darlene, I just went to the link:

      May God give me strength - now we have WA Local Government Association President Lynne Craigie suggesting, and I quote:
      “Chief executives are more akin to directors-general of State Government departments as the head of operations and their salaries are comparable to this role.”

      Hang on a minute lady, NO THEY ARE NOT! And, don't even consider the idea!

      Our A/CEO doesn't even understand questions he is asked during Public Question time and struggles to write a decent letter.

      WALGA has an agenda - to elevate CEO's so they can demand a higher Salary. WALGA looking out for it's members interests only!

      It's not all that long ago they were called Shire Clerks - and rightly so!

      Unfortunately, it will only take one 'infiltrated' Council to advertise for a 'Director General' and all hell will break loose.

      IF readers think the Shire of York is over staffed with 60 (and it is), just imagine if we have a Director General running the show, we will have hundreds on the payroll (doing nothing) just like Government Departments.

  14. One fact that hasn't been mentioned in all this talk about the Shire buying Chalkies - back around 2001(?) the building was sold under the premise that the Shire couldn't afford to maintain it and just wanted it off their hands. Go figure?

    1. Absolutely. Mr Worst couldn't have chosen a sweeter 'revenge' on a supposedly 'naughty' Shire.

  15. If Trevor Randell is going to start opening his mouth someone should tell him to clean his teeth.

    And someone should tell Dick Bliss that a dog in a restaurant is against the health regulations.

    1. A dog in the eating area - another reason not to eat at the Dick Bliss Pub!

    2. I have to disagree with you there, G.L. A well behaved dog is no threat to diners, and the dog in question is very well behaved. In recent years I have twice spent time in England where dogs are a common sight in restaurants and pubs. They are often better behaved than human customers, and sometimes cleaner.

      In this country, our extreme obsession with hygiene is making us sick, by which I mean more vulnerable to infection. The latest nonsense is antiseptic wipes and gels instead of good old-fashioned soap and water. Madness, but highly profitable for Unilever, Johnson and Johnson and other 'anxiety makers'.

      The Blisses' dog is a credit to his owners.

    3. Keep Calm and Blog24 August 2015 at 00:35

      Irrelevant James. The law is the law and must be applied equatably. Just because the Blisses sre in tight with the shire shouldn't mean yhey dhould be allowed to have a dog living on the premises. Otherwise whats to stop each patron bringing their dog or cat even.

  16. Speaking of Bliss Balls - Italian meatballs on the menu at the Bliss establishment last night. Not many people game to eat them (well, maybe about 5 people and a dog at around 7:30pm).

  17. You're allowed to take a guide dog into a restaurant if you're vision-impaired.

    Maybe all that 'biblical research' is affecting Mr Bliss's sight.

    He should have listened to his mum!

  18. Darlene, I noticed the EISEL and Risk Averse comments, and clearly they were idle speculation (apart from the bit about Mr Bliss being a bit foolish if he thinks he has a chance of getting elected). Good on you for being direct with Mr Bliss. I'm not sure that too many people are.

    Wonder why he turned up so late to the meeting, in fact after it was all over. I wonder if Mr Bliss and Mr Elkington are friends. Mr Elkington also had a go in his letter to the paper about the good people who've had something genuine to complain about (though he clearly knows little about that because he is not a full-time resident and has probably heard most of what he's heard third hand, and from the wrong people). Maybe, on the positive side, EISEL and/or Risk Averse was/were thinking of your search for justice as being your 'cause' they were referring to. But how Mr Bliss could help with that, who knows. Certainly his friend Mr Worst didn't help.

    1. I wonder if Tricky Dicky Bliss popped in at the end of the meeting to invite his friend Graeme Simpson over for Bliss Balls.

  19. I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so

  20. Financial Counsellors Association of WA chief executive Charles Brown said he found more people were struggling to pay their rates bills.

    Another very interesting article. Local government have no hardship application policy nothing, even if you wanted to pay your rates and were suffering hardship local government don't care. if you are having difficulty with your rates, Shires are very quick to add to your burden by sending it to debt collectors and the debt collectors are almost like lightning to send it to court all of a sudden you have double rates, most people want to pay their bills. Some councils are ruthless if some one wants to pay of their rates at 100 fortnight they should be aloud to and they wouldn't have this problem instead they ruthlessly go out of their way to force people with financial difficulty into depression and severe illness all for something that could be fixed with a little compassion and a hardship form,

    For any one having hardship debt collectors must give you a hardship form, when it goes to court you can ask for hardship. blood sucking shires that just see how much money they can screw you for should have hardship forms and should consider that they would probably get payment albeit not as a lump sum.

    councils need to follow hardship, banks do, courts do, debt collectors do, Why are councils so quick to add to the hardship of its community it is meant to serve.

    Statement in the article “It’s a reflection of the increasing cost of living and current financial pressures and unfortunately is becoming quite common and goes hand in hand with mortgage stress,” Mr Brown said. “While some councils are open to introducing repayments plans, others can be quite nasty about it.”

    Others can be quite nasty about it they sure can I know of 10 people personally who have been shafted even though they have been paying one woman was told she could not pay her rates off at $100.00 per week, that's just nasty!!!!!!! even if she was $5000.00 dollars behind that would have been paid off in a year.

    As for the York property that the Shire is to sell, I know for a fact that no one from the Shire had contacted the receivers of the property. just one of many things that happened when Mr I screwed York the Best was in charge.


    Who's running the show here the councils ? law unto themselves.

    Ms Craigie we don't have to worry about run down infrastructure we are buying it here in York........

  22. Funding: To boldly go where no Australian council has gone before.

    Charity? Councils? Star Ship Enterprise? Star Wars

    conversations held at the last council meeting some in the Gallery touched on the Star Wars Princess Leah and Hans Solo. its starting to look like the Truman Show.

  23. On reading this, Darlene, I am trying to think what it was that Don and I got a year's grace on payments for when I lost my job (or was seeking worker's compensation or such) and had a large mortgage to pay and Don was on a pension: I think it was HBF. Or maybe it was the mortgage. Probably HBF. It was a long time ago, but there was definitely something. So it can be done if an organisation has some kind of 'compassion' clause.

  24. Minor point, James: there's no rum in those Bliss Balls. Bit of a swizz. The balls that looked like that that we made sometimes definitely contained rum — 'medicinal rum', of course, from a bottle my ex kept for when he had a cold :-)

    1. I think you're confusing 'bliss balls' with 'rum balls'. What your ex had was rum balls, not bliss balls.

  25. Regarding payment plans for rates...the Shire of York has provided payment plans for rates, many, many, many times in the past.

    1. Um, many many many times in the past, are these affordable are they adaptable are they fair Just are they the same for all rate payers or only those mates. have they been accepted and then unaccepted because one hundred dollars a week is not enough 281 a week is more acceptable to the shire of some one who is in hardship because of illness. please don't get me started.

      On another note Anonymous you seem to know what happens in the Shire even more so the rates department, do you know that is confidential information and shire staff should not be commenting on Shire of York unless they are in the position to do so.

      I don't recall any one working in the Shire of York in a position to know these many many details by the name of Anonymous.

      However I do know that the person that does and would know these details has already been told that they are not to comment on social media, but alas SOY workers have harassment clauses now that protect them, we just need them to follow the ones that are supposed to protect us.

  26. I won't tell him you pointed that out, James!

  27. Anonymous that sounds like a shire person calling me a liar, as I have stated, I have been involved with several people who have had payment plans turned down, I don't have to Justify myself. the amount of people taken to court in 2010 and since is astonishing. as I previously stated these people were not offering 20 bucks a fortnight it was a considerable amount for people who were suffering hardship. and even when people have been paying an agreed amount still receive calls from debt collector's and please don't try telling me lawyers and debt collectors work on their own, Ray tried that my hair is blonde from a bottle.

  28. As one of the families being sucked dry by our unforgiving and uncaring Shire, I can give you first hand evidence and my experience regarding one of the Shires many mottos "let us bleed you dry and not give a fark" attitudes , once upon a time a young family moved in a little piece of country that was just right. The man had a great job in the mines the women had her hands full with kids, various animals and fresh air, wonderful..... the man was made redundant after 6 yrs , the women has a chronic illness and will never get better, but there was a bit saved in the bank we will be ok until the man had to have 8 weeks off work as he had to have emergency surgery and to recover. Money became tight and at the end of that financial year we were $ 287.00 behind in the rates. The rates officer was notified and a arrangement was made to pay an amount per month, paperwork ok by Pam Law . Letter received by DCEO a few weeks later stated that they wanted the payment amount doubled something that we couldn't do as all the sick leave he had just covered the very basics. A appointment was made with a government approved financial councillor whom on our behalf spoke to the SOY telling them that what was offered was all that our budget allowed. Roll on to ACEO Keeble"s time in the hot seat, we received a summons for non payment of rates and legals where then tacked on to the rate arrears ($ 1000.00 ) approx., even though the Shire was receiving a amount every month, this was explained to the ACEO Keeble whom quite elegantly told us that he didn't give a rats ass about our finances or personal issues and it would be taken over by a dept collection agency. A letter via the dept collectors stated that after exhausting all avenues (SOY) had no choice but to pursue the matter, a letter in response to the dept collectors outlined that the SOY was telling"porky pies "and they were getting paid,( I have the receipts ), the SOY then instructed the dept agency to issue another summons, another ($ 1000.00 ) tacked onto our account, now our shortfall of $287.00 and the rates notice for the year added up to over $3000.00. I was also told by Pam Law that my payments now could not be paid at the Shire office any more I had to go through the dept agency

    Another meeting this time with ACEO Simpson, all the evidence was lade on the table and everything explained in easy to understand English, a letter was also presented to which I received a reply from the ACEO Simpson telling me that it was the Shires first interest to accumulate funds and the amount offered by us was still not acceptable.
    Here's the best bit..... The financial councillors after many attempts made contact with the dept collection agency and guess what they agreed to the original monthly amount that was in our original budget. Our dept as of the last interim rate notice is above $ 4500.00. Our family is crumbling slowly financially as the man now works 6 days a week to support his family and pay off the every increasing SOY dept, the women's illness is now at a stage that her 21 yr old son has taken a hiatus from his uni studies to be her full time carer, and all because the SOY doesn't have a duty of care towards their ratepayers. Sounds like a script for a very bad movie doesn't it.

    1. Oh Pam Law, there's a name. I remember not so long ago Pam Law aka Pam King publishing disparaging remarks about ratepayers on her Facebook page.

      Ms Law/King is one of those staff members akin to Maziuk, with her own agenda for self preservation at any cost regardless of any public interest or humanity.

      Ms Law/King also lies through her teeth, if you have to deal with this woman, get everything in writing.

    2. Have you discussed this with the Councillors of yhe day?

    3. I sympathise with you. While my wife was under going chemotherapy, her second dose as I recall, the Shire of York sent a letter commenting on the poor quality of our lives.

    4. Bill there is only a certain amount of times you can talk to different councils of the day and they just confer with the admin staff of yesterday and they f it all up again. I have with my own personal stuff been to the ombudsman finally got it sorted with the SOY then enter Graeme Simple Simpson who took it all back I have a letter from the Minister a resolution and still no closure after 5 years was nearly there and then Tony don't answer your letters Simpson took out our council in the same manner by listening to the people that have caused the problem in the first place.

    5. I was asking spottylady if she bought it to councils attention Darlene.

    6. Bill, I have talked to alot of council members over the last 10 years and more so in the last 12 mths, and Darlene is correct different councillors same shit, the admin staff are the ones who tell the councillors and CEO what they think the rules are, and when you have the hard evidence in front of them the admin make up another load of shit....and still nothing happens, the shit gets flung all over everyone's walls and nobody knows who's shit is whose, by this stage everyone BUT the admin is drowning in shit and the admin is having a grand old time just waiting to produce more shit. Bit Shitty isn't it

  29. Darlene, get real, do you honestly believe these people give a shit?

    1. Anonymous oh I am Real and I know they don't give a shit but its time that changed even the taxation department has hardship why local government isn't made to follow certain aspects of the local government act, and people can utilise hardship this happens in all councils not only York as I have helped others in other areas not only York.

      getting real is doing something about it and getting it out there , the every day person needs to know and exercise their rights to hardship.

  30. Dear Spotylady, may I take your case to public question time at the Council Meeting tomorrow (Mon)? Simpson is under the spot light for supporting James Best in matters that have caused extreme debt for the entire Shire, yet they had no compunction about spending our money... at the same time they're putting pressure on you and your family. Please let me know asap so I can frame an appropriate question on your behalf.

  31. A couple of SOY Meetings ago someone would know the exact meeting I cant be bothered looking it up today.

    The SOY was writing off Rates Unpaid in the 10s of thousands, One Ratepayer asked if the average Jo blow ratepayer would have his rates written off if they didn't pay?

    I looked it up on line it was Mrs Saint and the question and answer as contained in the minutes of the 27th July 2015 OCM

    Question 7:
    If all ratepayers in the district refuse to pay their rates or debts, will Council extend them the same courtesy of either prolonged time to pay or by simply writing off the debts as it has done with several large rates debtors recently?

    The Acting CEO stated that the hypothetical scenario will not arise.

    Sorry I'm just at a loss to what to type next.

    1. It will be interesting to see what answers Simpson comes up with about the 140K settlers were let off and why other businesses are persecuted.

    2. Depends on who you are related to, or friends with, as to whether you receive any consideration from Pam Law.

  32. Jane E Ferro in response to your question, yes I have emailed both Matthew and Denese, Matthew responded he would be talking to the staff,( this was before the suspension ) I heard nothing back, I was told by Pam Law that it was Matthews decision to raise the rates for the last FY and many public and admin ratepayers were not happy with the decision and all blame should be on him. In saying that I also emailed Kevin Barnett to ask him why our rates were targeted and why the huge increase, the response from his office was that , yes the increase was above other Shires and I was also informed that the SOY had divulged my personal information regarding outstanding rate arrears , and I should be making arrangements to reduce the debt. I also had a verbal conversation with Denese and she appeared gobsmacked, she relayed to me that the then CEO Keeble had said in a meeting with all councillors that the SOY would not be "going after the little fish" for rate arrears, just the important big money arrears.She also asked that I email my story to her, which I did many months ago. As to asking the questions at public meeting time, this will be asked by me, when I feel the time is right, thank you for your interest. Will be interesting to see whether another summons arrives in the next few weeks.

    1. Spottylady, now you have told your story and got the interest and perhaps some sympathy the of readers, I suggest you accept Jane's offer of a helping hand. You have nothing to lose.

    2. Spottylady aka Mrs Bug23 August 2015 at 06:58

      I will think about it Stan and I was not looking for any sympathy just felt like the right time to share my story.

  33. Spottylady aka Mrs Bug, I will not be online again prior to today's Council Meeting at 5 pm. Feel free to ring me on 0416 486 111 if you decide there is anything I can ask re your rates situation during public question time.

  34. My apologies Spottylady I should have used the word support instead of sympathy.

  35. Seems the Shire of York Administration is quick to prosecute residents experiencing financial difficulties with their rates but consider it ok for a payment of an invoice they themselves failed to pay to a Business for four or five years, because it 'slipped thru' the net.
    How the hell can the Finance Officer let an Invoice 'slip thru the net'?

    1. The invoice probably 'slipped through the net' because the Shire hadn't yet got round when payment was due to paying consultants to to do the finance officer's job. I'm sure things will be better managed in future, just like the payroll.

      As to prosecutions - since when was sauce for the shire goose served up with the ratepayer gander? Come off it, Tim, you'll be demanding honesty and fairness next!
