Wednesday 5 August 2015


Or, ‘where ignorance is Bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise’

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The York Consortium wishes to thank Mr. Richard “don't call me Dick” Bliss for his unsolicited but very welcome contribution to our blog.

 Richard and Nola Bliss selling antiques in 'Chalkies', now property of the Shire of York.  Richard is the old bloke on the right.

On the subject of Onan: Richard seems to be an avid reader of this blog, so I'm surprised he missed the cultural note appended to the original version of the article he is responding to, which appeared in the blog on 10 July.  Here it is again:

CULTURAL NOTE:  Onan was the second son of Judah.  His elder brother, Er, was slain by God for some unspecified wickedness, whereupon Judah ordered Onan to marry Er's wife and make her pregnant in accordance with ancient Jewish law.  Onan wasn't happy with this, so when consummating the marriage he 'spilled his seed on the ground', which means that he engaged in coitus interruptus rather than the activity later ascribed to him.  God slew him, too. It's amazing what you can pick up in Sunday school.

Readers will observe that my point here is much the same as Richard's, though delivered as one would expect with far greater wit, clarity and verve.

James Plumridge


Jane E. Ferro

The letter Richard Bliss submitted for publication in the YDCM was one he should have torn up and burnt after venting his emotions / frustrations or whatever it was that was clouding his judgement. (I’ve scrapped the first version I wrote in reply to yours, Richard!)

We remember how the Blisses decided to ignore residents’ fierce opposition to the Shire’s purchase of their property, ‘Chalkies’.  To most of us, arranging the sale of a sub-standard property at an inflated price with the help of their friend James Best seemed like a desperate attempt to shore up a new (over extended?) business venture.

If the Blisses want to dispute this, let them explain why neither they nor the Shire procured a sworn independent valuation of Chalkies and the adjacent parking lot so that the matter could be put to rest.

Mr Bliss has added insult to poor judgement by introducing a classic ‘red herring’.  He has done this by attacking and blaming Shire President Reid and Crs Smythe and Wallace for the political demise of two very unpopular former shire presidents.

One of those gentlemen is still skulking behind the scenes, vowing revenge on the shire which didn’t appreciate his bullying at council meetings and elsewhere, or his underhanded methods of spreading untruths without being willing to stand up and be accountable in public.

The other half of this pair ended up facing a standards panel that publicly censured aspects of his behaviour as shire president. That was his own doing, even if he’d like to pass the buck to someone else. He has to wear the blame for his questionable actions as a councillor, though many of them resulted from his being too eager to do the bidding of a disgraced former CEO.

True to form, he then jumped ship when he became privy to inside information that our present councillors were facing suspension … for WHAT???... He didn’t want to be involved or implicated in that turn of events. We witnessed the lack of integrity of the bureaucrats who inflicted this uncalled-for suspension on our elected councillors. We came to realise that both of our former shire presidents identified and associated closely with those bureaucrats, and had no compunction in plotting with them to bring down our current shire president on trumped up ‘probity’ charges.

Cr Duperouzel was not pushed from office. He resigned after having made himself irretrievably unpopular by betraying the trust of the town. He was expected to represent our wishes at a JDAP hearing concerning a proposed metropolitan rubbish tip.   Very few residents support the tip. The few who do support it seem to be people who stand, or believe they stand, to benefit financially from it if it goes ahead.  (To be fair to him, Mr. Bliss is not the only York resident willing to enrich himself at the expense of everyone else.)

The proposed desecration of prime farmland also involves run-off that feeds into water catchment. (By the way, this is the water WE drink; Perth residents are being supplied with desalinated water.)

So why, you may ask, did Richard Bliss erupt with such vitriolic and (as it turns out) inaccurate criticism of Dr Plumridge’s coherent and detailed attempt to set the record straight after the publication in the local press of James Best’s deceitful ‘open letter to residents’ asserting that nobody connected with the Shire of York had ever done anything wrong?

In my opinion, Richard Bliss is attempting to distract residents from the events and issues Dr Plumridge set out in his response to James Best’s letter, especially issues arising from the Shire’s purchase from the Blisses of ‘Chalkies’ aka the Old Convent School.  Not content with his muddled and very personal attack on Dr Plumridge, Mr Bliss has foolishly upset many residents by childishly attacking Crs Reid and Smythe.  Those councillors have earned the respect of residents for their strength of character in rising above the humiliations heaped on them by the minister for local government to assume once again their rightful positions as our elected representatives.

Instead of continuing along his present vindictive and self-centred path, Mr. Bliss would do well to emulate Shire President Reid and Crs Smythe and Wallace in portraying such time-honoured values as honesty, justice, truth, integrity and fairness as they work for the good of our community.

He might also try to learn a few intellectual and literary skills from Dr Plumridge. Doing so might help him avoid making such a fool of himself in future as he has on this occasion with his silly and spiteful letter.


  1. I cant beleive you Richard. You have clearly sided with Hooper/s Boyle and blame Reid. WTF is wrong with you. Have you been living under a rock? You've just sssured I will never set foot in your establishment again. Nola you should give him a good slapping!

    1. It was clear at a comedy evening held at 'the Bliss's pub' some time ago that Nola and Richard were fawning over Sally and Tony - it was sickening to watch.

      Who knows, the Boyles may have helped Richard pen his letter.

      Perhaps Richard would tell us how many Council meetings he has attended during the decade Boyle and Hooper were 'ringmasters of the Council Circus'. I do not recall seeing him at any! He only started attending council meetings when his good friend James Best started throwing his weight around York.

      We all know the real reason Richard started taking such a 'community spirited' interest in Shire business then.

      What an insane suggestion that Crs. Smythe and Reid resign. Richard you have obviously been a little pre-occupied with your business deal and are not aware York will have Council elections in October - that is just two months away!

      BTW Richard, Cr. Smythe IS up for re-election and under the Local Government Act Cr. Reid still has two years left of his four year term.

    2. I've heard that Richard is contemplating standing for Council and is being encouraged to stand by the Boyles and his old friend Pat 'Minority Report' Hooper. Is this true, I wonder? If it is, we're in for some fun and games over the next couple of months.

      My advice to him is, start your own blog. The Consortium doesn't want me giving him much more free publicity on ours.

    3. I agree James no more free publicity - rise above Richard Bliss.

      The Chalkies deal killed any chance Richard may have had of gaining the trust of the voters!!!!

    4. Another Perceptive Person7 August 2015 at 01:09

      The letter to the YDCM absolutely killed it.

    5. Another Anonymous7 August 2015 at 03:15

      Anonymous 6 August 2015 at 08:24 I don't recall Tony and Sally Boyle being at that comedy show. Various Marwicks were, and probably various Boyles, but I don't recall Tony & Sally being there.

  2. Oh James, you really should be thanking Richard for his erudite contribution in his area of expertise (masturbation).

  3. A more or less local6 August 2015 at 00:07

    I heard that RB was born in Cheltenham in England in 1943. If that is the case, he is only a tidgy widgy bit younger than you, James P. So all these epithets about old men are somewhat redundant (i.e. if I heard the gossip correctly). If I didn't then perhaps RB will correct the record.

    1. I was born in June 1943, in a quiet village called Castle Donington located midway between Derby and Nottingham. (There hasn't been a castle there for about 800 years.) Cheltenham is a spa town in Gloucestershire, on the edge of the Cotswolds. It has always had a reputation for middle class snobbery. It's the sort of place where nowadays restaurateurs run 'bistros' rather than restaurants and prefer to cater for 'the elite', i.e. people who eat their cake with a fork.

    2. A more or less local6 August 2015 at 03:56

      RNB: some time in the range of October to December. Oh gosh! You are indeed a tidgy widjy bit older, James!

  4. A total of 287 public submissions were received by the Shire of York opposing the SITA Allawuna Landfill.
    A total of 3 submissions were received supporting the proposal. These submissions were from SITA Australia (Suez Environment) R & A Chester and our previous Councillor Mark Duperouzel.‎

    1. Well, well, so Mark really does want the tip and it wasn't a mere aberration on the day of the previous JDAP hearing when he voted against the Shire's and the town's decision to refuse permission to SITA to pollute prime farmland and our water catchment!. Assuming everyone's submission will be outlined in the final report, it will be interesting to find out how he is going to benefit should that environmental travesty get a foothold here.

    2. It's rumoured that in exchange for his support SITA had made Mark an offer he found hard to refuse.

      I don't know if that's true. I'd like to think it isn't. Surely York councillors don't get themselves elected for the purpose of feathering their own nests?

      J B showed signs of going over to SITA, telling us at one point that we should 'keep an open mind' regarding SITA's revised proposal. Draw your own conclusions.

    3. As a business person he has to make the decision as to what's right for his business. As a councillor though he should have made the decision that's right for York. Councillors (some) seem to forget that they are the voice of the people who elected them. The people told Mark they didn't want it loud and clear.

      His support for the tip now though is an individual one which he is entitled to. Don't stand for council again though Mark.

    4. Jane, you can read the three 'against' submission on the Shire web site.

    5. Well, the next important thing is to attend the Special Council Meeting at the Town Hall on Monday 10th at 5pm in support of the Recommendation that the Council REFUSE SITA's development application and appoint propose the following people to represent us at the Joint Development Assessment Panel: Member 1 Cr Matthew Reid; Member 2 Cr Smythe; Alternate 1 Cr Wallace; Alternate 2 Cr Hooper. (since community reps cannot be nominated now that the Councillors are back in office, as says the Agenda). Duperousel is no longer an option, nor is JB, nor the two community members who were selected when the Commissioner was 'minding our business'.

    6. Isn't Cr Hooper away on leave?

    7. Yes he is Jim, you have to make special allowances for the Administration, remember it takes a little longer for the penny to drop with them.
      I heard someone say the Shire Administration 'is a protected workplace supported by the Community'.

  5. I believe Mark lost a lot of service customers after he voted at the Jdap and expect he may lose even more now.
    I found a more ethical person in York to look after my car after he voted at the JDAP for the tip.
    All we can assume is he must be expecting a lot of business from SITA.
    Unfortunately some people can be bought if the price is right.

  6. I've just read Duperouzel's submission, he's thick, "and not 1 (one) person has said anything about it"... Worker!

  7. I read Duperouzel's submission on the Shires web page and it only took a minute to read - he is not very smart is he.

    Confirms my original thoughts about him when he voted on the JDAP.

  8. Well, Jane, once again you have been yourself and, having tried your best to understand where 'Richard the Younger' (albeit by only a few months in relation to that 'old man' JP, apparently) is coming from, you have been brave and spoken as you see it. I agree, it was a very foolish step on Richard's part to write a letter to the community via the YDCM criticizing two well-loved Councillors, one of whom received more votes than anyone else in any York Council election we know of — and who also was hoping for 'cleaner, fairer' dealings in York.

    Then, too, whatever former Cr. Duperousel really believes if he examines his conscience (and I think he must have one because he doesn't show signs of being a psychopath), as a businessman in a small community he has failed to use commonsense at the very least. But also, morally, to be prepared to 'sell his soul (and potentially ours) to the devil' for the analogous 'thirty pieces of silver' and risk losing the goodwill of the majority of York citizens he must have been proverbially 'taken up on a high mountain' and 'shown the whole world' with a promise 'this could all be yours'. (Yes, its a biblical reference.) If Mark Duperousel, nice man though he seems/seemed, cannot see even the business sense of keeping the goodwill of his everyday customers and being content with a modicum of comfort in life, and also closes his eyes to the environmental, farmland productivity potential and the social implications and road safety implications of the SITA proposal then he has lost his way. It is to be hoped that something or other will eventually help him understand what he has done and once more become in our minds the nice man we once saw him as.

  9. HCJBJE you are spot on Mark Duprouzel sold his soul.

    Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper did the same thing. These three people were supposed to do what the people of York wanted them to do, instead they did what Ray Hooper wanted them to do.
    York has had a string of 'easily led' councillors. Boyle, Hooper, Fisher, Randell, Lawrance and Scott.
