Saturday 5 December 2015


A person calling himself 'Joe Smith' has begun to send me pages of Pat Hooper’s report, one at a time, by email...

I presume he obtained a copy from the Shire of York.

The pages come slowly and at a price.  In exchange for each page, apart from the title page, I have been required to describe what I am wearing.

Here's the conversation so far.

JAMES (on receiving the title page):  Thanks, Joe.  Do you have the complete document?

JOE:  Only if you tell me what your (sic) wearing.

JAMES:  A Batman mask, black pantyhose, a diaphanous nightie and wellies.

JOE:  Oooooh yes, that's good.  G string, boxers or Y fronts?

JAMES:  G string of course, tied with a little red bow.  I can sense your mounting excitement.

JOE:  Ahhh, yes yes yes ahhhhhhh.  Please please send a photo.

JAMES:  You seem to be typing very slowly.  Are you using both hands? 

Joe has not yet responded to my last comment.  I suppose he is sulking because I didn’t send him a photo.  (I don’t really own a Batman mask.)

I think we can reasonably assume that the name 'Joe Smith' is a pseudonym, though not of the report's author, who as a former teacher would know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’.

I doubt that Joe will send any more pages.  Don’t fret: if, as seems likely, the first couple of pages of the redacted report are representative of the whole, there won’t be much to read and there’ll be precious little if anything worth reading. 

Come on, Mr Hooper, do the right thing by your friends and admirers.  Send me an un-redacted copy of your report.  You’ll feel so much better when you see your handiwork in its full glory taking pride of place on the blog.

POSTSCRIPT:  This afternoon I learned that a minimally redacted copy of the 'minority report' is now available on the other blog, together with an incisive commentary by David Taylor.  Congratulations, David and whoever else was responsible for bringing the 'report' to light.

You can find report and commentary at  

There's also a photo of Pat deeply engaged in conversation (is 'conspiring' too strong a word?) with David 'Sasquatch' Morris of the DLGC, Morris's colleague Andrew Borridge (largely hidden behind Mr Morris) and Gail Mazuik. Pat had just voted with the other councillors and everyone else to oppose the proposed suspension of Council. It seems Pat was too afraid of the public mood to vote according to his conscience.  

(Click on images to enlarge them)


  1. Why would you admit to wearing those cloths, I'm surprised you would admit something as personal as that to the world. I've dressed in my wife's cloths before now but she's put on quite a bit of weight so they no longer fit well. There is nothing wrong with wearing womens clothing, There are many websites and blogs which cater for our interests, I'm more than happy to share them, but any personal fetishes should be kept personal and not published on a political blog.

    1. Sorry, Max - I was joking. (I think you are too.)

      I've never worn women's clothing or wanted to do so.

      If you weren't joking, there are two logical solutions to the difficulty you mention: put on a bit of weight yourself, or ask your missus to slim down. (In the latter case, make sure there's an ambulance standing by.)

    2. Max, divorce the bitch.
      I've dabbled in the past, people knock it but until you've shaved your legs and worn 15 denier, you haven't lived.

  2. We can imagine what Pat Hooper wrote in his Minority Report - unadulterated venom!

    It was a pity Pat Hooper decided to nominate for Council in the first place!

    He was a bully from day one, had no idea how to conduct a Council meeting and failed to represent every resident equally and fairly.

  3. Before everyone gets carried away on a tide of sexist humour, possibly provoking a tsunami of feminist outrage, there are some very serious issues here. (Yes, I know I started it - I forgot to 'check my privilege' in accordance with the suffocating dictates of political correctness.)

    It seems certain that the redacted pages above issued from the Shire of York consequent on a decision of the FOI Commissioner. However, I'm not at all sure that the extent of the redaction is quite what that gentleman had in mind. Looks like another example of the Shire poking the people of York in the eye.

    I can understand that some identities might wish to remain secret. But what about the issues raised in the 'report'? Surely it wasn't just a list of names? What was Mr Hooper's argument in the report and with what facts did he support it?

    The Shire is obliged to state in full its reasons for redaction in every place where that occurs. Moreover, such reasons must be grounded in the legislation itself (i.e. the FOI Act 1992). What were those reasons, if any? The document would have been accompanied by a letter - Joe, if you're still around, I'd really like to see it.

    Who made the decision to redact so extensively? Was it a member of staff, or a consultant - or as that pretentious twit James Best would say, 'FOI counsel'?

    (By the way, James B is now a director of a firm calling itself 'Star Consulting', having thrown in his lot with Pete Coop and Cliff Frewing. Find out more at Lovely photo, guys.)

  4. Lets get real James. The time for joking and clowning around has passed.

    There is a fundamental reason the pages you have been sent are so heavily redacted.
    The content of the report is a compilation of lies and excuses being made by a coward who has got himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. His actions have compromised a large and powerful network of like minded people, some of them are even paid large sums of money to sit in fancy offices in the city and pose as Senior Government Officers.

    Now history James is a wonderful guide to the possibilities that may exist within our current times.
    In the past great networks of like minded people have banded together to wield infinite power over the innocent plebiscite.
    It has also come to pass that some of the most powerful organisations of all time have been, and still are, bound by the invisible chains created by a collective guilt. Nothing binds an organisation more tightly than corruption and perversion.
    Look no further than the Mafia or the Vatican.

    My point being that the current administration and its puppet master the DLGC are unable to release the vile document because its drops its author in more shit than the lads at the Alamo. And piggies squeal most when bathed in hot water.

    If for example the author has implied that Ray Hooper was wrongfully dismissed, terminated even. Then he has misled the department heads and by extension the crown.
    Now there is a little criminal conduct issue to deal with should this be the case.

    Hot water indeed.

  5. Avid Historian, you may well be right. (I'm also an avid historian, by the way.)

    It was my belief that Julian Krieg had appealed to the Information Commissioner for the release of this document subject to the requirements of the FOI Act. The pages provided to me clearly indicate that the Shire was releasing the document following the Commissioner's decision that it should.

    I do not believe that the degree of redaction evident in those pages can possibly be consistent with the spirit of the Commissioner's decision.

    Your general comments about guilt and corruption are well made. When people do morally dubious things, they like to keep them secret. If what you do is right and just, why take the trouble to hide it? If ex-councillor Hooper's conscience was clear, he would say 'Publish and be damned' as did the first Duke of Wellington when his mistress threatened to expose their illicit relationship to the world by making his letters to her available to the press. Mr Hooper's refusal to satisfy our curiosity regarding his report has cost him credibility and respect.

    That said, I cannot agree with your strictures on 'clowning and joking'. Humour and ridicule are powerful weapons. Sometimes, when pomposity reigns and truth is suppressed, they're the only weapons we ordinary citizens have

  6. Agreed James, I stand corrected, humour is the best defence of all.
    We all loved those scandalous cartoons that appeared from time to time in the local paper, when it was free to print such wit.
    The depictions of the knuckle dragger and his mate Adolf were fantastic, time we roused the cartoonist from his slumber.
    If not for the Blogs the York citizens would have no free press, no access to knowledge other than that mandated by the powerful elite.
    It does truly feel Orwellian living in these times in York.

    I wonder what history will make of these past 10 years.
    History is written by the victorious, keep up the fight James, so that truth and the justice that accompanies it, prevail.

  7. James, the full Minority Report and Pat's un-edited letter is on the other Blog.

    When residents read it, they will see for themselves what a nasty vile specimen Pat Hooper is!

    He didn't re-elect for Council because he knew he would only get five votes - his own, Tony's, Sally's, Duperouzel's and good old Trevor.

  8. Just read it. Pat Hooper has absolutely no shame. The scary thing is there are still people in our community who beleive his bullshit.

    Trevor Randall is one of them, make no mistake. I still can't beleive Randall is on Council again. He has even less conscience than Pat. How dare he even nominate.

    Do not trust him. Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth and he will say whatever he can to win your trust Councillors, but he reports directly to Pat Hooper.

  9. Bill, absolutely spot on, Pat has no shame, its lacking in his DNA.

    Those believing Pat Hooper are in the minority and not worth even thinking about. Most of them won't admit to being his friend and those he considers 'good mates' are laughing at his stupidity!

    Randell only got in because Pat conducted his usual phone canvassing program. Randell is too thick to realise he is being used by Hooper and Hooper. Trevor has never been the brightest has he.

    We all know Denese tells Trevor she trusts him, but I bet she doesn't. She buttered him up as soon as she knew he was elected to get his vote for Vice President,

    I think you will find the three 'smart' Councillors are a wake up to big Trevor and he is being watched very closely.

  10. Sorry to change the subject.

    We don't need to be a Rhodes Scholar to know who was responsible for the EPA coming to York, resulting in a mechanical workshop being ordered to relocate to the Industrial area.

    How come the EPA can determine one mechanical workshop a risk to the river, yet another down the road - the same distance from the River - also services vehicles, but has dozens of wrecked cars, old tyres, diesel and fuel tanks is deemed ok?

    The EPA were not prepared to assess SITA for the Landfill but they find the time for a day trip to York to assess a small business.

    1. Won't change where people get their cars serviced - if that was the motive.

      I voted with my feet after the JDAP vote.

    2. There aren't so many tyres at the other place any more remember Santa Clause Murray cleaned the place up last year with the Shire gear, probably cost a couple of cartons.

      Sounds like that little weasel is calling in some favours with the big boys in the city.
      They owe him after he shafted the town at the JDAP fiasco.

      The EPA are simply puppets for big business, they don't have an ounce of integrity from top to bottom.

  11. Is that a photo of Trev and Pat?

  12. According to WALGA, it's a photo of Crs Fester and Lurch.

  13. Thought so. The grumpy face and folded arms are a dead give away!

  14. Good tidings of comfort and joy.9 December 2015 at 21:19

    On the nth day of Christmas, the bloggers blogged to all, some "Tyhshca, Tyhscha, Tyshca", Hoopers times too many, and a link to The Minority Report.

    Ho, ho, ho, and so now the readers really do know who has been naughty and who has been nice.

    What now, seasonally speaking?

    Is York likely to witness a Christmas Miracle?

    What is the Ghost of Christmas past, present, and future up to?

    Outside whose doors should the nice people of York gather to sing seasonal songs?

    Will naughtiness be hoist with its own petard?

    Will the nice of York nicely forgive?

    Will the "caught out in their own naughtiness" seek forgiveness and attempt works worthy of repentance?

    Will York go forth and sin no more?

    Is anyone worthy enough to cast the first glob of tar and feather?

    The Ghost of Christmas yet to come, slowly, gravely, silently approaches.

    Time to be good, for goodness sake?!

    1. A Christmas Miracle has taken place, witnessed by many.

      It has taken the form of an apology from Council for the contents of the 'minority report' (anyway, that's how I read it).

      See our latest newsflash and rejoice!

    2. Dave's mate James wrote this

    3. If by 'James' you mean me, I'm not Dave's mate - I barely know him - and I didn't write the apology, if that's what you're saying.

      What I write tends to be more forthright. I'm not one to mince words. I suggest the writer was A/CEO Dacombe acting on instruction from Council.

      Say what you like, the apology is a step in the right direction.

  15. Dave Wallace is showing Tony, and Pat how a good Shire President behaves!

    Well done Dave.

    1. obviously Dave wrote this

    2. Anonymous10 December 2015 at 12:58 - You are incorrect!

      It was written by someone who knows more about Chairing a meeting than Pat or Tony.

      You may recall, a West Australian Newspaper reporter attending a Shire of York Council meeting during the time Pat was Shire President referred to the meeting in his article the next morning as a Three Ring Circus!

  16. Come on a few paragraphs don't make the man such a hero - lets wait and see if he is up to the job with some real decisions - you people are so fickle and turn on a dime, he hasn't actually done anything of any substance yet
