Monday 7 December 2015


An update on Christian Chadwick

It seems that depot worker Christian Tarou Chadwick continues to enjoy a charmed life under the protection of senior employees at the Shire of York.

He appeared in Northam Magistrates Court this morning charged with aggravated burglary in a dwelling and assault occasioning bodily harm in circumstances of aggravation.

Those are very serious offences.  With his record, Mr. Chadwick could go to prison for several years. 

It is alleged that Mr. Chadwick’s partner drove him to his victim’s house after their children had complained of being bullied at school. 

It is further alleged that Mr. Chadwick was armed with a weapon of some kind when he allegedly broke down the victim’s front door and struck him ferociously about the head and knee.

When Mr. Chadwick allegedly broke into the house, the victim’s children were enjoying a party and singing ‘Happy Birthday’.

The alleged victim did not know Mr. Chadwick.

Out of town

I wrote recently that Mr. Chadwick no longer works for the Shire.  I was misinformed.

The truth is that he is now sent off to work on jobs ‘out of town’.  I surmise that this is to shield him from the eyes of an inquisitive public who might otherwise openly express dismay that he is still on the Shire payroll.

The fact that he is still on the payroll should surprise nobody.  He has friends in high positions on the Shire who probably have more clout than the Acting CEO—they certainly had more than the last one.

Councillors may have been brainwashed to believe there is nothing they can do to change the situation.

What’s more, Mr. Chadwick may have his own highly embarrassing story to tell about who has been protecting him, and why—and how he got his job in the first place. 

Mr. Chadwick is an accredited menace.  He is a known bully and allegedly an abuser of illicit substances.  He has cost the Shire or its insurers tens of thousands of dollars in compensation payouts. 

It’s time somebody in charge sprouted some cojones and showed him the gate.

(Photo courtesy of Mickey Mouse)


  1. How many Shire of York Works employees have been dismissed and for what? Bet none match Chadwicks criminal record.

    Tyhscha has dug herself in so deep protecting Chadwick, she will need a team of QC's to get her out.

  2. Has anyone got a photo of this Chadwick?
    Would be good to know what he looks like in case he comes knocking on the door.

    Given the Shires record of bullying, he could be used to silence those Tyhscha 'does not like'.

    1. You are a brave man James.
      Check out those reptilian eyes.
      He would happily eat you for breakfast.

    2. Well, we are all fallen creatures, but I try to see good in everyone. A lost soul may not be a lost cause.

  3. My thanks to someone calling himself Mickey Mouse, who emailed me a photo of Mr Chadwick. I'm debating whether or not to post it.

    A respected informant has taken issue with my suggestion in 'The Untouchables' that Ms Cochrane and Mr Chadwick, or his partner, might be kin. He assures me that the relationship has nothing to do with family. He says it is a friendship going back for quite a few years to a time when Mr Cochrane and Mr Chadwick worked together as shearers.

    In that case, we are looking at patronage, not nepotism.

    I'm having difficulty understanding Ms Cochrane's apparent willingness to risk her own career interests in order to protect Mr Chadwick's job.

    1. Publish the photo, its in the public interest that no one inadvertently crosses him. After reading your article, any member of the public will be worried about any member of the works team in case its Mr Chadwick.

    2. If Ms. Cochrane - or her friends - are upset at the inference Chadwick and her or her husband are related, I suggest Ms. Cochrane informs Mr. Chadwick to stop referring to her as Aunty during business hours!

      I believe it started to warn other employees of the 'powerful ally' they each had!

      It is her own fault people have assumed they are related, she allowed the familiarity to go unchecked in the first place.

      Please publish the photo - it is in the communities interest. Given this mans violent track record residents need to be able to identify him from other 'law abiding' shire workers.

    3. Frankly, I doubt that Ms Cochrane has any reason to worry about what we might think of her actions regarding her relationship, whatever it is, with Mr Chadwick. It's clear that she and Ms Mazuik hold the people of York in complete contempt, as Ray Hooper taught them to do. She knows she can do whatever she wants, whether we like it or not.

      As to the photo - publishing it might not be in my interests! Mr C seems to have a very short fuse.

      There are other matters involving her that are no less serious than the Chadwick business. Will she ever be held to account? I doubt it.

    4. Yes, you are quite correct, you must consider your own welfare and that of your family.
      Chadwick has proved he has little or no respect for other Humans regardless of their age or gender.

      He should be deported back to NZ!

    5. James perhaps we need to dig a little deeper for the explanation for the term Aunty.
      It is a cultural norm for an aboriginal male to refer to a senior aboriginal woman as Aunty.
      Now Christian is a Kiwi but the other man reprimanded and held responsible for the bullying and intimidation of the shire workforce is an aboriginal male.
      We all remember seeing these two burly individuals driving the shire truck around town in endless circles doing absolutely nothing.
      It may not be Christian that is related to Ms Cochrane.
      Hence the protect at all costs motto she has adopted.
      Culturally she has no choice.

    6. Yes, I know. My wife worked for many years for the Aboriginal Legal Service and I was involved for a long time with a branch of TAFE serving indigenous students. When I was growing up in England in the '40s and '50s, it was also a cultural norm of working class life that adult family friends and neighbours were called 'aunty' and 'uncle'.

      It appears that DCEO Cochrane is not related by blood to Mr Chadwick, in which case we have to find another explanation for her role in protecting him. You have hinted at one.

      However, to the best of my knowledge, she isn't indigenous.

      She does have a choice. As DCEO, her first obligation is to do the right thing by the people of York.

    7. Could Chadwick have a truck load of dirt on T.C.?

    8. If Cochrane and her friends are upset by the connection with Chadwick she should not have employed him in the first place.
      Cochrane does have a choice - she is DCEO first and foremost! If she cannot keep her personal life separate from the Shire duties she should stand down.

      Who is the 'other' bully?

    9. As a NZ National doesn't Chadwick risk being deported when he appears next before the Court - he already has served time, has a criminal record and the new charges are as you say very serious.

    10. Anonymous 22:32
      The other bully is Robert McKenzie.
      Its all on record.

    11. How come the Shire Administration keep a NZ national with a criminal record employed when there's unemployed Australians in York needing work?

      The Shire is pretty quick to jump on residents and Ratepayers when they do anything the three female staff deem 'upsetting' to them, but they condone and protect this employees anti social criminal behaviour.

      This is sending the wrong message to the younger people!

      The A/CEO needs to take control of the female staff and dispense with this dreadful creature.

  4. On an un-related topic, a Northam Lady witnessed Avon Waste dumping a load of cardboard into the Northam Landfill.

    Does anyone know if the Shire of York's paying Avon Waste more $$$ for the recycling service?

    If we are separating recyclable items for Avon Waste and they are not recycling it, then it is a disgrace and sham.

    1. Not a lot of money in used cardboard, perhaps.

    2. don't worry the plan is to dump all that at Ashworth Road, then lets see how we all enjoy it, the whole Avon area from Cervantes to Southern Cross will dump their recyclables and general waste right at the front of York, forget SITA, Avon Waste are where the action is. We are all now doomed to following these trucks up and down the hill just to get in and out of town. Thats right next to the golf course and on the road to the Olive Oil factory. We may as well forget tourism, hand the town over to the Fishers courtesy of these Councillors that don't have the guts to vote against it - they sold out to the Fishers and now we all will pay the price. except for Jane who showed the foresight to vote against it, thank god someones on the ball in there. The rest obviously have interests to protect - hell forget the town just look after the Fishers so they can sell out to SITA. meanwhile the blogs are all bogged down in the Hooper, Boyle, Best issues to worry about the real issues that will effect is all slipping under the table here!

    3. Anonymous 8 December 2015 at 0054 I was there when a Northam Lady told of witnessing Avon Waste dumping a load of cardboard into the Northam Landfill. Not what we expect of our supposedly recycled goods. Not good enough.

    4. All may not be as bleak as you feel at the moment Anonymous 5.39.
      The Fishers gave a presentation at the recent Greenhills OCM, it was important that community got to hear their perspective.
      My understanding of the problem was helped by listening to both sides of the story.
      Apparently the Fishers have for many years lobbied Council to provide suitable industrial land in York to enable industry to grow.
      The councils of the day were inept, incompetent and so full of self importance that they simply ignored the Fishers.
      The Fishers were forced to solve the problem for themselves.
      They employ a large number of local people and do not want to move to Northam.

      Lets not blame them for taking care of business the blame should be placed squarely at the feet of the Hooper's and the Boyles of this world.

      With a new effective council and the employment of a qualified and competent CEO you may find that an industrial area is fast tracked and the Fishers can grow some nice hay on the Golf course block.

      All is not lost the current council are on the ball, time for a little trust.

    5. The presentation to Council was given by the person who allegedly raised a clenched fist to Councillor Walters! Can't respect any male who thinks that is ok!

      Can someone confirm if people in Ashworth Road have been told IF they speak out or complain about the new depot, their rubbish won't be collected?

  5. Keep Calm and Blog8 December 2015 at 14:25

    Anonymous 8th December. They do not have approval to dump anything at Ashworth Rd. That is not what Council approved at all.

    1. Who will Police the site? We cannot trust the Shire to check it out.
      No one from the Shire was interested about sewerage being dumped in an open dam at the top of the hill between the Golf Club and York.
      Liquid effluent trucks from Perth were seen turning left off Grt. Southern Highway and dumping their loads there. Truck drivers had a Master key to get through the chain barriers.

  6. Anonymous8 December 2015 at 05:39
    Were you at the meeting when the application was passed by Council? If you were, you would have heard Trevor dribbling on with his adoring speech to the Fishers for a good 10 minutes. The whole time he was talking he was looking at the 27 heavies from Avon Waste sitting in the gallery. Looked like he was banging the drum for the Fishers from beginning to end. It was sickening! Did Ashley Fisher write the speech for him - doubt Trevor had the ability. Was Trevor paid by the Fishers? Not once did Trevor look at his fellow councillors, who by the way, he was supposed to be convincing!

    The application to the Shire had no signature. Was JJ the author? She would stitch up York given the chance and the right money.

    The recycling needs looking into.

    Council had to vote on planning, not on what they personally liked or disliked. I wish they had deferred the decision for another month to give themselves time to check every avenue open to them to refuse the application.

    For years I have witnessed things of vital importance to the Town being put before new Councillors at their first meeting following the election. It is a ploy of the York Administration to get through the deals they have done behind closed doors.

  7. How do you go from Chadwick to cardboard, have I missed something?

    1. Yes - see Anonymous 8 December 00:54 'On an un-related topic...'

      These discussions quickly assume a life of their own, with minimal direction from me as moderator. The blog is a public forum.

  8. It easy to understand why it changed - maybe James you should do some research and get something formal up on the blog about this disaster. The Chadwick's will come and go but this damn tip of the Fishers is here to stay because the Councillors wont stop it! Now that is more important to me, Chadwick will drown in his own mud eventually, but York will drown in recycled waste from Avon waste in Ashworth Road - thanks to our blessed Council. Does any one know how this decision can be reversed? SAT is not an option. perhaps we should all swamp our Councillors with a protest email to let them know that the town really is looking at what their doing there. It isn't their private empire they can just do what ever they want and look after whoever they want - we need to stop this rubbish tip now!

    1. The application presented to council was NOT FOR A RUBBISH TIP! Which part of that don't you understand. The council had to approve it. They cant reject the application based on what might happen. Read what was presented to council or go away.

    2. Please stop blaming the current councillor for what is happening now. The tip is out of their hands and has been for some time. If you want to blame someone, why don't to write to ex crs. Boyle, Hooper, Lawrence, Scott, Duperouzel and current Cr. Randell and ask them why they shafted York. They are to blame for this fiasco.

      As for Avon Waste moving their depot - again the foundation for this was set in concrete when Ray Hooper was here and JJ was Planner.

      Residents refused to take notice of what was happening in the past, they chose to believe Boyle and Hooper - bit by bit this whole bloody mess was strategically being planned. All that is happening now is the dots are being joined up.

      No one would listen to those who were trying to warn residents of what was happening - they just referred to them trouble makers and liars!

    3. I don't get it (and I'm no Boyle Hooper supporter) you seem to think that the Councillors that approved the Fisher Tip aren't responsible for what they did but can blame someone from the past - I think you need to get your brain checked - this council voted for it they are totally and completely responsible. I also note that the Fishers staff are standing up for it with some posts there, jobs are important sell your souls for the Fishers pot of money. York is again going to pay the price for this one.

      And Cadre by the way, the first step is a transport depot, second step is the rezoning to industrial so that they can put the tip there - you just don't get it do you - babes in the woods when it comes to this stuff. Fishers make you look like a novice.

    4. I must have missed this one when did the council approve this depot? It wasn't widely promoted most the town wouldn't have heard about this one. Is there any background papers on this I would like to read about it?

  9. November meeting. I reiterate council can only make a deisions on whats in front of them which was a transport depot application. If another application comes in to make it a rubbish tip they'll deal with that then. It would have ended up in court had they refused based only on a rumour that it might become a tip. Lets wait and see.

    1. cadre are you a fisher or do you work for them - looks like it

    2. Neither and not a council lover either, but the facts remain. Stop wasting my time till you've read all the facts.

    3. The facts are that the Fishers will put a waste transfer and recycle station at that site, SITA will buy them out! You clearly don't want that exposed.

    4. I don't care if I'm wasting your time you have a narrow view of this which strangely enough lines up with what the Fishers are out there sprucking but in the background there are other plans a foot "thin edge of the wedge" Mr communist cadre, I bet you don't want to talk about that - lets give it a couple of years and see what the "transport depot" becomes and who owns it - roll on SITA.

  10. Anonymous9 December 2015 at 05:41 - yes they are responsible for the vote, however, the scene was set well before the recommendation they voted on was placed before them.

    The application for the depot WAS deferred from the previous months agenda.

    It is the practice of the Administration to put crucial items before the council the meeting immediately following an election. Staff work on the premise half the Council will be oblivious to what has transpired previously.

    The first Agenda following an election should never have major planning issues included, particularly issues that impact on the well being of the residents and the Towns future viability as a Tourist destination.

    Trevor had not shown any interested Shire meetings, he had not attended a meeting since he left Council previously. Somehow he became the guru of all things relating to truck depots, zoned industrial areas, employment, the money the Fishers have invested into York, and what a marvellous business person Fisher is and his wonderful Father before him and how caring the Fishers are ......on and on he went dribbling into Fishers pocket! It was sickening.

    Pat Hooper was sitting with the Avon Waste rent-a-crowd - that says it all!

    It was a set up folks, a deal done behind closed doors! Another case of residents being shafted by those we employ!

  11. They can still reverse it

  12. Yes your are correct. Council can reverse the recommendation before the Minutes are confirmed. It would be a first - lets see how strong our Councillors are

    I remember Saints being told they needed 20 toilets at the Dog's Bollocks and that was proved to be outrageously incorrect.

    How do we know the Planning information provided to Councillors by the Shire of York Administration for this truck depot is correct?

    Most residents don't want to run the risk of the Administration 'value adding' behind closed doors AFTER the Fishers have their foot in the door for this project.

    1. Yes exactly its sure a messy underworld with the Council and the Fishers. Lets see if these Councillors have the honesty to reverse this or are they in too deep now, it has to go back to them for further approvals if they reject them its over for the Fishers and Ashworth Road maybe they can then go to where previous councils actually provided for them which is down by the existing transfer station - the person that knows all about that is our new Councillor Tricia who was on council when it was passed.

    2. Don't forget Randell, he knows all about it, he was on council at the time.

    3. After his heart felt swansong for the Fishers at the council meeting he was borderline showing a clear personal bias in his decsion

    4. Each shire involved in the SEAVROC group was required to identify crown or Shire land suitable for Industrial use.

      York identified 84 hectares of land on Spencer Brook Rd.

      Any of that 84 hectares would be suitable for a truck depot - IF that is the true long term purpose of the Ashworth Road complex. I believe Fishers would not consider using any of that land because they would be required to lease or rent it, not buy it. Fishers only want land they could own outright. Why? Perhaps the rumour they will on sell to SITA has more truth to it than we realise.

      Trevor was on council at the time this was tabled. Time Trevor came clean and explained why he was so supportive of the Ashworth Rd. site when he knew all along the depot could have been situated on Spencer Brook Road.

  13. The latest news from the depot is word of a strike over poor pay.
    Apparently Alex the shire roller driver was heard on the two way trying to rally lads for the strike.
    It would appear that the free booze may have run out down at the depot and a few of the lads are feeling the pinch in the wallet.


    1. Unbelievable, Alex wouldn't know what a days work was.
      We don't need lazy trouble makers like him and his cronies stirring the pot down at the depot.
      Bring in the breath testing and random drug testing, that should solve the problem with the trouble makers.
      Then we can recruit a decent workforce that has pride in what they do and respect for the community they serve.

    2. There is no free drinks at the depot including cool drinks and alex doesn't drink alcohol so you sor are a f ckwit

    3. Long day on the roller was it little brother.
      They say you are a gun on a loader, why not head to the city and get that top job you deserve.

    4. Anonymous11 December 2015 at 15:03 - is this by any chance work place bullying happening again?

  14. It has been on the news W.A. Police are subjected to random drug testing - if THEY can cope with it why can't our Shire employees?

    Time for a clean up.

  15. who stole the guns from the depot?

  16. rediculous to brand all shire workers the same.most of the remaining shire depot crew are good honest men. working in difficult cicumstances ,under everchanging and often poor management,would be like goal posts that keep moving.

    1. Yes and they wirk rilly rilly hard and they dont like gale and
      tyshar and they have gr8 grammar and most dont drink piss anyway

    2. We all know the majority of the Shire depot workers are good honest people earning an honest days pay.

      We need to cleanse the depot of the illegal KIWI, the bullies and druggies. They are few in number, protected by the crusty old ashtray and the pop up cardboard Princess .... married to an unemployed KIWI Shearer, currently moonlighting in illegal road works.

  17. so is it fair to subject them all to drug testing, would that include admin staff, the man who runs the pool, the ladys who run the residential museum,the rec centre staff,the library staff,etc the councilors even.what would the cost be and what value would we get for it?

  18. When it comes to workplace safety there should be no reason why employees object to random testing - from the top down! Administration staff drive ratepayer funded vehicles. The cost would be considerably greater if there is an accident and the employee returns a positive reading. There will be no insurance!
    Drs., Nurses and Police are tested, they are all Public Servants the same as Shire employees.

  19. In August 2014 A/CEO Michael Keeble publically committed to introducing a drug and alcohol policy which included the industry standard breath testing and random drug testing.
    Who stopped him and why?

    I believe the DCEO was charged with the responsibility of preparing the policy documentation.
    Mr Keeble gave a firm commitment that he would personally obtain a police issue breath testing unit within days and implement the morning start up breath test standard across this great nation.
    Who stopped him and why?

    Does the Shire have a drug and alcohol policy.
    The new A/CEO is a smart man he knows the laws of the land.

    Who will stop him and why?

  20. If the DCEO did not produce the Policy document when instructed by Mr. Keeble that is strike one on her Key Performance Indicators!
