Thursday 17 December 2015


How government ministers, a former CEO and some councillors dumped on the people of York

Many readers will have wondered, as I have, why politicians, journalists and other prominent individuals in our fair state have failed so lamentably to rally behind the people of York in their fight against SITA’s proposed landfill.

Most conspicuous in their absence from the struggle have been our local National Party MPs, Mia ‘Missing in Action’ Davies, MLA, and her friend and colleague Paul Brown, MLC, with whom she shares an electorate office in Northam.

Less obvious, but on the face of it no less puzzling, has been the lack of support from the ALP in the person of David ‘Labor in Vain’ Templeman, MLA, Opposition spokesman on local government in the WA Parliament. 

Mr. Templeman was also silent on the suspension of our elected Council and its calamitous consequence, Minister Simpson’s appointment of James Best as commissioner in the Council’s place.

Not to mention the silence of Perth reporters and journalists—one of them, a popular TV personality, bluntly informing a York ratepayer of my acquaintance that there was nothing he could do to help the town.

I would have thought that for some of those people there might have been a good bit of mileage in the story of York’s heroic resistance to the threats and blandishments of a giant French-based multinational company.  But no. 

What are we to make of this? 

Is it the case that Western Australians, most of whom live in Perth, don’t give the proverbial instant of airborne sexual congress about the existential crisis facing the state’s first inland settlement and most historic country town? 

Or are sinister forces at work making sure that Perth’s need to dump its rubbish away from the coastal plain, and SITA’s desire to maximize its profits, will always trump the safety, health and comfort of a handful of hayseeds and tree-changers pursuing their petty and inconsequential lives in the poorest, most disadvantaged region of WA?

‘Conspiracy theory’

More than a year ago, at a public meeting in York, I suggested there might be a connection between the SITA proposal and the minister’s decision to suspend the York Shire Council, which. responding to pressure from the people of York, had voted against the landfill. 

At the time, my suggestion seems not to have been taken seriously. One prominent citizen rejected it, very politely, as a ‘conspiracy theory’.

Now, I’m no great fan of conspiracy theories.  Like most sensible people, I take the view that human stupidity, incompetence and malice are of themselves sufficient to explain most of the things that go wrong in the world. 

But I don’t discount such theories altogether.  After all, if you want to behave stupidly, incompetently or maliciously, there’s nothing so efficacious as throwing in your lot with others who are minded to do the same.

My gut told me there had to be a link between the landfill and the suspension.  It was common knowledge that the Barnett government was eager to promote landfill sites outside Perth.   Where better than in the Wheatbelt, just a hop, skip and jump from the metropolitan area—and especially in somewhere so conveniently close to the source of the rubbish as York?

Since then, I’ve learned that the SITA proposal had been floating in the ether long before it was broached with the York community.

Joining the dots…

Time to join a few dots.  The result won’t be conclusive, because the facts aren’t all in and the evidence in some places is sketchy at best.  But indicative it certainly will be.

At least two state government ministers have been backing the SITA landfill proposal from the start. Premier Barnett also supports it.  (I can’t prove this, unfortunately, but it’s common knowledge in government circles.)

It’s alleged that CEO Ray Hooper, no doubt with Council’s blessing, approached SITA early in 2012—perhaps even earlier—to suggest that Allawuna farm in York would be a good place to establish a landfill.  Presumably he had the blessing of his friend Rob Chester, the farm’s owner, who was dead keen on selling.

The councillors of the day were Tony Boyle, Roy Scott, Mark Duperouzel, Brian Lawrence, Pat Hooper and Denese Smythe.

I have no idea if any of those councillors opposed making the approach.  What I do know is that not one of them at any time chose to share their knowledge of what was going on with the community at large.

Pages from Ray Hooper’s notebook

I have in my possession copies of pages from CEO Hooper’s notebook, left on his desk when he departed from the Shire.  These refer to meetings with SITA held respectively on 5 July 2012 and 31 August 2012.  I have posted photocopies at the conclusion of this article.

I have presented Mr Hooper's notes in the sequence provided to me, with the first and second pages pertaining to the 5 July 2012 meeting.  It seems possible that the second page might belong to the later meeting.  However, how the pages are arranged does not disturb my contention that for a good many months CEO Hooper and councillors wilfully kept the York community in the dark about SITA's plans for Allawuna.

As you consider the contents of those pages, please remember that the rest of us ratepayers and residents of York knew NOTHING of the landfill proposal until November 2012, when we were invited to attend a presentation given on 19 November by Mr. Nial Stock, SITA’s state general manager.

Meeting of 5 July 2012

The comments, italicised questions and points of clarification enclosed in square brackets are mine.  I have done my best to reconstruct what was discussed and apologise for any inaccuracies.

(a) [The proposed landfill] could handle putrescible waste, green waste and recycling

(b) A ‘stakeholder’ meeting would be convened comprising government agencies and [unspecified] representatives

(c)  Landfill is a noxious industry – a use not listed [? in relation to the current planning scheme]

(d) SITA’s planning application [would extend over] ‘the full life cycle’ of the landfill

(e) SITA’s application would require the amendment of the [current] planning strategy to permit rezoning of the landfill site

(f)  ‘Footprint’: the site would cover 10% of the area [covered by the Allawuna farm]

(g) The site [would be visited by] 12 trucks per day [NB considerably fewer than we were subsequently threatened with!]

(h) The landfill would produce enough methane gas [to provide power to] 3000 houses

(i)   The landfill would operate during daylight hours and provide work for 12 employees [a number that as I recall has fluctuated considerably over time]

(j)   [The next bit isn’t entirely clear to me, but involves ‘Adam’ from (presumably) Swan Regional Office of the then Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC).] 

According to Adam, the landfill would require DEC works approval and clearance from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  It was expected that the EPA would give approval on a ‘not assessed’ basis.1

(k) Adam seems to have been interrupted by somebody called ‘Pat’ [now who could that have been?] with the suggestion that a ‘24 hour caretaker’ should be [in attendance at the site]

(l)   [Pat] suggested presenting the proposal to a meeting of Council, advertising the presentation and sending out a series of information sheets to householders.  [If ‘Pat’ was indeed Cr Hooper, it seems that he was already hooked, gaffed and landed in SITA’s net.  He was certainly eager to help]

(m)  The landfill site would not require clearing but clearing might be needed [to facilitate] upgrading of the entrance road

(n) Nial said SITA would be prepared ‘to offer York a significant discount on waste disposal’.  The site’s lifespan would extend over 40 years if its sole activity were to be landfill [and if not ‘just landfill’, what then?]

(o) [Nial added] that it would be possible to ‘relocate’ [? sell] ‘clean’ compost—the landfill could accept biosolids. 2

He said the first truckload [of Perth’s rubbish] would arrive at Allawuna early in 2014, subject to a smooth run for all approvals.

The only names mentioned in CEO Hooper’s notes of this meeting are those of Nial Stock, ‘Adam’ and ‘Pat’.  There is no indication that councillors other than Pat Hooper were present, but it’s reasonable to assume—if Ray Hooper was doing his job—that the others knew in advance about the meeting and what it was for.

Don’t forget—this meeting took place a full four months before the people of York knew anything of the horror waiting in the wings.

Meeting of 31 August 2012

On 31 August 2012, CEO Hooper met with Rob Chester, owner of Allawuna; Nial Stock; and the mysterious ‘Adam’ from DEC. 3

Reading between the lines of his notes, it seems that the Wheatbelt Development Commission was not interested in the proposed landfill, but may have expressed concern over the implications for traffic flow along the Great Southern Highway leading to York.  (If it didn’t, it should have.)

We can see that CEO Hooper and his co-conspirators discussed the feasibility of the proposed landfill as a source of power generation.

The tone of these notes suggests that for their author, CEO Hooper, the landfill is pretty well a done deal. It’s no wonder that Nial Stock, early in the SAT process, complained that he thought SITA ‘had a deal’ with the Shire of York.4

The penultimate paragraph of the notes is especially interesting.  It states that the initial application would be for a landfill—then raises the possibility of later applications for other, presumably commercial activities like composting and ‘waste processing’ to be ‘located 3 km into the property’.  Effectively, that would create an industrial area deep within the agricultural zone.

Finally—who was the ‘Mark’ who raised concerns about the bend at Berry Brow Road—that is, the junction of that road with Great Southern Highway? Whoever he was, perhaps Cr Duperouzel, he has proved to be a true prophet.  Only the other day, a large wheat truck rolled over at just that spot after swerving to avoid a car approaching from the opposite direction. 

As everyone who lives in York knows, the Great Southern Highway, our corridor to the Great Eastern Highway when we travel to Perth, is unsuitable for heavy traffic.  If the landfill goes ahead, expect a few more rollovers—and maybe fatalities, too.

Amalgamation meeting July 2013

On 11 July 2013 a meeting was held, at Cunderdin, of the South East Avon Regional Transition Group (SEARTG).  This body had been set up to facilitate the projected amalgamation of the Shires of Beverley, Cunderdin, Quairading, Tammin and York.

Local Government Minister Tony Simpson was present at the meeting, as were CEO Ray Hooper; his apparently indefatigable namesake, Cr Pat Hooper; Cr Tony Boyle, York Shire President; Cr Roy Scott, York Shire Deputy President; and York DCEO Tyhscha Cochrane.

The minutes show that both Hoopers had plenty to say for themselves.  At one point Ray Hooper suggested that the York councillors should resign and the Minister replace them with Shire President Boyle as commissioner! 

On page 30 of the minutes, CEO Hooper is recorded as having raised the topic of waste management.  After complaining that York had to pay $89,000 per annum to Northam by way of tipping fees, he referred obliquely to the SITA proposal by saying that ‘Five year's free tipping fees will be possible through a new proposed landfill, which would be closer and easier to service’ (emphasis added).

I have no doubt that Minister Simpson was fully cognisant of what CEO Hooper was talking about.  It is no less certain that the entire York contingent was equally well informed. 

So what was going on?

For what they’re worth, these are my conclusions.

First, whether or not former CEO Hooper was responsible, as some have suggested, for initiating contact with SITA and pointing it in the direction of Allawuna, he seems to have favoured the landfill proposal from the very beginning.  (So, apparently, did former councillor Pat Hooper.  Former councillor and shire president Tony Boyle is alleged to have told his cronies at the Avon Terrace coffee club that he would have been willing to sell his farm to SITA if they had asked for it.)

Secondly, that CEO Hooper would have instructed councillors to keep shtum about the proposal until he and SITA decided it was time to disclose it to the public, and they were fools enough to act on his instructions instead of warning us of what we had coming.5 

Thirdly, that SITA enjoys and will continue to enjoy the support of politicians from both sides of parliament in its quest for rural sites as receptacles for Perth’s rubbish.

Fourthly, that the Barnett government supports SITA and is committed to allowing it to despoil the Wheatbelt with rubbish heaps and clog up our roads with giant rubbish trucks as part of a panic-driven policy to solve Perth’s future rubbish problems.6  

I predict that if the improbable happens, and the SAT rules in favour of the people of York, the premier will step in to have that verdict overturned as he has just promised to do regarding the Supreme Court verdict on Roe 8 (which ruled that EPA approval of the project is invalid).

In that case, the state ALP might decide to run with Roe 8 as an election issue in 2017.  I strongly doubt that it would see any electoral advantage, then or now, in speaking out for the people of York.

And the conspiracy theory? 

Anyone who has studied Minister Simpson’s ‘Show Cause’ Notice—an absurd document—and compared it with the Shire’s cogent, considered and definitive response must wonder how the minister could possibly have decided that the council had to be suspended.  If he based any part of his decision on Pat Hooper’s muddled and deceitful ‘minority report’, he would have been grasping at straws.

The problem for the minister and his bureaucratic goons was that Matthew Reid as shire president enjoyed overwhelming community support.  He was seen as having the conviction and capacity to mobilise York residents against the tip (as well as to reform the shire administration, thus embarrassing the lotus-eaters of Gordon Stephenson House).

By suspending the newly elected council, Tony Simpson and his donkeys thought they might be able to neutralise community opposition to the tip while saving themselves from embarrassment elsewhere.  

James Best was sent here explicitly to hose down the population and coax us all into apathy or obedience. 

York’s long struggle against SITA has demonstrated the courage of York’s people and their determination to defeat leviathan.  Something tells me that whatever may take shape in the next couple of months, the struggle will go on.


1.That is exactly what the EPA did. The ABC’s Louise Merrillees reported some 15 months later, in October 2013, that the landfill site would not undergo a formal assessment following the agency’s ruling that ‘the potential environmental impacts are not so significant as to warrant formal environmental impact assessment’–see

So far as I know, the EPA never published the results of the informal assessment on which its ruling was based—assuming, of course, that it carried out any kind of assessment, which is open to doubt.

It seems likely that relevant government agencies, doubtless with ministerial knowledge and consent, had everything worked out in SITA’s favour long before the general public had heard of SITA’s plans.

2.  Biosolids: ‘Sludge from a wastewater treatment plant that has undergone further treatment to reduce disease-causing pathogens and volatile organic matter significantly, resulting in a stabilised material suitable for beneficial use. Does not include industrial and food processing sludges.’  See ]

3. Presumably, ‘WDC’ stands for the Wheatbelt Development Commission.  ‘Cardno’ is an environmental consultancy with expertise in power generation; it has an office in West Perth.  ‘Byford’ is a reference to SITA’s Class 2 (putrescible waste) Shale Road facility in Cardup, just down the road from Byford.  I believe the proposed Allawuna landfill is meant at some stage to replace the Cardup facility.

4. Louise Merrillees in the ABC report cited above has Mr. Stock denying that SITA had struck a deal with the Shire of York Council.   Technically, of course, absent a formal agreement, that would have been true.

5. From a newspaper report of the 19 November meeting in York Town Hall: ‘There was laughter from the audience when SITA Australia’s WA state general manager Nial Stock said the company was doing its best to keep the community informed on the project’s progress.’

6. From Louise Merrillees’ ABC report, cited above: ‘York Council CEO Ray Hooper says the council is yet to see a planning application but even when it does, it is not a decision it can make.

"Within the council there are certainly those that will be opposed to it but council won't get a vote," he said.

"The decision is based on planning law; they changed the way it was done a few years ago, I think to remove the emotion from it, and base it purely on planning law.

"My view is the State Government has failed to address land and waste management in the metropolitan area, so it has to go somewhere and they are now looking for options.

"They've made a commitment not to use any land on the coast so they are looking to the east and somewhere not too far from Perth to transport the waste.’

 (click images to enlarge)

Nial Stock

 Ray Hooper

Former councillor and shire president Patrick ‘Minority Report’ Hooper is the new president of York’s bowling club.

Congratulations, Pat.

‘Underarm’ is a step up from ‘underhand’.


  1. You still haven't joined the dots James, the last chapter is the transfer depot and recycling depot that SITA will buy from Avon waste at Ashworth Road, heavens James if your going to become an investigative journalist then at least research further than a few scrap notes that someone gave you. The AW tip is going to be the bit that has the most impact on York and its being given an arm chair ride by the new council, why wont you develop your article further? You are just making it easier for it to happen instead of bring this new council to account, are you so besotted the last council that you have no ears for what is going on RIGHT NOW? Are you protecting your friends on the new council???

  2. Believe me, I'm not protecting anyone. It's my belief that the administration led the new council by the nose up the garden path with respect to the Ashworth Road development. Consideration of the matter should have been deferred until next year, to give residents the opportunity to voice their concerns and to bring pressure to bear on the council to knock Fisher's application back.

    My friend Cr Jane Ferro put up a motion to that effect. Surprisingly, nobody seconded it. I would have done, but I didn't get enough votes in the election.

    Council had previously been told there were no grounds on which they could reject the proposal. Except for Jane, the councillors believed what they were told. At least one of them - Cr Lurch, prodded by ex-councillor Fester - was more than merely predisposed to let the application through.

    As I've said before, I smelt a rat when I perused the original AW application and couldn't find the name of the planner who wrote and compiled it. I also had my doubts about the consultant - she seemed determined to push the application, instead of just dispassionately explaining how and why it ticked the necessary boxes.

    Why haven't I made all this the subject of an article? Because I don't have a scrap of evidence to support my doubts, and I haven't had time to study the facts and arguments as closely as is needed.

    A couple of points: I'm not going to become an investigative journalist at this late stage of my life. If people start me off with documents and information, I try to do something, but the blog is only a part of my life. As a retiree since 2008, I'm not short of other things to do.

    You obviously have a strong interest in what AW gets up to, so why don't you write an article about Ashworth Road for the blog? I'll proof and edit it for you, if you like, but it will appear under your name.

    Finally, I want to give the new shire president and councillors every chance to do well, but I'm not besotted with them by any means. It's my impression that the council is split between Crs Wallace, Saint and Ferro on the one hand, and Crs Smythe, Heaton and Randell on the other - not a recipe for success, in my view. I hope Cr Walters will come down on the side of the angels.

    BTW, did you consider standing in the by-election?

  3. I don't believe there is any split, I believe the Council is cohesive and I think it out of order that you should cast such aspersions after just two months.
    BTW Did you consider standing for the by-election?

    1. You can believe what you like, but you're wrong.

      The council is not cohesive, nor does it have to be. The important thing is that when councillors disagree, they shouldn't try to hide the fact from the public by pretending that they're seeing eye to eye. It's not 'out of order' or 'casting aspersions' to suggest that councillors might differ here and there. Differences make the world go round. 'Without contraries is no progression' (William Blake).

      The council began with disputes over who should be president, then deputy president. There was disagreement (not enough of it) regarding AW's Ashworth Rd proposal. I know that councillors differ philosophically on how local government should run, though I suppose those differences may disappear when the brainwashing process really takes hold.

      The two main obstacles to good government at any level are pretence and concealment. We've had plenty of that over the years. I would have more respect for councillors if they were honest about their differences, thought independently and always took the public into their confidence whether as individuals or collectively.

      Yes, I did consider standing but decided not to. After the debacle in October, I thought it might be unwise to try again. And I knew that if elected I would be involved in endless struggles to keep going with the blog.

      Did you consider standing? I thought not.

  4. To Anonymous December 17 @ 00.34
    Had you bothered to read the article that James has 'blogged', you would have seen (and possibly understood) that he can only comment on the information he has been given. (by others, and THANKS to brave soul, providing Ex CEO Hoopers' notes)
    Guessing on the SITA/Fisher proposed deal - at this stage, just rumours - although as I have pointed previously - in York, tend to have currency. As the public now know a hell of a lot more about the situation, and that is down to James, David, the Davies Ladies and the AVRA group, the way for SITA and Co is a little more of a bumpy ride now.
    I don't ever recall James professing to be or even admitting to a hankering for the role of Investigative Journalist.
    It is now more that clear that at least one of the current Councillors, Councillor Smythe, D. President, would have been more than aware of the goings on and has failed in all these last few years to advise the public/ vote against/ become vocal, in informing the Community of the Proposal to dump rubbish on our doorstop.
    Even while sitting out of Council, while BEST (gone), was around, still did not voice any concerns.
    Clearly, she has got lot to answer for and should be explaining herself and her choices and decisions, not to let the Town folk know what was about to happen.
    Worse, she stood for Council this time around, talking against the new tip and had meetings with a number to people, including those proposing to stand for Council (and James was one of those, he tells me), when all the time she had knowledge, over what appears to be an extended period of time, about this dreadful proposal.
    In my view, this puts her at least, level pegging with the Hoopers, Boyles,and Duperozels, but I consider her participation in this event, to be much worse, because she has gone out of her way to lie to the people of York, and try to hide her participation. Councillor Smythe got in with quite a high count of votes and I am told that the majority of her votes contained just one tick only - against her name - NO ONE else and understand that was how she told people to vote for her, because it was unnecessary to put more than one tick. (Technically this is legal) Had people voted properly
    e.g. placed tick against 4 names on the papers, the outcome would have been much, much different.
    Now, if YOU happened to be one of those people who voted for Councillor Smythe, and we do know there where a lot, have a think about what YOU have done, and how that vote came about and what you were told.
    You only get what you vote for. In this case yet another sneaky, cowardly, and apparently lying Councillor, who is going to be there for a year or two, yet!
    There are no possible excuses for what she has done. Her Resignation, could well be a blessing for the Town.

    1. Jan you are right, Denise is a cunning old snake.

      By tricking the innocent into voting for her alone she left the door open for the likes of Marwick, Boyle and Hooper to get old Trev back on, and Pam Who a spot on there card.
      Only one more step to go, get another puppet elected into Matthews spot and whammo, what problems.
      The dreadful atrocities of the past cease to exist. Censored from the annals of History by the victorious.

      Thank goodness they baulked at the last hurdle, who would put there hand up to sit on a council and try to defraud the citizens of the Truth and the Justice that accompanies it.
      Well it ain't over, the day of reckoning awaits.

    2. Gallantry and regard for truth compel me to say something in Cr Smythe's defence.

      While Cr Smythe was at all material times a member of council, it is possible that the 'boys' club' of the day kept her substantially in the dark, as it did the rest of us, regarding CEO Hooper's negotiations with SITA.

      Cr Smythe advised me (as did others) to go doorknocking as part of my campaign for election. I did not take her advice, and wasn't elected. If I had taken it, who knows, I might well have been.

      She made no secret of her campaign strategy, which was to tell people they should put a tick against her name but not to bother voting for other candidates.

      Nor did she disguise her intention to stand, once re-elected, for the position of shire president.

      Much as I respect Jan's opinion, I must in fairness point out there's as yet no evidence to support the view that Cr Smythe is pegging level in the infamy stakes with the old guard and their erstwhile 'grey eminence', the Sage of Alexander Heights. That's pitching it rather high.

  5. I think they should all resign over that Avon Waste approval, hell first I knew about it was on this blog, its a damn disgrace right next to the golf club and that Olive Oil factory where they are trying to build up tourism, it took 10 minutes to get up the hill yesterday when I went to Perth because of two trucks now we apparently are going to get 40 or 50 more every day, thats B..S... whats this new council up to here. Hell what hope have we got, a new council and we are already back to the same tricks that Boyle, Hooper and co used. Lets hope the Minister sacks them all again or at least the ones that are in Fishers pockets!

  6. Interesting these SITA notes mirror what Avon Waste is doing in Ashworth Road, how much input has SITA had into Avon Waste's proposal does anyone know? It all smells to me, thanks for bringing this out James.

  7. I work closely with Avon Waste and can tell you it isn't just a transport depot going into Ashworth Road, its much bigger than that and others bigger than them are involved, they are the point soldiers. Did you know the capacity of the sewerage dump which is at the golf club has also been doubled? York's in for a big surprise with this one and the council is right behind it pushing it all through before the cat gets out of the bag with the ratepayers.

    1. Anonymous17 December 2015 at 05:16 - the only person working closely with Avon Waste is Cr. Randell!

      If you are someone else, time you told people what you know.

  8. With all the whinging about the new Avon Waste depot in Ashworth Rd. can someone out that way confirm if Avon Waste threatened not to collect the rubbish from any Ashworth Road resident who objected to the depot proposal.

    1. "whinging" nice word there - your either a Fisher or a Councillor

    2. No, you are incorrect.
      I have read many comments asking James why he has not written anything about the truck depot issue.
      I have also been told by a couple of people Fishers are threatening residents in Ashworth Road.
      IF it is true, confirm it on the blog.

      The blog can only help IF people are prepared to expose the truth.

  9. The Shire Of York has been told many times the Sewerage trucks are STILL dumping loads in the ponds near the Golf Club.

    Who are these effluent companies paying for the privilege? Someone is pocketing the money for this shit being dumped!

    1. Was EPA approval given for that sewerage dump?

    2. Doubt it, it was one of Ray's brilliant ideas to make money for the Shire.
      Who is being paid for the illegal dumping????

    3. we should set up a picket to stop this environmental waste going there its wrong

    4. I attended a Council meeting when someone asked why sewerage trucks from out side of York were dumping liquid waste up near the Golf course. Ray advised it was raising good revenue for the Shire.
      Was this another deal done using his unlimited delegated authority?
      Has anyone seen payments from these companies listed as income in the financials?

  10. Anonymous17 December 2015 at 05:16 - Don't half tell us the information, it is not fair.

    IF you are serious please contact James direct and give him the full details of what you know. I can assure you James will never reveal your identity.

    The only way we can fight these things is if people have the courage to come forward with information they have.

  11. just ask the new Councillors they are up to their necks in waste

  12. I think I understand now James, the strategy for York is not tourism, events or anything else we would be proud to be involved, York is WA's premier waste dump from recyclables, to shit to all the Avon's waste. The town has done nothing to stop it and SITA was a decoy, well done. We all have good reason to be happy with what has happened as we let it happen, we were all too busy worrying about Boyle, Hoopers and etc and forgot that in the shadow of all that the Fishers and SITA and the Councillors to be elected were planning and scheming sadly we all fell for it. Its like waking up with a hangover after the party. For me I want to see this council reverse this unacceptable decision, does anyone know how?

  13. this is all getting bigger by the minute, thanks James great blog, it really exposes this stuff.

  14. I heard that land (pristine reserve) behind the golf course changed hands last year and the state government brought it, is that right, whats the plan here, can one of the Councillors please enlighten us mere mortals. Maybe we are going to have a super tip if Allawuna falls through?

  15. The writing in those notes is definitely NOT Ray Hoopers writing... clearly, someone else took the notes.

    1. Could have been his girlfriend or his unqualified deputy.

    2. The notes were copied from a notebook lifted from Ray Hooper's desk. The notebook accompanied him everywhere up to the day he departed.

      If somebody else penned the notes, it would have been at his direction and under his eye.

      One reason for accepting the notes as products of his sharp pen and teeming brain is that when RH went to a meeting, he always had plenty to say for himself, yet in these notes he is not quoted once.

      He is not listed as a participant at either meeting.

      Both sets of notes are headed 'SITA'. RH would have regarded those meetings as too important to delegate attendance and perhaps even record-keeping to an underling.

      I hope this doesn't turn into a controversy like the fake Hitler diaries!

    3. It WAS Hoopers notebook! Don't forget Ray was an expert at covering his arse. Look who he put up at project manager of the wreck centre.
      Ray was a control freak and there is no way he would permit a meeting with SITA to occur without him.

      The liquid waste/sewerage dumping near the Golf course is on-going. Drivers have a master key for the padlock on the chain across the track.

      Try and find where payments are recorded in the Shire of York financials.

      The EPA won't care, they were not interested in assessing the Landfill proposal. They do what they are told by the Government! The EPA is another useless Government body that lets down the people of W.A.

    4. or a joke like Alice in Wonderland

    5. What about this tip 9kms from York didn't know about that one, why don't they put it where the transfer depot is now that land including the old airfield was set aside for all that

    6. There is land adjacent to the transfer station, some the Shire own and some is crown land Ray Hooper identified for Industrial use. Trevor Randell knows about this by the way!
      This land is for lease/rent only and the Fishers want to own what ever land they use so they can sell it and make a profit.

  16. would that be Jacky Jurman she would have had to be there

    1. was jj his girlfriend?

    2. aahhhh what a thought I hope that's not right is it?

  17. Just so we are clear, some years ago, land across from the Racecourse, alongside the river, where the football club used to ( and may still do so), crop grains and hay, along with the 'old' Springbett Airfield, was tentatively "earmarked" as Industrial, come, new Cemetery, site, 'cos the old one was 'filling up'

    Those people in the 'know', including me, hit the roof, pointing out that the Avon River is polluted enough as it is, without having exudate leach from gravesites into the river and poisoning everything it came into contact, apart from any 'Industrial' waste that would inevitably add to the mix.
    A man, who had the Health Inspectors' job at the time (acting) said it probably wouldn't be 'that' bad and I also pointed out that Landcare and volunteers had spent a lot of time and effort planting out a native seed orchard adjacent to the riverside vegetation.
    He then said, "oh, that isn't a problem, we can soon pull that out"! After I said "I beg your pardon?", I then let fly. Obviously that didn't happen, because objections rapidly reached people who had a bit of power. It appears though, that the 'idea' of using this ground as a disposal site, hasn't completely gone away.

    Remain ever vigilant people!!!

    N.B. If you care to check information regarding deadly infections obtained from polluted rivers caused by discarded bodies. it isn't hard to find. The practice of burying bodies on river edges, disposing of bodies in the water, etc., is particularly well known, esp. in African states/3rd world countries. Nasties, such as Typhoid etc. spread like wildfire, and populations drop like flies.

    1. Is that the origin of the phrase 'dead in the water'?

  18. I missed something here whos burying bodies by the river

  19. To Anonymous @ 02.10, December 19.

    Helps if you FOCUS on what you are reading. Pay attention and catch up!!

    Burying bodies by the Avon River across from the Race Course, was a plan by the Shire some years ago when Commissioner Troy came to Town. At that time, was knocked on the head. (Forgive pun).
    Shame we didn't get Mr. Troy, back again, last event.

  20. OK thanks for clarifying, I feel now real dumb because I still dont get the connection but rest assured i will get my head checked

  21. Yes Mr. Troy discovered Ray used Federal grant funding for one of his pet projects instead of the work it was given for - the Glebe Street bridge upgrade. I believe the figure was $350,000.00.
    Thanks to Mr. Troy's fast footwork and HIS contacts, he was able to rescue the situation and saved York Ratepayers the embarrassment of having to pay back the grant money.
    It was all reported in the local newspaper.

    1. Please, tell us more! What was the 'pet project'?

      Sounds like Commissioner Troy rescued Ray as well as the situation.

    2. Who knows what Ray spent the money on. No one could ask anything then either.
      Councillors of the day let us down badly, had they been doing their job properly, they would have followed through with the Glebe St. Bridge funding project - they were all too busy socialising.
      They were dismissed. Cr. Smythe resigned just prior to the council being dismissed.

      I believe it may have been one of the Reference Committees Troy had set up that asked questions about the Glebe St. Bridge money that set Troy off looking into it.

      It was on the front page of the local paper.

    3. The local civil engineer was approached by the Shire to assist.
      He organised a pile driving team from the city and Regional Bridging from Northam and supervised the bridge reconstruction himself.
      The Main Roads paid his fees, the Shire paid the contractors and supplied all the materials.

      It was in fact a very successful joint venture that came in under budget and was done to the highest standards as is evident by the structure now standing.
      Sadly that sort of spirit has vanished.

      The local engineer has been rendered a joke by the defamation and slander heaped upon him by the ruling elite because he dared to ask where did all the money go that should have been spent our roads.

      The same man was personally thanked by Minister Grills in the opening day speech for his efforts in delivering the Ord Expansion Project in 2012.
      And in 2005 he was commended by the Coroner for his work as the Coroners expert witness when the little girl was killed when a roof blew of a house on xmas eve in Wongan Hills in 2003.

      Yet the current York Shire Administration don't think he is worth listening too.

    4. Yes the Civil Engineer is to be highly commended.
      I believe those involved in the defamation and slander of this young man's reputation have finally realised they are finished in York forever and have crawled back under the rocks! This also goes for the self appointed elite who cannot accept someone else's success York. They behave like wild dogs and do everything to destroy what ever the project is, whilst annihilating the reputation of those involved.

      Commissioner Troy was in charge of the Glebe St. project, not Hooper, which explains why it came in under budget.

      At the time of the Glebe St. Bridge upgrade, an idea to build a viewing platform over the river in Avon Park was born.

      A local (or two?) organised to obtain some of the historical pylons from the Oyster Beds in East Fremantle when it closed. The intention was, while the pile driver was here for the Glebe St. Bridge upgrade, they would place the pylons in the river for the platform.
      A local retired Engineer volunteered his time to design the platform and supervise local High School Students in the building of the platform.

      Ray couldn't allow anything to encourage tourism for York. He and the Councillors were on a path to destroy Tourism and anything related to it for York. They could not allow a Community idea to be a success.

      Hooper canned the project (and the councillors of they day let him) on the feeble excuse of public liability. The pylons are still in the Shire Yard.

      The Pylons are part of West Australia's history and DO NOT belong to the Shire of York!

  22. Commissioner Troy was a lot smarter than the little fella we got lumbered with this time.
    Troy set up a number of community reference groups and conducted them well.
    When he left, all the hard work and plans were discarded by the CEO and incoming council - believe they had difficulty understanding the big words in the reports!

  23. On those notes from Ray Hooper, there on the last page at the end does it say Mark - concerns about bend on berrybrow road ?

    1. Yes, it reads 'Mark - concerns bend Berry Brow Rd' (no 'about', but I think that's what the writer meant).

  24. this is another history lesson and W.. G.. a F.. can we worry about the issues that face the community going forward instead of living in the past?????

    1. Anonymous at 20/12 at 15:50: Are you serious? Is your mind so shallow that you can't understand how the issues discussed in this 'history lesson' and others from the past have created and continue to define the problems York faces 'going forward?

      You may not care about those issues, but judging from the multitude of people in York and elsewhere who read this and our sister blog I'm confident that a great many people do.

      Perhaps you'd like to nominate 'the issues that face the community going forward' so that we can discuss them? I'd be happy to publish an article from you kicking off such a discussion.

      People who ignore history are condemned to repeat it. That's one of the issues facing York.

    2. I am Anon 20 Dec 8:10. just asking anon 20 Dec 15:50 Sorry but Mark new about this and part of moving forward is sorting all the bullshit so it doesn't f up up the future, W..G..aF.. I do and others that were awake while you slept through the skulduggery, you say issues going forward instead of living in the past well good luck with Sita on your door step, and I hope your children wife friends and loved ones are not a statistic with the trucks on that road in order we were looking at the future before you get on your high horse.

    3. Thanks for that, Anon 20/12 @ 22:06.

      I think most people share our view of the situation. People who tell us to forget about the past probably have a vested interest in hiding the truth. It's their stupidity, incompetence and/or misconduct that have made history lessons necessary.

  25. Hi James. Love you work but I am curious to know how you managed to come into possession of pages from the former Shire CEO's notebook. Was it through FOI, because that has been a fruitless road for many


  26. No, it wasn't through FOI.

    Sorry, but I'm sworn to secrecy and never reveal my sources.

    Thanks for your support.

  27. I just read your Breaking news that Pat Hooper is now the President of the York Bowling Club.

    Was he the only candidate or did Ray Hooper handle the election?

  28. Anonymous 21 December 2015 at 14:00 that is not Ray Hooper's note book. It's not even his writing, so these people are not as clever or informed as they think, just people grabbing at straws.

    1. Anonymous 21/12 @ 22:30: OK, let's suppose you're right, and not lying through your teeth as you people usually are.

      The documents were provided to me as pages from RH's notebook by a person I have come to regard as trustworthy. They arrived with the story of how they were obtained.

      The meetings they describe certainly took place (independently ascertained). RH was present at both of them.

      I admit that I've had my doubts about the handwriting. It seems clumsy, ill-formed, even schoolgirlish - what used to be called 'an uneducated hand' - so if it's not Ray's it could be the work of a member of senior staff taking notes at Ray's direction or dictation.

      Either way, the notes were taken from his desk and refer to meetings he attended and probably instigated.

      Grabbing at straws? I don't think so.

    2. Who cares who wrote the notes. The important issues are the dates and the information in the notes!

    3. You appear to be dealing in stolen goods and should be prosecuted

    4. Its the past the past the past ... our town needs a future can ANYONE try talking about the future

    5. Anonymous 22/12 @ 16:59: Spot on, and thanks for pointing this out.

      Anonymous 22/12 @ 18:17 (1): If you're going to play bush lawyer, get it right. I'm not 'dealing in' stolen goods, I'm receiving them - if the goods are in fact stolen, which would be nigh on impossible to prove, especially as the documents currently in my possession are photocopies of the originals. Considering what certain shire staff have been allowed to get away with, I don't see local police wasting time pursuing me.

      Anonymous 22/12 @ 18:17 (2): Thanks, councillor, for another scintillating contribution. Why don't YOU try talking about the future? These columns are open to sensible comment from all directions. Go ahead, share your ideas and opinions regarding the future of York. We're all agog to hear them.

    6. well stop digging up the past run a blog that will take the town forward not backwards

    7. Anonymous 23/12 @ 04:28 - Are you a complete idiot? My reasons for exposing the past have everything to do with taking the town forward. I'm sorry if my arguments are a bit too subtle to engage your obviously limited understanding.

      And please don't tell me what kind of a blog to run. This is my blog, not yours. If you want something different, start your own blog. Would your blog be as generous in accommodating opposing points of view as mine has always been? I very much doubt it.

      Go on, I dare you, prove me wrong. Meanwhile, if you don't like my blog, you don't have to read it.

  29. Thank you James for all the work you have put in on the blog.

    Happy Christmas and a Peaceful 2016 one and all.

  30. Mr Plum merry christmas

  31. Thanks, Roma and Anonymous, for your good wishes. They are heartily reciprocated.

  32. Just to wish everyone a fabulous Christmas and a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

    Let us hope that 2016, will bring the whole town together to work as a cohesive Community, with a Shire Council who can bring to order, a progressive, useful, successful and functioning plan, that will pull the Town out of the doldrums, and put it back on its' 'feet'.

    Negativity we have had enough of. Positive action is what we need. Here is hoping, People.

    Good luck to all. Those who 'can', provide assistance, to those who 'can't'.
    Support your fellow 'Townsfolk'.

    Stay safe, take care, and drive safely.

    1. well done Jan I like the words get rid of the negativity James and replace it with progress and positivity lets get York back on the map with plenty of people, functions and posperity

    2. Anonymous 26/12 @ 18:44, would you care to explain what you consider 'negative' about what I post on this blog?

      Is it 'negative' to draw attention to abuses, past and present, that have damaged York over the years and must be avoided in future if the town is to move forward? I don't think so. I think it's a very positive thing to do.

      I can't help noticing that people who accuse me of 'negativity' seem often to be closely associated with people responsible for the crimes and follies of the past. Alternatively, they are 'nice' people who don't like unpleasantness and customarily turn their eyes from the truth in case it turns out to be nasty, even when the truth cries out to be heard and nothing good can come of its suppression.

      Few people have noticed that when I stood for election my manifesto, such as it was, focussed on the need for fiscal discipline in order to ensure that nothing like the disgraceful double rates hike of the past couple of years would be likely to happen again. I thought that was pretty bloody positive. I posted an article about it on the blog.

      I'm glad I wasn't elected, but I confidently predict that if a program such as the one I outlined isn't instituted, then notwithstanding that a majority of our current councillors are more sensible than their predecessors, we won't be safe from future financial depredation by the Shire.

      The Shire of York - i.e. the administration supported by a bunch of usually docile councillors - has systematically ripped off the people of York for a good many years. As the saying goes, those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it. I'm proud of my role in keeping knowledge of the past alive. My purpose in doing so is to make sure as far as possible that bad things don't happen again. What could be more positive than that?

    3. Hi James. Maybe open your mind to what anom is saying lets just be more positive

    4. Yeh, feel the love

    5. Anonymous 28/12/15 @00:08 - If what you have said is intended as a reasoned rebuttal of my response to 'anon', I have to give it an F for fail.

      What exactly do you mean by 'positive' in this context? What would I have to say or do for you to regard my efforts as 'positive'? As I have explained more than once, it is a positive move to point out where things have gone wrong so that we can avoid mistakes and misdemeanours as we work towards a better future. Ignoring the past isn't positive, except in the sense that it's positively stupid.

      Don't people like you ever THINK - meaning 'engage in a process of sustained ratiocination for the purpose of ascertaining facts and evaluating arguments and opinions'?

      It's not a question of 'opening' my mind. My mind is always open to reasoned argument, though closed to slogans and vacuous platitudes. You seem to have difficulty following such an argument, let alone producing one of your own.

      Perhaps you'd like to have a proper go at rebutting the point of view delineated in my response to 'anon'. I wish somebody would. I'd love to know exactly why some people think I'm in the wrong.

    6. even your response fails you are too aggressive and negative James - lighten up my friend, I agree with these posts lets start the new year in a friendly and forward thinking way

    7. In what respects am I 'aggressive' and 'negative'? Please explain. (You can't do it, can you?)

      If you mean 'exasperated', I certainly am. I'm still waiting for a reasoned argument from my detractors. I think I'm going to have to wait until Doomsday.

      Please don't patronise me with cliched advice ('lighten up') and by addressing me as your 'friend'. Since you choose to remain anonymous, I've no idea if we're friends or not, but I have to say it seems very unlikely.

    8. seems like you have been on the booze James best give it up, I dont think thats what they are meaning

    9. how can anyone have a "reasoned" debate with you when you dont post what you dont want people to read

    10. Anonymous @ 18:01 - Excessive indulgence in alcohol is not and has never been one of my vices. So what do YOU think 'they' are meaning? (Interesting use of the word 'think', as Stephen Fry might say.)

      Anonymous @ 18:29 - I presume you are the same candidate for retrospective abortion as the one to whom I have just responded.

      You are either a liar or a fool. I have NEVER declined to publish anything resembling a reasoned response from anybody expressing opposition to what I have written. Just check back through the pages of this blog and you will find many instances of comments hostile to my point of view.

      A while ago I came under friendly fire for publishing virtually everything, however stupid, submitted as a comment to the blog. After a fair bit of heart-searching, I decided to take the wise advice of my friends and exercise more stringently my right as moderator to deny publication to mindless rubbish. Now I find I am slipping back into my bad old ways.

      In recent times, if memory serves, I have chucked only two comments into the trash. One alleged, without any attempt at substantiation, serious criminal misconduct on the part of a former Shire CEO. The other was a gross and cruel attack on Cr Trish Walters.

      From now on, witless and abusive one-liners like yours will also be flushed away into cyber oblivion. Why should I continue to inflict them on the blog's loyal and intelligent readership?

      Write something rational, and I will happily publish it, whether I agree with it or not. That goes for everybody.

    11. Gee wizz James as a reader of your blig from teh beginning, i must say Im surprised by what your writing

    12. Why are you surprised? I've done my best to provide a forum for a diversity of opinions, not just for those that agree with mine. Why should I continue to make space available for local blockheads who abuse the privilege and show repeatedly that they have nothing worthwhile to say?

    13. Im not convinced that they are blockheads I can understand their point. Your over reacting James get back to what the blogs about and open up a little for our benefit. I dont like talk of censoring the blog it seems to go against what its been about -I mean openness and everyone entitled to an opinion, anyway just my 5 cents worth Happy New Year James

    14. feel the love

    15. Anonymous@21:51 - I wish I could understand their point!

      I've censored the blog hardly at all, and always with great reluctance, but honestly, if people have nothing better to do than chuck insults (and sometimes obscenities) at me, without having something of consequence to say, surely they don't really expect to see their efforts rewarded with exposure to the blog's international audience?

      Thanks for your good wishes. I hope you too have a very happy 2016. Keep reading the blog, there's a lot of good stuff on the way!

  33. O.K. people. Squabbling is now getting out of hand. The comments above, as wide and varied as they are, is the negativity I was hoping would settle and possibly abate, within our TOWN.

    James, my sincere apologies if you may have taken any offence at my comments. Please be assured, that the reference to negative and positive, WAS NOT aimed at the blog, or you.

    It is also possible that I did not make my view clear to the readers and participants of this blog.
    And, again, please accept my apologies.

    I was in fact, referring to negativity and malaise that seems to have settle in the Town of York, and in general. It seems to me that perhaps some skin may be a little thin, a few nerves frayed and the constancy of having to listen to, or react, to the bulk of negative and damaging information that has come to light, regarding our Town and former (and some current) Shire employees, members/councillors, either verbally or by the written word, is starting to take its toll on the population. A good portion, I might point out, that has been brought to light by James and David.

    A lot of this stuff, we would never have found out about, if not for those two gentlemen, in particular.

    This isn't helped by those mischief makers within our population, who go out of their way to upset, annoy or just throw in, the occasional stick of dynamite.

    So, to make things perfectly clear. Let us hope (and for those who do, pray) that 2016 will bring the Town of York out of the slump we have been experiencing, and rocket forward into a very POSITVE, and active phase, where we can again be proud of out Town, experience lots of events that will bring everyone together in an enjoyable and fun filled manner. Lots of inclusive events, that will bring the population back to the streets and have some FUN. And, hopefully bring some prosperity back into the commercial sector.
    Make it light and bright, people. Think of the things you used to do as children. The old York Fair, Music Festivals, both Summer and Winter, local Dances at the Town Hall. Community Pictures shows, the old Drive-ins - (young ones don't know about those - even if half of them were conceived there!) Community picnics, Orienteering perhaps, encouraging people into town to experience these things. Ideas People - thinking caps ON!!


    Have a wonderful and safe New Year and let's bring some joy back into our lives.

    Good luck to all.

    1. Thanks, Jan. I have never taken offence at anything you've written. That's because you explain yourself clearly and logically. So I had no reason to think you were getting at me.

      As it happens, I agree with your thoughts about giving York a lift. My point has always been that until we resolve issues from the bad old days, instead of just ignoring them, moving forward will be very hard to achieve. There's also a natural desire in many people to see retribution inflicted on the individuals who did so much to damage the town while in positions of authority and trust. Why should the 'baddies' get out of jail free.

      Like premier Colin Barnett, who has made his opinions on the topic very plain, though his motivation is different from mine, I believe local government in WA is fundamentally greedy and perched always on the edge of corruption when not actually submerged beneath it. The Shire of York has provided a particularly shocking example of what the premier is talking about.

      My hope for 2016 is that the new council will clean out the nest and reduce the size of the trough (mixed avian and porcine metaphor). My fear is that we'll get more of the same, capped off with another bloody great rate rise in July. However, I will be truly shocked if things get as bad as they were when Ray was in power.

      Happy New Year to one and all! (But there's some 'auld acquaintance' we'd love to forget...)

  34. How many metres?

  35. 2014 was the year of disharmony world wide, 2015 the year of discovery, things not actually what we thought, this was in all dealings, friendships, business, etc. I am whole heartedly looking forward to 2016 because its the year of deducing and conclusion. interesting Happy 2016.May all the discovery bring about the conclusion.

  36. 2015 sure was a year of discovery (of the truth) particularly in York.

    Keep up the good work James. Keep exposing the issues. Keep digging for the truth.
