Wednesday 9 December 2015


Media Release - Minority Report

Posted on: Thursday, 10 December 2015 at 10:23:17 AM

All Councillors of the Shire of York are aware of the release of the Minority Report and of its significance.

Those in the York community who have also read the report may feel that its content requires a response from Council.

Obviously there are matters raised that may be considered controversial and regrettable in the way that certain events were handled at that time.

It would suggest that Council at that stage did not present a united front in acting for and on behalf of our community.

We as your newly elected Council acknowledge this and now wish to assure our ratepayers and our community that the unfortunate episodes reflected in the Minority Report will not occur in the future.

Shire President

Well done, Shire President Wallace and our new Council.

This may be the first time in its history that the Shire of York Council has acknowledged wrongdoing in its ranks, apologised for it and promised to do better in future.

In true bureaucratic style, the apology is cautiously worded but no less welcome for that.

It signals that the relationship of Council to community is well and truly on the mend.  The old days of arrogance and contempt for the residents of York, so far as Council is concerned, appear to be over and gone.

I commend and thank my friend and fellow blogger David Taylor for his persistence in obtaining a copy of the 'minority report' and making it available on our sister blog.

Time now for a thorough review of the culture prevailing at certain levels in the Shire administration.
Over to you, councillors and Acting CEO Dacombe.

Restore our confidence and pride in the Shire of York.  You can do it.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

POSTSCRIPT:  On reflection, and having read readers’ comments, I think I may have missed an important defect in Council’s apology.

The issue was not, as the apology suggests, that the Council of the day didn’t ‘present a united front’.  A Council consists of individuals who are entitled to disagree if that is what conscience tells them to do.  What matters to the electorate is how they conduct themselves in the course of that disagreement.  And if there is disagreement, honesty dictates that they do not try to conceal the fact from the people they were elected to represent.

What went wrong here had nothing to do with failing to present a united front.  Cr Hooper had every right to disagree with his colleagues and indeed with the rest of us. 

Where he went unforgivably wrong was in deceiving his colleagues and almost everyone else by voting one way, then conspiring with Morris, Borridge and Mazuik to present a contrary view to Minister Simpson by way of his ridiculous ‘minority report’. 

This showed him up as a liar and a coward.  I think we would all have accorded him at least a grudging respect if he had voted as his conscience told him to do and not pretended he was on the same side as the rest of us.

We certainly wouldn’t have torn him limb from limb, which apparently is what he thought we would do.

As the old hymn says: ‘Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone’.   That is the standard of courage we ordinary folk are entitled to expect from our representatives at every level of government.  Please, councillors, keep that in mind.

POST POSTSCRIPT: Somebody using the description ‘A person who would like to see the truth out there’ has written that they have a copy of a letter from former CEO Ray Hooper to former Deputy President Mark Duperouzel.

The letter is dated 27 July 2014—two days after Boyle, Pat Hooper and Duperouzel voted illicitly to suppress the Fitz Gerald Report, and three months after Ray Hooper had resigned from his job as CEO.

The person employed as Acting CEO at that time was Michael Keeble. 

What, if anything, was going on between Ray Hooper and Duperouzel?  The person who would like to see the truth out there doesn’t say, except that Hooper was giving Duperouzel advice as to what he should be doing.

If Duperouzel needed advice on matters related to his office, protocol would require him to seek it from Acting CEO Keeble, not from the Sage of Alexander Heights.

I wish I could tell you more, but my informant doesn’t want ‘for obvious reasons’ to send me a copy of the document.  Sorry, the reasons aren’t obvious to me. 

Please, if you have documents you wish me to make public, scan them and email to, or if you live close by, drop photocopies into my letterbox.  Have no fear, your personal details will remain absolutely private.

Otherwise, the truth will remain well and truly ‘out there’—that is, well and truly out of reach. 


  1. Good for Dave, a little too clayton's like but a good start none the less.

    1. Sounds pretty genuine to me, a little pessimistic of you Anonymous 9 December 2015 at 21:46, I feel.
      Lets accept it for what it is......a breakthrough.

    2. Actions speak louder than words Tom.

      When Gail and Tyscha are sacked I will start listening.

      When Ray Hooper is charged I will rejoice.

      Until then I will smile and nod and wait for justice to be done.

    3. Yes Richard, Cochrane and the crusty ashtray must go, until then nothing will change regardless of who's on Council.
      Trish will sort them all out, she'll drive them mad, hopefully.
      If and when Hooper is charged, it'll be a packed house.
      We'll get Johnny Weeks to drive the bus to the court.

    4. Good on you Dave - first bit of positive communication we have had from a Shire President for over 12 years in York!

      Hope we see more information coming from our Shire President. We know you lot are doing great things, any chance we can be told what those things are.

      We have had enough of secret councils in York. Gagged Councillors are not what we want.

    5. I believe Pat Hooper choked on his dinner tonight when he read Dave Wallaces media release.

      See Pat, that is a good lesson on how a good Shire President gets the community respecting them yelling, no huffing and puffing.

    6. Telling us "'we have done a huge amount of things" is not good enough.

      The community needs to have feedback about the inroads you buys are making.

    7. Pat never made the grade from day one, he was a lousy councillor and an embarrassment as a Shire President.

    8. Pat is a grumpy old bugger - couldn't smile to save his life!

    9. Santa does not like naughty little boys so Pat will miss out again this year.

  2. Answers with Truth10 December 2015 at 00:16

    Well its more than Pat Hooper, Tony Boyle, Mark Duperuzal, or Ray Hooper would have given they would have had some one evicted from their home, children or animals attacked, slander a good persons name with a yellow memo or a word with gossips in the town to endeavour to destroy someone innocent, before they thought about repairing and building anything in the community.

  3. How does Trevor Randell cope with the duality of his current existence.
    He was Pat Hooper's puppet whilst the carnage occurred in this town, now he sits on a council that is apologising for the actions of a council he so heartily supported.

    Surely he should just walk now.
    We don't need the likes of him forewarning the Hooper's of what form justice will take.
    Let the fear of the unknown eat them up.

    Is it possible to move a vote of no confidence in a councillor so soon into his term.
    We all saw the damage that weasel Duperouzal did while dancing to the puppet masters tune.

    This community deserves an honest open and accountable Council.
    That word accountable should disqualify Trevor outright.

    1. Trevor can jump sides quickly if he considers he can gain from it.

      I am at a loss to know how he got re-elected.

    2. yes the way he backed the fishers to approve their new tip

    3. It's pretty easy to see how he got re elected.
      That day at the Greenhills he carried on like the lead role in Gone With the Wind, he should belong to actors equity.
      The whole time he posed and postulated he had his eyes on the old guard who sat together in a little huddle, Pat Hooper and his mate Marwick and old man Fisher.
      They pulled the strings to get him in and now he will dance to their tune like a monkey on a string.

      Some things never change, new monkey same old tune.
      I bet Trev has a few more moves than Duperouzal did.

    4. And the deal was done with A Fisher shaking the hand of the Cr Randell out front of the hall at Greenhill's, there were a few others that voted for his depot did they all get a handshake?

    5. Yeah Trevor was best friends of A. outside the Greenhills hall after the meeting.
      Wonder what Trevor was paid for the performance. He must have practised for hours in front of the mirror. I thought when a councillor spoke for or against a motion, they were supposed to be directing it to their fellow councillors - not Trev, he was speaking directly to the Avon Waste groupies in the gallery. Nearly made me puke!

      Hooper, Marwick and Fishers were with the groupies and are all good buddies, why do people still trust them?

      Is it true Marwick anointed Pam Heaton for council and got her the votes?

    6. Anonymous 17:47, I don't believe for a moment that Cr Randell was rewarded for his speech other than with the applause and thanks of his supporters.

      To adapt an old rhyme:

      'You cannot hope to twist or bribe
      Young Trevor of the Randell tribe,
      But seeing what the lad will do
      Unbribed, there is no reason to.'

      As for Ms Heaton, I have heard the same story, but if it's true she may have disappointed our redoubtable 'freemason' (! per YDCM) of the town, by voting for Cr Smythe as deputy president - it's my understanding that he wanted Cr Saint to have the job. Clearly, Ms Heaton has a mind, if I may so describe it, of her own.

    7. The European aristocracy were wiped out in 1914.
      Birth rights went out the window and intellect and ability became the new prerequisite for wielding power.
      Sadly York remains in the early part of last century when a line was drawn down the main street and the landed gentry walked one side and the others the other.

      Tell me James do you believe Marwick the freemason should be calling the shots in our recently elected council. Is it is birth right?
      How did you become aware of his intentions for the new council?
      How exactly did he intend to influence the selection of the deputy president?

      The minority report has shown us all that Pat Hooper influences things by telling lies and using his pompous titles to sway the weak minded.

      Is Marwick the same?

    8. Re Mr Marwick: It was the YDCM that christened him 'freemason of the town'. He is in fact a 'freeman of the town', a somewhat inconsequential mediaeval title bestowed on him, I'm told, on the suggestion or at the behest of his old friend Ray Hooper. For all I know, Mr Marwick may be a freemason too.

      Mr Marwick and Ms Heaton are both involved with the CRC. A usually reliable source informed me that Mr Marwick encouraged Ms Heaton to stand for Council. There's nothing wrong with that; nor do I take issue with the right of Mr Marwick or anyone else to campaign for candidates of their choice in order, perhaps, vicariously to maintain a semblance of their former grip on power.

      That said, I was a bit taken aback by Ms Heaton's remark to several people before the event that she had no need to campaign because she'd been assured she'd be elected. Foolishly I deemed it hubris, but it was no less than the truth.

      And I was even more surprised by Cr Randell's victory, bearing in mind his very laid back approach to the electoral process. Silly me, I had completely failed to appreciate the political cunning and extensive reach of his mentor and spiritual adviser, former councillor Pat 'Anguis in Herba' Hooper. 'The hands are the hands of Esau, but the voice is Jacob's voice.'

      We should all be looking forward keenly to the impact Cr Walters will have on the new council. She is a force to be reckoned with, if I ever saw one, and kitted out with a hearing aid will, I confidently predict, prove more than a match for Crs Heaton and Randell should she come into conflict with either of them.

    9. Any friend of Ray Hooper is no friend of mine.
      I suspect Marwick JP and Hooper JP are two peas in a pod.
      And we have all seen Pat's true colours.
      The lies of both men went a long way to ruining a friend of mine unfortunately for them they didn't finish the job and they now have a very motivated and resourceful enemy.
      Sleep well boys.

  4. Yes I agree with Richard - "actions speak louder than words", the new council has shown its no different with its first approval putting the Avon Waste tip at the front door of York, the whole thing was clandestine from the beginning and they just stone faced approved it, absolutely no consultation with the whole community and yet it will effect everyone - sorry David but your all no different to the last lot - same mischief - different faces (except one of course the SS lady) a blast from the past, from a past customer of yours.

  5. Now Children, stop squabbling. We don't want to upset the 'Tall One' by showing some 'Disharmony" in the ranks, now do we?

    Congratulations Trish. And, YES, please DO get some hearing aids and WEAR them!
    Regardless of whether Trish was elected unopposed, or returned is neither here nor there. No one else bothered to put their name down or stand, or has been game enough to join the inner sanctum.

    Regardless of what you may think, Trish has ALWAYS had the good of the community at heart, and will help someone out, if she possibly can, or at least fight for the right.

    On another note, I did peruse the "Minority Report", allegedly written by Ex- President Hooper.
    I say allegedly, because I have difficulty in believing that he actually wrote it. It does contain some big words and sections of it contain bits of "Legalise" and "Shire Speak".
    As the document didn't appear to have words that are easily recognized, like "football", horses/horseracing", "race club", "football club" or "The Heals".
    Suspect he had some help, copied parts from another document or was assisted by his name sake?

    Now, I have heard Mr.Hooper try to read from a script, give a speech or even introduce VIPs at Council functions, and to say each fiasco was a total embarrassment, is being 'nice', as noted by Anon. Dec. 10.

    However, I digress. As I read the section where it is alleged that 3 Councillors tried to 'find' the other 3 Councillors to vote, the first thought that crossed my mind was, are 3 Councillors enough to form a Quorum? Now, I don't know what the Councils' Standing Orders may contain on this matter, but I do think that only 3 out of 6 Councillors, is not enough and is not a Quorum.
    In any Constitution, I think you will find that a Quorum must contain more than half of the normal participation.
    If I am correct, and I bow to higher authorities on this subject, was the decision that was taken by those Councillors, LEGAL??
    If the decision taken was not legal, what are the ramifications and could any of those decisions, be reversed?
    Any ideas, people, lets' hear it.

    Meanwhile, we now have an uneven number of Councillors, as it should be and with luck some sensible outcomes may emanate from the Council chambers..
    Hopefully, starting with those who continue to embarrass our community and cost us vast amounts of ratepayers funds.

    Perhaps the A/CEO could start with those at the Shire Depot and have a jolly good clean out? Lots of strong, fit, healthy, ex miners coming home with nothing much left to do, good qualifications using machinery and used to regular and weekly drug and drink tests held at on-site mines.
    Then he could move on to those a little closer to home.
    One does hope that the Shire are interviewing CEO applicants - 'Outsiders" or "Blow-ins", as they are often referred to, those NOT in the DLG system and capable of making good decisions and keeping a controlling rein on his or her, staff.

    N.B For those who are unaware of 'The Heals', that particular family were original settlers - see Heals cottage replica at Balladong farm, recreated by local youths. The Heals were generational in York until some 30 - 35 odd years ago, and into local sports/football. Check Residency Museum, perhaps, for further info, or have a chat to some old folk.

    1. Jan in regards to a quorum, Pat Hooper was following the Ray Hooper Rule book, if you cant do it, just move the goal post so you can! like when you sit in on a council meeting to do a park up across the road from where you live and you don't declare an interest, and you vote on it. If the laws don't benefit you, just change them hey Pat.

    2. I believe Pat big noted himself making a big speech at a funeral, promising to do the park up opposite his home and rename it. Showed Pat's ignorance of the history of that particular block.

      Would have increased his home value greatly if he had got that thru. Thats working for the community as a whole isn't it Pat!

  6. I believe you are correct Jan. I also doubt Pat has the ability to string so many big words together to make a sentence.

    Whether the 3 rogue councillors were legally permitted to do what they did, the damage is done. It displayed gross disrespect for their elected Shire President. I guess we could not expect much more from Boyle, Hooper and Duperouzel because none of them respected the York community.

    At least now every one in York knows what scum those three are - Pat taking first Prize!

  7. Pat had every opportunity to speak with his fellow councillors.

    I believe he was co-erced by Morris, Borridge and Mazuik (with input from Ray), to present the Minority Report to bring down Matthew Reid.
    What Pat did was unforgivable and shows a weakness in his personality. Those three saw the weakness and used it, as did Ray Hooper while he was here.

    I doubt Pat received the votes for his second term.

    Pat's reputation within the eyes of the people of York is damaged beyond repair.

    The person Pat Hooper let down the most was himself!

  8. To Anonymous, December 14 @ 19.08.

    Absolutely agree with you. Mr.P. Hooper was first elected, with lots of support from the various clubs he had joined in town, I suspect, by people unaware of his lack of character and cowardice. Got in a second time, (less votes), because people still believed in him and prepared to give second chance.
    Third time - WE were lucky!

    Mr. Randell originally got in because people were fed up with the Council "carryings on", and thought that some new 'young blood' would be good for the town. We also elected a young Mr. A.Fisher for the same reasons, at the same time. In both cases, one Mr. Fisher resigned as soon as Council voted in such a manner as to be supportive of the 'Family' business and Mr. Randell - (on a two year stint) did not stand again, saying that he couldn't handle the way things were in Council chambers, didn't agree with lots of stuff and would never stand for Council again.

    I might also point out, that at this time, every year Mr.R.Hooper had his "Performance Evaluation" brought before the Council members, and EACH and EVERY ONE of them, said what a 'Sterling Chap' he was, and was doing a wonderful job, gave him lots of ticks and continued his contract, despite the fact that the Town was in uproar.

    I remember querying this point with Councillor Randell at the time, and asked why he didn't speak up and he told me that Mr. R. Hooper was doing a good job, and said that all the Coucillors agreed on this point. Another coward in the ranks, perhaps?? 'GWTFT' - Go With The Flow, Trev., or, GOT -
    Good Ol' Trev. I guess time will tell.

    Worse, every time this happened, the V. Lazy Council members, handed Mr.R. Hooper more power to do with what he wanted. History shows, that he did just that.
    The reason why Mr. R. Hooper got away with so much, was down to the sitting Councillors of the day.

    If they could be charged with being accessories after the fact, what a wonderful thing that would be.

  9. Not convinced Pat actually got the votes second time either.

    Trevor never quite graduated from Primary school. It was pathetic to watch.....he just followed what ever his school teacher told him to do.

    A. Fisher is cold, calculating and soulless.

    Watch all those 'Ray supporting councillors and staff' duck for cover if the Major Fraud Squad show up with 'a case to answer'. They will scuttle under the rocks real quick.

  10. I will never forget the day Duperouzal stood up in the JDAP meeting and blubbered something about making a hard decision. There was no decision to make, he was the community representative and the community had voted the previous meeting to reject the tip.
    Yet our man on the panel, our representative, decided he would make his 'own' decision. Moron.
    Then what struck me as odd was that as he hastily left the hall via the side door he received a loving pat on the bum from his school teacher Pat Hooper.

    How on earth does a pint sized primary school teacher with minimal intelligence and zero charisma get to be such a powerful man.
    I can understand how his best mate the pint sized school bus driver got to be so powerful, he owns half the town. Pat must have ridden in on his best buddies coat tails.

    As the saying goes, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
    I wonder what sort of incentives SITA were offering our local power base.

    Time we took a good look at what has really been going on in this town.

  11. Pat IS NOT powerful, he just yells the loudest!

    I heard on the Terrace the reason no one from the dark side put their hand up for Council was they were frightened their dirty dark deeds would be exposed on one of the two blogs. If this is true, the blogs they have served to restore democracy and truth to our Town!

  12. what ... Avon terrace?

  13. Well I suppose there's competition for St Georges Terrace (normally referred top as the terrace) - Mad Mo, Jane, the post Office and The video shop

    1. Mad Mo's was a vacant building needing TLC and the current lessee has turned this building around. Yes it needs work still, but MB has given the building a better look for York cant wait to see it finished.Also the old pizza shop is now looking better and no more bird poo or smell.What are the council doing to encourage business other than food to come to York.

  14. interesting conversation here, well there you go York's a city we now have "Heard on the Terrace" should get that local rag Community Matters give Troy Granville something to write about instaed of what the CWA and the Seniors are doing in town, put the West out of business

  15. how many anonymous are there 1 or 20????

  16. There's probably closer to a 100. Bloggers have to remain anonymous to avoid the bully girls and discarded Ray from sending in the KIWI criminal to intimidate them.
